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Problems of accessibility of higher education. Basic research Universality and accessibility of higher education

Problems of accessibility of higher education.  Basic research Universality and accessibility of higher education

The consequences of all the above processes for the accessibility of education to the citizens of the country are ambiguous. If we consider the aggregated quantitative indicators of the development of the system higher education in Russia, they indicate an increase in the availability vocational education. Thus, the number of university students has doubled over the past ten years, while the number of persons aged 15 to 24 has grown by only 12%. State statistics data on the number of 11th grade graduates and admission to universities in last years are converging: in 2000, graduation was 1.5 million students, enrollment - 1.3 million students. Russian legislation establishes that at least 170 students per 10,000 population should study free of charge. In fact, in 2000, 193 students per 10,000 people were educated at the expense of budgetary funds.
However, changes in the accessibility of higher education appear in a very different light when changes in the structure of education funding and in the quality of educational services provided are taken into account. The growth in the total number of students was ensured mainly due to the expansion of paid admission. For admission to universities for free places, the parents of many applicants have to make informal payments. All this casts doubt on the conclusion about increasing the accessibility of higher education.
The growth in non-government spending on education, although very significant, did not fully compensate for the reduction in public funding. This gives grounds for concluding that the quality of educational services has generally been declining. The dynamics of indicators of the development of the education system in Russia over the past decade and numerous observational data indicate an increase in the differentiation of higher education services in terms of their quality. Thus, significant changes have taken place in the ratio of full-time, evening and correspondence courses. The number of students using part-time education is growing most rapidly, especially in non-state universities, where admission to correspondence departments in 2000 exceeded admission to full-time departments. Correspondence education is becoming increasingly important, its expansion is natural due to the relevance of the task of continuous education; but it must be admitted that at present, domestic correspondence education, as a rule, is inferior in quality to full-time education. Meanwhile, about 40% of students are now studying by correspondence (in the early 1990s, about a quarter).
Two subsystems have formed in the Russian system of higher education: one is elite education, characterized by a high quality of services provided, and the other is mass higher education of low quality. Higher education of poor quality can, with some assumptions, be called relatively affordable. Opportunities for obtaining an education that provides a high quality of professional training for future specialists, apparently, have declined for the majority of the population.
Differences in the accessibility of higher education are determined by differences between people in a number of characteristics, including:
- ability level;
- the quality of the received general education;
- the volume and quality of additional educational services received (additional subjects in schools, university preparation courses, tutoring services, etc.);
- the level of awareness about the possibilities of training in various specialties in various universities;
- physical abilities (for example, the presence of a disability that does not affect the ability to acquire knowledge, but limits the ability to participate in the educational process);
- composition of the family, level of education and social capital of its members;
- economic well-being of the family (level of income, etc.);
- place of residence;
- other factors.
Available studies show that the factors of socio-economic differentiation very significantly limit the accessibility of universities for the general population, especially universities that provide high-quality educational services. At the same time, the greatest limitations arise due to differences in:
1) the level of household income: members of low-income families have the worst opportunities to enter universities;
2) place of residence: residents of rural areas and small towns, as well as residents of depressed regions, are in the worst situation; the accessibility of higher education is also affected by the differentiation of regions in terms of the availability of universities;
3) the level of general secondary education received: there is a differentiation of schools in terms of the quality of education, while the decrease in the level of training in some is combined with the presence of a limited number of “elite” schools, the quality of training of graduates of which is growing.
The level of family income affects the accessibility of higher education both directly, by determining the possibilities of paying for the actual education, and indirectly. Indirect influence is connected, firstly, with the possibility of implementing, in addition to the actual costs of education, the cost of travel to the place of study for non-residents, the cost of supporting the life of a student during training - the cost of housing, meals, etc. For the majority of families living in rural areas and cities that do not have their own universities, the expenses for the applicant's travel to the location of the university and for living in another city are unaffordable. Secondly, this influence is expressed in the relationship between the level of family well-being and social and human capital, which are inherited and act as factors of differentiation in access to higher education.
The following categories of persons can be classified as socially disadvantaged in the opportunities to receive quality education:
- graduates of rural schools;
- graduates of “weak” schools in different settlements;
- residents of remote settlements and regions;
- residents of regions with poor educational infrastructure;
- residents of depressed regions;
- members of poor families;
- members of incomplete families;
- members of socially disadvantaged families;
- homeless children;
- graduates of orphanages.
- disabled people;
- migrants;
- representatives of national and religious minorities.

UDK 378.013.2


E.A. Anikina, Yu.S. Nekhoroshev

Tomsk Polytechnic University E-mail: [email protected]

The relationship between the availability of higher education, payment and credit is analyzed. A classification of the forms of accessibility of education is given, which helps to determine the priorities for the development of the education system as a whole. An analysis was made of the possibility of developing the Russian system of higher professional education along the path of increasing individual costs, and an assessment was made of ways to overcome the financial constraints of families in obtaining higher education. It is concluded that it is necessary to create optimal educational lending programs.


The system of higher professional education, the availability of higher education, universality, mass character, financing of education.

System of higher education, higher education accessibility, universality, large-scale participation, funding education.

The modern economy, positioned as innovative, largely depends on the quality of the country's human capital, the formation of which, in turn, implies a high-quality and diverse educational system, which, thanks to market expansion, includes both formal and informal variations, non-systemic changes. Such a transformation of education, solving the problem of accessibility, leads to a contradiction of goals, calling into question the quality and efficiency of the services provided.

In this regard, the problems of accessibility of the system of higher professional education are of particular relevance, since in the conditions of the market higher education is not guaranteed by the state to all citizens, and its role becomes decisive from the standpoint of the country's entry into the trajectory of stable economic development and the introduction of new technologies.

Russia's achievement of acceptable economic growth and modernization of the economy is impossible without solving the problem of modernizing the educational system and expanding its coverage of all age and social strata of the population. As a result, there is a need to analyze the relationship availability - payment - credit.

Under the accessibility of the system of higher professional education (HVE) we mean the availability of the main structural elements of the HVE, namely, higher education institutions that provide high quality services, regardless of their organizational and legal forms, types and types, implementing educational programs and state educational institutions. standards of various levels and orientations for the bulk of the population, regardless of socio-economic factors (economic accessibility), as well as the availability of entrance exams, educational programs

and educational standards from an intellectual position for the bulk of the population (intellectual accessibility). Economic affordability implies that the financial costs of households for the purchase of quality higher professional education services (including related costs) should be characterized by a level that does not jeopardize or undermine the satisfaction of other primary needs, i.e. these costs should be such a part of their income which is not burdensome.

In essence, the accessibility of SVPO can be interpreted even more simply as the level of costs for overcoming obstacles, which include financial (economic accessibility) and mental (intellectual accessibility) costs.

In addition to direct inequality in access to SVPO, let us highlight the inequality of intentions (social accessibility) - the dependence of the probability of intention, desire to enter a university on social differences. Inequality of intentions is generated by socio-economic factors that determine the accessibility of higher education in general, and, in particular, by the social environment in which a person grew up (social networks), as well as less significant factors, such as confidence, certainty and knowledge that a person has the right to do something.

It is necessary to determine which of the availability is primary and which is secondary. To begin with, we note that in Russian education, global trends are repeated in the transformation of higher education from elite to universal. It is received not by the elite, but by the majority of young people who have graduated from a comprehensive school. As a result, in the modern market of educational services, the declared universal accessibility of higher education is mainly a slogan, since in many countries it is being transformed.

goes into excess mass. It is important to emphasize that universality and mass character are concepts of different qualities. By universality, we mean the availability of SVPO for everyone who has the talent, interest, intellectual abilities to receive higher education, regardless of socio-economic factors (assumes a high criterion for selecting students by intellectual abilities). And under the mass character - the availability of SVPO for everyone who is able to bear the costs associated with obtaining higher education, regardless of talent, interest, intellectual abilities (low criterion for selecting students by intellectual abilities).

Thus, in the Russian system of higher education today there are two subsystems: one - "elite" education, characterized by a relatively high quality of services provided, and the other - mass higher education of low quality. Higher education of low quality can, with some assumptions, be called relatively affordable both financially and intellectually. Opportunities for obtaining an education that provides high quality professional training for future specialists have declined for the majority of the population from both positions.

As a result, the analysis of the accessibility of higher education should be focused differently in relation to the two existing systems that provide educational services of low and high quality, respectively. It is obvious that expanding the availability of mass low-quality higher education cannot be a task of social and economic policy.

However, even taking into account the differences in the quality of the services provided, the primary one today is economic accessibility, which determines the overall availability of SVPO.

Sociological research data show that insufficient financial resources of the family are often cited as motivations for refusing to receive higher education, more than a third of households put this factor in the first place. It is worth noting here that the so-called “middle class” prevails among university students (53% of the families of entrepreneurs, managers and specialists). But even they, most often (73%), say that student tuition is very significant for the family budget, as it requires serious restrictions on other expenses.

It turns out that the most selective (quality) part of higher education is available to a relatively small number of students, while others are rejected, dropping out of the competition.

Persistence of differences in opportunities to obtain a higher level of education, due to

caused by differences in learning abilities and in the individual efforts expended on mastering knowledge, is justified. The availability of higher education should be determined by the level of abilities, talent, high personal investment in human capital, and not by the level of financial and social capital of the family.

In addition, as the results of annual sociological surveys over the past 5 years show, an increasing number of parents are striving to "give a higher education" to their children. Since 2002, more than 1.5 million people have overcome the "school-university" barrier. .

It is obvious that in the face of growing demand for higher education services, the previous methods of financing are not able to provide large-scale training of specialists at a high level. This poses the problem of creating such financing mechanisms for the higher education system that would ensure the expanding production of highly qualified personnel with the rational use of society's resources and reducing the scale of redistribution processes. In fact, it implies the rejection of full budget financing and the transition to a system of private investment, i.e., the transition from a system with partial cost recovery to a system with full cost recovery as the predominant one, which can already be observed in modern Russian conditions. A partial cost-reimbursement system is a higher education financing system in which the state pays in full the cost of a student's education at a university, and partially reimburses (or does not reimburse at all) the costs of related expenses (accommodation, teaching materials, additional services, meals, etc.). The system with full cost recovery assumes that all the above costs are fully borne directly by the consumer of the educational service (student and / or his family).

However, the issue of the ratio of education costs for all stakeholders and the possibility of developing the Russian SVPO along the path of increasing individual costs is ambiguous and contradictory in terms of ensuring its accessibility and quality.

Education is an economic good, so it cannot be "free". If the costs do not fall on the student or his parents, then they are distributed to all other citizens of the country. Moreover, in the conditions of a market economy, higher education is a “mixed economic good”, combining the features of both public and private goods, that is, the consequences of the consumption of educational services turn out to be a boon not only for the direct consumer, but also for the economy and society. generally. This implies another important feature of higher education as a mixture of

a certain economic good, which consists in the fact that it has positive internal and external effects.

This allows us to draw an important conclusion that higher education should be paid for in one way or another by all interested parties, which include the student and his family, the business sector, universities, the state and society as a whole. At the same time, a very important point should be taken into account, the higher school does not exist on its own, it is part of the social whole and must correspond to it. Therefore, the introduction of the market in the field of education should follow the development of the market in the economy.

In this sense, the market in education, understood as an absolutely free, completely uncontrolled and unlimited game of private interests, is unacceptable. Education, as already noted, is a “mixed” good, that is, not only private, but also public. But the social value of education has a decisive, main significance. If education follows only the logic of the development of a market economy, then in the course of competition in education the same thing will be observed as in the modern business sector. Which will lead to a violation of the main tasks and functions of higher education in society. Thus, market competition in this area is completely inappropriate. And the market mechanisms that exist here require the intervention of society and the state. The market itself is incapable of putting things in order in the training of specialists, since the worst universities are able to offer their “product” at the lowest price.

Thus, higher education cannot be guided only by the needs of the market, that is, private, selfish and short-term interest, it must also remain a public good and serve the strategic goals of the development of the individual, society and the state.

In addition, education belongs to the category of trust goods, that is, to those goods and services, the quality of which the buyer himself is practically unable to assess directly even after their purchase and is forced to rely on information that he receives from someone, in particular from a university. . In other words, the trusting nature of education determines the uncertainty of its quality. However, for education, this is not the only type of uncertainty. Another source of it is the applicant's lack of information at the time of making a decision about how useful and valuable the profession he has chosen will turn out to be. Accordingly, here, too, he is forced to rely on signals from outside.

The trusting nature of this benefit opens up wide opportunities for opportunistic behavior by more informed market players. At the same time, even the established fact of opportunism in the form of providing an underestimated quality of educational services is not necessarily

allows the buyer to receive compensation from the university - after all, the consequences of such education are not immediately apparent. That is why in the educational market, more than anywhere else, mechanisms are relevant that would discipline sellers and prevent them from taking advantage of information asymmetry. These should not be contractual, but institutional mechanisms. And the problem of the design of such mechanisms and their effectiveness is directly related to the problem of financing education.

Thus, educational policy that does not take into account the institutional environment leads to negative economic consequences for higher education. In general, it can be concluded that the parallel coexistence of two education systems with partial and full cost recovery is inevitable. This is how it actually exists, there is not a single country in the world where higher education for the population would be completely free, and there is not one where it would be completely paid. The proportions vary, but are probably largely determined by the characteristics of social systems; in socially oriented countries (developed countries of Europe, for example, in Germany), the system with partial cost recovery prevails, and in countries oriented to the market, the share of places with full cost recovery in universities is much higher.

As far as Russia is concerned, there are clearly not enough funds in the state budget to improve the quality of training, to modernize universities, and to adequately remunerate teachers. In this regard, there is a gradual predominance of the system of higher professional education with full cost recovery.

Based on the current situation in the field of higher education in Russia, we can conclude that the problem of economic accessibility of SVPO will only increase in the future, which can lead to extremely undesirable consequences for the socio-economic development of the country. To avoid this, it is necessary to provide ways to solve these problems. One of these ways is the development of a system of public (or private) educational loans and subsidies, which in the modern world experience in the development of higher education are considered as mechanisms for ensuring equal access to SVPO for the population belonging to different strata of society. But here the question arises: can Russian families afford this?

Unfortunately, the majority of the population today has a below-average income level. As a result, only 25-30% of families can potentially participate in financing the education of children. According to experts, by 2010 the number of such families will grow to 40.45%. Therefore, most Russians believe that education, including higher education, should be free. As a result, 70% of families

They are oriented, first of all, to the possibility of their children entering the budgetary department, and education for a fee is considered as a fallback option, that is, payment for consumers of educational services acts as a compensatory mechanism.

Thus, we obtain a clear confirmation of the fact that the decisive reason limiting the accessibility of high-quality higher education is the costs associated with obtaining it. In general, for an average Russian, the share of education costs per family member is about 35% of his income. Therefore, it is no coincidence that three-quarters of the families of university entrants (73%) believe that the education of their children will require serious restrictions on their family budget. At the same time, for most of them (54.6%), the load on family budget will be very tangible, and for 28.5% - reasonable. Almost imperceptible burden on the family budget will be only for 3.4% of parents.

As can be seen, the financial capacity of Russian households is clearly not sufficient to ensure that, under the conditions of the gradual dominance of a system with full cost recovery, all students pay for tuition.

Of course, the state is not going to introduce a system of higher education everywhere with full reimbursement of costs, moreover, today it is not able to do this, since in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation (Article 43, paragraph 3) “everyone has the right to receive free of charge on a competitive basis higher education in a state or municipal educational institution and at an enterprise. Based on this, it should be assumed that the state will pay for the training of such a number of people that, firstly, it needs for the purposes of effective functioning and fulfillment of its main tasks, primarily related to ensuring the national security of the country. Secondly, that part of talented young people who are willing and able to study. For the rest of the citizens, higher education will be, and already, in fact, their personal issue, in which the state should help them, as is done in all developed countries, for example, through special grants and loans for education.

Indeed, in the context of the inevitable reduction of budget places in universities and the actualization of the problem of economic affordability of SVPO for the majority of Russians, the logical option for solving this problem is the development of the institution of educational lending, as a damper way to transition from an education system with partial cost recovery to a system with full cost recovery as the predominant one. This will lead to an increase in the economic accessibility of SVPO, which, in turn, can cause ambiguous and contradictory consequences:

1. Universities placed in tough conditions of competition for applicants, all other things being equal, will be forced to accept everyone, who will turn out to be quite a lot, since the financial problem, which is today the main deterrent in obtaining higher education, will be solved with the help of a loan. As a result, we get a system of low quality mass higher education with all the ensuing consequences.

2. Another development of the situation is also possible, which is a more likely option than the first, given current trends. The predominance of a system of education with full cost recovery can cause a significant reduction in those wishing to receive higher education, since for the majority the financial problem will not be solved with the help of an educational loan due to its high cost and / or conservatism. Russian society, expressed in the unwillingness of the population due to socio-cultural and mental characteristics to take any loans. Confirmation is the following fact: today every second family (57%) of university applicants is ready, if necessary, to borrow a large amount to pay for education. Half (51%) are aware of the existence of an educational loan, but only a little more than a third of families (35%) are ready to use it on acceptable terms, and in fact only 1.2% have used it. At the same time, most heads of households believe that such a loan should be interest-free and should be written off if a person is sent after receiving a diploma to work in those places and for the salary that will be offered by the state.

In general, these features in the field of educational lending correspond to the general attitude of Russians to loans, namely, the reluctance to take loans and the fear of the prospect of living in debt. Thus, according to research by the Public Opinion Foundation, only 36% of the population over the past 2-3 years have had a chance to use a loan (take a loan from a bank or buy goods on credit in a store). At the same time, 61%, in principle, do not allow themselves the opportunity to use any kind of credit in the future. Of those who are ready for loans, only a few (3%) are considering the option of a loan for educational needs.

As a result, in this situation, either a massive reduction in universities is possible, as a result of which the country will receive a high-quality SVPO, accessible both financially and intellectually only to a limited number of citizens; or, if the number of universities remains the same, the country will have low-quality SVPO, accessible financially and intellectually. In fact, these trends are already observed in modern society, so if nothing is done, they will intensify.

Thus, we can conclude that in modern conditions, most of the population is not yet ready for educational loans either financially or mentally. Due to the identified features of Russian society, we come to the conclusion that an educational loan can be only a partial mechanism for increasing the economic accessibility of SVPO, capable of providing assistance to predominantly wealthy segments of the population (“middle class” and above), if they need it at all. For the "minority", which is understood as a certain part of society, characterized by the presence of less power, which is often, but not always, small in comparison with the dominant (large) group and has relatively worse opportunities for choice, educational credit practically does not solve the problem of affordability of SVPO on for many reasons, mainly due to their negative attitude towards the possibility of loans, not so much because of personal economic calculations, but because of their dislike of debt. Therefore, for such students, special solutions are needed to increase the accessibility of SVPO. That, however, does not indicate the uselessness of educational lending as an institution.

The need to develop new approaches to attracting private resources to education is generally due to the low level of income of the population and the need to provide convenient and profitable accumulation schemes for it.


1. Household spending on education and social mobility. News bulletin. - M.: GU-HSE, 2006. -56 p.

2. federal Service state statistics. 2009. JUL: http://www.gks.ru (date of access: 22.01.2009).

3. Abankina I.V., Domnenko B.I., Levshina T.L., Osovetskaya N.Ya. Prospects for Educational Lending in Russia // Educational Issues. - 2004. - No. 4. - S. 64-88.

4. Andrushchak G.V., Prakhov I.A., Yudkevich M.M. Strategies for choosing a higher educational institution and preparing for admission to a university // Project "Educational Strategies for Applicants". -M.: Vershina, 2008. - 88 p.

5. Educational trajectories of children and adults: family incentives and costs. News bulletin. - M.: GU-HSE, 2007. - 40 p.

It should be noted that there are differences in the strategies of families. Families experiencing financial difficulties are more likely to pay for education from the savings of the older generation (parents) or borrow money. Families with higher incomes (“middle class” and above) pay for their studies mainly from the current earnings of their parents.

All this puts on the agenda the issues of developing mechanisms for private investment in education. In our opinion, the main problems of their formation are:

Lack of mechanisms for direct state support of private investment through the development of both private and state lending and subsidizing programs;

The underdevelopment of the system of financial instruments for targeted savings, which make it possible to distribute the costs associated with obtaining education in time, and thus reduce the burden on the family budget (educational securities, educational insurance, educational lending).

From the analysis of the material presented, it follows that for the majority of students, studying at a high-quality university is associated with very high costs; given the opportunity to get a higher education of not the highest quality, but affordable in terms of finances and intelligence, many households opt for the latter. In the current situation, well-planned student loans can help solve these problems.

6. Constitution Russian Federation// Guarantor-student. Special issue for students, graduate students and teachers [Electronic resource]. - 2009. - 1 electron. opt. disk (CD-NOM).

7. Borrowers: repayments on loans during a crisis. - Population survey: report // Public Opinion Fund. 2009. JUL: http://bd.fom.ru/report/map/d090312 (Accessed: 22.01.2009).

Currently, one of the public priorities in the Russian Federation is to ensure the right to education of people with disabilities and people with disabilities within the framework of inclusive education.

The creation of conditions in universities for the education of students with disabilities and the disabled is becoming increasingly important every year. In 2001, 11,073 students with disabilities and with disabilities were studying in 299 universities of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. The number of students with disabilities and with disabilities in Russian universities continues to grow: from 5.4 thousand people in 2002 to 14.5 thousand people in 2003, in 2016 - more than 23 thousand. In recent years, there has been a trend towards an increase in the number of educational institutions of higher professional education that train people with disabilities and people with disabilities in the framework of inclusive practice. However, today the availability of higher education for persons of this category is an acute social and pedagogical problem, which consists in creating the necessary conditions for comfortable learning of a “special” student - an inclusive educational environment.

Since the beginning of the nineties of the XX century, as noted by I.N. Zarubin, the activity of persons with disabilities and disabled people in obtaining higher professional education has increased.

An analysis of the pedagogical literature shows that the problem of the accessibility of higher education is rooted in one of the main problems of pedagogy: the development of the individual in specially created conditions. The term "accessibility" exists in the theory of pedagogy, expressing one of the principles of managing the activities of students (V. Davydov, L. Zankov, M. Skatkin, D. Elkonin). Recently, the issues of higher education of people with disabilities and people with disabilities have attracted an increasing number of researchers due to the obvious public recognition of the special relevance of these issues and the need to find pedagogical ways to solve them. Axiological approach to this issue, the role of social integration and rehabilitation potential high school, the social and pedagogical nature of the problem of accessibility of higher education, the issues of inclusive education of disabled people at the university are covered in the publications of N. Malofeev, N. Nazarova, M. Nikitina, G. Nikulina, T. Privalova, E. Starobina, L. Shipitsyna and others. S. Lebedeva, P. Romanov, O. Tarasova, E. Yarskaya-Smirnova and others are involved in the accessibility of education for people with disabilities in Russia.

The accessibility of higher education for people with special needs directly depends on the existing legislative support for the educational opportunities for this category of students in universities. Domestic and foreign experience shows that the educational process is built taking into account international legal documents (declarations, acts, pacts, conventions, recommendations and resolutions), as well as legislative and by-laws. These documents speak of the need to create in universities barrier-free environment(ramps, elevators, handrails, etc.), providing educational institutions with special furniture and rehabilitation equipment (sound-amplifying equipment for stationary use, tiflo devices, etc.), adapting training programs to the psychophysiological characteristics of people with disabilities (individual schedule of consultations, individual schedule for taking tests and exams, etc.).

In her research, E. Martynova accessibility of higher education for people with disabilities and people with disabilities is considering four levels: university, region, national and global level.

The first level is the university level. Availability "begins and ends" at a particular university. One way or another, the applicant decides how accessible this university is to him. Serious problems can be encountered at this level. The first is university admissions policy. The second problem, which follows from the first, is to attract potentially bright students to a given university. When an applicant becomes a student, this does not mean that the problem is solved. Having passed the barrier of entrance examinations, many find themselves among many difficult situations: adaptation, the financial side of life, personal problems.

The second level is regional. Accessibility at the regional level is understood by E. Martynova as an opportunity for young people to receive the desired type of education in the area where they live. This implies the opportunity to realize their abilities in the chosen profession. The university should cooperate with the scientific societies of students, work with gifted children in such a way as to bring them closer to scientific research. The same actions purposefully contribute to the expansion of the accessibility of higher education for persons with disabilities and the disabled.

The third level is national. Accessibility at the national level can be understood as a vertical, level compatible, national education system, so that the student has the opportunity to freely move from one level to another, higher, in another educational institution. Then the question arises of standardizing curricula, certificates, diplomas, certification and transition procedures.

The fourth level is global. Global accessibility means a person's ability to enroll in any university of their choice in the world. The role of universities at the international level in expanding the accessibility of higher education consists in the development of student exchange, the universalization of final documents on higher education, and integration into the world educational system.

Table 1

Indicators of accessibility for the disabled of the service provided

A student with a disability has the status of not only a student, but also a disabled person at the university. This should be reflected in curricula, teaching methods, in the calculation of the workload and the features of the staffing of a higher educational institution, as well as in the range of services and facilities of the university environment that allow the applicant, and subsequently the student (a person with disabilities, a disabled person) to acquire the skills of learning, behavior in an inclusive environment, without hindrance get to the right place in the university, have access to special equipment and a library.

Within the university inclusive education- inclusion of a student with disabilities/disability in the educational environment. An educational institution must be adapted and have all the necessary conditions for a comfortable education of a “special” student. Inclusion is a process of transformation of the entire educational institution, aimed at removing barriers to the equal and open participation of all students, including those with physical disabilities in the educational process and the life of the university.

All employees of higher education, parents, students, officials and the whole society are involved in this process. In this regard, a number of pressing issues can be identified, including:

Is the educational institution always ready to accept a student with disabilities?

Are there teachers who are competent in teaching students with special educational needs?

Is there the necessary (special) equipment for the implementation of the educational process at the university?

Are students with normative development ready for co-education with persons with disabilities?

To date, a number of Russian universities have gained successful experience in creating special conditions for students with special educational needs as part of inclusive practice. Together with students with normative development, students with disorders of the musculoskeletal system or organs of vision study at Saratov State University, Tomsk State University, Russian Academy entrepreneurship, etc. Conditions for teaching students with hearing and speech impairments have been created at the Head Educational Research and Methodological Center for Vocational Rehabilitation of the Hearing Disabled of the Moscow State technical university them. N. Bauman, Institute of Social Rehabilitation of Novosibirsk State Technical University. The Chelyabinsk State University, Moscow City Pedagogical University, Russian State Pedagogical University named after A.I. Herzen, Academy of Management "TISBI" and others.

Currently, the Union of Russian Rectors is conducting a study of the accessibility of buildings, structures and the premises of Russian universities included in them for people with limited mobility. Roadmaps are being developed for the period from 2016 to 2030, in the following areas:

1) creation of a barrier-free educational environment - ensuring unimpeded access of students with disabilities to college, as well as ensuring the organization of the educational process of students with disabilities, disabled people with special means (architectural accessibility);

2) material and technical equipment of the educational process, taking into account special educational needs;

3) formation of a comfortable psychological environment that allows a student with disabilities to feel comfortable in the organizational and pedagogical conditions of an educational organization;

4) access of students with disabilities, disabled people to new information and communication technologies and systems, including the Internet;

5) correction of the behavior of students with disabilities, disabled people and students with normative development in the conditions of the university;

6) providing access for students with disabilities, disabled people to places of recreation and sports.

The study was carried out in 2 stages:

  1. Analysis of the Passports of accessibility of the object for persons with disabilities, the disabled and the educational services provided on it by the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "OGPU".
  2. Survey of students of FGBOU VO "OGPU", FGBOU VO "OGPU" through the official group in the social network.

We have analyzed the Passports of accessibility of the object for persons with disabilities, the disabled and the educational services provided on it.

table 2

The state and existing shortcomings in ensuring the conditions of accessibility for the disabled of the services provided in the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "OGPU"

Main indicators of accessibility for the disabled of the provided service


the presence at the entrance to the object of a signboard with the name of the organization, the organization's work schedule, the building plan, made in Braille and on a contrasting background

in stock

providing persons with disabilities with the assistance necessary to obtain information in an accessible form on the rules for the provision of services, including on the preparation of documents necessary for receiving the service, on the performance of other actions necessary for them to receive the service


instructing or training employees providing services to the population to work with people with disabilities on issues related to ensuring the accessibility of facilities and services for them

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the presence of employees of organizations that are entrusted by an administrative act with the provision of assistance to persons with disabilities in the provision of services to them

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provision of services with accompaniment of a disabled person on the territory of the facility by an employee of the organization

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provision of hearing-impaired services, if necessary, using Russian sign language, including ensuring access to the object of a sign language interpreter, audio interpreter


compliance of vehicles used to provide services to the population with the requirements of their accessibility for persons with disabilities


Ensuring admission to the facility where services are provided for a guide dog if there is a document confirming its special training, issued in the form and in the manner approved by order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation

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the presence in one of the premises intended for holding mass events, induction loops and sound-amplifying equipment


adaptation of the official website of the body and organization providing services in the field of education for persons with visual impairments (visually impaired)

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ensuring the provision of tutor services


This allows us to conclude that the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "OGPU" is not ready to fully implement inclusive education for people with disabilities and people with disabilities. At the same time, more than 30 students with impaired functions of the musculoskeletal system, vision, hearing, and speech disorders are currently studying at the Orenburg State Pedagogical University. Students with special educational needs study on a general basis.

It should be noted that among the graduates of the university over the entire long history there are more than 20 people with disabilities and disabilities. Shortcomings in ensuring the conditions for accessibility of the services provided for the disabled did not become an obstacle for them to receive higher education.

It should be noted that inclusion in education places increased demands on all participants in the educational process. From students with disabilities, it requires intellectual and psychological mobilization and readiness, from students with normative development - tolerance, willingness to help, understanding. In addition to the problems that arise in the team of students, there are barriers that face teachers working in groups where there are students with disabilities.

330 people voluntarily took part in the survey. In total, the respondents were asked 2 questions in the questionnaire, the answers to which made it possible to identify the attitude of students towards persons with disabilities, to the situation of teaching persons with disabilities and people with disabilities in the OGPU as part of the organization of inclusive education at the university.

To the question “How do you feel about the fact that people with disabilities study at our university?” 210 respondents answered - "positively"; 115 students - "neutral" and 5 people out of 330 students - "negative".

The next question is “How do you feel when you see people with disabilities?” revealed: 169 people feel a desire to help and a sense of responsibility to people with disabilities, 152 people feel pity and compassion, 9 people feel fear, hostility and irritation with people with disabilities. Perhaps students who experience negative emotions towards persons with disabilities have never had the opportunity to contact them or have insufficient knowledge about this category of persons.

Based on the results, we can conclude that psychologically, the majority of respondents are ready to learn, interact and help people with disabilities. It is impossible to completely eradicate negative attitudes, but it is possible to contribute to this. The competencies necessary for work in inclusive education are “dissolved” in various academic disciplines that acquaint students with the psychological characteristics of persons with disabilities, disabilities and the specifics of their education in an inclusive education environment.

The results obtained during the study allow us to formulate the following conclusions:

1. An analysis of modern works in the field of research suggests that the problem of accessibility of higher education for people with disabilities and people with disabilities within the framework of inclusion is relevant. This is confirmed by the contradictions between the need of modern society for integration and equality of life opportunities for all social groups and the insufficient level of readiness of the higher education system to involve people with disabilities and persons with disabilities in the sphere of social and professional relations and the insufficient theoretical and practical development of the ways of its formation in the conditions of educational institutions of higher education. education.

2. Based on the results of our study on the example of the Orenburg State Pedagogical University, we can conclude that the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "OGPU" is not ready to fully implement inclusive education for people with disabilities and people with disabilities.

3. Psychologically, the overwhelming majority of respondents are ready to learn, interact and help people with disabilities, the disabled. Students are ready to accept a student with disabilities, provide him with timely assistance, support in the learning process and contribute to psychological comfort in the student team.

“In the aspect of the study of value orientations, special attention is paid to the value of “education”.

Speaking about education, it should be noted that today there are several specific promising trends in the development of a modern university:

1. The attitude of students and their parents towards university education is becoming more and more consumerist. Of great importance are such components of choosing a university as a well-known brand, a beautiful and convincing catalog, good advertising, a modern website, and so on. In addition, and perhaps in the first place, the principle of "price-quality" turns into a leading one in determining a higher educational institution for future students and their parents. The university should be a mega market for knowledge consumption, with all the ensuing consequences.

2. For the majority of students, university education has lost the characteristic of "fatefulness". Education at the university is just an episode in their life, unfolding along with other equally important episodes: parallel work, personal life, and so on.

3. The university should be at the forefront of the technical and technological process, offering students the latest achievements in the organization of the educational process and student life.

4. Gradual university education is included in the process of virtualization, i.e. distance education programs, teleconferences, education via the Internet - sites and so on are gaining more and more weight. For any student, the university and the teacher should be promptly available.”

At the same time, over the past 15-20 years, many problems have accumulated in the Russian education system that threaten the preservation of the high educational potential of the nation.

One of the serious negative trends in the Russian education system has been the strengthening of social differentiation in terms of the degree of accessibility of different levels of education, as well as the level and quality of the education received. Interregional differentiation continues to grow, between urban and rural areas, as well as the differentiation of opportunities for obtaining high-quality education for children from families with different income levels.

“There is a problem of accessibility of higher education for people with disabilities, associated with the reform of the education system and social policy in relation to people with disabilities.

Despite the current federal legislation that guarantees benefits for applicants with disabilities, a number of factors make it difficult for people with disabilities to enter a university. Most universities in Russia are not provided with even the minimum conditions necessary for teaching disabled people in them. Higher education institutions do not have the opportunity to reconstruct their premises according to the principles of universal design from their own budgetary funds.

Currently, applicants with disabilities have two alternatives. The first is to enroll in a higher education institution at the place of residence, where there is hardly an adapted barrier environment, where teachers are hardly prepared to work with people with disabilities. And the second is to go to another region where such an environment exists. But then another problem arises related to the fact that a disabled person who comes from another region must “bring with him” the financing of his rehabilitation program, which is difficult due to the mismatch between departments.”

Within the boundaries of the common European educational space, students and teachers will be able to freely move from university to university, and the received document on education will be recognized throughout Europe, which will significantly expand the labor market for everyone.

In this regard, complex organizational transformations are ahead in the field of Russian higher education: the transition to a multi-level system of personnel training; the introduction of credit units, the required number of which a student must collect to obtain a qualification; practical implementation of the mobility of students, teachers, researchers, etc.

Any education is a humanitarian problem. Education, of course, means awareness and professional competence, and characterizes the personal qualities of a person as a subject of the historical process and individual life.

At present, there is a trend towards the commercialization of higher education, towards the transformation of universities into commercial enterprises. Relations between a teacher and a student are becoming increasingly market-oriented: the teacher sells his services - the student buys them or orders new ones if the proposed ones do not satisfy him. The disciplines taught are reoriented to the immediate needs of the market, as a result of which there is a “decrease” in the importance of systemic fundamentality. There is a reduction in the proportion of courses in fundamental sciences, which give way to the so-called "useful knowledge", that is, applied knowledge, primarily to numerous special courses, sometimes esoteric.

As a legacy from the Soviet era, Rossi inherited free higher professional education, one of the main principles of which was the competitive selection of university applicants. But there was and especially reveals itself in modern conditions, along with the official, a completely different practice of selecting applicants for higher education. It is based, on the one hand, on the social ties of the families of applicants, on social capital, on the other hand, on the basis of monetary relations, in other words, on the purchase of the necessary results of competitive selection, regardless of the actual level of preparation of applicants and their intellectual development. Not those who are better prepared and think better, but those for whom the parents were able to pay the necessary amount of money, go to study.

The university is both an intellectual and information center for local civil society institutions, as well as a forge of leadership qualities for them. Higher education, primarily universities, can play a key role in the deep evolutionary transformation of regions, the country as a whole, in the formation and development of civil society in it. This requires the formation of interest both in university structures and in the student environment.

“The first paid places in state universities appeared in 1992. The demand for paid higher education services began to form precisely from that time, i.e. even before the opening of the first non-state universities (1995) In 2001-2002. 65% of the respondents considered paid education more prestigious, and among the group of "payers" this opinion was expressed by 75% of respondents. In 2006-2007 the total number of students who deny the greater prestige of commercial education compared to education at state universities increased to 87%, and the share of those who hold the same opinion among the "payers" was 90%. Among the reasons why one or another system of education is chosen, the main ones are still the ease of admission and the desire to reduce the risk of failing exams to zero (more than 90% both in 2001-2002 and in 2006-2007) . Other reasons - the level of training of teachers, the best technical equipment of universities - do not have a significant impact on the selection process. When studying the attitude of students towards paid education, it is important to consider what their ability to pay for education is.

Also, based on the study of Tyuryukanov E.V. and Ledeneva L.I., it can be noted that now the prestige of higher education is high both in general among the population of migrants surveyed by them, and in each individual region. At the same time, in general, migrant families are distinguished by limited adaptation resources: both material, and information, communication and social. They are torn out of their usual life context and have limited access to social services and cultural values. The successful integration of migrants into Russian society, their transformation into an organic part of the Russian population will, in particular, contribute to the implementation of the educational orientations of their children

The general socio-economic and demographic situation in the republic has recently led to an aggravation of the problems of access to quality education and subsequent employment of young people living in rural areas.

Much is said and written about the rural school. The content of both scientific works and quasi-scientific studies of the network of rural general education schools far from certain. However, events in our republic are inexorably developing in the direction - schools are being cut. The economy should be economical, and the costs of maintaining rural schools are recognized as inefficient.

Optimization of rural schools in order to develop education in the countryside and create conditions for ensuring the availability and high quality of rural education is one of the priority areas for the modernization of education in the PMR. From the analytical reports of the heads of rural schools it follows that, thanks to the opening of profile classes, over the past two years the quality of education of graduates has improved, the percentage of admission to higher and secondary vocational schools has increased. educational establishments. But, as school directors note, the vast majority of graduates of rural schools who entered universities do not return to their native village. Therefore, no matter how paradoxical it may seem, more accessible higher education contributes to the fact that the village remains without an influx of young personnel.

The main problem of rural society: lack of life prospects

for most of the villagers. Depression, the burden of economic problems that have collapsed, isolates the family, leaving it alone with its troubles. There is a sharp decline in the living standards of many families, a deterioration in the social well-being of adolescents and young people, parents with minor children. The consequence is the decay of spiritual values, manifested in the loss of ideals, confusion, pessimism, a crisis of self-realization, lack of trust in relation to older generations and official state structures, which gives rise to legal nihilism. But at the same time, the school remained the only stable functioning social institution in the countryside: “For us, the very presence of a teacher in the countryside, a rural intellectual who sets the cultural level for the environment, is very important. Remove the teacher from the village and you will have a degrading environment. The rural school, without a doubt, is a means of cultivating the environment, the social stability of the rural society.

In the same environment of spiritual vacuum there is also a rural teacher. Today it became necessary to include in the work of the Pridnestrovian State Institute development of education, the most effective of the many ways to preserve the teacher's culture in the countryside, namely the system of advanced training of teachers on a cumulative basis. Such a system of activities includes:

System seminars with visits to individual organizations of general education;

work as part of the teaching staff, ensuring the involvement of rural teachers in the organizational and technological support of seminars at the republican level along with representatives of city organizations of general education, organizations of primary and secondary vocational education (conferences, exhibitions, presentations, etc.).

A society that is in the conditions of general modernization requires the ability of a teenager to quickly adapt to new conditions of existence. Before a teacher working in a rural area, a problem arises: how to preserve the moral qualities of a growing person in conditions of fierce market competition, a shift in the value vector of a person from high ideals to ideals of material prosperity, profit.

AT school period children, adolescents, youth are not consistently included in the sphere of society, do not participate in the discussion of the problems that adults live with - labor, economic, environmental, socio-political, etc. And this leads to infantilism, egoism, spiritual emptiness, to acute internal conflict and artificial delay in the personal development of young people, deprives them of the opportunity to take an active social position. The teaching staff considers special forms of school self-government to be the most effective means of forming and developing an active social position of the growing villagers. The specificity of these forms is that, on the one hand, they combine the active participation of students in traditional events for our territory (for example, in the days of school self-government), on the other hand, they include them in the social life of their native village. Among the non-traditional means of forming an active life position of the growing villagers are the functioning of the Children's Services, which take part in rural gatherings, the work that organizes creative exhibitions of joint family work of students and their parents, and much more.

The problem of a different plan is the failure to take into account the gender, age, individual and other characteristics of students. Not all types of activities organized by a rural school contribute to the development of spiritual culture in children and adolescents. Often the emphasis is on the quality of knowledge, and not on the mental and spiritual development of schoolchildren. However, teachers of rural educational institutions who initiate modernization processes note a number of important aspects:

  • · the school, being in most cases the only cultural center of the village, has a significant impact on its development; it is important to establish close interaction between the school and the social environment in order to use its potential in educational work;
  • limited opportunities for self-education of rural schoolchildren,
  • lack of institutions additional education, institutions of culture and leisure necessitate the organization of cognitive activity of students during extracurricular time on the basis of the school and the feasibility of using circle, club-type associations for this, which include schoolchildren of different ages, teachers, parents, social partners (representatives of the village administration) depending on their interests and abilities;
  • · favorable conditions are formed in the rural school for the use in educational work of the surrounding nature, traditions preserved in the village, folk art, rich spiritual potential;
  • · in the life of a rural student, a significant place is occupied by labor activity, which, with the irrational organization of a change in the types of activities of a teenager, affects the decrease in the importance of education in general in the countryside.

Rural teachers admit that the work of the school with the family is carried out at an insufficient level, which largely determines the civic passivity of parents in relation to the fate of children. Unfortunately, at this stage, in most rural general education organizations, work with parents has the character of one-time actions. The effectiveness of these activities is indisputable, however, it is not possible to assess their systemic effectiveness in shaping the civic engagement of parents.

It also seems problematic that parents, teachers and educators attribute health to the leading values, and in real life in the countryside, studies note an increase in drug trafficking, smoking, and drunkenness. It seems interesting in terms of the formation of a value attitude to the health of future defenders of the Fatherland, which involves organizing the work of a field camp in the summer. The idea of ​​paramilitary camps is certainly not innovative. However, this approach to the conditions, factors, details of the implementation of this idea makes it really effective. For the head of the camp, educators, leaders of initial military training, each shift in such a camp is a carefully modeled business game. Being in a militarized environment, the boys learn to act in emergency situations, comprehend the basics of first aid, learn interesting information about the latest military equipment. Feeling the elbow of a comrade, realizing their responsibility for his life in an emergency, adolescents acquire a different view of their own life and health.

Unfortunately, the predominant number of teachers from rural educational organizations consider the transfer of knowledge, skills and abilities to students as their main task. However, the question of the effective application in life of the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired at school remains for independent solution graduates and their parents.

One of the most important success factors in modern life is access to modern information. It is no secret that the inhabitants of many rural settlements deprived of the possibility of connecting to information networks. This fact brings the greatest damage to that part of the rural population that is capable and ready to carry out self-education. It becomes impossible to implement distance learning.

In overcoming the crisis of education in the context of socio-economic changes, we understand that this is possible only on the basis of a detailed strategy that takes into account both the real situation in the field of education, the trends and relations operating in it, and the individual affairs of each school.

In our time, the educational opportunities of rural society have decreased.

The school becomes the only means of spiritual revival of the village. Of course, one school cannot resolve all crises, but a rural school can help a maturing person realize the principle of free civic choice, ready for a reasonable choice of life positions. Such a graduate will be successful in life and work.