
Oge is the maximum possible score. The structure of the oge in English. Changes in KIMs and OGE assessment

Oge is the maximum possible score.  The structure of the oge in English.  Changes in KIMs and OGE assessment

Maximum score OGE in mathematics (GIA grade 9) in 2018, which the examinee can receive for completing the entire examination work, - 32 points. Of these, for the module "Algebra" - 20 points, for the module "Geometry" - 12 points.

Passing score OGE 2018 in mathematics in specialized classes:

For the natural science profile: 18 points, of which at least 6 in geometry;

For the economic profile: 18 points, of which at least 5 in geometry;

Physical and mathematical profile: 19 points, of which at least 7 in geometry.

Minimum score(grade 3) - 8 scored in total for completing the tasks of both modules, provided that at least 2 points of them were received in the Geometry module.

Scale for transferring OGE 2018 scores in mathematics to grades

Translation scales developed by specialists of FGBNU "FIPI" primary points in marks on a five-point scale for conducting the OGE are RECOMMENDATIONAL.

The system for assessing the performance of individual tasks and the examination work as a whole

To evaluate the results of work performed by graduates, a total score is used. Table 12 provides a system for the formation of a total score. The maximum score for the work as a whole is 32.

Tasks rated 1 point are considered completed correctly if the number of the correct answer is indicated (in tasks with a choice of answers), or the correct answer is entered (in tasks with a short answer), or the objects of two sets are correctly correlated and the corresponding sequence of numbers is written down (in tasks on matching).

Tasks estimated at 2 points are considered to be completed correctly if the student has chosen the correct solution path, the course of his reasoning is clear from the written record of the solution, and the correct answer is received. In this case, he is given the full score corresponding to this task. If a mistake is made in the decision that is not of a fundamental nature and does not affect the overall correctness of the decision, then the participant is given 1 point.

At the OGE - 2017 in chemistry, ninth-graders will be offered 22 tasks or 24 tasks (depending on the type of exam), for solving each of them you can get from 1 to 5 points. Maximum amount primary points will be 34 (if the OGE is submitted without an experimental part) or 38 (if experimental tasks are performed). The tables below indicate maximum amount points that can be obtained for each of the tasks.

Table 1. OGE without experimental part

Table 2. OGE with laboratory work

The scores obtained are translated into traditional grades. If a ninth grader receives less than 9 primary points, the OGE in chemistry is considered not passed. To get an "excellent" grade, it is not necessary to solve all the exam tasks.

Table 3. Converting the primary scores of the OGE into grades (OGE without the experimental part)

Table 4. Converting primary OGE scores to grades (OGE with laboratory work)

Do not forget that the recalculation scale is changing: in 2016 it was different, in 2018 it will also change slightly (at least due to a change in the structure of the test and the number of tasks). These figures are valid only for 2017 and only for the OGE in chemistry.

The scale for converting primary OGE scores into grades on a five-point system was developed by FIPI specialists and is advisory nature. Each region of the Russian Federation adopts its own assessment system.

Scale for transferring OGE scores to grade

Russian language

  • 0-14
  • 15-24 - rating "3",
  • 25-33 - rating "4",
  • 34-39 - score "5"; of which at least 6 points for literacy (according to the criteria of GK1-GK4). If, according to the criteria of GK1-GK4, the student scored less than 6 points, the mark "4" is set.


  • 0-7 points correspond to the score "2",
  • 8-14 - rating "3",
  • 15-21 - rating "4",
  • 22-32 - score "5";

The maximum score is 32. For the module "Algebra" - 20 points, for the module "Geometry" - 12 points.

Indicators can be a guideline for selection in specialized classes

  • for the natural science profile: 18 points, of which at least 6 in geometry;
  • for economic profile: 18 points, of which at least 5 in geometry;
  • physical and mathematical profile: 19 points, of which at least 7 in geometry.

Social science:

  • 0-14 points correspond to the score "2",
  • 15-24 - rating "3",
  • 25-33 - rating "4",
  • 34-39 - score "5";

Maximum score - 39


  • 0-12 points correspond to the score "2",
  • 13-25 - rating "3",
  • 26-36 - rating "4",
  • 37-46 - score "5";

The maximum score is 46.

The benchmark for selection in profile classes can be an indicator, the lower limit of which corresponds to 33 points.


  • 0-12 points correspond to the score "2",
  • 13-23 - rating "3",
  • 24-34 - rating "4",
  • 35-44 - score "5";

Maximum score - 44

A guideline for selection in specialized classes can be an indicator, the lower limit of which corresponds to 32 points.


  • 0-9 points correspond to the score "2",
  • 10-19 - rating "3",
  • 20-30 - rating "4",
  • 31-40 - score "5";

The maximum score is 40.

The benchmark for selection in specialized classes can be an indicator, the lower limit of which corresponds to 30 points.


  • 0-8 points correspond to the score "2",
  • 9-17 - rating "3",
  • 18-26 - rating "4",
  • 27-34 - score "5";

Maximum score - 34(no real experiment). 38 (with real experiment).

The benchmark for selection in profile classes can be an indicator, the lower limit of which corresponds to 25 points.


  • 0-9 points correspond to the score "2",
  • 10-17 - rating "3",
  • 18-24 - rating "4",
  • 25-29 - score "5";

The maximum score is 29.

The benchmark for selection in profile classes can be an indicator, the lower limit of which corresponds to 19 points.

Informatics and ICT

  • 0-4 points correspond to the score "2",
  • 5-11 - rating "3",
  • 12-17 - rating "4",
  • 18-22 - score "5";

The maximum score is 22.

The benchmark for selection in specialized classes can be an indicator, the lower limit of which corresponds to 15 points.


  • 0-11 points correspond to the score "2",
  • 12-19 - rating "3",
  • 20-26 - rating "4",
  • 27-32 - score "5";

The maximum score is 32.

A benchmark in the selection for specialized classes can be an indicator, the lower limit of which corresponds to 24 points.

Foreign languages ​​(English, German, French, Spanish)

  • 0-28 points correspond to the score "2",
  • 29-45 - rating "3",
  • 46-58 - rating "4",
  • 59-70 - score "5";

The maximum score is 70.

The benchmark for selection in profile classes can be an indicator, the lower limit of which corresponds to 56 points.

Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science
27.02.2019 No. 10-151

federal Service on supervision in the field of education and science in accordance with paragraph 21 of the Procedure for conducting the state final certification for educational programs basic general education, approved by order of the Ministry of Education of Russia and Rosobrnadzor dated November 7, 2018 No. 189/1513 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on December 10, 2018, registration No. 52953) (hereinafter referred to as the Procedure), sends recommendations for use in the work on determining the minimum number of primary points confirming mastering by students of educational programs of the main general education in accordance with the requirements of the federal state educational standard for basic general education (hereinafter referred to as the minimum number of primary points), recommendations for transferring the sum of primary points for examination papers of the main state exam (hereinafter referred to as the OGE) and the state final exam (hereinafter referred to as the GVE) into the five-point grading system in 2019.

In accordance with paragraph 22 of the Procedure, the executive authorities of the subjects Russian Federation, exercising state administration in the field of education, ensure the conduct of state final certification for educational programs of basic general education, including determining the minimum number of primary points, and also ensure the transfer of the sum of primary points for examination work of the OGE and GVE into a five-point scoring system. Application: for 14 liters.

Deputy Head: A.A. Muzaev

Conversion scale primary score for the performance of the examination work in the mark on a five-point scale.

Social science .

2019 year.

The maximum number of points that an OGE participant can receive for completing the entire examination work is 39.

    0-14 points - mark "2"

    15-24 points - mark "3"

    25-33 points - mark "4"

    34-39 points - mark "5"

The results of the exam can be used when enrolling students in specialized classes for training in educational programs of secondary general education. The benchmark for selection in specialized classes can be an indicator, the lower limit of which corresponds to 30 points.

2018 year.

    0-14 points - mark "2"

    15-24 points - mark "3"

    25-33 points - mark "4"

    34-39 points - mark "5"


The maximum number of points that an examinee can receive for completing the entire examination paper is 39.

    0-14 points - mark "2"

    15-24 points - mark "3"

    25-33 points - mark "4"

    34-39 points - mark "5"


The maximum number of points that an examinee can receive for completing the entire examination paper is 39.

    0-14 points - mark "2"

    15-24 points - mark "3"

    25-33 points - mark "4"

    34-39 points - mark "5"

The results of the exam can be used when enrolling students in specialized classes high school. The benchmark for selection in specialized classes can be an indicator, the lower limit of which corresponds to 30 points.


The maximum number of points that an examinee can receive for completing the entire examination paper is 39.

    0-14 points - mark "2"

    15-24 points - mark "3"

    25-33 points - mark "4"

    34-39 points - mark "5"

The results of the exam can be used when enrolling students in specialized secondary school classes. The benchmark for selection in specialized classes can be an indicator, the lower limit of which corresponds to 30 points.

year 2014.

The maximum number of points that an examinee can receive for completing the entire examination paper is 39.

    0-14 points - mark "2"

    15-24 points - mark "3"

    25-33 points - mark "4"

    34-39 points - mark "5"

The results of the exam can be used when enrolling students in specialized secondary school classes. The benchmark for selection in specialized classes can be an indicator, the lower limit of which corresponds to 30 points.

year 2013.

The maximum number of points that an examinee can receive for completing the entire examination paper is 40.

    0-14 points - mark "2"

    15-24 points - mark "3"

    25-34 points - mark "4"

    35-40 points - mark "5"

The results of the exam can be used when enrolling students in specialized secondary school classes. The benchmark for selection in specialized classes can be an indicator, the lower limit of which corresponds to 30 points.

year 2012.

The maximum number of points that an examinee can receive for completing the entire examination paper is 40 points.

    0-14 points - mark "2"

    15-24 points - mark "3"

    25-34 points - mark "4"

    35-40 points - mark "5"

The results of the exam can be used when enrolling students in specialized secondary school classes. The benchmark for selection in specialized classes can be an indicator, the lower limit of which corresponds to 30 points.


    0-12 points - mark "2"

    13-22 points - mark "3"

    23-32 points - mark "4"

    33-40 points - mark "5"

The proposed lower score limit for marking “3” is a guideline for territorial subject commissions and can be reduced, but not lower than up to 11 points.

The results of the exam can be used when enrolling students in specialized secondary school classes. The benchmark for selection in specialized classes can be an indicator, the lower limit of which corresponds to 30 points.


    0-11 points - mark "2"

    12-22 points - mark "3"

    23-32 points - mark "4"

    33-40 points - mark "5"

year 2009.

    0-11 points - mark "2"

    12-21 points - mark "3"

    22-31 points - mark "4"

    32-39 points - mark "5"

Ninth-graders are puzzled not only by how to successfully pass the GIA, but also by translating the points they have scored into an assessment. Schoolchildren are accustomed to a five-point scale, and you can understand what grade will be for a certain number of points using the compiled OGE-2018 plate.

Every year the score plate changes, because they change the minimum and maximum number of points with a passing score and OGE assignments. There cannot be a single scale for all subjects, because each of them has its own score.

When writing the OGE-2018, you should know some subtleties

When passing "Mathematics", "Russian Language" and "Chemistry", it is not enough just to score minimum score: Some criteria must be met. So, for example, in "Mathematics" you need to get 32 ​​points. Passing is 8 points, however, if a lot of points were scored in "Algebra", and 2 points in "Geometry", then the exam will be passed as "unsatisfactory".

It is not difficult to write "Russian language" for a three, but those who want to get a four should score 25-33 points, four for literacy, because they will put a three. If a student wants to get an A, then he must score six points for literacy. Literacy is assessed by composition, punctuation, beauty of writing, expressiveness of speech, spelling.

When passing "Chemistry" without an experiment, it is more difficult to get a five. So, you need to score 31-40 points, from the third part - 5 points. With the experiment - 29-38 points and from the third part - 7 points.

Table for transferring points to grades for the OGE-2018

OGE-2018 in "Russian language":

  1. 0-14 b. - score "2";
  2. 15-24 b. - score "3";
  3. 25-33 b. - score "4";
  4. 34-39 b. - score "5".

OGE-2018 in "Mathematics":

  1. 0-7 b. - score "2";
  2. 8-14 b. - score "3";
  3. 15-21 b. - score "4";
  4. 22-32 b. - score "5".

OGE-2018 in Physics:

  1. 0-9 b. - score "2";
  2. 10-19 b. - score "3";
  3. 20-30 b. - score "4";
  4. 31-40 b. - rating "5".

OGE-2018 in "Chemistry" without an experiment:

  1. 0-8 b. - score "2";
  2. 9-17 b. - score "3";
  3. 18-26 b. - score "4";
  4. 27-34 b. - rating "5".

OGE-2018 in "Chemistry" with an experiment:

  1. 0 - 8 b. - score "2";
  2. 9-18 b. - score "3";
  3. 19-28 b. - score "4";
  4. 29-38 b. - rating "5".

OGE-2018 in "Biology":

  1. 0-12 b. - score "2";
  2. 13-25 b. - score "3";
  3. 26-36 b. - score "4";
  4. 37-46 b. - rating "5".

OGE-2018 in Geography:

  1. 0-11 b. - score "2";
  2. 12-19 b. - score "3";
  3. 20-26 b. - score "4";
  4. 27-32 b. - rating "5".

OGE-2018 in "Social Science":

  1. 0-14 b. - score "2";
  2. 15-24 b. - score "3";
  3. 25-33 b. - score "4";
  4. 34-39 b. - rating "5".

OGE-2018 in "History":

  1. 0-12 b. - score "2";
  2. 13-23 b. - score "3";
  3. 24-34 b. - score "4";
  4. 35-44 b. - rating "5".

OGE-2018 in "Literature":

  1. 0-9 b. - score "2";
  2. 10-17 b. - score "3";
  3. 18-24 b. - score "4";
  4. 25-29 b. - rating "5".

OGE-2018 in Informatics and ICT:

  1. 0-4 b. - score "2";
  2. 5-11 b. - score "3";
  3. 12-17 b. - score "4";
  4. 18-22 b. - rating "5".

OGE-2018 in "Foreign Languages":

  1. 0-28 b. - score "2";
  2. 29-45 b. - score "3";
  3. 46-58 b. - score "4";
  4. 59-70 b. - rating "5".
  1. "Russian language" - 31;
  2. "Mathematics" - 19 for physics and mathematics, 18 - for others;
  3. "Physics" - 30;
  4. "Chemistry" - 23 without experiment, 25 - with it;
  5. "Biology" - 33;
  6. "Geography" - 24;
  7. "Social Science" - 30;
  8. "History" - 32;
  9. "Literature" - 19;
  10. "Informatics" - 15;
  11. "Foreign language" - 56.

Passing points are easy to score, because this is the minimum from which the three starts. Passing the OGE-2018 will not be difficult, because no one wants many children to come to retake. In addition, the more retakers, the less prestigious the school will be considered, since there will be an assumption that teachers have put little knowledge into the heads of children.