
A basic level of. Adobe Photoshop. Basic level (2017). How to prepare for the exam in mathematics

A basic level of.  Adobe Photoshop.  Basic level (2017).  How to prepare for the exam in mathematics

Graduating from high school is not easy these days. In order to say goodbye to the school desk, you need to pass several important exams, and not simple ones, but the Unified State Examination. Good scores in the certificate decide the future fate of the graduate and give him a chance to enter a prestigious university. That is why students seriously prepare for this test, and conscious ones even begin to prepare for it from the beginning of the school year. What will be USE in mathematics 2017 and what changes await graduates in the delivery procedure, this article will tell.

It should be noted that next year the number compulsory subjects Will not change. The guys, as before, must pass the Russian language and mathematics. The results are still evaluated on a 100-point scale, and in order to pass the exam, you must score at least minimal amount points determined by FIPI.

The mathematics exam will have a basic and profile direction.

Mathematics exam progress

No exact date yet conducting the exam in mathematics, but based on past years, it is easy to guess that it will take place around the beginning of June. In order to fully cope with the task, the student will be given as much as 3 hours. This time is enough to solve all the tests and practical tasks. Note that just before the exam, almost all personal belongings are taken away from graduates, leaving only a pen, a ruler and a calculator.

During the exam, it is prohibited:

  • change;
  • get up;
  • to talk with neighbors;
  • exchange materials;
  • use audio devices to listen to information;
  • go out without permission.

Do not forget that independent observers will be present at all times in the classroom, so students must comply with all their requests regarding the correct behavior during the exam!

Future changes

Every graduate who has ever taken the exam will tell you that the most difficult is mathematics. As a rule, only a few understand this subject, and far from many can solve all the test tasks. Unfortunately, no special indulgence in the content is planned, although some pleasant moments in passing the exam in mathematics in 2017 can still be noted. This applies to re-in case of defeat. Moreover, it will be possible to do it 2 times during the next academic year. In addition, if a student wishes to increase their scores, they can also apply for a retake.

The examination program will include not only assignments for grade 11, but topics from previous years. Recall that the basic level differs from the profile level in the knowledge assessment system: the basic one is based on a 20-point system, and the profile level is 100 points each. As statistics show, on average, only half of the students score 65 points at the profile level. Despite the fact that this is a rather low score, it is quite enough to enter an institute or university.

In 2017, they plan to increase the number of independent observers, as well as issue new forms for questions and answers. The test form will remain only in the mathematical exam, and then the specialists intend to add more practical tasks. This will avoid mere guessing and will help to soberly assess the knowledge of students.

Passing score of the basic level of the Unified State Examination in mathematics

The results of the exam can be viewed on the official portal, just by entering your passport data. To obtain a certificate, it is enough to earn only 7 points, which is equivalent to the usual “troika”. We suggest you familiarize yourself with the table for the basic level:

Passing score of the profile level of the Unified State Examination in mathematics

As mentioned above, to pass this exam, it is enough to score 65 points. This result guarantees the graduate a calm celebration of graduation and admission to the desired university in the country. In order to easily decipher the results of your knowledge, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the scoring table for profile level:

Exam Structure

Thanks to the demos that appear every year on the FIPI official website, the guys can go trial exam and see who's what. The exact structure of the exam, identical to the real one, has been developed in a special file. Note that the student will need to remember the program of all past years: trigonometry, logarithms, geometry, probability theory and much more. In 2017 USE structure math looks like this:

All these tasks were compiled on the basis of the program studied during the school years. If the student studied diligently, performed all the work assigned by the teacher, it will not be difficult for him to pass the exam as “excellent”. In addition, going to tutors can increase the chances of a good grade.

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I know " Adobe Photoshop. A basic level of"you will master the tools of the program, learn not just to "work with Photoshop", but "to work with an image using Photoshop." Positioning this course as Adobe Photoshop for beginners, we nevertheless built it on a platform of deep practical experience using the program. You you will learn the tools in the sequence in which they are used by experts in real practical work.This will allow you not only to master individual tools, but also to understand the logic of working with an image.Focusing your attention on the important, we form a large-scale vision of Adobe Photoshop, its capabilities and functionality.

Adobe Photoshop course. The Foundation Level is the first course in the Adobe Photoshop series. The course lays the foundation in the processing of raster images and explores the main functionality of the program. The acquired knowledge will allow the user to navigate the program, understand the essence of a raster image and perform basic operations with raster images.

What will you learn?

  1. Learn the basics of getting bitmaps
  2. You will be able to correct the main defects in photos
  3. Learn how to do basic color grading and retouching
  4. You will be able to create simple collages and apply basic effects
  5. Learn how to create simple design layouts
  6. Learn how to prepare images for web and print

The demo version is intended to give an idea of ​​the structure of future control measuring materials, the number of tasks, their form and level of complexity.
The demo contains severalexamples of tasks for each position of the examination paper.
AT real options examination paper for each positionOnly one task will be offered.
The demo items do not reflect all of the content issues that may be included in the 2017 scoring materials.

The examination paper includes 20 tasks. 3 hours (180 minutes) are allotted to complete the work. Answers to tasks are written according to the samples below in the form of a number or a sequence of numbers. First, write down the answers to the tasks in the answer field in the text of the work, and then transfer them to the answer sheet No. 1 to the right of the number of the corresponding task.

If the answer is a sequence of numbers, then write down this sequence in the answer sheet No. 1 without spaces, commas and other additional characters. All USE forms are filled in with bright black ink. It is allowed to use gel, or capillary, or fountain pens. When completing assignments, you can use a draft. Draft entries do not count towards the assessment of the work. The points you get for completed tasks are summed up. Try to complete as many tasks as possible and score the most points.
We wish you success!

Task Conditions

  1. Find the value of an expression
    Find the value of an expression
  2. Find the value of an expression
    Find the value of an expression
  3. Ivan Kuzmich received a salary of 20,000 rubles. From this amount, personal income tax of 13% is deducted. How many rubles will he receive after paying income tax?
    The USE in physics was taken by 25 graduates of the school, which is one third of the total number of graduates. How many graduates of this school did not pass physics exam?
  4. Find from equality , if and .
    Find from equality , if , and .
    Find from equality , if and .
  5. Find if and
    Find the value of an expression
    Find the value of an expression
  6. A jar of yogurt costs 14 rubles 60 kopecks. What is the largest number of jars of yogurt you can buy for 100 rubles?
    A kilogram of carrots costs 40 rubles. Oleg bought 1 kg 600 g of carrots. How many rubles of change should he receive from 100 rubles?
    For repairs, 63 rolls of wallpaper are required. What is the smallest number of packs of wallpaper glue needed for such a repair, if 1 pack of glue is designed for 6 rolls?
  7. Find the root of the equation.
    Find the root of the equation .
    Find the negative root of the equation
  8. The suburban area has the shape of a rectangle with sides of 25 meters and 30 meters. The owner plans to enclose it with a fence and divide it into two parts with the same fence, one of which has the shape of a square. Find the total length of the fence in meters.
    What angle (in degrees) does the minute and hour hands make at 4:00 pm?
    The terrain plan is divided into cells. Each cell represents a square 1 m x 1 m. Find the area of ​​the plot shown on the plan. Give your answer in square meters.
  9. Establish a correspondence between the quantities and their possible values: for each element of the first column, select the corresponding element from the second column.
    A) the height of the child
    B) the thickness of the sheet of paper
    B) the length of the bus route
    D) the height of a residential building
    1) 32 km
    2) 30 m
    3) 0.2mm
    4) 110 cm
    A) the weight of an adult
    B) the mass of the truck
    B) weight of the book
    D) the mass of the button
    1) 8 t
    2) 5 g
    3) 65 kg
    4) 300 g
  10. 35 athletes participate in the diving championship: 7 from Russia, 12 from China, 9 from Japan and 7 from the USA. The order in which the athletes compete is determined by lot. Find the probability that the athlete who competes first is from Russia.
    Out of every 100 light bulbs sold, an average of 3 are defective. What is the probability that a light bulb chosen at random in a shop is good?
  11. The diagram shows data on the length of the eight largest rivers in Russia (in thousands of kilometers). The first place in length is occupied by the Lena River. What is the length of the Amur River?
    The table shows the distribution of medals at the XXII Olympic Winter Games in Sochi among the teams that took the first 10 places in terms of the number of gold medals. Use the table to determine how many silver medals the team that won the second place in the number of gold medals has.
    The graph shows the change in air temperature for three days. On the horizontal axis the day, month, time of day in hours are marked; on the vertical axis - the temperature value in degrees Celsius. Determine from the graph the highest air temperature on February 19. Give your answer in degrees Celsius.
  12. To service an international seminar, it is necessary to assemble a group of translators. Information about the candidates is presented in the table. Using the table, gather at least one group in which the translators together are proficient in four foreign languages: English, German, French and Spanish, and the total cost of their services does not exceed 12,000 rubles per day.
    In your answer, indicate any one set of translator numbers without spaces, commas, or other additional characters.

    The tourist selects excursions. Information about excursions is presented in the table. Using the table, select a set of excursions so that the tourist visits four objects: a fortress, a country palace, a park and a museum of art, and the total cost of excursions does not exceed 650 rubles.
    In your answer, indicate any one set of tour numbers without spaces, commas, and other additional characters.

    The construction company plans to buy 70 m3 of foam blocks from one of the three suppliers. Prices and delivery terms are shown in the table. How much should I pay for the cheapest purchase with delivery?
  13. Water in a cylindrical vessel is at the level h = 80 cm. At what level will the water be if it is poured into another cylindrical vessel, whose base radius is four times greater than this one? Give your answer in centimeters.
    All of its tops were sawn off from a wooden cube (see fig.). How many faces does the resulting polyhedron have (invisible edges are not shown in the figure)?
  14. The graph shows the dependence of temperature on time in the process of warming up the engine of a car. The horizontal axis indicates the time in minutes that has elapsed since the engine was started; on the vertical axis - engine temperature in degrees Celsius. Using the graph, match each time interval with the characteristics of the engine warm-up process at this interval.

    The figure shows the graph of the function and the tangents drawn to it at points with abscissas A, B, C and D.
    The right column shows the values ​​of the derivative of the function in points A, B, C and D. Using the graph, match each point with the value of the derivative of the function in it.
    points Derivative values
    A 1) -4
    B 2) 3
    C 3) 3/2
    D 4) - 1/2
  15. In a triangle ABC corner ACB equal to 90 o , cos A = 0.8, AC= 4. Cut CH- the height of the triangle ABC(see picture). Find the length of the segment.
  16. The radius of the base of the cylinder is 13, and its generatrix is ​​18. The section parallel to the axis of the cylinder is at a distance of 12 from it. Find the area of ​​this section.
    Find the volume of a regular quadrangular pyramid whose base side is 4 and the side edge is .
  17. Points are marked on the coordinate line A, B, C and D. Each point corresponds to one of the numbers in the right column. Set the correspondence between the specified points and numbers.
    points Numbers
    A 1)
    B 2) 7/3
    C 3)
    D 4)

    Each of the four inequalities in the left column corresponds to one of the solutions in the right column. Establish a correspondence between inequalities and their solutions.

  18. There are 20 students in the class, 13 of them attend the history circle,
    and 10 is a math circle. Choose the statements that are true
    under the specified conditions.
    1) Each student of this class attends both circles.
    2) There are at least two of this class who attend both circles.
    3) If a student from this class goes to a circle on history, then he
    Be sure to attend a math class.
    4) There will not be 11 people from this class who attend both circles.
    In your answer, write down the numbers of the selected statements without spaces, commas, or other additional characters.
    Vitya is taller than Kolya, but shorter than Masha. Anya is no taller than Vitya. Select statements,
    which are true under the specified conditions.
    1) Masha is the tallest of these four people.
    2) Anya and Masha are the same height.
    3) Vitya and Kolya are the same height.
    4) Kolya is lower than Masha.
    In your answer, write down the numbers of the selected statements without spaces, commas
    and other additional characters.
  19. Find a three-digit number whose sum of digits is 20, and the sum of the squares of digits is divisible by 3, but not by 9. In your answer, indicate any one such number.
  20. In the exchange office, you can perform one of two operations:
    - for 2 gold coins get 3 silver and one copper;
    - For 5 silver coins, get 3 gold and one copper.
    Nicholas had only silver coins. After several visits to the exchange office, he had fewer silver coins, no gold coins, but 50 copper coins appeared. By how much did Nicholas's number of silver coins decrease?
    The rectangle is divided into four smaller rectangles by two straight cuts.
    The perimeters of three of them, starting from the top left and proceeding clockwise, are 24, 28 and 16. Find the perimeter of the fourth rectangle. Assessment system for examination paper in mathematics (basiclevel) The correct solution of each of the tasks 1-20 is estimated at 1 point. The task is considered completed correctly if the examinee gave the correct answer in the form of an integer or a final decimal fraction, or a sequence of numbers


Exercise Example 1 Example 2 Example 3
1 8,4 3,2
2 40 54
3 17400 50
4 7 6 8
5 -0,6 51 30
6 6 36 11
7 7 67 -2
8 135 120 12
9 4312 3142
10 0,2 0,97
11 7 5 -3
12 135; 153; 315; 351; 513; 531; 256; 265; 526; 562; 625; 652 14; 41 192000
13 5 14
14 4132 2143
15 3,2
16 180 16
17 4213 4321
18 24; 42 14; 41
19 578; 587; 758; 785; 857; 875
20 10 12

2017-2018 training work in mathematics grade 11

Option 2 (basic)

The answer to each task is a final decimal fraction, an integer or a sequence of digits. Write down the answers to the tasks in the answer field in the text of the work, and then transfer them to the answer form No. 1 to the right of the number of the corresponding task. If the answer is a sequence of numbers, then write down this sequence in the answer sheet No. 1without spaces, commas and other additional characters. Write each number, minus sign and comma in a separate box. Units of measurement are not required.


Answer: _________________.

2 . Find the value of the expression:

Answer: _________________.

3 . At school, girls make up 51% of all students. How many girls are in this school if there are 8 more girls than boys?

Answer: _________________.

4 . Harmonic mean of three numbersa , b andWith, is calculated by the formula Find the harmonic mean of numbers

Answer: _________________.

5. Calculate:

Answer: _________________.

6 . In the men's dormitory of the institute, no more than three people can be accommodated in each room. What is the smallest number of rooms needed to accommodate 79 out-of-town students?

Answer: _________________.

7 .Find the root of the equation

Answer: _________________.

8 . The apartment consists of two rooms, a kitchen, a corridor and a bathroom (see drawing). The first room has 4 m by 4 m, the second - 4 m by 3.5 m, the kitchen has dimensions of 4 m by 3.5 m, the bathroom - 1.5 m by 2 m. Find the area of ​​​​the corridor. Give your answer in square meters.

Answer: _________________.

9 . Establish a correspondence between the quantities and their possible values: for each element of the first column, select the corresponding element from the second column.


A) the volume of the chest of drawers 1) 0.75 l

B) the volume of water in the Caspian Sea 2) 78200 km 3

C) the volume of the package of ryazhenka 3) 96 l

D) the volume of the railway car 4) 90 m 3

In the table, under each letter corresponding to the value, indicate the number of its possible value.


Answer: _________________.

10 . At the Russian Language Olympiad, participants are seated in three classrooms. In the first two, 130 people each, the rest are taken to a reserve auditorium in another building. When counting, it turned out that there were 400 participants in total. Find the probability that a randomly selected participant wrote the Olympiad in the spare room.

Answer: _________________.

11 . The figure shows a graph of atmospheric pressure values ​​in a certain city for three days. Days of the week and time are indicated horizontally, atmospheric pressure values ​​in millimeters of mercury are indicated vertically. Find the value of atmospheric pressure on Wednesday at 12 o'clock. Give your answer in millimeters of mercury.

Answer: ____________.

12. From paragraphBUT to paragraphD three roads lead. Via itemAT a truck travels at an average speed of 44 km/h through the pointFROM A bus travels at an average speed of 36 km/h. The third road is without intermediate points, and a passenger car moves along it at an average speed of 48 km/h. The diagram shows the distance between points in kilometers. The bus, truck and car left the point at the same timeBUT . Which car got toD later than others? In your answer, indicate how many hours she was on the road.

Answer: _________________.

13. A regular hexagonal pyramid with edge 1 was glued to a regular hexagonal prism with edge 1 so that the faces of the bases coincided. How many faces does the resulting polyhedron have (invisible edges are not shown in the figure)?

Answer: _________________.

14. The figure shows a graph of the function pointsA, B, C, DandEset on the axisX four intervals. Using the graph, match each interval with the characteristic of a function or its derivative.


A) (A; B) 1) the function changes sign from “-” to “+”

B) (C; C) 2) the derivative changes sign from "-" to "+"

B) (C;D) 3) the derivative changes sign from "+" to "-"

G) (D; E) 4) the function is positive and increasing

In the table below each letter, indicate the corresponding number.

15 . On a circle with a centerO points are markedBUT andAT so that the length of the smaller arcAB is 3. Find the length of the larger arc.

Answer: _________________.

16 . Given two boxes that have the shape of a regular quadrangular prism. The first box is four and a half times lower than the second, and the second is three times narrower than the first. How many times greater is the volume of the first box than the volume of the second?

Answer: _________________.

17. Each of the four inequalities in the left column corresponds to one of the solutions in the right column. Establish a correspondence between inequalities and their solutions.






Write in the table given in the answer under each letter the corresponding number of the decision.


18 . At the Winter Olympics, the Russian team won more medals than the Canadian team, the Canadian team - more than the German team, and the Norwegian team - less than the Canadian team.

Select the statements that are true under the given conditions.

1) Of the named teams, the Canadian team came second in the number of medals.

2) Among the named teams there are three that won an equal number of medals.

3) The German team won more medals than the Russian team.

4) The Russian team won more medals than each of the other three teams.

In your answer, indicate the numbers of correct statements in ascending order.

Answer: _________________.

19 . chetythree-digit numberBUT consists of numbers 3; four; eight; 9, afourthree-digit numberAT - from the numbers 6; 7; eight; 9. It is known thatAT = 2 BUT. Find a numberBUT. In your answer, indicate any one such number, except for the number 3489.

Answer: _________________.

20 . The rectangle is divided into four small rectangles by two straight cuts. The perimeters of three of them, starting from the top left and going clockwise, are 17, 15, and 18. Find the perimeter of the fourth rectangle.


