
The main characters all the secret becomes clear. Our review of the book by Viktor Dragunsky "Deniska's stories. Deniska stories - Amazing day

The main characters all the secret becomes clear.  Our review of the book by Viktor Dragunsky

Who among us does not remember Deniska Korablev, the famous hero of funny stories? This wonderful book was written by Viktor Yuzefovich Dragunsky. "Deniska's stories" are easily perceived by ear, so they can be read to children from four years old. Younger students will be happy to recognize themselves in the book: after all, they also do not always want to do their homework, read books, do extra work during the summer holidays, when it's hot outside and all the friends are playing in the yard.

The summary of the book by Viktor Dragunsky "Deniska's Stories" will help you in a situation where you need to immediately refresh the names of the main characters in your memory. Want to know what this book is about? Below is a retelling of the work "Deniska's stories". The summary of the text will allow you to recall the main points of the story, the characters of the main characters, the true motives of their actions.

"He's alive and glowing"

This story begins with the fact that the boy Deniska is waiting for his mother in the yard. She probably lingered at the institute or in the store, and does not even suspect that her son has already missed her. The author very subtly emphasizes that the child is tired and hungry. Apparently, he does not have the keys to the apartment, because it is already starting to get dark, the lights are on in the windows, and Deniska does not move. Standing in the yard, he feels himself starting to freeze. While he is watching what is happening around, his friend Mishka Elephants runs up to him. Seeing a friend, Deniska rejoices and for a while forgets about her sadness.

Mishka praises his toy dump truck, wants to trade it and offers Deniska various items and his toys. Deniska replies that the dump truck is a gift from dad, so he cannot give it to Mishka or even exchange it. Then Mishka uses the last opportunity to get a toy dump truck - he offers Deniska a live firefly that glows in the dark. Deniska is fascinated by the firefly, its magnificent radiance, which spreads from a simple matchbox. He gives Mishka a dump truck, saying: "Take my dump truck, for good, and give me this asterisk." The happy bear goes home, and Deniska is no longer so sad to wait for his mother, because he felt that there was a living being next to him. Soon mom returns, and together with Deniska they go home for dinner. Mom sincerely wonders how the son could exchange a good toy for "some kind of firefly"

This is just one of the stories representing "Deniska's stories". The summary shows that the main theme is loneliness and abandonment. The boy wants to go home, he is tired and hungry, but his mother lingers somewhere and thereby prolongs the feeling of Deniska's inner suffering. The appearance of a firefly warms the soul of the child, and it becomes not so hard for him to wait for the appearance of his mother.

"The secret becomes clear"

An amusing story in which Deniska refuses to eat semolina for breakfast. However, Mom remains adamant and tells him to eat everything to the end. As a "reward" she promises her son to take him to the Kremlin immediately after breakfast. Denis is very inspired by this prospect, but even this cannot help overcome his dislike for semolina. After another attempt to put a spoonful of porridge in his mouth, Deniska tries to salt and pepper it, but from these actions it does not improve, but only deteriorates, acquiring a completely unbearable taste. In the end, Deniska goes to the window and pours the porridge out into the street. Satisfied puts an empty plate on the table. Suddenly, the front door opens and a man enters the apartment, smeared with semolina from head to toe. Mom looks at him in confusion, and Deniska understands that he can no longer get into the Kremlin. The man indignantly tells that he was going to be photographed, so he put on his best suit, and suddenly hot porridge poured down on him from the window.

This is the second story representing "Deniska's stories". The summary shows that sooner or later everything hidden is revealed and brings big trouble.

"Top - Down - Oblique"

Once Deniska, Mishka and a neighbor girl Alyonka were walking near the house. And their backyard was being renovated. The guys heard and saw how the painters were going to leave for lunch. When the painters left for dinner, it turned out that they had left the barrels of paint in the yard. The guys began to paint everything that comes to hand: a bench, a fence, an entrance door. It was very interesting for them to watch how the paint itself comes out of the hose and quickly paints everything around. Alyonka even managed to paint her legs to look like a real Indian.

This is the third story representing "Deniska's stories". The summary shows that Deniska, Mishka and Alyonka are funny guys, although they got it great for that paint incident.

"Green Leopards"

Do you love to get sick? Not? But Deniska, Mishka and Alyonka love. In this story, they share with readers the benefits of various types of illnesses, from the common cold to chickenpox and sore throats. Moreover, friends consider chickenpox to be the most “interesting” disease, because at the time of an exacerbation of the disease they had the opportunity to look like leopards. And also, the guys think, “the main thing is that the disease is more terrible, then they will buy whatever you want.”

The main idea of ​​the story is well illustrated by its summary. V. Dragunsky ("Deniska's stories") emphasizes that attention to a sick child is always greater, but it is very important to remain healthy.

"Fire in the wing or a feat in the ice"

Once Deniska and Mishka were late for school. On the way, they decided to come up with a worthy excuse so that they would not get very hurt from the class teacher, Raisa Ivanovna. It turned out that coming up with a plausible version is not so easy. Deniska offered to tell that they allegedly saved a small child from the fire, and Mishka wanted to tell how the baby fell through the ice and his friends pulled him out of there. Before they had time to argue that it was better, they came to school. Each of them put forward his own version, which made it clear to everyone that they were deceiving. The teacher did not believe them and gave both of them unsatisfactory marks.

The main idea of ​​this story is emphasized by its brief content. V. Dragunsky ("Deniska's stories") teaches that adults should not be deceived. It is better to always tell the truth, whatever it may be.

"Where is it seen, where is it heard"

An amusing story in which Deniska and Mishka undertake to perform at a school matinee. They volunteer to sing a duet, telling everyone that they can do it. Only at the performance, a misunderstanding suddenly occurs: for some reason, Mishka sings the same verse, and Deniska, due to the situation that has arisen, has to sing along with him. Laughter is heard in the hall, it seems that their debut was not successful. The main idea: you need to better prepare for important events.

"The Tricky Way"

In this story, Deniska is trying her best to come up with a way that would allow her mother to be less tired in housework. Once she complained that she barely had time to wash the dishes for her household and jokingly announced that if nothing changed, she would refuse to feed her son and husband. Deniska began to think, and a wonderful idea came to his mind to take food alternately, and not all together. As a result, it turned out that the dishes would go three times less, which would make it easier for mom. Dad, on the other hand, came up with another way: to make a commitment to wash the dishes every day with his son. The main idea of ​​the story is that you need to help your family.

Dragunsky's collection of stories tells about various funny and interesting situations of the main character - Denis Korablev. These short stories show the attitude of the characters to each other, their actions. Every child, having read these stories, can recognize himself in them.

Once Denis was waiting for his mother to come home from work, but she did not go. It was already dark outside. And Deniska had a dump truck in his hands, so he periodically played with them.

The neighbor Mishka, who came up to him, asked to play with a dump truck, the boy refused, since it was a gift. Then Misha

I showed him a firefly, Denis immediately liked it, so he gave his toy away for good. It was a small luminous worm that brightened Deniska's time while he was waiting for his mother, sitting in his yard (He is alive and glows).

There were stories related to the school, how Deniska always got fours in a letter due to the fact that blots always appeared from somewhere in his notebook. And once in music he got a three. He sang his favorite song so loudly that he did not realize that he was singing completely wrong. He was surprised that Mishka, who sang quietly, was given five, and he was three (Glory to Ivan Kozlovsky).

Once Denis's father fell ill,

The reason was smoking. Mom scolded her husband for not taking care of his health and said that a drop of smoking tobacco kills a horse. Deniska did not like it at all, he did not want his father to die. Somehow guests gathered in Deniska's apartment.

Aunt Tamara gave the cigarette case to his father because she accidentally spoiled his tea. Father asked Deniska to cut his cigarettes to fit into this small case. And Denis cut it so that there was no tobacco left. The boy showed quick wit, because he was so afraid that a drop would kill a horse (One drop kills a horse).

How Deniska went to a masquerade party. The school announced that there would be a prize for the best costume. But Deniska had nothing, her mother left, she could not help. However, he and his friend Mishka took fishing boots, mother's hat and an old fox tail from a neighbor. The result was a costume - Puss in Boots. At the matinee, Deniska received an award - 2 books for the best costume. He gave one to Mishka for being the most cheerful dwarf (Puss in Boots).

Deniska also visited the cinema, where the whole class watched a film about the civil war. The boy could not stand it and shouted for everyone to get toy guns. Chaos broke out in the hall, all the boys shot at the whites with what they could, they wanted to help the reds. In the end, the Reds won. It seemed to Deniska that if not for them, then perhaps the Reds would not have won (Battle near a clean river).

Deniska, when he did not go to school, could not decide who he wanted to become. And the idea of ​​​​becoming a boxer settled in his head. He asked his father to buy him a punching bag, but he refused, because it was too expensive. But my mother came up with the idea of ​​making a pear out of an old bear. At first, the boy was delighted, but remembered that he and the bear had never parted. After that, he changed his mind about being a boxer (Childhood Friend).

Deniska managed to shame the dog (Anton) when she took the bone from another and hid it somewhere. The boy looked at Anton and said that he knew everything, and the dog, after these words, took the bone to its place (Dymka and Anton).

A funny story about how Denis took third place in swimming. Father praised that third place is also good. But it turned out that the first two places were taken by one person each, and the third by all the rest, that is, 18 people (Third place in butterfly style).

One of the stories says that Deniska wanted to get to the Kremlin, but he needs to eat porridge first. But no matter how he tried, nothing came out. So the boy threw the porridge out the window and told his mother that he had eaten everything. But it was not there, a man came, on whom this porridge poured out (The secret becomes clear).

Once Deniska and his friends saw painters doing their work near their house. After that, the workers gathered for lunch, and the paint was left on the street. Friends decided to paint everything that met on their way. After that, they got seriously


A funny story happened to Deniska's friend, Pavel. He studied English for two months, and when he came to visit Denis, he told his family that he studied foreign language All this time, that's why I didn't come. But, it turns out, over the summer he only learned the word Petya in English (Paul's Englishman).

Deniska loves her parents, so she is always ready to help them. So my mother had to help when she said that she was tired of washing the dishes. Then the boy came up with the idea that everyone would eat food from one device, but in turn. However, dad came up with an even better one, he just said that you need to wash the dishes yourself (Sly way).

Deniska and his friend Mishki went to the club, and there was an amusement room. Friends came in and saw the scales. A person who weighs 25 kilos will receive a subscription to the Murzilka magazine. Denis got on the scales, but he lacked 500 grams. So he drank lemonade and gained as much weight as needed. And then he received a long-awaited subscription (25 kilos).

Dragoon Secret Becomes Clear: Deniska's Stories for Children. Read the story The Secret Becomes Clear by V. Dragunsky, and other funny Deniskin stories and funny stories for children and schools

The secret becomes clear (very brief summary of the story)

The story is that Deniska wanted to get to the Kremlin, but he needs to eat porridge first. But no matter how he tried, nothing came out. So the boy threw the porridge out the window and told his mother that he had eaten everything. But it wasn’t there, a man came, on whom this porridge spilled

The secret becomes clear (full story)

I heard my mother say to someone in the hallway:

- ... The secret always becomes clear.

And when she entered the room, I asked:

What does it mean, mother: "The secret becomes clear"?

And this means that if someone acts dishonestly, they will still find out about him, and he will be ashamed, and he will be punished, - said my mother. - Got it?.. Go to sleep!

I brushed my teeth, went to bed, but did not sleep, but all the time I thought: how is it that the secret becomes clear? And I didn’t sleep for a long time, and when I woke up, it was morning, dad was already at work, and my mom and I were alone. I brushed my teeth again and started eating breakfast.

First I ate an egg. This is still tolerable, because I ate one yolk, and shredded the protein with the shell so that it was not visible. But then my mother brought a whole bowl of semolina.

Eat! Mom said. - No talking!

I said:

I can't see semolina!

But my mother screamed:

Look who you've become! Poured Koschey! Eat. You must get better.

I said:

I'm crushing on her!

Then my mother sat down next to me, put her arm around my shoulders and asked kindly:

Do you want to go with you to the Kremlin?

Well, still ... I do not know anything more beautiful than the Kremlin. I was there in the Palace of Facets and in the Armory, I stood near the Tsar Cannon and I know where Ivan the Terrible was sitting. And there is still a lot of interesting things. So I quickly answered my mother:

Of course I want to go to the Kremlin! Even more!

Then mom smiled.

Well, eat all the porridge, and let's go. And I'll wash the dishes. Just remember - you have to eat everything to the bottom!

And my mother went to the kitchen.

And I was left alone with the porridge. I spanked her with a spoon. Then he salted it. I tried it - well, it's impossible to eat! Then I thought that maybe there is not enough sugar? He sprinkled sand, tried it ... It got even worse. I don't like porridge, I tell you.

And she was also very thick. If it was liquid, then another thing, I would close my eyes and drink it. Then I took and poured boiling water into the porridge. It was still slippery, sticky and disgusting. The main thing is that when I swallow, my throat contracts itself and pushes this porridge back. Terribly embarrassing! After all, you want to go to the Kremlin! And then I remembered that we have horseradish. With horseradish, it seems that almost everything can be eaten! I took the whole jar and poured it into the porridge, and when I tried it a little, my eyes immediately popped into my forehead and my breathing stopped, and I must have lost consciousness, because I took the plate, quickly ran to the window and threw the porridge out into the street. Then he immediately returned and sat down at the table.

At this time, my mother entered. She looked at the plate and was delighted:

Well, what a Deniska, what a great guy! Ate all the porridge to the bottom! Well, get up, get dressed, working people, let's go for a walk in the Kremlin! And she kissed me.

At the same moment the door opened and a policeman entered the room. He said:

Hello! - and went to the window and looked down. - And also an intelligent person.

What you need? Mom asked sternly.

What a shame! - The policeman even stood at attention. - The state provides you with new housing, with all amenities and, by the way, with a garbage chute, and you pour various muck out the window!

Don't slander. I don't spill anything!

Oh, don't spill it?! The policeman laughed sarcastically. And, opening the door to the corridor, he shouted: - The victim!

And some uncle came to us.

As I looked at him, I immediately realized that I would not go to the Kremlin.

This guy had a hat on his head. And on the hat is our porridge. She lay almost in the middle of the hat, in the dimple, and a little along the edges, where the ribbon is, and a little behind the collar, and on the shoulders, and on the left trouser leg. As soon as he entered, he immediately began to stutter:

The main thing is that I go to be photographed... And suddenly such a story... Porridge... mm... semolina... Hot, by the way, through the hat and then... it burns... How can I send my... ff... photo when I'm covered in porridge?!

Then mother looked at me, and her eyes turned green, like gooseberries, and this is a sure sign that mother was terribly angry.

Excuse me, please, - she said quietly, - let me clean you, come here!

And all three of them went out into the corridor.

And when my mother returned, I was even scared to look at her. But I overcame myself, went up to her and said:

Yes, mom, you said the right thing yesterday. The secret always becomes clear!

Mom looked into my eyes. She looked for a long time and then asked:

Do you remember this for the rest of your life? And I answered:

Yes. .......................................................................................................

Victor Dragunsky Deniskin's stories - this is the book that we will analyze in detail today. I will give a summary of several stories, describe three films based on these works. And I will share a personal review based on my impression with my son. Whether you are looking for a good copy for your child or working on a reading diary with your younger student, I think in any case you will be able to find useful information in the article.

Hello dear blog readers. The book itself was purchased by me more than two years ago, but my son initially did not accept it. But at almost six years old, he enthusiastically listened to the stories from the life of the boy Denis Korablev, laughing heartily at the situations. And at 7.5 he read excitedly, laughing and retelling the stories he liked to my husband and me. Therefore, I immediately advise you not to rush into the introduction of this wonderful book. The child must grow up to its correct perception, and then you can be sure that it will make an indelible impression on him.

About the book Deniskina stories by Viktor Dragunsky

Our copy was published by Eksmo in 2014. The book has a hard cover, stitched binding, 160 pages. Pages: dense snow-white offset, on which bright, large pictures are absolutely not visible. In other words, the quality of this edition is perfect, I can safely advise. The book of Viktor Dragunsky Deniskin's stories is pleasant to hold in your hands. Having opened the cover, the child immediately enters the world of adventures that await him on its pages. The illustrations made by Vladimir Kanivets accurately reflect the events of the stories. There are a lot of pictures, they are on every spread: large ones - for the whole page and small ones - several for a spread. Thus, the book becomes a real adventure that the reader experiences along with its main characters. Buy at labyrinth.

Deniskin's stories were included in the 100 books for schoolchildren recommended by the Ministry of Education, which once again confirms the advice about reading these works at primary school age or close to it. The text in the book is a good size for both the child and the vision-conscious parent.

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Deniska's stories - content

Viktor Dragunsky wrote a series of stories about a boy named Denis Korablev, who literally grows up before the reader's eyes. What are they about?

At first we see Deniska as a sweet preschooler: inquisitive, sentimental. Then, as a primary school student who uses his inquisitive mind in various experiments, draws conclusions from his not always ideal behavior, and gets into funny situations. The protagonist of the stories was the writer's son. The father, observing his interesting childhood, his experiences, created these wonderful works. They were first published in 1959, and the actions described in the book took place in the 50-60s of the last century.

What is included in this copy? Yes, not a lot! The list made me very happy.

Now, let's talk about several works separately. This will help you decide if you have never read the book. Or help in filling out the reader's diary for grades 2-3, usually it is during this period that reading is given for the summer.

About filling out the reader's diary

Let me explain in a nutshell: my son keeps notes about what he read, in the article I will write down his opinion.
An example of such work is when my son worked with the work “Winter”.

There are lines in the child's reading diary: date of beginning and end of reading, number of pages, author. I see no reason to enter this data here, because your student will read on other dates, in a different format. The name of the author in all the works that we are talking about today is the same. At the end, a drawing is made. If you and your child have read the story online, a spread of the book will help you, from which, if desired, you can make a sketch. In what genre are "Deniska's stories" written? This information may be needed when filling out the diary. Genre - literary cycle.

So, let's confine ourselves to the description:

  • Name;
  • plot (summary);
  • main characters and their characteristics;
  • what you liked about the piece.

Deniska stories - Amazing day

In the story, the guys are assembling a rocket to fly into space. Thinking through all the details of her device, they got a very impressive design. And although the friends understood that this was a game, they still almost quarreled over deciding who would be the astronaut. It's great that their game ended well! (Here parents have the opportunity to discuss safety measures). The fact is that the boys put New Year's firecrackers into the pipe from the samovar to simulate the take-off of a rocket. And inside the barrel-rocket was a “cosmonaut”. Fortunately for him, the fuse did not work and the explosion occurred after the boy left the “rocket”.

The events that Viktor Dragunsky described in this story fall on the day when German Titov flew into space. People listened to the news on the loudspeaker in the streets and rejoiced at such a great event - the launch of the second cosmonaut.

From the whole book, my son singled out this work, since his interest in astronomy does not fade to this day. Our lesson can be viewed in a separate article.

amazing day
The children wanted to build a rocket and launch it into space. We found a wooden barrel, a leaky samovar, a box, and at the end they brought pyrotechnics from home. They played merrily, each had his own role. One was a mechanic, another was a chief engineer, a third was a chief, but everyone wanted to be an astronaut and go on a flight. Denis became him and he could have died or remained disabled if the fuse hadn't gone out. But everything ended well. And after the explosion, everyone learned that the second cosmonaut German Titov had been launched into space. And everyone rejoiced.

Guys living in the same yard. Alenka is a girl in red sandals. Mishka is Deniska's best friend. Andryushka is a red-haired boy of six years. Kostya is already almost seven. Denis - he came up with a plan for a dangerous game.

I liked the story. It's good that although the boys quarreled, they found a way to continue the game. I'm glad no one exploded in the barrel.

Victor Dragunsky Deniskin's stories - No worse than you, circus ones

In the story "No worse than you, circus people", Denis, who lived with his parents in the center of Moscow, suddenly finds himself in the circus in the first row. He had a bag of tomatoes and sour cream with him, which his mother had sent for. A boy was sitting in a chair nearby, as it turned out, the son of circus performers, who was used as a “spectator from the audience”. The boy decided to play a trick on Deniska and invited him to change places. As a result, the clown picked up the wrong boy and carried him under the dome of the circus. And the tomatoes fell on the heads of the audience. But everything ended well and our hero has been to the circus more than once.

Review in the reader's diary

No worse than you circus people.
Returning from the store, Deniska accidentally gets on a performance at the circus. Next to him, in the front row, sat a circus boy. The guys argued a little, but then he suggested that Denis take his seat so that the performance of the clown Pencil could be better seen. And he disappeared. The clown suddenly grabbed Deniska and they flew high above the arena. It was scary, and then bought tomatoes and sour cream flew down. This circus boy Tolka decided to joke like that. In the end, the guys talked and remained friends, and Aunt Dusya took Denis home.
Main characters and their characteristics:
Denis is almost 9 years old and his mother already sends him alone to the grocery store. Aunt Dusya is a kind woman, a former neighbor who works in a circus. Tolka is a circus boy, he is cunning and has evil jokes.
What did you like about the piece:
I liked this story. There are many funny phrases in it: “shouted in a whisper”, “shaking like a chicken on a fence”. It was funny to read about flying with a clown and falling tomatoes.

Deniskin's stories - Girl on the ball

In the story "The Girl on the Ball" Denis Korablev watched an interesting circus performance. Suddenly, a girl appeared on the stage, which struck his imagination. Her clothes, her movements, her sweet smile, everything seemed beautiful. The boy was so fascinated by her performance that nothing seemed interesting after him. Arriving home, he told his father about the beautiful circus Thumbelina and asked him to go with him the next Sunday to look at her together.

The whole essence of the work can be reflected in this passage. What a wonderful first love!

And at that moment the girl looked at me, and I saw that she saw that I see her and that I also see that she sees me, and she waved her hand at me and smiled. She waved at me and smiled.

But as usual, parents have other things to do. Friends came to the father and a Sunday exit
canceled for another week. Everything would be fine, but it turned out that Tanechka Vorontsova left with her parents for Vladivostok and Denis never saw her again. It was a small tragedy, our hero even tried to persuade dad to fly there on the Tu-104, but in vain.

Dear parents, I advise you to ask your young readers a question about why, in their opinion, dad was silent all the time on the way home from the circus and at the same time squeezed the child’s hand. Dragunsky completed the work very correctly, but not everyone can understand its end. Of course, we adults know the reason for the restraint of a man who realized the tragedy of his son in love, which occurred because of his unfulfilled promise. But it is still difficult for children to get into the bins of an adult soul. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct a conversation with explanations.

Reader's diary

Girl on the Ball.
Denis with the class came to the performance at the circus. There he saw a very beautiful girl who performed on the ball. She seemed to him the most unusual of all the girls and he told his dad about her. Dad promised to go on Sunday and watch the show together, but plans changed because of dad's friends. Deniska couldn't wait until next Sunday to go to the circus. When they finally arrived, they were told that the tightrope walker Tanyusha Vorontsova had left with her parents for Vladivostok. Deniska and dad left without watching the performance and returned home sad.
Main characters and their characteristics:
Deniska - he studies at school. His dad loves the circus, his work is connected with drawings. Tanya Vorontsova is a beautiful girl performing in the circus.
What did you like about the piece:
The story is sad, but I still liked it. It is a pity that Deniska could not see the girl again.

Victor Dragunsky Deniskin's stories - Watermelon lane

The story "Watermelon Lane" cannot be ignored. It is perfect for reading on the eve of Victory Day, and just to explain to preschoolers and younger students, the topic of famine during the war.

Deniska, like any child, sometimes does not want to eat this or that food. The boy will soon be eleven years old, he plays football and returns home very hungry. It would seem that the bull could eat, but my mother puts milk noodles on the table. He refuses to eat, discusses with his mother about this. And dad, having heard the rednecks of his son, returned his thoughts to his childhood, when there was a war and he really wanted to eat. He told Denis a story about how, during a famine, near a store, he was given a broken watermelon. He ate it at home with a friend. And then the series of hungry days continued. Denis's father and his friend Valka went to the alley to the store every day, hoping that they would bring watermelons and one of them would break again ...

Our little hero understood his father's story, he really felt it:

I sat and also looked out the window, where papa was looking, and it seemed to me that I could see papa and his comrade right there, how they would tremble and wait. The wind beats on them, and the snow too, but they tremble, and wait, and wait, and wait ... And it just made me terribly, and I directly grabbed my plate and quickly, spoon by spoon, sipped it all, and tilted then to himself, and drank the rest, and wiped the bottom with bread, and licked the spoon.

My review of the first book about the war that I read to a child can be read at. Also on the blog there is a good selection and review about for primary school age.

Deniskin stories films

Reading the book to my son, I remembered that in my childhood I watched children's films with similar plots. A lot of time has passed and yet I dared to look. Found quickly enough and to my surprise in large quantities. I will present to your attention three films that we watched with my boy. But I want to warn you right away that reading a book cannot be replaced by a film, since in films the plots are sometimes mixed from different stories.

Children's Film - Funny Stories

I will start all the same with this film, since it contains stories from the book I described. Namely:

  • Amazing day;
  • He is alive and glowing;
  • The secret becomes clear;
  • Motorcycle racing on a steep wall;
  • dog snatchers;
  • Top down, sideways! (this story is not in our book).

Children's film Deniska stories - Captain

This film is only 25 minutes long and is based on the short story “Tell me about Singapore”. My son and I simply laughed to tears when reading it in our book, but when watching the film, we did not feel this humorous situation. At the end, the plot with the uncle-captain is supplemented from the story “Chiki-Bryk”, where Deniska’s dad showed tricks and Mishka believed in magic so much that he threw his mother’s hat out the window. In the film, the main character with the captain's hat does the same trick.

Children's film Deniskin stories

This film, although it has the same name as our book, does not contain a single story from it. To be honest, we liked it the least. This is a musical film with few words and many songs. And since I did not read these works to the child, he was not familiar with the plot. These included stories:

  • Exactly 25 kilos;
  • Healthy thought;
  • Grandmaster's hat;
  • Twenty years under the bed.

To summarize, I’ll say that Viktor Dragunsky Deniska’s stories are a book that is easy to read, unobtrusively teaches and educates and gives you the opportunity to laugh. It shows the multifaceted childhood friendship, it is not embellished, it recognizes the actions of real children. My son and I enjoyed the book and I am very glad that he has finally grown up to it.

This is a cheerful story by Viktor Dragunsky about how the boy learned from his own experience what the phrase "Secret becomes clear" means. The main character did not like to eat semolina, and got rid of it in a funny way, but was exposed. So the boy remembered for the rest of his life that the whole truth about dishonest deeds always becomes known.

The Story of the Hidden Becomes Explicit download:

The story secret becomes clear read

I heard my mother in the corridor say to someone:

The secret always becomes clear.

And when she entered the room, I asked:

What does it mean, mother: "The secret becomes clear"?

And this means that if someone acts dishonestly, they will still find out about him, and he will be very ashamed, and he will be punished, - said my mother. - Got it?.. Go to sleep!

I brushed my teeth, went to bed, but did not sleep, but all the time I thought: how is it that the secret becomes clear? And I didn’t sleep for a long time, and when I woke up, it was morning, dad was already at work, and my mom and I were alone. I brushed my teeth again and started eating breakfast.

First I ate an egg. It was still tolerable, because I ate one yolk, and shredded the protein with the shell so that it was not visible. But then my mother brought a whole bowl of semolina.

Eat! Mom said. - No talking!

I said:

I can't see semolina!

But my mother screamed:

Look who you've become! Poured Koschey! Eat. You must get better.

I said:

I crush on her!

Then my mother sat down next to me, put her arm around my shoulders and asked kindly:

Do you want to go with you to the Kremlin?

Well, still ... I do not know anything more beautiful than the Kremlin. I was there in the Palace of Facets and in the Armory, I stood near the Tsar Cannon and I know where Ivan the Terrible was sitting. And there is still a lot of interesting things. So I quickly answered my mother:

Of course I want to go to the Kremlin! Even more!

Then mom smiled.

Well, eat all the porridge, and let's go. And I'll wash the dishes. Just remember - you have to eat everything to the bottom!

And my mother went to the kitchen. And I was left alone with the porridge. I spanked her with a spoon. Then he salted it. I tried it - well, it's impossible to eat! Then I thought that maybe there is not enough sugar? He sprinkled sand, tried it ... It got even worse. I don't like porridge, I tell you.

And she was also very thick. If it was liquid, then another thing, I would close my eyes and drink it. Then I took and poured boiling water into the porridge. It was still slippery, sticky and disgusting.

The main thing is that when I swallow, my throat contracts itself and pushes this porridge back. Terribly embarrassing! After all, you want to go to the Kremlin! And then I remembered that we have horseradish. With horseradish, it seems that everything can be eaten! I took the whole jar and poured it into the porridge, and when I tried it a little, my eyes immediately popped into my forehead and my breathing stopped, and I must have lost consciousness, because I took the plate, quickly ran to the window and threw the porridge out into the street. Then he immediately returned and sat down at the table.

At this time, my mother entered. She immediately looked at the plate and was delighted:

Well, what a Deniska, what a great guy! Ate all the porridge to the bottom! Well, get up, get dressed, working people, let's go for a walk in the Kremlin! And she kissed me.

At the same moment the door opened and a policeman entered the room. He said:

Hello! - and ran to the window and looked down. - And also an intelligent person.

What you need? Mom asked sternly.

What a shame! - The policeman even stood at attention. - The state provides you with new housing, with all amenities and, by the way, with a garbage chute, and you pour various muck out the window!

Don't slander. I don't spill anything!

Oh, don't spill it?! The policeman laughed sarcastically. And, opening the door to the corridor, he shouted: - The victim!

And then some uncle came to us.

As I looked at him, I immediately realized that I would not go to the Kremlin.

This guy had a hat on his head. And on the hat is our porridge. She lay almost in the middle of the hat, in the dimple, and a little along the edges, where the ribbon is, and a little behind the collar, and on the shoulders, and on the left trouser leg. As soon as he entered, he immediately began to mumble:

The main thing is that I'm going to be photographed... And suddenly such a story... Porridge... mm... semolina... Hot, by the way, through the hat and then... it burns... How can I send mine.. .mm... photo when I'm covered in porridge?!

Then mother looked at me, and her eyes turned green, like gooseberries, and this is a sure sign that mother was terribly angry.

Excuse me, please, - she said quietly, - let me clean you, come here!

And all three of them went out into the corridor.

And when my mother returned, I was even scared to look at her. But I overcame myself, went up to her and said:

Yes, mom, you said the right thing yesterday. The secret always becomes clear!

Mom looked into my eyes. She looked for a long, long time and then asked.