
Emigration and emigrants. Self-esteem - what it is: concept, structure, types and levels. Correction of self-esteem Characteristics of a person with high self-esteem

Emigration and emigrants.  Self-esteem - what it is: concept, structure, types and levels.  Correction of self-esteem Characteristics of a person with high self-esteem

You will find a list of them at the bottom of the page.

Writing a self-assessment can be a stressful and even intimidating task for you, but a self-assessment can be your tool to achieve your career goals and contribute to the organization. Whether you're writing a self-assessment because you've been assigned to do it, or you've chosen to do it as part of self-development, it's worth the effort. Analyze your achievements, back up your words with facts, and set new professional goals for yourself to write an effective self-assessment.


Part 1

Analyze your achievements

    Set aside time for work. Comprehensive and effective self-assessment takes time, so put the task on your schedule. If you rush, you run the risk of missing out on important achievements and opportunities for growth, and as a result, the finished work will be less productive, because it will not reflect your career growth in all its nuances.

    • Sometimes it helps to plan ahead.
  1. Study your goals. Self-assessment should show that you are successfully achieving both personal goals and the overall goals of the company. In order for the organization to see you as an effective employee, it is especially important to demonstrate a desire to work for the good of the company.

    • Self-esteem work will show how your career aspirations are being realized, as you will see if your hard work is helping to achieve your goals.
  2. List your accomplishments. Start from goals and make a list of work completed for Last year. List completed projects, participation in working groups, and any reports produced. The list should include everything from attracted clients to led project working groups.

    Focus on yourself. Self-assessment should only contain your achievements, not the work of the entire team. Show how you participated in team tasks, and also indicate your qualities related to teamwork.

    Explain the difficulties that arise. Every employee has flaws. You should honestly identify your weaknesses in order to eliminate the shortcomings. Analyze all the difficulties. This will help you set new goals and identify rewarding opportunities for growth.

    Explain what you did to grow professionally. Write down your actions for the past year, aimed at Professional Development and then link them to your goals and past shortcomings. Show how successfully you overcame all the difficulties and worked hard to become the employee that your organization needs.

    • List career development tasks that were completed outside of work hours, as well as those that were part of work projects.
  3. Gather feedback. Reviews of your work over the past year will be proof of achievements and will help identify areas for further development. If available, be sure to include feedback from your boss, colleagues, and clients.

    Set yourself apart from the rest. Demonstrate to the organization your unique qualities that you are ready to use in your work. For example, you have several higher education and you know foreign languages? List these qualities in your self-assessment to demonstrate your contribution to the company.

    • How are you different from other employees? What contribution do you make beyond the mere performance of your job duties? Evaluation focuses on your performance, so show your personal contribution to the organization and your particular value.
    • State how your efforts have helped the team meet or exceed its goals.

Part 3

Set new professional goals
  1. Study the results. Reread the text of the self-assessment, paying special attention to how successfully you coped with last year's personal and general goals. Identify weaknesses that require improvement. Review identified shortcomings and areas that need to be addressed.

How to write a self-assessment that will benefit your career and, at the same time, not look pompous or modest? You can achieve this by strategically evaluating your accomplishments. This article describes how to systematically present your achievements and their value to the organization.

Writing self-assessment

    Open the table (or draw a table on a piece of paper). Use it to track your progress at work. The table will help you not only organize your thoughts before putting them on paper, but also understand objectively the whole burden of your work, without feeling remorse about your overestimation.

  1. In column A write the name of each successful project to which you have had a hand. Use official project names where possible.

  2. In column B, write action verbs that summarize your contribution to the project. For example, you can write that you:

    • created
    • developed
    • improved
    • amounted to
    • completed on time (can be used for large and cumbersome project)
    • increased efficiency

  3. Describe in column C goal project within the overall objectives of the company. For example, you can write that the project:

    • contributed to the implementation of plans for the next year
    • Satisfied customer requests
    • analyzed the effectiveness of the operation
    • identified tools for selling goods
    • helped a colleague do X and Y easier

  4. In column D write management reaction to your job. For example, you can write that the guide:

    • appreciated the results
    • gave more responsibility
    • asked you to continue/develop the project because of its usefulness
    • made a management decision based on the information you provided

  5. Sort information according to column C Target. Grouping projects that have the same or similar goals will make it easier for you to move from one project to another when you put everything in the form of separate paragraphs.

  6. Rewrite the information in the form of logical sentences. For smooth transitions, use linking words such as:

    • Similarly
    • That's why
    • Besides,
    • Consequently
    • Soon after

  7. Group the sentences into paragraphs, according to the purpose. Each paragraph will describe a specific aspect of your assistance to the company.

  8. Open a new table. Use it to reflect personal education and career development.

  9. In column A, write down any types education related to jobs you received last year. For example, you can write what you visited:

    • certification program
    • lecture
    • seminar

  10. In column B, describe one specific aspect from every educational process. For example, you can write what you have mastered:

    • time management skills
    • the importance of budgeting
    • problem solving methods
    • new software

  11. In column C, write down how what you learned applied in your work. For example, you can write what you now know:

    • Use filters in Quickbooks
    • Communicate effectively with superiors
    • Track Due Dates in Outlook Calendar

  12. In column D, write down how what you learned will increase productivity your work in the future. For example, you can write that in the future you will be able to:

    • make quick and accurate calculations
    • ensure project requirements are met
    • ensure timely execution

  13. Transform your second table into logical paragraphs as above and add them to your score. Convert your information into sentences and group similar types of learning into paragraphs. The results will prove that you are a motivated individual who strives to learn new skills and increase efficiency. Now you can put together a solid, truthful, and informative self-assessment.

  14. Highlight a few things that you intend to improve. If you plan (or hope) to become familiar with new software, management techniques, time-saving tools, etc., display everything in one short paragraph to show that you are an enterprising person. You can apply specific tricks to display your problem with some finesse. For example, if you have a problem with punctuality, you can write that "starting next week, agreed to go out in a car with a very punctual colleague, Jeff Marks."

  • If you have been with the same organization for a long time, indicate when you made your individual contributions so that your progress is noted.
  • Use information about accomplishments, contributions, and learning to enhance and update your resume while you're on the subject, as it's hard to remember everything you've accomplished.
  • Hold at least quarterly meetings with your manager to discuss your progress and ways to improve. If necessary, agree on new goals to include in your self-assessment.
  • Celebrate even the tiniest accomplishments/plans and your self-esteem will shine without resorting to lies, boasting or humiliation.
  • Plan your next assessment with your manager by setting specific goals and how you will be judged based on those goals (criteria). Agree in advance how you will be assessed depending on the results; this way, you and your boss(es) will be on the same page regarding deadlines and goals.

Self-assessment is a process in which an individual evaluates himself in terms of performance, the presence of certain skills and abilities, and other characteristics. Companies use self-assessment as part of a 360-degree evaluation system and take it into account when making decisions. Individuals often conduct self-assessments of their own skills, abilities, and performance during the work day. This self-assessment determines how they perform their own work, how they value their remuneration, the need for additional training, and how their performance compares to that of their peers. However, this assessment is not accurate and objective. Studies show that if you compare several ratings received from different people with each other, then it turns out that the assessments of the individual being evaluated about himself are very different from the assessments received from his colleagues. Some individuals are much better at self-esteem than others. Those who conduct accurate self-assessments show better results and faster promotions. Those who have low self-esteem also have poor performance. The biggest problem with self-assessment is overestimation. Individuals value themselves higher than they really are. Among high-level professionals, 80% placed themselves in the top 10% among their own peers in the work category. The problem of inflated self-esteem lies in the following areas: individuals are convinced that their rewards are too low; individuals have difficulty accepting negative or constructive criticism; the individual does not see the need for his own change or development

Interpersonal interaction is a constantly acting factor in the communication of members in a team. In the process of communication in the team, a kind of common bank of ideas, methods and techniques for solving specific problems is created, which are used in joint activities to solve new problems. Business communication contributes not only to the solution of purely utilitarian tasks, but also to the spiritual enrichment of those communicating, since it is in the process of joint activity and communication that both the professional and social capacity of each individual person is most clearly manifested. Depending on the measure of a person's involvement in relationships, there are three types of it: social-role communication, during which the individual learns social norms; business communication that unites people on the basis of common activities, common interests of the business; intimate-personal communication, which implies a special psychological closeness, empathy for a communication partner, penetration into his inner world. To facilitate the establishment of psychological contact with another person, the employee should consider what kind of communication he is striving for and what level of understanding is expected from him. The ability to choose the type, manner of communication, bring the expression of one's emotions and one's behavior in line with them, as well as with the behavior of other people, is one of the necessary conditions for team cohesion. A community of views on fundamental issues is formed in the team, which determines all subsequent interaction of the subjects of joint activity, their strategy of behavior, i.e. a common position is formed, which contributes to the integration of employees into a single social whole. Only in such cases, the team is able to successfully solve problems of the complexity that corresponds to the level of competence of its members. The behavior of participants in joint activities is determined by their objective interdependence, which is a necessary condition for any interaction. Full information about the conditions of activity stimulates cooperation and the desire to help each other. It is only important to objectively take into account the interests of each employee, try to take his place, look at the state of affairs through his eyes, in order to understand whether the proposed way of solving the problem does not contradict his interests. So, in business communication you need: sincere cooperation; awareness of everything related to the achievement of the goal; optimal behavior.

Characteristics from the place of work, example: a relic of the past or a useful document?

The phrase “characteristics from the place of work” will surely make many people remember the Soviet past. In fact, the document is indispensable when applying for a new job, it is often required in the courts and the police, in the guardianship authorities and in banks when granting a loan. Sometimes an employer's assessment decides the fate of a person, so you can't take it formally, according to a template. When drawing up such a characteristic, an official should be guided by general principles.

They draw up a document not in an official form, but taking into account generally accepted rules. Characteristics are internal (not going beyond the organization), as well as external (provided to different authorities on demand).

Rules for compiling characteristics from the place of work

In addition to evaluating personal and valuable qualities in work, the paper should contain some data about a person:

  • name, patronymic surname
  • year and date of birth
  • education
  • marital status information
  • military service data
  • honorary titles, the presence of state awards,
  • academic degree
  • total work experience (optional)
  • beginning and end of employment in the organization or company providing the characteristic
  • career advancement from one position to another within the company
  • indication of professional qualities
  • self-improvement, advanced training
  • merits and achievements (diplomas, thanks, other distinctions)
  • punishment for violation of discipline (reprimand, etc.)
  • The main part is the characteristics of the employee:

  • description of his personal qualities
  • for a person holding a leadership position, indicate the presence or absence of responsibility, determination, exactingness, organizational abilities, and other business qualities
  • for a subordinate - indicate such traits as initiative, diligence, diligence, discipline or lack thereof
  • note the degree of conflict with the team, the presence of respect on the part of employees, communication skills
  • In order for the characteristic to gain legitimacy, it must have the seal and details of the organization, as well as the signature of the official. If the institution has a letterhead, the document can be executed on it, but this is not a prerequisite. It is also desirable to indicate the place for presenting the characteristics.

    So in general terms, the principles of drafting documents look like. We offer a specific example.

    Sample of compiling characteristics from the place of work

    It can be divided into three conditional parts: data about the employee, an assessment of his professional skills, the characteristic itself - character traits that the employee shows in business.

    Option I. Sample reference from the place of work

    The characteristic was provided to Sergey Pavlovich Androsov, born on July 14, 1965, an employee of the regional communal hospital, located at st. Pravdy, 47 (details of a medical institution), from March 23, 1995 to the present day, as a doctor in the surgical department.

    Married. His wife is Androsova Elena Georgievna, born on September 16, 1967. Children: Oleg Androsov, born in 1993 and Androsova Ksenia, born in 1999

    Androsov S.P. - A graduate of the Irkutsk State Medical University with a degree in Surgery.

    The employee has high professional qualities. During his work, he improved his skills three times in the Irkutsk state. Institute for the Improvement of Doctors (1998 and 2009), as well as at the Institute for the Development of Additional vocational education Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation (2002) Dr. Androsov regularly participates in All-Russian conferences. During his work in a medical institution, he performed more than a thousand operations with a successful outcome.

    In the work of Androsov S.P. individual traits help: resistance to stress, the ability to restrain emotions and smooth out situations that are out of control.

    The characteristic was issued for presentation to the Bank of Russia.

    Chief Physician of the Regional Municipal Hospital Sedov Viktor Mikhailovich.

    Option II. An example of a characteristic for an employee

    Granted to Vera Grigoryevna Levashova, born on November 9, 1985, working as a primary school teacher.

    Levashova V.G. has been working at school No. 4 since August 25, 2007. In 2009, she took refresher courses under the program “Peculiarities of Psychology and Development of a Primary School Student”.

    Levashova V.G. During her work, she showed herself as a high-class professional, striving for self-development and constantly working on herself.

    The employee follows innovative methods in pedagogy and successfully implements them in her work. Vera Grigoryevna is active in public life, preparing extracurricular activities. Enjoys respect among colleagues, not seen in conflicts.

    Principal of School No. 4 Koltunov Evgeny Igorevich.

    The examples are rather conditional, their form and content may vary depending on the situation, since there is no official template for writing a characteristic.

    Job Description Template

    The structure of the characteristic is simple, the template can be easily found on the Internet. It is written according to the following plan:

  • date of the document
  • to whom the characteristic is given
  • name of organization or company, details
  • marital status of the employee, children
  • specialty education
  • business qualities of the employee
  • character traits of the person to whom the characteristic is given
  • where the document is submitted
  • position, full name, signature of the head
  • The indicated examples and the template should not be followed unquestioningly, since the Labor Code does not have clearly defined requirements for writing such papers. But, as in any other document, when compiling a description, one should avoid colloquial and jargon expressions, adhere to the rules of business speech, and monitor literacy.

    As for the content, the boss who draws up the characteristic must remember that sometimes the characteristic for an employee is by no means a formal piece of paper in the fate of a person. It is provided upon request to the courts, guardianship authorities, banks - institutions where the fate of a person is decided, therefore, the preparation of such a document must be taken with all seriousness, evaluating professional and personal qualities not according to a template, but collecting complete information about the employee.

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    What to do when the boss refuses to write a testimonial? The fact is that he did not want me to quit, and now he is plotting all sorts of intrigues on me. How can you influence it?

    For example, my former employer did not refuse to write a reference to me, but with one condition, either I stay to work for him, or he writes such a reference that they will not be taken to prison. And at a new place of work they ask me for a reference. How to influence the employer so that he writes an objective description?

    Several times I had to change jobs, a characteristic from the previous one was never required. I think this document is not enough to create a positive impression about the employee, because you can write anything you want. The best test is a trial period.

    In America, for example, without a recommendation from a previous job, you are unlikely to be hired. Because they look at the discipline and responsibility of the employee. If you quit and did not work for the required 2 weeks, then this will seriously spoil your career. It is the same with relations with colleagues, superiors, they do not like to conflict. In Russia, serious companies also take this practice, and in provincial cities it is more an exception than a practice.

    I believe that at a new place of work, a positive reference will be very useful, and at a new place it is not a fact that the management will believe in its authenticity, so you need to show your qualifications in practice, and not in the form of recommendations.

    To help students of BNTU - term papers, abstracts, laboratory!

    Self-assessment is a comprehensive assessment, the result of which is an opinion or judgment about the effectiveness and efficiency of the organization and the level of maturity of the quality management system. Self-assessment is usually carried out by the management of the organization.

    Self-assessment can be useful in measuring achievement against goals, as well as in reassessing ongoing compliance with those goals.

    Self-assessment is carried out with the aim of (in descending order of importance):

    — identify areas for improvement;

    — expand the participation of line managers in TQM;

    — to increase participation of employees in TQM;

    — to assess the basic state of the organization;

    - identify strengths;

    — improve relationships and understanding between top management and employees;

    - receive feedback from external verification;

    - compare the characteristics of different departments;

    — evaluate the significance of self-assessment for the organization;

    — get data for benchmarking;

    — to win a national/international quality award.

    When conducting a self-assessment, it is important to have a clear understanding of the structure of factors subject to self-assessment. This issue is discussed in detail in Figure 1 (self-assessment tree).

    When conducting a self-assessment for any firm, it is important to choose the model with which to compare. Many companies use models of their national or well-known international quality awards for this - the US M. Baldridge Award, the Japanese Deming Award or the European Quality Award.

    Application of quality award criteria for self-assessment of firms

    The developed criteria for the European Quality Award (as well as other similar awards) can be used to conduct a self-assessment of the company. This method is increasingly used in different countries in firms of any field of activity. It may seem that such a rating system is subjective, but it is not. Evaluation criteria reflect those factors that really make it possible to objectively evaluate the capabilities of the company and its success in business. Carrying out self-assessment provides a good basis for improving the activities of the company in all areas and departments.

    The criteria for national quality awards allow almost any company to outline the directions of its development in order to achieve more and more efficient production of more and more high-quality and competitive products. Thus, the quality award performs not so much the function of stimulation and encouragement as the function of orientation in the search for opportunities for improvement. It is no coincidence that about 100 applicant companies take part in the annual competition for the Malcolm Baldridge Award in the United States in three categories:

    1) among large manufacturers;

    2) among medium and small industrial enterprises;

    3) among firms operating in the service sector;

    and more than 200,000 firms conduct self-assessment according to the same criteria every year.

    Concerned about the increasing competition from year to year, firms tend to use the self-assessment method as the most effective, for the following reasons:

    Search for new opportunities to improve quality management within the company;

    Transition to mastering the principles of total quality management;

    Identification of areas for further improvement, both for the company as a whole and for individual indicators;

    Stimulating the improvement of the company's work;

    New techniques and methods of business management. Firms that have mastered the requirements of the ISO 9000 series of international standards and have registered quality systems use self-assessment to further develop quality management work.

    Comparing your achievements with the criteria for quality awards (national or European) gives you the following benefits:

    A powerful catalyst for quality improvement emerges;

    A single goal for the company is formulated;

    There is an accelerated training and professional development of personnel;

    Priorities for improvement are identified;

    The firm receives sound arguments for presenting its capabilities to the outside world (advertising, working with clients, an application for recognition by official bodies). Active use of the self-assessment method began in Europe in 1992.

    Problems that arise when conducting a self-assessment are summarized in Table 1.

    Problems in self-assessment

    Managers' poor understanding of the purpose and scope of self-assessment

    They do not see the connection of self-assessment with business planning

    Unsatisfactory perception of employees about the goals and scope of self-assessment

    Poor training of auditors

    Failure to implement plans based on self-assessment results

    Poor training of data collectors

    Difficulties in ranking opportunities

    Poor preparation

    Upper management not connected

    At the same time, simplified models developed by firms on their own are becoming more widely practiced. Let us consider the self-assessment methodology developed and implemented at one of the English firms, which is based on the model of the British Quality Award. We are talking about the campaign "British Nuclear Fuels, Ltd." (BNFL), one of the leading manufacturers of nuclear fuel for nuclear power plants and other nuclear installations.

    This technique is interesting in two ways. Firstly, it is an example of how, based on a fairly complex and voluminous model of a national award, you can develop a fairly simple and understandable model for conducting self-assessment in your enterprise. This circumstance becomes especially impressive if one pays attention to the extremely clear and precise content of the indicators used in the self-assessment. Secondly, I sincerely admire the organizational and methodological study of all issues related to the conduct of self-assessment - the availability of clear guidelines for conducting, developed forms, etc.

    BNFL's experience in organizing and conducting self-assessment can serve as a good example for all those leaders who are determined to master and apply modern quality management methods in practice.

    The self-assessment method developed at BNFL is called the Business Improvement Matrix (BIM) method. This name reflects not only the "technique" of conducting self-assessment, but also a key aspect of this activity as a whole - the use of self-assessment to improve performance. In accordance with this, the following main goals were formulated at the BNFL:

    • to develop for practical use a relatively simple tool that allows you to regularly evaluate the activities of any production structure (company as a whole or its department) to solve the problems of its continuous improvement;
    • procedures were used to compare and evaluate activities on the basis of nationally recognized criteria;
    • to provide managers with the opportunity to get a simple, but at the same time sufficiently complete picture, on the basis of which they could develop plans for further improvement of activities;
    • ensure that major gaps and discrepancies in improvement plans or processes are identified;
    • contribute to the identification and understanding of failures in performance and the development of appropriate plans to guarantee progress.
    • The essence of the method. The BIM method is based on the assessment model used to determine the winners of the UK National Quality Award. This model is exactly the same as the model of the European Quality Award.

      In accordance with the regulation on the British Quality Award, applicants are evaluated according to the following nine criteria, each of which has its own “weight”.

      1. GUIDE. How do senior managers participate in and manage the process of change in the firm in order to achieve recognition as a high quality organization?

      2. POLICY AND STRATEGY. How do the firm's policies and strategies reflect commitment and guide the movement towards continuous improvement?

      3. PEOPLE MANAGEMENT. To what extent does the company realize the potential of its employees for continuous improvement of the company's activities?

      4. RESOURCES. How effectively are resources used to support the firm's policies and strategies?

      5. PROCESSES. How are key business processes identified, analyzed and reviewed to ensure continuous improvement?

      6. CUSTOMER SATISFACTION. What is the customer's assessment of the products or services provided to them?

      7. STAFF SATISFACTION. What is the assessment of the company's activities by the employees themselves?

      8. IMPACT ON SOCIETY. What is the opinion of the company in society in terms of its impact on the quality of life, environment, saving global resources?

      9. BUSINESS RESULTS. How do the results of the company's activities compare with the plans?

      The first five criteria make up a group that characterizes the capabilities of the company, and the last four help evaluate the results of its activities. The sum of the "weights" of all criteria is 100.

      The overall score for this model is obtained as the sum of the products of each criterion in points by the "weight" of this criterion. Thus, if the applicant, for example, has 10 points for each of the criteria, then the sum of all “weighted” criteria will be the maximum number equal to 1000.

      To obtain a specific assessment of each of the nine criteria, a number of relevant indicators and a special system for their assessment are used.

      The difference between the BIM method and the above methodology is as follows:

    • Firstly, to obtain an evaluation score for each of the nine criteria, a simplified scheme is used, namely: exactly ten indicators are used to evaluate any criterion - each, of course, has its own.
    • secondly, the scheme for calculating grades has been changed. The score for each criterion is obtained as the sum of the points assigned for each of the ten indicators that characterize this criterion, based on the following principles:
  1. No actions have been taken to develop or implement an action plan related to the implementation of this indicator - 0.00.
  2. A method for solving the problem has been developed and its implementation has begun. The method is documented, tested and approved, and proof of implementation is available. The method must also be tested and validated. There is some evidence that the method achieves the desired effect of 0.25.
  3. The method has been implemented in approximately half of the departments. The method should be implemented on a systematic basis, improvements are observed based on the results of periodic reviews. For criteria related to "results", this means the state in which the application of the method has been successful. At the same time, negative trends were identified and understood - 0.50.
  4. There is evidence that the method is fully implemented in all divisions. The method is approved, its application is constantly analyzed, it has become an integral part of regular activities. For the criteria of the "results" group, this corresponds to the state when the implemented method has brought success and is comparable with the approaches of first-class organizations - 1.00.

The results of the assessment of all indicators are recorded in the matrix, which actually gave the name to the method. For self-assessment, each of the ninety indicators is assessed by an expert, while their assessments can take four values: 0.00; 0.25; 0.50; 1.00. The sum of scores of ten indicators related to one criterion gives the score of this criterion. Then the numerical value of the evaluation of each criterion is multiplied by its "weight" and summarized. The resulting value is the desired cumulative estimate.

An example of the application of the BIM method.

As noted, the maximum value of the British or European Quality Award applicant's score can be equal to 1000. For internal use at BNFL, a level equal to 750 is taken as the upper limit. Therefore, when calculating in the BNFL model, the obtained criterion score before multiplying by it weight", previously multiplied by 0.75.

So, let a group of experts from some department evaluate all ninety indicators and fill in the corresponding matrix. Then, in each line, the number of identical ratings is counted, multiplied by the corresponding rating value (0.25; 0.5; 0.75; 1.00), added up and the resulting amount is multiplied by 0.75. And they do it in special forms (tables).

Then the final result is calculated. To do this, the scores obtained for each criterion are multiplied by the "weight" of the criterion according to the British-European model and summarized. For example, according to the criterion "Leadership", a final score of 2.25 was obtained. We multiply it by 0.75, we get 1.69, and - by the "weight" of the criterion: we get 16.9.

At the end, a general assessment of the performance of this unit in the field of quality is displayed.

This completes the computational part of the analysis. Further, the obtained value can be compared with the previous assessment or compared with the assessment of the performance of another unit in the firm.

In addition, the analysis of the matrix allows the management of the unit to identify areas of activity that need improvement. These include those activities that received the lowest scores, both for a single criterion and for individual indicators.

I would especially like to draw attention to the fact that the BNFL did not limit itself to simply developing the method, but took the necessary measures for its wide distribution and practical use at different levels. In order to carry out the self-assessment without any technical and methodological problems, the BNFL has published in mass circulation a separate brochure "Business Improvement Matrix", which contains blank forms of the matrix and tables for calculating indicators. The example shown (Table 2) is taken from this brochure.

Employee self-assessment example

This article walks you through how to write a truly impactful review and provides testimonial examples for each of the 7 steps. Sample characteristics of negative and positive; The essence of the review; External characteristic An example of a negative characteristic per employee. A sample job description is quite in demand. As a rule, such a characteristic is needed when applying for a new job, for filing.

Responsible business, as the preparation of a review of their staff on labor and. about the employee, there are a number of neutral and impartial assessments. Examples and samples of personnel documents: employment contracts.

Employee Feedback Examples

How to write a letter of recommendation; Samples and examples Feedback about a person as an employee from his former manager or colleague. Below are some examples of the use of this document. Feedback about the employee during the regular or extraordinary.

Characteristics of the employee. How to write a characterization. Sooner or later, each employee of the personnel service has to draw up a description or presentation of an employee. The most difficult thing is for those who for the first time are faced with such a responsible matter as preparing a review of their staff on labor and social activities. There are no regulatory and legal requirements for the preparation of characteristics and representations.

Their content is largely formed by the practice, standards of office work adopted in the organization, education and experience of personnel officers. In order to facilitate the work of personnel officers and all those who have to draw up these documents, we will give a number of rules and recommendations for their preparation and execution, and we will start with the characteristics. What is a feature.

Characteristic - an official document that contains an assessment of the business and personal qualities of an employee. The characteristic indicates the personal data of the employee, his position, time of work in this organization (at this enterprise), qualifications, information about his attitude to work, professional growth, moral qualities, character traits, etc.

e. The characteristic is compiled by a representative of the administration and signed by the head of the enterprise, certified by a seal.

The person who signed the characteristic is responsible for its accuracy. Depending on the purpose of compilation and use, the characteristic is divided into: - the characteristic of the employee. intended for use in the organization (hereinafter referred to as the "internal characteristics of the employee"); - the characteristic of the employee, compiled at the request of third-party (relative to the organization) subjects and intended for use outside the organization (hereinafter referred to as the "external characteristic of the employee").

The characteristics of an employee in terms of content and structure depend not only on the subjects of its use (internal or external), but also on its goals. External characteristics of the employee.

The characteristic is compiled at the request of the employee himself (for submission at the place of request), the requirements of state and other bodies, third-party organizations. The purposes for which a characteristic is required from the employer can be varied: both for solving everyday issues (for example, the employee’s admission to educational institution, obtaining a loan, etc.), and for resolving issues related to the adoption of a state employee in relation to (incl.

jurisdictional) or municipal authority decision (for example, on the issuance of various permits, the application of measures of state influence (reward or punishment), etc.

The most difficult thing for an employee of the personnel service is the characteristic requested by lawyers, bodies (officials) in whose proceedings is the case of an offense the commission of which is imputed to the employee, courts (judges). In all cases of bringing an employee to administrative or criminal liability, the court and the body authorized to apply administrative penalties, when resolving the case and imposing punishment, must take into account the identity of the perpetrator, his property status and other circumstances that are important for the correct resolution of the case.

To do this, they are entitled to demand information characterizing the employee, his family and property status, and others. In most cases, the required information documents do not specify what information the court or other jurisdictional body needs. In view of this, the personnel officer, at best, can consult with a lawyer or the employee himself, and at worst, he must independently determine what information is needed for the requester of the characteristic. Here are general rules that will help simplify the solution of a number of difficulties that arise when compiling characteristics. The content of the characteristic can conditionally be divided into two parts - the heading and the main.

The first indicates: the title of the document - "Characteristics", the surname, name and patronymic of the employee. Internal characteristics of the employee. Cases and grounds for compiling internal characteristics should be defined in local regulations. Mostly, the need for them arises when deciding on transfers to vacant positions, on the application of incentives or disciplinary measures, on determining the employee’s suitability for the position held or the work performed (during certification), on assigning new duties to the employee (for example, managing a new project), about sending on a long and responsible business trip, etc. The recommendations set out in the previous section can be used when compiling internal characteristics. However, in internal characteristics, more emphasis should be placed on the employee's work activity.

Depending on the purpose of compiling the characteristics, in addition to the qualities of the employee, it may include an assessment of the creative potential of the employee, conclusions about his aspirations, expectations and claims (for example, for career growth), recommendations for using his qualities, etc. Often, internal characteristics are components of other documents , for example, representations, which will be discussed in the next issue of the magazine. Since the internal characteristic is compiled exclusively for internal use, it is not necessary to indicate the place of presentation in it. In some cases, it becomes necessary to indicate the official at whose request (demand) the characteristic was drawn up.

Characteristics of an employee - writing rules. So what to write in the employee's profile? Listed below are some of the items that should be displayed in the employee's profile. Description of the amount of work. Positive characteristic of the employee.

The employee performs a large amount of work, always meets deadlines, and at the same time manages to attend all meetings, prepare timely required reports and get acquainted with the reports received by him. The volume of work performed by him testifies to the high professionalism and dedication of the company. Negative characteristics of an employee. The employee is actively involved in various projects, devotes a lot of time and effort to them.

Unfortunately, the efforts of an employee do not always lead to real measurable results that the manager expects from him. A number of important tasks were not given sufficient attention. It appears that tasks are hampered by a lack of organization and an inability to set goals and prioritize. Apparently, in order to increase the efficiency of activities, the employee is recommended to try to understand and understand how the work process is organized in the company. Characteristics of the ability to analyze and make decisions. Positive characteristic of the employee.

In this case, the employee's ability to analyze facts, collect the necessary information and, on the basis of this, make informed decisions is noted. The employee demonstrates the ability, considering different options, to make the right decision. He learns quickly and knows how to look "at the root" of the issue, to separate the important from the secondary. Even if the leader does not always agree with his decisions, he always treats them with respect.

Colleagues rely on the employee's ability to analyze the situation and make decisions and often turn to him for advice. Negative characteristics of an employee. Some of the staff member's decisions and recommendations are not sufficiently supported by analysis and facts. The manager repeatedly returned his proposals for revision, as they were not justified, although the employee had the opportunity to collect the necessary information. In the future, the employee is recommended to get better acquainted with the work of the company and, before expressing his point of view, work through all the options and submit documents and proposals in a format acceptable to management and colleagues. Characteristics of the ability to plan and organize. Positive characteristic of the employee.

Describes the ability of an employee to plan their work and set goals. Correctly prioritizes.

Rarely leaves things to the last minute. Attentive not only to the task as a whole, but also to the details of the work. As soon as a decision is made in the organization (even if the decision is made in another department), the employee evaluates the possible consequences, clarifies the details and modifies his work plans in accordance with the new requirements. Often his questions and comments are useful not only for him, but for the whole organization. Negative characteristics of an employee. The employee still has a lot of work to do on planning and organizing skills. Since he rarely plans his work for the future, he often fails to complete the work in a timely manner or does not do the work with the proper quality.

Forgets to warn colleagues in a timely manner about what information he expects from them. As a result, due to his poor planning, colleagues and subordinates are forced to stay late at the end of the working day. The inability of the employee to plan and concentrate on the most important tasks is noted, he cannot perform several projects at the same time. Characteristics of the ability to control emotions. Positive characteristic of the employee.

The ability of an employee to work well not only in a normal, but also in a stressful situation, always maintains optimism, endurance and a positive attitude towards work and colleagues is noted. No one has ever seen him "lost his temper". When things go wrong, he maintains his composure and calms those around him with his behavior. His maturity and ability to control emotions is one of the reasons that colleagues tend to work with him on projects.

Negative characteristics of an employee. When something worries an employee, instead of discussing the situation with colleagues and management, he withdraws into himself and fences himself off from others. At the same time, his manner of communication at work changes. This creates a nervous atmosphere in the team. If his problems are of a working nature, it is likely that the leader should discuss with him the importance of open information and develop constructive methods of discussion. contentious issues. Characterization - the ethical side of the issue and the impact of the characteristic.

When compiling them, a large number of questions arise about the ethics of presenting this or that information. The desire of a personnel officer to "do no harm" sometimes leads to the fact that the employee's characteristic turns into a "commendation sheet". According to judges, officials of jurisdictional bodies making decisions on punishment, most of the characteristics are written according to one template, and they are all similar to the presentation of employees for rewarding.

If the initiators of a criminal case or an administrative case are the employers themselves, then the complete opposite takes place - a characterization of an employee who has committed an official offense directed against the interests of the owners of the enterprise is initially similar to sentences. Objective characteristics - units. It would be reckless to give universal advice - how the characteristics of an employee should look like, what to write in it everything and only “the truth and nothing but the truth” - it would be reckless, for the simple reason that.

Firstly, any human assessment of events and behavior is subjective and "everyone has their own truth." secondly, because a positive assessment is more difficult to use to the detriment of an employee than a negative one, and it does not matter who is the subject of its use. We believe that the above ratio of the advantages and disadvantages of the employee will bring the minimum harm and the maximum benefit, if, of course, the latter exist.

As for the merits, even if it is impossible to form an idea about the employee, there are a number of neutral and impartial assessments that can be used as the basis for the characteristic. The most responsible is the characteristic for the courts or other bodies that decide on the application of punishment to the employee, on the issuance of permission to the employee (for example, for adoption), etc.

In order for the characterization of the employee to be as complete as possible, you should try to consult with the representative of the employee or the body that requested the characterization. After such a characteristic has been drawn up, the personnel officer must give it one of three ratings: “positive”, “satisfactory” or “negative”. If it is difficult to do this yourself, then you can ask a colleague (of course, without providing information about the employee).

You can be an incredibly cool specialist and even a guru in some narrow field, but what's the point if the personal qualities for the resume were chosen incorrectly or completely forgotten about? It would seem: they should look at work experience, and the business qualities of an employee for a resume are already secondary. In fact, how you present yourself in the “personal qualities” column can become life-changing.

Before proceeding to the consideration of the qualities that the employer needs, a little advice: forget in the templates in the form of the words "purposefulness", "quick learner", "work for the result". This is great, but so old. Even if you want to write such qualities, let them not be the only ones on the honorary list. From the scarcity and stereotyped presentation, your characterization, as a future employee, will definitely not benefit.

Let's start with the general advice of professional HR specialists. In order not to waste their precious time on an interview not “Toy” or not “Togo”, they will definitely pay attention not only to work experience, but also to personal qualities. And here is what the HRs themselves advise:

  • You can really appreciate yourself as a specialist, but you don’t need to indicate more than 5 personal qualities
  • The qualities of an employee for a resume are indicated based on the position. We will write about this in more detail. But, for starters: an employee of a grocery warehouse will not need charisma when performing his direct job duties.
  • You can humor, but only if you are not applying for a leadership position. You can most often find out about the preferences of the employer in the job description.
  • The positive qualities of a person for a resume should correspond to the job responsibilities. That is why we have prepared a list of positions and personal characteristics for them.

    Examples of business qualities for employees by specialty

    Example #1: accountant. A lot depends on this person. Sometimes, even the life of the company depends on him and his ability to properly manage money.

    Strong professional qualities of an accountant, which are important to indicate: stress resistance, perseverance, learning ability, loyalty, responsibility, non-conflict. And not just because we put stress resistance in the first place. Carrying out cash transactions of a company with a turnover of a million - why not a cause for stress? If the turnover is smaller, the nerves are safer and the sleep is stronger.

    Example #2: Sales manager. The more you can sell, the better. The more new customers it attracts, the more confident the company will develop. Yes, the life of the company largely depends on the sales manager. True, not always the representatives of this position are rewarded with decent wages. But we will only talk about the good, and only about professional sales managers, for whom it is important to indicate the following qualities of an employee for a resume:

    Sociability, stress resistance, presentable appearance, well-delivered speech, learning ability, responsibility. In the case of the sales manager, we put communication skills in the first place. True, after all, what kind of sales can there be if the manager does not know how to start a conversation, and even more so, “lead” a conversation with a potential client to the result necessary for the company?

    Example #3: Secretary. For some reason, there is a stereotyped opinion that the secretary is an exceptionally attractive appearance. And she, including, but on the shoulders of the secretary, depending on the needs of the company, lies a lot of complex routine tasks.

    Personal qualities in a resume for a secretary: competent speech, attractive appearance, diligence, responsibility, perseverance, ability to work in a team, non-conflict. And here is the destruction of the pattern: the primacy of "literate speech."

    Secretaries must be able to win over every visitor, whether it is an applicant for some position in the company or a potential business partner. The secretary is the first to create a general impression of the company. Have you met secretaries who could not say two words? If you met, you understand exactly why competent speech is so important.

    Here we “walked” through one of the most common vacancies that appear daily on the Internet in the amount of several tens and even hundreds.

    And why not pay special attention to IT-specialists?

    The professional skills of IT specialists are especially valuable today. Many companies need unrealistically cool specialists who can catch up and overtake competitors, while increasing the company's income by several times.

    Here is what IT professionals most often write about themselves in their resumes:

  • Analytic mind
  • industriousness
  • Teamwork skills
  • Ability to work with a large amount of information
  • Diligence, as it seems to us, is approximately the same pattern as “commitment” with “the ability to work for results. It is not diligence that potential employers want to see in the column of personal qualities of their future IT specialist. Do you want to know what they want to see?

  • Independence
  • Initiative
  • Energy
  • A responsibility
  • Attentiveness
  • Mobility
  • Creativity
  • Here's a to-do list.

    Business qualities for an IT specialist resume, as you can see, absolutely do not matter. In the first positions: independence and initiative.

    True, what employer wants to get an IT specialist into their team, who will have to be constantly monitored or adjusted and reminded of something? Moreover, the IT-sphere is one of the few where narrow specialization does not allow the management to influence the result in any way.

    So it turns out that an IT specialist should be independent, enterprising (where without it), creative, etc. Stress resistance is a plus for the karma not only of the IT specialist, but of the entire company. In this work, one rarely manages without stressful situations, and deadlines cannot be missed, it is undesirable to demonstrate one's emotions and lose a client - like the collapse of one's own and corporate reputation.

    And here is a list of qualities that IT professionals rarely indicate in their resumes:

  • Charm
  • Bravery
  • Eloquence
  • forethought
  • Strength of character
  • Skepticism
  • It seems to us that most of this list is very important personal characteristics for a resume. Especially if you want to get into the creative team. Why not indicate courage and charm? In dealing with customers and employees, these qualities will not be superfluous. True, everything should be in moderation.

    Universal positive qualities for any resume

    And finally, about the universal qualities that HR specialists recommend indicating in their resume without reference to the position and its requirements:

  • Fast learner
  • Honesty
  • Stress tolerance
  • No bad habits
  • This is such a small but versatile set. You can take note of it, but do not forget to indicate the personal qualities that the future employer expects from you.

    And writing the right one is very simple: put yourself in the place of this employer. Think about what kind of specialist you would like to see in your team? The right qualities of an employee for a resume are not templates. Do you want to be paid attention to you? Then pay special attention to the column "personal qualities", and the position will be yours, we are sure.

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    How to write a characterization for an employee

    As a rule, the production characteristic for an employee, the sample of which you will find below, is necessary for provision at a new duty station, where they do not know anything about the qualities of an employee, therefore they need information from outside that can facilitate his introduction to a new team.

    Also, the preparation of a document may be required when transferring an employee to a new position, granting a new rank, or vice versa, depriving him of one, encouraging and degrading. Depending on the compliance of the employee with the position held, the quality of the work performed by him, as well as his attitude to his duties, the document drawn up can positively, negatively, or neutrally characterize the employee. There is a certain characteristic pattern for an employee, which we will discuss below.

    Main components

    First of all, you should understand the terminology of the concept.

    Characteristic- this is a written document necessary to highlight and emphasize the service and personal characteristics of a particular employee. The specified document is drawn up in any form at the enterprise where this employee carries out or carried out professional activities.

    Regardless of the attitude to one's duties, a typical characteristic for an employee includes the following necessary components:

    1. Title of the document. In this case, "characteristic".
    2. Surname, name and patronymic of the employee, written in full.
    3. The position held by the employee. The use of abbreviations is prohibited.
    4. Age. You may not specify.
    5. Start and end time of the position.
    6. Awards, services to the team and the enterprise, personal and professional achievements.
    7. Information about completed internships, advanced training, or obtaining additional professional education.
    8. Evaluation of the employee's service characteristics, his ability to get along with colleagues and management in the process of work, to own the legal side of the issue.
    9. Assessment of personal qualities, such as mobility, rapid social adaptation, the level of stress resistance and culture.
    10. Information about penalties, reprimands. Typically, such information is included in characteristics that carry a negative connotation.
    11. The characteristic of an employee from the place of work, an example of which can be found below, is written by hand or typed on a computer. This document is printed on A4 sheets. As soon as all the points set out above are detailed in the characteristic, it should be completed with an indication to whom and for what purposes it is sent.

      Usually, at the end of the document, the full name of the organization that requested the designated paper is noted, the signature of the head of the organization and the head of the personnel department is put.

      Mandatory to indicate the date and year of writing characteristics. The document is certified by the seal of the enterprise, which is necessary due to the lack of a generally accepted official form for writing it.

      The characteristic does not have an expiration date; once written, it can be presented at any time. Having lost a form with a characteristic, the employee has the right to apply to the former employer with a second request for its preparation.

      Types of characteristics and rules for writing them

      Not knowing how to correctly write a characterization for an employee, a sample of which is not presented among ordinary documents, the employer may miss important details for the employee.

      Consider how a negative characteristic is compiled for an employee, using the following example, while the term “characteristic” itself will be omitted:

      for junior accountant of StroyInvest CJSC

      Zyablikov Ilya Nikolaevich

      Zyablikov Ilya Nikolaevich, born in 1986, was an employee of StroyInvest CJSC from 2014 to 2015. During his work, Ilya Nikolayevich did not show any special professional qualities, he was noticed in refusing to perform official duties with reference to reasons that could not act as excuses.

      Despite the fact that the staff of our company is friendly and responsive, Ilya Nikolayevich could not find a common language with any other employee. More than once, facts of his rude attitude towards work colleagues and clients were recorded. During his career, this employee received several severe reprimands, which should have led to his correction. Information about the violations committed was entered into the employee's personal file. Since nothing of the kind happened, we were forced to part with Ilya Nikolaevich by mutual agreement.

      CJSC "StroyInvest" L.A. Glushko

      Head of Human Resources A. E. Koshin

      Consider also a sample characteristic for an employee for awarding a certificate of honor:

      for an employee of the landscaping sector of the State Unitary Enterprise "Zelenostroy"

      Yurchenko Grigory Mikhailovich

      Yurchenko Grigory Mikhailovich, born in 1990, has been an employee of the State Unitary Enterprise Zelenostroy since 2015 to the present. During his tenure, Grigory Mikhailovich showed himself as a competent, diligent and conscientious worker.

      A high degree of culture, the desire for self-education and self-education, make Grigory Mikhailovich a very valuable worker who managed to find a common language not only with his superiors, but also with his colleagues. Such qualities as resistance to stress, communication skills and the ability to quickly build relationships allow Grigory Mikhailovich to complete the tasks assigned to him with double speed. Despite the short length of service in his position, Grigory Mikhailovich already has several awards, which allows us to talk about the need to award him an honorary diploma with the entry of information about such an award in the employee's personal file and work book.

      Love for work and a high degree of responsibility are the hallmarks of Grigory Mikhailovich. During the work activity, he had no reprimands and penalties.

      SUE "Zelenostroy" Yu.K. intelligibly

      Head of Human Resources O. Yu. Matyushina

      It should be noted that when compiling a local characteristic, in order to attach to the personal file of an employee who continues to work at the enterprise that issued this document, or a negative characteristic, it is necessary to have an appropriate sample. Characteristics from the place of work to the employee is issued directly at his request, or the requirement of the organization, which is the new place of his work.

      A positive characterization of the employee is compiled in the same vein, without including in it the points relating to the reprimands and faults of the employee. In a positive characteristic, the qualities of an employee are described exclusively in a form that is favorable for him. An example of such a characteristic might be as follows:

      to the assistant head of housing and communal services No. 14

      Inyakina Elvira Grigorievna

      Inyakina Elvira Grigoryevna, born in 1968, has been an employee of Housing and Public Utilities No. 14, since 2003 to the present. During the performance of her official duties, Elvira Grigorievna showed herself from the best side, having established herself as a professional in her field, to which she treats with great attention and love.

      I would especially like to note the respect that Elvira Grigorievna managed to earn from her work colleagues and people who directly cooperate with her. The merits of Elvira Grigorievna to society and the state were more than once appreciated by both the leadership and the public.

      Elvira Grigoryevna is a responsive and sociable person. Extensive experience and continuous improvement of the acquired knowledge make her a valuable personnel worker. The distinctive features of Elvira Grigorievna's character can be considered cheerfulness, honesty, and high resistance to stress. During her tenure as deputy head of housing and communal services, Elvira Grigoryevna had no reprimands or warnings.

      Housing and communal services No. 14 M.I. Zhukovsky

      Head of Human Resources A. D. Korkina

      So, a characterization of an employee is compiled in the form of a narrative story using a third person and making sentences in the present or past tense, which depends on the current position of the employee in the organization on behalf of which the document is given.

      The size of the document depends on the employee's track record and the employer's desire to enumerate his merits. What exactly to write in the description is decided by the head of the enterprise, but usually, when compiling this document, they adhere to the generally accepted standard.

    A self-assessment test is usually a set of specific open or closed (multiple-answer) questions that help to draw attention to one's self-confidence already during the test.

    Online tests are becoming more and more popular among visitors to the World Wide Web due to their availability and prevalence and the growing interest in psychology. They help anyone who wants to understand what his self-esteem is.

    Why are people so often insecure about themselves? Regardless social status, age, education and physical data, many women and men suffer from low self-esteem.

    And this is not surprising - it is too difficult to resist comparing yourself with others. There are always more successful, smart, beautiful. The spirit of competition plays a cruel joke with us, distorting the process of understanding the individual as a unique, unrepeatable phenomenon.

    Self-esteem depends on the environment and upbringing of the individual. Oddly enough, the higher the intelligence and the better the physical data, the more we tend to underestimate our strengths and worry about our shortcomings.

    The ability to enjoy life and accept ourselves as nature created us plays one of the leading roles in shaping the level of self-esteem of the individual.

    So, in order to determine your level of self-confidence, the easiest way is to take an online test aimed at studying the self-esteem of a person.

    A psychological test suggested by Marilyn Sorensen, a psychologist, will help determine if you are suffering from low self-esteem. According to the author, the syndrome of low self-esteem is not only a manifestation of the depressed psychological state of the individual.

    But he himself is capable of provoking many mental problems. Which affect personal life, relationships with others and the general emotional state.

    The presented psychological online test is simple and clear. Anyone can calculate the results - the more points, the lower the self-esteem of the individual.

    Answer questions honestly

    Take a pen and a sheet of paper. Try to answer questions honestly. If you find the statement true, answer "Yes". If you know that the question is “not about you,” answer in the negative. For each affirmative answer, there is a point.

    1. I usually feel anxious in an unfamiliar situation, when I do not understand what others expect of me.

    2. I have a hard time accepting criticism.

    3. I'm afraid to look stupid.

    4. I tend to exaggerate my failures and overlook my successes.

    5. I am very critical of myself and others.

    6. I have periods when I am energetically depleted or depressed.

    7. Most of the time I feel anxiety or fear.

    8. Injustice towards me seems deserved to me.

    9. I'm afraid to trust people, I don't know when and whom to trust.

    10. I often feel like I'm saying the wrong things, doing the wrong things.

    11. I doubt if I look good enough.

    12. I am often confused.

    13. It seems to me that everyone is focused on what I do or say, and are always ready to criticize me.

    14. I am afraid of making a mistake that others will notice.

    15. I am depressed by the things I do and say, and the things I didn't do and couldn't say.

    16. I tend to refuse to change my life just out of fear of making a mistake.

    17. I am very defensive and even overly rebuff when criticized.

    18. I have no idea what I am capable of, what I can achieve.

    19. I let my fear and doubt control the decisions I make.

    20. I think that something bad might happen.

    21. I do not allow myself to relax and feel awkward during intimacy.

    22. Usually I go from one extreme to another: either I talk too much about myself or I don't say anything.

    23. Often I experience such strong excitement that I cannot even utter a word.

    24. Sometimes I can doubt the correctness of the decision for several days.

    25. I do my best to avoid conflict and confrontation.

    26. They tell me that I am overly sensitive.

    27. I experience a feeling of insignificance, it seems to me that I am inadequate and infantile.

    28. I think there is something wrong with me.

    29. I find myself feeling like I don't know what is expected of me.

    30. I constantly compare myself to others.

    31. I often think negatively about myself and others.

    32. I feel that others treat me badly and try to outdo me.

    33. In the evening, I often immerse myself in thoughts about the past, remember who and what said to me, did and to whom and what I said, I did.

    34. I often make decisions that will please others, ignoring my own impulses and desires.

    35. It seems to me that others do not respect me.

    36. I refrain from sharing my views, opinions, ideas with others.

    37. I sometimes prefer to tell a lie if I think the truth will lead to a stream of criticism or rejection.

    38. Sometimes I keep quiet for fear of seeming stupid or incompetent.

    39. I do not set myself specific goals for the future.

    40. I am easily persuaded.

    41. I do not always understand how I feel.

    42. Parents often scolded me for mistakes or bad behavior.

    43. I think my life is much harder than the life of the people around me.

    44. I avoid certain situations so that I don't have to experience discomfort.

    45. I'm more of a perfectionist, I need to look perfect and do everything perfectly.

    46. ​​I don't like going to events alone, dining alone, I need company.

    47. Often the cause of my anger and frustration is the words and actions of others.

    48. When I worry, I often sweat, tremble, my heart rate increases, I am prone to digestive disorders, I immediately rush into tears, it is difficult for me to concentrate.

    49. I am very afraid of criticism, rejection.

    50. I rely on the opinions of others when making decisions.

    If you scored from 0 to 7 points, congratulations! The level of self-esteem you need! Keep it up! You are an independent person, and your decisions do not depend on others. Critical nitpicking doesn’t “hurt” you a lot, you soberly assess your own abilities.

  • 8-15 points - the level of self-esteem is average. It is not low, but sometimes you are still visited by painful doubts from the series “How do I look?”, “Is everything okay with me?”, “What will they think of me if I. ".
  • 16-25 points mean that the self-esteem of the individual is low.
  • 26-50 points are signaling to you: The level of self-esteem is below the baseboard! This gives you considerable discomfort (mental and physical). Time to get to work on yourself!
  • If the result online test you are not satisfied, we lend a helping hand "to ourselves." We sit down at the table, arm ourselves with a pen and paper and draw up a detailed plan for "pulling the hippopotamus out of the swamp."

    Good all the means that uplift the mood and tone. At some stage, you may need the help of a psychotherapist or psychologist.

    Not everyone will like your changes - especially those who are used to riding you and goading you. But you have nothing to lose except the shackles of low self-esteem.

    Attending psychological trainings and seminars sometimes works wonders. The main thing is your firm desire to change your life for the better!

    Society is disturbed by the topic of insecurity, low self-esteem and the natural question: "How to become more confident in yourself?". What is self-esteem? How do problems develop with it? What does the picture of good self-esteem look like? - in this article I try to highlight.

    Self-esteem is a very interesting thing. Literally, the word means one's own evaluation of oneself. In reality, for the most part, we blindly appropriate for ourselves, and then reproduce the assessments that parents or other significant people gave us in childhood, calling all this "wealth" self-esteem.

    Self-esteem by inertia

    Agree, as a person has learned to walk, ride a bike, hold a racket when playing tennis, so he automatically continues to do it. No wonder they say: "Habit is second nature." Any teacher will tell you that it is much more difficult to re-teach than to teach correctly from the beginning. Much easier to keep doing it the old way! Which we do, automatically continuing to evaluate and treat ourselves the way we were treated in childhood.

    There is a lot of automatism in our life! And this, on the one hand, is good! Imagine if EVERY activity, such as brushing your teeth, had to be relearned daily! Nightmare!

    However, automatism is also bad, since we “memorized” many actions incorrectly, dysfunctionally, not in the best way. And often, just out of habit, we continue to AUTOMATICALLY negatively think about ourselves, automatically take actions and believe in attitudes that MAKE US UNHAPPY!

    At the same time, our rhythms of life are high, there is not enough time to notice this, you need to run somewhere all the time, achieve something, be in time somewhere. We do all this, for the most part, in ways that were mastered in childhood, up to 3-5 years! And these methods are not always effective.

    Low self-esteem - circles of hell

    Most often it happens like this: a person lives in such an automatic way for about thirty or forty years. Having literally reached the point, going through the same “circles of hell” many, many times, that is, repetitive situations and the same type of relationship, a person is disappointed, mentally injured, exhausted.

    “Having passed my earthly path to half, I found myself in a gloomy forest” - Dante, “The Divine Comedy”. That's when a person suspends his automatic movement and creatively reconsiders his life. Well, or a bad option - alcohol, drugs, depression, the destruction of relationships, etc.

    Oh, if we could stop earlier, think, and become aware of our automatisms, those that make us unhappy, then realizing, we would probably put much more effort into changing them! And life would become happier, and many problems could be avoided! Such problems are solved by psychotherapy. However, unfortunately, in most cases, people turn to a psychologist only when they find themselves "in a gloomy forest", literally "on the ruins of an old life."

    How self-doubt is formed

    Parents did not particularly praise, supported the little man in his passion for drawing (or whatever). They were, in general, not opposed, but looked at his artistic creations as a cute daub. He grew up, fully aware that his parents are still connoisseurs of art, they and great artists, so to speak, do not care.

    However, he, stubbornly continuing to draw, periodically vaguely catches himself thinking that it is unlikely that his “daub” will be interesting to anyone except himself, and even more so, it will be sold. Therefore, his ACTIVITY, both in drawing itself and in demonstrating his work to others, and in promoting them to exhibitions and markets, will be LOW.

    Just like that, simply, an angry, inadequate, or overly subjective assessment of others turns into one's own low self-esteem.

    At the same time, a person can, on a conscious level, even believe in himself, consider it necessary to promote his work. Only now he will not have enough ENERGY for this. This may be felt by him as “banal” laziness, or as a general reduced tone, he may even conclude that he “simply” lacks talent. This is such self-deception.

    Have you ever wondered what exactly high self-esteem is for?

    How does a change in self-esteem affect our behavior, relationships, life? Why is self-confidence training so appealing? Is low self-esteem subject to condemnation and correction in any talk show?

    Surveys show that adequate, good self-esteem is the key to our activity in achieving any goals and, no less important, our salvation and resuscitation in the event of inevitable life failures.

    To save high level energy and activity in any (and especially in a bad and difficult) situation, personal strength is needed! Energy is the ability to make CONTRIBUTIONS, to invest your energy in successful activities. And in order to invest energy, you must HAVE it! Here it is - the main problem -

    Low self-esteem takes energy

    Do you consider yourself an energetic person? Anyone who says that he has no energy is delusional. Everyone has energy! However, someone spends it mostly on self-realization and achievements, and someone turns their energy against themselves, spending it on self-condemnation, materializing in the form of bodily illnesses and organizing their own mental suffering (naturally, all this unconsciously).

    The whole point is HOW a person handles his energy. I, as a practicing psychologist, Gestalt therapist, argue that the answer to this question is the first task of ANY person on the path to a better life: “How do you handle your energy? What are you spending it on? What are you investing in?" To answer these questions Not at random, but accurately and correctly, you need to be aware of yourself!

    Self-awareness is the opposite of automatism, the way out of it

    Being aware of how you are managing your energy here and now leads to a new, creative, better adjustment to the current situation.

    As a rule, we are not up to awareness, and therefore, in most people, energy is bound by automatisms. This is where the feeling comes from that “I don’t pull my dreams”, “I don’t have the strength to implement and complete my projects, and so I live on the verge of my capabilities.”

    Decide that "everything is bad" or look for a way out?

    A considerable percentage of energy is destroyed by worries about one's self-esteem, when external events are perceived "too" personally and gloomy. All these events must necessarily MEAN something negative about a person personally.

    For example, that he is not worthy, or that he bad person that something is wrong with him, or that life is giving him a sign of cancellation. The result - he wallows in painful experiences of guilt, shame, anger, sadness and disappointment. And this is instead of looking for ways out, support inside and outside, to resolve the situation, and not to confuse it even more.

    Strive not to improve, but to have self-esteem

    In order to HAVE self-esteem in general, we need to BE someone ourselves, we need to feel ourselves, meet ourselves. Moreover, plus, you need to study and love this yourself! And this is WORK, friends! Many of us make a conclusion about ourselves without having done this work. This conclusion is FALSE! This is not a SELF-appraisal. It is impossible to truly rely on such a conclusion and there is no energy there!

    After all, self-esteem is

    1. OWN assessment of yourself. This is when YOU evaluate yourself, and on the basis of YOUR experiences of yourself, YOUR ideas and values ​​(NOT on the basis of thoughts, and even more so those of others). And when
    2. you are able to KEEP this SELF-estimation of yours in spite of the evaluations of other people, no matter if these evaluations of other people are higher or lower than yours!
    3. Good self-esteem is maintained from two points - from the inside and from the outside.

      Good self-esteem from the inside -

      it is our positive attitude towards ourselves: acceptance of our weaknesses and imperfections, as well as recognition of our strengths, abilities and desires. But, this is in general!

      An example of good self-esteem from the inside

      Let's say you feel that you do not fully reveal your emotional potential in relationships with people, you feel that there are areas where you are open, and there are areas where you are constrained and frozen. If you have such an assessment of yourself (this is your self-esteem), then you keep it, even if someone tells you that you are “super emotional”, and someone that is “completely clamped”.

      This is easy to do if your self-esteem is based on your real EXPERIENCE OF YOURSELF, in this particular case, on experiencing and knowing your emotional zones (I am emotionally open with Vasya, and clamped with Olya). You can rely on such self-esteem, it contains real KNOWLEDGE that gives energy.

      Good self-esteem on the outside

      Sounds a little crazy, especially after all of the above. However, good self-esteem must be REALISTIC, that is, confirmed from the outside by reality and other people!

      Are you a good writer? Or as in a joke: “I don’t know, I haven’t tried”?

      After all, on the one hand, you certainly cannot be a good writer if you have not written anything! On the other hand, how many people, so many opinions. Let's say you still wrote a couple of essays. Someone will evaluate these compositions of yours as brilliant, someone will remain indifferent, and someone will evaluate them as "garbage".

      Reality is a slippery topic

      There is no objective reality! However, there are many subjective opinions - realities, and there are unspoken agreements between people!

      Example: the novel "Anna Karenina". Everyone reads their own Anna Karenina, their own interpretation of it. However, such a book also EXISTS, and there is an agreement that this is a masterpiece of world literature!

      External self-assessment support

      Each of us absolutely needs the SUPPORT of our self-esteem by other people. Without such support, maintaining a good, high level of vitality in communication, writing essays and other achievements is simply IMPOSSIBLE! Since a lot of effort will be expended on the invisible struggle against non-recognition.

      You must be recognized by the people! Recognition as external support is absolutely necessary, without it, self-esteem will periodically collapse! Let it be the recognition and support of at least one person! If you don’t have the support of people in an important issue for you, then you need to win it! If you don’t know how to conquer, then LEARN, because in psychic reality, as well as in physical reality, one man is not a warrior in the field, no matter what anyone says.

      If you stand alone against a group of people, then most likely the group will ignore you or force you out, and your self-esteem will have nothing to rely on in external reality. Therefore, it will periodically collapse. You will face the REALITY that none of the people really recognized your value in that other, third question.

      The lack of support for your self-esteem from the outside, or simply, lack of recognition, is a difficult and very energy-consuming situation.

      An example of the impact on self-esteem of the lack of recognition from the outside

      The question of a client from psychotherapeutic practice: how to maintain a high opinion of yourself as a woman, if by the age of thirty or forty not a single relationship with a man really developed?

      In such a situation, a woman, of course, can rely on internal self-esteem, learn to appreciate and love herself. And, of course, this is much better than thinking badly about yourself. Adequate, good internal self-esteem is a valuable achievement and a very important resource! Without this, further strengthening of self-esteem is impossible.

      But, alas, this is not enough, because with a good or bad opinion of herself, a woman still remains in isolation, remains alone. To change the situation, you need to reinforce self-esteem from the outside, enlist the support of a group of people, in this case, men! And for this you need

      Act, conquer, influence!

      At the same time, they run the risk of rejection, criticism and indifference of this very group. Enter and be in a relationship, find the value of yourself in them and them for yourself. Win recognition of your value from other people and keep it, no matter what!

      Examples of stressful situations in life and at work

      The state of stress exhausts a person, the quality of life decreases. Moreover, each organism has an adaptive energy reserve. Each person has a reserve of strength and the possibility of psychologically overcoming the consequences of a tense situation are individual.

      There are examples of stressful situations that most strongly affect the personality. Any change in living conditions causes tension to which a person adapts. Consider the most significant stressful situations in the work and personal sphere, compiled by psychologists based on research results.

      Stress in everyday life

      Any stressful event should be considered as an interaction between a person and his environment. The same situations for someone will become critical, and the other copes with them. What can influence the degree of stress?

    4. Character, temperament, self-esteem. Anxious people are more susceptible to critical circumstances. A person with a weak potential in life is depleted faster, he does not have enough resources to fight.
    5. age periods. At every stage of life, there are moments of vulnerability and vulnerability. The critical group includes teenagers, pregnant women, and the elderly.
    6. A person exhausted during an illness experiences stress more acutely, since the disease is a critical factor.
    7. Events that lead to social, financial and physical changes cause tension. Psychologists have developed situations that significantly affect health, morale, and adaptive capacity. There is a special rating of the most traumatic moments.

      Scale of stressful life events in descending order

      Various authors worked on the development of stress examples, but the American psychiatrists Holmes and Ray were the very first. Their analysis is connected with the dependence of diseases on traumatic events occurring in life. Scientists worked with a large database of patients, data of five thousand people were processed.

      The conclusions of psychiatrists were presented in a special table, which describes strong stressful situations in life.

    8. In the first place is the death of a loved one or loved one. The stages of experiencing death are long, sometimes a person cannot recover from it until the end of his life.
    9. After the experience of death, divorce is most difficult to endure. Stress during the divorce period exceeds the permissible norms, as a person has to cope with stress at all levels.
    10. Going to prison is rated as a strong stress factor. In some cases, when a family member is brought to justice, his relatives are also affected. This is a strong emotional burden for the family.
    11. Acute illness or injury. The situations associated with the disease are critical due to the loss of working capacity, and the consciousness of one's own inferiority, for example, in case of injuries, is a strong stress for the modern person.

    In life, there are not only negative events, scientists have found that positive situations also affect the level of stress. Positive situations on the stress scale include:

  • wedding;
  • reconciliation with a loved one;
  • retirement;
  • pregnancy;
  • vacation, holidays.
  • Sexual problems, difficulties with collectors due to overdue debts, conflicts in relationships, moving and changing residences reduce resources and affect stress. In modern life, examples of stress factors have increased. Tension was added to the table due to traffic jams, the loss of a mobile phone, news of disasters and terrorist attacks.

    Each factor is rated with points, if several events are superimposed, then the stress becomes high and can pose a threat to health.

    Apart from Everyday life, it is worth highlighting a separate group of stress factors at work. Work situations that cause stress are on the stress scale at the initial level. Problems at work affect health, the psychological climate in the team, and general moral well-being. Consider examples of working traumatic moments.

    The employee is overloaded with work tasks, he does not fit into the allotted period of time, he is forced to stay at work. The main feelings of a person in this case are constant anxiety, fear of not being on time, fatigue.

    Interestingly, inaction at work can evoke the same emotions.

    Order conflict. Such a stress factor develops due to the inconsistency of the leadership. The employee is given instructions that contradict each other. Requirements can radically contradict, this causes tension, a person cannot effectively fulfill any of the instructions.

    Instability, expectation of bad news. Some companies experience crisis situations from time to time or are on the verge of bankruptcy. Employees of such organizations are subject to constant fear. Unrest is associated with the possibility of delays in wages, layoffs, the need to look for a new job.

    Boring activities at work. Uninteresting tasks affect the emotional state. A person uses any options to not perform work assignments. At the same time, one and the same activity will be interesting for one, but not for another. It's a matter of professional preference.

    Bad working conditions. Poor lighting, dampness, cold, noise - these situations negatively affect a person and make him feel stressed.

    Mobbing in a team. Bullying in a team is one of the most powerful experiences at work. In a situation of psychological discomfort, a person can get sick, mobbing is one of the most common reasons for dismissal.

    Some stressful events can be anticipated and you can try to prepare for them. For example, in a situation of pregnancy, a woman goes to courses, reads literature in order to be ready for a new role. Other situations cannot be predicted, they become a blow and cause great stress. This is the death of a family member or illness. A person can overcome some of the negative moments, they become a life lesson for him. For example, an employee managed to build a time management system and coped with the workload.

    Video: Psychological workshop by Evgeny Yakushev "How to deal with stress"

    Self-esteem at work - is it normal?

    The essence of my problem is in the professional sphere. Not so long ago, I was an ordinary engineer, I worked in a department and, in fact, I had two bosses: my immediate boss (head of department), in whose subordination I worked, and the head of my boss (head of department). I respected these people very much, took an example from them, learned from them. Despite my temporary experience in the profession, I confidently coped with all the tasks, improvised, the boss could safely leave the department to me when she went on vacation, or if there were no bosses at all, I was in charge. In such a situation, I felt like a fish in water, freely, I felt my importance. A colleague worked with me at that time, whom I helped in every possible way, prompted, even to the detriment of my duties.

    After a year of work, the head of the department offers me to organize a separate department in which I can do my own work without being distracted by other problems. But it so happened that he was “removed” and I was appointed head of this new department, without subordinates. After a while, my former boss quits for family reasons. Instead of the head of the department, a completely inexperienced person comes. He is good as a person, but as a worker he is a complete zero. Let's say, he came, by the way. The head of the department in which I previously worked is my colleague. I advise the beginning management as a colleague to behave, what to do, etc. And in the end it turns out that I myself fade into the background. No one consults with me, everyone is on their own. When the new head of department takes a vacation, he puts my colleague in his place. After that, I just got screwed over. Moreover, she constantly says that she does not want to replace him, she does not need it, but nevertheless she does it. For me it was very important, not in terms of money, but in terms of significance. Now my self-esteem has plummeted and continues to plummet. Maybe it's envy, but envy, when you imitate a person in order to achieve something, but I have nothing to imitate. Every day I see all the shortcomings in the work of her department, but because of resentment I don’t want to help her, sometimes even communicate. Recently I learned about a vacancy at the enterprise, an ordinary engineer, but the salary is higher and the boss is experienced. A colleague, having learned that I was planning to leave, changed her face. Tell me what to do, is it worth continuing to work in such an environment or changing activities?

    Is it normal? Patient age: 28 years

    How to increase self-esteem at work

    Simple rules to help increase self-esteem and strengthen your position in the office or at work

    Almost all spheres of our life depend on the level of self-esteem. It is one thing if we behave quietly, modestly and imperceptibly in our personal lives, and it is quite another to choose such a model of behavior in the office. It is rather difficult for an indecisive person not only to achieve success and make a career, but also to earn the respect of not only colleagues, but also superiors. If you are timid and indecisive, then you should not think that you will not see a good career. There are many ways to raise your self-esteem and keep it from reflecting on your career.

    Simple rules on how to increase self-esteem at work

    Rule One: Forget About Your Low Self-Esteem

    Do not think that it is vital for you to work on yourself. Relax, be yourself, try to remove the internal clamps and work calmly. The most important thing is to believe that you will definitely achieve your goals.

    Rule Two: Try not to compare yourself to your peers

    Remember that in any team there are people who work either better or worse than you. If you suffer from low self-esteem, then you will constantly feel that the people around you are more professional. As a rule, any comparison will not be in your favor. So why upset yourself needlessly? If you really want to do analysis, then compare yourself ... with yourself. For example, this month you managed to close more successful deals than in the previous one, or today you performed much better at the planning meeting than yesterday.

    Rule Three: Love yourself

    Don't scold or criticize yourself. Absolutely everyone makes mistakes, the main thing is to be able to analyze them, correct them and try not to allow them in the future. No matter how many “mistakes” you make, focus on your successes and achievements. So that your successes are not forgotten, start something like a journal in which you will mark your big and small achievements. Most importantly, do not forget to reward yourself for even the smallest victory over yourself. For example, they successfully negotiated - buy yourself a box of chocolates, wrote a good article - treat yourself to a new lipstick, made a new proposal that improved the company's income - buy yourself something of their clothes.

    Rule Four: Stop making excuses and apologizing all the time

    The more you make excuses, the worse it is for your self-esteem. Once again, remember that there are no perfect employees. Even your boss sometimes makes mistakes at work. If it happened that you did something wrong, try not to panic. First of all, soberly assess the situation and think about what consequences your mistake can lead to, whether it can be corrected. If you are "caught in the act", then try to calmly convey to your superiors why you did this and promise to fix everything.

    Rule Five: Don't Underestimate Your Merit

    Always remember that, firstly, you have received a good education, secondly, you have studied a lot of professional literature, and thirdly, you have attended many advanced training courses. If you were nothing, if you had no value to the company, then you were fired a long time ago. Let yourself feel like a pro. Let yourself and your colleagues know that you are rightfully in your position.

    Rule six: educate yourself

    Study professional literature, be interested in novelties and the latest developments, use advanced technologies. The more you know about the business you are doing, the more confident you will feel among colleagues. By educating yourself, you will not only increase your self-esteem, but also distinguish yourself favorably in the eyes of management. Make it a rule every day to learn something new or do a job that is unusual for you.

    Rule Seven: Don't Be Afraid to Ask Colleagues for Help

    If you don’t know something, or something doesn’t work out for you, then it’s better to overcome yourself and turn to experienced colleagues. Nobody is perfect, so nothing will happen if you show that you do not understand something. Tips from colleagues will help you do your job better and avoid mistakes. It is better to overcome embarrassment now than to blush later for your mistakes.

    Rule Eight: Learn to Overcome Your Fears

    Finally, stop being afraid of everything. Our thoughts are material and with your fears you will only attract failures to yourself. Do not dwell on your mistakes, remember that they can always be corrected. But if you constantly think that the boss is unhappy with you, that you are threatened with dismissal, that you will make a mistake, then try to imagine that your far-fetched fears have become real. Take a deep breath and think about how you will act. Voice your problem out loud and make a plan for how you will solve it. Such thoughtfulness will allow you not to be confused in the face of a real "danger" and will give you the opportunity to act calmly and without panic.

    Rule Nine: Choose the Right Social Circle

    Try to communicate with positive colleagues who are ready to support and praise you. Peace of mind is the key to high self-esteem and a successful career, so avoid people who constantly put you down and criticize your work methods. Limit contact with people you don't like.

    Rule Ten: Make a List of Your Good Qualities

    These can be both business and personal qualities, but there should be more than 20 of them. Read this list before you start your day, or better yet, hang it in a visible place so that you can remind yourself during the day how smart and super professional you are.

    The most important rule - do not be afraid to act. Be decisive and confidently go to your goal. Believing in yourself is the first step to success.

    Self-esteem at work example

    Hello! If you want to do well - do it yourself, if you want to do well - trust professionals. That's how it is with me. I sent out my resume (I wrote the first version myself). They offered a good job. And even very good. Only I needed, according to my preparation and previous practice, not just good, but excellent. Could not understand what was the matter? It's good that this site caught my eye. He suggested that specialists conduct an audit - why is my resume not working to achieve my goal? Help me answer the questions I had. Just a few strokes made, and the result is amazing. Today I occupy exactly the position that meets my ambitions. Both moral and even material. Thank you partners!

    Good day! Who wants to achieve success in life - welcome to the agency! Professionals work here. They'll help you figure out the best way to do it. Everything is top notch. Thankful. Already working. One of the best construction companies in Moscow.

    I want to say a huge thank you and express my gratitude to the GOODSTAGE recruitment agency, which employs experienced specialists, namely, I want to turn to Margarita for professional and competent work. In the shortest possible time I received a structured resume. The impression from the first stage of communication with such a specialist became a convincing argument for me to continue cooperation with professionals in their field. I recommend contacting Margarita for assistance in finding a job, because Margarita is definitely a pro in her field!


    Head of Sales Department

    Hello! I would like to thank you for your very efficient work. Preparation of resume and cover letter, with translation into English language performed at the highest professional level. I would especially like to note the work of the agency's expert, Elena Buryakova. When compiling the resume, very competent additions were made, which I myself did not remember when I compiled the resume myself. Thank you for your work and attitude!

    The ordered service is the "Advanced" package, translation of resumes with adaptation to the standards of Western companies.

    Good afternoon. I would like to thank you for your professional work.

    Very impressive is the speed of work and the attention of the staff to the details. I can say for sure that I will recommend you to all my friends.

    Thanks! Konstantin. EXAMPLE Resume Sales Director Ordered service - "Advanced" package, translation of resumes into English with adaptation to the standards of a Western company.

    Director of Sales

    I am grateful to you for preparing my resume. They worked quickly and efficiently, showing interest in the final result. In the process of work, they made suggestions and took into account my personal opinion and comments. The final version of the resume fully meets all the standards and my wishes. I would love to use it for my job search.

    Thanks again and good luck with your hard work!

    Hello! I want to express my gratitude to the specialists of the Goodstage agency for their thoughtful and high-quality work. After the "upgrade" of my resume, the number of views on search sites and the number of calls on it increased significantly. I have already been to several interviews and the recommendations that you gave me in the Interview Preparation course really help me feel confident in interviews. Increased self-esteem. Until I quit my previous job, I can’t often go to interviews, but at the same time I can already choose which interviews to go to, and which ones are not worth wasting time on? I have already been invited to one of the places to work, but I want to wait a bit and choose the best.

    Sales Manager

    Greetings to all who decide to view or leave a review about this site!

    I want to thank the Goodstage agency and its staff for their attentiveness and professional work in compiling a resume. HR expert Natalia gave answers and explanations to all my questions without blurring in time. Great job, it was a pleasure to work with you.

    I wish you success, with best wishes, Victor. EXAMPLE Retail Director resume

    The ordered service is "Resume Editing", translation of resumes with adaptation to the standards of Western companies.

    Branch Manager / Retail

    I express my gratitude to the specialists of the Goodstage agency for the quality work done. I especially want to note the work of Anna. With a revised resume, I began to feel much more confident in interviews. The number of responses to my resume has increased markedly. Thank you! Sincerely, Sophia. EXAMPLE OF A LOGISTICS CV Ordered service - Drawing up a resume, cover letter. P

    Good day! I have been working in the banking industry for many years. For the first time this year, when transferring from one bank to another, I encountered increased attention from the employer to writing a resume. I have always believed that important aspects of employment are such moments as: universities that you graduate from, courses taken, knowledge of languages ​​and, of course, work experience. But no! The higher the level, the higher the requirements. So my resume, compiled according to the standards, carrying the basic information about me, turned out to be “not” good enough. I had to ask for help, I'm not afraid of this expression, to professionals in every sense of the word. My resume was corrected very quickly and efficiently.

    I want to express my gratitude for such a responsible approach and competent work. Sincerely, Larisa

    The ordered service is “Advanced Package” + Translation of resume in English.

    Thank you for your excellent work. I am very pleased with your efficiency, responsibility and, of course, professionalism. Thank you for the tips and clarifications on my specific nuances, in terms of possible questions on my resume and finding satisfactory answers to withdraw them. Once again, I sincerely thank you and wish you success!

    With best wishes, Tatyana. EXAMPLE OF ECOLOGIST CV

    Employee: Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich

    Date of diagnosis: 13.06.08

    I. Employee competencies

    1. Leadership. Organizational skills

    Prone to autonomy and independence. Seeks to influence what is happening, to the position of a "creative" leader who determines intellectual values. Development prospects increase activity. Having felt a sincere interest in the matter, he is able to show a very high energy that others will feel. In this case, it can act as an organizer for a limited period of time. However, it may not always make well-founded decisions, it may evade responsibility. Due to emotional vulnerability, instability in the management of people is possible. Recognizing him as a significant and respected person is an important component of a sense of well-being and success. Currently not recommended for promotion to leadership positions.

    2. Intellectual sphere and creativity

    Has high intelligence. He thinks brightly, vividly and extraordinary. Experiences a creative upsurge, solving interesting problems, knows how to find a non-standard way of solving. Sees perspectives of ideas and tasks. Developed cognitive thinking. Has good abilities for logical analysis. The best application of his intellect is in the scientific and cognitive sphere. Can carry out theoretical developments in innovative areas. The level of verbal culture is low, it can be verbose, it is not always able to clearly explain its position.

    3. Business qualities. Purposefulness, ways and means of achieving the goal. activity, vitality

    Strives for development and self-realization. Has a healthy pragmatism. High, but unstable activity and performance. During the execution of the work, he may lose interest if the task is solved at a theoretical level, and the remaining work is perceived as a routine. With interest in this work, he can deny himself rest and relaxation. Persistent in achieving his goals, he can go to them, sacrificing other people's interests. At this stage, goals are not always well understood. Able to switch from one activity to another. May not bring tasks to completion, does not know how to concentrate on one task for a long time. Not afraid of risky situations. Can take on cases that do not correspond to his competence, not realizing responsibility. Neglects the consequences. Sometimes it can show a "teenage" dislike for generally recognized authorities.

    4. Teamwork. Emotional-volitional sphere. Self-esteem. Conflict. Stress tolerance

    Able to work in a team under the condition of a friendly atmosphere, mutual understanding, respect and recognition of his value as a generator of ideas. He relies more on his own opinion, impressions or fantasies, not always being able to adequately and critically evaluate them. It does not give in to influences, pressure from outside can give out a reaction of protest or withdraw into oneself. Needs a sense of freedom.

    Unsolved problem of self-affirmation. Interests are directed at oneself, there is a lack of sensitivity and empathy. Critical to life and others. prone to resentment. It can aggravate relationships, complicate the joint solution of problems.

    He considers himself unique in some way. Self-esteem is high, but unstable, largely depends on the results of activities and the attention and respect of others. He does not close his eyes to his own shortcomings, sometimes he perceives criticism in his address painfully, but he takes it into account, takes care of his public reputation. It can give out unexpected reactions on such occasions, which from the outside may seem insignificant, and, on the contrary, perceives some serious failures in cold blood.

    In difficult and extreme situations, he is able to maintain clarity of thought, act quickly, actively and expediently. With prolonged stress, he may underestimate his own condition, so over time, the level of stress resistance may decrease. Low level of emotional endurance, however, in a stressful situation, such a person becomes emotionally unreceptive. This allows you not to be distracted from work, but there may be problems in relationships with people.

    5. Communicative qualities. Contact. openness-closedness

    Willingness to communicate, friendliness, ability to convince. He tries to work and be among people. Able to find compromises. The “social instinct” is not sufficiently developed, in communication it may not adhere to the rules and hierarchy. Immediate, may be incorrect. It can become isolated, go “into itself”, if it is not possible to build harmonious relations with others. Reckless steps and abrupt actions are possible. Some people instantly evoke sympathy, some - a sharp rejection. Feels the need for a large number of contacts. Is in search of recognition, likes to be in the center of events. The craving for communication is opposed by the craving for solitude, which is sometimes felt very strongly.

    6. Vulnerabilities and ways to compensate

    Idealistically perceives close relationships, wants to consider them unshakable, afraid of disappointment. Lack of recognition can be perceived as disrespectful, leading to a defensive stance. Emotionally hurt. For self-defense, keep a distance. It is difficult to manage conflict-free relationships, it is difficult to be creative in their construction. Currently inclined towards maximalism. To compensate for vulnerabilities, it is necessary to establish clear rules for interaction and explain the motives of people's actions.

    II. Way of employee management and career planning

    1. Motivation. The main resource for self-realization, ways to replenish it

    New interesting ideas, contacts, the ability to achieve visible results, respect from colleagues and management. Emphasizing his personal uniqueness and the uniqueness of the business he is engaged in. Demonstration of conveniences, benefits and pleasant aspects of work. With a clear statement of the task and deadlines, give the opportunity to independently distribute their resources.

    2. Conditions for effective work

    • Clearly set the task, stipulating technologies and rules, fixing the agreements in writing;
    • require specific wording;
    • criticism should be hidden, in the form of an analysis of the situation;
    • control intermediate results, if necessary, remind about agreements;
    • build working relationships based on mutual respect, create a psychologically favorable atmosphere;
    • set clear deadlines, preferably with a margin;
    • if possible, it is best to provide a flexible work schedule, avoid excessive formalism;
    • do not require the planned execution of tasks, he is able to cope with work in situations of time pressure;
    • listen to his opinion about new opportunities for developing the business, building / reorganizing various systems, classifications, etc.;
    • take into account that he can present important information in the form of a joke or irony.
    • 3. Do not demand and expect

    • Punctuality and diligence;
    • consistency and completeness;
    • permanent order in the workplace;
    • servility;
    • quality performance of routine work;
    • conducting diplomatic negotiations;
    • the ability to gently adapt to the interlocutor and the ability to subtly feel his reaction.

    It is desirable that the work be interesting for himself, provide a variety of impressions, include new contacts, the acquisition of new knowledge and skills. With pleasure he can perform mobile work, go on business trips. Direct to work related to the study of opportunities, the generation of ideas, the collection of information, the search for ways out of non-standard situations, analysis, project development.

    The most acceptable at the moment is the strategy of building a career "horizontally". Following it, the specialist methodically raises his professional level, striving to become an expert, a "master" in his field.

    High creative potential, activity, efficiency, quick switching, striving for high achievements are important factors for the good work of an employee. Can carry out theoretical developments in various fields, generate ideas and implement them in practice. However, some specificity of thinking and behavior, demonstrativeness and individualism can interfere with the productivity of work and relationships in the team.

    You can improve the situation by creating suitable working conditions for him, which will either completely satisfy him, or convince him to compromise and adjust his behavior. Awareness of the prospects in this place, accountability and clear agreements will streamline its activity, leading it to greater productivity and effectiveness.

    Self-assessment as a way of research. Self-esteem is the process by which people "measure" their abilities, skills and abilities and other qualities. Self-assessment as a method is quite often used as one of the tools for evaluating the performance of an employee. Why is it needed? Is it not management's job to evaluate performance?

    Employee self-esteem. Applications of the self-assessment method

    Typically, employee self-assessment serves as an aid in the overall process of assessing work performance. For example, first an employee of the company himself evaluates his skills, competencies, his contribution to the overall work of the company and fills out a questionnaire, then the manager evaluates the work of an employee according to the same parameters, gets acquainted with his questionnaire. This is usually followed by a conversation between an employee of the company and the manager, during which they discuss what has converged and what has not, and why. Based on the data obtained, goals and objectives are set, what needs to be done to achieve them is discussed. In some companies, the manager and the employee evaluate his work together, in others, only the self-assessment method is used, and the manager only looks at the result and makes his own corrections.

    In addition to monitoring the performance of an employee, the employee self-assessment method is sometimes used even during an interview. This allows the employer to understand how a potential employee sees himself, how he assesses his capabilities, whether the employee’s self-esteem is adequate.

    Employee self-assessment and performance

    This question is especially important for evaluating the performance of an existing or potential employee. A number of studies have shown that people with adequate self-esteem tend to be the most effective for a company. Less efficient workers, on the contrary, are usually unaware of their shortcomings and have inflated self-esteem. Equally bad is low self-esteem.

    People who have an overly high opinion of their work, as a rule, perceive constructive criticism painfully or even aggressively, blaming anyone but themselves for shortcomings. All this makes it difficult to work in a team and slows down the professional growth of such workers simply because they do not see that they have room to grow.

    Advantages and disadvantages of the self-assessment method

    When an employee is asked to evaluate his work and professional qualities, he feels that his opinion is valued, in addition, self-reflection helps him understand what he should strive for, what goals he has. Also, the results of his self-assessment help the manager to be objective, as he may be new to some aspects that affect the work of the employee. Thus, an employee's self-assessment is a useful tool for monitoring their performance.

    Of course, this tool has its drawbacks. Some leaders are afraid that the self-assessment method will reflect badly on their credibility. Employees can noticeably embellish their achievements, believing that this will help them get a promotion. Some of them answer randomly to get left behind, because they are convinced that this is the work of the authorities.

    Online surveys to the rescue!

    In such cases, online surveys can help. Firstly, it is fast and convenient, freeing you from the tedious filling of paperwork. Secondly, the system allows you to detect "fake" answers. Using the Questionnaire service, you can create a self-assessment sheet and collect the necessary data that will help you more accurately assess the performance of employees.

    As for the question of the authority of the leader, psychologists and sociologists recommend using the self-assessment method exclusively in combination with other methods. Employees can discuss the results of the survey both with superiors and with each other. This approach will help reduce the social distance between the boss and subordinates, create an atmosphere of trust in the team.