
But who now needs a higher education and where then to go to study? Which university is better for girls to enter? Where to go to study after 11

But who now needs a higher education and where then to go to study?  Which university is better for girls to enter?  Where to go to study after 11

The problem of choosing a profession and institute after school is eternal. And it's really hard to decide. Even many psychologists believe that it is too early at that age to think about it. There is something in this, because if you ask a senior student where he wants to go, he will answer something like: “well, I have not decided yet” or “time will tell.”

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If you are reading this article, then you do not let everything take its course and really want to decide on your future profession and the university where you want to study. Well, that pleases. Today we will take a closer look at various aspects of career guidance.

Difficulties that may arise when choosing an educational institution

Everything has a reason. And the difficulties in choosing a profession after grade 11 are also due to something. Here are some reasons according to which it can be:

There are many more reasons. Here are just the main ones. It is necessary to analyze what specific difficulties are in your case. Here are just examples.

Occupation types

All professions are divided into five categories:

Although there is an opinion that this classification is already outdated, because more and more often you have to deal with several objects of labor. For example, a landscape designer. Try to figure out where to take it.

Three post-secondary options

Now gone are the days when the key to a successful life is admission to the university. Of course, knowledge is necessary. But they can be obtained in different ways: through the Internet, for example. But it is still necessary to go to study in some institution, because in the future it will be a big plus for self-promotion.

We will give three options for where you can go to study after school.

About the entrepreneurial approach to finding a job

About that, how much paid work, you should not worry at all. Firstly, currently prestigious professions by the end of training may well cease to be such. Secondly, predictions of prestigious professions in the future sometimes do not come true. Thirdly, the very fact of working in a prestigious specialty does not guarantee money.

What guarantees? The answer is an entrepreneurial approach . What it is? Imagine that you are not an employee, but an entrepreneur who is looking for a permanent customer. With this approach, you will dictate the rules. There is one saying - you do not have what you deserve, but what you agree on. This is what determines how much money you will earn.

There are cleaners who earn a lot, and there are bankers who count the last penny. It all depends on how you know how to sell your skills.

Why is all this being said? And to the fact that it is not necessary to focus on the criterion of salary. Choose the profession that you like.

Short list of professions for girls

Now the line between male and female professions is blurred, and a girl can go to any specialty she wants. As an option, enter a military university after grade 11 or a school of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Here are some professions which you may like:

And a number of other specialties. Choose the university to which your soul lies, even if the profession corresponding to the institute is not on this list. After all, there are so many of them - a sociologist, a psychologist, a marketer, a designer, and much more. The Ministry of Internal Affairs, by the way, is a very good socially useful option.


The theme of career guidance after grade 11 is immense. But we tried to disassemble the principles on which the choice of profession is based. We hope that this article was useful for you, and now it is easier to choose a good specialty. The main thing is to search. Whoever searches will always find a good university in Belarus, Russia or another educational institution even abroad.

There are also tests to help you decide on a career. But don't trust them too much. Focus on your desire, look for it, and it will be easier to find an institute.

Graduation from school and the choice of a future profession is one of the most important stages that affects the future life of a graduate. Girls and boys after grade 11 take exams, pass tests. Before them becomes the question: where to go to study?

The main problem that worries many is how not to make a mistake with the profession and make the right choice. In fact, not many people know exactly what they want to become. Where to go to study after 11th grade? What criteria should be followed? What do psychologists advise about this? What professions are most in demand at the moment for guys and girls?

It is necessary to approach the choice of a future profession with great responsibility, to consider all the pros and cons

Criteria for choosing a profession

It is not entirely correct to limit yourself to clear criteria, since there is no single correct formula that allows you to choose a specialization. Teachers and psychologists offer to pass special tests that determine individual inclinations and help determine the field of activity.

The test results are worth listening to, but they should not be decisive in making a decision. According to one of the theories, each person has his own talent and, so to speak, destiny, which help him achieve success in a certain field or industry.

The main criteria to be followed:

  • individual inclinations (humanities, mathematician, biologist);
  • talent and abilities (intellectual, spiritual, physical);
  • preferences by type and occupation (mental work, work with people, art or physical labor);
  • individual psychotype;
  • the perceived benefits of specialization;
  • the demand for the profession in real time.

To decide on a future profession, it is necessary to “try on” all the specialties in your thoughts and feel what your soul is for

Based on the above list, we can draw the only conclusion - it is necessary to base the choice on personal qualities, talents, abilities. It is important to choose a business to your liking, to do what you like, bring moral satisfaction and benefit, and what works best.

Today's youth often pursue the most fashionable or highly paid specialties only for reasons of image and profit. If you love and understand your business, you can become successful in any business. Real professionals are respected and earn well.

The state of the current world economy obliges to take into account the demand for the profession. The right approach will allow not to throw a diploma on the shelf and not join the ranks of the unemployed. This does not mean that you need to abandon your dream, but only slightly correct it.

Important advice from psychologists:

  1. Don't follow your parents. It is necessary to listen to the wise advice of adults, but the final decision remains with the graduate. Often parents impose specialties that they like without listening to the wishes of the child. In addition, such an important step teaches responsibility and independence.
  2. Do not be scared. Fear or uncertainty is always present, you can not let them stop you. It is important to remember that in case of failure, you can retrain and master the desired profession.
  3. "Take the job for yourself." Describe in detail what you do and where you work. You can describe the working day in detail. If the presented causes joy, then the specialty is suitable.

Choosing a place of study

Having decided on the desired profession, students are faced with the choice of a place of study. First of all, you need to decide what kind of education you need - higher or secondary special.

Some do not have enough progress to enter the university, and sometimes, according to the specifics of the profession, the secondary special education quite enough. In addition, after a college or technical school, getting a higher education is not difficult. Numerous colleges offer a wide range of specializations and high level learning.

Admission to a higher educational institution

Admission to higher education institutions is based on the results of three or four USE tests on various subjects. An applicant has the right to apply to 5 universities with 3 faculties each, that is, as a result, 15 possible options are obtained.

Many institutes and universities additionally conduct their own examinations or tests. This applies to professions that require professional or physical data, as well as those related to art.

Faculties that conduct additional examinations:

  • air navigation, operation of aircraft;
  • architecture, urban planning;
  • the medicine;
  • philology;
  • art history;
  • design;
  • directing;
  • acting skills;
  • choreography;
  • vocals;
  • physical culture, etc.

Of great importance is the "portfolio" of the graduate, which can significantly increase the chances of entering an elite university. It indicates a certificate with honors or the presence of secondary specialized education (red diploma), active volunteer or social activities, sports achievements, participation and victories in scientific Olympiads.

One of the most prestigious institutions in Moscow - MGIMO

Higher education institutions with the largest and toughest competition (which are difficult to get into):

  1. Moscow state institute international relations (MGIMO);
  2. Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology;
  3. Moscow State Linguistic University;
  4. Russian Customs Academy;
  5. Moscow State University Lomonosov;
  6. Moscow State law university them. Kutafin;
  7. Moscow State Institute of Music. Schnittke;
  8. National Research University Higher School of Economics (International Institute of Economics and Finance), etc.

Admission to a college, technical school or college

Average professional education does not lose its popularity to this day, on the contrary, it is gaining it. Young people have the opportunity to learn a profession in a shorter time and immediately start working. Many receive higher education in absentia, while earning money.

Schools and technical schools become a salvation for those who unsuccessfully passed the exam and did not pass the points to the university. However, this does not mean that going to college, you can not study at all. The choice of secondary specialized educational institutions (SSUZ) is really great.

In addition to public institutions, many private for-profit colleges have opened. In addition, some universities open technical schools on their basis, which allows students to learn from teachers from the university.

AT last years The admissions process has been greatly simplified. There are usually no entrance exams, except for military specialties, physical education, or the arts. The graduate must submit an application on time, provide the necessary documents (certificate, exam, copy of the passport and insurance policy, medical certificates and photographs). Depending on the number of applicants, the passing score may be absent or be within the average. Some establishments accept everyone in conditions of shortage, but this does not always happen.

List of popular state secondary schools:

  1. College of Architecture, Design and Reengineering;
  2. College of Entrepreneurship;
  3. College of Service and Tourism;
  4. College of Arts and Crafts. Carl Faberge;
  5. Construction College;
  6. Medical College. Botkin;
  7. Moscow College of Aviation Motors;
  8. Moscow State College of Technology and Law;
  9. Food technical school;
  10. Moscow Higher Military Command School;
  11. Suvorovskoe military school and etc.

Graduates of the Suvorov Military School

Obtaining a specialty in narrow-profile courses

For one reason or another, some graduates do not enter universities or technical schools. You can master a specialty in a short time at narrow-profile courses that offer many directions. In addition, some professions do not require compulsory higher education.

During the training, young people receive the necessary theoretical knowledge and consolidate it in practice. At the end of the course, they are awarded a document or certificate confirming their specialization. Many large enterprises offer vocational courses and then provide a job.

Examples of professions that can be mastered in the courses:

  • working specialties for boys and girls;
  • secretary-referent;
  • photographer;
  • hairdresser, stylist, manicurist;
  • seamstress;
  • massage therapist or beautician;
  • cook;
  • waiter or bartender, etc.

The hobby of photography can become a main profession and a good source of income.

List of specialties for guys after grade 11

In the modern world, the clear boundary between male and female professions has practically blurred. Nevertheless, it is possible to single out a list of professions after grade 11, which is suitable for a boy. It will be useful to inexperienced graduates who are faced with a difficult choice and are not sure of it.

Areas of activity in which young people achieve success:

  • Computer techologies;
  • engineering and technical professions;
  • working specialties;
  • jurisprudence;
  • the medicine;
  • trade;
  • services sector;
  • creative professions;
  • tourism, etc.

The IT-sphere is in demand and popular. In overwhelming numbers, it is represented by men. This includes web design, application development, SEO optimization, etc. In the era of digital technologies, such specialists never sit without work and earn decently.

A good IT specialist is always in demand in the labor market

The financial and banking sector offers many options. Financial analysts, investment and lending experts, fashionable anti-crisis managers will find work not only in banks, but also in large companies.

Working specialties are in demand among Russians. Trained professionals are well paid and always given work.

Graduate engineers and so-called "techies" have become very popular. Many young men prefer fashionable professions, as a result of which there are not enough engineers. Young specialists are required at enterprises, factories and concerns.

Do not forget about medicine. Competent doctors are always worth their weight in gold. Guys are listed exactly the same as girls. By the way, there are a lot more male surgeons.

Military affairs remain purely masculine. In addition, this industry offers many specialties and full social security.

List of professions for girls after grade 11

Modern girls easily master any profession. They are successful in the field of high technology, finance, law, medicine. It all depends on the ability and desire.

What profession can a girl choose:

  • physician, pharmacist;
  • economist accountant;
  • veterinarian;
  • teacher;
  • Researcher;
  • psychologist;
  • architect;
  • web designer, programmer;
  • translator, linguist;
  • designer, stylist;
  • advertising or sales specialist;
  • Sales Representative;
  • lawyer;
  • police officer;
  • Office Manager;
  • tourism specialist, guide;
  • trainer, fitness instructor;
  • journalist.

In the modern world, the profession of trainers and fitness instructors will always be relevant and in demand.

Specializations that can be quickly mastered in courses after grade 11:

  • nail service master
  • the hairdresser;
  • beautician;
  • masseur;
  • visagiste;
  • PC operator;
  • cook;
  • seamstress;
  • waiter;
  • Sales Manager.

TOP of the most demanded professions

A marketer - a specialist in product promotion - is necessary for absolutely any modern company

Continuous economic development and the fashion for certain specializations determine the list of in-demand and necessary professions:

  1. IT specialist (programmer, website developer, system administrator, web designer);
  2. marketer (all companies and brands need competent advertising, which are becoming more and more);
  3. interpreter;
  4. employee in public institutions (schools, hospitals, kindergartens, etc.);
  5. engineer, architect;
  6. sales specialist, customer service;
  7. doctor (pediatricians, surgeons, anesthesiologists and narrow specialists).

Rating of the highest paid specialties

IT specialists and website developers receive very high salaries in dollar terms

The highest paid specialties:

  1. IT specialist and web developer;
  2. auditor;
  3. marketer;
  4. business trainer;
  5. chef in the restaurant;
  6. dentist;
  7. collector;
  8. lawyer;
  9. Chief Accountant;
  10. beauty specialist.

It is important to take into account the fact that true professionals receive a large income. High salaries come with experience.

Where can you get an education for free?

By doing well in school, a teenager increases the chances of going to college or college on a budget.

The answer is simple - in almost every educational institution in the country. All state universities, technical schools and some commercial educational institutions allocate a certain number of budget and preferential places.

Budgeting is not always easy. Applicants go through several stages of selection. Enroll young people with the best USE results, additional exams, as well as portfolio and personal achievements are taken into account. It is difficult to get into elite institutions (MGIMO, Moscow State University). This is due to the limited number of free places, high passing score (95 - 90), great excitement and competition among applicants.

However, there are many universities and vocational schools that accept with lower rates. Students are paid a scholarship and, if necessary, are provided with a hostel. Studying for free is quite possible (a graduate can submit 15 applications). To do this, you need to try, study well in graduation classes, and successfully pass the exam.

The closer the end of school, the more questions high school students have about where to go to study. According to statistics, 80% of university graduates do not work in their specialty. This is associated with a misconception about the profession or with uncertainty in one's abilities and knowledge. How to discover talent, where to go, finally, how to answer the question: what professions to choose after grade 11?

The first thing you must remember is that if thoughts are not directed towards a goal, then they are chaotic. Without a goal, you act differently every day, not knowing what to strive for. To find out what profession to choose and where to go to study, first decide what goal you are striving for.

Answer the questions. What is your meaning of life? What idea will you give to this world? What fruits will you reap in old age? Where are your steps going? - Write down the answers. Now think about what profession would help you realize your dream. It should not interfere with your goal or go along with it. It should contribute to its implementation. And remember, you don't have to do everything, you have to do the most important thing.

We bring to your attention a list of professions after grade 11 that are in demand in the labor market. What profession to choose and where to enter is up to you.


Figures, bills, documents - and so on for eight hours every day. What's more boring? - So think those who are not familiar with this profession. And only the accountants themselves know that their work is a gambling quiz show, during which there is no time to be bored.

Accounting is not only the calculation of salaries, vacation pay and sick leave, but also a hundred other issues. Oddly enough, the first to answer them are not the heads of firms, but accountants. They translate the processes taking place in the company into the language of numbers. Knowing where the company's finances go is the prerogative of the accounting department.

The accountant needs to select and collect financial related information, systematize it and analyze it. Without this painstaking work, a crisis will quickly come in the company.

In this path, you can choose several areas of activity. On the one hand, this is the “position” of an artist with a boundless flight of fancy. On the other hand, an engineer, a mechanic - that is, a person familiar with the sewer or porch device.

Architects are people who build residential and administrative buildings. There are also industrial architects. There are architects who are engaged in landscape design.

Qualities that an architect possesses:

  • Creative skills,
  • developed spatial thinking,
  • self control,
  • realism.


In Soviet times, it was in great demand, so many wanted to go to study as "techies". Half of the schoolchildren in the class, when asked what your father works for, answered with the term "engineer". After perestroika, the demand for technical specialties fell sharply. There was a desire to go to study at economic, law and other humanitarian faculties. However, today the profession of an engineer has become in demand again. And the salaries of those "techies" are constantly growing. So there is a demand!

Remember that engineers work in all areas of production. You can enroll as a civil engineer, communications engineer, space or food technology engineer. Without engineers, you won’t fly anywhere and you won’t go anywhere!

And here are the qualities that an engineer has:

  • interest in the operation of technical devices,
  • developed visual logic,
  • attentiveness,
  • discipline.

So where to go, who to ask? - We hope that this article will help with the choice of a profession after 11 classes of school. Become a professional in the path you choose - and success is guaranteed to you. Moreover, success, which can be expressed not only by external brilliance and the thickness of the wallet, but also by a deep sense of inner satisfaction and pride. Although the thickness of the wallet for any profession is very good.

Every year the life of a child acquires more and more problems. And sooner or later the moment comes when the question arises of where to go to study after grade 11.

Yes, the choice is not easy, because the fate of the next few years depends on it. And it’s good if parents help their child solve the problem, especially if it is possible to pay for tuition at prestigious universities.

What you should pay attention to

There are many options for where to go to study after grade 11, each of them has its pros and cons. The choice should depend not only on the sincere desire of the student, but also on his knowledge and interests.

The well-being of the family is also important, because it is not always possible to enter the budget. Therefore, it is best to consider several options and apply to more than one educational institution.

How to choose?

If you have not decided where to go to study after grade 11, then start with the following points:

1. Profession.

2. Place of study.

3. List of documents required for admission.

4. Enrollment rules.

Read them carefully. If you can deal with each of them, then you can easily choose where to go to study after the 11th grade.

Decide on a profession

Each educational institution will be able to make a student a specialist of a certain category and direction. Therefore, when choosing a place of further education, it is necessary to decide on the desired profession.

In this matter, it is worth focusing on interests, knowledge in a particular discipline. After all, choosing where you can go to study after grade 11, you should understand that from decision will depend on the coming years required for training. Of course, there is always the opportunity to change your specialty and try yourself in a different direction, but it’s still better to try to make the right choice at the very beginning.

In addition, it is worth realizing that the education received should contribute to the fastest employment, which will bring a suitable level of income.

List of the most demanded professions in the Russian Federation

When wondering where you can go to study after grade 11, be guided by the following list, which contains the most relevant working specialties today:



Engineers of various directions;



If you study and become a specialist in any of the areas listed above, then you will not have problems with employment.

Choosing a place to study

Certificate of form 086U (from a medical institution);

The original document of the state standard on the education received;

Six pieces of photos 3*4;

Certificate of USE results;

If there are benefits, then present documents confirming this.

In addition, it is worth providing other documents confirming the availability of certificates, thanks, etc.

If a guy enters, then at the time of enrollment, you will also have to present an additional draftee certificate or military ID.

Don't rush to choose

The decision on where to go to study after grade 11 for a guy should not be made even in one day. You need to carefully weigh the pros and cons. You can not focus only on the imaginary earnings of a particular profession.

After all, you can train a person for 5 years to become a lawyer, but he will never have the skills and abilities necessary for work. In the first place should always be the desire of the graduate to engage in a certain craft that would bring pleasure. Money in this case can not be put in the foreground.

Also, choosing where to go to study after the 11th grade for a girl, you can’t make a decision spontaneously. Not everyone will be able to master, for example, the military profession (today girls are also accepted into such universities). The same goes for guys. If there is no talent and great desire, it is hardly worth it just to get a higher education, go to study as a teacher, a librarian, or master some other, "ladies", as it is now commonly believed, specialty.

In addition, it is necessary to expand the horizons of possible professions. After all, those possible types of work that were available to our parents at the time of their studies, today make up only a small part of all available options.

If earlier it was difficult to imagine a woman as a good diplomat, then in the modern world such politicians are key figures on the world stage. You should not think only about a seamstress or a teacher, you can become a programmer, economist, doctor, photographer, designer, etc.

To make the right choice of where to go to study after grade 11, a girl needs to try to imagine herself a few years after graduating from a university or college. Will this option suit you, will you be satisfied with your choice, do you see yourself as a specialist in this direction? If you doubt even for a moment, then you should take your time and think over all the possible options again.

Summing up

After school, it is very important to make the right choice of where to go to study after grade 11 for a boy or a girl, in a word, for schoolchildren. Every school has its own psychologist who is always ready to offer several tests to help you make the right choice.

If there is no way to contact a specialist, then you can find similar tests on the Internet. But remember that they are only able to point you to your skills and abilities, and the choice of what to do and where to study it is always up to you.

And it doesn’t matter if it’s a university or a college - the main thing is that the knowledge and diploma you receive will help you take further steps in adulthood, and there will never be a regret about the years spent on education.

Every year, graduates from all over the world face the question of where to go after 11th grade. Some want to choose a profession more prestigious, others find a job to their liking.

To study it is possible in another city and even abroad, choose a full-time form of education or receive knowledge in absentia, enter the budget or study for a fee.

The world is open to graduates, but every year many say: “I don’t know where to go to study.” You can decide on a profession with the help of tests.

Where to enter after 11th grade for a girl

There are not so many purely female professions; most specialties today are suitable for both sexes. Among the many options, it is difficult for a girl to decide if there are no specific preferences yet.

It is impossible to list all possible professions - in Russia the list of possible positions is measured in thousands.

The girl has the following options:

Direction Specialties
economic Economist, manager of various areas, marketer, auditor, customs officer, state or municipal administration, accountant
Legal Legal consultant, lawyer, notary, prosecutor, law enforcement officer, forensic economic expert
Pedagogical Teacher of any direction, including preschool and primary education, psychologist
humanitarian Journalist, linguist, philologist, documentation specialist, philosopher, sociologist
Medicine and dentistry Pharmacist, dentist, specialist in a specific field
Creative You can study as a designer, then choosing any direction
veterinary medicine Profession of veterinarian, pharmacologist, physical education

A girl can unlearn to be a seamstress, beautician, clerk, stewardess (special schools). The list is endless.

Where can a guy go to study

A boy can choose many specialties. Most professions are suitable for both genders.

Like the girls a guy can choose the specialty of a doctor, teacher, dentist, veterinarian, psychologist, lawyer, economist and even designer.

A young man can study to be a programmer, go to the Ministry of Emergency Situations, decide on a military life or choose a technical direction:

  • Builder.
  • Heat engineer or heat engineer.
  • Power engineer.
  • Mashinostroitel.
  • Constructor.
  • Metallurgist.
  • Architect.
  • Engineer.

You don't have to have good grades to choose a profession. It is easier for a triple student to go to a less popular specialty, where there is a sufficient number of places, or to choose paid education.

If there is no certificate, and the school is completed with a certificate, then you can wait a year and retake the exams or go to college without the exam for a special program, and a year later choose a university.

Note! For young men, a reprieve from the army is important. It is provided in universities and colleges, but only for full-time education.

Test to determine the future profession

Children can rarely decide exactly what specialty they like. Focus on hobbies.

A lover of clues will suit the profession of an investigator, athletes need a faculty of physical education, and a novice artist has a direct path to the Academy of Arts.

With a passion for literature, you can become a librarian, editor, proofreader or writer.

If a there are no obvious preferences, then you can pass the test. According to the method of the famous psychologist E.A.

Klimov there are 5 types of professions. The test is based on 20 points, they have two options.

In each item, you must choose one profession:

Option 1 Option 2
1 Animal care Maintenance of machines, instrumentation
2 Help sick people, treatment Drawing up tables, diagrams, programs
3 Tracking the quality of illustrations for books Tracking the condition and development of plants
4 Material handling Bringing goods to consumers
5 Discussion of articles, popular science books Discussion of art books, concerts, plays
6 Rearing of young animals (animals) Training comrades in performing actions
7 Copying patterns or customizing tools Truck management
8 Communication and clarification of information Decoration
9 Repair of products, things, housing Search and correction of errors (texts, tables, figures)
10 Animal treatment Perform calculations and calculations
11 Breeding of new plant varieties Construction, projection
12 Analysis of disputes and quarrels, clarification, persuasion, encouragement and punishment Analysis of drawings of tables and diagrams
13 Observation and study of the activities of art circles Observation and study of the life of microbes
14 Maintenance and adjustment of medical devices Providing medical care
15 Compile accurate reports and descriptions Artistic description of events, their image
16 Hospital tests (laboratory) Reception and examination of patients, conversation, treatment
17 Painting or painting walls or products Assembly of buildings, assembly of machines
18 Organization of excursions, trips Stage, concerts
19 Production of parts according to drawings, construction of buildings Drawing, copying schemes, maps
20 Plant disease and pest control Working on a keyboard

This test can be taken online. According to its results, points are awarded for each direction. This makes it easier to narrow down the options.

Based on the results of the test, a person may gravitate towards the following areas:

  • Nature.
  • Technique.
  • People.
  • Sign technique (images).
  • Artistic image.

Everyone has it directions have psychological requirements and a list of possible specialties. There are other tests that make it easier to choose a profession.

List of prestigious and in-demand professions

Every person wants his specialty to be prestigious and in demand. This means choosing a job, decent pay and recognition.

For Russia, the following areas are prestigious and in demand:

  • IT specialization.
  • Pedagogy.
  • Engineering design.
  • Jurisprudence.
  • The medicine.
  • Marketing.
  • Work with personnel.
  • Beauty industry.
  • Ecology.
  • Working specialties (subject to high qualification).

Orienting on prestige it is necessary to choose the appropriate educational institution.

Among the best are Lomonosov Moscow State University, Bauman Moscow State Technical University, St. Petersburg State University, IME, NRU " graduate School economy".

Schoolchildren need to orient their exams towards their future profession. The humanities should not be neglected by social science, engineers and technologists by physics, and the future programmer by computer science.

In the medical field, one must enter with passed biology and chemistry, and the Faculty of Geography is directly related to geography.

To the choice future specialty should be approached with special care.

It is important to choose the right direction and educational institution so that the profession is in demand and loved.

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