
Ege social science changes. Ege in social studies. Changes in the exam in social studies

Ege social science changes.  Ege in social studies.  Changes in the exam in social studies

Recently, the public has been vehemently discussing the issue of passing the Unified State Exam. Someone proposes to abolish this format of knowledge assessment and resume the system of passing exams, as in Soviet times. And someone thinks that the exam is a great opportunity to show students their knowledge by typing right amount points, enroll in prestigious higher educational establishments, even residents of provincial towns.

Until now, graduates had to take two compulsory subject- Russian and mathematics. In addition to these disciplines, the student can choose additional exams, the scores for which are necessary for studying at the university.

Many students in grade 11 plan to connect their lives with the legal, social, economic or legal field of activity. In this regard, as an additional subject, they also need to take an exam in social studies. It is important for them to know what changes will be made to the procedure for passing the exam in social studies in 2019, as well as the latest FIPI news.

Who is required to take the exam in social studies

Knowledge testing, regardless of changes in the Unified State Exam in social studies in 2019, as well as the latest FIPI news, is necessary for those graduates who plan to master an economic or legal profession.

For successful delivery discipline is required minimal amount points - 70. Only with hard work and preparation for certification, you can get such a good result.

USE in social studies in 2019

It is quite difficult to take social studies because this subject involves knowledge of a huge number of terms, concepts and scientific information. This discipline includes several humanitarian subjects:

  • right;

  • economy;

  • sociology;

  • political science;

  • philosophy.

In addition, training provides knowledge of religious, aesthetic foundations and cultural studies. Such directions have been thoroughly studied in universities for several years. For graduates, it is not necessary to have an in-depth knowledge of these sciences, it is enough to understand the basic concepts.

The structure of the exam in social science

The difficult moments in the delivery of social studies include part A, which provides for a tricky task. Answering the questions in this block can take a lot of time, and not even all teachers will be able to find a solution. Usually, the answer has a double meaning.

The main difficult moment for an examinee in the subject of social science is considered to be a huge number of competitors. After all, there are 10 times more people who want to be certified in this discipline than those who plan to take mathematical subjects.

There are several documents that are the basis for the preparatory stage of certification in social studies.

  1. specifier.

  2. Codifier.

  3. Demo version.

The specification tells about the number of tasks. So, in total there are 29 of them in the exam:

  • 1 part - 20 tasks;

  • Part 2 - 9 tasks.

USE duration

The maximum initial number of points that can be earned:

  • in the first part - 35 points;

  • in the second part - 29 points.

The codifier contains a list of legal documents to be studied for each examinee in social studies. Documents include:

  1. the Constitution of the Russian Federation;

  2. Some chapters of the Civil Code;

  3. Some chapters of the Family Code;

  4. Some chapters of the Labor Code;

  5. Code of Administrative Offenses;

  6. Federal Law on Citizenship;

  7. Law on military service and others.

This documentation must be carefully studied for the successful passing of the exam and obtaining excellent results.

Demo Options Unified Exam are intended to familiarize you with the approximate tasks that will be indicated directly on the exam itself in KIM.

In order for the student to clearly understand the rules for completing tasks in the second part, which provides for a full answer, it is necessary to carefully study the procedure for applying the criteria for evaluating answers to exam answers.

Also, in the task where two question marks are written, two answers are provided.

Social Studies Unified State Examination

Dates of the Unified State Examination in Social Studies in 2019

According to the schedule for passing the Unified State Exam in 2019, certification in all subjects, as well as in social studies, will take place in several stages:

The early period, which will take place on Wednesday 3 April 2019. AT early period the reserve date for passing the exam is Monday, April 8, 2019.

The main period of certification in social studies will take place on Thursday, June 13, 2019.

As in the early stage, the main period contains a reserve day for knowledge testing - Thursday, June 27, 2019.

On these days, graduates of grade 11 will be able to take the exam and, based on the results, decide what are the chances for continuing their education in higher educational institutions.

Planned changes in the exam

Changes in the Unified State Exam 2019 - latest FIPI news

The list of changes in the USE in all disciplines, including social studies in 2019, as well as the latest state certification news, is contained on the official FIPI Internet portal.

As an addition, the rules for checking the recorded answers on two forms under the corresponding tasks are included in the control and measuring materials for passing the exam.

Specific changes in the passing of the exam in 2019 in social studies, according to the latest news, are not expected. However, teachers, as well as those who are being certified, will be able to notice several amendments. Innovative changes for the most part will affect the specification of the assignment, as well as improvements in the procedure for setting marks:

  1. In task No. 25 there will be more precise wording and assessment parameters. Now, with the correct answer, they award 4 points and not, as it was before, 3.

  2. In this regard, the total number of points will be not 64, but 65.

  3. Transformation of the wording will also be in task No. 28 and in task No. 29.

As for the structure and content of KIM in the subject of social science, no corresponding changes are expected in the coming year.

Expected in 2019 USE year in social science will be the leader among elective exams, so we invite all graduates to figure out whether this subject is really one of the easiest to pass, whether there will be changes in tickets and what date will be allotted in the USE calendar for natural science.

The academic year is already in full swing, which means that for the majority of 11th grade students, preparation for the Unified State Examination in social studies is a topical topic. We will also tell you what you should pay special attention to when parsing tasks.

Who needs to take social studies?

Why do most graduates choose social studies?

  1. The apparent simplicity and accessibility of the theory.
  2. The absence of complex formulas and tasks requiring mathematical training.
  3. Demand for the certificate.

Indeed, having prepared well and received a high score on the Unified State Examination in social studies, a graduate will be able to apply in 2019 for a state-funded place at universities of various directions. So, social science as an elective exam is relevant for those who plan to get a specialty in such areas as:

  • psychology and pedagogy;
  • sociology and political science;
  • economics and management;
  • personnel Management;
  • services sector;
  • commodity science;
  • business informatics, etc.

Important! In conjunction with social science, a USE certificate in specialized mathematics, therefore, before deciding on a set of exams in the 2018-2019 academic year, we recommend that you visit the website of the university where you would like to continue your studies.


In November 2018, a preliminary draft of the USE schedule for 2019 was presented, in which the following dates were reserved for the social studies exam:

Main date

Reserve day



06/28/19 and 07/01/19

In the early period, graduates of previous years, as well as 11th graders who graduate from school in 2019, but who are not able to take part in the main session of the Unified State Examination for good reasons (documentary evidence is required) are eligible to take the exam.

On reserve days, exams are taken from those who, for valid reasons, could not get to the main exam, or if the result was canceled through no fault of the examinee.

Innovations 2019

In the 2018-2019 academic year, there will be minor changes in the Unified State Examination tickets in social studies, which will affect the wording and assessment criteria for tasks No. 25, 28 and 29 with a detailed answer.

Due to the fact that not 3, but 4 points will now be awarded for completing task No. 25, the minimum primary score for all the work. In 2019 it will be 65 points

The structure of KIMs in social science

The discipline "social science" includes 5 main blocks:

  1. economy;
  2. politics;
  3. right;
  4. philosophy (man and society);
  5. sociology (social relations).

The ticket consists of two parts, in which a total of 29 tasks are placed:

The last 29th task of the Unified State Examination in social studies provides graduates of 2019 with a choice of one of the five proposed topics for writing an essay. Topics are presented in short sentences. Although it is assumed that each of the statements refers to one of the blocks of social science, the examinees have the right to disclose it in the context of any topic, and also cover several areas in their mini-essay, giving weighty arguments in defense of their position.

Examinees must complete all tasks in 235 minutes. The use of additional materials and equipment is prohibited.

The structure of KIMs implements a multi-level approach to knowledge assessment. The assignments are divided into three levels as follows:

  • 1-4 minutes - for tasks 1-3 and 10;
  • 2-8 minutes - for tasks 4-9 and 11-28;
  • 29-45 minutes for task #29 (essay).

Evaluation of work

For the correct completion of all 29 assignments for the Unified State Exam in social studies in 2019, a graduate can score 65 primary scores, which will correspond to the maximum 100-point result.

The answers of the 1st block, which the examinees enter in a special form, will be digitized and verified using special technical means Therefore, it is very important to comply with all norms and requirements for the design of work.

The second block will be checked by experts for whom a detailed list of evaluation criteria and primary scores has been developed. At the same time, the expert does not know whose work is in his hands and even in which city or region it was written. Each work must be checked by two independent experts. In case of significant differences in the opinions of specialists, a third expert will be involved, whose assessment will become decisive.

Officially USE result do not translate into a school 5-point grade. But those who want to know what result corresponds to the number test scores, you can use the correspondence table:

This means that in order to receive a document on graduation from high school at the Unified State Examination in social studies in 2019, you must score at least 42 test scores.

But, if your goal is to enter a university, then you need to strive for the upper limit, because for many metropolitan universities the result of 95+ is a passing one. In less prestigious educational institutions in Russia, you can try to enter the budget, gaining at least 62 test scores in social studies.

Secrets of preparation

Experienced teachers argue that each of the 5 blocks given earlier is equally important for obtaining a high result, which means that a large amount of information has to be processed at the preparation stage.

The secret of successful preparation is in such basic blocks as:

  • the timeliness of the start of training;
  • choosing the right literature;
  • an effective strategy, taking into account the gaps in knowledge;
  • regularity of classes;
  • practice and more practice.

At the stage of theoretical preparation, it is best to work with the publications of Bogolyubov, Bordovsky or Nikitin, in which the necessary material is fairly well presented. You will find answers to questions from the course "law" in the textbooks of Bogolyubov and Pevtsov, and information from the course "economics" - in the books of Lipsitz or Kireev.

An important stage is also the preparation for writing an essay, because a mini-essay is of great importance for everyone who strives for a high score. This is where training is important. Remember, all the main structural elements must be maintained in the work:

  1. in fact, a quote;
  2. the issue that the author of the quote raises;
  3. disclosure of the meaning of this statement;
  4. your own point of view on the issue under consideration;
  5. argumentation;
  6. examples from history, social practice or literature;
  7. conclusions.

When working on an essay, you can use ready-made cliché phrases:

Also useful are tips from video lessons on preparing for the USE 2019 in social studies:

Some are convinced that the Unified State Examination should be abolished and a return to the Soviet system of examining students is needed. However, there is another point of view: the USE allows you to check the level of knowledge of students and give way to graduates from the provinces to enter prestigious metropolitan universities. To date, there are two compulsory exam is the Russian language and mathematics. Next, the graduate selects from the school curriculum those subjects for which the results must be presented at the selected university. The Unified State Examination in Social Studies 2019 is interesting because it is integrated and allows graduates to feel like a lawyer, sociologist, economist, political scientist or lawyer.

Why do most graduates choose social studies?

  1. The apparent simplicity and accessibility of the theory.
  2. The absence of complex formulas and tasks requiring mathematical training.
  3. Demand for the certificate.

Indeed, having prepared well and received a high score on the Unified State Examination in social studies, a graduate will be able to apply in 2019 for a state-funded place at universities of various directions. So, social science as an elective exam is relevant for those who plan to get a specialty in such areas as:

  • psychology and pedagogy;
  • sociology and political science;
  • economics and management;
  • personnel Management;
  • services sector;
  • commodity science;
  • business informatics, etc.

Important! In conjunction with social science, a USE certificate in specialized mathematics is often required, so before deciding on a set of exams in the 2018-2019 academic year, we recommend visiting the website of the university where you would like to continue your studies.


In November 2018, the draft USE schedule for 2019 should be approved. As soon as the document is available, we will be the first to announce the dates of the exam on our website.

Last year, social studies were taken on such days:

Main date

Reserve day



06/28/18 and 07/02/18

In the early period, graduates of previous years, as well as 11th graders who graduate from school in 2019, but who are not able to take part in the main session of the Unified State Examination for good reasons (documentary evidence is required) are eligible to take the exam.

On reserve days, exams are taken from those who, for valid reasons, could not get to the main exam, or if the result was canceled through no fault of the examinee.

Innovations 2019

There will be minor changes in the USE tickets in social studies, which will affect the wording and evaluation criteria for tasks No. 25, 28 and 29 with a detailed answer.

Due to the fact that not 3, but 4 points will now be awarded for completing task No. 25, the minimum primary score for the entire work will also increase. In 2019, it will be 65 points.

Important documents

The preparation of students for the Unified State Exam in social studies should be based on several documents, which can be found on the FIPI website:

No. p / p Document's name
1 specifier
2 Codifier
3 Demonstrative option

On the FIPI website, you can also find information about the date of the exam and solve the options for KIMs.

What can be learned from the Specification?

From this document you can find out that this exam consists of 29 tasks. 20 of them - in part 1, 9 - in the second.

In the first part, 20 tasks have a maximum primary score of 35. And the tasks in the second part -29.


The Codifier has a short list of legal acts that you need to get acquainted with:

  1. Constitution.
  2. Civil Code (separate chapters).
  3. Family Code (separate chapters).
  4. Labor Code (separate chapters).
  5. Code of Administrative Offenses.
  6. Federal law on citizenship.
  7. Law on military service and others.

Knowledge of these documents is necessary in order to successfully pass the exam in social studies and get high results.

Demonstrative option

A demo version of the Unified State Exam in social studies is needed in order to get acquainted with the approximate types of tasks that will be in the control and measuring materials directly at the exam.

Much attention should be paid here to the system of evaluation of examination papers. This is necessary so that the graduate clearly understands how exactly it is necessary to complete the tasks of the 2nd part, where there is a detailed answer.

If an eleventh grader sees two question marks in an assignment, then two answers must be given.

About the task structure

Tasks 1 - 3 ( a basic level of) and task 20 are conceptual, checking the level of preparation of graduates.

4-6 - these are tasks that are aimed at testing the formation of the skills of students in grade 11 in the topic "Man and Society", including knowledge and spiritual culture.

7-10 is Economics.

11-12 - "Social relations".

13-15 - tasks from the "Politics" area. Always in task No. 14, positions from the Codifier 4.14 and 4.1 are checked. (“State authorities of the Russian Federation” and “Federal structure of the Russian Federation”).

16-19 are assignments on the topic "Law". You can be sure that task 16 is always aimed at knowing the basics of the constitutional system of the Russian Federation. Each graduate of the school must be an active citizen of our state, understanding in which state he lives, knowing the foundations of his state, the rights and obligations guaranteed by the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

Part 2 (9 tasks) represents in aggregate the basic social sciences that form the entire course of the secondary school:

  • Philosophy.
  • Sociology.
  • Political science.

Tasks 21 - 24 are combined into one compound task with a fragment of a popular science text, aimed at testing the ability to find the main thing from the text.

Tasks No. 21 and No. 22 strictly according to the text. You only need to find the sentence that contains the answer.

In task 23, an additional task is given for this text, for example:

  • illustrate any provision in the text with an example;
  • give an appropriate argument, etc.

The 24th task involves the use of text information, but knowledge of the course "Social Studies" as a whole is also required.

The 25th task tests the ability to reveal key social science concepts. The graduate must here show the semantic basis of the concept, highlight the main idea.

No. 26 tests the ability to concretize the studied theoretical positions and concepts with examples. Examples are an opportunity for experts to see how theoretical knowledge a graduate can apply in life.

Task 27 requires the analysis of the information presented, including statistical, graphic, explanation of the relationship of social objects.

The 28th task is a detailed answer on the topic. A student of the 11th grade must systematically show what he knows on the topic. In 2018, 1 point was added in the grading system to this task (4 points in total for the task). There should be three points of the plan, two of which are disclosed in subparagraphs.

The last task, No. 29, is an alternative one (presented in five options). This is a mini essay. It is necessary to choose one statement from those presented and reveal the meaning of the statement, present the theoretical content, identifying key concepts and illustrate with examples and facts. Here, since 2018, 1 point has been added, dedicated to the correct use theoretical concepts, provisions and reasoning.

Changes in the exam in society

In 2018, there were some changes in the social studies exam assessment system.

  • A score was added to task 28, and now it is estimated at 4 points.
  • A score has been added to task 29, and now it is estimated at 6 points.
  • The maximum primary score that can be scored on the Unified State Exam in social studies is 64 points.

Evaluation of work

For the correct completion of all 29 assignments for the Unified State Exam in social studies in 2019, a graduate can score 65 primary points, which will correspond to the maximum 100-point result.

The answers of the 1st block, which the examinees enter in a special form, will be digitized and verified using special technical means, so it is very important to comply with all norms and requirements for the design of the work.

The second block will be checked by experts for whom a detailed list of evaluation criteria and primary scores has been developed. At the same time, the expert does not know whose work is in his hands and even in which city or region it was written. Each work must be checked by two independent experts. In case of significant differences in the opinions of specialists, a third expert will be involved, whose assessment will become decisive.

Officially, the USE result is not translated into a school 5-point grade. But those who want to know what result corresponds to the number of test points scored can use the correspondence table:

This means that in order to receive a document on graduation from high school at the Unified State Exam in social studies in 2019, you must score at least 42 test scores.

But, if your goal is to enter a university, then you need to strive for the upper limit, because for many metropolitan universities the result of 95+ is a passing one. In less prestigious educational institutions in Russia, you can try to enter the budget, gaining at least 62 test scores in social studies.

Secrets of preparation

Experienced teachers argue that each of the 5 blocks given earlier is equally important for obtaining a high result, which means that a large amount of information has to be processed at the preparation stage.

The secret of successful preparation is in such basic blocks as:

  • the timeliness of the start of training;
  • choosing the right literature;
  • an effective strategy, taking into account the gaps in knowledge;
  • regularity of classes;
  • practice and more practice.

At the stage of theoretical preparation, it is best to work with the publications of Bogolyubov, Bordovsky or Nikitin, in which the necessary material is fairly well presented. You will find answers to questions from the course "law" in the textbooks of Bogolyubov and Pevtsov, and information from the course "economics" - in the books of Lipsitz or Kireev.

An important stage is also the preparation for writing an essay, because a mini-essay is of great importance for everyone who strives for a high score. This is where training is important. Remember, all the main structural elements must be maintained in the work:

  1. in fact, a quote;
  2. the issue that the author of the quote raises;
  3. disclosure of the meaning of this statement;
  4. your own point of view on the issue under consideration;
  5. argumentation;
  6. examples from history, social practice or literature;
  7. conclusions.

When working on an essay, you can use ready-made cliché phrases:

Also useful are tips from video lessons on preparing for the USE 2019 in social studies:

Interesting, but this item last years confidently leads in the statistics of graduate preferences - more than half of all potential applicants (62% of schoolchildren) strive to take it as a second choice. In the USE 2019 in social studies, a number of small, one might even say cosmetic, changes are expected, which, obviously, are unlikely to move the discipline from this pedestal.

About them, as well as about the main rules and procedure for passing the state exam in this subject, we will talk today. And, of course, we will try to give some valuable recommendations on effective training to social science from experienced teachers - USE tutors.

“Our hearts demand change…”

So, the most important and new: maximum score for this exam, which is so popular in most universities of the pedagogical and social and humanitarian profile, starting from 2018, it jumped to 64. What is important, since there is no reason to believe that this figure will somehow be adjusted by 2019, no.

The fact is that the system for evaluating the last two tasks, the 28th and 29th, has changed. For the 28th question, now it will be possible to get a maximum of 4 points, and for the 29th - 6. Moreover, in the last one, the wording was also detailed. The details of the assessment criteria, as always, can be found on the official website of the FIPI, and they are also certainly contained in the USE textbooks in social studies for 2018.

As for the dates of passing, in 2018, in the main “arrival”, it fell on June 5, and in general, all exams met (excluding reserve days for special occasions) from 29 May to 19 June. So, most likely, in 2019 it is worth waiting for something similar. The duration of the exam is 3 hours 55 minutes.

Specifics of tasks

In total, as already noted, there will be 29 questions in the forms, and they are divided into three semantic blocks. The first is reserved for tests with short answers - these are 20 tasks, to successfully overcome which you will need a basic level of knowledge in subjects, as well as the ability to apply the skills of systematizing and analyzing material, summarizing disparate information, working with diagrams, diagrams, texts and tables.

It is worth remembering here that among all the answers given, it is not at all necessary that only one will be correct - there have been cases when their number reached two or three out of six.

The second part (8 questions) is reserved for detailed answers - there are already specifics of the general education course in economics, social philosophy, political science, sociology, jurisprudence and social psychology. In it, you must demonstrate your ability to plan a detailed answer, look for key theses and the author's opinion in the texts, find, analyze and apply information, argue your own opinion.

And finally, the third block is an essay (question No. 29), for which five topics are given to choose from. Each of them is a brief quote from one of the greats, sometimes it can even be an aphorism that directly touches one of the main disciplines of the social science course.

The whole program covers the corresponding school course from the fifth to the eleventh grade. But, it is important to remember that even in the test part with short answers, the tasks are far from the same type. Some of them really are a classic test with the choice of the correct one from a number of proposed ones. Others revolve around the definition of the structural elements of the given concepts in tables, or they will require a correspondence between two sets of information. There are also tasks devoted to the definition of phenomena and terms.

To successfully pass Social Studies, you should first try to answer ready-made collections of tasks (of course, with the given solutions) in order to determine where the slack is. It is on the result of the analysis of this activity that the main emphasis should be placed in the future. Further, for all the years of teaching the subject, it is worth writing out and memorizing the main concepts, terms and definitions.

Keep in mind that the course is really overloaded with information, you will have to write down an absolutely impossible amount of it in your memory, therefore, the sooner you start preparing, the more likely it is that you will be in time, if not all, then at least all the main ones. Practice shows that six months, given the need for simultaneous preparation for other subjects, may not be enough here ...

In the process of writing itself, the recommendations, as expected, are traditional: the first to process those questions in which you are most confident. Since the subject is very slippery, conceptual, aimed at a correct understanding of a very extensive list of disciplines, assignments should be read slowly, thoughtfully, delving into the nuances and not missing side branches, interpretations and questions.

According to detailed tasks, one must learn to clearly and competently formulate one's thoughts, and they must relate to a specific task and not carry any unnecessary information. As for the essay, it is very appreciated when the student gives examples of personalities from the studied course, knows how to substantiate his opinion with arguments, and also operates well with cause-and-effect relationships.

The methodological materials that will be needed in the preparation process, in addition to the current tickets of the 2018 edition, are the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the new edition of the Civil Code, as well as various manuals in diagrams and tables (for example, R.N. Lebedeva’s book is good in this regard).

Well, I would like to believe that all of the above will certainly help many graduates of 2019 come closer to their dream - to pass the Unified State Examination in social studies for the highest possible score. And in connection with this, they can only wish them successful time management, easy questions in tickets and, of course, good luck!


The article was written specifically for the site “2019 Year of the Pig”: https://website/

In addition to the main disciplines, students can take additional ones that they choose on their own, and the results for which they will need for further admission. Social studies is one of those subjects.

In 2018, the social studies exam will not change structurally, the block with the test part will still be excluded.

The number of attempts to retake has been increased to 3. This option is suitable for those students who have not scored a passing number of points or are not satisfied with the exam results. Such a change is due to the fact that there is a need to create a more acceptable psychological atmosphere.

An important change in the project will be the fact that now schoolchildren will speak more on the exam, rather than write. A similar innovation will affect the humanities, in particular social science. Time to pass social studies test will be 235 minutes.

Very important changes await students in relation to violations during the passing of the exam. If the examiner finds things that are not allowed in the exam, then he gets the opportunity to retake only the next year.

As for violations on the part of teachers, a fine will be issued in the amount of from 20 to 40 thousand rubles.

In general, social science is a fairly popular subject among graduates, since it is it that is required in a number of prestigious universities.

The structure of the tasks of the USE 2019 in social science

Structure of the Unified State Examination in Social Studies 2019 will be represented by two types of thematic tasks. Types differ in complexity and type of answers. A general description of the task structure is given below:

  1. The first category includes questions that require one-word answers.
  2. The second includes questions that need to be answered in detail.
  3. The last task is an essay on one of the proposed topics.

Essay in the Unified State Examination in Social Studies 2019

The most difficult task in the exam in social studies is considered an essay. For the correct completion of this task, the student can receive three to five points. The most important thing when performing this task is to correctly structure the content of the text, and also try to avoid common mistakes.

It is important when writing this task to reveal the meaning of the selected statement. If the meaning is not disclosed or is not disclosed correctly, then the answer is already evaluated in zero points.

It is very important to present correct arguments in support of your arguments. If the student confirmed his arguments with actual examples, then he will definitely receive a good score for completing the assignment.

In order to cope with such a task, it is necessary to remember about essay plan:

  1. Selected quotation is provided.
  2. The problem voiced by the author is determined and its relevance is substantiated.
  3. The meaning of the quote is revealed.
  4. Voiced own point of view.
  5. Arguments of a theoretical nature are given.
  6. Theoretical arguments are confirmed by practical examples.
  7. A conclusion is made.

If you strictly adhere to such a plan, then all the requirements for writing an essay will be met and the score for the essay will be high.

Categories of those who pass the exam in social studies

Some citizens cannot take the exam. This is stipulated by Rosobrnadzor. The following persons are eligible for testing:

  1. Those who passed the exam in previous years, but did not receive the desired result.
  2. Students who want to improve their performance.
  3. Schoolchildren who did not pass the test or earned a negative assessment in a number of disciplines.

How to become a participant in the USE 2019?

To get to the exam, you need to make an application at the place of organization of the test. The application contains a list of disciplines for which the exam will be held. Such documents can be submitted to the school reception, to the municipal body of the education where the USE will be held, in admissions committees universities.

The deadline for submitting an application for children who want to take the exam ahead of schedule is before February 1, and for those students who want to take the exam later - until December 1.

Early delivery of the exam in social studies in 2019

In social studies, it is necessary for those students who cannot pass the test in a timely manner. The reasons are different, ranging from conscription to the army, the Olympics and downloading the usual move.

In such a situation, the exam is taken early and the undoubted advantage is that the student will not miss deadlines, will be able to pass the exam and then submit documents to the university. Disadvantages early USE are also available. It is very difficult to prepare for the exam without interrupting your studies. Naturally, hasty preparation will not bring good results.

Additional information about the USE 2019

It is allowed to bring a gel or capillary black pen, passport to the exam in social studies. By order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, a list of subjects and benefits that are allowed to be used on the exam is indicated. In social science, it is not allowed to use reference literature, manuals, collections.

According to this order, cell phones, tablets, and other electronic computing devices cannot be brought to social studies. It is forbidden to use methodological and reference aids that are not allowed on the exam.

If a student brings something similar to the exam or performs actions that can be qualified as an attempt to cheat, then he will be removed from the exam and a note will be made on the exam answer sheet. A student will only be allowed to retake in a year.

The passing score in social studies in 2017 was 42 points There are no plans to change it in 2018. A scoring scale is used for scoring.

If the exam rules are violated by the organizers, for example, less time is given, then the examiner has the right to file an appeal. A complaint for this reason must be filed on the same day, after leaving the audience.

Also, such a right arises when the examiner does not agree with the total amount of points earned by him. In such cases, the appeal must be filed within two working days from the moment of acquaintance with the results of the exam. You can also challenge the results if there was a technical failure during the USE check.

In the event that there were no violations on the part of the applicant, the organizers give the student the opportunity to retake the exam. If there were such violations, then the student will be denied on the complaint.

After the results are calculated and verified, the graduate receives a certificate of the established form, which indicates the results in all subjects, with the exception of those for which a sufficient number of points was not scored.

This certificate is required when submitting documents to universities and is valid for 4 years.

How to prepare for the exam 2019 in social studies

For a good passing the exam, of course, you need to prepare. The specification of preparation may be different. You can take a trial online tests by subject. Also, it helps a lot in preparation. demo version of FIPI USE in social studies 2019. And someone will use ordinary textbooks.

Such benefits include the following:

If a student uses online tests to prepare for the exam in social studies, then he may well pass them using a computer and the Internet. The advantage of such preparation is that there is no need to attend any additional classes or lectures, just go to the official website and take the exam online. Such preparation also has disadvantages, the student will not know the theory, but only single answers, which is unlikely to allow him to write an essay.

You can also use services such as demo version of the exam in Social Studies 2019. These are the materials of previous exams posted on the FIPI website.

A very good way to prepare is to use demonstration materials. KIM codifier based on such materials, the same one was used that was used to compile the main tasks for the exam. The use of such materials will help students familiarize themselves with the procedure for passing the exam, the basic rules, and also form a list of topics that need additional training.

It is very important for both children and their parents to remember that there is no need to be afraid to take the exam. To avoid unnecessary psychological stress and trauma, the teenager himself needs to set goals correctly and observe healthy lifestyle nutrition and sleep, and parents should try to create that comfortable microclimate that is so necessary for a teenager in a stressful situation, which, in fact, is the exam.

Statistics of passing the exam in social studies for the past years

The proportion of participants who did not receive the minimum score in 2018 decreased by 3.8% compared to the previous year and amounted to 13.8%. The number of students who received the maximum score up to 142 people, in 2016 there were only 59 of them.

Exam Schedule

Early stage passing the exam in social studies in 2019 - to be confirmed.

The main stage of passing the exam in social studies in 2019 is being specified.