
Biology lessons. Biology Lecture Notes Where to Find the Best Biology Lesson Notes

Biology lessons.  Biology Lecture Notes Where to Find the Best Biology Lesson Notes

A very important cycle of subjects within the framework of the school curriculum is natural science. After all, it is he who gives an idea of ​​nature, its phenomena, living beings, their relationship with man. Geography, biology, physics and chemistry are the foundation that allows children to enter into life, begin to understand the things that are happening around, navigate and manage them.

Biology has always been introduced into the school curriculum from the 6th grade, however, according to the requirements of modern educational standards, now this discipline is mandatory for studying from the fifth level of education. Let's consider what requirements for the preparation of the lesson are now being put forward, what role is assigned to the teacher, what a modern lesson plan in biology should look like.

Conducting biology as part of the school curriculum

This discipline is the most ancient of all known sciences. From the time of the appearance of man, he was immediately interested in everything that surrounds him. How are living organisms arranged? Why do certain things happen? What is the structure of his own organism? What is the variety of nature around it?

All these questions are answered by the lesson of biology. It is this form of education that is the main one, since it allows students to assimilate the maximum possible amount of information in the allotted amount of time. At this point in time, seven years are allotted for studying this subject - from the fifth to the eleventh grade inclusive. Naturally, during this time the child receives the whole complex of natural science knowledge that is included in the subject and object of biology.

The main criterion of the lesson

The most important criterion for the success of the lesson is the variety of forms of work on it, the competent and clear construction of its structure. If these requirements are met, the most effective result is observed. The main goal is to excite children's interest in the subject being studied and stimulate their desire to learn as much as possible on their own.

That's why modern lesson biology is a joint activity of a teacher and a student, built on the principles of democracy. At the same time, it is not so important whether they are students of the 5th grade or the 11th grade - the purpose and essence of the lesson do not change from this. Active forms of work, a variety of techniques and the use of new methods - all this should be used by the teacher at any level of teaching this subject.

Biology lessons: types

In order to more successfully implement the introduction of new standards in the construction of lessons, as well as in order to increase the effectiveness of classes, various types of biology lessons should be used. In total, 15 main ones can be distinguished:

  • conversation;
  • problem lesson;
  • combined lesson;
  • excursion;
  • lecture;
  • seminar;
  • role-playing game;
  • offset;
  • film lesson;
  • lesson using Internet resources;
  • laboratory work;
  • general lesson;
  • offset;
  • control and checking lesson;
  • conference.

However, there are other types that some teachers create on their own and are successfully implemented. It all depends on the personality of the teacher and his creativity, focus on results, attitude to the subject.

Obviously, with each stage of education, the types of lessons should become more complicated. So, in the fifth grade it is difficult to hold a lesson-lecture or a conference, a seminar. But a role-playing game or laboratory work, an excursion will cause a lot of excitement and excitement among children, which will help stimulate the growth of interest in the subject.

For seniors, on the contrary, it is better to choose more mature and serious forms of conducting classes, which will allow them to prepare for student lectures. However, you should not forget about easy types, otherwise there is a risk of losing the guys' disposition and interest in the subject.

Methods Used

Biology lesson methods are sometimes also called forms. They are quite diverse and aimed at achieving a particular goal. Let's see what they are:

  1. The project method involves work not only during the lesson, but, possibly, the entire academic year. Work can be carried out both individually and in groups. The main goal is to study a problem, an object with a specific result in the end.
  2. The frontal method of work involves managing the entire class and communicating with all the children at the same time (for example, when explaining part new topic or revealing a concept).
  3. Individual form - tasks are selected taking into account the activity and personal characteristics of each student.
  4. Collective work basically has a well-coordinated interaction of all members of the lesson: teacher - student - student. This can be done, for example, during an excursion or laboratory work.
  5. The group form implies the division of students into separate "islands", each of which is engaged in the study of a particular problem.
  6. The use of ICT (information and communication technologies) is an important part of the lesson methodology of any modern teacher.
  7. Energy Saving Technologies.

The GEF biology lesson plan, drawn up with a combination of the indicated methods and types of work, will be sure to be successful in implementation.

Modern biology programs

  • A. I. Nikishov;
  • V. V. Pasechnik;
  • I. N. Ponomareva;
  • N. I. Sonin;
  • D. I. Traitak and N. D. Andreeva;
  • L. N. Sukhorukova and others.
  • workbooks for students;
  • diary of observations (not for everyone);
  • methodical manual for the teacher;
  • work program and lesson planning for the year.

Which author to choose, whose line to develop, is chosen by the teacher himself together with the school administration. It is important that the selected biology program be relevant throughout all levels of study so that the continuity and integrity of the perception of the material is not violated.

Technological map of the lesson: compilation

Today, new ones have been adopted and are being actively implemented. According to them, the lesson plan in biology is a technological map in which all the main stages and the course of the lesson are painted. How to compose it? To do this, you should compile a table that will reflect the following items:

  1. Lesson topic.
  2. The purpose of the lesson.
  3. The planned result, in which subject skills should be written in one column and in another.
  4. Basic concepts of this topic.
  5. Organization of space, which includes three components (columns): interdisciplinary connections, forms of work, resources.
  6. Stages of the lesson, at which the activities of the teacher are clearly described, as well as the work of students in three areas: cognitive, communicative, regulatory.

The lesson plan in biology should include the following stages of the constructive construction of the lesson:

  • including the designation of the topic and its relevance;
  • goal setting;
  • primary assimilation and application of knowledge, comprehension;
  • the results of the lesson;
  • reflection;
  • homework.

It is this construction that is considered complete, reflecting all the activities of the teacher and students, the methods and types of work used, the results, the amount of material. in biology, compiled in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, implies an orientation towards an activity-based and student-centered approach to learning.

Analysis of lesson results

In order to understand how successfully the work is being carried out along the chosen line and in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, there is an analysis of the biology lesson. It allows you to identify the advantages and disadvantages, weaknesses, strengths. As a result, you can adjust the lessons and improve their effectiveness, improve the quality of education.

Forms of analysis may be different. For example:

  • introspection;
  • complex analysis;
  • methodical analysis and others.

You should choose depending on the goals for which this event is held.

Modern biology teacher

Great demands are placed on the teacher at all levels of education. From the point of view of the Federal State Educational Standard, the current teacher of biology must be fluent. In addition, his personal qualities must be at a certain level.

The psychological portrait of the teacher is also subject to consideration from the point of view of the Federal State Educational Standard. Let us consider in more detail what competencies and traits are part of the teacher's personality.

Professional competencies

There are 6 main ones:

  1. Communicative. The ability to communicate constructively, find democratic methods of building a conversation with students and apply them. Maintain free dialogues with parents, colleagues, management. The ability to communicate is an important link in a successful learning process.
  2. Professional. Naturally, a modern teacher should high level to possess knowledge in their subject, to have a general broad outlook, to carry out meta-subject communications in the lesson.
  3. ICT competence. Not a single open lesson in biology today can do without the use of information technology. And it is right. Our children are growing up in an era when it is normal for them to always have a computer in their lives. The teacher must be able to use this to achieve a good result in teaching.
  4. Managerial, which will allow you to implement an activity-based approach to learning.
  5. General pedagogical. It implies knowledge of the basics of psychology and pedagogy of students.
  6. Reflective - the ability to soberly and competently evaluate your work, to do work on mistakes.

Personal qualities of the teacher

In addition to the designated professional competencies, there are requirements for the teacher as a person. It is believed that biology at school should be taught by a person with:

  • sense of humor;
  • emotionality;
  • expressiveness of speech;
  • creativity;
  • organizational skills;
  • discipline;
  • perseverance;
  • purposefulness.

In combination with professional criteria, a portrait is obtained. modern teacher that meets the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Tests: essence and meaning

One of the most important forms of knowledge control, which is used everywhere in every lesson, is biology tests. And this is quite understandable. Firstly, such a check saves time in class. Practically any in biology includes this form of work. Secondly, it makes it possible to cover a larger amount of material covered with questions. Thirdly, it allows you to increase the accumulation of grades. But this is not the main reason.

The form of the GIA and USE exams implies the main part in the form of a test. Therefore, it is important to prepare students in advance for this form of testing. Make sure that by the time they graduate, they are already fluent in the technique of writing such works and consider it common.

Tests in biology, as in any other subject, the teacher composes independently or uses ready-made forms from teaching aids. In any case, it is desirable to include in the questions those that are found in the examination papers. The test form itself should be as close as possible in design to that of the final certification.

Biology, as the fundamental science of life on Earth, should from the first lessons become the most interesting subject for students with great research potential, which over time turns into the main incentive for the conscious evolution of individual knowledge. To properly prepare for biology, today it is not enough for a teacher to have high-quality lesson notes and the necessary equipment - each lesson requires additional visual aids and fascinating related information on each topic of the biology course. Therefore, training videos with abstracts of lessons in biology, which will be discussed below, can help not only the student, but also the novice teacher to build the lesson correctly, skillfully choose study guides and learn various entertaining information on a specific topic.

Significance of biology as a science is very important, because the knowledge of the historical development of the organic world, the patterns in the structure and functioning of living systems of various kingdoms and sub-kingdoms, their interrelations, stability and dynamism plays a crucial role in shaping the materialistic worldview of each person, as well as in compiling a general scientific picture of the world.

Studying in different classes

Preparation for the exam in this subject includes covering all the material covered in six years, so the teaching of grade 6 biology lessons should be conducted with a focus on periodically reviewing the topics covered. At the same time, the initial biology topics in grade 6, which cover such fundamental concepts as cell, cell structure, tissue, should be as interesting as possible for inquisitive students, which will later help develop a subconscious craving for the subject. Such interest is fueled primarily by experiments and research conducted both in school classrooms and at home. Since many of the objects that this discipline studies are literally at hand, it is precisely this circumstance that the teacher should use to the full.

Of course, today no biology video can completely replace the process of traditional learning in the classroom, but these materials are quite capable of playing the role of convenient and effective auxiliary tools for the educational process. And who knows, maybe over time, with the further development of Internet technologies, distance learning will become a successful alternative to school lessons, which will allow most topics in biology or on any other subject to study remotely. On our portal you can study biology for free , with only internet access .

It is important to note the humanitarian importance of biology which consists in the formation of ecological thinking in a modern schoolchild, the essence of which lies in the awareness of oneself as part of nature.

This lesson will help organize the work of students to familiarize themselves with the science of zoology and the subject of its study. During the lesson, performing a variety of tasks, students will establish the differences between plants and animals, remember the four living environments of living organisms, including animals, groups of environmental factors, the concept of "biocenosis" and types of relationships between animals. The lesson is accompanied by a bright presentation. The work was added to the competition "My presentation for the lesson."

The development contains a lesson summary, presentation and video. This is the second lesson on the topic "Structure of the cell", in the previous lesson all organelles were studied, except for the nucleus.

Most of the lesson is devoted to consolidating and testing knowledge about the structure and functions of cell organelles, which will be helped by a presentation with settings for the appearance of captions to figures; the smaller one is to study the structure and functions of the nucleus by watching a video and performing independent tasks in a notebook.

The lesson was built according to the program of N.I. Sonina, class 10 general biology material, a basic level of, but it can also be used in the 9th grade according to the concentric program of the same author or other authors. The lesson uses a variety of independent, pair and group work of students.

Target audience: for grade 10

This presentation can be used in a biology lesson in grade 5 on the topic: Environmental factors of the environment. The purpose of the lesson: find out what environmental factors are, what effect they have on living organisms. A lesson along the lines of I.N. Ponomareva "Algorithm of success"

Methodical development of the lesson "Man in wildlife" for grade 11. A lesson in discovering new knowledge. Contains tasks to prove that a person belongs to the animal world. Includes a reflection stage and optional homework.

Target audience: for grade 11

The biology lesson in grade 5 was developed according to the teaching materials of I.N. Ponomareva, but can be used for textbooks by other authors. The lesson is aimed at the formation of UUD on the basis of educational tasks according to Dana Tollingerova. The lesson includes a technological map, a presentation and applications, tables of educational tasks according to D. Tollingerova, supplemented by the generated UUD.

Target audience: for grade 5

Abstract and presentation for a lesson in biology"

Lesson objectives:

To form knowledge about the structure of the animal cell, the structure and functions of the parts and organelles of the cell (nucleus, cytoplasm, cell and nuclear membranes, ER, Golgi complex, mitochondria, lysosomes, chromosomes, DNA).

To form an idea that the cell is the main structural and functional element of the body.

UMK: D.V. Kolesov. R.D. Mash. Biology. Human. 8 cells - Textbook / M: Bustard, 2016

Target audience: for grade 8

This lesson is an introductory biology lesson in grade 6. The material of the lesson allows you to form an idea of ​​botany as a science of plants, to develop an idea of ​​the diversity of the plant world, the importance of plants in nature and human life, to deepen knowledge about the signs and organs of plants. The lesson is accompanied by a colorful presentation.

Target audience: for grade 6

Development of a lesson in biology: "Habitats. Migrations. Patterns of animal placement." 7th grade.

UMK: Latyushin V.V., Shapkin V.A. Biology. Animals. 7th grade. Textbook / M.: Bustard, 2014.

The purpose of the lesson: To form students' knowledge about habitats, migrations;

  • To acquaint with the patterns of distribution of animals in the area, caused by a change in habitats and changes in environmental conditions;
  • Show that the placement of animals is adaptive and is the result of evolution;
  • To form the ability to conduct examples of types of endemics, cosmopolitans, relics, various types of migrations (age, periodic, non-periodic), draw up and voice schemes (types of migration).

Target audience: for grade 7

Lesson in biology in the profile 11th grade "Solving genetic problems."

Type of lesson: lesson - workshop.

Methods: reproductive, partially exploratory.

Type of lesson: generalization and systematization of knowledge and methods of activity.

The form of organization of students' activities is group.

The purpose of the lesson: to generalize knowledge about the material foundations of heredity and variability, to consolidate knowledge on solving genetic problems of various types, to work out the symbolism and terminology necessary for solving problems, to continue learning to work in groups.

Target audience: for teachers


Methods of scientific knowledge

The main task of general biology is to identify and explain the general patterns of development of the organic world

The main signs of living

    unity of elemental chemical composition

    Metabolism and energy

    self regulation


    Consistency and variability

    Growth and development

    Irritability and movement

Levels of organization of the living world:


    Population specific





Methods of knowledge






History of the study of the cell. cell theory

The history of the study of the cell is associated with the name of many scientists. Hooke 1665 Designed a cork section.The cell he saw he called a cell. And Leeuwenhoek designed a microscope that magnified 200 times and examined the cells of animals and plants.

The botanist Schleidan and the zoologist Schwann summarized the knowledge about the cell and formed the cell theory. But they did not correctly explain the appearance of new cells from non-cellular substance. 1858 Virchow proved that all cells are formed from two cells.

Basic provisions of cell theory

1-cells are the elementary unit of all living things

2-All cells are similar in structure and composition

3-Cells only give birth to cells

Multicellular organisms are complexly organized systems consisting of interacting cells.

A similar cellular structure of an organism has a common origin

The chemical composition of the cell

The cell contains

    Inorganic substances water and mineral salts (excrete trace elements 98% C, hydrogen, oxygen nitrogen 1.8%, chlorine, potassium, sulfur. Trace elements 0.2% iodine, fluorine, copper. Water is a solvent (fats are insoluble)

Hydrophilic are highly soluble in water (sugar salts). Water is involved in many metabolic processes (ATP photosynthesis)

    Organic substances are proteins, fats, carbohydrates, nucleic acids, DNA and RNA and ATP

Proteins are made up of carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen - it is a polymer made up of monomers. Protein monomers are amino acids.

Protein properties:

    Specificity is the destruction of the 2nd-3rd protein structure under the influence of high temperatures


    Primary Structure

    The secondary structure is denser

    The tertiary structure is even denser

Protein functions




    catalytic - speed up the reaction

    Energy - when splitting 1 gr. protein is released 17.1 kJ of energy

Carbohydrates are made up ofC, H2. O2). Allocate monosaccharides (glucose, fructose) are highly soluble in water

Polysaccharides (starch) are insoluble in water, not sweet.



    Energy (17.1 KJ)

Fats are insoluble in water and are made up of amino acids.




    Energy (When splitting 1 g of fat, 39 KJ were released)

Practical work No. 1

Study of the catalytic activity of enzymes

The purpose of the work is to form knowledge about the role of enzymes in cells. To consolidate the ability to conduct experiments and ensure their results.

Equipment: Hydrogen peroxide solution, pieces of raw and boiled potatoes, pieces of raw and boiled meat, test tubes, tweezers


A piece of raw


A piece of boiled potato was placed in a test tube with H2O2

During cooking, denaturation of the enzyme protein occurred

A piece of boiled meat was placed in a test tube with H2O2

Solution does not change

Enzymes are present in meat cells

A piece of raw meat was placed in a test tube with H2O2

Rapid release of oxygen bubbles

Potato cells contain enzymes that accelerate the breakdown of H2O2

Conclusion: The action of enzymes in plant and animal cells is similar between these organisms.

Cell structure

The main composition of the cell is the cytoplasm and the membrane. The cytoplasm is formed by cytoplasmic substances; organelles are located in it, a constantly present structure and inclusions - a non-permanent structure (droplets of fat, starch).


    Membrane organelles-gol ji complex, lysosomes, mitochondria

    Non-membrane - Ribosomes cell center

The structure and functions of cell organelles


gol ji

Thickened tanks

Packaging of substances that form lysosomes


Round bodies 2 membranes. External forms cristae

ATP synthesis

The cell center is


white coloring




Give color

Lab #1

Comparison of the cell structure of plants and animals

Purpose: to continue the formation of skills, to prepare micropreparations to reveal structural features of plant and animal cells.

Equipment: slide and coverslip, tweezers, teaching needles, microscope, iodine, onion, ready-made slides.


Preparation of a micropreparation of onion skin cells. His examination at low and high magnification.


The structure of onion skin cells at low magnification-m, large-b

    Cell shell





Examined under a microscope single-layer squamous epithelium (mesothelium) of the rabbit omentum on the finished micropreparation


    mesothelial cell

    Cell borders



Conducted a comparative analysis of animal and plant cells


When comparing plant and animal cells, similarities in their structure were revealed, which indicates different paths of evolution of the plant and animal world.

Lab #3

Study of plasmolysis and diplasmolysis in plant cells

The purpose of the work: To continue the formation of skills in preparing samples, examining them under a microscope, studying the phenomenon of plasmolysis and diplasmolysis in an onion scale skin cell.

Equipment: slide and cover glass, tweezers, teaching needles, microscope, iodine, onion, steaming pin, saturated solutionNaCl


    We prepared a micropreparation of cells in the skin of onion scales, examined it under a microscope.

    A drop of saturated solution was placed on a glass slideNaCldrawing water from the opposite side with filter paper. After some time, we observe plasmolysis, because. water concentration inside the cell is higher than outside

    A drop of water is placed on a glass slide and the solution is drawn from the opposite side.NaCl. We observe deplasmolysis, since water moves from the outer space of the cell into the cell.

Conclusion: In the course of laboratory work, the phenomenon of plasmolysis and deplasmolysis was observed in onion scale cells. It was found that the cell membrane is semi-permeable

Cell nucleus structure and functions of chromosomes.

The essential component of eukaryotic cells is the nucleus. It stores information about the structure of the body and controls all life processes. The cell nucleus is surrounded by a nuclear membrane, contains nuclear juice, chromatin and one or more nucleoli. The nuclear membrane consists of 2 membranes. The outer membrane passes into the endoplasmic reticulum. The surface of the nucleus is permeated with pores that carry out the exchange of various substances.

Nuclear juice - solution of proteins, carbohydrates and nucleic acids DNA RNA, all intranuclear processes take place in it

The nucleolus is the site of RNA synthesis, in which the RNA species involved in protein synthesis are formed.

In the nucleus of the cell are DNA molecules that contain information about all the signs of the organism.

DNA molecules together with proteins form complexes - Histones

In the nucleus of a dividing cell, these filaments are long and thin. During the period of preparation of the cell for division, DNA molecules are spliced, shortened, and become visible in a light microscope called. - chromosomes.

The shape of the chromosomes depends on the location of the primary constriction.

The centromere is where the spindle fibers attach.

The totality of all features of the chromosome set characteristic of a particular species is called a karyotype.

Humans have 46 chromosomes. Carrying over 30,000 genes.


    Haploid-single set of chromosomes (n)

    Diploid 2nd set of chromosomes (nn)

Homologous chromosomes are the same - these are chromosomes of the same shape and size that carry the same genes

DNA carrier of hereditary information. protein biosynthesis.

Information about the structure of all body proteins is recorded in DNA molecules and is called genetic information.

A set of combinations of three nucleotides encoding the composition of amino acids is called the genetic code.

A gene section of a DNA molecule that carries hereditary information.

Protein biosynthesis:

    Transcription - rewriting information about the structure of a protein from a DNA molecule to inf., RNA

    Translation is the transfer of amino acids to the site of protein synthesis. Transfer RNAs are located in the cytoplasm under the influence ofenzymes and energy are formed set comp. from amino acids and transfer RNA. It moves to the ribosome, the site of protein synthesis. If a triplet and RNA is complementary (corresponding) to a triplett-RNA, then a peptide bond arises between the amino acids and the protein molecule lengthens. This continues until the ribosome has gone all the wayi-RNA or until an unbiased triplet is reached. The resulting protein through the channels of the endoplasmic reticulum goes to that part of the cell where it is needed.

All processes take place with the participation of ATP. The process of doubling DNA synthesisI-RNA and proteins are called matrix synthesis reaction.

The matrix type of reaction underlies the ability of living organisms to reproduce their own kind.


Nuclear-free and nucleated cells. Features of the structure of prokaryotes and eukaryotes.

All organisms that have a cellular structure are divided into two groups:

    Pre nuclear (prokaryotes),

    nuclear (eukaryotes)

Comparative characteristics of prokaryotes and eukaryotes.






Plastids in autotrophs

way of eating food

Digestive vacuoles








Absorption across the cell membrane


There is

There is

There is

There is

There is

There is

There is

Phagocytosis and tweezers

There is

There is


Autotrophic organisms are organisms capable of independently synthesizing organic substances (blue-green algae).

Heterotrophs are organisms capable of consuming ready-made organic substances (animals, fungi, bacteria).

Mycotrophic organisms - which include the properties of both

Photosynthesis is the process of formation of organic substances from inorganic substances, going with the participationsunlight. All reactions are carried out in higher plants in chloroplasts. Algae in chromoplasts.

The essence of the photosynthesis equation

6 CO 2 +6 H 2 O= C 6 H 12 O 6 +6O 2

Photosynthesis proceeds in 2 phases

Light phase: a quantum of light hits a chloroplast molecule, knocks out one electron, which takes part in photosynthesis.

Oh - =OH+1 e

4OH=2H 2 O+2O

During the photolysis of water, a hydrogen cation is formed, which participates in the reaction of the dark phase

The dark phase - carbon dioxide interacts with hydrogen from the light phase, with the participation of ATP, glucose is formed. PVA turns into ethyl alcoholCH5 Lactic acid fermentation produces lactic acid

plastic exchange

All organisms are divided into:

    Aerobic - organisms that require oxygen (energy metabolism in 3 stages)

    Anaerobic can do without oxygen (the causative agent of tetanus) (energy metabolism in 2 stages)

Plastic exchange is a set of synthesis reactions that take place with the absorption of energy. Examples of plastic metabolism in animals are protein biosynthesis, in plants - photosynthesis.

Depending on the absorption of carbons, this is the type of metabolism and energy conversion. energy exchange

Metabolism (metabolism) is one of the main properties of all living organisms. It consists of energy and plastic exchange.

Energy metabolism is a set of splitting reactions. Going with the release of energy. Energy exchange takes place in 3 stages:

    Preparatory - Occurs in the ventricle of the intestinal tract. under the influence of enzymes. Proteins are broken down into amino acids, fats into glycerin and fatty acids, carbohydrates into monosaccharides. Energy is released in the form of heat.

    Anoxic - this is an oxygen-free cleavage process in which glucose is broken down to pyruvic acidC 3 H 4 O 3 while 2ATP is released. If there is oxygen in the cell, then pyruvic acid is completely oxidized toCO 2 andH 2 O

    Oxygen-needs oxygen and an intact mitochondrial wall.

C 6 H 12 O 6 +6O 2 +38 ADP +38 F=6CO 2 +6H 2 O+38ATP

The oxygen stage is more energetically favorable, since 36 ATP is formed

Fermentation is a simpler way and takes place without oxygen.

If there is no oxygen in the cell, then the fermentation process develops

A great contribution to the study of the process of photosynthesis was made by the Russian scientist Temeryazev. Which proved that plants synthesize sugar from inorganic substances. Converting the energy of light into the energy of chemical bonds. 1771 English scientist Grechtle concluded that plants emit oxygen.

cell division

The period of life of a cell from the moment of its occurrence in the process of division to death is called the life cycle. Mitosis is one of the ways of division.

Mitosis - cell division without a decrease in the number of chromosomes

Inter-phase - the period between two divisions. Where preparations for cell division take place.

Meaning of mitosis - there are two daughter cells, exactly similar to the mother, which ensures the maternal stability of the cell. Through mitosis, vegetative reproduction occurs. Asexual reproduction in unicellular organisms.

Meiosis is the division of the maturation of sex cells, going with the number of chromosomes decreasing.

Meiosis is a successive division in the prophase of the 1st division, conjugation occurs, the convergence of homologous chromosomes and crossover exchange of chromosome regions

The biological significance of meiosis is that as a result, daughter cells with a haploid set of chromosomes are formed. Diploidy is restored at the moment of fertilization, that is, a constant number of chromosomes from the father and mother is maintained, as a result of which the individual acquires new traits.

non-cellular life forms. Viruses. Viral disease prevention measures .

They occupy an intermediate position between animate and inanimate nature.

Each virus consists of DNA or RNA surrounded by a protein coat called a capsid.

Russian professor Dmitry Iosifovich Ivanov on the example of the tobacco cell virus.

The biological significance of viruses is that they are the causative agents of many diseases:

Influenza, measles, rubella, hepatitis, chickenpox, rabies, herpes, AIDS. HIV.

Viruses, having got into a cell, rearrange its activity. The DNA of the virus interacts with the DNA of the cell.

Ready cells gradually change it or destroy it, the properties of the virus change.

Since viruses mutate, the treatment of viral diseases is difficult. Particular attention is paid to the prevention of viral diseases.

Measures to prevent viral diseases:

    Proper nutrition

    Healthy lifestyle


    Proper behavior during epidemics

    Compliance with the rules for processing medical instruments

    Education of the population

    Ordered sexual relations

Asexual and sexual reproduction

Asexual reproduction proceeding without the participation of germ cells, haploid simple division (ciliates). Sporulation (mold fungi), vegetative (Leaf), bulbs - tulip, tuberous - (potatoes). Fragmentation - division of the body into 1-4 parts (annelids), budding (yeast).

Sexual reproduction occurs with the participation of gametes. Species that have different gametes are called heterosexual. Species in which the same individual can form male and female gametes are hermaphrodites. (angiosperms), they can self-fertilize.

With asexual reproduction, the number of individuals increases much faster, and this reproduction takes longer.

During sexual reproduction, the formation of new traits in the offspring occurs.

Fertilization is its meaning. Artificial pollination and fertilization in animals.

Fertilization is the process of fusion of male and female gametes. As a result of fertilization, a diploid cell and a zygote are formed, activation andfurther development of which leads to the formation of a new organism.

When germ cells of different individuals merge, transfer fertilization is carried out, and when gametes are combined produced by one organism, self-fertilization

The meaning of fertilization

As a result of fertilization, the genetic material is fertilized, resulting in the formation of a unique combination of genes.

    External fertilization - cells fuse outside the body of the female (Pisces)

    Internal fertilization occurs in the genital tract of the female (animals), the probability of successful fertilization is high, so less germ cells are formed

The fertilization process consists of several stages. The penetration of sperm into the egg, the fusion of the haploid nuclei of both gametes, resulting in the formation of a zygote, diploid cells. Zygote activation and further fragmentation and development

The essence of fertilization is the formation of a diploid set of chromosomes that absorb hereditary information.

Features of fertilization of flowering plants.

Developed by Russian botanist Novikov.

The fusion of one spermatozoon with an egg and the formation of an embryo.

The fusion of the second spermatozoon with the diploid nucleus is carried out by cells with a triploid set of chromosomes. onen+2 n=3 N2. From which endospermium develops with a supply of nutrients.

The meaning of coniferous fertilization is the formation of endosperm - this provides an advantage over other plants. Parthenogenesis is the development of an embryo from an unfertilized bee egg.

Individual development of organisms (Ontogeny).

1886 Haeckel. Ontogeny consists of 2 stages

    The embryonic period is the transition from fertilization to birth.


    Cleavage As a result of crushing, a monosyllabic blastula embryo is formed.

    Gastrulation - the formation of a gastrula of a bilayer embryo

Ectoderm is the outer germ layer.

Endoderm is the inner germ layer.

Mesoderm is formed between the ectoderm and endoderm

    Ontogeny - the laying of axial organs (neurula stage).

Endoderm-intestines, lungs, pancreas

Ectoderm - nervous system, brain, skin

Mesoderm - muscles, kidneys, skeleton and SS

    Post embryonic period allocate

    Direct development (birds, mammals)

    Indirect development - with incomplete transformation


    Development with incomplete metamorphosis (grasshoppers, butterflies).

Lab #4

Identification and description of signs of similarity between the human embryo and other vertebrates as evidence of their evolutionary relationship.

Purpose: To identify signs of similarity between the human embryo and other vertebrates.

Equipment: Handout illustrating the embryonic evidence for evolution.


    Get acquainted with the embryological evidence of the relationship between humans and other vertebrates (fish, salamander).

It was found that the embryos of different vertebrates are more similar to each other than adults.

The similarities of the embryos are reflected in the shape of the body, the presence of a tail, limbs, gill pockets. As development progresses, the similarities between embryos decrease.The features of the classes to which they belong begin to appear.

Conclusion: The similarities between human embryos and other vertebrates are proof of their evolutionary relationship.

Don't know how to write a paragraph summary? Everything is not so difficult.

Any abstract is a summary of a paragraph or a separate section. The quality of your personal knowledge and their assessment by teachers directly depends on how the content of the topic is presented.

Do you think that homework notes are given because there is nothing to do? But it wasn't there. The fact is that your abstract is like a litmus test by which you can determine how much you are, as it is now fashionable to say, “in the subject”. The teacher will be interested to know what exactly you wrote out, what thoughts you saw in the text.

It happens that there is a summary, a beautiful summary, but the student wrote out not what is needed. Therefore, dear students, note-taking is not only a calligraphy exercise, but also, to a certain extent, a means of improving your competencies, which, in fact, make a real specialist-expert out of a student.

The main rule of a good abstract

Therefore, the first rule follows from here, it is the most important thing - to write little, but to the point. The text should be sifted for important thoughts, the important ones should be recorded in a notebook, and the side ones should simply be taken into account.

By the way, this rule is universal. It must be followed both when you sat down to write a paragraph summary, and when you have huge piles of books in front of you.

What else will help you?

It is believed that it is necessary not only to highlight all the phrases and definitions that require it in a paragraph, but also to try to structure the entire text in general, placing important information in a sequence of priorities set in advance.

The need for a summary arises when you need to process a large amount of information in a short time. Recordings help to reproduce in memory the necessary and most important information on the studied paragraph.

What is a free abstract?

There is a so-called free abstract, which combines extracts, quotations, plan and theses. This type is the highest quality. With its help, the student can quickly give the right example and navigate the question that was posed to him.

The advantage of free presentation of the material is that you can recreate the content of the paragraph in memory even after a long period of time. But such a summary is not always suitable for study, for example, for a speech at a conference, it is better to make a summary that is more reminiscent of a plan or a thesis form.

But a summary with large extracts is needed when you are processing literature on the topic of an essay, term paper or diploma work. In this case, in addition to the extracts themselves, it is imperative to indicate the name of the sources where they are taken from, and it is also desirable to put specific pages in the margins. This will help not only to find the quote later in the book, but also to make a reference to it in the diploma or in the same abstract.

How to write a paragraph summary?

Before proceeding with the design of the abstract, you can read the entire paragraph in order to understand the content of the text as a whole. You can, of course, work in parallel - reading and writing something out.

It is imperative to find and highlight the most important points, main thoughts, ideas, formulas. You should not literally write down everything that is said to you or what is written in the textbook. State the content of the article in your own words. Choose relevant examples. You can even make a table that will make it easier for you to navigate.

As soon as you read the information, mentally break it down into points and rarities of importance. And you will quickly be able to figure out how to write a paragraph summary. To fully reveal the essence of the information being studied, highlight the main concepts and write down important quotes. At the end of the abstract, you should write conclusions, give examples and facts.

It is very comfortable and practical to use a variety of schemes for writing notes. They allow you to visually display the necessary information. To do this, they select material to draw up a diagram and highlight general concepts. With the help of key phrases and words, they reveal the essence of the concept. Pictures can also be a clue to the content of the topic. Do not forget that the information written in the abstract is easy to understand and has a logical structure.

For visual perception, use colored markers, felt-tip pens or paste. If there are formulas, concepts, definitions, it is best to enclose them in frames. The use of abbreviations, symbols and different types of font will make it easier to take notes. This is what a paragraph summary should look like.

Now you should no longer have the question of how to write a paragraph summary. Be careful, and the abstract will become a personal encyclopedia of all the necessary and important information.

#Students. Old robbers - video