English language

Information for a preschooler about the holiday of November 4th. A brief history of the National Unity Day holiday in Russia. Interaction with family

Information for a preschooler about the holiday of November 4th.  A brief history of the National Unity Day holiday in Russia.  Interaction with family

The script of the holiday Day of National Unity for children 5-6 years old in a preschool educational institution

"Day of National Unity" in the senior group.

Holiday, holiday!
How glad we are that you have finally arrived.
Our guests sat down
It is very good!
What makes us happy
We celebrate now.

Motherland's birthday
We will gladly meet
All illuminated by the sun
Adults and children.

(Children perform an exercise with flags to march music)
1. They walk in a circle, holding a flag in their right hand at the shoulder
2. Freely leisurely waving a flag
3. Repeat, go, remove the flags.

On November 4, all of our Russia celebrates the day of "People's Unity".
This day occupies a special place among the public holidays of modern Russia. At all times, the Russian people loved their homeland. He composed songs, proverbs and poems about her, performed feats in the name of his native country.

Children read poems about the Motherland.
What do we call motherland?
The house where we live
And the birches along which
Next to mom we go

What do we call motherland?
A field with a thin spikelet,
Our holidays and songs
Warm evening outside.

What do we call home?
Everything that we keep in our hearts
And under blue sky
Russian flag over the Kremlin.

"Motherland" Z. Alexandrov.
If they say the word "homeland",
Immediately comes to mind
Old house, currants in the garden,
Thick poplar at the gate.

By the river birch - shy
And chamomile hillock ...
And others will probably remember
Your own and sweet home.
In the puddles the first boats
Where there was a skating rink recently,
And a big neighboring factory
A loud joyful horn.

Or the steppe, red from poppies,
Golden whole…
Homeland is different
But everyone has one!
hills, copses,
Meadows and fields -
native, green

Our land.
The land where I made
Your first step
Where did you ever go out
To the fork in the road.
And I realized that it
expanse of fields
Particle of the great
My fatherland.
Song "My beloved Russia"
caregiver: “Children, do you want to know how the celebration of National Unity Day began?”
- “Now we will go on a historical journey into the past of our Russia. Previously, it was called the great word Rus. (Picture No. 2) Russia did not immediately become a strong, powerful state. There were difficult, difficult times in Russia. Polish enemies wanted to conquer our Motherland. (Picture No. 3 of the Polish army in the past). But among the Russian people there were two wise man. They raised and led troops to defeat the enemy. One of them was from the common people, his name was Kuzma Minin, the other was Prince Dmitry Pozharsky. (Picture No. 4).
They appealed to the entire Russian people with an appeal: “Friends, brothers! Holy Russia is dying. Let's help the Holy Motherland!" (Picture No. 5).
Educator: Guys, how can you call these people who raised the people to defeat the enemy? (brave, courageous, persistent). Children go out and tell proverbs.

Whoever fights for the Motherland - double strength is given to him!

Motherland, know how to stand up for her!

In the world there is no more beautiful than our homeland!

To live - to serve the motherland!

Are there strong and dexterous guys among you?

On a signal, the players run around “mines” (discs lying on the floor) and throw a “grenade” (soft ball) into the tank.
"Pull the rope."
"Relay race"

caregiver: Guys, we continue our great journey into history. (Picture No. 6).
And the people of the Russian State gathered from 25 cities in Moscow. They went to the enemy with a large army, in front of the troops they carried the icon of the Kazan Mother of God. After long, bloody battles, the Russian people defeated the fierce, Polish enemy.
Educator: Now our whole country is celebrating the "Day of National Unity". In Moscow, in honor of the victory over the enemy, for heroism, courage and courage, a monument was erected on Red Square, an inscription was made “To Citizen Kuzma Minin and Prince Dmitry Pozharsky. Grateful Russia. The temple of the "Kazan Mother of God" was also built. (Pictures No. 7 and 8 of the monument and the temple).

Children come out and recite poems.

Don't argue with history
They live with history.
She unites
For achievement and work.

The unity of the state
When the people are one.
When with great power
He moves forward.

He defeats the enemy
United in battle.
And Russia liberates
And he sacrifices himself.

For the glory of those heroes
We live in the same destiny.
Today is Unity Day
We celebrate with you.

Educator: Guys, we must not forget that Russia is only strong when it is united.
Russia is a multinational country where Russians, Tatars, Bashkirs, Maris, Mordovians, Buryats, etc. live. (Picture No. 9).
Educator: Russia is united, powerful, boundless, hospitable - extends a hand of friendship and opens its arms to all peoples who wish to live peacefully and happily on earth.

Friendship Poems:
I have been friends with my dog ​​for a long time,
I boldly approach the booth,
Doggie wags its tail
And always plays with me
We are true friends
You can't bite your friends

I've been friends with Roma for a long time
I value this friendship
Your new bike
I'll take it and give it to Roma.

Dasha is friends with Tanya
Not girls, but pictures!
When will they play out
The whole garden is trembling.

All the children come out and perform a cheerful dance of friends.

caregiver: Guys, do you know the name of the capital of our country? (Picture No. 10).
Name the symbols of Russia. (Picture No. 11 and 12).
The Russian anthem sounds, the children sing along standing.
Educator: Now let's move from the capital of our country to our republic. What is it called?
- Altai Republic. (Picture No. 13).
After all, quite recently our republic celebrated its 85th anniversary. The republic also has its own flag and coat of arms. (Picture No. 14 and 15). The anthem sounds, the children stand up.
A girl comes out in an Altai costume and reads a poem by an Altai poet.

How beautiful and kind is my Altai!
How rich he is - just count!
I am forever indebted to him.
How can I glorify him?
How can I thank him?
Where can I get these words?

Educator: Our Republic is one of the richest regions of our vast Motherland. It is rich in forests, fish, rare animals listed in the Red Book, natural resources (coal, lead, zinc, gold, graphite, etc.).

The song about the Altai Mountains - "Call of the Ancestors" at this time pictures No. 16-26, the sights of the republic, are changing on the screen.

Educator: Guys, our journey is coming to an end. Hope you enjoyed this trip. You have learned a lot about the past of our beloved Motherland and our republic.

The children all stood up, the teacher reads the final poem.

I want everyone to laugh
So that dreams always come true
For children to dream
Joyful dreams.
To have a good morning
To keep mom from being sad
So that there is no war in the world!

At the end, the children sing the song: "Solar Circle"

National Unity Day- one of the "youngest" holidays, although its origins go back to the distant 1612. It was a difficult time for our country. There was no peace and harmony either among the rulers or among the people. Moreover, foreigners were not averse to taking advantage of this situation in Russia in their own interests. But, as always in difficult years, the Russian people found the strength to unite and speak out with the whole world in defense of the interests of their homeland. It was not easy to win. Perhaps that is why the Russian Orthodox Church took the initiative to make November 4 a public holiday. After all, when the people are united, they are invincible. And this must always be remembered, and not only at a time when the country is in danger.

So what happened in 1612? After the death of Tsar Ivan the Terrible, the Moscow throne staggered. The king had three sons. The eldest son died; medium, frail and weak, did not reign long. What happened to the youngest, Dmitry, is unknown. Whether due to illness, died, or because of an accident. But there was a rumor among the people that he had been killed. And the murderer became the tsar instead of Dmitry: Godunov Boris Fyodorovich!

It is difficult to say what kind of tsar Boris Godunov really was. He reigned for a short time. But the people did not forgive him for the death of Tsarevich Dmitry. And then there's crop failure, famine. Of course, the murderous tsar is to blame for everything: it is God who is punishing him! And a terrible time began in the Russian state, which historians called the Time of Troubles.

At that time, a runaway monk Grigory Otrepiev appeared in Lithuania and called himself Tsarevich Dmitry, who miraculously escaped! The Polish king recognized him and gave an army to win back his "father's" throne. Unexpectedly, Boris Godunov dies. And the boyars, without waiting for the approach of the Polish army, dealt with the children of Boris Godunov: they killed their son Fyodor, and imprisoned their daughter Xenia in a monastery. An impostor, False Dmitry I, reigned in Moscow. He began to prevent the Poles and boyars from ruining Russia, so they killed him, replacing him with another, False Dmitry II, who planned to put the Polish prince Vladislav on the Moscow throne. But the Polish king Sigismund said that he would sit on the throne himself and “Rus would become part of the Polish kingdom!”.

Then came the end of people's patience. Prokopy Lyapunov gathered a militia in Ryazan and moved to Moscow. The Poles and the traitorous boyars were frightened, drew up a letter with the order to disband the militia and offered to sign it to Patriarch Hermogenes as the head of the Russian Church. They say people should listen to him. But the patriarch refused to sign the letter and called on the Russian people to oppose the invaders. Lyapunov's militia was small, but the appeal of the patriarch flew around all Russian cities. Nizhny Novgorod merchant Kozma Minin was the first to give all his fortune to the militia.

The inhabitants of Nizhny Novgorod gathered a large army, headed by Prince Dmitry Pozharsky. The militia moved to Moscow. On the way, more and more people poured into the army. The whole Russian land rose up to fight the invaders and traitors. Prince Pozharsky turned out to be a talented commander. And Kozma Minin fought under the walls of the Kremlin as a simple warrior. The miraculous image of the Most Holy Theotokos was sent from Kazan to the militia. Knowing that the disaster was allowed for sins, all the people and the militia imposed a three-day fast on themselves and with prayer turned to the Lord and His Most Pure Mother for heavenly help. And the prayer was heard. The long-awaited day has come: the enemy army has surrendered to the mercy of the victors!

The new tsar generously rewarded Minin and Pozharsky. But the best reward for the glorious heroes of Russia was the people's memory. He erected two monuments: on Red Square - in the very heart of Russia - and in Nizhny Novgorod.

The celebration in honor of the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos, called "Kazan", was established on November 4 in 1649 in gratitude for the deliverance of Moscow and all of Russia from the invasion of the Poles in 1612. And to this day, this icon is especially revered by the Russian people. Since 2005, November 4 has been celebrated as National Unity Day.

Appeal of K. Minin to compatriots (from the book by A. O. Ishimova)

“Our faith and fatherland are perishing, but we can save them. We will not spare life and property for the deliverance of Moscow, we will sell our houses, we will mortgage our wives and children, and we will redeem the fatherland from trouble! God bless our enterprise."

What beautiful words, my friends! It's good that history has preserved them in all their accuracy! If they still delight us, then think about the effect they had on the assembled Nizhny Novgorod residents. Add to the fact that tears flowed down Minin's cheeks when he spoke them, that the holy fire of love for the fatherland shone in his eyes, and you will not be surprised that the effect of his words was miraculous. The inhabitants of Nizhny Novgorod shouted with one voice: "Let's die for Holy Russia!" - and the salvation of our fatherland was decided. All hearts, all souls, all thoughts, all desires of the Russians united in this cry. It resounded in all the remote places of Russia, it led all her faithful children to one goal, he inspired all her defenders with the same zeal. This zeal was unparalleled, it burned not only in the hearts of men, but also women. Not being able to shed their blood for their dear fatherland, they sacrificed everything they had to it: they removed diamonds and pearls from their kokoshniks and headbands, deprived themselves of all other precious jewelry and joyfully replaced emeralds and yakhonts, which shone so beautifully, with simple beads. on their necks and arms! I will tell you even more, my dear readers - even little children, looking at their parents, did the same: many rich boys did not want to wear gold buttons on their caftans, and girls did not want to wear expensive earrings and cufflinks, they brought all this to their mothers and asked them send it to the same public treasury of the people, where pure Russian gold was poured with such pure zeal.

How to celebrate this new holiday with such ancient traditions? November is the last month of autumn. The leaves from the trees, as a rule, have already flown around, it is drizzling, a chilly wind is blowing. On a day like this, I really don't want to go outside. It is best to climb on the sofa with your mom and dad, cover yourself with a warm blanket, and let mom or dad read aloud to the whole family the book “The History of Russia in Stories for Children”. It was written by the wonderful children's writer Alexandra Osipovna Ishimova back in the 19th century. The manuscript of the stories was seen and approved by Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin himself. The history of the Fatherland, colorfully and figuratively told by a talented writer, cannot be compared with a boring educational text.

Reading can be interrupted by short tea parties. Believe me, an evening spent in a cozy family circle reading a book aloud will be remembered by everyone for a long time. This is something completely different than watching cartoons on TV and playing electronic toys! If there is no book by A. O. Ishimova in the house, it can be any other book that will be of interest to everyone: stories by Russian writers about animals, fairy tales by A. S. Pushkin, stories by Nosov, Dragunsky and others. Only that nation has a future that does not forget its past.

Synopsis of directly educational activities for children senior group

Educator MBDOU MO Krasnodar "Center - Kindergarten № 115" Khmelnitskaya Natalya Robertovna

National Unity Day.

Target: Raise interest in the history of your country on the example of historical events and personalities.


  1. Give knowledge about events originating 400 years ago (uprisings against the Poles).
  2. Learn to recognize and name the heroes of Russia.
  3. To cultivate respect for the people who glorified Russia.
  4. To cultivate a sense of respect for the defenders of our Motherland, the desire to become its defender.
  5. Consolidate knowledge of Russian folklore (proverbs, sayings).
  6. Cultivate moral and patriotic feelings for the Motherland.

Event progress:

slide 1

caregiver- Guys, on November 4, our whole country celebrates National Unity Day. And in today's lesson, we will find out what kind of holiday it is. At all times, Russian people loved their homeland. In the name of the native side, they performed feats, composed songs, proverbs and poems about it. Our fatherland, our motherland - mother Russia. We call Russia Fatherland because our fathers and grandfathers lived in it from time immemorial. We call it Motherland because we were born in it, they speak our native language in it, and everything in it is native to us; and mother - because she fed us with her bread, made us drink with her waters, learned her language, how a mother protects and protects us from all enemies ... There are many good states and lands in the world and besides Russia, but a person has one mother - he has one homeland.

slide 2 What do we call motherland?

The land where we grow

And the birches along which

We walk with mom...

slide 3

Why do we all love the Motherland - Russia,

Because there is nowhere more beautiful than the motherland.

I love you my Russia

For the clear light of your eyes,

Russia ... like a word from a song

Birch young foliage.

Around forests, fields and rivers,

Expanse - Russian soul

slide 4

caregiver- Now, I'll ask you to choose the right beautiful words for the word Motherland ... What is our Motherland? (children's statements)

caregiver- Well done! This is what a wonderful Motherland we have with you ....

slide 5

caregiver- But not always, guys, the peoples of Russia lived in unity. Unfortunately, throughout history, Russia has been tested many times for strength, more than once experienced times when its unity was violated, when enmity and hunger reigned in the country. Russia did not immediately become a strong state. Gradually, the power of the country increased. There were times in the history of Russia when people lost faith and reason, could not distinguish good from evil, truth from lies: enmity and mutual insults blinded people's eyes. This was used by the enemies of our Motherland. At that time, a troubled time, a bloody time, was approaching for Russia. Our today's story will be about one of these pages of history.

Listen to what happened 400 years ago….

slide 6

Enemies - the Poles - attacked our Russian land. It seemed that the Russian state was dead and would never regain its former power. But the Russian people could not and did not want to put up with the death of their state.

slide 7

caregiver- In the autumn in Nizhny Novgorod, Zemstvo headman Kuzma Minin, guys, pay attention to his portrait, he began to gather an army to fight the enemies. - Friends and brothers! Holy Russia is dying! he said. - Let's help, brothers, the homeland of the saint!

slide 8

caregiver- One of the best military leaders of that time was called to command the militia - Prince Dmitry Pozharsky, known for his courage and honesty, pay attention - this is a portrait of Dmitry Pozharsky.

slide 9

caregiver- For almost a year, the Russian people gathered forces, and finally, the militia of Minin and Pozharsky marched on Moscow. The whole Russian land stood up against the invaders and traitors. The battles for Moscow began. Prince Pozharsky turned out to be a talented commander. And Kuzma Minin, not sparing his life, fought under the walls of the capital, like a simple warrior.

slide 10

Educator - And then a glorious day came: the enemy army surrendered to the mercy of the victors! When peacetime came, the tsar generously rewarded Minin and Pozharsky. But the best reward was the memory of the people.

slide 11

caregiver- Here are the heroes - the deliverers of Russia: the common man Kuzma Minin and the voivode Prince Dmitry Pozharsky. They managed to gather people for battle and liberated Moscow from enemies. Soon, the whole Russian land was cleared of foreign invaders. So, in difficult times appeared best features Russian people: resilience, courage, selfless devotion to the Motherland, readiness to sacrifice one's life for her sake.

Tell me, guys, after all that you have heard, is it possible to say that the people passionately love their homeland? (children's answers)

caregiver- Yes, guys, of course you can, because for the first time ordinary people went to fight not for the king, but for their native land. And they won! United in the name of victory people of all nationalities, villages and cities.

One state

When the people are one

When with great power

He moves forward.

He defeats the enemy

United in battle

And Russia liberates

And he sacrifices himself.

For the glory of those heroes

We live in the same destiny

Today is Unity Day

We celebrate with you!

slide 12,13,14

Educator - No wonder there is a monument to them in Moscow - the capital of our Motherland on Red Square - in the very heart of Russia. This glorious victory made November 4 forever unforgettable for us.

What words can describe Kuzma Minin and Prince Pozharsky? (children's statements)

Educator - That's right, brave, courageous, persistent, brave, strong.

Now we celebrate National Unity Day as a well-deserved holiday. And we just as passionately love our Motherland and are ready to stand up for it.

And now, I want to invite you to remember the wise proverbs about war and peace ...

A man has one mother, and he has one Motherland.

The people love her dearly. He wrote a lot of proverbs and sayings about her.

slide 15

1. Beloved motherland is like a dear mother.

2. If friendship is great, the Motherland will be strong.

3. On a foreign side - what a nightingale without a song.

4. To live - to serve the motherland.

5. For your Motherland, do not spare either strength or life.

6. Motherland is a mother, know how to stand up for her.

In the midst of our big country there is a region where you live, where your

home, your homeland.

And wherever you are, wherever you go, you will always remember

your own corner.

slide 16

caregiver- Well done, we remembered a lot of proverbs today .... Always remember, guys: we need to stick together, help each other, be able to forgive and forget insults.

How lucky you and me!

We were born in such a country

Where people are all - one family,

Wherever you look, you are surrounded by friends.

The nations are like one family,

Although their language is different

All daughters and sons

Your beautiful country

slide 17

caregiver- Well done!

The main thing is we are together! Most importantly, we are together!

The main thing is that we are with a burning heart in our chest!

We - indifferent, in life do not need!

Anger, resentment from the heart drive!

slide 18

caregiver- And today, on the eve of National Unity Day, we will hold the action "Let's live together"

We have prepared drawing paper for you, you will need to place your hands next to each other, as if we are holding hands tightly - this will symbolize that we are together, we are one, and therefore invincible !!!

caregiver- And at the end of today's lesson, our guys will read Natalia Maidanik's poems about this wonderful holiday ....


Gone in the history of the year, the kings changed and the year

But the time is troubled, adversity, Russia will never forget!

A line is inscribed in victory, and the verse of former heroes glorifies,

He defeated the people of outcast enemies, gained freedom for centuries

And Russia rose from her knees, in her hands with an icon before the battle,

Blessed by prayer, to the sound of future changes.

Villages, villages, cities, with a bow to the Russian people

Today we celebrate freedom, and Unity Day forever!


They don’t argue with history, they live with history,

It unites, for a feat and for work.

One state when one people

When by great strength, he moves forward.

He defeats the enemy by uniting in battle,

And Russia liberates, sacrifices itself.

For the glory of those heroes, we live by one destiny,

Today is Unity Day, we celebrate with you!

child 3

Even if it is very difficult, it is always possible to avoid

Quarrels, strife, bickering, no one is happy -

You need to be wiser, higher, and calmer, and quieter,

Children do not need war - it is very terrible.

No we won't fight

We will be better, friends, smile,

May troubles, troubles, problems,

This will pass, there will be changes!

May there be peace for everyone on Earth,

This is so necessary for me and for you!

Child 4

To live together in a good world

Respect people, love

Live calmly, without worries

Every person could

All you need to do is smile

And don't give up on problems.

Quarrel, swear, quit

And you better visit

For a pleasant conversation

Make peace with your neighbor

With a friend, brother or sister

And I will give you advice like this -

You live happily

Quiet, peaceful and beautiful!

slide 19


On Unity Day we will be together, we will be together forever,

All the nationalities of Russia, in distant villages, cities!

Live together, work, build, sow bread, raise children,

Create, love and argue, protect the peace of people,

Honor ancestors, remember their deeds, avoid wars, conflicts,

To fill life with happiness, to sleep under a peaceful sky!

slide 20

caregiver- We think that everything that we talked about today, you will remember, and you will love your Motherland, always stick together and help each other, our today's lesson is over, thanks to everyone who took an active part!

S. Rataru's song "I, you, he, she - together a friendly family" sounds

Back forward

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Goals and objectives: To acquaint students with the history of the revived holiday. Cultivate cognitive interest, a sense of patriotism.

National Unity Day

On the day of unity we will be near,
Let's be together forever
All nationalities of Russia
In distant villages, cities!
Live, work, build together,
Sow bread, raise children,
Create, love and argue,
Keep the peace of the people
Honor the ancestors, remember their deeds,
Avoid wars and conflicts
To fill life with happiness
To sleep under a peaceful sky!

  • November 4th is the day of unity of all Russian peoples, and not an occasion for Nazi sentiment.
  • November 4th is the day Russia was saved from the biggest danger that has ever threatened her.
  • November 4th is a revived holiday with its own history, and not just a replacement for November 7th.
  • November 4th is a day of real deeds, not dubious marches.

Return to an old tradition

On December 16, 2004, the State Duma of the Russian Federation adopted simultaneously in three readings amendments to the federal law "On the Days of Military Glory (Victory Days of Russia)". One of the amendments was the introduction of a new holiday, National Unity Day, and the actual transfer of the state holiday from November 7 (Day of Accord and Reconciliation) to November 4. The main reason for the transfer, according to many observers, was the desire to completely remove associations with the anniversary of the October Socialist Revolution (November 7, 1917). (slide 4)

The explanatory note to the draft law noted: "On November 4, 1612, the soldiers of the people's militia led by Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky stormed Kitay-Gorod, freeing Moscow from the Polish invaders and demonstrated a model of heroism and solidarity of the whole people, regardless of origin, religion and position in society".

Few people know that back in 1649, by decree of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, the day of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God (October 22, old style) was declared a public holiday. In addition, at the beginning of the 20th century (May 8, old style), Kuzma Minin was remembered, whom Peter I called "the savior of the Fatherland."

Later, due to the revolution of 1917 and subsequent events, the tradition of celebrating the liberation of Moscow from the Polish-Lithuanian invaders and the day of the death of Kuzma Minin was interrupted.

Thus, we can say that National Unity Day is not a new holiday at all, but a return to an old tradition.

What are we celebrating?

On November 4 this year, Russia celebrates National Unity Day for the first time. This is not fictional, real, celebrated before the revolution for more than two and a half centuries, and today only revived, but incorporating new meanings, the feast of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God. It was erected in the middle of the 17th century in memory of the liberation of Moscow in 1612 from the Polish interventionists by the militia of Minin and Pozharsky.

At the beginning of the 17th century, the Jesuits flooded Russia with "a wave of impostors and thieves." During this period of the Polish invasion (1605-1612), popularly called the "Time of Troubles"

The Russian Church was headed by the great confessor of Orthodoxy, Hieromartyr Hermogenes, Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia. He was an admirer of the Kazan icon of the Most Holy Theotokos, which appeared in Kazan in July 1579 after a gigantic fire, the author of the "Tale" about her and the Service to her.

In 1610-1611. the first descriptor of the Kazan icon, already a Patriarch, did his best to thwart plans for the transfer of power to Vladislav and Sigismund, called on the country to fight the Poles, and blessed the militias. He was thrown into the prison of the Chudov Monastery and starved to death in early 1612. In 1914 he was glorified as a saint.

But then, in difficult days, when Moscow was occupied by the Poles, and strife and moods were spreading across the country, Patriarch Ermogen, being in custody, managed to secretly send an appeal to Nizhny Novgorod: “Write to Kazan Metropolitan Ephraim, let him send to the regiments to the boyars and a teaching letter to the Cossack army, so that they firmly stand for the faith, suppress robbery, preserve brotherhood, and as they promised to give their souls for the house of the Most Pure and for the miracle workers, and for the faith, they would have done so. Yes, and write to all cities ... speak my name everywhere."

The people of Nizhny Novgorod responded to the call of the primate. The assembled militia was led by Prince Dmitry Pozharsky. The Kazan squads who joined the militia brought with them a list from the Kazan miraculous icon, which was handed over to Prince Dimitri in Yaroslavl with the belief that the Most Holy Theotokos would take the militia under her protection. In the autumn bad weather, our army moved to storm Moscow.

The Russian troops experienced enormous difficulties: internal hostility, lack of weapons and food. The conquerors ravaged our homes, mocked our shrines. Then the majority of Russians understood that God allows this sorrow for the sin of apostasy; the people realized that any misfortunes in the Fatherland occur only because each of us sins. The reason for the misfortune of the country, the troubles of the state is in the sin of everyone. And then all the people and the army, who came from Kazan under the leadership of Prince Dimitri Mikhailovich Pozharsky and the merchant of Novgorod Kosma Minych Sukhoruk, imposed a strict fast on themselves to atone for personal sins and the sins of the whole people. And after a prayer service before the miraculous image of the Kazan Mother of God and a three-day fast, which all the people fasted, the Lord changed His will for our country. In the besieged Kremlin, at that time, Archbishop Arseny of Elasson (later Archbishop of Suzdal), who arrived from Greece, was seriously ill from shocks and experiences, was in captivity. At night, the cell of St. Arseny suddenly lit up with divine light, he saw the Monk Sergius of Radonezh, who said: "Arseny, our prayers have been answered; by the intercession of the Mother of God, God's judgment on the Fatherland has been turned over to mercy; tomorrow Moscow will be in the hands of the besiegers, and Russia will be saved."

As if to confirm the truth of the prophecy, the archbishop received healing from his illness. The saint sent news of this joyful event to the Russian soldiers. On the next major victory, they took Kitai-Gorod, and two days later, the Kremlin. On Sunday, October 25, the Russian squads solemnly, with a procession, went to the Kremlin, carrying the Kazan icon. At the Execution Ground, the procession was met by Archbishop Arseny, who left the Kremlin, carrying the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God, which he had kept in captivity. Shocked by the accomplished meeting of the two miraculous icons of the Mother of God, the people prayed with tears to the Heavenly Intercessor.

After the expulsion of the Poles from Moscow, Prince Dimitry Pozharsky, according to the Nikon Chronicle, placed the holy Kazan icon in his parish church of the Entry into the Church of the Most Holy Theotokos on Lubyanka in Moscow. Later, the Kazan Cathedral was erected at the expense of the patriot prince on Red Square. The Kazan icon, which was in the troops of Pozharsky, was transferred to a new church in 1636. Now this holy image is in the Epiphany Patriarchal Cathedral of the capital.

In memory of the liberation of Moscow from the Poles, it was established to make a special celebration on this day in honor of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, who was in the militia and became its main symbol. At first it was only a Moscow holiday, but since 1649 it has become an all-Russian holiday.

Don't break us

Oh, Russia, beloved side,
How could you let
To Judas soul
Could our union dissolve?

Another people, other passions
They rule and rule as they should,
They have the right to life and happiness,
The same people were not found.

The well-known intrigue -
Varangian and Germans "craft",
We will survive this yoke
To spite all our enemies.

We will return the path of goodness and honor -
The path of peace, friendship and victories,
One great country together
Let's keep the whole world safe.

Immortal homeland and eternal,
One spirit to whom to kill?
Enemies at least trample Russia carelessly,
Russia - is, and will live!
M. Khoziev

National Unity Day(November 4) is a public holiday established in 2004 to commemorate the events of 1612. In children's institutions, the topic of patriotism education is very significant. This section contains publications of teachers about events dedicated to national unity, historical memory, love for the Fatherland and directly to the celebration of National Unity Day.

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All sections | National Unity Day. November 4

The script of the holiday "Day of National Unity" Holiday in the senior and preparatory group « National Unity Day» . Target: Formation in preschool children of a sense of tolerance, interest and respect for other national cultures. Fostering a sense of community, friendship and unity with people of different nationalities...

Sports Leisure Scenario (to the Day national unity) For older children. starts” Prepared and conducted by the head of physical development Mustapaeva A.Ya. Progymnasium "Brook". Target: Strengthen the health of children, maintain a positive emotional state during ...

National Unity Day. November 4 - Photo report on the events dedicated to the Day of National Unity

Publication "Photo report on the events dedicated to the People's Day ..." On November 4, all of Russia celebrates the Day of National Unity. Homeland and unity. such a deep meaning lies in this holiday. In order to familiarize children with the holiday, the history of its occurrence, the formation of patriotic feelings, love for the Motherland, tolerant attitude to...

MAAM Pictures Library

On the first of November in our educational institution " Primary School– Kindergarten” No. 46 in Shakhty, a wonderful holiday of friendship and unity of all people took place - “Day of National Unity”! “Vasilisa the Wise” from a Russian folk tale was invited to visit the children. She is...

Scenario of the sports festival "National Unity Day" for children preparatory group Purpose: Formation of a patriotic attitude towards their homeland through physical education and sports. Tasks: Educational: Raise patriotic feelings. Explain how...

Synopsis of artistic activity for the Day of National Unity of children of the second junior group “I, you, he, she - together the whole country” Prepared by the educator: Tyuleneva E.M. Course of the lesson: Recall classes with children about the holiday - "Day of National Unity". A long time ago, very often on ...

National Unity Day. November 4 - Abstract of a modeling lesson in the younger group "Day of National Unity"

Synopsis of the modeling lesson in the younger group “Day of National Unity” Prepared by the educator: Tyuleneva E.M. Purpose: the formation of skills in working with plasticine, awakening interest in modeling. Tasks: 1. Improve the ability of children to roll a piece of plasticine, in a circular motion ...

The scenario of the sports holiday "National Unity Day" for children of the preparatory group Purpose: Formation of a patriotic attitude towards their homeland through physical education and sports. Tasks: Developing: to develop in children coordination of movements, endurance, ...

Synopsis of GCD in middle group"National Unity Day" Purpose: education of a humane, spiritual and moral personality, worthy future citizens of Russia, patriots of their fatherland. Tasks: - reinforcing the ideas of children that our country is huge, multinational, ...

Consultation for parents of the preparatory school group "Day of National Unity" Monument to Minin and Pozharsky Even those who have never been to Moscow can easily recognize the bronze sculpture on a granite pedestal, standing in front of St. Basil's Cathedral on Red Square. This is a monument to Minin and Pozharsky. It is dedicated to the citizens of Nizhny Novgorod Kuzma Minin and Dmitry...

The history of this holiday began in 1649, when the Russian Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich declared the feast of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God (October 22, according to the old style) a state holiday - in honor of the victory militia over the Polish-Lithuanian invaders in Moscow. The tradition to remember the heroes of 1612 - Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky, who led the Russian people's squads - existed before the revolutionary events of 1917.

87 years after the cancellation, the holiday was restored. Instead of the Soviet state holiday of the Great October Revolution (November 7), which reminded of the division of the Russian people, National Unity Day was approved.

The upbringing of the younger generation on the examples of historical events that testify to the patriotism of the Russian people and the unity of the people for the sake of their country is, without a doubt, an urgent problem of our time. Kindergartens and schools have the opportunity to participate in the formation of children's patriotic feelings, including educational activities events on military-historical topics, education of tolerance, understanding of belonging to a single Russian people.