
An example of filling out the OGE form in English. Presentation "rules for filling out OGE forms". The task condition does not need to be rewritten

An example of filling out the OGE form in English.  Presentation

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The success of the exam depends not only on the correctness of the answers to the tasks, but also on the correctness of the answers in the answer forms.
Oh, I won’t pass the OGE! After all, I don’t even know how to fill out these answer forms ...
Check out the instructions!
Sections of the instruction General provisions Filling out the answer form No. 1 Filling out the answer form No. 2

slide 3

To complete the examination work, the organizers in the audience give out ANSWER FORMS to the GIA participant
Answer form No. 1 for entering the answers of the test part (tasks 2-14)
Answer form No. 2 for recording answers to tasks with a detailed answer
Additional Answer Form No. 2

slide 4

General provisions
All answer sheets are completed in bright black ink. Gel or capillary pens are allowed. The test participant must represent each number and letter in all fields of the forms to be filled in, carefully copying a sample of its spelling from the line with character samples located at the top of the answer form No. recognized incorrectly. Each field in the forms is filled in starting from the first position (including the fields for entering the last name, first name and patronymic of the test participant). If the GIA participant does not have information to fill in the field, he must leave it blank (do not make dashes).

slide 5

General provisions
It is strictly forbidden: to make in the fields of the forms, outside the fields of the forms or in the fields filled out in a typographical way, any entries and notes that are not related to the content of the fields of the forms; use colored pens instead of black to fill in the forms, a pencil (even for draft entries on the forms), means for correcting the information entered in the forms (“putty”, etc.).

slide 6

Filling out the answer form No. 1
In the upper (registration) part of form No. 1, the following fields are filled in (information from the registration form is duplicated)
Rewrite from the board
Transfer from KIM
Rewrite from the document the full name in them. case (series - the first 4 digits of the passport)
To be completed by the organizer
Must fit in the space provided
3 2 1 2
1 6 0 6 8 3
1 0 2 4
1 0 6
2 4
4 2 8 0 1 5
9 B
RSerg z
0 3 0 6 1 5

Slide 7

Filling out the answer form No. 1
Note If, ​​according to the document, a proper name is written with a hyphen, then the sign is placed in a separate cell
B E R G - R O Z O V S K I Y
A N N A - M A R I A

Slide 8

Filling out the answer form No. 1
Random marks, blots, streaks of smeared ink, etc., should not be allowed in the answer area, as this can be recognized by automated processing as answers to CMM tasks. If it was not possible to avoid accidental marks, they should be replaced in the "Replacement of erroneous answers" area with those answers that the test participant considers correct. A short answer is written from left to right from the task number, starting from the first cell. Each character is written in a separate cell. Any abbreviations are prohibited.
In the middle part there are fields for writing answers to tasks

Slide 9

Filling out the answer form No. 1
If the short answer is a phrase, then the first word is written in full, the second and all other words are written in a row without spaces and other characters (how many will enter)
The sequence of numbers is written without commas
If the short answer is a word, then it must be written in the form (gender, number, case, etc.) in which it appears in the sentence
The first line is not filled
2 3
1 2 5 6
1 7
3 9

Slide 10

Filling out the answer form No. 1
Notes for answers to task 8
The hyphenated spelling of the word is not preserved. For example: Suddenly, in the distance, something flashed among the bushes that grow especially densely here.
The union is not included in the grammatical basis. For example: Look around here and think.
The particle is NOT included in the grammatical basis. For example: No one will offend an old, sick woman like that ...
The order of writing the main members of the sentence does not matter. For example: Only in late autumn I saw a honeysuckle.

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Filling out the answer form No. 1
To change the answer to the task entered in the answer form No. 1, you need to put down the number of the corrected task in the corresponding replacement fields and write down the new value of the correct answer to the specified task. If the number of the same task is entered in the fields for replacing erroneous answers, then the last correction will be taken into account (counting from top to bottom and from left to right). If only the number of the task without an answer is entered in the fields for replacing erroneous answers, then it will be considered that the answer to this task was not given!
At the bottom of the answer sheet No. 1, there are fields for replacing erroneous answers, intended for participants to correct their answers

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Filling out the answer form No. 1
Sample replacement of erroneous answers
4 V M O M N I V
1 3 1 6 1 8

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Filling out the answer form No. 2
Answer form No. 2 is designed to record answers to tasks with a detailed answer
Information for filling in the fields of the upper part of the form must correspond to the information entered in the answer form No. 1
The main part of the form is occupied by the area for recording answers to tasks with an answer in expanded form. In this area within the boundaries, the participant writes down detailed answers to the corresponding tasks (No. 1 and No. 15) strictly in accordance with the requirements of the KIM.

Slide 14

Filling out the answer form No. 2

1. Recognition is a small sprout of talent that can turn into a mighty tree, or it can dry out without diligence and self-education. Finding your acceptance is the source of happiness. I know many bad specialists who are indifferent to their work and hate it. This happens if a mistake was made in choosing a profession in youth. The main thing is to love your work, to get involved in it. The main pleasure in life lies in creative work, because a person strives to have something beautiful both in the process and as a result. If I began to study as an engineer, a doctor, a teacher, then I would be just a person who earns his daily bread. It is necessary that a “spark” flares up in everyone. Then you get a real person.
15.3. What is humanity? Most people will answer this question as follows: this is one of the best qualities of a person, which calls him to help other people, this is the ability to support in difficult times, to take care of elders. In the text of B. Vasiliev, we see how the violation of these simple and clear rules of humanity turns into a real tragedy. Schoolchildren for their museum steal from a blind woman the only letter of her son, who died in the war. This is how she experiences the loss of the letter: "He died, died, died a second time, and now forever." Just recently I read on the Internet about a wild case of inhumanity. In the store, an elderly woman who survived the blockade was accused of looking at the back
The presentation and essay must be written in REGULAR HANDWRITING (not in block letters!), but legibly and neatly strictly within the boundaries of the field.
Do not forget to indicate the job number: 1, 15.1, 15.2 or 15.3.
If there is not enough space for answers on the front side of the answer sheet No. 2, the participant can continue to write on the back of the form, making the entry “see on the back” at the bottom of the front side.
A gap must be made between the presentation and the essay.

slide 15

Filling out the answer form No. 2

On the reverse side of the answer sheet No. 2, the participant continues to record from the place of work where he interrupted.
With the remainder of the free space on the answer sheet No. 2, the participant must put English letter"Z" in the given area, filling all the free space.
evenness. She was taken as a thief to the police, where the woman died of shame. In one of the comments, I read the question: “A human life is equal to three packs of butter?” Where there is no humanity, where there is no understanding between people, human life ceases to be worth anything. These examples show that humanity is not just beautiful word, this is the quality without which we, people, simply cannot exist, we will turn into evil animals doomed to self-destruction ..
Reverse side of answer sheet No. 2

slide 16

Filling out an additional answer form No. 2
If there is not enough space for answers on the main answer form No. 2, the GIA participant can continue to write on an additional answer form No. 2, issued by the organizer in the audience at the request of the participant in the case when there is no space left on the main answer form No. 2. If the additional answer form No. 2 is filled out while the main answer form No. 2 is not completed, the answers entered in the additional answer form No. 2 will not be evaluated.

Slide 17

Get the job done right! Write assignments correctly!
Good luck on your exam!

Rules for filling out OGE forms Instructions for filling out the answer forms for participants in the OGE

  • To process the examination materials of the participants of the main state exam(hereinafter - OGE) the following types of forms are used:
  • answer form No. 1,
  • answer form No. 2,
  • additional answer sheet No. 2.
  • The general structure of the forms is the same for all subjects.
  • Forms are machine-readable forms.
  • All machine-readable forms are filled out in bright black ink. Only gel or capillary pens are allowed.
  • If the OGE participant does not have information to fill in the field, he must leave it blank (do not make dashes).
Rules for filling out the answer forms of exam participants
  • Attention! Characters entered into the answer sheet with a ballpoint pen may not be recognized or incorrectly recognized during automated processing of the forms, which can have a significant impact on the result of checking the work.
Rules for filling out the answer forms of exam participants
  • The OGE participant must depict each number and letter in all fields of the answer form No. 1, carefully copying a sample of its spelling from the line with character writing samples located at the top of the answer form No. 1. Careless spelling of characters can lead to the fact that during automated processing the character may not be recognized correctly.
  • Instructions for filling out the OGE forms are available on the NIMRO website in the GIA / Documents section (
Samples of registration forms for the answers of the participants of the OGE
  • The answer area for short answer items consists of a horizontal row of cells. A short answer is written to the right of the task number, starting from the first cell. It is recommended that you first write down the answers on a draft or on the KIM sheets, and then transfer them to the answer form No. 1.
  • In the forms for each subject, those fields are highlighted that should not be filled.
Features of the design of the answer forms of the OGE participants
  • The short answer form is established in the KIM forms for the relevant subject.
  • Sample instructions for KIM in Russian:
Features of the design of the answer forms of the OGE participants
  • Sample instructions for KIM in mathematics:
  • Sample instructions for KIM on social studies:
Features of the design of the answer forms of the OGE participants
  • If the short answer is a phrase, then it is written according to the following rule: the first word is written in full, the second and all other words are written in a row without spaces and other characters (one character per cell is as many characters as will enter the allotted field).
  • If the short answer should be a word missing in a sentence, then this word must be written in the form (gender, number, case, etc.) in which it should appear in the sentence.
Features of the design of the answer forms of the OGE participants
  • If in a short answer it is required to list the numbers of proposals, etc., then the numbers are written in a row without separating them with a space or commas.
  • The answer to tasks with the establishment of correspondence is the number obtained in the correspondence table.
Features of the design of the answer forms of the OGE participants
  • If the numerical answer is obtained in the form of an ordinary fraction, then it should be converted to a decimal fraction. In the answer written as a decimal fraction, a comma should be indicated as a separator in a separate cell.
  • If the answer is received in the form of a negative number, then the minus sign is placed in a separate cell.
Features of the design of the answer forms of the OGE participants
  • For example, responses to tasks:
  • No. 2: “I felt hurt and left”
  • No. 3: "Offers that satisfy the condition: 1,2,7"
  • will be written on the form as follows:
Features of the design of the answer forms of the OGE participants
  • In task number 4 in mathematics, the answer can have two roots quadratic equation, from which you need to choose a larger or smaller one (the selection condition is written in the CMM):
Features of the design of the answer forms of the OGE participants Features of the design of the answer forms of the OGE participants
  • Answer form No. 2 is intended for recording answers to tasks with a detailed answer (strictly in accordance with the requirements of the instructions for the CMM and for individual tasks of the CMM).
  • The form is a two-sided machine-readable form and consists of two parts - the top (registration field) and the bottom.
  • Information for filling in the fields of the upper part of the answer form No. 2 (“Region”, “Item code” and “Item name”, “Option number”, “KIM number”) must correspond to the information entered in the answer form No. 1.
Features of the design of the answer forms of the OGE participants Features of the design of the answer forms of the OGE participants
  • Registration fields of answer forms No. 2 are not required to be filled out
Features of the design of the answer forms of the OGE participants
  • The field for entering answers to tasks with a detailed answer is located at the bottom of the answer form No. 2, as well as on the back of the form.
  • In this field, the OGE participant writes detailed answers to the relevant tasks strictly in accordance with the requirements of the instructions for the KIM and individual tasks of the KIM.
Features of the design of the answer forms of the OGE participants
  • All entries and drawings on the answer sheet No. 2 are made with a black gel or capillary pen, in legible handwriting.
  • When writing answers, it is necessary to observe the layout of the sheet (do not go beyond the “in the box” markup), since when scanning, the characters written in the margins of the sheet will be “cropped”
Features of the design of the answer forms of the OGE participants
  • If there is not enough space for answers on the front side of the answer form No. 2, the OGE participant must continue to write on the back of the form, making the entry “look on the back” at the bottom of the answer area on the front side of the form
Features of the design of the answer forms of the OGE participants
  • Important! For Foreign Language, Informatics and ICT, Physics, in the answer sheet No. 2, in the answer recording field, you must write down: PES code, audience number, KIM number (tray number ...).
  • This is necessary for the verification of the oral part (practical part, laboratory experiment).
  • A sample of filling out a form in physics:
A sample of the design of the answer form No. 2 of the OGE participants in foreign language(oral part)
  • PPE 3602
  • Room 22
  • KIM number 1013546
Sample response form No. 2 for OGE participants in informatics and ICT
  • PPE 3602
  • Room 22
  • KIM number 1013546
Features of the design of the answer forms of the OGE participants
  • If both sides of the answer sheet No. 2 are completed and it is required to continue recording, then the participant is given an additional answer sheet No. 2. Information in the additional answer form No. 2 is entered organizers in the audience when issuing the form.
  • If the additional answer form No. 2 is filled out while the main answer form No. 2 is not completed, the answers entered in the additional answer form No. 2 will not be evaluated.
Sample forms for GVE participants
  • Thank you for your attention
  • Telyakova Olga Petrovna
  • Researcher of the State (Final) Certification Support Department
  • [email protected]

In order to ensure uniform conditions for all participants of the GIA-9, unified examination materials are used when conducting and processing the results.

For the OGE, exam materials consist of:

1. Control measuring materials (hereinafter referred to as CMM), which are sets of tasks of a standardized form;

2. Answer form No. 1, intended for registration of the GIA-9 participant and making short answers;

3. Answer form No. 2, intended for making detailed answers.

If there is not enough space for answers on the main Answer Form No. 2, the OGE participant must continue to write on the additional Answer Form No. 2, issued by the organizer in the audience at the request of the OGE participant in the event that there is no space left in the answer area of ​​the main answer form No. 2. At the same time, the organizers record the connection between the numbers of the main and additional answer forms in special fields of the forms.

4. Additional answer form No. 2

Download OGE 2018 answer forms for all subjects

Subject Download forms
Maths matematika-blanki-oge
Answer Form No. 2 (for all subjects) blank-answers-№2
Additional answer form No. 2 dop-blank-answers-#2
Russian language russkii-yazik
Social science obchstvoznanie
Literature literatura blank
Story istoria-blanki
Informatics informatika
Geography geography
Physics fizika-blanks
Additional answer sheet No. 2 physics dopolnitelnii-fizika
Biology biology
Chemistry himia-blanki
Chemistry with experiment
English engl-blank
English spoken engl-ustn
Deutsch german
German spoken german-ustn
Spanish ispanskii
Spanish spoken ispanskii-ustn
French French
French oral francuzskii-ustn

GIA-9 forms are machine-readable forms that are subject to automated processing by a hardware-software complex. In the process of automated processing of forms, the information entered in the fields of the forms is converted into text by means of software.

If the forms are carelessly filled out during automated processing, the characters may be distorted.

Rules for filling out OGE forms

a common part

OGE participants perform examination papers on answer forms No. 1, answer forms No. 2 and additional answer forms No. 2, the rules for filling out which are given below. When filling out the OGE forms, it is necessary to EXACTLY follow the rules for filling out the forms, since the information entered in the forms is scanned and processed using special hardware and software tools.

All OGE forms are filled in with bright black ink. The use of gel, capillary or fountain pens is allowed. If the OGE participant does not have these pens, they must be replaced with a pen that complies with these rules. The sign "X" ("cross") in the fields of the answer sheet No. 1 (upper part of the form) should not be too thick.

If the pen leaves a too thick line, then instead of a cross in the field, you need to draw only one diagonal of the square (any). The OGE participant must depict each number and letter in all fields of the answer form No. 1, answer form No. 2 (upper part) and additional answer form No. 2 (upper part), carefully copying the sample of its spelling from the line with character writing samples (see fig. . 6), located at the top of the answer sheet No. 1.

Careless writing of characters can lead to the fact that during automated processing the character may be recognized incorrectly.

Each field in the forms is filled in, starting from the first position, including the fields for recording the last name, first name and patronymic of the OGE participant.

If the OGE participant does not have information to fill in a particular field, then the field remains empty (do not make dashes). When recording answers in the answer sheet No. 1 (middle part), it is MANDATORY to strictly follow the instructions for performing the work (for a group of tasks and / or individual tasks) indicated in the CIM.

Answer forms No. 2 and additional answer form No. 2 should not contain entries in the response of the OGE participant containing information about his personality. For example, full name, school, locality, etc.

Due to ignorance of the rules for filling out the OGE forms and entering answers into them, you can lose your precious points, even if your answers are correct.

Therefore, it is important to be clear about how correctly fill out the OGE answer forms. The examination work will be carried out on forms No. 1 and No. 2.

Answer form No. 1 in Russian Answer form No. 2 the same for all items

Answer form No. 1 is intended for tasks with a short answer. It consists of three parts: upper, middle and lower. The registration data of the OGE participant are entered in the upper part. The middle part contains answers to part 1 of the KIM. And the bottom part is designed to replace erroneous answers. The upper part of the answer form No. 1 is filled out under the guidance of the organizer of the OGE in the audience.

Detailed answers are entered in the answer sheet No. 2. At the bottom of this form, you can read the message:

Therefore, to record detailed answers, you need to use the front and back sides of form No. 2. In addition, an additional form No. 2 is also provided. If necessary, you can demand it from the organizer of the OGE in your audience.

General rules for filling out the forms of the OGE 2020

Rule #1. You can only write with a black gel pen! Why black? The fact is that the information entered by you in form No. 1 is scanned and recognized without human intervention. The computer converts all letters, numbers and characters on forms into symbols. The outlines of the characters, written with a ballpoint or gel pen in blue or other colors, give glimpses. This prevents the letter, number, or character you have written from being accurately recognized. As a result, the computer gives an error. Also make sure that the ink of the pen is not too thick and does not leave thick lines behind. It will be a shame if your correct answer is counted as incorrect just because you used the wrong pen. Also, be careful not to put a blot on the form, it may be accepted as your answer. The computer does not forgive negligence! Remember!

Rule number 2. Write only according to the model! Inaccurate and fuzzy writing of letters and numbers will lead to their incorrect recognition.

Rule number 3. Fill in each field in the forms from the first cell! If you do not know the answer to a question, then leave the answer field blank, do not make dashes in it. Also, you can not use putty and erasers to correct the answer. You can correct an incorrect answer in the fields for replacing erroneous answers. The first two cells of the replacement field are designed to record the number of the task, the answer to which you want to correct. Write down the number of the task, and after the dash the correct answer. But what if you wanted to correct the answer of task No. 20, but wrote No. 21 in the replacement field? Just cross out 21, and in the next replacement field write the desired number of the task and the answer to it.

Rule number 4. Write each character in one cell, leaving no spaces, even if you write phrases. Before writing down the answer, carefully read in the instructions for the task in KIM what is required of you: writing numbers or words.

Rule number 5. Do not go beyond Form #2. They are also scanned. Text that is out of bounds will be lost. The expert checks only scanned copies. Failure to comply with this rule will make your work difficult to read and evaluate correctly.

Rule number 6. Do not make any extra characters, even dots, in or out of the field of the form!

How to fill out the OGE 2020 forms in Russian

    Firstly, to fill out the OGE forms in the Russian language, you must follow the general rules mentioned above. But there are some features that you need to know and observe.

  • Secondly, pay attention to the fact that filling out form No. 1 in Russian does not begin from the first field, but from the second, since the answer to the first task is written in form No. 2.

    Third, there is an exception to rule #4. There are only 17 cells in each field of the answer. What if there are more letters in the answer? According to official FIPI sources, in the case when the answer has more than 17 characters and they do not fit into each cell one at a time, you need to write down the answer without paying attention to the cells. That is, do not cut off your answer, but fit it into the field. The main thing is to write legibly, so that the characters in the answer do not touch each other.

Pay attention to the notes to the answers to task 8.

  • a hyphen in a word is not carried in the answer field. For example, the combination of the words "something fell" should be written like this:
  • the union is not included in the grammatical basis, therefore it is not written in the answer. For example, the combination of the words "look and repeat" is correct to write like this:
  • the particle is NOT included in the grammatical basis, we write it in the answer field:
  • The order of writing the main members of the proposal can be any:
  • The presentation and essay must be written in answer form No. 2 not in block letters, but in your usual handwriting, neatly and legibly, without going beyond the boundaries. Do not forget to indicate the task numbers, and make a small indent between the tasks.

Description of the presentation on individual slides:

1 slide

Description of the slide:

Filling out the forms of the OGE 2016 in Russian language and literature Compiled by Kalashnikova V.N. teacher of the Russian language and literature, MBOU "Belokolodezyanskaya secondary school named after I.I. V.A. Dankov Shebekinsky district of the Belgorod region "2016

2 slide

Description of the slide:

Answer form No. 1 for entering the answers of the test part (tasks 2-14) Answer form No. 2 for recording answers to tasks with a detailed answer Additional answer form No. 2 To complete the examination work, the organizers in the audience issue ANSWER FORMS to the GIA participant

3 slide

Description of the slide:

General Provisions All answer sheets are filled in with bright black ink. Gel or capillary pens are allowed. The test participant must represent each number and letter in all fields of the forms to be filled in, carefully copying a sample of its spelling from the line with character samples located at the top of the answer form No. recognized incorrectly. Each field in the forms is filled in starting from the first position (including the fields for entering the last name, first name and patronymic of the test participant). If the GIA participant does not have information to fill in the field, he must leave it blank (do not make dashes).

4 slide

Description of the slide:

General Provisions It is strictly forbidden: - to make any entries and notes in the fields of the forms, outside the fields of the forms or in the fields filled in by typographic method, which are not related to the content of the fields of the forms; - use colored pens instead of black to fill in the forms, a pencil (even for draft entries on the forms), means for correcting the information entered in the forms (“putty”, etc.).

5 slide

Description of the slide:

Filling in the answer form No. 1 Region code 31 Code educational organization 221308 Class 9A PES code 2132 Audience number 8 Date of the OGE 06/03/2016 Subject code 01 Subject name Russian

6 slide

Description of the slide:

Rewrite from document. Full name in them. case (series - the first 4 digits of the passport and number) Filling in the answer form No. 1 Surname Mikhailova First name Alina Patronymic Sergeevna Passport Series 1400 Number 538917

7 slide

Description of the slide:

Filling in the answer form No. 1 If, according to the document, a proper name is written with a hyphen, then the sign is placed in a separate cell M A M I ​​N _ S I B I R I K A L L A _ V I K T O R I

8 slide

Description of the slide:

The first line is not filled. If the short answer is a word, then it must be written in the form (gender, number, case, etc.) in which it appears in the sentence. If the short answer is a phrase, then the first word is written in full, the second and all other words are written in a row without spaces and other characters (how many will enter). The sequence of numbers is written without commas. (Carefully read the instructions for the task!!!) Filling in the answer form No. 1 In the middle part there are fields for recording answers to tasks 1 2 5 6

9 slide

Description of the slide:

Notes for the answers to task 8 * The hyphen spelling of the word is not preserved. For example: Suddenly, in the distance, something flashed among the bushes that grow especially densely here. * Union is not included in the grammatical basis. For example: Look around here and think. * The particle is NOT included in the grammatical basis. For example: No one will offend an old, sick woman like that ... * The order in which the main members of the sentence are written does not matter. For example: Only in late autumn I saw a honeysuckle. or SO T O P R O M E L K N O L O G I D I D U M A I N I C T O N E O B I D D I T I SEE D E L U V I D E L I

10 slide

Description of the slide:

Filling out the answer form No. 1 * In the answer area, accidental marks, blots, smeared ink, etc. should not be allowed, since during automated processing this can be recognized as answers to CMM tasks. * If it was not possible to avoid accidental marks, they should be replaced in the "Replacement of erroneous answers" area with those answers that the test participant considers correct. * A short answer is written from left to right of the task number, starting from the first cell. Each character is written in a separate cell. * Any abbreviations are prohibited.

11 slide

Description of the slide:

Filling out the answer form No. 1 Replacing erroneous answers At the bottom of the answer form No. 1 there are fields for replacing erroneous answers, intended for participants to correct their answers. To change the answer to the task entered in the answer form No. 1, you need to put down the number of the corrected task in the corresponding replacement fields and write down the new value of the correct answer to the specified task. If the number of the same task is entered in the fields for replacing erroneous answers, then the last correction will be taken into account (counting from top to bottom and from left to right). If only the number of the task without an answer is entered in the fields for replacing erroneous answers, then it will be considered that the answer to this task was not given!

12 slide

Description of the slide:

Filling out the answer form No. 2 Answer form No. 2 is intended for recording answers to tasks with a detailed answer. Information for filling in the fields of the upper part of the form must correspond to the information entered in the answer form No. 1. The main part of the form is occupied by the area for recording answers to tasks with an answer in expanded form. In this area within the boundaries, the participant writes down detailed answers to the corresponding tasks (No. 1 and No. 15) strictly in accordance with the requirements of the CIM

13 slide

Description of the slide:

Filling out the answer form No. 2 The presentation and essay must be written in REGULAR HANDWRITING (not in block letters!), but legibly and neatly strictly within the boundaries of the field. You must specify the job number: 1, 15.1, 15.2 or 15.3. A gap must be made between the presentation and the essay. If there is not enough space for answers on the front side of the answer sheet No. 2, the participant can continue to write on the back of the form, making the entry “see on the back” at the bottom of the front side.

14 slide

Description of the slide:

The reverse side of the answer form No. 2 On the reverse side of the answer form No. 2, the participant continues to record from the place of work where he interrupted. If there is a free space left on the answer sheet No. 2, the organizer must put the English letter “Z” in this area, filling in all the free space.

15 slide

Description of the slide:

Filling out an additional answer form No. 2 If there is not enough space for answers on the main answer form No. 2, the OGE participant must continue to record on an additional answer form No. 2 issued by the organizer in the audience at the request of the OGE participant. If the additional answer form No. 2 is filled out while the main answer form No. 2 is not completed, the answers entered in the additional answer form No. 2 will not be evaluated.

16 slide