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The stupidest VKontakte statuses. Wise statuses about stupid people The stupidest VK statuses

The stupidest VKontakte statuses.  Wise statuses about stupid people The stupidest VK statuses

I am difficult to find, easy to lose and impossible to forget. Is this a familiar phrase? Yes, this is the VKontakte status. Legendary, you might say. But those who seriously and for a long time post it on their page have no idea how funny it is to read. Especially to men, to whom such statuses are usually addressed. And here is another selection of phrases that you should never (can you hear? Never!) be placed on your pages.

    A real man, like a wolf: either alone or with one she-wolf forever! And running after sheep is the lot of rams!

    I'm not a piece of candy to suit everyone's taste. I'm a nut that not everyone can handle!

    There is no point in conceiving meaning with unintelligible thoughts.

    The greatest hatred arises for those who managed to touch the heart and then spat into the soul.

    I don't care what others think. This is my life and I will live as I want.

    Someone's beloved... Someone's daughter... Someone's sister... Someone's girlfriend... And someone's heartbreak!!! I'm proud of my versatility!!!

    Today no one wished me happy birthday. No surprise, I don’t have it today.

    I never keep anyone... Because the one who loves will still stay, and the one who doesn’t love will still leave.

    I want a heart of stone so that I don’t feel any resentment, pain, or disappointment.

    I don't like being compared to someone. I'm not satisfied? Rest!

    I'm neither an angel nor a demon. And it's not ideal at all. Well, that's how I turned out. This is how the Lord created me!

    ɐwʎ ɔ vǝmоɔ diw

    Friendship between a man and a woman is possible; but in most cases, you've already mentally slept.

    What am I dreaming about?! Just live... breathe... love... and know that I am loved! And appreciate every moment... Because our life is unique.

    We are all like pencils. Everyone draws their own destiny. Some people break, some get stuck, and some get sharpened and move forward.

    I don't break the rules, I just live by my own.

    I live for those who need me... I am friends only with those in whom I am confident... I communicate with those who are pleasant... And I am grateful to those who appreciate.

    Everyone can see what you look like on the outside, but very few know what's in your soul.

    Winter is created in white colors for this reason, so that you can start your life with a white sheet of paper.

    There is an end to everything in life. Love... Friends... Suffering... But there is no end to only one thing - Memories...

    Don't be too persistently interested in my life. It may turn out to be so interesting that you will be disappointed in yours.

    You are mistaken if you say you know me. Everyone knows me as much as I allow myself to be known.

    People say you've changed when you simply stop acting the way they want you to.

    I have a fluffy character! Yes, yes! Like a hedgehog!

    In life, like in the rain, there comes a moment when it just doesn’t matter anymore...

    I don’t introduce myself, I don’t give out my phone number, I don’t agree to dates. But... I respect your choice =)

    My life. My choice. My mistakes. My lessons. None of your business.

    I AM LIVING, FLOWERING and GOOD! I don’t regret what happened! I have no idea what will happen! And I love what is there!!!

    I want chocolate with chocolate in chocolate...

    The strong one is not the one who can put you on your shoulder blades with one look, but the one who can lift you up from your knees with one smile.

    I’m like a chameleon... Sometimes sad and silent, sometimes serious and rude, sometimes calm and gentle, sometimes crazy and laughing until I drop.

    I give a smile to everyone. A glance - not much. Heart - one.

    Cruelty is a character trait good people, it arises when they begin to wipe their feet on your kindness.

    There have been and will be all sorts of things in my life, but with me people laughed more often than they cried.

    I won't prove to anyone that I'm good. Let them try to prove to me that I’m bad.

    To all those who are so interested in my life, I officially inform you: I am still: young, beautiful, happy and not even on a diet!!!

    Happiness is when your happiness happy next to you...

    I don’t know how to love half or be friends, I’ll either give my whole soul or nothing.

Statuses about stupid people– what you need for emotional release. Tell your friends what exactly is shocking using the following phrases.

Does stupidity have a right to exist?

  1. They say, human brain limitless. But in our case we are talking only about boundless stupidity.
  2. The ability to objectively assess one’s own capabilities and oneself is already a sign of intelligence, regardless of education.
  3. Don't complain about failures. They alone can protect you from your own stupidity.
  4. A stupid person can turn out to be right, just as a right person can turn out to be stupid.
  5. In our society, it is generally accepted that madness committed in the name of love is not madness at all.
  6. Trying and failing is experience; trying, failing and repeating is stupid.
  7. A smart person remains that way because he is constantly evolving. A fool has no need for development; he knows everything anyway.
  8. The more you try to change the people around you, the more human stupidity you have.

Stupid dreams happen even in smart heads

Don't pretend to be right, not too much reasonable people, since she will still remain with them. It is much more appropriate to look at statuses about stupid people.

  1. Even a doctorate does not exclude the possibility that you will someday sneeze and hit a wall at the same time.
  2. The stupidity of people who get used to their other halves is in the thoughts that this same half does the same...
  3. Living with a stupid person is not so bad. But when he plans something, it’s a real disaster.
  4. Not looking for the ideal person is not at all a sign of stupidity. But just the opposite.
  5. I'm tired of waiting, let me be incredibly stupid: I'll write first.
  6. If in a drunken state we called not the ex, but the future, we would be much smarter.
  7. It’s worth paying attention to stupidity, but studying it in detail means generating other stupidity on your own.
  8. Sometimes declaring your thoughts before analyzing them means setting yourself up for success. But remember that this happens extremely rarely.

Laughter is clever phrases in the mouth of a stupid person

Statuses about stupid men - especially to calm down beautiful ladies. In addition, this is a wonderful opportunity to make a subtle hint to your loved one on social networks.

  1. When a man with a bewildered face tries to understand the principles of makeup, it's cute. And when he also tries to teach you something, it’s scary.
  2. In my opinion, it’s stupid to find out whose logic is better. Especially in a country where the word “logic” is feminine.
  3. The horror of our society is that having ideas does not necessarily mean that they are smart.
  4. A stupid man is not only one who does not allow himself to do too much, but also one who does not allow himself to do too much even when necessary.
  5. According to many men, not standing out from the herd is not so scary. At least it's not bad.
  6. A man who behaves like a woman is not stupid. And the woman who is next to him at this time is stupid.
  7. I'm amazed at how many bad guys there are. Yes, she is not freezing, but really waiting for the first step!
  8. The stupidity of a man is that he often overestimates his own independence. And very often this is not to their advantage.

Stupid woman - she's the stuff of legends

Surprisingly, “close-minded” girls irritate other girls the most. In general, people of any gender can create statuses about stupid women with meaning.

  1. No need to nag a man. This way you give him the opportunity to offend you and still stay close.
  2. Talking to a stupid friend is dangerous by stooping to her level. Always choose your friends carefully!
  3. You look at some women and think: “Well, of course, where can someone so fragile carry a brain?”
  4. A truly smart woman can make a man think that he is the smart one. This is the wisdom of the fair sex...
  5. Have you ever seen happy girls? Haven't you noticed that they are mostly stupid?..
  6. A person attends the circus for up to 10 years, but, as a rule, he watches clowns all his life.
  7. If you still can’t find smart and beautiful girls, stop searching. They are either simply smart, or simply beautiful, or pretend to be one of them.
  8. Even an intelligent woman understands when she is being deceived, but still hopes for the best.

Crazy things happen to us at absolutely any age.

Statuses about stupid people with meaning make you think. And the whole point is that an intelligent person most often sees himself in them...

  1. A person just starting his career must shamelessly lie on his resume and constantly give false compliments to his boss.
  2. Remember that a wise person who zealously adheres to his point of view is in most cases lonely.
  3. Hearing praise from an enemy means doing something contrary to your interests.
  4. No matter how much we trust stereotypes, it is impossible to remain stupid all the time. How to stay smart.
  5. You cannot criticize a person for the same shortcomings that you have. But selected fools prove the opposite!
  6. Interethnic stupidity is to consider one nation worse.
  7. If you go to university to gain intelligence, it is possible that you will gain stupidity.

Let not the smartest people meet you exclusively in status lines!

The stupidity of people is so great that he is unable to understand and realize it.

If others consider you stupid, it means you yourself want it or are pretending to be.

Best status:
Our whole world is a big joke in which smarter people laugh at those who are dumber.

Everyone can hit a little bluntly, but you don't need to do it all the time, as it becomes a habit.

Fools learn from their mistakes, and smart people stand aside and learn from the mistakes of fools.

A fool sees only fools around him, a smart person sees smart people, a wise person sees both of them.

Life played me again... I was left a fool...

Live forever and learn, but you will still die a fool.

Love is when you have no money in your account, you have the last twenty in your pocket, and like a fool you put it on his number automatically.

For me, a fool, the laws are not written, and if they are written, then in small handwriting - illegible...

Thanks to fools: in comparison with them, many consider themselves smart.

Others aren't stupid, they're just not you.

Passion often turns an intelligent person into a fool, but no less often endows fools with intelligence.

- Don't talk about love. Every fool on Earth says he loves someone. But this is nothing! It's just a sound! Your feelings are only important to you. The only thing that matters is what you do for the people you say you love. This is the only thing that can be taken into account...

When you come to the store, the seller gives you change, you reach out to have it put in your hand, but no, he puts it on this plastic crap! And then you stand there like a fool, picking out this little thing!

It is only fools who overcome all difficulties. Smart people bypass them

There is no law for fools. If it is written, then it is not read, if it is read, then it is not understood, if it is understood, then it is not so!

For me, a fool, the laws are not written, and if they are written, it is in small handwriting - illegible.

Thanks to television, a fool sees a fool from afar.

Man is the only animal that can be a fool.

Two people fought inside me - me and another fool.

Everyone in our family is smart, it’s such a bad heredity.

It's better to ask and make a fool of yourself for five minutes than not to ask and be a fool for life.

I'm not stupid enough to pretend to be smart.

There is nothing more annoying than seeing a well-spoken word die in the ear of the fool to whom you said it.

The most annoying thing in this world is that fools are always full of self-confidence, and smart people always doubt.

Fools are those who make a girl suffer without even thinking about it.

They ask you like you're smart, but you pay like you're a fool!

Nowadays you won’t meet a simple fool... Everyone has a higher education!

A fool brags about his successes, but a smart man waits for others to praise him.

I should at least slap the one in the mirror: “Hello, stupid girl, how did you manage to lose everything?”

It's actually hard to piss me off. On the Internet, only fools and viruses can do this, and there are so many more fools on the World Wide Web than there are viruses!

Men's logic is simple and revealing,
And without hesitation to be branded a fool,
The poet said that it is desirable for men
Love a woman as little as possible.
And I come from the heights of unpoetic lyrics
And without a touch of mental depths

You know, even fools can be sad, but you try to be happy.

Talking to everyone on equal terms, fools often make no mistakes.

If it seems to you that there are only fools around you, then you are central

The norm has no signs. It's the spaceless point between madman and fool

If they call you a fool, don't foam at the mouth for proof, otherwise you'll get it

A fool brags about his successes, but a smart man waits for others to praise him.

fool..but I loved you..

We are not afraid of fools - why be afraid of ourselves...

A fool does not get smarter with age, but becomes an old fool)

Fools think alike))

I have come to believe that God likes fools. Otherwise, why would he create so many of them?

A smart person sometimes just needs a drink. To take your mind off the fools.

Every fool knows that you can't get stars from the sky. But I'm not a fool, I'll try!

I sometimes realize that he’s just a fool for not choosing me...

One of the most striking manifestations of optimism is the phrase: “What a fool I was!”

There is nothing more annoying than seeing a well-spoken word die in the ear of the fool to whom you said it.

There is no life without you, fool.

Girl, you’re the only one I need, do you hear? Come here, please, closer, I ask, it’s me. Forgive the fool, dear, somehow the devil has confused me again, I haven’t been attracted to such routes for a long time. I know it’s been difficult for you these days , my love, I will only be with you now, come here and hug me!!

It is only fools who overcome all difficulties. Smart people bypass them.

A man went into the toilet. He took off his pants and sat down. Then he hears a voice: - Hello. He: - Hello. - How are you? - Normal. - What are you doing? - Guess what! Then he hears: - Sorry, I’ll call you back, otherwise there's some idiot behind the wall.

An intelligent person is not proud of his knowledge; advice is usually given by fools.

There are few fools in the world, but they are placed so cleverly that you meet them at every step.

An aphorism is a phrase of one smart person that every fool repeats.

Fools are not mammoths, they will not go extinct

Two Russian troubles - fools and roads - are compensated by one Russian happiness - vodka. Drunken fools are in the state of the roads.

For me, a fool, the laws are not written, and if they are written, they are written in small handwriting - illegible...

They call those people fools who, having bought a piggy bank and put five rubles in it, immediately break it!))

I stopped giving advice a long time ago, I stopped when I realized that only fools give it and only fools use it.

[...A fool, a weakling, a drunk, a man without a future...].

Messing with a fool is like sitting in nettles

I have polka dot panties... these panties are just panties! All the kids in our class - show me, show me! Well, you big fool, why aren’t you bothering me!? I have POKA-DOK panties! Don’t you know?

You look at him, well, he doesn’t seem to be a fool, but he says such nonsense.

It’s 12 o’clock, but there’s Deja Vu in my heart. And I’m walking down the street, and I love you. It’s naive, but you shouldn’t hide your feelings, but I seem like a fool, but it’s not empty inside. I’ll find myself there on the same shore, but on this once I save all our love. We will not go aground, we have already been there, we will erase all the adversities, because we need it (c)

What could be worse than a fool??? A fool with initiative

You're a fool. And I'm tired...

It’s better to ask and make a fool of yourself for five minutes than not to ask and remain a fool for the rest of your life.

He acts like an idiot, behaves like a fool, and doesn’t understand anything... so why do I love him?!

Man is either a smart creature or not.

Where is your girl who came to you? -She’s no more, she’s gone. But she loved me very much... -And you? -And I’m a fool, mom, I’m a fool... (c).

A fool has a great advantage over an educated person: he is always pleased with himself.

Don't argue with a fool, he will first bring you down to his level and then crush you with experience.

If a person deceived you once, then he is a scoundrel. If a person deceived you twice, then you are a fool

Fool! He naively thinks that he can live without me. So we have already been married quietly, and we are expecting children... And the opinion of the public in our time means a lot!!!

A smart person sometimes just needs a drink. To take your mind off the fools

That mascara is smudged, and my eyes are wet... fuck you all, give me some vodka. I'll never go back to him. Well, give me some vodka!! he’s a fool, and I.. I’ll go and get drunk.. and tomorrow?? what tomorrow? I’ll get up again and be bored again...

A true intellectual will never say “you are a fool”; he will say “you are not qualified enough to criticize me.” Here you go, fuck off

If you are constantly being made a fool of, then you are fertile material for this!

Today is Sunday, girls have cookies, and boys, fools, have a thick stick on their sides! =))

And I ran away from home yesterday. I’m 38. I’m a fool. (c)

If someone told you “Fool!”, do not rush to think that he is smart; perhaps he was just introducing himself.

One fool will ask so many questions! That ten wise men are not able to answer them...