
The topic of the week is my city, the middle group is planning. Thematic week in kindergarten for the senior group: My city. Types of children deyat

The topic of the week is my city, the middle group is planning.  Thematic week in kindergarten for the senior group: My city.  Types of children  deyat

Publication date: 01/18/16

Target: education of patriotic feelings.


1. Give children an idea of ​​Russia as a country.

2. Introduce children to the symbols of Russia: flag, coat of arms, anthem.

3.Activate the dictionary on the topic.

Planned results: shows interest in the information that he receives during communication, positive aesthetic feelings and emotions when listening to the Anthem of Russia; is interested in games, people's lives, actively and benevolently interacts with the teacher and peers in solving gaming and cognitive tasks; interested in visual children's activities (drawing on the theme "My city").

Materials for the lesson:

Geographic map, globe.

Image of the coat of arms of Russia.

Audio recording of the Anthem of Russia.

Image of the Flag of Russia.

Images of coats of arms of other states.

Images of tricolor Flags of other states.

- strips of paper: red, blue, white

Location: group room.

Preliminary work: introduction to stories and poetry. Physical learning. minutes, board games.

Lesson progress

1. Organizational moment.
Greetings. Children form a circle, take each other's hands and greet the guests:"Hello adults." This contributes to the creation of friendly relations in the group, sets them up for active participation in the lesson. After the greeting, the children take their seats.

2. The main part.

Teacher: Guys, the topic of our lesson is “My country”. What is the name of the country we live in?

Child: Country where we live Russia.

Teacher: Russia is our motherland. Guys, what is the official name of our country?

Child: Our country has a name Russian Federation.

Teacher: It is the largest country in the world . (Consideration of the globe, geographical map)

Teacher: Each country has its own symbols: coat of arms, anthem, flag. Russia has them too (the image of the coat of arms of Russia is shown)

Teacher: The coat of arms is the emblem of the state. It is depicted on all seals, banknotes, both paper and metal, passports, documents. The coat of arms of Russia depicts a double-headed eagle, whose heads are turned to the west and east:

Russia is majestic. On the coat of arms there is a double-headed eagle,
To the west and east
He could look right away


Teacher: The eagle itself symbolizes the strength and power of our country, in its paws it has a scepter and orb - symbols of royal power. Above the heads of the eagle are 3 crowns. The whole figure of the eagle speaks of its strength and invincibility. The emblem of Moscow is depicted on the chest of the eagle: George the Victorious, piercing the Serpent. The serpent is an evil that will surely be defeated .

Game "Find the Emblem of Russia"

Teacher:Guys, among the images of the Coats of Arms of other states, find the Coat of Arms of Russia(1-child at the blackboard)

Teacher: Guys, pay attention to the image of the horseman - George the Victorious ( tells the legend of the Serpent)

Legend« Ch udo George about the Serpent": In a certain city of Lasia, king Selvius ruled. The city flourished. But not far from him, a monstrous Serpent wound up in the quagmire, which began to devour the inhabitants. Every day the number of victims grew. Then the king gathered an army and went to the Serpent, but the monster stirred up a commotion in the quagmire, and the army could not even come close to him. Then the king issued an order according to which the inhabitants were to give their children in turn, and in the case when the turn came to the king, he promised to give him his only daughter, Elisava. All the children were given to the monster, and the king, having mourned, sent the princess to him.

At this time, Lasia George was passing by. Seeing the crying girl, he began to ask her what was the matter, and she told him about the Serpent. George defeated the Serpent, saving the girl and the whole city from inevitable death. Since then, the fame of George and his feat has spread throughout the world. (The text of the legend is taken from the book Vakhrushev A.A., Kochemasova E.E., Akimova Yu.I. Hello world! Guidelines. -M: Balass, 2003.-304s.)

Teacher: Russian anthem. The anthem is the musical symbol of the country. It is performed on solemn occasions, listened to standing, silently. If the anthem sounds with words, then the citizens of Russia should sing along. Let's listen to a fragment of the Anthem of Russia. (Listening to audio recording.)

teacher: Did you like the Anthem? Have you ever heard it before? In what situations? What did you feel while listening? (We listen to the children's answers.)

Teacher: Flag of Russia. Our flag consists of three horizontal stripes. White on top, blue in the middle, red on the bottom. The concept of "tricolor". What do you think each color means? (We listen to the children's answers.)

White color - birch,
Blue is the color of the sky
The red stripe is a fiery dawn. (V.Stepanov)


White color - symbolizes the purity of the Russian soul.

Blue color - the color of valor and honor, symbolizes strength.

Red is the color of blood spilled by soldiers for Russia.

Game "Find the Flag of Russia"

Teacher: Guys, among the images of the Flags of other states, find the Flag of Russia(1-child at the blackboard)

3. Practical work.
Teacher: Children, go to the tables and make the flag of Russia out of colored stripes. (The teacher controls the correctness of the assignment.)

4. Summing up. (Conversation on the topic of the lesson.)

Did you enjoy today's lesson? (We listen to the children's answers.)

What new did you learn today? (We listen to the children's answers.)

Thank you, our lesson is over.

Depict one of the symbols of Russia - the Flag or the Coat of Arms.

Irina Danilova
Complex-thematic planning of the week "History of my country, my city" (preparatory group)

Topic weeks: « History of my country, my city» .

Target: Expand children's ideas about their native country about public holidays. Give basic information about Russian history. To deepen and clarify ideas about the Motherland - Russia. Keep children interested in events taking place in country to instill a sense of pride in her accomplishments. To consolidate knowledge about the flag, coat of arms and anthem of Russia. Expand ideas about Moscow - the main thing city, the capital of Russia. To cultivate respect for people of different nationalities and their customs. Continue to expand children's ideas about their native land. Continued acquaintance with the sights of the region in which the children live.

1. Cognitive - speech development


Acquaintance with the outside world


"Moscow is the capital of Russia", « Russian history» . Target: Introduce children to the history of the country, with its symbols. Cultivate interest in history of their country a feeling of love and pride in one's own country. Cultivate patriotic feelings.

"Customs of the Russian people" Target: to expand children's knowledge about the customs and traditions of the Russian people.

"Day of the Unity of Russia"

"A Journey into the Past of Money" Target: Introduce the history of money, their purpose. Introduce coins, monetary units of different countries.

"I love Russian birch" Target: to expand children's knowledge about the Russian beauty - birch. Give an idea about the benefits of birch.

"Introduction to the Russian Folk Doll" Target: Continue to introduce Russian folk crafts and traditions. Introduce the types of homemade dolls.

« Flag History» Target: Introduce children to the concept "flag", as a state symbol, with history of its origin, with the meaning of the flag in modern life, its practical application.

"Kalyazin - past and present" Target: continue to get acquainted with the past and present fit cities, historical monuments, culture cities.


"The streets of our cities» ,

"Monuments stories»

"Souvenir shop"

Create albums: "Sights of the capital", "Kalyazin".

Create a collection "money signs"

Get to know the geographic map

Didactic games:

"Which cars are more"

"Compare houses by height"

"What houses are more"

"Repeat don't make a mistake"

Choose a pair according to your size »

"What numbers are hidden on the cars"

"Name the ordinal numbers of flowers in height"

“Increase the number of houses by…., Decrease by…”


"Fairy-tale houses made of cubes" Target: cause an emotional attitude to the building, develop artistic taste, imagination.

"Train Station" Target: to exercise children in the construction of buildings, encouraging creativity and ingenuity.

"Ragdoll "spin" Target: develop figurative and spatial thinking, the development of the eye, fine motor skills of the fingers. Cultivating perseverance.

Manual labor

Help the janitor on the site.

picking branches, shoveling snow, sweeping paths. Target: to promote the development of industriousness, respect for the work of adults.

Watering, loosening flowers in group, the work of attendants.


Presentation: "Motherland", based on a poem by Z. Alexandrova

Drawing up a story for children about Moscow using 6-8 reference pictures

Map travel

Viewing albums, maps of the region.

Viewing the album with the image of sights the cities of Moscow and Kalyazin.

Album review "Russian crafts"

Album review "Matryoshka"

- D / game: "Why beautiful town» ,

game exercise "Most Attentive Citizen".

"Come up with fairy tale characters for a given letter"

"What does it look like?"

"Choose the right words"


"What fairy-tale character is like what"

Reading fiction

A. Mityaev "Bag of Oatmeal"

M. Isakovsky “A Red Army soldier is buried here”

S. Alekseev "The first night ram"

S. Baruzdin « Country, where we live".

Poem M. Isakovsky "Go beyond the seas - oceans"

N. Rubtsova "Hello Russia ...

reading poems to children about the Motherland.

"Better there is no native land" P. Voronko (learning a poem)

Russian folk tales, epics.

2. Social - personal development


Story games: "Hospital", "Builders", "The hairdresser", "Modeler", "Daughters - mothers", "Score", "Mail".

Didactic game "What's extra?", "Who lives where?" "Repair the traffic light",

rowing snow on the playground, sanding the paths. Warming of perennial flowers.


"How to behave in the streets cities»

How to behave in public places

"How to behave during the tour"

"Beware of ice!"

3. Artistic and aesthetic development


"Where does the Motherland begin" Target: to create conditions for reflecting in the drawing ideas about the place of one's residence as one of the corners of one's homeland. Continue to learn simple plots and landscapes. develop creative imagination, ability to compositions.

"Russian nesting doll" Target: to introduce children to different types of painting nesting dolls. Decoration sundress matryoshka.


"Russian folk doll" Learn how to make a simple doll - a twist. Arouse interest in Russian folk art and needlework.

"Russian birch" Target: learn to convey the shape of a birch using colored paper.

"Eagles on the Mountains" Target: to teach children to create plastic composition: to model a mountain from a block of plasticine using a stack notch method and sculpt an eagle with spread wings. Raise interest in the knowledge of nature and the reflection of ideas about it in art.

Learning Russian folk songs, ditties

Listening to the anthem of Russia.

4. Physical development

Physical training

Outdoor games:

"Ball up"

"Kick the ball out of the circle"



"Bear, what are you eating?"

At the bear in the forest "

"Baba sowed peas»


Target: Target: promote the development of motor activity, learn to play by the rules, learn to act on a signal.

Physical minutes

Bear cubs Fizkultprivet

Bear cubs lived in the thicket, Two girlfriends in the swamp,

twisted their heads. Two green frogs

Like this, like this, they washed themselves early in the morning,

They turned their heads. Rubbed with a towel.

The cubs were looking for honey, stomping their feet,

They shook the tree together. hands clapped,

Like this, like this

They shook the tree together.

Waddled to the right, leaned to the left

And they drank water from the river. And they returned back

That's it, that's it That's the secret of health.

And they drank water from the river. All physical education friends!

And then they danced

Paws raised together.

Like this, like this

Paws raised together.

"Stand on your toes"

Got up on toes

Got the ceiling.

We leaned over as many times as we have ducks.

How many circles will I show.

Do so many jumps.


The teacher gives commands, but the children carry out only those that are accompanied by the word, please.

If you like

The teacher sings the song and shows the movements. Children sing along and repeat the movements.

(2 finger clicks above head).

If you like it then do it (2 hand claps).

If you like it then do it (2 claps behind the knees).

If you like it then do it (2 foot stomp).

If you like it, then you tell: "Good!".

If you like it, then show it to others.

Finger gymnastics


The house stands with a chimney and a roof.

I went out to the balcony for a walk.

(On the first line, the palms are straight, touch each other with fingers, depicting the roof of the house. Bend the index finger up (pipe). On the second line, bend the little fingers, depicting a balcony)


Hello golden sun!

Hello blue sky!

Hello, free breeze,

Hello little oak tree!

We live in the same region -

I welcome you all

(fingers of the right hand in turn "greet" with the fingers of the left hand,

patting them with the tips).

Breathing exercise

"Bunnies smell flowers"

Bunnies smell flowers, how can you smell?

I. p - standing legs apart, strain

Hands to the sides - inhale,

Slowly exhale the air with a tube, relax (the flower withered, the head

Lower down, hands down. (3-4 times)

Gymnastics for the eyes

The game "Zhmurki"

1. close your eyes with your hands, open.

2. blink quickly.

Invigorating gymnastics after sleep

In the bed:

Dreams flew out the window

They ran down the path.

Well, we woke up

And when they wake up, they smile.

It's high time to get up.

The dream is over - get up!

But not at once.

At first, the hands woke up and stretched.

Turned from side to side,

And everyone lay down on their backs as loose as they could.

Legs are straightened

They danced a little.

Arms up and legs up

Playing around now is not a sin.

Self massage

So that the throat does not hurt,

We will stroke him boldly.

We will also rub the forehead,

We put the palm with a visor.

Make a fork with your finger

Massage your ears skillfully.

We know, we know, yes, yes, yes

We don't need a cold!

Complex of morning exercises

Complex(with gymnastic stick)


I. p .: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, gymnastic stick in hands (hold it with a grip closer to the ends)- dropped down.

Performance: 1 - with straight arms lift the stick up. 2 - lower the stick on the shoulders. 3 - with straight arms lift the stick up. 4 - return to and, p.

Repeat: Five times.


I. p .: standing, legs wider than shoulders, arms with a stick lowered. Performance: 1 - lean forward, hold the stick in front of you, do not lower your head, do not bend your knees. 2 - return to and. P.

Repeat: Five times.

3. "TURNS"

I. p .: standing, legs wider than shoulders, hands with a stick in front.

Performance: 1 - turn to the right side, do not lower your hands with a stick, to tell: "to the right". 2 - return to and. n. the same to the left side, to tell: "Left". 4 - return to and. P.

Repeat: 3 times in each direction.

4. "STEP"

I. p .: standing, legs parallel, hands with a stick below. Performance: 1 - holding the stick as close to the ends as possible, step over it (without letting go of her) right foot; don't lower your head. 2 - return to and. p. 3 - holding the stick as close to the ends as possible, step over it (without letting go of her) left foot; don't lower your head. 4 - return to and. item 1 Repeat: 3 times each leg.

5. "JUMP"

I. p .: standing, legs parallel, hands on the belt, gymnastic stick on the floor.

Performance: 1 - 10 - jumping on two legs over a stick (jump forward, turn around, jump back into the pond, turn around)

Walking with arm swings (marching). Repeat: 3 times.

Dynamic exercises for the tongue.

1. "Watch", ("Pendulum").The mouth is ajar. Lips stretched into a smile. With the tip of a narrow tongue, alternately stretch under the teacher's account to the corners of the mouth.

2. "Snake". The mouth is wide open. The narrow tongue is strongly pushed forward and removed deep into the mouth.

3. "Swing". The mouth is open. With a tense tongue, reach for the nose and chin, or for the upper and lower incisors.

4. "Football", ("Hide Candy").The mouth is closed. With a tense tongue, rest against one or the other cheek.

5. "Brush your teeth". The mouth is closed. Circle the tongue between the lips and teeth in a circular motion.

6. "Coil". The mouth is open. The tip of the tongue rests on the lower incisors, the lateral edges are pressed against the upper molars. wide tongue "rolls out" forward and retracts into the mouth.

7. "Horse". Suck the tongue to the palate, click the tongue. Click slowly and strongly, pull the hyoid ligament.

8. "Harmonic". The mouth is open. Tongue stick to the palate. Without lifting the tongue from the palate, strongly pull down the lower jaw.

9. "Painter". The mouth is open. Wide tip of the tongue tassel, we lead from the upper incisors to the soft palate.

10. "Delicious jam". The mouth is open. Lick the upper lip with a wide tongue and remove the tongue deep into the mouth.

11. "Let's lick our lips". The mouth is open. Lick first the upper, then the lower lip in a circle.

5. Creation of conditions for independent activity

Reviewing encyclopedias on the topic "Our Motherland", "Coats of Arms", "Flags".

Drawing and modeling on a free topic.

Create a collection "money signs"

Create an album "Kalyazin", "The capital of our Motherland".

Construction from paper, cubes, mosaics, constructor.

6. Working with parents

Individual conversations and consultations upon request.

Excursion "The streets of our cities»

selection of photographs and illustrations to create albums and collections.

Training reports with the child.

Gogoleva Elena
Synopsis of GCD on cognitive and speech development in the middle group "My country Russia"

Integration of educational regions: « Cognition» , "Socialization", "Communication", perception of fiction.

Target: The formation of patriotic feelings based on a conversation about the native country, give an idea of country.


To form the moral foundations of patriotic feelings;

Continue to form children's knowledge of state symbols Russia;

Strengthen children's knowledge of our country;

Learn to answer questions depending on the content;

Cultivate a sense of love for their homeland - Russia;

Equipment: Tape recorder, projector, slides, cards with the image of the coat of arms, flag; souvenirs (checkboxes).

preliminary work:

The study of state symbols Russia(their origin and history) ;

Learning poems by Russian poets about the Motherland;

consideration illustrations, atlases, paintings, postcards;

Museum visit in kindergarten "Russian hut" .

Lesson progress

Children sit on chairs. Sounds like a poem from a movie "Brother 2"

I found out that I have

There is a huge family -

And the path, and the forest,

In the field, every spikelet!

River, blue sky

This is all mine, dear!

This is my homeland!

I love everyone in the world!

caregiver: And what is the Motherland for each of us?

Children: (this is my house, my family, my mother and me, my country)

caregiver: - You are right guys, all this is our great Motherland, which consists of large parts - my family, my home, my village. And who will say what is the name of our country?

Children: Our country Russia!

caregiver: There is countries small and large.

Children: Our Russia is big?

caregiver: She is very big: when we go to bed on another part country people wake up. It may also be that in one part it is snowing, and in the other the sun is shining. In the north, winters are long and summers are short and not hot. When we go from the north to the south, it will be vice versa: winter is short and not cold, summer is long and hot. Look at the map (slides Russia on the world map and on the map of the mainland). All about our do not tell the country so let's go on a tour. What will we travel on?

Children: By train.

Fizminutka Locomotive.

Choo-choo-choo, little train - They go one after another

He runs, swings,

Whoops, tries, ooh, shh, hands up then down

So, so, so, so Circular movements of the hands

The first stop is the forest! (slides - forest, vegetation, forest animals)

caregiver: What is it? Where are we?

Children: There are many trees here, they are different. Flowers, bushes and grass. Oh look, bear! Wolf! Fox! Squirrel! Hedgehog! And who is this?

caregiver: This is a raccoon, but chipmunk, sable, marten, birds. Considered the forest and its inhabitants? Let's move on, take your seats.

Train game

Stop two - field (slides - field, meadows, steppe)

Children: Fields, and corn, sunflowers, peas grow on it.

caregiver: Yes, guys, and they also grow wheat, barley, rye, herbs in our fields. And this (slide meadow) meadow!

Children: Oh, what beautiful flowers - different. (slide steppe) Is there a lot of grass and flowers here?

caregiver: Because it is a steppe. But animals live both in the steppe and in the meadows - mice, moles, hamsters, many birds. AT Russia various meadows and steppes with different herbs, birds, insects.

Children: Let's go on a plane!

caregiver: Take seats on our plane (children sit on chairs, watch the mountain slide Russia, rivers, flora and fauna) If long, long, long

In an airplane we fly

If long, long, long

On the We should watch Russia,

We'll see then

Both forests and cities

ocean spaces,

Ribbons of rivers, lakes, mountains ...

(V. Stepanov)

Slides of the Caucasus and Ural mountains

caregiver: there are many mountains on the territory of Russia, but the largest are Caucasian and Ural. We live in the Caucasus and the closest peaks to us are Elbrus, Dykhau, Pushkin Peak.

And now we're flying over the seas. Have you all been to the sea in summer?

Children: Yes!

caregiver: Most often, we all have a rest on the Black Sea, because it is closer to us than all other seas. But we have a lot seas: Caspian, White, Barents, mediterranean. Our seas are warm and cold. But all the seas are inhabited by animals.

Children: In the sea live fish, dolphins, sharks, seals, seahorses, stars, barnacles, crabs, octopuses, jellyfish.

caregiver: Yes, guys, there are a lot of them. (slide Marine life).

And of course in Russia has many cities. What cities do you know (answers) What city is the capital of our country?

Children: Moscow is the capital of our country.

caregiver: What characters Russia we know?

Children: Coat of arms - it has a double-headed eagle, and the flag - blue, red, white.

caregiver: That's how much we know about our country. Listen to the poem by G. Ladonshchikova:

hills, copses,

Meadows and fields -

native, green

Our land.

The land where I made

Your first step

Where did you ever go out

To fork in the road.

And I realized that it

expanse of fields -

Particle of the great

My fatherland.

Reflection: Guys, what did you like today? Which poem did you like and which one would you like to learn?

Related publications:

"Russia is my Motherland". Synopsis of GCD on cognitive and speech development in the senior preparatory group An old yard, young birches, A round dance of curly poplars, This is all my country Russia, A sweet image of my Motherland! Educational integration.

"Harvesting". Directly organized activities for cognitive and speech development in the middle group Examining the storyline. Purpose: To improve the ability of children to compose narrative stories based on a picture, adhering to the plan.

Synopsis of an integrated lesson on the cognitive and speech development of children in the middle speech therapy group "Gifts of Autumn" Synopsis of an integrated lesson on the cognitive and speech development of children in the middle speech therapy group Topic: "Gifts of Autumn." Goals:.

Synopsis of the GCD on the speech development of children in the senior group "Land of fairy tales by K. I. Chukovsky" Synopsis of the GCD on the speech development of children in the senior group "Country of fairy tales by K. I. Chukovsky" Tasks. Educational: 1. consolidate knowledge.

Synopsis of an open lesson on cognitive and speech development in the middle group "Toys from a grandmother's chest" Synopsis of an open lesson with children of the middle group on cognitive and speech development. "Toys from Grandma's Chest" Purpose: Initiation.

Thematic week in the senior group "My city"

Description: This material is intended for kindergarten teachers.
Target: education in children of moral and patriotic feelings, love for the small Motherland.
Tasks: clarify and expand children's knowledge of their hometown; develop creative skills; cultivate love for the native city and the region.
Forward planning:
1 half day
Conversation" My favorite northern city" - to consolidate children's knowledge about their hometown, to form patriotic feelings, to be able to recognize from illustrations and be able to talk about the sights of the city, to cultivate a sense of pride in their city.
Reading poems: Elena Shibaeva "Beloved city of the north", Lydia Smorodina Better not, Labytnangi you.
mobile game "Pick berries" (children pick berries in a basket, pronouncing their names)
And blueberries grow in the forest,
blueberries and lingonberries,
to pick a berry
you have to go deeper.
I walked in the forest
I carry a basket with berries.
Work based on lepbook materials "My city is Labytnangi"

2 half a day
Didactic game "What grows in the native land" - to consolidate the knowledge of children about the plants of our region.
Observation while walking for blooming Ivan - tea - introduce Ivan - tea to a flowering herbaceous plant Ivan - tea, disassemble its structure, talk about the benefits of a flower.
Artistic word: Viktor Bokov "Ivan - tea"
I don’t know anything more tender than Ivan-tea!
I don't share my admiration with anyone.
He stands, slowly shaking his head,
Giving bows to the bee and the bumblebee.
I recognize his pink-pink cone,
I distinguish crimson light fire.
I'll come, gently touch my hand
And I will hear a plea: "Do not destroy and do not touch!
1 half day
Conversation "My city is being built" - to clarify and expand children's knowledge about the construction of the city, to cultivate love for their hometown.
Observation while walking "Building a house" - to activate the names of construction equipment in children's speech, to teach grammatically accurate sentences, formulating questions and answers on this topic.
art word (mystery)
What is this giant
Carrying a heavy load
Helps us build
And homes and schools? (crane!)
2 half a day
art activities "City building" - to form knowledge about the native city; to form the technique of drawing with gouache, thick and thin brushes; develop creative imagination, a sense of composition.

1 half day
Reading a poem Irina Tokmakova "Ten birds - a flock" - to clarify and expand children's ideas about birds, the features of their appearance, forming the habitat, to cultivate a caring attitude towards birds.
target walk in the city square (invite the children to feed the pigeons, watch the birds peck food) - to generalize and systematize the knowledge of children about the life of birds, to cultivate a caring attitude towards birds.
2 half a day
art activities with the use of non-traditional techniques - collage (teamwork) - the development of children's creativity.

1 half day
Conversation "What is a hike. Rules of conduct on a hike. We're going on a hike." - explain to children what a hike is; discuss the rules of conduct in the campaign; develop a route; nurture interest in tourism activities.
Didactic game "Our hiking backpack" - to form vital knowledge, skills, abilities in children, to teach children how to properly pack a backpack.
Hiking in the forest area - generalize children's ideas about the life of plants and animals in our region; to develop ecological ideas; cultivate love and respect for nature; invite children to collect plants for compiling a herbarium; natural material for making crafts.
2 half a day
Reading a Nenets fairy tale "Oleshek and the Mouse" - to develop the best qualities in children: high spirituality, kindness, responsiveness, mercy, compassion, respect for animals, instill a love for Nenets fairy tales.
mobile game peoples of the north "Heiro" (sun) - to fix the rules of the game, to promote the development of physical activity, to cultivate respect for the original culture of the indigenous peoples of Yamal.
1 half day
Conversation "Our River Ob" - to consolidate children's knowledge about the importance of the river for our city, to cultivate a respect for nature.
The game "Journey along the Ob River" - to form playing skills, cultivate friendly relationships, a sense of collectivism.

Didactic exercise "Assemble the puzzle" (YNAO fish) - develop speed of reaction, quick wits.
2 half a day
Reading a Dolgan fairy tale "The old fisherman and the raven" - to expand children's knowledge about the uniqueness of the life of the peoples of the north, to cultivate a love for fairy tales, a sense of respect for the life and traditions of other peoples.

Monday 11/16/2015Theme of the week: "My home , my city ».


Group, subgroup



7.00 – 9.00

Morning gymnastics.Conversation: "My house, my city."

Target: To consolidate children's knowledge about the concept of "home", to cultivate love, a sense of attachment to their home, city.Speech development: Belyakova JuliaMoscow, Moscow, my home!

"What does it look like?" Goals: To develop ingenuity, the ability to see the characteristic features of objects, to examine, highlight and name a circle, a square, a square according to two signs.(Anton, Masha V.)

Desktop printed games.

Target: To encourage the desire of children to master the rules of the simplest board-printed games, to teach them to obey the rules in the game.

9.00 -09.20



cognitive development(FEMP). "Square". Target: Learn to make a square of counting shelves; name square-shaped objects; count in order, answer the questions: which? Which? To consolidate the idea that the number of objects (their number) does not depend on their location; about the sequence of parts of the day. (V.N. Novikova No. 9 p. 27)

Physical culture (street)

Games with a psychologist


10.10 – 12.15

Observation for the birds.

Target: Clarify the understanding of the presence of paws in birds and their functions.

"Walking with a side step."

Target: Improve stepping technique.(Artemy, Masha Z.)

Games on the playground at the request of the children. Target: Encourage the desire of children to organize a game with their peers, teach them to equip a place for a game, select attributes, and implement a game plan.

Preparing for dinner, lunch.



15.00 – 16.30

Speech development: Bukashkina T.V."There is a city on earth...".

(for kindergarten 4-5 years old)

"Create a pattern." Target: Distinguishing geometric shapes, determining their color, location, development of fine motor skills. (Ira, Vanya)

Games in the corner of the theater (at the choice of children).Target: To evoke in children the need for emotional communication.


16.30 – 18.45

Labor activity: Sweeping paths in the area.Target: Outdoor games: "Aircraft". Goals: To learn to quickly perform movements at the signal of the teacher and run in the indicated direction; cultivate friendliness. "Whose link is more likely to gather?". Target: Exercise in the ability to build in a circle.

Planning of educational workTuesday 11/17/2015


Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Independent activity of children

Interaction with parents, social partners

Group, subgroup



7.00 – 9.00

Morning gymnastics.

Conversation: "What address do you live at." Target: To consolidate the ability to call your address, to develop coherent speech through complete answers.Speech development: Agniya Barto"Country address".

"Find differences". Target: Exercise, stimulate and activate children's vision in the course of performing activities.(Olya K., Olya O.)

Independent game activities of children, story games (selection of games by children according to interests). Target: Expand the scope of independent actions of children in choosing a role. To learn to unite in the game with peers, to conduct role-playing dialogues, to take the initiative and to propose new roles or actions.

Individual conversations and consultations at the request of parents.

Directly educational activities

9.00 -09.20


The development of speech. The story on the picture "Dog with puppies." Reading poems about late autumn. Target: Teach children to describe a picture in a certain sequence, name the picture. Introduce children to poetry.(V.V. Gerbova Lesson 3 p. 38)

Music according to the specialist's plan



Observation for the weather. Goals: Continue to form ideas about seasonal changes;develop observation, learn to analyze, draw conclusions.

"Movement development".

Target: Strengthen the ability to jump from one circle to another.(Rita, Ira)

Independent motor activity. Target: Teach children to organize games on their own, find activities of their own interests.

Preparing for dinner, lunch.

Preparation for sleep, daytime sleep. 12.15 – 15.00

Teach children how to properly hold a spoon while eating.

Learnneatly fold and hang clothes on a chair before going to bed.


15.00 – 16. 30

Improving gymnastics, walking along the massage path.

Speech development: Agniya Barto"Houses".

Work in workbooks in mathematics V.P. Novikov. (for kindergarten 4-5 years old)

"Find an object by its shadow." Target: To teach to distinguish an object along its contour, to develop visual perception, attention, thinking.(Olya K., Dima)

Board games "Paired pictures", "Domino", "Puzzles".Target: Cultivate the ability to play together, obey the rules.


16. 30 – 1 8 .4 5

Labor activity: Cleaning up equipment after games.Target: Teach children to perform appropriate labor operations, pay attention to the results of work.Outdoor games: "Leaf fall". Target: Learn to run without bumping into each other."Run to what I call."

Goals: Learn to run fast at the signal of the teacher; fix the name of the trees.

Individual conversations and consultations on parenting issues.

Planning of educational workWednesday 11/18/2015


Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Independent activity of children

Interaction with parents, social partners

Group, subgroup



7.00 9.00

Morning gymnastics.

Conversation: "View illustrations of my city." Target: Develop the ability to view illustrations. Expand the horizons of children; develop active speech of children, enrich the vocabulary of words.Speech development: Polina Nikolaeva"My beloved Moscow".

"Assemble the whole from the parts." Target: Development of perception of subject images, color perception. (Vanya, Olya K.)

Construction Games

Target: To learn how to analyze a model of a building (identify the main parts, distinguish and correlate them in size and shape), create buildings commensurate with the existing toys.

Individual conversations and consultations at the request of parents.

Direct educational activities

9.00 - 09.20


Cognitive development (FTsKM). "My city Moscow". Target: Give an idea about Moscow - the capital of Russia, learn to talk about Moscowdescribe your city. (Complex classes T.S. Komarova Middle group p. 218)

Physical Culture according to the specialist's plan



Rowan watching.

Target: To consolidate knowledge about the benefits mountain ash brings to animals and birds in the cold season.

"Movement development".

Target: Improve orientation in space and time; sense of balance, rhythm, eye.(Olya O., Danya O.)

Takeaway games: toys, chalk, cars.

Preparing for dinner, lunch.

Preparation for sleep, daytime sleep. 12.15 – 15.00

Teach children how to properly hold a spoon while eating.

Learnneatly fold and hang clothes on a chair before going to bed.


15.00 16.30

Improving gymnastics, walking along the massage path.

Speech development: N. Gol"My house". Work in workbooks in mathematics V.P. Novikov. (for kindergarten 4-5 years old)

"Fold the picture and define the story." Target: Develop fine motor skills of hands, logical thinking.(Vanya, Olya K.)

Desktop printed games. Target: Clarify children's understanding of the rules of familiar games, offer to tell the rules. To teach children to play in pairs, taking turns playing the role of an organizer, player, inspector.


16.30 18.45

Labor activity: Tidying up the site.Target: Teach meticulousness.Outdoor games: "Find us." Goals: Fix the names of objects on the site; learn to navigate in space."Owl". Target: Learn to act quickly on a signal.

Individual conversations and consultations on parenting issues.

Planning of educational workThursday 19.11.2015


Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Independent activity of children

Interaction with parents, social partners

Group, subgroup



7.00 9.00

Morning gymnastics.Writing a descriptive story. Target: Learn to write a descriptive story with the help of a teacher.Speech development: E. Fargen"Little house".

"Connect by dots". Target: Teach kids to connect dots. Learn to stroke.(Masha V., Anton)

Drawing in the ISO corner.

Individual conversations and consultations at the request of parents.

Direct educational activities

9.00 - 09.20

12.00 – 12.20

Modeling. "My house". Target: Learn to sculpt columns and lay out the desired image from them in the form of a bas-relief (the image protrudes above the background plane). To consolidate the ability to work with a stack, cut off the extra parts of the columns. Cultivate compassion and kindness.( D.N. Koldina Lepka with children 4-5 years old No. 21 p. 39)

Physical Culture according to the specialist's plan



Supervision of the work of the janitor.

Goals: Continue monitoring the work of the janitor;promote the development of speech by enriching vocabulary

stock; to cultivate interest and respect for the work of a janitor;

to instill a love for nature, a careful and caring attitude towards the environment.

"Movement development".

Target: Learn to run in circles and stop at a signal.(Egor, Evdokia)

Games with portable material.

Preparing for dinner, lunch.

Preparation for sleep, daytime sleep. 12.20 – 15.00

Teach children how to properly hold a spoon while eating.

Learnneatly fold and hang clothes on a chair before going to bed.


15.00 16.30

Gradual rise of children. Improving gymnastics, walking along the massage path.Speech development:

Reading at the choice of children.

Work in workbooks in mathematics V.P. Novikov. (for kindergarten 4-5 years old)

"What item is superfluous." Target: Learn to classify objects and phenomena according to the principle of connection with certain seasons.(Vadim, Seva)

Fairy tale dramatization « Zayushkina hut ».

Target: Continue to teach children to transfer to

game household scenes.

Generate desire and encourage

the use of substitute toys. Development of the ability to interact

in a group game.


16.30 18.45

Labor activity: Sweeping the veranda.Target: Learn to use whisks correctly.Outdoor games: "Doves and Sparrows". Goals: Exercise in running, walking, tilting your head forward; cultivate friendships. "Smooth circle". Goals: Learn to act quickly on a signal; develop a sense of camaraderie.

Individual conversations and consultations on parenting issues.

Planning of educational workFriday 11/20/2015


Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Independent activity of children

Interaction with parents, social partners

Group, subgroup



7.00 9.00

Morning gymnastics. Conversation: "History of origin". Target: To acquaint children with the history of the origin of the city of Moscow.Speech development: B. Serikbaev« House».

"Trace around the stencil."

Target: development of visual functions, fine motor skills.(Dima, Olga K.)

Games in the play area.

Individual conversations and consultations at the request of parents.

Direct educational activities

9.00 -09.20


Drawing. "Doll House" Target: Continue to teach children to depict objects, consisting of rectangular and square parts; independently choose for the image of one of the proposed options for houses and the color for painting walls and roofs; to fix the techniques of painting with paints in one direction; encourage children to make additions to the drawing, enriching its content.(G.S. Shvaiko Classes on visual activity No. 9 p. 57)

Music according to the specialist's plan



Watching the autumn rain.

Goals: Continue to form ideas about seasonal changes in nature (the sky is covered with clouds, it became cloudy, a light autumn rain fell); cultivate an aesthetic sense of perception of nature.

"Get in the basket."

Target: Develop accuracy, eye. (Artemy, Vanya)

Labor activity

Territory cleaning.

Target: To accustom to work together, to achieve the task by joint efforts.

Preparing for dinner, lunch.

Preparation for sleep, daytime sleep. 12.15 – 15.00

Teach children how to properly hold a spoon while eating.

Learnneatly fold and hang clothes on a chair before going to bed.


15.00 16.30

Improving gymnastics, walking along the massage path.

Speech development: A. Akhundova« Window" .

Work in workbooks in mathematics V.P. Novikov. (for kindergarten 4-5 years old)

"Labyrinth". Target: development of oculomotor functions, eye coordination. (Masha V., Ira)

Finger games.

Target: Contribute to the creation of a joyful mood in children, draw attention to the rhythmic sound of words, to the intonation of the voice. Continue to teach imitative play actions.


16.30 18.45

Labor activity: Cleaning up equipment after games.Target: Teach children to perform appropriate labor operations, pay attention to the results of work.Outdoor games: "Who quickly?". Target: learn to run fast, act on the signal of the teacher, follow the rules of the game. "Cat and Mouse". Target: to learn to run easily, without bumping into each other, to navigate in space.

Individual conversations and consultations on parenting issues.