
Summary of the lesson "journey to the underwater kingdom." Abstract of the GCD in the preparatory group on the topic: “Underwater kingdom Underwater world summary of the lesson in the preparatory

Lesson summary

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 10 "Romashka" town. Novomikhailovsky

Summary of the GCD in the speech therapy preparatory group "This mysterious underwater world!"

Teacher speech therapist


Tatyana Mikhailovna


Educational area : speech

Kind of activity: directly-educational

Age group : preparatory

Topic: "This mysterious underwater world!"

Target: enrichment of the active dictionary; development of coherent, grammatically correct dialogical speech.

Program content:

Correctional and educational :

    expand and deepen children's knowledge about the sea and its inhabitants;

    improve vocabulary;

    grammatical structure of speech;

    sound pronunciation;

    expressiveness of speech;

    improve the skill of using prepositions in speech;

    improving the skill of sound - letter analysis of words.

Correction-developing :

    expand and activate vocabulary with nouns, adjectives, verbs on the topic "Underwater World";

    improve word formation skills;

    develop articulatory motility, speech breathing;

    learn to coordinate speech with movements;

    develop general and fine motor skills;

    develop dexterity, speed of reaction, coordination of movements;

    develop expressiveness of speech and expressiveness of movements;

    activate logical thinking, attention, memory, imagination;

Correctional and educational :

to cultivate cognitive and environmental interest in representatives of the marine fauna;

to cultivate a tolerant attitude towards the answers of children;

develop the ability to work and play in a team;

foster a sense of teamwork and responsibility.

preliminary work : A story about the underwater world - about amazing creatures that can only live in water (plants, animals). Examining pictures, photographs depicting marine life, posters from the albums "The World of Nature", "Animals", reading "Sea Tales" by S. Sakharov, the story "Good Shell" by S. Voronin, learning finger gymnastics "Underwater World". Examining illustrations in books, reading works about the underwater world, memorizing the words of finger gymnastics, talking about children's trips to the river, the sea.

vocabulary work : bathyscaphe, scuba

Materials and equipment :

  • presentation "Inhabitants of the sea and ocean";

    CD with sea sounds;

    planar images of the inhabitants of the seas and oceans from sandpaper;

    a playing field depicting the seabed;

    planar images of the inhabitants of the animal seas and oceans on Velcro;

    small pebbles;

    toy - fish;

    blue canvas depicting the sea;


    container with chips for sound analysis of words.

Activity progress

Speech therapist : Guys, today we will have an unusual lesson, I invite you on a sea voyage. We will learn a lot of interesting things about the sea and its inhabitants, we will go down into its depths. ( I take the globe .)

And here is our assistant. Guys, is this?

Children : The globe.

Speech therapist: Look at the globe. If you do not twist it, then it seems what?

Children: Multicolored.

Speech therapist: And if you spin it strongly, it becomes blue. Why?

Children : Because there is more blue paint on the globe than green and brown.

Speech therapist: What does the blue paint on the globe mean?

Children: Blue paint on the globe indicates the seas and oceans.

Speech therapist : Guys, all the seas and oceans are very deep. Even the highest mountain would hide in the salty abyss. Imagine we are on the beach. Sit right on the sand. ( Children sit on the carpet )

(I include a CD with a recording of the sounds of the sea, and 1 slide of a presentation with a picture of the seashore) .

Speech therapist : What do we hear when we sit by the sea?

Children : The noise of the wind, the sound of the surf, the rustle of sea pebbles, the cry of seagulls, the splashing of fish.

Speech therapist : While you are listening to the sounds of the sea, imagine that you are on the waves, splashing in the sea, breathe in the sea air.

Speech therapist: Guys, how can you go on a trip?

(children's answers)

Speech therapist : And what do you think with the help of which you can sink to the seabed?

(children's answers)

Speech therapist : That's right, and you can also sink to the bottom of the sea with the help of a bathyscaphe. Repeat, please. A bathyscaphe is such a large iron ball with portholes, inside it has many different instruments to observe marine life. ( I show the image of the bathyscaphe 2 slide.)

Speech therapist : On the first underwater trip, it is better to sail together in a large submarine. Let's take a camera with us to photograph everything that we see interesting. We have to learn and see the sea, its underwater inhabitants, the wealth of the seabed. Passengers, take your seats. The boat is ready to dive. Sea waves rock her leaning to the side ). On the count of "three" we dive ( children count to three ). We did not dive deep and are on the top floor of the underwater world. It is light and warm here, as this floor illuminates and warms the sun. Look, a miracle giant is swimming on the right side of the board. ( Whale Image Display Slide 3 ). Who is this? ( Blue whale ).

Sound-letter word analysiswhale.

Articulation and breathing exercises.

"The whale emerges." Open your mouth wide, push the narrow tongue forward as much as possible (hold for 5 seconds) and remove it deep into the mouth.

"The whale is swimming." Open the mouth wide, press the lateral edges of the tongue to the lateral upper teeth almost to the fangs, raise and lower the tip of the tongue, touching the upper and lower gums.

Guys, look, another sea animal flashed by. ( Dolphin image display slide 4 ). Yes, it's the same. ( dolphin ) .

Dolphin splashes". The alternation of the "cup" and the flattened tongue (dolphins either raise or lower their tails).

Whales and dolphins are mammals. Why animals and not fish? (They have lungs, they feed their young with milk, and their tails and fins are adaptations for life in the water.) They live near the surface of the water, since they do not have gills, they need to swim out to take a breath of air. Let's show how dolphins and whales emerge.

"Dolphins and Whales". Children close their hands in a lock, lower them down and do a breathing exercise: inhale through the nose, pause (counting “one”, “two”, “three”) and exhale through the mouth.

Speech therapist : Guys, now let's play the game "Clap your hands when you hear the sound [l] in the word."

Words: scuba, fish, whale, boat, sea, diver, shark, octopus, fin, turtle, stingray, flounder, angler, jellyfish, skate.

We got stuck on the top floor. We're going deeper. It's getting darker here and the water is cooler. Why do you think?

Children : The sun's rays make their way here with difficulty.

Speech therapist: Oh, who is it that floats? ( Shark image show slide 5).

Predatory big fish swooped in like a block.

Instantly the victim was swallowed by the insatiable ... (shark).

Speech therapist Q: What do sharks eat?

Children : Fish, marine animals.

Sound-letter word analysisshark.

Speech therapist : Can sharks attack humans?

Children : Yes.

Speech therapist: Let's swim away from this dangerous fish. The dive continues. Here we are at the bottom of the sea. Can we breathe underwater?

Children : Not. Man has no gills.

Speech therapist : How can you travel on the seabed?

Children : Put on scuba gear, diving suits. (showing an image of a person in a diving suit with scuba gear slide 6).

Speech therapist : So, we put on scuba gear and diving suits ( children imitate putting on costumes) . We leave the ship. How beautiful it is here.

(finger gymnastics is performed)

"Undersea world"

Look around quickly! Make a palm at the forehead with a "visor"

What do you see, dear friend? Place fingers in rings


There is clear water here. Extend palms to sides

A seahorse swims here. Wave-like movements of the palms


Here is a jellyfish, here is a squid. Downturned palms of both hands

the shape of a cap is moving towards

And this is a fish ball . Connect the fingers of both hands

ball shape.

And here, straightening eight legs, Show the back side of both

palms and move them up,

Guests are greeted by an octopus.

(Slide show with images of a seahorse, jellyfish, squid, ball fish, octopus slides 7-11)

Speech therapist : What green algae, how many different inhabitants. Oh, I noticed something among them. ( Show image of fish slide 12). Who is it?

Children : Fish.

Speech therapist : Let's play with the fish.

The game is called "Questions and Answers". We pass it to each other, answering my questions.

(Children stand in a circle and answer questions, passing each other a fish.)

Whose head? (This is a fish head). Whose tail? (This is a fish tail).

Whose gills? (These are fish gills.) Whose belly? (This is a fish belly).

Whose fins? (These are fish fins). Whose bones? (These are fish bones).

Whose scales? (This is a fish scale). Whose eggs? (These are fish eggs).

Whose body? (This is a fish body). Whose eyes? (These are fish eyes).

The game “Without what there is no fish? ".

Guys, tell me, without which there is no fish?

The children answer: "There is no fish without a head (gills, fins, scales, eyes, mouth)."

The game "At the bottom of the sea".

(on the playing field, representing the seabed, images of marine animals are fixed with Velcro: jellyfish, stingray, shark, starfish, crab, dolphin, octopus, seahorse, etc.)

Speech therapist: Guys, look carefully and answer my questions. Where is the seahorse located?

Children : A seahorse hides between corals.

Speech therapist: where does the jellyfish swim?

Children : jellyfish swims under the slope.

Speech therapist : where does the crab come from?

Children : the crab gets out from under the stone.

Speech therapist : who is the shark chasing?

Children : The shark is chasing the fish.

(the speech therapist asks a number of similar questions)

Speech therapist: Look carefully again to remember where the marine animals are located. Now close your eyes.

(children close their eyes, and the speech therapist swaps the jellyfish and stingray)

Speech therapist: what changed?

Children : jellyfish and stingray have swapped places. Previously, the jellyfish was above the stingray, and now the jellyfish is under the stingray.

Mobile exercise "At the bottom"

The snails are crawling move in a circle in a half-squat,. hands clasped behind back

They bring their houses.

They move their horns make "horns" from the fingers, rhythmically. tilting head left and right.

They look at the fish.

The fish are swimming move in a circle, making rowing. hand movements

They paddle with fins.

Right, left turn perform body rotations. left, right and vice versa

And then vice versa.

We admired the seabed, got acquainted with marine life, played with marine animals. And now we, in diver suits, will go down to the very bottom, it’s dark and we’ll explore it by touch. (I invite children to a large piece of fabric lying on the carpet. Under the fabric, the inhabitants of the seas and oceans are hidden - planar images of animals made of sandpaper, covered with small pebbles. I suggest sitting around a piece of fabric.)

Speech therapist : And now a new interesting game "Find out the contour." Dip your hands "under the water", which this fabric depicts, look for marine animals and, feeling them, try to recognize them. ( Children put their hands under the fabric, find sea animals, feel them and name the sea animal without taking it out from under the fabric, after answering they take it out and check the correctness of the completed task.)

Speech therapist: Well done, you made me very happy, real researchers, but it's time for us to return to the ship, we surface, take off our suits ( imitate the removal of costumes ) .

Speech therapist : We have learned a lot of new, interesting things, and in order to consolidate our knowledge, I suggest you play Guess the game.

1. Without what there is no sea? (without water)

2. What is the biggest fish in the sea? (blue whale)

3. Which fish has both eyes on the same side? (at the flounder)

4. Who has a mouth on his belly? (in a shark)

5. What dog doesn't bark? (marine)

6. Which skate can not be skated? (at sea)

7. A person who works underwater in a special suit? (diver)

8. A relative of cancer? (crab)

Speech therapist: You did a very good job, tried hard. Completed all tasks. What did you like about the lesson? What difficulties did you experience? Lesson completed.


Exercise in the ability to create an expressive and interesting plot using geometric shapes.

Tasks: to clarify and expand children's knowledge about the underwater world, the diversity of its inhabitants. Improve technical and visual skills, abilities. To cultivate love and respect for the animal world, responsiveness and kindness.

Materials and equipment: illustrations of step-by-step drawing, slides with illustrations of the inhabitants of the underwater world; blue sheet A4; colored pencils, gouache, brushes, glasses of water, A3 format to demonstrate the phased drawing of animals.

Methods and techniques: Using ICT (presentation "Seabed"), showing a sample, artistic word, conversation, organizing a mini exhibition of drawings.

Lesson progress:

Organizing time.

Educator: Children, do you like to travel?

- Have you ever traveled to the bottom of the ocean? - Do you want to go on such a journey? (Yes.)

- What do you think, what can you travel under water? (On a submarine.)

— How else?

- Tell me, if you and I dive deep into the water, will we be able to swim underwater for a long time? (Not.)

- Why won't it work? (We can't breathe underwater.)

- Think and tell me what people do when they dive deep into the water and swim for a long time? (Put on scuba gear.)

That's right, they put on scuba gear. So we will now put on our "scuba gear" and go on a journey to the seabed.

Children, together with the teacher, put on masks depicting scuba gear on their heads and perform swimming movements.

- Today we will go down to the bottom of the sea to explore the underwater world. Close your eyes and imagine that we are diving into the depths of the sea.

The audio recording “Sound of the Sea” sounds, marine life appears on the screen. Children "swim closer", examine the animals.

“Look, guys, how beautiful, unusual it is here. Many animals live in the seas and oceans

The teacher names the animals that appear in front of the children.

So we are back in kindergarten.

Which animal do you remember the most?

- Fish, shark, octopus, crabs, jellyfish, seahorses, etc.

- Well done! Correctly. Many different mysterious animals and fish live in the ocean-sea. We will now try to solve riddles about marine life. Listen carefully. After the children guess the riddle, the teacher shows a picture of an animal.

This fish is an evil predator,

Everyone will be swallowed up.

Showing her teeth, she yawned

And she went to the bottom ... (shark)

A transparent umbrella floats.

"I'll burn it! - threatens. - Do not touch!

She has paws and a belly.

What is her name? (Jellyfish)

Both on land and in water -

Carries the house with him everywhere.

Traveling without fear

In this house ... (turtle)

- Let's see how we can generalize the forms of marine life. These are all geometric shapes. Which? Having drawn any geometric figure, you can then make an underwater inhabitant out of it.

(Showing step by step drawing).

There are a lot of pebbles at the bottom

shells, there are also underwater plants.

What are their names?

- Seaweed.

Yes, seaweed. Some fish eat them.

And with what lines can we draw algae?


Practical part: the teacher invites children to choose drawing tools (gouache, pencils, felt-tip pens). Children work independently. If necessary, the teacher provides individual assistance. Reminds you how to properly hold a brush and use paints.

The analysis of finished works is carried out. A joint exhibition is organized in the ecological corner of the group.

Guys, in memory of our trip, I suggest you take shells and pebbles. (Children take shells and pebbles from a mini aquarium)

There is no more beautiful native land,

on which we live with you

So let's cherish and love

Marina Gorokhova
Abstract of an open lesson for preparatory group"Journey to the underwater kingdom"


Directly educational activities

by educational field "Knowledge"

topic « Journey to the underwater world»

for preparatory school group


caregiver preparatory group

Gorohova Marina Mikhailovna

Integration Keywords: communication, socialization, labor, physical culture, music.

Program content:

Learning tasks:

Continue to expand children's knowledge about the planet Earth, about the inhabitants of the sea, their characteristics, appearance, nutrition, movement;

Introduce concepts "world Ocean", "anemone";

Enrich and activate children's vocabulary with words and concepts: earth model, marine life, crystals;

Introduce children to the properties of the sea water: lack of own form, transparency, density.

Development tasks:

Develop skills in conducting laboratory experiments;

Develop cognitive processes;

Develop attention and observation;

To form the ability to negotiate in the process of joint activities.

Educational tasks:

Raise the need for children to communicate with wildlife, increase interest in knowing its laws, really participate in activities to protect the natural environment;

To cultivate respect for each other in the process of joint activities.

Materials and equipment:

Magnetic board, magnets;

Image of marine life;

Jars of water, coarse salt, 2 eggs, sticks;

- "trash" and 2 relay baskets;

Tape recorder with sound of the sea;

Sweet prizes.

Preliminary work.

Examining the globe, maps, creating an exhibition of drawings, crafts, books and illustrations on the topic « Undersea world» , conversations "Marine life", reading fiction E. Tanasiychuk "Oil in the sea", Why did the whales die?, B. Sakharnov "Who lives in the sea".

Course progress.

Educator. Hello guys! Very interesting travel around your home country, but there are other countries in the world where the same boys and girls live. And all together we live on one big planet. What is it called? (Earth).

What shape does the earth have? (ball)

Listen to the riddle:

No beginning, no end

No back of the head, no face.

Everyone knows, both young and old,

She's a big ball. (Earth)

Our planet is the most beautiful, it is like a beautiful blue gem. Why do you think the Earth looks blue from space? (Earth is the only planet solar system which has land and water).

Guess the next riddle:

Standing on one leg

Turns his head around.

Shows us countries

Rivers, mountains, oceans. (The globe)

caregiver Q: What does he represent? (Earth model)

If you quickly spin the globe, it will seem as if it is multi-colored. Which? (Blue). Why? (more blue paint than yellow, white, green, brown).

caregiver: What is depicted in blue paint? (rivers, seas, oceans, lakes). Seas and oceans take up twice as much space as land.

caregiver: What rivers do you know? (Volga, Kama, Oka, etc.). name the seas (Black Sea, Caspian Sea, Baltic Sea, etc.).

caregiver: There are many rivers, seas, lakes, oceans, and together they make up one big one, it is called the World Ocean. It plays an important role in the life of our planet.

caregiver: Today I invite you to make trip to the underwater world in order to expand your knowledge. But before you go there answer: “What and how do we breathe?” (air, nose - lungs).

caregiver Q: Do fish breathe? How? (Yes, gills).

How will we breathe underwater? (must wear special masks, fins, oxygen tanks). And so, we put on masks and dive to the seabed.

Gold fish: "I am the daughter of the lord

Terrible king of salt waters

You won't even take a step forward."

caregiver: Your naval majesty, why such disgrace? This is us, from kindergarten. We sank into your kingdom to get acquainted with your possessions.

Z.R.: What do you know about my kingdom? (children talk).

Z. R.: Now solve my riddles about the inhabitants of the seabed, I will show you images, and you name the marine inhabitants and tell us what you know about them (shows images of a seahorse, shark, hammerhead fish, dolphin, fish- hedgehog, sea urchin, dragon fish, octopus).

Children name sea creatures and talk about them.

ZR And now I'll tell you about a very amazing animal of the seabed. The seabed is very beautiful. Even flowers grow with long petals, but they are not actually flowers, but animals. Who knows what they are called? (anemones). "Petals" their - burning, like nettles, tentacles. In the middle "cups"- mouth. A fish gapes, accidentally touches "petal" and that hour will fall on the sea anemone's dinner. Still anemones stand on the seabed, only move their tentacles, cling to the shell and ride. Only one fish can live in harmony with an anemone, which one of you knows which one?

caregiver: Guys, let's tell the Golden Fish what types of water do we know?

Children name (rain, spring, fresh, sea, drinking, clean, spring, river, well, mineral, carbonated)

ZR: Well done, guys!

Phys. minute

caregiver: I invite everyone to play.

The game "Droplets, stream, river, ocean"

1,2,3 Guys, turn around, spin around, turn into droplets!

(Children go to the playground).

caregiver: Get ready, droplets!

Fly from the cloud to the ground, play, jump, have fun!

Tired of playing one drop at a time, hold hands, flow fast in streams!

Brooks gathered into one big full-flowing river, they float, travel droplets in the river(walk in one length of chain).

The river reached the mighty ocean and dissolved in it (children walk in a circle)

Droplets warmed up under the hot rays of the Sun, and rose up to the Cloud (cover the children with a large blanket).

A breeze blew, a cloud floated with droplets to the ground, to a green forest with tall pines. (children move under the covers).

And then the evening came, the Cloud fell down and turned into fog (children squat). Sit down, Droplets, rest, sleep and listen to the music of the sea.

Music sounds.

ZR Guys, what can you tell us about sea water? (salty, not to drink, curative).

In my lab you can find out why the sea is salty (children sit at the tables, where everything you need for the experience).

ZR: Guys, you have crystals of sea salt on your tables. Consider them (children look). What do they look like? (for sugar, frost, etc.).

What colour? (white)

What form? (rectangular, star-shaped, etc.)

Do they have an odor (No).

Stage 2. Now let's put these crystals in fresh water, stirring with a stick, we accelerate the process of dissolving these crystals. What happened to them? (dissolved).

Conclusion: Important by the water property: it can dissolve many substances in itself (salt, sugar, etc.).

caregiver: And now I suggest you conduct a fascinating experience on your own. But before proceeding with the experiment, I would like to know if all the seas are equally salty? (children call the Dead Sea, in which there is a lot of salt, and where there is no animal and vegetable peace: and all objects do not sink, but remain on the surface).

The teacher conducts the experiment with the children.

Stage 1. We take a transparent container with fresh water, lower the egg, it sinks, because the egg is heavy.

Stage 2. We take another container with fresh water, add a large amount of salt there, stirring, wait until the salt is completely dissolved. Now imagine that the egg is a person, and the water in the container is the water of the Dead Sea! "Human" floats.

Z. R .: What a great fellow you are, you completed all my tasks.

caregiver: Golden Fish, thank you, we learned so much new things, and now it's time for us to return to kindergarten.

ZR: Wait guys, I have a big problem. People heavily pollute my property, but the worst thing is when oil gets into the water, they dump waste from industrial enterprises. Who knows what happens to the sea in this case? (Children answer: The sea becomes dirty and poisonous, because the water is covered with a greasy film, which, like a lid, does not allow oxygen to penetrate deep into the sea. From this, algae, small crustaceans suffocate, fish, dolphins die, sea birds get sick).

ZR: I have been living in the sea for many years, but I can't stand it anymore.

Clogged, muddied all the water. Will there be anyone in the sea?

At the bottom of his bottle and torn shoes

Paper, rags, bottles, cans,

Plants, crayfish, fish are dying,

You help, friends, at least a little.

caregiver: Guys, can we help the Golden Fish?

The children answer.

Child: Water is what life gives us all.

What gives us strength and vigor.

Crystal clear or very dirty.

It is useful in any condition.

Let's save water

Protect everything from unreasonable spending.

Otherwise it will end, maybe water,

And then the life on the planet will die down.

caregiver: Golden Fish, guys, look how our sea is clogged! Now we will clear it of garbage. Guys, come out, free the sea from mud!

Relay game in progress "Clean the sea of ​​debris"

(paper of two colors on the floor, children collect on teams "trash" into the basket, the team whose "trash" will be collected faster).

Z.R.: Thank you guys! You are very friendly, helped my marine kingdom. Let's all make a promise that we will save our planet from garbage.

Children in chorus: We promise!

ZR: Guys, it's time for me to go home, and I give you a sea treasure for knowledge and help, be friendly. Goodbye (leaves).

caregiver: Well, it's time for us to rise from the seabed. We sat down, pushed off with our legs from the bottom, swim to the surface, swam out. Let's see what kind of treasure the Golden Fish has prepared for us (opens chest and distributes sweets to children).

Abstract of the GCD in the preparatory group on the topic "In the Museum of the Underwater Kingdom"

Material Description: I offer you a summary of direct educational activities for children of the preparatory group (6-7 years old) on the topic “In the Museum of the Underwater Kingdom” using museum pedagogy. This material will be useful for teachers of senior and preparatory groups. This abstract is of a cognitive nature, aimed at developing children's curiosity, interest in the secrets of the deep sea and its inhabitants.

Synopsis of the direct educational activities of children in the preparatory group on the topic "In the museum of the underwater kingdom."

Integration of educational areas:"Cognition", "Communication", "Socialization", "Physical culture".
Target: Systematize children's knowledge about the sea and marine life.
Program content:
Learning tasks:
- continue to expand children's knowledge about the planet Earth, about the inhabitants of the sea, their characteristics, appearance, nutrition, movement;
- to acquaint children with the beneficial properties of sea water;
- introduce the concepts - "corals", "coral reefs", "crystals", "fins", "tentacles";
- enrich and activate the vocabulary of children with words and concepts: the model of the Earth, marine life, crystals, the names of the oceans and seas.
Development tasks:
- develop cognitive processes;
- develop attention and observation;
Educational tasks:
- to educate the need of children to communicate with wildlife, to increase interest in the knowledge of its laws;
- to cultivate respect for each other in the process of joint knowledge.
Materials and equipment:
- magnetic board, magnets;
- illustrations depicting marine life;
- a parcel with shells, a letter and riddles of the Sea King;
- the globe;
- coarse salt, sea salt crystals, coral fragments;
- exhibits of marine life: sharks, starfish, turtles, hedgehogs.
- audio recording of sea noise;
Preliminary work.
Examination of the globe, maps, books and illustrations on the topic "Underwater World", conversations "Sea Inhabitants", reading educational literature about the depths of the sea and its inhabitants.

Course progress.

Educator: Guys, today a parcel came to our kindergarten. Let's see what they sent us? (Children examine the contents of the package) What beautiful shells! Take a shell, listen to their noise. Consider a shell. Where did she come from, where is her habitat? Why is she at the bottom of the sea? (It can serve as a home for snails and some other marine animals). Yes, in such houses some marine life can hide from enemies and bad weather. Where are the shells? (Shells lie at the bottom of lakes, seas and oceans, sometimes covered with sand or sea plants, lie motionless, as if sleeping). What shape is a shell? (Unusual, bizarre) That's right. And they hide in their bends
...and the rustle of a stellar comet,
And the whisper of the past summer
And a handful of moonlight.

Looking at shells, you can remember or imagine a lot of beautiful and unusual things.
Who do you think sent them? (Children's answers) Of course, this is the Sea King Neptune. And here is the letter for us.
"Dear Guys! The Sea King is writing to you.
My mermaids told me that guys who are interested in the underwater world live in your garden. And I wanted to invite you to my "Museum of the Underwater Kingdom" where you can get acquainted with the inhabitants of the sea, and at the same time check whether you know sea animals well. I have prepared riddles for you, and you can consider the riddles. With respect to you, Sea King"
Educator:- Guys, the sea king invites us on an excursion to his museum.
But we need to solve his riddles. Listen to the first task.
"Stands on one leg,
Turns his head around.
Shows us countries
Rivers, mountains, oceans"
What is it? (The globe)
Educator: What does he represent? (Model of the Earth) Approach the globe, examine and spin it.

If you quickly spin the globe, it will seem as if it is multi-colored. Which paint is more? (Blue), (more blue paint than yellow, white, green, brown).
Educator: What is depicted in blue paint?
Children's answers.
Water covers most of the Earth's surface. These are countless lakes, rivers and rivers, these are seas and oceans. There are 5 oceans. Which?
Children's answers.
Quiet, Indian, Atlantic, Arctic, South.
Educator: What seas do you know?
Children's answers.
Mediterranean, Black, Azov, Red, Dead, White. There are a lot of them and it is impossible to list them all.
And what is the water in the sea, is it possible to drink it?
Children's answers.
Where can sea water be used?
Children's answers.
Sea water is very healthy, it contains many minerals. It can be used to gargle. They take therapeutic baths with her. Special substances are extracted from sea water, from which medicines and ointments are made. Sea salt is extracted from sea water and sold in pharmacies.
the teacher invites the children to the table to consider the salt,
Educator: Guys, look at the crystals of sea salt
children are looking at. What do they look like? (for sugar, frost, etc.).
What colour? (white)
What form? (rectangular, star-shaped, etc.)
Do they smell (no)
caregiver: I would like to know if all the seas are equally salty? (children call the Dead Sea, in which there is a lot of salt, and where there is no animal and plant world: and all objects do not sink, but remain on the surface). And the rest of the seas are inhabited and there is life.
Educator: Solve the following riddle
This fish is an evil predator,
Everyone will be swallowed up.
Showing her teeth, she yawned
And she went to the bottom ... (shark)
Children watching a shark
The shark is the largest predatory fish that breathes with gills. Often sharks are called bloodthirsty and evil. They are large, fast and toothy fish. Their teeth are in six rows, and sharp as a saw. In addition, they grow all the time and constantly change: they fall out, and new ones grow in their place. The skin of these fish is covered with scales with sharp spikes, so even a light touch on them causes serious wounds.
Educator: Next riddle:
What kind of ball floats with spikes,
Quietly flapping its fins?
Just don't take it in your hands.
This ball is ... (hedgehog fish)
Children are looking at a sea urchin.
Sea urchins can prick with a poisonous thorn and, having pricked, a person will feel a burning pain. With the help of needles, sea urchins not only protect themselves from enemies, but also move at high speed, you can even say that he does not walk, but runs along the seabed.
Educator: Well done! You are doing a great job with the tasks, and now I suggest you take a break and play a little.
Physical education minute
Let's pretend we're at sea...
And here is the sea
It rages in space
And there is a high wave in the sea
And up to the sky and down to the bottom The fingers are interlocked and make wave-like movements.
Salt water pumps
Algae green Hands raised and making serpentine movements
Dolphins jump fun
Exposing your back to the sun The palm rests on the palm, small wavy
moving forward
Ride on the waves
The sun is smiling Hands up
Educator: And now the riddle is different, so complicated
He is a flower in the water, like a flame,
and on land, immediately a stone.
It immediately became precious.
Children, who is this…….. (coral)
What is a coral?
Corals are living creatures, they are located in shallow water, growing, corals form entire fields, preventing yachts and ships from sailing. There is such a thing as coral reefs.
Look at this branch of coral. What does she look like? (On deer antlers) This coral is called “deer antlers”. When the coral grows, it has a light brown color, and if it died during a storm, over time it becomes like this snow-white.

But near the coral someone lies. Who is it?
Children: Starfish.
Children are looking at a starfish.
Educator: Why is she called that?
Is it a fish or a sea animal? Why do you think so? (Children's answers are being specified)
-That's right, a starfish is an animal.
What color is she?
When alive, it is pink or red, and when it dies, it becomes a brownish-beige color, hard to the touch. (All children's answers are specified, explained)
During the movement, limbs help her - tentacles, covered with needles from below. The starfish is a predator, it feeds on living organisms: small fish, sea worms, shrimps. She eats very interesting. She has no eyes, her mouth is below her body. It will crawl onto prey, suck on it ... And it didn’t take it into its mouth, but swallowed it. And yet there is such a feature. If it is divided into several parts, then a new starfish will grow from each.

And here is another marine life. Who is it?
Children: Sea turtle
Educator: This is the most unusual inhabitant of the sea. She has an oval shell on her back, a large head on a short neck, and her legs look like flippers. In water, it is very mobile and graceful, and on land it moves slowly, slowly. If you turn her over on her back, then she will remain lying, because she will not be able to roll over herself.
Educator: What other marine life do you know?
Shows illustrations. Children answer: hammerhead fish, sawfish, squid, sea turtle, octopus, jellyfish, dolphin, crab, etc.
The world of the sea is very diverse, interesting and we still have a lot to learn. But more about that another time, but for now we visited the Museum of the Underwater Kingdom. Did you enjoy the museum? What did you see there, what and who did you learn about? What do you remember the most?
This is the end of our tour of the museum. And I hope that we will be invited to other museums, and there are a lot of them and we will definitely visit them!

Synopsis of GCD on the world around "Journey to the underwater world" preparatory group


To expand and enrich the horizons of children about marine inhabitants, about their way of life;

To consolidate the idea of ​​​​children about the forms of fish and other inhabitants of the underwater world, to consolidate the initial idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe sea.


To develop in children an interest in living and inanimate nature;

Develop coherent speech, the ability to answer questions and the ability to justify their judgments;

Develop independence and activity.

Educator:- Guys, today we will have an unusual activity, I invite you on a sea voyage. We will learn a lot of interesting things about the sea and its inhabitants, we will go down into its depths. (I take the globe)

And here is our assistant. Guys, what is this?

Children: - This is a globe.

Educator:- Look at the globe. If you do not twist it, then it seems like what?

Children: - Multicolored.

Educator:- And if you spin it strongly, it becomes blue. Why?

Children: - Because there is more blue paint on the globe than green and brown.

Educator: What does the blue paint on the globe mean?

Children: - Blue paint on the globe indicates the seas and oceans.

Educator:- Seas and oceans take up 2 times more space than land. Guys, all the seas and oceans are very deep. Even the highest mountain would hide in the salty abyss. Imagine we are on the beach. Sit right on the sand. (Children sit on the carpet).

Educator: What do we hear when we sit by the sea?

Children: - The sound of the wind, the sound of the surf, the rustle of sea pebbles, the cry of seagulls, the splashing of fish.

(I turn on the recording of the sounds of the sea.)

Educator:- While you are listening to the sounds of the sea, imagine that you are on the waves, splashing in the sea, breathe in the sea air.

Educator:- Guys, how can you go on a trip? (children's answers)

caregiver: - And what do you think with the help of which you can sink to the seabed? (children's answers)

Educator:- That's right, and you can sink to the bottom of the sea with the help of a bathyscaphe. Repeat, please. A bathyscaphe is such a large iron ball with portholes, inside it has many different instruments to observe marine life. (Showing a picture.)

All girls and boys

I know they love books.

They love fairy tales about the sea,

About the underwater king.

Where the sun doesn't shine

The underwater world lives.

But no one knows about him

Everyone dreams of going there.

Educator:- On the first underwater trip, it is better to sail together in a large submarine. We have to learn and see the sea, its underwater inhabitants, the wealth of the seabed. Passengers, take your seats. The boat is ready to dive. Sea waves rock her leaning to the side). On the count of "three" we dive.

1-2-3 - we'll all freeze!

Let's go to the underwater world.

Miracles are about to begin!

You just need to open your eyes.

Our kindergarten has changed

Turned into the bottom of the sea.

We'll go for a walk.

The bottom of the sea to study!

We did not dive deep and are on the top floor of the underwater world. It is light and warm here, as this floor illuminates and warms the sun. Look, a miracle giant is swimming on the right side of the board. (Showing a picture of a whale). Who is this? ( Blue whale).

1 Child: - Blue whale- the largest animal on our planet. The blue whale can grow up to 33 m in length and weigh 150 tons. It is found in almost all areas of the oceans. The blue whale got its name due to its skin - it is gray in color with a blue tint. This giant swims rather slowly. They prefer to live alone, because it is difficult for several whales to feed on the same territory. The whale feeds on crustaceans, algae, and small fish. The whale swims slowly, opening its mouth, where a huge amount of food enters along with water.

Well done! Very interesting!

Guys, look, another sea animal flashed by. (Showing a picture of a dolphin). Yes, it's the same. ( Dolphin).

2 Child: - Dolphins are small whales. Dolphins breathe air, not gills. They never leave the sea. They have sharp teeth and their head ends in a bird's beak-like mouth. The main food of dolphins is fish, shellfish and small marine animals. Dolphins are very smart and fast animals.

Whales and dolphins are mammals. They have lungs, they feed their young with milk, and their tails and fins are adaptations for life in the water. They live near the surface of the water, since they do not have gills, they need to swim out to take a breath of air!

Educator:- Well done!

We got stuck on the top floor. We're going deeper. It's getting darker here and the water is cooler. Why do you think?

Children: - The sun's rays make their way here with difficulty.

Educator:- Oh, who is it that floats? (Showing a picture of a shark).

Predatory big fish swooped in like a block.

Instantly the victim was swallowed by the insatiable ... ( shark).

Educator:- What does a shark eat?

Children: - Fish, marine animals.

Educator:- Can sharks attack humans?

Children: - Yes.

3 Child: - Shark- is a predatory fish, common in all seas and oceans. Shark skin is covered with sharp scales. The eyes can only see objects in black and white. Shark teeth are a terrible weapon, they grab them, kill their prey and tear it to shreds. Unlike whales, sharks breathe with gills. They eat animal food. Among the sharks, there are many that are dangerous to humans: the tiger shark, the hammerhead shark, the cat shark, the white shark and the largest whale shark.

Children: - No. Man has no gills.

Educator:- How can you travel on the seabed?

Children: - Put on scuba gear, diving suits.

Educator:- So, we put on scuba gear and diving suits (children imitate putting on suits). We leave the ship. How beautiful it is here.

Finger gymnastics« Undersea world»

Look around quickly! ( make a palm to the forehead« visor» )

What do you see, dear friend? (put fingers in rings around eyes)

Here the water is clear palms out to the sides)

A seahorse swims here. (wave-like movement of the palms forward)

Here is a jellyfish, here is a squid (the palms of both hands lowered down in the form of a cap)

And this is a fish ball. (connect the fingers of both hands in the form of a ball)

And here, straightening eight legs, (show the back side of both

palms and move them up, performing oscillatory movements


Guests are greeted by an octopus.

V .: - Look, here is an octopus!

4 Child: - In an octopus, a soft body has no bones and can freely bend in different directions. The octopus was named so because eight limbs extend from its short body. Octopuses live at the bottom, hiding in crevices between stones or in underwater caves. Octopuses are real predators. At night, they get out of their hiding places and go hunting. Octopuses can not only swim, but also, by rearranging their tentacles, walk along the bottom. The usual prey of octopuses are shrimp, crabs and fish, which they paralyze with poison. With their beak, they can even break the strong shells of crabs and crayfish or mollusk shells. The octopus takes the prey to the shelter, where they slowly eat it. Among the octopuses there are very poisonous ones, the bite of which can be fatal even for humans.

caregiver: - Oh, I noticed something among the algae. (Showing a picture of a fish). Who is it?

Children: - Fish.

Educator:- Let's play with the fish.

The game« Questions - answers»

We pass it to each other, answering my questions.

(Children stand in a circle and answer questions, passing each other a fish.)

Whose head? ( It's a fish head).

Whose tail? ( It's a fishtail).

Whose gills? ( These are fish gills).

Whose belly? ( It's a fish belly).

Whose fins? ( These are fish fins.).

Whose bones? ( These are fish bones.).

Whose scales? ( It's a fish scale).

Whose eggs? ( These are fish eggs).

Whose body? ( This is a fish body.).

Whose eyes? ( Those are fish eyes.).

Educator:- Well done, let's let the fish swim. Here are some amazing animals we met, and now let's have a little rest.

Fizkultminutka "And over the sea - we are with you!"

Seagulls circling over the waves

Let's follow them together.

Splashes of foam, the sound of the surf,

And over the sea - we are with you! ( Children flap their arms like wings.)

We are now sailing on the sea

And frolic in space.

More fun rake

And chase the dolphins. (Children make swimming movements with their hands.)

Educator:- Look at the beautiful corals here!

5 Child:- Corals are animal organisms, albeit not like plants. In total, there are about 5,000 species of them in the world. For their growth, they need full-fledged conditions: sufficient salinity of water, transparency, warmth and a lot of food. That is why coral reefs live in the waters of the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. Most often, corals are brown, white, red, yellow, green, black, pink are less common. Corals grow very slowly. The growth rate depends on illumination, water temperature, oxygen saturation and is 1-3 cm per year. Jewelry is made from coral.

V: Well done! Very interesting! So, let's move on? Look how beautiful jellyfish are.

6 Child:- Jellyfish are mysterious and very beautiful inhabitants of the seas and oceans of planet Earth. Jellyfish can only live in salt water, so their habitat is oceans and seas. Jellyfish have 24 eyes. Jellyfish increase in size throughout their lives, and their final size depends on the species. There are tiny ones, and there are giants. Their color can be white, pink, yellow, orange, red, blue, green and multicolor. Jellyfish feed on small marine organisms, crustaceans and sometimes other jellyfish.

Educator:- Well done, you made me very happy, real researchers, but it's time for us to return to the ship, we surface, take off our suits ( imitate the removal of costumes).

1 -2 - 3 - we'll all freeze!

Let's go to kindergarten!

caregiver: - We have learned a lot of new, interesting things, and in order to relax, I suggest you play the game.

The game "One - many"

Target:- teach children to agree on nouns in the singular and plural.

Game description: An adult calls the child objects in the singular, and he must name the plural of these objects.

Sea - seas;

Fish - fish;

Scuba - scuba gear;

Bathyscaphe - bathyscaphes;

Boat - boats;

Diver - divers;

Whale - whales;

Octopus - octopuses;

Dolphin - dolphins;

Medusa - jellyfish;

Shark - sharks;

Coral - corals.


Guys, did you enjoy our trip? (children's answers)

Where have we been today? What new things have we learned and seen?

I also really enjoyed traveling with you, you are all great fellows.

Children love nature

Rivers, lakes, seas,

Take care of her

Then there will be miracles.