
What is the threshold in Russian oge. Evaluation criteria for the entire oge. Criteria for evaluating an essay-reasoning on a topic related to text analysis

What is the threshold in Russian oge.  Evaluation criteria for the entire oge.  Criteria for evaluating an essay-reasoning on a topic related to text analysis

The examination work of the OGE in the Russian language consists of three parts.

The third part of the work contains a creative task (Task 15), which tests the communicative competence of schoolchildren, in particular, the ability to build their own statement in accordance with a given type of speech.

Detailed criteria for evaluating the essay of the OGE are presented in detail in the document published on the FIPI website:

You can briefly get acquainted with the criteria for evaluating the essay of the OGE in the demo version in the Russian language.

Task 15.1. Criteria for evaluating an essay - reasoning on a linguistic topic

Table 1

Criteria for evaluating an essay-reasoning
on a linguistic topic (15.1)
C 1 K1 Reasonable response
The examinee gave reasoning at the theoretical level. There are no factual errors related to understanding the thesis 2
The examinee gave reasoning at the theoretical level. One factual error was made
with understanding of the thesis
The examinee gave reasoning at the theoretical level. Two or more factual errors were made related to the understanding of the thesis, or thesis is not proven or reasoning is given outside the context of the task, or the thesis is proven at the household level 0
C 1 K2 Presence of examples-arguments
from text, correctly indicating their role in the text 3
The examinee gave two examples-arguments from text, but did not indicate their role in the text, or gave two examples from text, indicating the role in the text of one of them, or gave one example from text, indicating its role in the text 2
The examinee gave one example-argument from text,
without specifying his role in the text
The examinee did not give a single example-argument illustrating the thesis, or the examinee gave examples-arguments not from the read text 0
S 1 K3
butand/or 1
but and/or 0
C 1 K4 The compositional harmony of the work

The work is characterized by compositional harmony
and completeness but
The maximum number of points for an essay according to the criteria
C 1 K1
C 1 K4

An essay-reasoning on a linguistic topic can be written by the examinee, based on both general cultural experience and philological knowledge.

Criteria for evaluating an essay-reasoning on a topic related to text analysis

table 2

Criteria for evaluating an essay-reasoning on a topic related to text analysis (15.2) Points
C 2 K1 Understanding the meaning of a piece of text
The examinee gave a correct explanation of the content of the fragment. No errors in interpretation 2
The examinee gave a generally correct explanation of the content of the passage, but made one mistake in his interpretation 1
The examinee gave an incorrect explanation of the content of the text fragment, or the examinee made two or more mistakes in interpreting the content of the text fragment, or there is no explanation of the content of the fragment in the work of the examinee 0
C 2 K2 Presence of examples-arguments
Examinee led from text two examples-arguments that correspond to the explanation of the content of this fragment 3
Examinee led from text one example is an argument that matches the explanation of the content of the given fragment 2
The examinee gave an example(s)-argument(s) not from the read text 1
The examinee did not give a single example-argument explaining the content of this fragment, or the examinee cited the quote given in the task or part of it as an example-argument 0
C 2 K3 Semantic integrity, speech coherence and sequence of composition
The work of the examinee is characterized by semantic integrity, speech coherence and sequence of presentation: - there are no logical errors, the sequence of presentation is not broken; - there are no violations of paragraph division of the text in the work 2
The work of the examinee is characterized by semantic integrity, coherence and consistency of presentation, but one logical error and/or there is one violation of paragraph articulation of the text in the work 1
In the work of the examinee, a communicative intent is visible, but more than one logical error was made, and/or there are two cases of violation of paragraph articulation of the text 0
C 2 K4 Compositional harmony
The work is characterized by compositional harmony and completeness, there are no errors in the construction of the text 2
The work is characterized by compositional harmony and completeness, but one mistake was made in the construction of the text 1
There are two or more errors in the construction of the text in the work 0
The maximum number of points for an essay according to criteria C 2 K1C 2 K4 9

Assessment Criteria for Assignment 15.3

Table 3

Criteria for evaluating an essay-reasoning on a topic related to text analysis (15.3) Points
C 3 K1 Interpretation of the meaning of the word
The examinee (in one form or another in any part of the essay) gave a definition and commented on it 2
The examinee (in one form or another in any part of the essay) gave a definition, but didn't comment on it 1
The examinee gave the wrong definition, or there is no interpretation of the word in the work of the examinee 0
C 3 K2 Presence of examples-arguments
The examinee gave two examples-arguments: one example-argument was given from the read text, and the second - from life experience, or the examinee gave two examples-arguments from the read text 3
The examinee gave one example-argument from the read text 2
The examinee gave an example (s) - argument (s) from life experience 1
The examinee did not give a single example-argument 0
C 3 K3 Semantic integrity, speech coherence and sequence of composition
The work of the examinee is characterized by semantic integrity, speech coherence and consistency of presentation: - there are no logical errors, the sequence of presentation is not broken; - there are no violations of paragraph division of the text in the work 2
The work of the examinee is characterized by semantic integrity, coherence and consistency of presentation, but one logical error and/or there is one violation of paragraph articulation of the text in the work 1
In the work of the examinee, a communicative intent is visible, but more than one logical error was made, and/or there are two cases of violation of paragraph articulation of the text 0
C 3 K4 Compositional harmony
The work is characterized by compositional harmony
and completeness, there are no errors in the construction of the text
The work is characterized by compositional harmony
and completeness but one mistake was made in the construction of the text
There are two or more errors in the construction of the text in the work 0
The maximum number of points for an essay according to criteria C 3 K1C 3 K4 9

It is important that the student is offered 3 options for writing. In each variant, a different setting (research, analytical, value-based) can be implemented, which corresponds both to different types of text perception and to different forms of the student's personal orientation.

The presence of different versions of the composition contributes to the development of the competence of the responsible choice of the student, allows the teacher, when preparing for the exam, to implement the whole variety of teaching aids aimed at developing speech. At the same time, it is no coincidence that special attention is paid to the ability to argue the positions of one’s work using the text read: the education of a culture of evidence-based reasoned reasoning is the most important task of the modern school. It is also important to note that argumentation is an integrated indicator of the depth and accuracy of understanding. source code and the ability to functionally use the extracted information to solve certain communicative goals.

It is significant that the ability to argue one's own statements is insufficiently developed among 11th grade graduates. A new form of examination work for graduates of the basic school contributes to a more active work of the teacher in this direction already in the basic school.

At the OGE - 2017 in chemistry, ninth-graders will be offered 22 tasks or 24 tasks (depending on the type of exam), for solving each of them you can get from 1 to 5 points. Maximum amount primary points will be 34 (if the OGE is submitted without an experimental part) or 38 (if experimental tasks are performed). The tables below indicate maximum amount points that can be obtained for each of the tasks.

Table 1. OGE without experimental part

Table 2. OGE with laboratory work

The scores obtained are translated into traditional grades. If a ninth grader receives less than 9 primary points, the OGE in chemistry is considered not passed. To get an "excellent" grade, it is not necessary to solve all the exam tasks.

Table 3. Converting the primary scores of the OGE into grades (OGE without the experimental part)

Table 4. Converting primary OGE scores to grades (OGE with laboratory work)

Do not forget that the recalculation scale is changing: in 2016 it was different, in 2018 it will also change slightly (at least due to a change in the structure of the test and the number of tasks). These figures are valid only for 2017 and only for the OGE in chemistry.

For many, the OGE is the first serious test, but why is it necessary? The main state exam is needed to assess the student's knowledge over the past nine years of study, this is clear to everyone. Good results in passing this exam are a guarantee for admission to the profile tenth grade, technical school, college or other secondary specialized educational institution.

The very system of passing such exams is no longer a novelty, but the conversion of OGE scores into familiar grades still raises many questions. The article will help you figure out what grades will allow you to successfully pass the exam and enter specialized institutions.

State certification

It was the introduction of the OGE and the Unified State Examination into the educational system that made it possible to abolish the entrance exams to universities and technical schools. The whole system is based on a single scale for transferring USE scores, thanks to which the final grade is obtained. But how to figure it out?

Educational institutions set their own OGE passing score for admission in various areas of study. In the event that the student's score exceeds the passing level established by the institution, then the applicant will be enrolled in the ranks of students.

In addition, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation establishes certain gradations for applicants, so the Main State Exam is conducted in accordance with the established requirements.

The passing score of the OGE makes it possible to understand whether the student managed to pass the certification or the exam failed, whether the student has mastered the theoretical minimum of the school course or he will have to re-train in the 9th grade. In turn, the passing threshold of the OGE, established by a secondary specialized educational institution, allows you to determine whether the applicant will be enrolled in the ranks of students of this institution.

A bit of history

Examinations in the form of the Unified State Examination and the OGE have long become familiar to Russian schoolchildren. However, their form, rules and conditions are periodically changed and adjusted. Graduation students, in order not to inadvertently miss important innovations, have to constantly monitor information about updates in the system.

The exam in the form of the Unified State Examination was first held for the eleventh grade in 2001. But at that time, the experiment was carried out only in five areas and only in eight disciplines. Already by 2008, an exam in this form began to be held throughout the country and in almost all subjects.

Transition to tenth grade

To continue studying at school, it is also necessary to pass the OGE. To move to the tenth grade, the student will have to pass two compulsory subjects (Russian language and mathematics), and in addition to them, two additional ones to choose from. And if last year it was allowed to limit itself to only two academic disciplines, then this year a ninth-grader must pass four exams.

To enter classes with one or another educational bias, you will need to prepare for certification in the main subject of the profile. For example, those entering the tenth grade with a legal bias are forced to pass an exam in social science and history, with a linguistic one - a foreign language, and so on.

The modern education system gives the full right to be certified in almost any discipline mastered during the period of study. By the way, it is often difficult for graduates to decide on the choice of a profile direction. Hence the difficulties with the choice of special items.

Admission to a technical school

Similarly, the passing score of the OGE is considered for admission to a technical school. Two main subjects are obligatory for delivery - Russian language and mathematics. Two more have been added this academic year. compulsory exam in disciplines that applicants can choose on their own. Those who enter technical schools for economic specialties additionally take social studies, and the medical direction - chemistry and biology.

There is also the possibility of admission to technical schools for those who have not passed USE exam after eleventh grade. Enrollment in this case occurs on the basis of the results of the OGE exam and, as a rule, immediately for the second year of study.

Graduates of the eleventh grade, when entering a technical school, are usually admitted immediately to the second year, because the first year of secondary special education, as a rule, is devoted exclusively to school programs.

How are points calculated?

The main state exam is mandatory for everyone, but not everyone knows how to calculate their results correctly. The OGE passing score for admission is a certain criterion of knowledge and a guideline in the aspirations of the student.

For each year, the minimum criteria for passing the exam are approved. Based on them, a system for transferring points to the usual marks on a five-point scale is established. However, they play a role in deciding whether a student has passed the exam, but not in admission. To accept a student selection committee technical school takes into account the passing or average passing score.

How to calculate the OGE score?

Each educational institution for the admission of students sets its own lower thresholds for grades. As a rule, the arithmetic mean of the grades of the certificate and (or) the total result of the OGE is taken as the basis. Depending on the maximum indicator approved in the current year, a minimum passing score for admission is set.

Translation of OGE points into an assessment

The school translates the final indicator into an assessment according to the approved scale. The result obtained affects the grade in the student's certificate. This translation is advisory in nature. The following data has been approved for 2017:

1. The minimum score of the OGE, that is, the extreme indicator for passing the exam in the Russian language, is 15, the maximum is 39.

A student will receive a mark of "two" if he scores only 14 points or less. "satisfactory" starts from 15, "good" - from 25 and "excellent" - from 34. Moreover, to get a four, you need to score at least 4 points for literacy and at least 6 to earn a five.

2. OGE in mathematics. The passing score for passing this exam is 8. To get a triple in this discipline, you must score at least 3 points in algebra and 2 points each in geometry and real mathematics.

The maximum possible result for this exam is 32 points, which includes 14, 11 and 7 points in Algebra, Geometry and Real Mathematics respectively.

Starting from the minimum passing threshold and up to 14 - the score is "three", from 15 points scored to 21 - "four", and 22-32 - "excellent".

Applicants with a score of at least 18 are considered for admission to specialized institutions.

3. In physics, you can score a maximum of 40 points. A well-deserved three is at least 10. To earn a four, you need to score at least 20, and for a five - from 31 points.

4. The maximum result of the exam in chemistry is 34. A triple is guaranteed with nine points scored, a score of "four" - with 18-26, and "five" - ​​with 27 and above.

23 points - a minimum for entering specialized institutions.

In addition, the exam in chemistry includes a part with a real experiment, which is also scored. The maximum result in this part of the exam is 38, the passing threshold is 9. To mark "excellent", you need to score 29 points, and for a four, from 19 to 28 is enough. The acceptable minimum is 25 points.

5. In preparing for the biology test, the student should know that the passing mark for the technical school is 33 points. A graduate who scored from 13 to 25 points in the corresponding exam will receive a triple, a five - from 37 to 46.

6. The minimum for geography is 12 points, but this will not be enough for admission to specialized institutions. In this case, the passing score of the OGE must be at least 24. Passing for "excellent" means to score from 27 to 32, and for "good" - from 20 to 26.

7. The following translation is used for the social studies exam:

  • 15-24 - "satisfactory";
  • 25-33 - "good";
  • 24-39 - "excellent".

30 points - a minimum for those who have chosen to study in this direction.

8. Future students who have chosen the history of their profile discipline must score 32 points for admission. For all others, the history score is determined according to the following scheme:

  • 13-23 - "three";
  • 24-34 - "four";
  • 35-44 - "five".

9. To get a three for the exam in literature, it is enough to score from 7 to 13 points, 14-18 for a four and at least 19 for an "excellent" rating. To continue training in the profile, only applicants who have scored at least 15 are considered.

10. The computer science exam is assessed in the range from 5 to 22 points, where up to 11 inclusive is a three, up to 17 inclusive is a four, respectively, 18-22 is a mark of "five".

11. Exam on foreign language(can be French, Spanish, English and German) - the most voluminous. The maximum possible score for it is 70. The minimum threshold is 28. In addition:

  • 29-45 - score "three"
  • 46-58 - score "four"
  • 59-70 - score "five".

The minimum score for applicants in the direction is 56.

How to calculate the passing score of the OGE?

Everything is simple here too. It is enough to know the approved standards for converting points into an assessment and your results.

Upon admission, as a rule, two indicators are formed from the OGE scores and grades. The first is the average score of the certificate. It is calculated as the arithmetic mean, that is, the sum of all grades is divided by the number of subjects. The second indicator is the overall result of passing the state exam, that is, the sum of all points scored. More often it is led to percentages that are calculated from the total maximum result.

A reasonable question arises as to whether the OGE affects the grades in the certificate? Yes, it does. The grade obtained from the results of passing the exam is summed up with the obtained annual grade and divided by two. When rounding, elementary laws of mathematics apply. Thus, if the annual grade in the subject is "four", and the exam was passed with a "five", then the arithmetic mean will be 4.5, which, in turn, should be rounded up to five. In the certificate, the graduate will stand "excellent".

Unified State Exam

How many points do you need to score on the exam?

Unified grading system state exam does not differ from the system OGE grades. The minimum passing threshold is set by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, and the institutions themselves form the selection criteria, including how many points you need to score on the USE for admission. Therefore, whether there are enough points for the triple, the state decides, and whether it is enough for admission - educational institutions.

Validity of exam results

All exams have a period during which their results will be valid. For students taking the exam in 2017, this period will be limited to four years. Therefore, the points earned are valid until May 2021.

If you do not have time to submit documents for the next four years, then you will have to retake the exam for admission. The deadlines for the relevance of the results of the OGE are the same as for the USE. Good luck with your exams everyone!

Scale for transferring primary scores of the OGE 2016

As in previous years, the OGE-2016 (GIA-9) is held in 14 academic subjects. Graduates of the 9th grade take two compulsory exams in Russian language and mathematics, as well as two exams in any of the subjects of their choice. Recall that last year, students could limit themselves to only two compulsory subjects, and take the rest on a voluntary basis.

Primary scores for completing the exam work of the OGE translated into a mark on a 5-point scale. Concerning Federal Institute Pedagogical Measurements (FIPI) published "Recommendations on the use and interpretation of the results of examination papers for conducting the main state exam (OGE) in 2016". Regional commissions are given the right to change the scale of transferring points up or down in compulsory subjects.

The points received at the OGE and recalculated into a five-point system affect the grades in the certificate in the corresponding subject. The certificate is put average between the mark obtained at the OGE and the annual in the subject. Rounding is done according to the rules of mathematics, that is, 3.5 is rounded up to 4, and 4.5 is rounded up to 5. In addition, OGE results students can be used for admission to specialized classes high school.

Exam grades are available to graduates at their school after the papers have been reviewed and the results approved.

FIPI draws the attention of teachers and school leaders to the fact that the scales for converting primary points into marks on a five-point scale for conducting the OGE are RECOMMENDATIONAL.

RUSSIAN LANGUAGE score translation scale

Maximum Points, which can be received by the examinee for the completion of the entire examination work, - 39 points

Minimum threshold: 15 points

* Criteria and explanation for the assessment of the GIA in the Russian language


Explanation for grading


GK1. Compliance with spelling rules

There are no spelling errors, or no more than 1 error was made.

Made 2-3 mistakes

4 errors or more

GK2. Compliance with punctuation rules

No punctuation errors or no more than 2 errors

Made 3-4 mistakes

5 errors or more

GK3. Compliance with grammar rules

There are no grammatical errors or made 1 mistake

Made 2 mistakes

3 errors or more

GK4. Compliance with speech norms

There are no speech errors, or no more than 2 errors were made

Made 3-4 mistakes

5 errors or more

MATHEMATICS score transfer scale

Maximum primary score: 32 points . Of these, for the Algebra module - 14 points, for the Geometry module - 11 points, for the Real Mathematics module - 7 points.

Minimum threshold: 8 points (of which at least 3 points in the Algebra module, at least 2 points in the Geometry module and at least 2 points in the Real Mathematics module)

Overcoming this minimum result entitles the graduate to receive, in accordance with curriculum an educational institution, a final grade in mathematics (if the graduate studied mathematics as part of an integrated mathematics course) or in algebra and geometry.

The scale for recalculating the primary score for the performance of the examination paper as a whole into a mark mathematics:

The scale for converting the primary score for the implementation of the "Algebra" module into a mark in algebra:

The scale for recalculating the primary score for the implementation of the "Geometry" module into a mark in geometry:

The results of the exam can be used when enrolling students in specialized secondary school classes. Depending on the profile, the guidelines for selection may be as follows:

  • for the natural science profile: 18 points(at least 10 in algebra, at least 6 in geometry);
  • for the economic profile: 18 points(at least 9 in algebra, 3 in geometry, 5 in real mathematics);
  • for the physical and mathematical profile: 19 points(at least 11 in algebra, 7 in geometry).

PHYSICS score transfer scale

Maximum primary score: 40 points

Minimum threshold: 10 points (increased by 1 point)

30 points.

Scale for transferring points in CHEMISTRY

The scale for recalculating the primary score for performing an examination paper without a real experiment

Maximum primary score: 34 points

Minimum threshold: 9 points

The results of the exam can be used when enrolling students in specialized secondary school classes. A guideline for selection in profile classes can be an indicator whose lower limit corresponds to 23 points.

The scale for recalculating the primary score for the performance of the examination paper with real experience
(Demo version of the OGE in chemistry No. 2)

Maximum primary score for work with a real experiment : 38 points

Minimum threshold: 9 points

The results of the exam can be used when enrolling students in specialized secondary school classes. A guideline for selection in profile classes can be an indicator whose lower limit corresponds to 25 points.

BIOLOGY score conversion scale

Maximum primary score: 46 points

Minimum threshold: 13 points

The results of the exam can be used when enrolling students in specialized secondary school classes. A guideline for selection in profile classes can be an indicator whose lower limit corresponds to 33 points.

GEOGRAPHY score transfer scale

Maximum primary score: 32 points

Minimum threshold: 12 points

The results of the exam can be used when enrolling students in specialized secondary school classes. A guideline for selection in profile classes can be an indicator whose lower limit corresponds to 24 points.

SOCIAL STUDIES score transfer scale

Maximum primary score: 39 points

Minimum threshold: 15 points

The results of the exam can be used when enrolling students in specialized secondary school classes. A guideline for selection in profile classes can be an indicator whose lower limit corresponds to 30 points.

HISTORY score transfer scale

Maximum primary score: 44 points

Minimum threshold: 13 points

The results of the exam can be used when enrolling students in specialized secondary school classes. A guideline for selection in profile classes can be an indicator whose lower limit corresponds to 32 points.

Scale for transferring points for LITERATURE

Maximum primary score: 23 points

Minimum threshold: 7 points

The results of the exam can be used when enrolling students in specialized secondary school classes. A guideline for selection in profile classes can be an indicator whose lower limit corresponds to 15 points.

Score transfer scale for INFORMATICS and ICT

Maximum primary score: 22 points

Minimum threshold: 5 points

The results of the exam can be used when enrolling students in specialized secondary school classes. A guideline for selection in profile classes can be an indicator whose lower limit corresponds to 15 points.

Scale for transferring scores in FOREIGN LANGUAGE


Maximum primary score: 70 points

Minimum threshold: 29 points

The results of the exam can be used when enrolling students in specialized secondary school classes. A guideline for selection in profile classes can be an indicator whose lower limit corresponds to 56 points.

The OGE is an exam that graduates of the 9th grade will have to take in the 2017-2018 academic year. Pupils of schools, gymnasiums and lyceums need to demonstrate the level of knowledge in 5 subjects, two of which will be mandatory (Russian language and mathematics), and three will be asked to choose from the proposed list of disciplines.

To all ninth-graders, their teachers and parents, we offer a more detailed understanding of the following issues:

  • What does the OGE score affect?
  • How are scores converted to school grades?
  • What to do if you have not overcome the minimum threshold of the OGE?

The attitude of schoolchildren and parents to the final certification is ambiguous. The need to prepare for a large number of subjects frankly frightens secondary school students, as does the prospect of being left without a long-awaited document on education. Is it really all that scary?

Before you panic, it is worth understanding these truths:

  • Questions that are included in the standard program of secondary education and are mandatory for study in all general education schools RF.
  • Threshold passing score for compulsory subjects really "minimal". Overcoming it is more than realistic even for a child with an average level of student achievement.
  • The format of the exams is softer than in the 11th grade. Pupils take the OGE within the walls of their native school and, of course, she is not interested in low results.

If everything is so rosy and easy, then a logical question arises - why do we need exams in the 9th grade at all? The ministry explains that the OGE is not only monitoring the level of knowledge of students, but also monitoring the quality of teachers' work. Knowing that exams are ahead, both children and teachers treat the educational process more responsibly.

OGE scores and a five-point score

To convert primary scores into grades scored by students when performing examination work in a particular subject within the framework of the OGE 2018, a special compliance scale will be used. Such a scale has been developed for each of the 14 subjects:

If the score transfer scale for the OGE 2018 seems too complicated, you can use special online systems to interpret the results and find out. What are your grades in 9th grade? Here is one such calculator:

Upon admission to specialized classes, FIPI recommends taking the following minimum indicators of primary scores in the subjects of the OGE as a passing threshold:


Russian language


(natural science profile)

Total - 18,

but not less:

10 in algebra

6 in geometry


(economic profile)

Total - 18,

but not less:

10 in algebra

7 in geometry


(physical and mathematical profile)

Total - 19,

but not less:

11 in algebra

7 in geometry

Social science


Informatics and ICT

(no experiment)

(with experiment)



Foreign language

Who will be able to retake the OGE in 2018

The scale for translating primary OGE scores into grades for 2018 presented to your attention shows that the probability of “failing the exam”, although negligible, still exists.

If for any reason (and there can be many of them, both psychological and physical), the student could not write the OGE on minimum score, he will get another try. A 9th grade graduate may even have several such attempts.

In 2018, ninth-graders will get a chance to correct a mistake, provided that no more than 2 subjects are unsatisfactorily sent. If the mark "2" is set for 3 more OGE exams, the graduate will not receive the right to retake and will be forced to take a time-out for a year for better preparation for the final tests.