
Methodological materials of the training course on financial literacy for pupils of orphanages and students of boarding schools. Schools of financial literacy Plan your family budget together

Methodological materials of the training course on financial literacy for pupils of orphanages and students of boarding schools.  Schools of financial literacy Plan your family budget together

An important component of money management in the family and throughout the state is. Education in this area should begin with the younger generation. That is why special schools are being opened today, where everyone can gain knowledge in this area.

Education of citizens in the financial sector

At the present time, it is very important to be literate in the field of money, as this affects both the preservation of one's own funds and the development of the Russian economy. It would seem that for the rational use of the family budget, the adult generation should be literate in this area. But what about the fact that no one taught them this? We need to bet on children and adolescents, because they are the ones who shape our future.

Education of competent money management is a task that should be solved within the framework of the state of Russia, and it is taking active measures to increase the literacy of the population. For example, populations are created, schools are opened, special lessons are held, days are organized, etc. Now let us dwell in detail on the work of such schools.

Creation of financial literacy schools

Throughout Russia, special schools have been created, the purpose of which is to give the younger generation the proper level of education. Such schools, when submitting knowledge, touch on many different financial topics. This is an everyday skill for managing and planning personal funds.

While in general education schools began to teach this subject only to high school students, but in the future it is planned to provide such knowledge, starting from the first grade.

Today, Russian schools are already conducting such classes in full swing, and Ukrainian schools are only introducing the subject into the educational process. The training of adolescents in education in the monetary sphere is developing rapidly, and we have already talked about this in.

Influence of parents on children's ability to manage money

No matter how the leaders of countries try to influence the level of knowledge of adolescents in the field of money management, the main teachers are still financial literacy their parents remain. But parents often do not want to introduce their child to such knowledge, unlocking excuses that they themselves are not very versed in these issues. Although just the parents during their lives have accumulated, one way or another, some personal experience of their own, which they can explain to their child in an accessible form.

Parents can become role models if they themselves fill in the gaps in their knowledge. It is important to be aware of the truths that someday some financial stories will be available to children and they may perceive incorrect information as correct. Therefore, it is necessary to convey such truths with parental words.

Children in communication can convince your son or daughter that work is not necessary in life. And it is easier and easier to commit, for example, theft, thus obtaining what you want. Or to convince that a person can become successful only if he is lucky. It is not difficult to imagine the impact such words can bring.

In addition to schoolwork, you need to refine the knowledge gained at home, discussing it with the children. Only with such an approach can a good result be achieved.

What is taught in schools?

By attending lessons, children will also have access to deeper concepts, which of course will make it possible to grow a financially educated person.

However, you should not rely entirely on schools; parents themselves need to prepare the basis for the perception of new knowledge. The ability to properly handle money is laid in the family, on the example of parents. And how successful the given experience will be, the future and success of your child will depend.

It is never too late to start learning and the desire of parents to comprehend such skills is only welcome. After all, it is much better when parents come to schools and are interested in the details and subtleties of various knowledge than when they themselves do not own them and the children are told that this knowledge is superfluous or unnecessary.

If the future of the child is not indifferent to you, then you should at least allow him to attend already operating “schools of financial literacy”.

How can parents become financially savvy?

Naturally, the education of children should begin with the family itself. But what about parents if no one taught them this? As part of the state program, they are held where you can ask questions of interest and get answers to them completely free of charge.

On this day, large companies hold free seminars and trainings, incomprehensible topics can be discussed with economists, managers and other specialists in this field, who will intelligibly talk about money management, as well as conduct practical exercises. This is a great opportunity to learn up-to-date information from experienced people.

Holding literacy days is a chance to make people civilized in the field of money and create a foundation for the younger generation. This is the right economic path being implemented by the Russian government.

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How We Teach Entrepreneurship Courses

In our entrepreneurship courses, children develop in two directions. On the one hand, they learn the necessary life knowledge: the basics of financial literacy, the basics of law, the rules of market research, sales tools and negotiation techniques. On the other hand, they master the competencies necessary for the implementation of the project: leadership, creativity, team building, efficiency, willingness to take risks and the ability to make difficult decisions in conditions of uncertainty, the so-called “competencies of the 21st century”. They are developed in the project as a necessary condition for creating a sought-after product and bringing the idea to reality.

In addition to the theoretical part, in the classroom, the children themselves implement a real project, which they then present to their parents and invited participants.

An entrepreneur knows how to make a choice and be responsible for it, and this skill must be developed from childhood!

Academic plan

# Topic of the lesson Duration
1 Business idea. Problem and Solution 3 ac. hours
2 customer development. Market valuation and segmentation 3 ac. hours
3 Sales channels 3 ac. hours
4 Customer acquisition 3 ac. hours
5 Online sales 3 ac. hours
6 Building business models 3 ac. hours
7 Search for a partner in a startup project 3 ac. hours
8 Intellectual property. Trademark 3 ac. hours
9 Intellectual property. Patents 3 ac. hours
10 Fundamentals of financial literacy 3 ac. hours
11 Investment strategy 3 ac. hours
12 Financial indicators and financial models 3 ac. hours
13 Partner presentation. Onov constructions 3 ac. hours
14 Development of a presentation for a partner 3 ac. hours
15 Presentation for the investor. Onov constructions 3 ac. hours
16 Developing a presentation for an investor. Speaking to parents 3 ac. hours

Photos from our Entrepreneurship classes

A few reasons why your kids (and you!) will love the Young Entrepreneur School in Moscow:

  • Unique curriculum.(download) As your child experiences the excitement of developing their own product, developing a presentation, and learning to work with a team, you will know that they are learning practical entrepreneurial skills (Just imagine how these skills will help inspire them in the future to implement unique projects and businesses!)

  • Creative problem solving. In each Entrepreneurship for High School class, your child will develop a project that will also instill a love of science, technology, and engineering.

  • Fascinating practice sessions. Our classes are filled with interactive activities and on the implementation of many projects, children work completely independently, which occupies children's minds, and is great for children with different levels of training.

  • Constant contact with parents. We always keep you updated on your child's progress in the classes on the basics of financial literacy and entrepreneurship. You will know how he does his homework, works in class, and whether he succeeds.

Where does the Young Entrepreneur School program take place?

Entrepreneurship and financial literacy programs for schoolchildren are available in our 20 centers throughout Moscow!

Moscow city
Date: 04.11.2017

Dear colleagues!

In accordance with the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 25, 2017 N 2039-r<Об утверждении Стратегии повышения финансовой грамотности в Russian Federation for 2017 - 2023> it is necessary to improve educational programs in the field of financial literacy and think over specific steps to develop the financial literacy of the population and entrepreneurs.
ANO Consulting Group "Genius of Life" is engaged in the development of financial literacy of the population and entrepreneurs since 2005 and achieved very significant results. More than 800 workshops in 107 cities of the Russian Federation, France, Germany, Belarus, more than 26000 graduates, more 1100 certified teachers from 733 educational institutions 160 settlements. Educational program approved FIRO of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, NIFI of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Economic Development RF for work in Russia and France. Collaboration with administrations 27 regions of the Russian Federation(Moscow, St. Petersburg, Omsk, Vladivostok, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, etc.)

Since 2013, the implementation of the franchise on the basics of financial literacy has begun.

When you purchase a franchise, you receive:

1. I manage my finances: practical guide for the course"Fundamentals of personal finance management" / D.Ya. Oberderfer, K.W. Kirillov, E.Yu. Zakharova and others - M.: VITA-PRESS, 2016. - 232 s: ill. ( Additional education. "Financial literacy for everyone");

2. I manage my finances: course program (34+2 and 68+4 hours) Fundamentals of personal finance management and methodical recommendations for the teacher/ D.Ya. Oberderfer, K.W. Kirillov, E.Yu. Zakharova and others - M.: VITA-PRESS, 2016. - 80 p.: ill.;

3. Presentation slides for conducting classes on the course: "Fundamentals of personal finance management" (140 words Power Point);

4. Video seminar "Financial well-being and prudent management of personal capital" for training teachers and conducting classes on the program: "Fundamentals of personal finance management" (16 hours);

5. Album interactive lessons"Planning a personal (family) budget".;

6. Video footage and additional materials for conducting classes on the course: "Fundamentals of personal finance management";

7. Certificate of ANO Consulting Group "Genius of Life", which gives the right to conduct training for the population and entrepreneurs, including pupils and students in educational institutions Russian Federation;

8.Opportunity to hold joint events for children and adults;

9. Full methodological support in the implementation of this course and the organization of events.

Franchise applications must be sent to:This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view.
For all questions, please call: 8-985-922-1091

The publication was prepared within the framework of the joint project of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation and the World Bank "Promotion of increasing the level of financial literacy of the population and the development of financial education in the Russian Federation".

Graduates of educational institutions are expected to successfully and fairly quickly enter society, which implies their acceptance of the values ​​and culture of society, requires the ability to make legitimate decisions to ensure their livelihoods, predict the possible consequences of their actions, as well as the readiness and ability to implement the decisions made.

It is expected that, entering into economic relations, a young person should be a bearer of economic culture. The foundations of this culture are economic consciousness and responsible economic behavior. The degree of involvement in economic knowledge, methods of implementing economic relations, the norms and ethics that accompany them, indicates the degree of socialization and the individual's own level of mastering the economic cultural content and its forms.

However, some of the graduates are not quite ready for independent living arrangements, both in everyday life and in the socio-economic aspect. To a large extent, this applies to orphan graduates who were brought up in specialized institutions: orphanages, boarding schools, social centers, etc. This category of young people has, on the whole, low social competence.

This curriculum is designed for children studying in orphanages, which requires taking into account a number of important features when teaching this course.

The proposed course for improving financial literacy for orphanages involves the formation of concepts among pupils: where does the money come from; what is the financial well-being of a person; how to make money and what needs to be done for this; how to properly plan expenses and what is personal financial planning; how to organize the budget of the future family.

The course covers such topics as commercial banks, investment funds, the securities market, pension funds, etc. Pupils must learn the basics of interaction with banks, pension funds, master the skills of managing a personal budget and the budget of a future family, creating savings, obtaining loans and etc.

The list of topics proposed for study is a set of basic financial knowledge for a successful young person in modern society.

Financial Literacy: A Curriculum. Orphanages, boarding schools

The program specifies the goals and objectives of the course, the planned educational results and the system of their assessment, describes the forms and methods of organizing the educational process, and also provides a list of educational and methodological resources.

Curriculum (PDF, 1.98 Mb)

Financial literacy: materials for children from orphanages and boarding schools

Children from orphanages and boarding school students, due to the circumstances, lack knowledge of the fundamentals of financial economics in general and family economics in particular. The proposed course aims to fill this gap. These materials will allow them to find out what constitutes a person's financial well-being, where money comes from, how to earn it and spend it rationally; master the skills of managing a personal budget and the budget of a future family, forming savings, obtaining loans; learn the basics of interaction with financial organizations: banks, pension funds, etc.

Materials for pupils and students (PDF, 120.94 Mb)

Financial literacy: materials for children from orphanages and boarding schools. Tips for every day

The manual contains material for graduates of orphanages and boarding schools on the financial organization of their future Everyday life. In an accessible form, the rules for the reasonable handling of money are set out: the formation of a personal (family) budget, a simple trip to the store, paying utility bills, using banking financial products, etc. Particular attention is paid to the issues of applying for a job, the correct processing of loans and protection against financial fraud.

Tips for every day (PDF, 83.72 Mb)

Financial Literacy: Guidelines for Teachers. Orphanages, boarding schools

The manual is designed to help teachers plan and conduct classes. It describes the general methodology for organizing the educational process and proposes criteria for assessing the educational achievements of pupils and students. For each module, examples of tasks (with answers) are given: mini-tasks, cases, tests, topics for writing an essay.

Guidelines for Teachers (PDF, 582 Kb)

Financial literacy: didactic materials. Orphanages, boarding schools

The presented materials contain an information and educational component aimed at systematizing knowledge and developing the skills of students in the field of financial literacy, increasing the motivation of children in discussing the formation and spending of the future budget. The materials include information about the principles of operation of modern financial institutions, the characteristics of financial products and instruments, dictionaries for each module of the course.

Didactic materials (PDF, 848 Kb)

Financial literacy: control measuring materials. Orphanages, boarding schools

Control measuring materials are a collection of additional exercises and tasks for all modules of materials for pupils of orphanages and students of boarding schools, including tasks for current, intermediate and final control for the course being studied.

Financial literacy as a subject is not yet in the school curriculum, although money, albeit in small quantities, is already present in the lives of schoolchildren. This means that children have questions about money: where it comes from and how to use it correctly. Children will find answers to these questions, which are very important in their current and future adult life, in the course.

Lessons at the School of Financial Literacy are not boring lectures, but exciting activities with games, quizzes, and tasks that introduce children to the rules of a reasonable attitude to money.


Children's age:

group size:



How is the TRAINING

Classes are held in an interactive form according to the author's methodology. The first stage of training includes a cycle of 5 lessons on the topics:

The history of the emergence of money and their evolution from ancient times to the present

Functions of money

Where does money come from and where does it “live”

What money can tell about its owners

Security and money

What is a budget and why do parents not buy everything you ask for?

How to draw up a budget and why control it?

The concepts of "reserve" and "insurance"

Types of insurance and what are their benefits

What can be useful and dangerous loans

Practical exercises


Classes are held remotely via Skype.

Classes are held in mini-groups up to 5 people.

The cost of a subscription for 5 classes is 5000 rubles per person.

School of Financial Literacy. Level 1 of education is an interesting activity for children with a guarantee of high quality service. Only on the Inlearno website you can order the School of Financial Literacy. 1 stage of training and. Also pay attention to the proposed,