
Check your mind. What level of iq is considered normal. Aikyu level of a normal person - what is considered good

Check your mind.  What level of iq is considered normal.  Aikyu level of a normal person - what is considered good

Take an accurate IQ test and find out your intellectual abilities.
IQ, or intelligence quotient, is a program that reflects the level of a person's mental development. For the first time, the task of determining this parameter, which was rather abstract at that time, was set before the Frenchman Binet at the end of the century before last, but this evaluation form reached its peak of popularity already on another continent, in the USA. The IQ test, first of all, was carried out in the army, then the two millionth contingent of the barracks began to be replenished with applicants and potential employees. The teaching staff and employers also wanted to know who they would have to train and with whom to go to the top of the business.

However, not all tests created by psychologists objectively reflected the actual state of affairs. For example, the popular Eysenck questionnaire was criticized by scientists for a number of gross errors in questions and building logical chains of answers to them. Nevertheless, the IQ test remains in demand and is often used in various fields of human activity.

Interpreting IQ Test Results

The ubiquitous statistics gathered by research suggests that an IQ test score of 50 may be indicative of a person's mental retardation. The most common result is 85-115 points, up to 125 are scored by those whose mental capabilities are above the average.

High intelligence is considered to be over 135 points, but everything that is more than this level indicates the signs of the genius of the subject. For example, the test results on the IQ of Hollywood stars are striking: James Woods with 180 points eclipsed Tarantino with his 160. The outsiders were Paris Hilton with 70 points and Sylvester Stallone with ... 54. For comparison, Obama's IQ is 120 points, and V.V. Putin leads him by 14 points. What position will you take in this company?

Last update: 06/03/2017

There is a lot of talk about IQ tests these days, but many people still don't know what these scores really mean. What exactly is high level IQ? And the average? How many points do you need to score to be considered a genius?

IQ, or intelligence quotient, is the score obtained on a standardized test designed to measure intelligence. It is formally considered that in the early 1900s with the introduction of the Binet-Simon test, but later it was revised, and the Stanford-Binet test acquired universality.
IQ tests have proven to be very popular not only among psychologists, but also among other specialists, but there is still a lot of controversy about what exactly IQ tests measure and how accurate they are.
In order to adequately evaluate and interpret test results, psychometricians use standardization. This process involves conducting a test with a representative sample of the population. Each participant takes the test under the same conditions as all other participants in the study group. This process allows psychometricians to establish norms or standards against which individual results can be compared.
When determining the results of the test to determine the level of intelligence development, as a rule, the normal distribution function is used - a bell-shaped curve, on which most of the results are located near or around the average score. For example, the majority of scores (about 68%) on the WAIS III test are typically between 85 and 115 (with an average of 100). The remaining results are less common, and therefore the area of ​​the curve on which they are located is directed downward. Very few people (approximately 0.2%) score more than 145 (indicating a very high IQ) or less than 55 (indicating a very low IQ) on the test.
Because the median score is 100, professionals can quickly evaluate individual scores by comparing them to the median and determining where those scores fall on the normal distribution scale.

More about IQ scores

In most modern IQ tests, the average score is set at 100 with a standard deviation of 15 so that the scores follow a bell curve. This means that 68% of the results fall within one standard deviation of the mean (ie, between 85 and 115 points), and 95% fall within two standard deviations (between 70 and 130 points).
A score of 70 or less is considered low. In the past, this mark was considered an indicator of mental retardation and intellectual disability, characterized by significant cognitive impairment. Today, however, only the results of the IQ test are not used to diagnose intellectual disability. The result below 70 points is received by approximately 2.2% of people.
A score over 140 is considered a high IQ. Many believe that a result of more than 160 points can speak of a person's genius.
A high IQ is certainly closely related to academic achievement, but is it related to success in life in general? Are there really more successful people than their lower IQ counterparts? Many experts believe that other factors can also have a great influence, including.
That is, the scores are interpreted as follows.

Recently, a variety of tests for determining the intelligence quotient or tests for IQ (IQ - intelligence quotient, read IQ) have become increasingly popular. They are held not only for entertainment. Some employers and educational institutions have included such tests in their admissions programs. What does it give and how to check your IQ (ikyu)?


The abbreviation IQ denotes a quantitative assessment of the intellectual abilities of the person being tested in relation to the level of mental development of an average person of this age.

This abbreviation was first used at the beginning of the last century in the Stanford-Bine scale.

What is intelligence? Translated from the Latin intellectus means understanding, perception, sensation. This is the quality of our psyche, which helps to adapt to new circumstances. Thanks to mental abilities, we can quickly adapt, learn new things and apply knowledge in practice. Mental abilities are divided into congenital and acquired.

Innate abilities play a big role in our life. They are formed under the influence of genetics and begin to appear already in childhood. Primary intuition is not related to mental functions and does not depend on our skills. It is believed that it is formed on the basis of the architectonics of the cerebral cortex. Acquired abilities are what we will achieve throughout our lives.

Aikyu is affected by:

  • individual genes;
  • heredity;
  • external factors.

If everything is clear with the first two points, then the last point raises many questions.

Scientists have found that mental abilities can be affected by: environment, food, race and even country of residence. Jews have the highest rate, followed by Asians, and then only people of the white race. Therefore, some are considered smarter simply by nature, because they were born "where it is necessary."

Nutrition is also a very important component of the full and comprehensive development of the individual. It has been proven that the lack of iodine in the body of a teenager reduces intelligence by almost 10 points, but breastfeeding helps to increase the indicator by 7 positions. True, disputes on this subject have not subsided so far, since every scientist has his own opinion.

But don't despair, there are exceptions to every rule.

Checking aikyu is easy, the main thing is to know how.


You can test your mental abilities on your own or under the supervision of a psychologist. For this, various tests have long been developed that allow you to reveal the hidden resources of your mind, and show everyone what you are capable of. In any of them there are tasks of different complexity.

Usually they are arranged in ascending order, from easy to more difficult. Points are awarded for each answer. The maximum number is 180. Tests are divided by age, each category has its own scale of results.

The most common questionnaire is the Eysenck test. In addition, the methods of R. Amthauer, D. Wexler, R. Cattell and J. Raven are often used. They are more accurate. It is not necessary to select one option. To test your mental abilities, you can pass all the proposed tests. The average result will most objectively show your aikyu.

Tests can be found on the Internet and taken online. True, before starting the test, it is better to carefully read the conditions. Some resources offer to pass the test for free, but you will have to pay money to get the result. There are options without payment, you just need to search the network.

Unfortunately, all these developments will not show 100% reliable results. A lot during the passage depends on the erudition and outlook of the person being tested. Feeling unwell or tired can have a negative impact on the quality of the test, so taking the test twice, you can get completely different results.

It has been statistically proven that IQ changes with age. It reaches its peak at the age of 25. It is generally accepted in the world that an IQ of 100 points is average. The IQ of a five-year-old reaches 50-75 points, at 10 years old it ranges from 70 to 80 points, at 15-20 years old it can reach the average value for an adult of 100 points. In many countries of the world (for example, the USA and Japan), gifted people are selected on the basis of IQ tests, and then they are trained according to an enhanced and accelerated system. This is due to the fact that children with an IQ increased for their age, as a rule, learn much better and faster than their peers.


Oddly enough, but IQ varies from race to race. For example, the average IQ for African Americans is 86, for European whites it is 103, and for Jews it is 113. All this speaks in favor of the supporters of scientific racism. However, this gap is narrowing from year to year.


Women and men do not differ from each other in intelligence, but, according to statistics, the IQ between them differs depending on age. Boys under the age of 5 years are somewhat smarter than their peers, but, starting from the age of 10-12 years, girls are ahead of boys in development. This gap disappears by the age of 18-20.

Normal IQ

The IQ of an adult depends on many factors - genetics, upbringing, environment, race, etc. Although the average IQ is about 100 points, it varies from 80 points to 180. This limiting level of IQ is laid down in the classic IQ test, developed by the English psychologist Hans Eysenck in 1994. In order to obtain adequate data on this test, it must be passed once in a lifetime in adulthood. Repeated passage distorts and overestimates the results.

If the IQ is below 80 points, then this indicates the physical and mental deviations of a person. If IQ exceeds 180 points, then this indicates the genius of the owner of such points. But these dependencies are very conditional. For example, the great physicist Albert Einstein was the most backward in the class in terms of academic performance, which did not prevent him from developing the theory of relativity in the future. And on the other hand, according to the Guinness Book of Records, the largest IQ of 228 points was recorded in 1989 by ten-year-old American Marilyn Waugh Sawan. This is where her personal achievements end.


If you decide to test your IQ on your own, choose an IQ test consciously. Numerous online resources offer a rich selection of different IQ tests, but most of them do not have a reliable methodology and show inflated results in order to attract the target audience to the resource. Choose tests by well-known authors that are statistically proven to be reliable. Among them are tests for determining the IQ of Eysenck, Wexler, Amthauer, Cattell and Raven's progressive matrices.

IQ tests developed by Hans Eysenck are the most popular among psychodiagnostics. Eysenck created eight variants of IQ tests for different target groups in the age range of 18-50 years. The first five Eysenck tests are called general and allow you to find out the general level of intellectual development. Eysenck's three specialized IQ tests are aimed at a deeper examination and assessment of mathematical, verbal and visual-spatial abilities.

If you are under the age of 18, you can check your IQ with the WISC - David Wechsler's Age Group Test. Wechsler's tests assess the intelligence quotient on eleven subtests, distributed on two scales - verbal and non-verbal. In the West, the Wexler method has become widespread due to its reliability. Wexler's IQ tests are routinely taken by students of schools and universities. educational institutions, job seekers and preschool children. The Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS) test for the age group from 16 to 64 years has also been adapted into Russian.

In the personnel departments of large corporations, when assessing personnel, the IST is used - the intelligence structure test. This is a multi-level IQ test developed by the German psychologist Rudolf Amthauer. IST allows you to create a detailed profile of the subject's intelligence according to several complementary criteria. If you are over 18 years old and decide to test your IQ not just out of curiosity, choose IST, it guarantees high validity of the results.

IQ test statistics are based on a normal distribution. 100 is taken as the average value of the coefficient. This indicator is considered the norm, the standard. A preschool child and an academy graduate may have an IQ of 100. This means that their mental age corresponds to the chronological age in a particular age group. IQ values ​​greater than 100 indicate that your cognitive abilities are ahead of the average for your age group. Values ​​above 120 on the Eysenck and Wexler scales are considered an indicator of giftedness, above 140 - genius.