
Presentation on geography grade 9 scientific complex. “The scientific complex is the pinnacle of the economy. Formation of learning activities

Presentation on geography grade 9 scientific complex.  “The scientific complex is the pinnacle of the economy.  Formation of learning activities

Test: "Scientific complex of Russia" 1st option.

    How has the number of scientists changed in the 1990s?

A) has been reduced B) increased.

2. Why are Moscow and St. Petersburg the main centers of science in Russia?

A) Large cities where scientific and educational institutions and consumers of science are concentrated.

b) metropolitan cities.

C) There are enterprises that use scientific developments.

3. Center of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences:

A) Ufa; B) Chelyabinsk; B) Yekaterinburg.

4. In what region of Russia is the concentration of technopolises observed?

A) Moscow region; B) Ural; B) Siberia.

5. Where are the scientific ideas of the technopolis implemented?

A) in the scientific center; B) at an experimental enterprise; B) in industry.

6. Closed city Arzamas - 16, can now be found on the map as:

A) Zarechny; B) Sarov; B) Forest.

A) Technical B) Medical C) State

8. State Conservatory. N.G. Zhiganova is located:

A) in Ulyanovsk; B) in Kazan; B) in Samara.

Test: "Scientific Complex of Russia" Option 2.

    The total number of employees in the scientific complex is:

A) 4 million people; B) 3.5 million people; C) 5 million people

2. The Institute of the Arctic and Antarctic is located in:

A) Moscow B) Murmansk; In St. Petersburg.

3. The pinnacle of the Scientific Complex is:

A) industry sector; B) the sector of higher education; C) the academic sector.

4. Center of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences:

A) Novosibirsk; B) Vladivostok; B) Yekaterinburg.

5. Where are the scientific ideas of the technopolis developed?

A) in the scientific center; B) at an experimental enterprise; B) in industry

6. Closed cities are mainly engaged in:

A) space developments; B) medical technologies;

C) the creation and improvement of weapons

7. What university is there in Samara and Kazan, but not in Ulyanovsk?

A) Technical B) Architectural and construction C) Agricultural

8. State Aerospace University. S. P. Koroleva is located:

A) in Ulyanovsk; B) in Kazan; B) to Samar

Lesson topic: Scientific complex of Russia

Lesson type: combined

Lesson objectives: to introduce the composition and geography of the scientific complex of Russia. Show the importance of the scientific complex in the Russian economy. To form the concept of technopolis. Develop the ability to work with text, a map.

Equipment: political and administrative map of Russia, atlas grade 9, geography textbook grade 9.

During the classes

1. organizational moment setting

3. checking homework

Intersectoral complexes are groups of industries connected into blocks that perform a common national economic function.

Name the intersectoral complexes of Russia and determine the economic functions of each complex according to Table 14 p57

Students list the IOC: scientific, military-industrial, machine-building, fuel and energy, metallurgical, chemical-forestry, agro-industrial, infrastructure

List business functions.

4. Learning new material.

We live in the age of scientific and technological revolution, when the importance of scientific knowledge increases dramatically.

What was the number of people employed in the scientific complex of Russia in 1990?

In 1990, about 3.5 million people, of which about 1 million scientists, or about 18% of the world's scientists, were directly engaged in scientific research.

Name the problems of the scientific complex

1. Reducing the number of scientific organizations

2.weak funding

3. reduction in the number of people working in science

4. "brain drain" - the departure of scientists abroad

List the composition of the scientific complex

1.academic sector

2.sector of higher education

3. business sector

4.industry sector

5.factory sector

From table 15, determine the change in the number of organizations performing research and development from 1992 to 2007.

The total number has decreased. The number of design bureaus, design organizations has especially decreased

According to table 16, determine the change in personnel engaged in research and development from 1992 to 2007

The number of scientists decreased by almost 2 times. The number of researchers decreased by 2 times, the number of technicians decreased by 2.5 times.

What is the geography of Russian science?

The main part of scientific institutions and scientists is concentrated in the largest cities and urban agglomerations

Why is the main part of scientific institutions and scientists concentrated in the largest cities and urban agglomerations?

List the largest centers of science and education in Russia.

This is due to many reasons.

1. Historical - initially, scientific institutions in Russia were created in capital cities

2. the main consumers of scientific developments are concentrated in the largest cities

3. to organize research, scientific institutions establish close ties, cooperate

Moscow, Saint Petersburg

Conclusion: the scientific complex of Russia is located extremely unevenly.


A significant part of the industry and factory sectors of science is part of technopolises. What is a technopolis?

The basis of the technopolis is the scientific center, where new ideas are "born". Ideas are used in a pilot plant where a technology for the production of a new product is being developed. The technology is then transferred to a large industrial enterprise. In technopolises, science is associated with specific production, which allows you to quickly implement scientific achievements (inventions)

Conclusion: a technopolis is a combination of science (and defense) with knowledge-intensive enterprises.

5. Fixing

1. What are the sectors of the scientific complex?

2.Which sectors include largest number scientists? (industry and factory)

3. How has the number of scientists changed during the period of economic restructuring?

4. What are the science-intensive industries? (engineering, chemical, non-ferrous)

5. What is a technopolis?

6. Homework: paragraph 16, questions page 93.

>>The most important intersectoral complexes of Russia and their geography, Scientific Complex

The most important intersectoral complexes

Russia and their geography

Instead of sectoral approaches in economics and in geography began to use interbranch. This is due to the fact that the increasingly complex intersectoral relations did not fit into the departmental framework. They link groups of industries into blocks that perform a common national economic function (Table 14, Figure 25).

Table 14

Interbranch complexes of Russia

Household functions
Implementation of all types of work on obtaining, storing and disseminating scientific knowledge
Military industrial
Providing the armed forces with the latest military equipment, weapons, ammunition; civil production - high technology
EngineeringProviding all industries, agriculture and the population with a variety of machines and mechanisms
Fuel and energy
Production and distribution of energy in various types and forms
Metallurgical, chemical and timber
Manufacture of various structural materials and chemicals
agro-industrialProduction, processing and bringing to the consumer of agricultural products
infrastructureProviding a variety of services to industry and the public

§ 13. Scientific complex

Let's consider the main blocks that form the scientific complex of Russia (Fig. 24). Among them stands out for its power (about 60% of scientific personnel) a group of branch scientific, design and design organizations and experimental industrial enterprises. The industrial science sector was directly connected with the industrial sector. A significant proportion of these organizations served the defense complex. This is one of the reasons why the achievements of science have been poorly introduced into civilian life. economy. The second group - research institutions of the Russian Academy of Sciences, they are mostly engaged in theoretical issues of science and have a small experimental base. They employ about 10% of scientists.

Table 15
Organizations performing research and development

Table 16

Staff engaged in research and development (at the end of the year), thousand people

Finally, the third group - scientific institutions of higher educational institutions(departments, laboratories, research institutes), libraries, museums, archives. These scientific institutions also have an insufficient experimental base.

What is the geography of Russian science? The main part of scientific institutions and scientists is concentrated in the largest cities and urban agglomerations (Fig. 26). This is due to many reasons.

First, historical - the institutions of science and education in Russia were originally created in the capital cities. Secondly, the main consumers of scientific developments are concentrated in the largest cities - enterprises of science-intensive industries and defense complex.

Thirdly, scientific institutions establish close ties and cooperate to organize research. Therefore, they mutually attract each other, contributing to the territorial concentration of science. The largest center of science and education in Russia is Moscow. It conducts research in almost all major scientific areas. More than 1200 organizations of science and scientific service are located on the territory of the city. Among them are the Russian Academy of Sciences, several specialized academies (medical, agricultural, natural sciences, construction and architecture, technological sciences, education, etc.), 80 academic institutes. More than 40% of all scientific research in Russia is carried out in Moscow, including more than 30% of design and applied work. Almost 30% of doctors of sciences, 20% of candidates of sciences of the country work here, cadres of scientists for all of Russia and for a number of independent states of the Commonwealth (CIS) are being trained. A significant number of scientific centers surround Moscow (these are Dubna, Pushchino, Chernogolovka, Troitsk, Obninsk, Zhukovsky, Zelenograd, etc.).

The second most important scientific center in Russia - St. Petersburg - concentrates 12% of Russia's scientific personnel. Scientists explore the problems of energy, nuclear physics, medicine, geology and mining, the Arctic and Antarctic. A large place is occupied by science related to the defense complex. Several hundred scientific institutions operate here, including academic and industry institutes.

In total, 2/3 of Russian scientific personnel are concentrated in Moscow and St. Petersburg, as well as in the cities of the Moscow and St. Petersburg agglomerations. Thus, there are huge disproportions in the geography of science in Russia. True, the situation is now somewhat changing, since scientific, including academic, centers have been established in the Urals (Ekaterinburg), Siberia (Novosibirsk, Krasnoyarsk, Irkutsk), and the Far East (Vladivostok, Khabarovsk). Samara, Saratov, Kazan, Nizhny Novgorod, and Rostov-on-Don became major scientific centers in Russia.

The geography of science, especially technical science, can change significantly due to the creation of so-called technopolises. The basis of the technopolis is the scientific center, which acts as an "incubator" of new ideas (Fig. 27). These ideas are further picked up by experienced enterprises of the introduction belt, which embody them in a finished product, develop a technology for its production. Further, this technology is transferred to large industrial enterprises.

The advantage of such a combination of science and production is the rapid implementation of new scientific achievements.

AT Russian Federation technopolises are already being created in the Moscow region (Zelenograd, Troitsk, Zhukovsky). In addition, many scientific centers have been formed in the Russian defense complex, having not only scientific institutes, laboratories, design bureaus, but also experimental industrial enterprises. There are dozens of such closed cities (with a total population of about 700 thousand people).

Consequently, technopolises are centers that unite institutions of science (including defense) with knowledge-intensive industrial enterprises.

Questions and tasks

1. What sectors are included in the scientific complex?
2. What is the geography of the Russian scientific complex?
3. What changes have taken place in the scientific complex of Russia during the years of reforms?
4. What is a technopolis? What significance will technopolises have in Russia's transition to a post-industrial society?

Geography of Russia. population and economy. Grade 9: textbook. for general education institutions / V.P. Dronov, V.Ya. Rum. - 17th ed., stereotype. - M.: Bustard, 2010. - 285 p.: ill., maps.

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Geography of the scientific complex. The main part of scientific institutions is concentrated in large cities and agglomerations. Reasons: Cooperation of scientific institutions for the organization of research. Consumers of Scientific developments are located in large cities. Historical.

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Geography Grade 9

summary of other presentations

"The Emerald City of Novosibirsk" - Academgorodok. The science. Complex engineering and technical objects. Business house. Zoo. Memorial of Glory. Sports complex "Dynamo". Economy. Attempts to solve the housing problem. Coat of arms of Novosibirsk. Development prospects. Planning project for the center of Academgorodok. Conditions of occurrence. Architectural appearance of Novosibirsk. Museums of Novosibirsk. House of Lenin. Railway station "Novosibirsk-Glavny". Period of development of Novosibirsk architecture.

"Donetsk" - Large enterprises. Holy Dormition Church. Fountain on Lenin Avenue. Famous residents. Donetsk. Fountain in the park. Seversky Donets river. Cafe "Edem". Mira street. Industry. Lenin Square. City. Aquarius water park.

"Symbols of Mordovia" - the State flag. Element of Mordovian embroidery. The meaning of the anthem. Map of the Republic of Mordovia. Anthem of the Republic of Mordovia. Coat of arms. The meaning of the coat of arms. Red fox. Coat of arms of the Republic of Mordovia. Flag of the Republic of Mordovia. State symbols of the Republic of Mordovia.

"Religious composition of the population of Russia" - The national and religious composition of the population of Russia. Saint Isaac's Cathedral. Ukrainians. Bashkortostan. Orthodoxy. Moscow Cathedral Mosque. The largest Orthodox country in the world. Assumption Cathedral. Kazan church. Number. Vologodskaya Oblast. Chuvash. The national composition of the population of Russia. Church of the Ascension. Muslim peoples. Intensive contacts of peoples. largest language families. The number of peoples living on the territory of Russia.

"Characteristics of the Black Sea" - There are few islands in the Black Sea. Dolphins. Black Sea. History of the Black Sea. Waters of the Black Sea. Shores of the Black Sea. major rivers. Wide range of water salinity. Inland Sea of ​​the Atlantic Ocean Basin. Geography data. Black Sea Current. major port cities. Spirorbis. The climate of the Black Sea. Absence of life. Transport area. Black sea shells. Dangerous animals of the Black Sea.

"Far East" Grade 9 - Climate Far East. Relief of the Far East. The zone of coniferous-deciduous forests. Inland waters. Natural resources of the Far East. Ores of non-ferrous metals. Coal reserves in the Far East. 18 oil and gas fields. Only on the Kamchatka Peninsula there are more than 20 active volcanoes. biological resources. Natural zones of the Far East. natural conditions and resources of the Far East.

On one of the channels they talked about the reduction in the share of people employed in the business sector of the Russian scientific complex. I didn't know about the science complex or its sectors, so I felt stupid. Decided to fix it.

The concept of a scientific complex

So, the scientific complex is a set of sectors of the economy, the purpose of which is to create new knowledge, technologies, and uniting three components:

  • industries oriented to the defense industry (60% of the complex's employees);
  • scientific research institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences (10%);
  • Higher education institutions of the country, archives, museums, libraries (30%).

The composition of the scientific complex

Back in Soviet times, the branches of knowledge were divided into military and civil systems. If the military scientific complex includes scientific and technical organizations of the country's leading universities, then the civilian one consists of science sectors:

  • university;
  • industry;
  • academic;
  • factory.

And after the collapse of the Union, the business sector appeared.

The academic sector in its organizational structure has scientific organizations of the Academy of Sciences and branch academies. The most significant place in this sector belongs to Russian Academy Sciences and its departments.

The university sector of science unites different types of organizations that are engaged in research and development:

  • experimental farm;
  • design organizations;
  • botanical gardens;
  • observatories;
  • research departments, institutes;
  • scientific and educational centers;
  • industry laboratories;
  • educational and experimental farms;
  • design and technology bureaus at institutes.

The sectoral sector of science focuses more on applied research, technological and experimental design.

The factory sector of science in its structure contains engineering and technical divisions of production associations and industrial enterprises. The sector unites design bureaus, research institutes, which are on an independent balance of production associations and industrial enterprises.

The business sector brings together centers of applied science, which are characterized by non-state funding, and private.