
An example of successful intuition. Intensive “Development of intuition. Intuition in trading - what is it

An example of successful intuition.  Intensive “Development of intuition.  Intuition in trading - what is it

Photo by @Svetlana Shmeleva

As someone aptly put it, prayer is a conversation between man and God, and intuition is a conversation between God and man.

Why is intuition needed?

Intuition is often perceived by people as a kind of mystical power. If a person predicts subsequent events or the actions of others, he can be recognized as a clairvoyant, putting some secret magical meaning into this concept. Or is intuition just a skill that can be developed?

If you translate the word "intuitio" (intuition) from Latin, you get a fairly simple and understandable - "contemplation, close observation." In general, the whole mystical raid thus disappears.

Methods of cognition based on intuition and logic appeared in antiquity and were perceived on the same level.

In the modern world, intuitive thinking is more often attributed to women, and logical thinking to men.

However, in psychology there is no division by gender - intuition in psychology is inherent in both men and women equally, the only question is that more often we ourselves choose to make decisions. Since men, as a rule, prefer to act rationally in everything, to control their consciousness, then the formation of intuitive decisions in men in this case does not occur. Men often do not even wonder why intuition is needed. However, many psychologists, including Carl Gustav Jung, for example, believe that intuition is an integral part of the personality, which helps a person determine his attitude to the whole world and to himself.

From childhood, we are taught to prove, to reason logically, to give arguments, so the intuitive approach begins to fade into the background. Although everyone knows the stories about how scientists made great discoveries, seeing them in a dream, composers wrote works of genius, which they thought they heard in their half-asleep. All this confirms that the truth that appeared “out of nowhere” is sometimes the only true one. And it’s worth listening to yourself, even if it defies explanation, without thinking about why intuition is needed.

Modern psychology distinguishes several types of intuition:

body intuition

People with developed physical intuition rely on the clues they receive from the physical sensations of their body, from their well-being.

Here is an example from the life of a famous and successful entrepreneur on the Stock Exchange George Soros. In his book Soros on Soros, he describes his physical sensations in response to fluctuations in stock prices:

"I feel pain. I rely heavily on animal instincts. When I actively managed the Foundation, my back hurt. I interpreted the onset of sharp pain as a signal that something was wrong with my affairs. The pain in my back told me what was wrong (say, lower back for short-term investments, left shoulder for currency), but it encouraged me to troubleshoot, which I otherwise might not have done. This is certainly not the most scientific way to manage investments.”

It can be seen from the above passage that Soros does not at all rely on those scientific knowledge and terms, such as “bullish trend”, “sideways trend” or “bearish trend”, which are filled with all kinds of stock trading textbooks. On the contrary, Soros, in his words, completely trusts his instincts, to which he ranks intuition. Pay attention, according to Soros, it turns out that intuition refers to instincts. And as you know, all people are endowed with instincts from birth. This proves that all people have intuition.

emotional intuition

Reliance on our feelings, emotions, vague fears and irrational phobias. Emotional intuition does not answer questions, it simply signals the danger or safety of actions and situations.

Intelligent intuition

This is a real source of progress, creativity, scientific achievements, in a word, it is the backbone of human civilization. Intellectual intuition can be professional, scientific or creative. Each of the subspecies of intuition has a process of long-term “ripening” of an intuitive solution, here is an approximate diagram of the creative process:

  • - preparation, formulation of the problem and collection of information
  • - maturation, gestation of the problem
  • - epiphany
  • – interpretation, logical processing of the task and fixation

a) Why a professional needs intuition - an example

Inventor of the sewing machine Elias Howe for a very long time he worked on his first sewing device, which could facilitate the work of seamstresses. Only one key element was missing. He was already desperate when he had a nightmare: Hove is on a desert island, and a crowd of cannibals is chasing him. And so, fleeing from persecution, Hove falls exhausted and the savages overtake him. They raise their spears over him, and then he clearly sees in the tips oblong holes… This is how the needle for sewing machines appeared.

b) Why does a scientist need intuition - p example

One of the brightest and most interesting practical discoveries is the discovery by the German chemist Friedrich August Kekule main component of gasoline. He invented the formula for the benzene ring.

This discovery was preceded by years of hard work that did not bring results. But at some point, tired of thinking, Kekule dozed off, and he had a very vivid and colorful dream. He looked at the flames of the fireplace, and they formed into chains of atoms. These chains turned into snakes that writhed, attacked the chemist, but did not bite him. One of these snakes grabbed its tail and started spinning wildly. The picture of a snake grabbing its tail and spinning so impressed the scientist that he immediately woke up and began to write down all his thoughts regarding the formula of the gasoline molecule. In 1865, Kekule reported to the scientific community of chemists that the benzene ring was made up of six carbon atoms (which connected to each other like a snake biting its own tail). His discovery helped to make a new breakthrough in the theory of aromatic hydrocarbons of the famous A.M. Butlerov.

c) An example of creative intuition

Creative intuition is based on insight. Music is a typical example of creative intuition. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, who, according to the recorded testimonies of his contemporaries, heard his works already in finished form, and did not compose musical fragments and transitions between them.

Summing up, we note for ourselves that now we know why intuition is needed and we can turn our conscious attention to our individual channel of intuition, which is a priority for us when we make decisions. In addition, now we understand that intuitive solutions can come to us both immediately (in the form of, for example, anxiety) and over time (every fruit must ripen).

Exercises for developing intuition

Listen to the sensations and read the signs

Don't demand direct answers from your intuition. Don't try to explain your every step to yourself. Stop asking yourself why you need intuition and what to do with it. Listen not to the voice of reason, but to your vague sensations and signs of the body.

Relax and drown out the inner noise

The more thoughts in the head, the less room for intuition. Yoga, walking, hobbies and hobbies - do everything regularly to stop the noise of thoughts in your head, internal dialogues. Intuition will not come while you are tense or busy with the thought process.

Loneliness is not a punishment, but a gift of fate

See loneliness as a blessing, not a punishment. Only in solitude can you free yourself from the burden of other people's opinions and be alone with your intuition.

Science has not proven that a person can develop intuition, but here you should trust your eyes: brilliant scientists, artists, writers and composers were able to create their creations and discoveries with the help of natural abilities, life experience and intuition.

In psychology, there are several types of intuition, and there are different classifications. The most common and common is the European classification, based on basic human characteristics. Modern European psychology distinguishes the following types of intuition:

1) physical, or bodily. This kind of intuition is based on a person's physical sensations;

2) emotional. It is based on emotions;

3) intellectual, about which philosophers and scientists talked so much;

4) mystical. This kind of intuition is perhaps the most controversial because its driving mechanism cannot be clearly described.

What does it look like in practice? Each of us is dominated by one type of intuition, and on the basis of it we interpret events. If you ask a question about how this or that business will turn out, then people with different types of intuition will predict its ending, based on different impressions. A person with physical intuition will imagine what his physical condition will be like - fatigue, energy boost, apathy, stress - and draw conclusions about the success of the event. The intellectual will direct his ability to calculate everything to the situation and try to “scan” it. He will construct his image, which will tell him the solution.

The emotional type will be based on how he feels at the end of the venture. I want to make a small remark: in many respects, the predominance of one or another type of intuition in a person is associated with the national mentality, traditions, and upbringing.

Intuition is also classified according to gender, age, nationality. It has long been noticed that in women intuition is more developed. This has nothing to do with physiological characteristics - it’s just that women from time immemorial have been more closely connected with everything subconscious, mysterious, perceiving, which is why they have learned to listen to the prompts of their subconscious.

Psychologists have noticed that the manifestation of subconscious premonitions is subject to age-related fluctuations. The child's intuition is not clouded yet, nothing blocks it, but as they grow older, the ability to trust instinct is lost. This happens because our entire civilization is aimed at evidence, that is, from school we are taught that only what can be touched, seen, scientifically proven is true. Over time, the ability to perceive, and most importantly, trust intuitive information is lost. The people we call intuitives just managed to happily avoid it.

The child treats his fantasies, desires, intuitive sensations as a reality. For him, there is no impossible and "invented": for him, both Santa Claus and the neighbor's grandfather are real. In his imagination, he connects them, so for him there is no question: "Does Santa Claus exist?" The child asks: “What will Santa Claus give me?”. Children trust their intuition, they do not dismember it with cold analysis.

Adults, of course, treat such things condescendingly. If the kid tells his parents that he saw a terrible monster on the wall in his room, then he will be teased. But the child not only fantasizes: this is how his intuition shows the hidden aggression of an adult, shows the fear of punishment. Only it appears in a completely different form than when children grow up.

Adults prefer to remain silent about their fears or explain them rationally. A person who has reached adulthood will not present his fear in the form of a monster or an evil Baba Yaga. He will simply look for a cure for fear, turning to psychologists and doctors. Very often, children's direct perception is realized in some kind of phobias: someone is afraid of heights, someone is afraid of flying on an airplane, someone is snakes, etc. We call such fears unconscious and correctly determine the reason: this intuition is trying to reach us.

Intuition is a subtle matter, and it is very susceptible to external influences. Our physical ailments have a particularly strong effect on it. Illness burdens our perception, closes access to the information channels of the Cosmos, since all forces are aimed at fighting the disease. Problems with intuition arise in a person at the age of 28–30. True, I will make a reservation that the gift of foreboding is often confused with worldly experience, and the older a person becomes, the more often intuition is replaced by life wisdom. At this age, a person already knows for sure that everything must have a rational explanation, and intuition has nothing to do with reason.

She is situational and fragmented, she speaks in an incomprehensible language, and adults are against any prejudice. Intuition, when informing about the future, draws some meaningless and ridiculous, from the point of view of common sense, pictures. As a result, we turn away from it, and yet the subconscious very often sends us warnings.

One of my acquaintances constantly ordered a cup of coffee with milk in the buffet next to her work. She did this all the time, and there was no reason for her to give up her daily coffee. But one weekday, at the mere mention of coffee with milk, she did not feel well, and she did not take her favorite drink. After a while, everyone who took coffee with milk that day was hospitalized with a diagnosis of “intestinal disorder”. Obviously, the milk was stale, and my friend was the winner. And there are hundreds of such examples.

The problem with intuition also arises because, by the age of thirty, the abilities of the subconscious are so closely intertwined with other mental processes that they are difficult to recognize. An adult perceives intuition prompts through the prism of logic, acquired knowledge, and circumstances. It, like logic, can be obscured by feelings, emotions, unnecessary knowledge.

The most dangerous age for intuitives is 35–45 years. On top of the mid-life crisis inherent in all, the depletion of bioenergy, which is so important for intuition, is superimposed. It has long been recognized that the lowest point of human energy is 41 (according to Chinese teachings - 42) years.

At this time, a person has exhausted all the resources stored since childhood, there is a complete restructuring of consciousness, so the connection with the Cosmos is broken. Then everything returns to normal, however, after 45 years, life experience begins to work actively, and intuition manifests itself only in flashes of insight.

Thanks to science, we know that intuition is necessary for a person for the process of knowing the world, and knowledge, as you know, can occur in various ways. Similarly, the ability to foresee differs depending on what sphere of human activity it serves. This classification is related to the ways of expressing the information received.

1. Professional intuition. This type of subconscious feeling develops in a person engaged in a certain profession - a doctor, teacher, manager, military man, politician, athlete, psychologist, etc. It is associated with the steady accumulation of skill, with the acquisition and development of special skills necessary for one or another professions. Professional intuition helps to find the right and optimal solution to the problem, save time and effort to resolve difficulties, and reveal unclear points in the situation. The sixth sense also allows you to choose the necessary means and techniques of expression.

2. Scientific intuition. This type is most often manifested when a person, as a subject of cognition, faces a very important cognitive task that requires the exertion of the moral, intellectual and physical forces of the body. At this moment, a person concentrates on the task at hand, looking for all sorts of ways to express and resolve it. Scientific intuition involves the search for a logical justification for the collected facts or phenomena. At this time, the scientist, the inventor is constantly focused on the object of research, that is, on the problem that occupies him. As one of the components of the scientific process, scientific intuition operates in a specific language. In principle, this kind of intuition coincides with creative intuition.

3. Creative intuition is the highest form of the gift of foreboding. Some researchers include scientific and artistic intuition in creative intuition. The fact is that creative intuition is based on insight. It works when, it would seem, it is impossible to find a way out, when the limit of the tension of the intellect, will, and feelings of a person is reached. Creative intuition is an expression of a long-term and hard-won result. This kind of subconscious premonition is a necessary and important condition for the flow of the creative process. Although different scientists and philosophers can find different points of view on this problem, one thing is clear - great scientific discoveries and masterpieces of art appear largely due to intuition.

American scientist Graham Wallace devoted a lot of research to the phenomenon of creativity. His interests included both creative intuition and the creative process. He built his concept based on the self-observations and memoirs of famous scientists - the German physiologist, physicist and mathematician Hermann Helmholtz and the French mathematician Henri Poincaré. In 1926, Wallace published the now classic four-step creative process. In essence, Wallace did not make any breakthrough - he simply synthesized what was known before him.

The first stage is preparation. This is the stage of posing a problem, diving into it, collecting practical material, etc. Philosophers before Wallace talked about the same thing, arguing that any business is preceded by a stage when nothing works, when all attempts to solve the problem are futile, the way out is not visible and begins it seems that this problem should not be dealt with at all.

The second stage is "hatching the eggs". This is the most painful and long period during which the problem is nurtured. The human brain is working on a task, it is looking for its solution, although the person himself is not working on it. In ancient times, the term "hatching eggs", or "incubation", denoted a certain special action. A person came to the temple and stayed there overnight to get an answer to his question or to be healed of an illness. This action describes the state of the scientist, the creator, who is waiting for the solution of the problem. Philosophers also call this time the period of growth, when Nature must do her work.

The third stage is insight. This is actually insight, discovery, Archimedean "Eureka!". Actually, if we continue the comparison, insight is what a person in the temple is waiting for. At this moment, there is a sharp jump, the transition of the accumulated amount of information into quality. The solution always comes in the form of a symbolic image, a sign that is difficult to describe in words.

The fourth stage is fixation. The final period of the process, which is associated with logic. Consciousness copes with the experienced shock and begins to act logically. The symbol-image is translated into words, a scientific explanation is given for the discovery, etc.

From this diagram it is clear that moments of insight are rare guests in human life. Enlightenment may or may not come. Why some people are overshadowed by brilliant ideas, while others are not, is unknown to science, and, apparently, will not become known. Although modern scientists, relying on Wallace's scheme, have identified a behavior pattern leading to insight. In general, it is not a secret for anyone: you have to work long, hard and persistently on the problem that interests you, study all possible sources, collect extensive material, passionately desire a solution to the problem, do not give up at the first failures, and then ...

Let's digress a little from theoretical reasoning. I want to give examples from the life of the greatest minds of mankind, so that you understand the validity of Goethe's statement that genius is 1% luck and 99% overwork. Intuition can give you a great discovery, but only when you put all your effort into it.

I have already spoken about the great titan of the Renaissance, Leonardo da Vinci. He attached great importance to intuition, the work of the unconscious, in the life of the creator. Five hundred years before the Austrian physician Sigmund Freud, he spoke of the key role of the subconscious in artistic and scientific insights. Leonardo advised all artists and inventors to study the natural world and memorize their associations in order to embody them later in creations. In his "Notes" the great Florentine instructed: "It's not difficult ... just stop along the way and look at the streaks on the wall, or coals on fire, or clouds, or mud ... there you can find absolutely amazing ideas ...". Centuries later, this method of spontaneously arising associations will be adopted by the Swiss psychologist and psychiatrist Hermann Rorschach. But Leonardo did not stop only at visual impressions - he also connected auditory receptors. All in the same work, he argued that "in the ringing of bells you can catch any name and any word that you can only imagine." It is quite possible that the ringing of bells hastened the moment of insight of the genius of the Renaissance.

The inventor of the sewing machine, Elias Hove, was a workaholic. He worked for a very long time on the development of the first sewing device that could facilitate the work of milliners, but he was always missing something. He was already desperate when he had a nightmare: Hove got on a wild island, and a crowd of cannibals chased him. He could not escape from the savages - they had already almost overtaken him, brought sharply sharpened spears over him. Howe was struck in a dream by the fact that holes were drilled in the tips of these spears.

The savages did not eat the inventor - he woke up from fear. But in the morning, he understood the hint of his subconscious: for the sewing machine to work, it was necessary that the eye of the needle be at the bottom, not at the top. The night's sleep was the moment of insight that helped Elias Howe to find the right solution, and the seamstresses to find a new tool.

Another evidence of the power of intuition is the work of the great Austrian composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. His brilliant music amazed contemporaries, and not so much the music as its creation. Mozart, as it seemed to his contemporaries, wrote his masterpieces as if in between times, without making any visible effort: either he composed symphonies while playing billiards, then while walking, or whistling lightly and carelessly the newly composed overture to the opera " Don Juan" before its premiere. The musical genius himself said that he did not “compose” anything - musical works appear in his head already ready. Here it is - a typical example of creative intuition, which is realized in the in-site: it reads the information as a whole, in the form of an undivided unity. We find confirmation of this in the letters of the brilliant Austrian composer. He writes that he sees his creation as a whole, "like a dazzlingly beautiful statue"; he hears them in unity: “I do not listen in my imagination to the parts in succession, I hear them sounding simultaneously. I can't tell you how much fun it is!" An even more impressive example of insight is the work of the English physicist, inventor, one of the most prominent scientists in the history of mankind, Michael Faraday. It was he who created the theory of electromagnetic fields and lines of force, which inspired the work of Albert Einstein. “What is so unusual about this?” - you ask. And what is unusual here is that Michael Faraday ... did not know mathematics and other exact sciences. He can safely be called an "intuitive from physics", since he made his grandiose discoveries with the help of intuition.

Thus, he developed the theory of lines of force, which revolutionized the scientific world, with the help of rubber bands. In his proof, there was not a single mathematical formula and not a single message on how to apply this theory. Faraday simply knew that there were lines of force in nature, and then it seemed to him that they were like rubber bands - that's all. When later another English scientist, James Clark Maxwell, gave a mathematical justification for Faraday's theories, the discoverer did not understand a word in them and asked Maxwell "to translate the hieroglyphs into human language, which I myself could understand." Is this not proof of the omnipotence of intuition? The famous German chemist Friedrich August Kekule, who lived approximately at the same time as Faraday, on the contrary, was a very scientific and theoretically savvy person. He entered the history of science as the inventor of the benzene ring formula. This discovery was preceded by years of hard, intense and fruitless work. Kekule was close to discovering the chemical formula of the gasoline molecule, but it eluded him. This went on for quite a long time, the scientist was exhausted by the useless struggle with nature. But one day the stage of “hatching the egg” was completed and something happened that, along with Newton’s apple and Mendeleev’s dream, is considered the greatest miracle of science of the new era. Tired of thinking, Kekule fell asleep and had a very vivid and colorful dream. He looked at the flames of the fireplace, and they formed into chains of atoms. These chains turned into snakes that writhed, attacked the chemist, but did not bite him. One of these snakes grabbed its tail and started spinning wildly. Kekule woke up as if struck. He began to feverishly write down the idea that came into his head, and the formula for the gasoline molecule would automatically come out from under his pen. In 1865, Kekule reported to the scientific community of chemists that the benzene ring was made up of six carbon atoms, which were connected to each other, like a dancing snake, which he saw in a moment of insight.

There are a great many facts proving the great importance of insight for the development of science. One of them is described in the book by V. I. Orlov, dedicated to great inventions: “Bridge engineer Brown (inventor of suspension bridges. - ed.) was poring over a project for a bridge over the River Tweed on his veranda. The paper in front of him was clean, the work did not stick, the bridge did not work. Desperate, Brown left the drawing board and went to freshen up in the garden.

It was the beginning of autumn. Tenacious, silver threads in the sun tangled in the bushes, floated in the wind, and Brown removed them from his lips and eyelashes. It was Indian summer, and a lot of cobwebs appeared in the garden. Brown lay down under a bush, but immediately jumped up, blinking his eyes. He saw a clue in the sky.

He saw a blueprint in the sky, clearly drawn in silver lines on blue. Brown involuntarily read it the way engineers read blueprints: the little bridge shone in the branches, surprisingly light, simple and bold. It was a bridge, not just a web on the branches. The wind shook the branches, but the web did not break. And the more closely Brown peered into this web, the more the elastic threads lengthened and thickened, becoming heavier before his eyes.<…>.

Now Brown knew where to start and what to strive for. He again sat down with drawings and calculations and soon made an invention: he began to build suspension bridges, without expensive and complex foundations supporting the bridge from below. The following significant case is connected with Einstein. Once a journalist asked a physicist if he writes down his brilliant ideas, and if so, where: in a notebook, in a card index or in a notebook. To this, Albert Einstein replied: “My dear, worthwhile ideas come to mind so rarely that it’s easy to remember them!” Illumination is the fruit of a huge inner work the unconscious, which checks all received data with the data bank of the Universe. If you live by some idea, then one fine moment you will experience an unforgettable sensation of insight, which is incomparable in terms of the strength of experience.

The relevance of the topic of the training.

It is difficult to list all the situations in which a person needs intuition to make a decision. We use intuition all the time: when choosing from several options, when looking for a job, to develop a project, to assess the reasons for the current situation, to make an investment decision, to hire employees and find partners, to negotiate, to create something new (discovery business, etc.). Life itself requires us to be able to be in the right place at the right time, to "automatically" choose the best option.

The goal of intuition training is to develop intuitive abilities, as well as mastering the skill of intuitive decision making. Intuition training is a product that is rarely found on the business education market, but there is every reason to believe that it is in demand by managers. This is due to the growth of such modern factors as stress, uncertainty in decision-making, an increase in information flows and a simultaneous increase in time deficit. For decision-making and effective activity in such conditions, it is necessary to turn to mental reserves, which are practically not used in the traditional rational approach to management. These reserves are in the realm of the unconscious. If managers discover and learn how to use such a cognitive tool as intuition, they will thereby receive an additional reserve for insuring risks when making decisions.

In 2002, an event occurred that surprised the whole world. For the first time, the Nobel Prize in Economics was awarded not to an economist, but to a psychologist -. In his books “Psychology of Forecasting”, “Decision Making under Uncertainty”, he experimentally proved that decisions in the field of economics are made by people not on a rational, but on an emotional and intuitive level.

II. Specific examples of the use of intuition.

A woman, the head of a trading firm, told the following story. One morning, as she was getting ready for work in the morning, the thought occurred to her that she needed to remind her store staff to increase their vigilance in order to prevent theft of goods. The leader decided to hold a small meeting of the team for this (at the same time to discuss a number of other accumulated issues). However, then the phone rang, and she was told that she needed to go to the partner's office. Thus, urgent business led to the fact that she got to the store only in the afternoon. And then her employees reported the theft, which had already occurred in the morning!

When she later thought about what had happened, she came to the conclusion that it was necessary to act immediately according to the received signal of intuition. If she had even called the store in the morning and simply reminded her to be vigilant, then it is likely that the theft could have been avoided.

One of the most ordinary examples of the use of intuition is the solution of such a problem as choosing a profession. Every person goes through this intuitive choice. When choosing a profession, a young person has no guarantees that the acquired qualifications will bring him success in the future. When applying for a job, the question of what influenced the choice of profession is one of the most informative. In the answers of the candidates, you can hear different answers: that it was the decision of the parents, that the sister successfully graduated from the same institute, that the decision was made “in company” with friends, that this profession promised guaranteed earnings or social prestige, etc. Such "external" choices in the vast majority of cases lead to the fact that a person does not like his profession and does not achieve success in it.

One of the most responsible examples of using intuition is goal setting. Each leader sets goals, which then turn into goals for many people, sometimes a few people, sometimes millions. It is by the power of the goal that the leader is able to unite and rally his team around him. Goal setting is an intuitive process. Along with rational information, when choosing a goal, the leader must be guided by his intuition, otherwise the goal set will not have a motivating force. Leaders have been known to "infect" other people with their own goals. The unifying power of the goal directly depends on the belief in it of the leader himself, the author of the idea or direction. This belief comes from the depths of his psyche, and if the goal does not find a deep response in his soul, it loses its ability to lead people.

III. The problem of modern business people is a lack of self-confidence

Modern business people have such a feature as distrust of themselves. Often a person receives useful information from his intuition, but does not consider it important, “relevant”. Managers and businessmen tend to listen to expert advice, request expert advice, read news reports on a topic of interest, rather than listen to the voice of their own I. However, without the voice of your own I, it is impossible to choose the right decision, find the true path, because only you yourself know the way to your own well-being .

Modern business education has succeeded in developing rational skills for analyzing and obtaining external information. However, we think that this is not enough. It is also necessary to form a culture, self-understanding, the ability to listen to internal signals.

A paradoxical situation is emerging. On the one hand, it is common knowledge that all successful businessmen have declared their intuition and its essential role in their success. Henry Mintzberg, a columnist for the Harvard Business Review, conducted a survey of high-ranking officials and businessmen, as a result of which it turned out that many of them “…constantly solving problems too complex for rational thinking with the help of intuition". But at the same time, most modern managers and leaders do not even know the basics of working with intuition.

IV. The ratio of intuition and rationality

Intuition is a tool of knowledge, known since ancient times. It does not preclude the use of rational tools, nor does it presuppose the neglect of rational knowledge. They have different tasks. The task of intuition is to show the direction and goals of the development of the individual, and the task of rational thinking is to select the means to achieve it. Rationality cannot specify what is good and what is bad for a given individual. For example, every mother wishes well for her child - this is a rational message. However, if the child follows the wishes of the mother in his choices, he has no chance of living his own life. He also cannot find out in which direction his realization is, from books (even the most intelligent ones), from professors or bosses. He can know it only from his intuition. When the intuitive vision - a fleeting flash-image - is given, it is necessary to involve all rational tools in order to build a strategy for achieving the goal indicated by the intuition.

When comparing intuitive and rational knowledge, the comparison between a manager and a leader made by F. Lutens in the book Organizational Behavior is quite suitable. Intuition is related to rational knowledge in the same way that the ability of a leader is related to the ability of a manager.

Characteristics of rational cognition Characteristics of intuition
AdministersCarries out innovation
Focused on systems and structuresPeople Oriented
Relies on controlInspires confidence
Short termLong-term perspective
Asks how and whenAsks what and why
Looking at summary dataLooks to the future
accepts the status quoChallenging the status quo
good soldierIndividuality
Does the right thingDoes the right thing

If you remember the famous saying A. Einstein that reason is a servant of intuition, then we can emphasize once again that the task of rationality is to tell a person how to do things right, and the task of intuition is to tell how to do the right things.

V. Intuition as a skill of successful people

Intuition is the finest tool of nature, designed to work for the benefit of man. Intuition has a number of limitations and strict rules for use, stimulation and development. All these rules are quite accessible to the modern leader. They can be mastered and successfully applied for the benefit of yourself and your business.

Intuition is an ability that most successful people have. Biographies of great businessmen and leaders often mention the importance of intuition in making the most important decisions. Intuition is a means of saving the energy and time of the leader, because it allows you to make decisions in the shortest possible time with a lack of information.

Intuition training is a tradition in many foreign companies such as Microsoft. Usually these are high-tech companies where there is a need for constant creative development and change. As for Russia, now the Forex company is showing systematic attention to this topic, since the field of exchange trading is one of those where the skill of intuition is used daily. Much work in terms of the practical application of intuitive solutions is carried out by Academician Norbekov.

VI. Intuition training in the thematic training grid

In the context of business education, intuition training sits between creativity training, self-regulation training, and decision-making training. One can also see a close relationship between intuition training and training "". Intuition as a cognitive ability has a source unconscious, which in psychology is associated with the emotional sphere of personality.

Intuitive abilities are close to creative abilities, because they have a common mechanism - figurative thinking. At the same time, intuition is directly related to physical and emotional self-regulation. Academician Norbekov considers health and emotional balance to be the most important condition for the development of intuition. Intuitive thinking involves high sensitivity to signals in the emotional and physiological systems (organismal sensitivity).

Finally, intuition finds practical application in business in the decision-making process. Thus, intuition training is at the intersection of emotional intelligence and management training.

VII. New achievements in the problem of studying intuition

Ontopsychology has made a significant contribution to the study of intuition. This direction of modern psychology was developed by Professor Antonio Meneghetti (Italy). In the Russian Federation, ontopsychology is taught as a second higher education in St. Petersburg State University in the department of ontopsychology. (The author of the report is a student of this department.)

Ontopsychology allows you to use the following new tools for the development of intuition.

1. Reading semantic field.

Intuition must be distinguished from other signals, both external and internal. The semantic field is the impact of external influences on a person. These are emotions, images, thoughts, states that the subject experiences as his own, but they are brought into his consciousness from outside. To use intuition, it is necessary to recognize the information signals of the semantic field. At the training, participants are trained to recognize and meaningfully qualify the signals of the semantic field.

Consider an example of behavior that can lead to the development or, conversely, to the regression of intuitive ability. A modern young man may be faced with a difficult choice: friends invite him to take part in a general party, his mother demands that he come to her for a family dinner, a girlfriend asks to accompany her to a nightclub, and his own inner voice says that he needs to be in loneliness. Depending on whether the young man is ready not to betray himself in this situation, it will depend on whether he will be able to hear the voice of his intuition in the future.

Having obeyed "other voices": feelings of solidarity in the case of friends, feelings of duty in the case of mother, feelings of love in the case of a girl - he betrays himself and gradually loses the ability to hear the instructions of his own intuition. So, concession after concession, mistake after mistake, a person begins to get entangled in the chorus of other people's voices, but he no longer hears his own. Thus, in order to enjoy the benefits of intuition, inner maturity, autonomy, and strength of personality are necessary.

2. Visceral susceptibility.

In psychology, it is accepted that intuitive thinking is different from logical thinking, but the “organ” responsible for intuitive thinking remains debatable. Many authors believe that if logical thinking carried out by the brain, then intuitive thinking is carried out by the heart. However, it would be more accurate to say that intuitive thinking is carried out by the integrity of the human being. Within the framework of ontopsychology, it has been clinically proven that the localization of integral sensitivity in a person is the visceral zone. It includes the lungs, gastrointestinal tract, genital area. In the literature, this area is called the "second brain". The visceral zone analyzes information coming to the subject from the outside world, based on the combined reaction of the emotional and physiological spheres, i.e. holistically-organically.

To control intuition, the subject must have developed visceral sensitivity, since the reaction of the visceral zone is the primary undifferentiated reaction of the organism to the situation, in terms of favorable or dangerous for the subject.

In addition, the skill of synchronizing logical consciousness with visceral sensitivity is necessary, because. this provides an optimal state in which the subject is able to predict events before the onset of consequences.

3. Existential ethics and hygiene.

The development of intuition involves a certain lifestyle. Departing from one's own authenticity in favor of stereotypical choices dictated by complexes, fears, feelings of guilt, the desire to be like everyone else, etc., a person loses this gift. Conversely, by making authentic choices, a person increases his capacity for intuition.

Intuition refers to "subtle" abilities that are difficult to develop and easy to lose due to wrong actions. Therefore, an important element of the content of the training is the ethical (behavioral) component, which can be referred to as "Hygiene of intuition". As part of the training, a lifestyle is considered that allows you to build up intuitive abilities.

VIII. Conclusions.

As conclusions, I would like to give a general nomenclature that make up the ability to intuitive thinking.

Intuition as an ability and skill is divided into several components. These include:

  • Imaginative thinking skills
  • The ability to be aware of one's emotional and physical state,
  • Emotional and physical self-regulation skills
  • forecasting skill,
  • Problem analysis skills
  • Decision making skills under conditions of uncertainty
  • Organic hygiene practice
  • The skill of reading the semantic field,
  • The skill of synchronizing logical consciousness with visceral sensitivity,
  • Pattern recognition and interpretation skills.
List of used literature
  • D. Kahneman, P. Slovik, A. Tversky. Making decisions in uncertainty.
  • L. Day. Practical intuition in business.
  • L. Schultz. The language of intuition.
  • A. Meneghetti. Leadership psychology.
  • A. Meneghetti. Textbook on ontopsychology.
  • F. Lutens Organizational Behavior

Intuition is best developed in women, however, men can also resort to its services. Intuition is the realm of the soul.

In fact, intuition is the soul.

Intuition is the soul

Yes, that's right. Intuition is those or other feelings that come from the soul. Intuition is very strongly intertwined with spontaneity. Spontaneity allows us to act, intuition allows us to feel exactly how to act and when to do it or, on the contrary, not to do it.

Intuition is our feelings towards something.

A positive example from life about intuition

The driver is driving and sees: an elderly woman is voting on the road. The driver's mind does not want to stop, because he does not like to carry strangers. Yes, and they always slam the doors, like gates, and spoil the car. But intuition tells you to stop. Of course, it is this driver who knows that it is always necessary to follow the soul, that is, intuition. Well, he stopped.

The woman needed close. But still, the driver found out that her life was very hard. Even a little help, and that's good.

negative real life example

Often our intuition warns us of danger. The same driver came to the sea at the beginning of the season. There were almost only locals there. The driver already wanted to get out of the car, get some fresh air, but he did not like the way the local men sitting nearby looked at him and his car. Unpleasant sensations arose inside. The driver decided to leave the place in good health, because his intuition told him that nothing good would come of it.

There are many such examples in life. When people did not listen to their intuition, but listened to their mind, as often happens, and they got into bad situations.

Spontaneity makes life more interesting, intuition saves us from the troubles that lie in wait for us on this or that part of the life path, if, of course, we listen to it.

Every man can hear his soul

Every person is able to hear his soul. It’s just that not everyone chooses to do it, someone doesn’t believe in its existence at all.

What you believe is what you will get. By refusing to believe in it, a person limits his potential.

The one who learns to listen to intuition gets access to inexhaustible spiritual resources.

So it turns out that to believe or not to believe is our choice.

Therefore, choose to believe in your soul, and then its full potential will be revealed to you.

The path of intuition is a simple but not easy path.

Following your soul, life is filled with joy. But this path is not easy. The person will often face difficulties. The soul will do this on purpose in order to strengthen a person, to make him stronger.

Here you have to face all your fears in order to overcome them. No other way. You have to do what needs to be done, even if it is the most undesirable.

This is the way of the soul, it constantly challenges a person to make him stronger.

But on the other hand, such a life is always joyful, dynamic, there is no boredom in it, however, there is no security and stability, which the mind craves so much. The soul knows that stability and security in a changing world is an illusion.

Let's summarize:

  • Every person has intuition, you just need to hear it;
  • in order for a person to discover the full potential of the soul, first you need to sincerely believe in it;
  • intuition and spontaneity are very closely intertwined;
  • intuition guides a person in life, but this is not always an easy path, the path of the heart is joyful, but not always easy, sometimes you need to go towards your fears, and the soul often does this to strengthen a person;
  • intuition is best developed in women, but men can also open up to it and use its services;
  • intuition makes a person stronger and more stable in life if he follows it.

When it comes to intuition, the trading community is divided into two camps. Some believe that intuition in trading is very important and is almost the main decision-making mechanism, while others do not take intuition seriously and even ridicule intuitive traders. Which of them is right and is there a golden mean in this matter? What is intuition and does it have the right to participate in stock trading? Let's try to figure it out.

Intuition in trading- what it is?

When it comes to defining intuition? as phenomena in principle, even scientists experience difficulties. The thing is that intuition is a little-studied mechanism that still leaves many questions for specialists. At the same time, today no researcher denies that intuition has a place to be and with its help you can quickly make the right decisions.

A little veil of secrecy was lifted by the studies of D. Kahneman and his colleagues, who found that the brain has two decision-making mechanisms, conventionally called System 1 and System 2. System 1 is responsible for quick, intuitive conclusions and decisions that do not require mental effort, while System 2 is responsible for logical conclusions and making informed, considered decisions. Both mechanisms are necessary for normal human life, so intuition is an important part of a person's personality. However, does it apply to trading?

“Intuition is not a trifle. It is data processing so fast that the mind does not perceive it. This is what a character on a popular television series said, and scientific research partially supports this statement. In most cases, a person owes his experience to making quick intuitive decisions in a particular issue or situation. Simply, when faced with a situation that has occurred many times before, our mind does not waste time on another logical analysis, but acts on a familiar pattern and passes the decision to System 1. For experienced traders, intuitive conclusions about the market or decisions to enter a trade sometimes occur as well. quickly and automatically, like a normal person brushing their teeth or eating.

Benefits of Intuitive Trading Decisions

The main advantage of trading by intuition is the speed of decision making. Guided by intuition, a trader spends much less time and effort on analyzing the situation. Of course, this is not always an advantage, because if a trader is a beginner, intuition can deceive him. On the other hand, for experienced traders, intuitive solutions are a great way to save time without losing efficiency.

The second advantage is that a trader who listens to his intuition is more confident. Although the analysis and application of successful strategies can give positive results in themselves, when they are backed up by an intuitive solution, the trader learns to truly feel the market.

Intuition: possible pitfalls

Although intuition is a valuable tool, it is still imperfect. The following are the main traps that a trader guided by intuition can fall into.

  1. Insufficient experience.
    Studies show that intuition works well and with a minimum of errors if a person has enough knowledge and experience in the field. When experience and knowledge are not enough, intuition can falter and lead to serious mistakes. Therefore, before practicing intuitive trading, it is worth studying at the Alexander Purnov Trading School and practicing the acquired skills in real trading.
  2. extremes.
    Intuition is useful, but if you make it the main mechanism for making decisions, you can make a mistake. The greatest successes are achieved by traders who skillfully combine analytical methods and intuitive approach, and not those who go to extremes, completely rejecting one or the other.
  3. Intuition = emotion.
    Those who hold the opinion that the intuitive approach is the emotional approach are greatly mistaken. This is often the main reason why intuition is considered a frivolous approach. In fact, intuition has little to do with emotions, because in order to hear its voice, a trader needs to be calm and focused, as in an analytical approach to trading.

To avoid the above mistakes, it is worth having a balanced view of trading. Intuition in trading is not a pseudo-scientific approach that does not bring benefits, but it is not a panacea for all problems.

Many traders ask, is it possible to do without intuition in trading? Yes it is possible. And many successful traders who are guided by exclusively rational methods in making decisions will confirm this fact. But there are a lot of very successful world-famous traders who consider it necessary to cater to their intuition in trading.

Should you take intuition into account and develop it? The decision is yours. And get more interesting articles on the topic of finance and you can after subscribing to our blog.