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Twin of planet earth in the solar system. Gloria is Earth's twin planet on the other side of the Sun. From time immemorial

Twin of planet earth in the solar system.  Gloria is Earth's twin planet on the other side of the Sun.  From time immemorial

Gloria is the Anti-Earth behind the Sun. A mysterious celestial body that is a twin of the Earth. What is Anti-Earth and how did researchers find out about it? We have always been fascinated by the search for the unusual and unknown. The discovery of new secrets has always been one of the priorities in the development of mankind.

Gloria is the Anti-Earth behind the Sun. The mysterious celestial body is a twin of the Earth. What is Anti-Earth and how did researchers find out about it? We have always been fascinated by the search for the unusual and unknown. The discovery of new secrets has always been one of the priorities in the development of mankind

At first glance, the solar system has already been explored quite well. However, the ancient Egyptians did not think so. It was the Egyptians’ ideas about the world of “doubles” that influenced the cosmogony of Philolaus. He placed in the center of the universe not the Earth, as other thinkers had previously done, but the sun. All other planets, including the Earth, revolved around the sun. And according to Philolaus, in the Earth’s orbit at a mirror opposite point there was a body similar to it called the Anti-Earth.

Today we do not have accurate evidence of the presence of any body behind the Sun, but we cannot deny this possibility. According to some scientists, this twin planet is 2.5 times the size of Earth and is located at a distance of 600 light years from it. For Earth, this is the closest twin planet. The average temperature on this planet is 22 degrees Celsius. Scientists have not yet figured out what it consists of - solid rock, gas or liquid. A year on Gloria is 290 days

Astronomy suggests the possibility of accumulation of matter at libration points in the Earth's orbit, one of which is located behind the Sun, but the position of this body at this point is very unstable. But the Earth itself is located at this very libration point, and here the question of their mutual position becomes not so simple. Have you ever asked yourself the question: “Is there a large area blocked from our view by the Sun?” The answer is obvious - Yes, very large. Its diameter exceeds 600 diameters of the Earth

Scientists named this hypothetical body Gloria. There are several reasons that it really exists. So... The Earth's orbit is special, since planets of other orbits terrestrial group- Mercury, Venus, Mars are symmetrical relative to it in a number of characteristics. A similar pattern is observed among the planets of the Jupiter group - in relation to its orbit, but it seems more natural, since Jupiter is a giant and is 3 times larger than Saturn. But the mass of Earth’s neighbor, Venus, is as much as 18% lower than ours. From this we can conclude that the Earth’s orbit cannot be special, but nevertheless it is. Second. The theory of the movement of Venus was not given to scientists for a long time. They just couldn’t understand the quirks of her movement. It either advances or lags behind the estimated time. It turns out that some unknown and invisible forces are acting on Venus. Mars behaves the same way. Moreover, when Venus is ahead of its schedule of running in orbit, Mars, on the contrary, lags behind it. All this can only be explained by the presence of some common cause

Gloria declared its existence back in the 17th century when the director of the Paris Observatory Cassini saw an unknown object near Venus. This object was sickle-shaped. It was a celestial body, but not a star. Then he thought that he had discovered a satellite of Venus. The size of this supposed satellite was enormous, approximately 1/4 of the Moon. In 1740 the object was seen by Short, in 1759 by Mayer, and in 1761 by Rotkier. Then the body disappeared from view. The crescent shape of the object indicated a large size, but it was not a nova

Back in the period Ancient Egypt It was generally accepted that each of us has our own energetic, astral double. Later they began to call him Soul. It is from there that the theory of the existence of the Anti-Earth originates

Researchers believe that our “double” is inhabited. After all, it is located at almost the same distance from the Sun as the Earth, and its speed of movement is almost the same. A team of researchers searching for twin planets said they have found 1,094 planets that are suitable twin planets for Earth. When scientists confirm the status of these candidates, the search for extraterrestrial civilizations will be more targeted. So, we will wait for new discoveries...

With you is the Cosmic Being of Light of the planet Gloria - SandEmiya. This is the first time I’m talking to you, beloved earthlings, in this way. I am glad to greet you from not far away, by Cosmic standards, space. My planetary body is located in your solar system at an equal distance from the Sun, like planet Earth - Holy Rus'. Your planet and I are twin planets, as we rotate along the ecliptic of the Sun. But the Sun, which is many times larger than our size, blocks us, and we remain invisible to your astronomers, although they already have, as yet unprovable, a theory of our existence. The size of our planet is four times the size of your Earth. But we are balanced with you in mass, since on your planet there are dense physical worlds of 1-4 dimensions, and on our planet - the planet of the Gods - from the fifth and higher dimensions and density.

The inhabitants and inhabitants of our planet did not experience life in the first four dimensions and worlds, since life began from the 5th to 10th dimensions of the manifested world. This is how it was intended by the Creator, this is how it was fulfilled by the Co-Creator Gods. Here, just like you, a number of Experiments on a cosmic scale are being conducted; we work closely with the Galactic Federation of Free Worlds, subordinating and participating in the work of the Federation Council with direct representation in it. Life on our planet is very rich and diverse. The diversity lies in the fact that many civilizations are present and live here, arriving on the planet from different worlds of this and other Galaxies. The forms of manifestation of life are also diverse and have different levels of consciousness. There is also a humanoid life form present here. These are representatives of the Co-Creator Gods of this Universe, having Light bodies. Gravitational forces are present on the planet, but in a less pronounced form than on Earth. The manifested form of life of 5-10 dimensions allows the Co-Creator Gods to simultaneously be present in all these dimensions and dimensions and with their Multidimensional Self, connected with the consciousness of the planet, to go beyond its limits and, together with the Galactic Commonwealth, have the opportunity for mutual enrichment and solidarity based on fraternal relationships.

Selected representatives of the Highly Moral and Highly Spiritual Beings of our planet are taking an active part in the life and evolutionary development of your planet, especially recently. The so-called Spiritual Hierarchy of the Earth has its manifestation and connection with the Hierarchy of the planet Gloria, working closely with us and adopting the life experience of our civilizations and races. This is not an exact copy of planetary life, but these are manifestations of a deeper improvement of the experience accumulated by us and the Galaxy as a whole, but in relation to the conditions of existence on your unique planet, striving to reunite within itself all forms of life of various dimensions of the entire Universe and its expansion.

The time of birth and formation of our two planets is the same, but the conditions and parameters of living space and accumulation of experience in different dimensions are different. Our civilizations are 250 million years ahead of planet Earth in their development. We are the curators of this solar system. Therefore, the summation and improvement of what has already been achieved will allow our planets, in unity with the Galactic Commonwealth, to reach a new frontier of existence, attracting to themselves everything advanced and innovative that has been accumulated and given to us by the Creator. This is how, hand in hand, we will cooperate and mutually enrich each other, striving for new heights and changes.

And now I would like to touch on a topic that interests you - this is the topic of civilizations living on the planet Gloria, since our acquaintance involves meeting you, earthlings, and getting to know each other. Here live Highly Developed and Highly Spiritual Beings of Light, having various forms and types of their manifestation. In addition to the humanoid form, the following life forms are present and occupy a certain presence coefficient in the Multidimensional United Genome: these are Centaur-like Beings of Light, representatives of the Reptilian Race, these are Angelic Beings of Nature, such as gnomes, fairies, elves, undines, mermaids and others. This is the Race of the Hathor Gods, who arrived from Venus and are in identical Light bodies of their manifestation. These are the Tigroid Race, and the Dolphin Race, and the Cetacean Race from the God-Star Sirius. These are multidimensional, multidimensional Essences of Light - Sacred Scarabs, like the Golden Fund of the Galaxy, these are Mandala-shaped Light Beings, Crystalline Entities, Plasmoids and some other civilizations that are not yet familiar to you, earthlings. The variety of forms of manifestation of life on our planet allows us to openly cooperate with the Multidimensional world of these representatives of civilizations throughout the Galaxy, study their lives and create new and unknown things with them.

We hope that our first acquaintance with you, dear earthlings, will bring our twin planets in the near future undeniably beneficial mutual assistance in improving not only the Multidimensional United Genome, but also further improving the habitats of all forms of life on both of our planets. We hasten to please you with the news that recently the Spacemen of the Telenadar flight group of your fourth dimension, under the leadership and direct participation of the Ascended Masters and Spiritual Teachers-Mentors of your planet, with their united consciousness in the Light Ship “Sphere of the Universe” managed to visit our wonderful planet of the Gods and visit the Temples of Science . They were enrolled in the Spiritual Academy of the Solar Hierarch of the Goddess Vesta to study the Spiritual Matter and Energy of the Great Mother - Father-and-Mother - Prime Creator. They were all given the Glorian Solar Crowns of the Goddess Vesta with a rotating solar system in it and with access to all the tenets of our wonderful planet. With which we, dear earthlings, congratulate you, since the energies and Knowledge that they received on Gloria were donated through them to your planet - Gaia-Malden.

We are not saying goodbye to you, but will continue the open dialogue that has begun, followed by closer cooperation, visits and friendly hugs to each other, our dear brothers-earthlings. See you soon.

Goddess SandEmiya of the planet of the Gods - Gloria

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The hypothesis of Professor Kirill Pavlovich Butusov states that our beautiful inhabited Earth may have a cosmic twin. Indeed, we may not be the only living beings in the solar system. If our twin planet exists, then this could explain the frequent visits of UFOs to our Earth. Extraterrestrial civilizations may well exist on a hypothetical planet like Gloria. This is what will be discussed in this article.

Anti-Earth - as it was described in ancient times

The ancient Egyptian sages thought that each of us has a personal astral twin. Hypotheses about doubles in Egypt were especially popular. Moreover, the very concept of “double” came from there. Perhaps it was the ancient Egyptians who were the first to suggest that our Earth has a copy.

Some Egyptian frescoes contained strange images that confirmed the hypothesis described above: in the center of the circle was the celestial body - the Sun, on one side of it was the Earth, and on the other was our twin planet. These planets were connected by a straight line through the star. Near each of them was depicted the likeness of a person. These drawings tell us that ancient Egyptian artists knew not only about the twin of our Earth, but also that extraterrestrial life was present on this planet. Perhaps representatives of an extraterrestrial civilization from a twin planet were deities who are often described in all ancient religious manuscripts. The inhabitants of the Earth's twin could periodically visit our planet, passing on knowledge to their primitive relatives.

There is another version of what the Egyptians tried to portray in the manner described above. They could simply indicate the process of transition of the soul of the deceased to a parallel world.

In addition to the Egyptians, the Pythagoreans were interested in the Earth's twin. For example, G. Syracuse even came up with a name for such a space object - he called it Antichthon. Even in such ancient times, without technology, people knew that our Earth was not alone in the Universe. They believed that it was surrounded by many planets, among which there were inhabited twins of the Earth.

F. Krotonsky at one time presented an interesting hypothesis about the structure of the Universe. In its center he placed the Source of Fire, which he considered the main cosmic luminary and called Hestnia. In the outer limit of space, according to the scientist named above, our Sun was located, which only reflected the light and heat of the Source like a large mirror. Between these luminaries he placed about a dozen planets, among which was the Earth and its twin.

Anti-Earth Gloria was sometimes noticed by astronomers

Of course, many people are now skeptical about the ideas of ancient “experts” in the field of astronomy, since people previously believed that the planet was flat and stood on three pillars. Not all such theories and hypotheses have been confirmed in modern times, but most of them deserve attention, since they turned out to be plausible. The twin of our planet was named Gloria relatively recently. At different times it was called differently. Data about anti-Earth first appeared in the seventeenth century.

It was then that an employee of an observatory located in Paris observed an unknown space object resembling a planet near Venus. The name of this great astronomer is Giovanni Cassini.

The unknown object in outer space seemed crescent-shaped to the astronomer, just like the planet Venus itself at that time. Therefore, Cassini assumed that he had noticed a satellite body of the above planet. The most interesting thing is that the subsequent study of the planet Venus did not allow us to detect this mysterious satellite, so modern scientists have suggested that at one time Cassini observed Gloria, the Earth’s twin.

A few decades later, Gloria was noticed by an astronomer from England, James Short. He saw the anti-Earth in approximately the same place as Cassini. After James, the “non-existent” satellite of Venus was recorded by a specialist astronomer from Germany named Johann Mayer.

After this, the mysterious cosmic body disappeared again, and has not yet been noticed. All of the above astronomers were famous and conscientious, so they could not be wrong. All of them at various times spoke about Gloria, but the rest of the scientific world did not listen to them.

Why have modern astronomers, equipped with super-powerful equipment, been unable to prove the existence of Gloria? It is assumed that the reason for this is the location of the Earth's twin - Gloria may be located behind the Sun in an area invisible from our planet. By the way, the star hides from us a huge part of space, the diameter of which exceeds six hundred similar sizes to our Earth. As for research orbital technology, it is often built on a specific object, which it continuously monitors, so it does not record other objects.

If Gloria exists, what does she look like?

Some experts suggest that the anti-earth consists largely of dust and fragments of various cosmic bodies, collected in a heap using gravity. If this is true, then it should have a low density. Most likely, this planet is very heterogeneous. It may be much hotter there than on Earth. Its surface may be covered with holes, like those on the Moon. Its atmosphere can be very rarefied. If there is some kind of extraterrestrial life on Gloria, then it simply must have water. Some astronomers believe that Gloria is covered with oceans. If this is not so, then there cannot be life on it.

If the amount of liquid on Gloria is minimal, then there may well be primitive life forms on it. If there is more water on Gloria, then more complex living forms can develop there.

According to mythology, Gloria copies our Earth in everything. This means that a developed extraterrestrial civilization must be present on it. Thus, the frequent appearance of UFOs on our planet can be explained. Extraterrestrial beings fly to us, considering us their neighbors, and we, in turn, only guess about their existence.

According to the teachings of the ancient Egyptian priests, a person at birth is endowed not only with a soul, but also with an astral double, which, according to Christian religion then turns into a guardian angel. This is certainly difficult to imagine, and even more difficult to believe. But now it is known that the physical body of every person really has its own double - the so-called etheric body. The idea of ​​pairing was then developed by the ancient Greek scientist Philolaus, who came to the conclusion that in nature everything is divided into pairs. Every living organism or object, large or small, has its own copy in nature. Moreover, Philolaus was sure: the same thing happens in Space. In his theory of the structure of the world and the Cosmos, there was a celestial body hidden from our eyes, which was later called the Anti-Earth.

History shows

The Sumerian clay tablet, the creators of which lived more than five thousand years ago, contains completely unique information about both astronomy and the Cosmos. Even then, the Sumerians knew about all the planets revolving around the Sun. And among them there was a planet that was... a twin of our Earth. In 1666, during another observation of Venus, French astronomer Jean Dominique Cassini accidentally drew attention to a certain celestial body the size of our Earth. After hanging in the sky for several days, it suddenly disappeared behind the Sun.

In the 18th century, a member of the British Royal Scientific Society, astronomer James Short noticed an unknown planet in the night sky, located on the same line as Venus. He watched her for an hour, and even described her: the diameter of the stranger was 2/3 of the diameter of the Earth, its distance from the Sun was approximately the same as that of our planet. However, this celestial body soon disappeared from the sky. It was only 20 years later that another astronomer had a chance to see him again.

One of the most recent observations was made by the American astronomer Edward Emerson Barnard. This happened on August 13, 1892, when he noticed a mysterious space object near the same Venus. The size of this object ranged from a quarter to a third of the diameter of Venus. As in all previous cases, after some time it disappeared behind the Sun.

So is it not Gloria that is evidenced by a wall painting discovered in the tomb of Pharaoh Ramses VI? It depicts a golden figure of a man, most likely symbolizing the Sun, on both sides of which there are completely identical planets. The dotted line of the orbit of these planets passes through the third chakra of the Sun man. And as you know, the Earth is the third planet from the Sun!

Only scientific facts!

With the advent of modern supertelescopes, ultra-long-range and ultra-high-speed spacecraft, the number of secrets and mysteries of the Cosmos not only has not decreased, but has even increased significantly. And this is not surprising - such is the nature of scientific and technological progress.

A whole series of data obtained in the second half of the twentieth century by astrophysicists in Russia and America made it possible to draw up a diagram of the solar system. According to the calculations made, all planets form two rows of celestial bodies - the Saturn row and the Jupiter row. Moreover, each planet has its own pair, its own twin, close in diameter and mass. Allegedly, the Sun also had such a double, but as a result of an explosion that occurred billions of years ago, the second Sun turned into a brown dwarf. This cooling star gradually left the solar system. Many astronomers do not deny the possibility of the existence of a twin and our planet. Anti-Earth - Gloria, is supposedly in the same orbit as the Earth, but is not visible, since it is always hidden behind the Sun.

British astrophysicists recently made a sensational statement. They confirmed the hypothesis about the existence of an antipode of the Earth - the planet Gloria, which in all respects corresponds to our Earth. For a long time it was believed that this planet revolves around the Sun and has the same orbit with the Earth. Both of these planets are separated from each other by the Sun, so Gloria cannot be seen from Earth.

Here modern arguments, indirectly confirming the existence of invisible cosmic twins. For a long time, astronomers were unable to determine the exact position of Venus in the sky - it simply did not obey the laws of celestial mechanics. And this is only possible when the movement of Venus is influenced by the strong gravity of some celestial body located near it. In addition, it is almost impossible to see what is behind the Sun, just like the far side of the Moon.

One of the supporters of the theory about the existence of the planet Gloria is the Russian astrophysicist, Professor Kirill Butusov, a number of whose discoveries and hypotheses allow him to be considered one of the luminaries Russian science. The patterns he discovered indicate that there should be another unknown planet in Earth’s orbit. “Directly behind the Sun, in the earth’s orbit, there is a point called libration,” the professor explains, “this is the only place where Gloria can be. So what is this mysterious point? This is the place where the celestial body, under the influence of the attraction of two other bodies are in a state of relative equilibrium in relation to them. And since Gloria rotates at the same speed as the Earth, it almost always “hides behind the Sun. However, the libration point is not always so stable, and even a small impact on this planet can move it to the side. Maybe that's why she sometimes becomes visible.

What did the probe see?

According to the director of the Eastern European Institute of Analytical Astronomy, Academician Doppelswaan, an American probe sent to study the rings of Saturn recently made a sensational discovery: “When, in order to study solar activity, the probe’s instruments were directed towards the Sun, a new planet Solar system. It would seem that all planets, even the faintest ones, have already been discovered. The newly discovered planet turned out to be incomparably closer to the Sun, and is clearly included in the circle of planets closest to us. How did astronomers of the 20th and 21st centuries, armed with powerful radio telescopes, not notice it? No one has yet noticed two planets in the same orbit, and even the possibility of such a phenomenon has never occurred to anyone. The surprise of the probe's sensational discovery is that it discovered a second planet orbiting the Earth. This planet in its parameters of mass, speed, etc. is almost a complete twin of the Earth. In this regard, it is always located almost exactly at the opposite point of the orbit relative to our planet. That is why astronomers could not discover it, either in ancient times or in our time. This planet is always hidden by the Sun. Radio emission is also completely absorbed by the Sun. In the Probe photographs, the planet is so far away that little can be said other than its mechanical characteristics. However, in one of the photographs, where the planet is photographed against the background of the edge of the Sun, the golden halo of the atmospheric disk is clearly visible.

The thickness of Gloria's atmosphere is approximately equal to the thickness of the Earth's atmosphere. Given the similarity of conditions, it is easy to assume that the origin and evolution of life on both planets followed approximately the same path.

50 percent chance

So could Gloria be habitable? This probability is believed to be approximately 50 percent. Moreover, there is even a hypothesis about the existence of a highly developed civilization on Gloria. If Gloria really exists, then there must certainly be life on it - after all, it is an exact copy of our planet, or at least its double.

And if, unlike our planet, it managed to avoid destructive wars, then Gloria may well turn out to be much more developed than Earth. And if we are now discussing the possibility of life on Gloria, then naturally the Gloritians want to know everything about us. And it is quite likely that a large number of UFOs are messengers from the distant, and at the same time close, Gloria. And they closely monitor the careless “relatives” who neglected their planet, and take all measures to protect their native land from the harmful consequences emanating from earthlings. And if such a planet really exists, it may well be an ideal launching pad for flights to our Earth In this case, interplanetary ships do not need to move from orbit to orbit. Then it becomes clear why cataclysms, as well as nuclear tests carried out on Earth, have always caused and continue to cause increased interest in UFOs.

Modern researchers believe that long-standing observations of Gloria were possible due to planetary catastrophes that forced her to move from her place. It is estimated that the invisible space in which Gloria is currently located is equal to six hundred diameters of the Earth. This suggests that there are more than enough places where Gloria can hide. In order to capture it from a closer distance, it is necessary to reach an acceptable location. However, this is not so easy to do.

For example, the SOHO space telescope, which monitors the Sun, is unable to detect a mysterious planet due to its location. An ideal place for this would be Mars and its orbit. But what is most surprising is that more than a dozen automatic interplanetary stations from different countries. Among them are “Phobos-1”, “Phobos-2”, “Mars - Observer”. What is this, their imperfection or an accident? Unlikely! It is quite possible that their disappearances are due to the fact that they could capture something that they should not know about on Earth Isn’t this about Gloria? If this is so, then the Gloritians really don’t want the inadequate, and therefore dangerous, earthlings to know about them.

Vladimir Lotokhin


Gloria is the Anti-Earth behind the Sun. A mysterious celestial body that is a twin of the Earth. What is Anti-Earth and how did researchers find out about it? We have always been fascinated by the search for the unusual and unknown. The discovery of new secrets has always been one of the priorities in the development of mankind

At first glance, the solar system has already been explored quite well. However, the ancient Egyptians did not think so. It was the Egyptians’ ideas about the world of “doubles” that influenced the cosmogony of Philolaus. He placed in the center of the universe not the Earth, as other thinkers had previously done, but the sun. All other planets, including the Earth, revolved around the sun. And according to Philolaus, in the Earth’s orbit at a mirror opposite point there was a body similar to it called the Anti-Earth.

Today we do not have accurate evidence of the presence of any body behind the Sun, but we cannot deny this possibility. According to some scientists, this twin planet is 2.5 times the size of Earth and is located at a distance of 600 light years from it. For Earth, this is the closest twin planet. The average temperature on this planet is 22 degrees Celsius. Scientists have not yet figured out what it consists of - solid rock, gas or liquid. A year on Gloria is 290 days

Astronomy suggests the possibility of accumulation of matter at libration points in the Earth's orbit, one of which is located behind the Sun, but the position of this body at this point is very unstable. But the Earth itself is located at this very libration point, and here the question of their mutual position becomes not so simple. Have you ever asked yourself the question: “Is there a large area blocked from our view by the Sun?” The answer is obvious - Yes, very large. Its diameter exceeds 600 diameters of the Earth

Scientists named this hypothetical body Gloria. There are several reasons that it really exists. So... The Earth's orbit is special, since the planets of other orbits of the Earth group - Mercury, Venus, Mars - are symmetrical relative to it in a number of characteristics. A similar pattern is observed among the planets of the Jupiter group - in relation to its orbit, but it seems more natural, since Jupiter is a giant and is 3 times larger than Saturn. But the mass of Earth’s neighbor, Venus, is as much as 18% lower than ours. From this we can conclude that the Earth’s orbit cannot be special, but nevertheless it is. Second. The theory of the movement of Venus was not given to scientists for a long time. They just couldn’t understand the quirks of her movement. It either advances or lags behind the estimated time. It turns out that some unknown and invisible forces are acting on Venus. Mars behaves the same way. Moreover, when Venus is ahead of its schedule of running in orbit, Mars, on the contrary, lags behind it. All this can only be explained by the presence of some common cause

Gloria declared its existence back in the 17th century when the director of the Paris Observatory Cassini saw an unknown object near Venus. This object was sickle-shaped. It was a celestial body, but not a star. Then he thought that he had discovered a satellite of Venus. The size of this supposed satellite was enormous, approximately 1/4 of the Moon. In 1740 the object was seen by Short, in 1759 by Mayer, and in 1761 by Rotkier. Then the body disappeared from view. The crescent shape of the object indicated a large size, but it was not a nova

Back in the period of Ancient Egypt, it was generally accepted that each of us has our own energetic, astral double. Later they began to call him Soul. It is from there that the theory of the existence of the Anti-Earth originates

Researchers believe that our “double” is inhabited. After all, it is located at almost the same distance from the Sun as the Earth, and its speed of movement is almost the same. A team of researchers searching for twin planets said they have found 1,094 planets that are suitable twin planets for Earth. When scientists confirm the status of these candidates, the search for extraterrestrial civilizations will be more targeted. So, we will wait for new discoveries...