
Sleep and everything will be fine. If you want to work, lie down and sleep - and everything will pass. If you don't know what you want

Sleep and everything will be fine.  If you want to work, lie down and sleep - and everything will pass.  If you don't know what you want

By the way, voting - a dime a dozen. At every stop, at any intersection, there are frozen comrades with their hands raised. Ah, it wasn't!
I taxi up to the nearest young man. Asking for the subway. I plant, for the benefit of me on the way. The young man excitedly tells how he was just robbed, took his wallet and for some reason the keys, that is, he has no money and he has never had such a filthy New Year. I suffer, mentally playing the game "believe it or not." He claims that he has only 4 rubles. So, he definitely won’t have enough on the subway. I rummage in my pockets - for some reason I had a token lying around, apparently since the car was under repair. In the meantime, we arrived at the "Old Village". As a joke, I propose to sell him a token for 4 rubles - sort of like with a New Year's discount. He agrees. He takes the token, says "thank you" and leaves. He has a strange look. He didn't give me the money. He just left. Here is the "cheat". Great. With coming!
I check if everything is in place in the car. It seems everything, only he sat on my bag of pies. Here's the bastard. Okay, I'll go get some crackers.

When champagne is drunk, pyrotechnics are launched, salads are eaten and gifts are unpacked, and even the president's speech is listened to, thoughts about the possibility of successfully "bombing" visit me again. But I'm a little afraid, so I campaign for the bodyguards of one of the guests. It might be fun. Anyway, it's an adventure. It's decided - let's go! We only need to take lemonade and pies with cabbage with us, because the night is long, and if we find ourselves somewhere in Kupchino, we can get hungry along the way.
It turns out that half the district took to the streets at one in the morning. Crowds of people walk the streets, shouting "Hurrah!", and the cannonade of fireworks thunders deafeningly. You drive like you're on the front line under fire. Probably, we need to move to the end of the district in order to pick up those who wish to be closer to the center from there. There are really a lot of voters, only all of them are drunk and nasty. And in general, I ought to drive more slowly, otherwise I'm rushing, as usual - this is "unprofessional" for a cab driver. Pretty nice faces just flashed by, they looked like students, you should have taken them. I make a U-turn, I return - they are no longer there. That "Zhigulenok" picked it up. Missed. Then I go more carefully. Perhaps it was necessary to take a few lessons from professional taxi drivers.
Gradually I notice: just "yawn" - the client is already "picked up". And it is not clear - if you drive slowly, they overtake you and put those whom you have outlined for yourself from afar in front of your nose. If you drive fast, you notice in the rear-view mirror that they literally raised their hand behind your back, obviously deciding that you are in a hurry, and not doing a cab. I'm nervous, the fireworks are thundering, the crowds are running around, the ice keeps me in constant tension, and besides, a snowstorm begins.
We decide to take everyone in a row. The guys who need to go to the end of the street for the "twenty" are the first to come across. Good. They are drunk, cheerful, pour 20 rubles into my palm in small change, congratulate me on what has come and are surprised that the girl is driving.

We are taking two very nice ladies to the very edge of the city (further - the forest). Typical St. Petersburg women are quiet, reserved, modest; We leave the yards - and find ourselves "in the arms" of a whole company that asks ... Where to go? On Kosygin?.. This is the other end of the city! How much? "For one and a half"? Wow! Fifteen thousand! You can go home after that, consider that "the plan is done." Of course we are. And how many of you? Two noisy, merry daredevils climb in, one in a shiny rain wig. Take care of them, the mourners shout after us. Of course, gentlemen. For that kind of money. Smoking? For God's sake! Only in turn. Slow down at the subway? You're welcome. A Rosenbaum cassette was bought, they yell and sing along all the way, interspersing thieves' songs with obscenities and not forgetting to comment on passing vehicles, pedestrians, and every now and then a wig coming off the head. Now I know many new words. And "Gop-stop" I can by heart, listened to five times.
Finally arrived. Well, a hole. Rosenbaum's admirers crawl out, merrily quarreling, and solemnly "unfasten" first 100 rubles, then another 50. Excuse me, and the rest? .. They are in shock. What are you, dudes, who will go for one and a half pieces? This is the normal price. Well, you in general! Keep the cassette for yourself - a gift! ..
M-yes. We seem to have got it. It's a shame to hell - to go so far for some 150 rubles? .. And they said - "atomic prices, atomic prices"! We catch a few cars for reference. It turns out that 200 rubles is the average fee. And on Nevsky? For 50. Now we know the prices. How clever we are.
Here is another pair - they ask to go to the end of the street for 20 rubles. Well, this is familiar to me. These are the correct prices. Go.

On the Uprising - they ask for Petrogradskaya. I’ll take it right away: I’ve lived all my life on Petrogradskaya, I’ll be happy to take my “compatriots”. A very drunk girl and a very funny guy. She worked day and night in a stall and therefore did not sleep at night, he walked her, now they are going home. The girl falls asleep instantly. This is good, I stop worrying about the cleanliness of my seats, forgive me these nice guys. Sukachev sings on the radio. The guy says that Garik was visiting him somehow - a cool man, he only drinks a lot of vodka.
They praise me all the way - wow, a woman is driving, and she drives so professionally, she chooses such paths, she cuts such corners, she “merges” with the car so well, she knows Petrogradskaya so well! .. Still. I can even with my eyes closed, because I love and remember. Can't I just ask you an indecent question? Is it possible to use your toilet? Yes Easy! Maybe a seagull at the same time? No, thank you, only the toilet.

We decided to be in the center of events and arrived at Dvortsovaya. Almost everyone votes here. We come across a serious tired young man. He says that he is not from a walk, but from work. That he recently broke the glass in the car and stole the anti-radar. That he immediately caught and drove the thief to the people's court (we were just passing by), but at the last moment he regretted (out of the corner of my eye I note that there was a crowd of voters near the Pribaltiyskaya hotel, I would have to return for them) and let him go. Because all the same, neither the stolen anti-radar nor the money with this teenager turned out to be. Finally, he wishes us to be careful and goes out into the night. I quickly return to the "Pribaltiyskaya" - well, for sure. Already nobody. Everyone was disassembled. It's not meant to be.

Having again passed through the Vasilevsky Strelka, we select the company to Gorkovskaya. From there in the direction of the Palace - no one. Although no, there is a couple. Taxiing - generally "none". But I don't care anymore. I feel like a typical, experienced, slightly tired taxi driver. Corner of Gorokhovaya and Fontanka beyond the sotochka - I agree. Congratulations on the New Year - silent. They are kind of dark. They barely get in. They sit down for a long time and kick me from behind with their knees in the seat. I don't like it, but I hold back. Smells a lot like fumes. Looks like mother and son. She sleeps, he stares out the window. I ask Fontanka, looking with malevolent curiosity at the "fresh" accident at the crossroads - which side are you on? The guy orders across the bridge. We're moving, we're waking up mom. It is based on the principle "Where did you bring me? This is not my house!" mumbles that this is NOT Pea. And what is it then? Ah, it turns out they need another shore. Like, turn around. But there is one-way traffic, you can't! But anyway - turn around!
After about five minutes, I finally manage to convince them to get out of the car and cross the bridge on foot, since they themselves confused me. We must drink less, as the hero of "Irony of Fate" said.
As soon as I drive off, I notice a lively "seller of striped sticks." First of all night. Finally. And then I'm already bored. We take out the sweets that have been saved for these heroic men, I park and congratulate the traffic cop on the holiday. He me too. Did you drink? But how! A glass of champagne at 12 noon! But after that, you know, I ate a hundred delicious things! .. Breathe! He leans towards the window. I breathe hard. Do you want candy? Refuses outright - teeth hurt. Too bad, good man.

Here we are again at the Palace. Sometimes four people come across (they don’t fit into the back seat), then a frightened family with a child (they look incredulously, because we ourselves drove up to them). Finally - two boys of 16 years old want to go to Udelnaya. And I already want to go home. So, along the way. We plant, take the money in advance and go. It turns out that after "Udelnaya" you have to go through the crossing, then, breaking several signs, go through the "gardens" and end up in Kolomyagi. Had I known, I would have gone the normal way.
It must be - what a fatigue. Now I understand why most professional drivers - taxi drivers, driving school instructors, truckers - drink almost every evening and smoke one after another: you need to somehow relieve the colossal stress. Especially in winter. Especially on a holiday, when there is ice and a snowstorm, people are drunk and really want to sleep.
How much money is it? We count, we stray and get confused, we dream of hot tea. Pies, however, will have to be warmed in the oven.
So how many ran? We got lost again ... We lay out banknotes and a trifle on a torpedo. The result is 700 rubles. For 5 hours of work. That is, the dollar 4 - 5 per hour in a successful scenario.
Well, nothing, quite well. They say the "window of skyscrapers" in New York also gets $5 an hour. Clean. On normal work days.
A bit disappointing - I was hoping for more. But what an experience! Now I know everything, and next time I will be smarter, faster, more resourceful, and so on and so forth.
After all, there are still so many holidays ahead! MARIA ZHITINSKAYA

They often say when you do something extra-systemic (for example, you defend yourself in front of your superiors): “They say you are still young, green. As you live, you will understand that you can’t push yourself forward, you need to listen to the authorities, otherwise there will be no order at all, ”etc. The essence of all this crap is this: “you will live, you will go down like us, you will bend under the circumstances. Now you’re just not down yet, but your time will come, like everyone else’s.” Such is the worldly wisdom of those who have fallen forever. They say: "what the elder says, we do it, we are small people." They are not human at all. The herd instinct arises within involuntarily, and not because of fear of reprisals from society. Something inside is forcing you to do what everyone else does. A feeling of discomfort arises when you alone do not do what everyone around you does. The justification is in propriety, culture, "I think so myself", etc. For example, applause in the hall. You may not consider it necessary to clap (you just don’t feel like it), but since everyone is clapping, then you have a feeling of discomfort, the urge from the inside forces you to do like everyone else. Naturally, this is not a fundamental question - to clap or not. But this example shows that the desire to be a herd is inherent in us. There is no getting away from it - it can only be overcome. And only when generations overcome the herd mentality, people will appear in whom it will no longer be incorporated, will be outlived. To do this, we need to constantly overcome it.


A person can break down in different ways. You should not think that the system will be broken by well-defined tough measures that are hard to endure due to unpreparedness or lack of will. What is the task? Take a person out of the game, break. How is absolutely irrelevant. A person can fall in love with a Valkyrie and go into the illusion of fighting on the astral level. The main thing is that he did not fight the system. There are many illusions. And there are a lot of truthful ones - those that a person perceives as truth. Recognizing self-deception can be very difficult. Aesthetic shock is also capable of breaking (ie, thoroughly unsettling). Imagine that you got out of the daily bustle, got rid of most of the human and delved into what is happening. You felt that most people are dust, pouring from century to century. And they don't need anything. Everything you know is a lie. That you still won't win. That you will die and there will be nothing more. That you've lost so much time that you can't make up. That there is no love, no friendship - only the struggle for existence. That all your loved ones either betrayed you or will betray you. That you will never get stronger than a certain level. That your weaknesses are stronger than you. That you made mistakes that can't be fixed. That you can easily be killed. That a life sentence is a very realistic alignment for your future. That you're really afraid of what's to come. That you want to immerse yourself in romantic illusions more. That the struggle is not somewhere up there, but here in sweat and blood. That you will not be required to cut foreign gods with a sword during Ragnarok, but will cope with the lack of air with a pinched gas mask hose, wearing garbage. That you are really, objectively, ONE. A single moment of such awareness in its purest form, without countermeasures, can fundamentally move the roof. If you stop fighting, you will lose to the system. Break not only the regime or violence. Look inside yourself - what can you catch? Cut off the threads that bind you to the system.


The lifetime is actually very long. Real life a little of all this time. You need to saturate life with events in order to live. Time must be put to good use. Reduce the amount of time wasted. A few hours of action is life. A decade of study is a waste of time. But both fill your existence. Understand: not tomorrow after the action (if everything goes well) there will be life, but only this action is life. You can live aimlessly for 10 years, you can live richly for 2 years. But it is better to live richly for 10 years.


I really want to believe that my death will be early. I really want it to be something like this: I and a group of associates seized the FSB building (the presidential palace, the Kremlin, or something like that). This is naturally a win-win option - we have nowhere to go. The whole building is in the corpses of cops, officials and other husks. The building was besieged by special forces. Obviously there is no way out. We have only death in battle ahead of us. And at some point they kill me ... However, although death will certainly be early, its circumstances may be completely different. For example, I'm on the subway. Suddenly, a group of freaking airmen enters the car. They start a fight. Everyone has knives, I have too, of course. At some point, my body dies. Or walking down the street, I come across an impudent scumbag who wants to try out the extracted trunk. Also certain death. Or they will be pressed into the musarne to such an extent that you will finally drive off. In general, death can be anything and at any moment - even the most inappropriate and not at all heroic. But these dreams of a beautiful death can prevent you from recognizing the moment when you have to stand up to the end and take mortal blows. On a typical day, you're not in the mood to die at all. And the case may turn up, and it must be met. Regardless of the mood and circumstances. It seems that death will be in some real fight, and because of this you can betray yourself, stepping back on a seemingly unprincipled issue, humiliated, frightened. Not everyone will get the heroic romantic scenery of death. Many will have to die in ordinary circumstances. The fight goes on constantly and there will be no special days to die Know - you need to constantly be ready for death. Don't close your eyes and don't go into illusion. Otherwise, you can die ridiculously. But only we create our own destiny. And death is not something that is a foregone conclusion. This is what will end our lives. Whenever. But we have the ability to resist and win. Death in combat is not defeat. By and large, we are weak as long as each of us says "we" and not "I." The illusion of movement is created. That there is someone who is doing something. And we seem to be somehow united. It’s even somehow heroically pleasant to say: “we fight, we believe, we will win.” If we are, then I'm right, belonging to the community, And if all those who are with you - all of us - will think differently, will betray, change their minds, what can you oppose? "I think ..." - in case there are no consonants with you - it is very difficult to pronounce. However, only in this case is it possible to reach the end, no matter what. The war of one - even as part of a group - is a chance to win. Because if everyone betrays, then you will remain. Imagine that everyone with whom you talked, everyone who thought the same way as you, who promised to go with you to the end - they would all say that they were wrong, that all this (NS, revolution) is nonsense, but there are real values ​​\u200b\u200bin life - family, faith in God ... In general, EVERYONE would have decided so. And in this case, you would be left alone to wage a war that no one but you considers necessary.

A recipe against industriousness, the advice of a lazy person to someone who is trying to do some work.

  • - wing. sl. This expression, often quoted in the Latin form: "Si vis pacem, para bellum", belongs to the Roman historian Cornelius Nepos and is found in the biography of the Theban commander of the 4th century BC. BC e. Epaminonda...

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  • - introductory expression; union + predicate 1. Introductory expression. Same as "By the way, for your information." It is separated by punctuation marks, usually commas. For details on punctuation for introductory words, see Appendix 2...

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  • - From the author's song by Alexander Arkadievich Galich "The right to rest, or the Ballad about how I visited my brother, who was being treated in a mental hospital in White Pillars" ...
  • - From the octostich named after the first line “If life deceives you” by A. S. Pushkin, which the poet dedicated to E. N. Wolf: If life deceives you, Do not be sad, do not be angry! On a sad day...

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  • - From the sports march written by the composer Vasily Solovye-vym-Sedym to the verses of the poet Vasily Ivanovich Lebedev-Kumach for the film "The First Glove": Temper yourself if you want to be healthy ...

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  • - The 80th aphorism from the collection of thoughts and aphorisms "The Fruits of Thought" by Kozma Prutkov ...

    Dictionary of winged words and expressions

  • - From Latin: Si vispacem, para bellum. The author of the expression is the Roman historian Cornelius Yepot, who used it in his biography of the Theban commander of the 4th century BC. BC e. Epaminonda...

    Dictionary of winged words and expressions

  • - From the poem "To my mind" by Denis Ivanovich Fonvizin ...

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  • - A joking or caustic response to a request for a light ...

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  • - if you want to live well, do not miss favorable opportunities ...

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  • - WANT, want, want, want, want, want, want; pov. want; carry...

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  • - Wed. Chi la pace non vuol, la guerra s "abbia. Tasso. Gerusalemme liberata. 2, 88. Compare Si vis pacem, para bellum. Compare Paritur pax bello. Corn. Nepos. Epamin. 5, 4. Compare Suspicienda quidem bella sunt ob eam causam ut sine injuria in pace vivatur Cic off 1.11, 35...

    Explanatory-phraseological dictionary of Michelson

  • If you want peace, prepare for war. Wed Chi la pace non vuol, la guerra s'abbia. Tasso. Gerusalemme liberata. 2, 88. Cf. Si vis pacem, para bellum. Wed paritur pax bello. Corn. Nepos. Epamin. 5, 4. Cf. Suspicienda quidem bella sunt ob eam causam ut sine injuria in pace vivatur. cic. off. 1, 11, 35...

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  • - Cm....
  • - See WILL -...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - adverb, number of synonyms: 11 true probably visible possibly like if you like it seems probably probably apparently perhaps...

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