
"Total dictation": there were mistakes in the words "half" and "half a turn". In what words did Krasnoyarsk residents make the most mistakes on the "Total Dictation" About typical mistakes

– When you saw the text, did you note potentially dangerous moments for yourself? What words immediately became clear: they will make mistakes?

– Some of our expectations were confirmed, while others, to our great joy, were not. For example, we expected many errors in the word "art", but those who wrote the Total Dictation had practically none. This suggests that this word is well learned in the school course of the Russian language. I emphasize that we draw conclusions not “in general”, not “statistically average”, but only on the basis of the work of the participants in the action, and this is the most competent and active part of the nation.

The next word is “subsequently”, in which there were mistakes, but still their number was not catastrophic, which also shows a good level of learning vocabulary words at school.

- There were words with a hyphen, usually they cause difficulties.

- Yes, it turned out to be difficult, for example, the word in ancient Egyptian, since for its correct spelling it is necessary to remember three rules at the same time. The first rule is hyphenated adverbs with a prefix on- and suffix -and. I think that in words like Turkish there would be practically no errors, since the structure of this word is transparent: from the adjective Turkish adverb formed Turkish using an attachment on- and suffix -and.

This rule is known so well that it is extended to other phenomena. For example, in the same text of the Total Dictation, the word simpler, which many people wrote with a hyphen, most likely by analogy with the rule for adverbs. But simpler is a form of comparative degree adjective (simpleeasiersimpler), so the rule for adverbs does not apply. Prefix in a word simpler denotes a weak degree of manifestation of the trait and is written together.

The second rule to remember for the correct spelling of the word in ancient Egyptian, - this is the rule for the continuous spelling of adjectives formed from phrases based on a subordinate connection. Adverb in ancient Egyptian formed from an adjective ancient egyptian, and it, in turn, from the name of the state Ancient Egypt, which is a phrase built on the basis of a subordinate relationship: Egypt(which?) - Ancient(word Ancient depends on the word Egypt, obeys him). Such adjectives are written together, unlike adjectives like black and white or meat and dairy, formed on the basis of a coordinative connection, suggesting the equality of concepts (cf. black and white, meat and dairy).

And finally, the third rule: writing adjectives formed from proper names, with an uppercase or lowercase letter. Adjective ancient egypt sk uy is written with a lowercase letter, since it contains a suffix -sk-. Wed with adjectives Shaft in , Mish in , which are also formed from proper names, but are written with a capital letter, because they include a different suffix - -in.

Each of these rules separately is well known, but the application of their complex causes difficulties.

“Just like a bunch of punctuation marks?”

- Indeed, the most errors appear in those places where it is necessary to put two signs at the same time, for example, a comma and a dash, while each of the signs must be put according to its own rule. These difficulties are associated with the need to simultaneously apply two or three rules, and such cases are practically not worked out in school grammar, since at school you need to have time to learn at least the core of the rules, and there is no time left for their various combinations.

The combination of different rules, in general, is self-evident, you just need to remember that the confluence of two characters is possible, despite the fact that this often frightens writers, they often ask the question: “Can two characters stand side by side at the same time?” Yes, they can, and even should, since each of them is responsible for his own area. In the first part of this year's Total Dictation, there was this example: ... Sophocles decided to attract actors who could play his works - this is how the theater appeared. In it, it was necessary to put a comma before the dash, closing the subordinate clause who could play his works, and the dash - according to the rule of an asyndetic compound sentence, the second part of which begins with a demonstrative pronoun So.

- And what mistakes were unexpected for you? I read that in the dictation, in a strange way, an okane appeared: departures, orena, ozart ...

- Such errors, in my opinion, are a logical continuation of one of the main "rules" of Russian spelling - "write not what you hear." True, in this case it is impossible to apply the continuation of this rule: if in doubt what should be written, check it, put it under stress. This rule applies to native Russian words, and the words arena, excitement, athlete borrowed from other languages, they are not required to obey the rules of the Russian language.

The rule of checked vowels at the root of a word is the most frequent rule in all texts without exception: in order to write a word correctly nepr about stop, you need to put the corresponding vowel in a stressed position - etc about one hundred. In words athlete, arena, excitement this, of course, is impossible, since in these borrowed words the vowels are unverifiable, but just in case, the writers, apparently, play it safe and write "not what they hear."

There are always many mistakes in borrowed words, since the spelling of these words must be memorized, they are not subject to the rules of the Russian language, which are intuitively understandable to everyone. And if they are rare in the practice of every writer, then there is simply no way to remember them, especially if they are not specially worked out at school, if they do not belong to the category of words that are usually taken into frames for memorization.

An unfortunate mistake was made in the spelling of the names of the states Ancient Greece and Ancient Egypt, when some participants of the action wrote the first word with a lowercase letter. Many were outraged that this was a “not quite spelling” error, but in fact it was spelling: the spelling of such words is regulated by the rule for writing the names of states. Nobody, probably, will dispute the spelling of the names of modern states, such as Russian Federation , USA, United Arab Emirates etc., where each word is capitalized. The names of ancient states are no different from the names of modern states. It is doubly annoying to meet such mistakes, since the history of ancient states is studied at school in some detail, it would seem that this knowledge should be an integral part of the elementary educational standard of every school graduate.

And this is where the question arises about the scope of the concept of “literate person”: how does the modern understanding of “literacy” differ from that recorded in dictionaries? In dictionaries, the word "literate" is defined only as "who can read and write." But this ability today in our country does not surprise anyone, we all, without exception, know how to read and write, since the law on universal secondary education provides this opportunity. This began to be perceived as a natural state of affairs, therefore, in the minds of a modern person, the concept of “literate” began to be filled with meanings that are not reflected in dictionaries. “Competent” is a person who not only knows how to read and write, but does it without mistakes, on high level, recognizing subtle shades of meanings embedded in texts, having a broad outlook.

I once wrote a column called . It is about the fact that many native speakers are very aggressive towards those who make mistakes. Every now and then they offer to imprison everyone, or even shoot them for confusion with put on-put on, for example. Why do you think people react so painfully to mistakes?

– First of all, it is not necessary to write about it so often, such phenomena are spontaneous, isolated, not such people form an atmosphere of general hatred, but the journalists who exaggerate these phenomena. There are far more people who truly care about literacy: first of all, school teachers, these are many, many journalists and philologists who host relevant programs on TV, radio, in magazine and newspaper columns. It is better to write about them, their contribution is much more significant and positive than a single surge of aggression, which, most likely, is a continuation of the disappointment of an individual in life in general, in all its manifestations.

These are just unfortunate people who are afraid to throw out their aggression on other people, because they will probably get a rebuff, they don’t get into a fight, they just swear on the Internet, most often anonymously, splashing out the harmfulness of their character into a language that cannot answer them with anything. , and there is no need for him, since he is great and powerful and will not suffer from such attacks.

- I do not agree with you about aggression: unfortunately, this is not a separate surge, but a constant phenomenon. Vladimir Pakhomov, editor-in-chief of, confirms this, he constantly receives letters asking him to be shot for coffee neuter and so on. They write exactly like this: shoot, plant.

That's why I wrote a column so that people look at themselves from the outside.

- It seems to me that the Total Dictation is a much more widespread phenomenon than individual aggressive antics. I think that the popularity of the action is that the vast majority of people perceive the language as an absolute value, as a way of cultural self-identification that ensures a comfortable existence: this is a guarantee that you are understood correctly, that your communicative intentions are correctly recognized in the community, this, in in the end, the opportunity to maintain the purity of their native language, perhaps even thereby demonstrating their patriotism.

What mistakes are you intolerant of?

– I am tolerant of any mistakes, even swear words (not to be confused with foul language as a form of offensive behavior!), because many of them are a continuation of the system, exist as part of the language in all its diversity.

The question is what counts as a "mistake". If the notorious “ringing” and “coffee” are neuter, then these are not errors at all, but a reflection of the patterns inherent in the very system of the language. They are recognized as “mistakes” by people who try to normalize the possible areas for the use of certain words or forms, they hang evaluation labels on them: this is “high”, this is “low”, this is “permissible in the speech of an educated person”, but this is not. There are no mistakes in the language itself, there are violations of the rules established by people, but such violations also occur in traffic. There, rights are taken away for some mistakes, and they don’t even charge a fine for spelling mistakes.

How literate are today's students? And are they interested in the language?

“Students are the most literate part of our society. In order to enter a university, they must not only pass the Unified State Examination in the Russian language, but get a score in accordance with the high bar set by universities.

And the fact that they are certainly interested in the language is proved by Total Dictation. After all, this is a student, not a philological action: it was invented by students, it is carried out by students, philologists only support them. This interest in the language is blazing all over the world, on all continents, because it is the students who, completely voluntarily and disinterestedly, on the best spring days, when you can do something completely different, organize the Total Dictation, its verification, and verification is not just a one-time an event where you can come, have fun and leave, and this is a painstaking multi-day work, very stressful, since it needs to be carried out in a very short time and in very large volumes. No one forces them, nothing but love for their native language, their activities are not motivated. What more could you want from today's youth? Participation in the Total Dictation brings me to a state of euphoria: literacy is what our students are interested in en masse now.

- Why is dictation a fun, exciting flash mob for the participants of your action, and one of the most boring genres for schoolchildren in the classroom? How to make Russian lessons in schools interesting?

- If dictation in schools was such a boring occupation, no one would go to the dictation with the frightening name "Total". So, it was not so bad to do it at school, since people still write dictations with joy.

It all depends on the personality of the teacher: one and the same thing can be told boring and uninteresting, or it can be exciting and incendiary, and it doesn’t matter at all what this story is about. This means that most teachers still conduct dictations in such a way that you want to write them again and again. If such a large number of people are so reverent about their native language, it means that they took this love out of school. Otherwise, where does this relationship come from? The total dictation only picked up this love, and it was formed at school.

– This time the Total Dictation was written on all six continents. Usually the Russian language of those who have not lived in Russia for a long time is special, it differs from ours. Accordingly, people make mistakes because they do not use the language as often as we do. Where were there more mistakes - in Russia or abroad?

We NEVER compare anyone with each other. This is a condition for the Total Dictation: the action is voluntary and anonymous. Anonymity extends to continents as well.

– Not everyone likes the words “total” and “dictator”. Do you think that during the time that the action exists, it was possible to somehow “whitewash” these words?

- There is nothing wrong with these words, they do not need any “whitewashing”. They are not liked by those who do not know the meaning of the word "total" ("universal") and confuse it with the word "totalitarian". The majority understands these comic nominations and adequately reacts to them.

Maybe someone is suspicious of such words, because they forget that this is a fun youth action. Novosibirsk generally love to play with words. So, we have another event called "Monstration". Someone might think that some “monsters” take part in it, but in fact it is the same fun youth entertainment that takes place on May 1st as nostalgia for the Soviet May Day demonstrations, and it gathers young people who go out to holiday with slogans like “My brother is being forced to eat porridge. Freedom for the children! If you are afraid of everything, then such a slogan may seem dangerous.

So is the word "dictator" - it arose simply because the language does not have a special name for a person dictating a text simultaneously to a large number of ... whom? How to call the participants of this action - "dictators", "dictators", "dictators"? We still do not have a word for those who write the text of the Total Dictation from dictation. At school, schoolchildren write dictations, but who writes them within the framework of the Total Dictation? Maybe they are "totalitarians"? It would be nice to give this word a less threatening meaning.

- If we talk about dictators, then I met a funny version of "dictun". But, of course, he's funny.

– The word “dictator” within the framework of our campaign acquired a new meaning: “one who reads the text of the Total Dictation”, although it did not “soften” its meaning: the text must be written word for word, without deviating from the original version. This, probably, is also a form of dictation, since a free retelling is not counted as the text of the Total dictation.

Perhaps, over time, this meaning of the word “dictator” will also enter the dictionaries, along with its original meaning: “an unlimited ruler temporarily elected by the people to pacify internal unrest or to fight an external enemy; personally, when the need has passed, resigning from his duties and giving an account to the people in all his actions ... " (Complete dictionary foreign words that have come into use in the Russian language. Popov M., 1907). I think this word has a very good meaning. Unfortunately, its second meaning has become more active - "also a person who, in general, arbitrarily and autocratically disposes of something, is not authorized by anyone and neglects the orders and desires of his equals."

But it depends on us what words we use most often and in what meanings. And we are not afraid of the words themselves, but of the phenomena that we associate with them. But these are temporary associations that arose at a certain stage in the historical development of our state, and in ancient Rome, I think, no one was afraid of this word. The fears of the era of totalitarianism will be forgotten, and with them the meanings of many words will be perceived as completely neutral.

- What words would you reassure those who believe that we have all become completely illiterate, and the language is dying?

– My main specialty is field linguistics, I study the languages ​​of the peoples of Siberia, many of which are endangered, so I observe situations where it is believed that this or that language is about to disappear, but it turns out that even those languages ​​in which says 200 people don't give up so easily.

For example, 25 years ago I worked with one informant in a small Khanty village (Khanty is a Finno-Ugric people living in the lower reaches of the Ob). She had a daughter, then a young girl, about whom her mother said that it’s a disaster, she doesn’t know her native language at all, and then we didn’t even consider the possibility of working with this girl, because we doubted that reliable information could be obtained from her. And so I arrived in the same village after 25 years, that our informant was no longer alive, we met with her daughter, and it turned out that she was the most complete native speaker of her native language!

Against the background of the representatives of the older generation, it may seem that young people speak the wrong way and think the wrong way, but when the older generation leaves, it turns out that the traditions are successfully passed on, maybe something is lost, but the language is also enriched. In addition, knowledge accumulates with age, and it is impossible to compare the language competence of an elderly and a young person. For example, I graduated from high school with a "B" in my Russian language certificate. But I received a philological education, and the level of my literacy, of course, increased, but it took many years and a lot of work. Therefore, it is premature to blame the youth for anything.

I compare myself in my student days and today's students. And the comparison is not in my favor. Today's students are definitely more educated and have a much broader outlook: many of them have already seen the world, read a lot of things that I did not even suspect in my student years. I entered the university in 1980. We did not know émigré literature; The Master and Margarita, the Strugatskys or Solzhenitsyn were read (and even then only by those who could get them with great difficulty) in samizdat, in blind "fifth" copies, under the strictest secrecy passing to each other these copies read literally to holes, printed on tissue paper. Now, completely different skills and abilities are in demand, many of which my peers have not mastered.

Of course, we may decide not to speak Russian, or some catastrophic circumstances will force us to abandon it. But can we suddenly switch en masse to any other language? Imagine: from tomorrow you must speak some other language. Is it possible?

Even people who have lived abroad for many years cannot get rid of the accent, the combination of words always betrays a foreigner, these are all traces of our native language, which is not so easy to get rid of, even if we try very hard, we cannot just throw off our native language and dress up in the prestigious attire of any other language. These are such deep mechanisms that can disappear only when there is not a single person physically left on the entire globe who speaks Russian. But for this, cataclysms of universal scale must occur. Let's hope that they do not threaten us in the foreseeable and very distant future.

Linguists continue to disassemble the dictation in parts: the second online broadcast was conducted by the Chairman of the Expert Council, Head of the Department of General and Russian Linguistics of NSU Natalya Koshkareva, the correspondent learned on April 12 from Natalya Koshkareva.

The second part of the text "The City and the River" by Leonid Yuzefovich was written by residents of Novosibirsk. It is dedicated to Perm and Kama.

“The text of 2017 is in tune with the inhabitants of Novosibirsk, which also stands on the great Siberian river. We could write the fourth part of the dictation called “Novosibirsk. Ob". Residents of Novosibirsk wrote the text very well: the number of excellent students has increased significantly. This is probably more than in all previous years combined,” Natalya Koshkareva told about the preliminary results.

In 2016, there were 102 excellent students. The increase in the number of "fives" was influenced by the regular training of the participants of the action in full-time and online courses. In addition, in 2017, the organizers of the action for the first time told in advance about the nine words that will be encountered in the dictation.

“For example, the word “starlet”, which contained the largest number of errors, was “revealed” before the start of the dictation, and everyone who is interested in holding the action could remember its spelling,” added the chairman of the expert council.

Natalia Koshkareva named the saddest mistake in the second part of the Total Dictation: it was no coincidence that it was Eva Dalaskina (a fictional character who, since 2015, the members of the Expert Council have attributed to the mistakes made, “rumors”).

“Instead of writing separately “the streets were called AFTER THE temples that stood on them” (that is, the names of the streets were given in accordance with the names of the temples that were located on them), Eva Dalaskina wrote a combination of the preposition “by” with the participle “standing” together. Eva Dalaskina turned out that the temples “stood” on these streets for some time,” the expert commented.

According to Natalia Koshkareva, the rules that will first need to be prepared for the 2018 dictation will be clear when the new text. But there are the most common mistakes: continuous and separate spelling of NOT with words of different parts of speech, one and two H, punctuation marks in a complex sentence, especially in cases where two characters must be put at the same time, each based on its own rule. It was this case that was discussed during the online debriefing.

“A colon is placed after the generalizing word “second (streets)” before a number of homogeneous members “Sibirskaya, Solikamskaya, Verkhoturskaya”. The colon is a strong sign, it absorbs other signs that are next to it. Therefore, it is easiest to put a colon in this case, ”the linguist explained.

An admissible sign for homogeneous terms with a generalizing word is also a dash. It could also be put in this sentence, but the dash does not absorb the characters that should come before it. That is why the subordinate clause “where the roads flowing from them led” in this case had to be separated by commas on both sides.

“Confluence of signs often causes errors, so it is better to follow the reference options. With a generalizing word that stands in front of a number of homogeneous members, such a reference sign is a colon, ”advised Natalia Koshkareva.

On the page with a record of the online analysis of the dictation, there are tables and matrices where 30 options are allowed, and all are correct, so the question often arises about the limits of variability.

“There really is no variation. Each sign conveys its own meaning. They put a colon - they wanted to emphasize the reason or explanation. They separated the parts of the non-union complex sentence with commas, which means they simply listed the events. The choice of signs is not arbitrary and not random, it depends on the meanings and nuances that the writer wants to convey,” explained Natalya Koshkareva and gave an example.

“I won’t call you () you will be offended” - without punctuation marks it is impossible to determine the relationship between the parts.

“Dash: resentment is a consequence of the fact that I did not call. Colon: possible resentment is the reason why I don't call you. Maybe I will have to tell something unpleasant, ”the linguist showed the significance of the signs and the meaning of the text.

Recall that the first online analysis of the third part of the Total Dictation was the editor of Vladimir Pakhomov.

Linguists continue to parse the dictation piece by piece. In 2016, there were 102 excellent students. The increase in the number of "fives" was influenced by the regular training of the participants of the action in full-time and online courses. In addition, in 2017, the organizers of the action for the first time told in advance about the nine words that will be encountered in the dictation.

For example, the word "sterlet", which contained the largest number of errors, was "revealed" before the beginning of the dictation, and everyone who was interested in holding the action could remember its spelling. But the word still became the leader in terms of the number of errors made.

Expert Natalia Koshkareva named the saddest mistake in the second part of the Total Dictation: it is no coincidence that it was Eva Dalaskina (a fictional character who, since 2015, the members of the Expert Council have attributed to the mistakes made, “rumors”).

“Instead of writing separately ‘the streets were called according to the temples that stood on them’ (that is, the names of the streets were given in accordance with the names of the temples that were located on them), Eva Dalaskina wrote a combination of the preposition ‘by’ with the participle ‘standing’ together. Eva Dalaskina turned out that the temples “stood” on these streets for some time,” the expert commented.

According to Natalia Koshkareva, the rules that will first need to be prepared for the 2018 dictation will be clear when a new text appears. But there are the most common mistakes: continuous and separate spelling of NOT with words of different parts of speech, one and two H, punctuation marks in a complex sentence, especially in cases where two characters must be put at the same time, each based on its own rule.

“A colon is placed after the generalizing word “second (streets)” before a number of homogeneous members “Sibirskaya, Solikamskaya, Verkhoturskaya”. The colon is a strong sign, it absorbs other signs that are next to it. Therefore, it is easiest to put a colon in this case, ”the linguist explained.

An admissible sign for homogeneous terms with a generalizing word is also a dash. It could also be put in this sentence, but the dash does not absorb the characters that should come before it. That is why the subordinate clause “where the roads flowing from them led” in this case had to be separated by commas on both sides.

“Confluence of signs often causes errors, so it is better to follow the reference options. With a generalizing word that stands in front of a number of homogeneous members, such a reference sign is a colon, ”advised Natalia Koshkareva.

On the page with a record of the online analysis of the dictation, there are tables and matrices where 30 options are allowed, and all are correct, so the question often arises about the limits of variability.

“There really is no variation. Each sign conveys its own meaning. They put a colon - they wanted to emphasize the reason or explanation. They separated the parts of the non-union complex sentence with commas, which means they simply listed the events. The choice of signs is not arbitrary and not random, it depends on the meanings and nuances that the writer wants to convey,” explained Natalya Koshkareva and gave an example.

“I won’t call you () you will be offended” - without punctuation marks it is impossible to determine the relationship between the parts.

“Dash: resentment is a consequence of the fact that I did not call. Colon: possible resentment is the reason why I don't call you. Maybe I will have to tell something unpleasant, ”the linguist showed the significance of the signs and the meaning of the text.


In Yekaterinburg, the results of the international action "Total Dictation" held on April 18 were summed up: only 1% of those who wanted to test their knowledge of the Russian language wrote the proposed passage with "excellent" - 21 people out of 1854 who came. How many residents of the Urals who participated in the cultural event received twos, threes and fours is not disclosed according to the rules of the exam, the Uralinformburo reports.

This year, the participants of the "Total Dictation" wrote a text called "Magic Lantern", created by the St. Petersburg writer Yevgeny Vodolazkin and representing an artistic sketch of the life of Russia at the beginning of the 20th century.

As Ksenia Semenyuk, coordinator of the action in Yekaterinburg, said at a press conference, the results of writing a dictation were within the normal range - usually the number of excellent students ranges from 1% to 3%. In turn, Assistant Vice-Rector for Research and innovation activities Marina Babikova of the Ural State Pedagogical University spoke about a kind of "anti-record" of the action - one of the participants in the "Total Dictation" made 273 mistakes in 280 words that made up the passage.

"When checking it, it looked like he was writing a dictation with a red pen, and we checked it with a blue one," said Babikova, quoted by Interfax. “We encountered this for the first time and at first assumed that he was not Russian by nationality and that this was not his native language, but through research and all sorts of discussions, we came to the conclusion that after all, a Russian person,” she added.

However, from the scan of the dictation written by the "error record holder" and posted on the Komsomolskaya Pravda website, one can rather draw the opposite conclusion - the peculiarities of writing the letters of the Russian alphabet and some words suggest that a foreigner wrote.

The teachers carefully hide the name of this person, they only call his gender - male. It is also known that the young man wrote dictation at the Ural Pedagogical University.

“This is, of course, a unique case. My colleagues and I discussed this work today and could not find any explanation for such blatant illiteracy,” Ksenia Semenyuk, coordinator of Total Dictation in Yekaterinburg, told KP. According to her, there were all kinds of errors in the text, which you can imagine, but, for example, the compound word "something" was written by the examinee correctly.

In turn, the head of the "Total dictation" group of the USPU admitted to journalists that the examiners "practically in chorus" checked this text. “The person has an absolute deuce. We don’t think this is a joke. Most likely, this was written by a person for whom Russian is not their native language. Errors are mainly from the category of “what I hear, I write.” There are practically no punctuation errors. spelling," she said. "The man simply does not know the Russian language. But he came and wrote the text to the end. In any case, he is well done!" - summed up the head of the group.

As it became known, three more participants of the "Total Dictation", who came to the site of the Ural State Pedagogical University, decided to approach the task creatively and wrote not a dictation, but an essay on a free topic.

Representatives of the organizing committee of Yekaterinburg spoke in detail about the assessments only after the results of writing a dictation by Sverdlovsk journalists, Novy Region notes. “Out of 25 journalists, one received an excellent mark, 40% of those who wrote a satisfactory result, and 28% each wrote a good and an unsatisfactory one,” said Ksenia Semenyuk.

As Marina Babikova, Assistant Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation Activities of the Ural State Pedagogical University, explained, this year the number of participants in Yekaterinburg was slightly less than expected. In her opinion, the popularity of the action has declined due to the lack of "proper coverage" and advertising. She also noted that this year the dictation was popular among middle-aged people, while in 2014 the participants were mostly young people.

Most errors were in the words "half" and "half a turn"

According to Ksenia Semenyuk, the adverbs "half" and "half a turn" caused the most difficulties for Yekaterinburg residents, Interfax reports. "More than 70% of those who took part in this year's dictation made mistakes in writing these words," she said. In addition, the protesters made mistakes in the words "gramophone", "oarlock" and "checkered". The spelling of adjectives with the prefix "not" - "invisible", "non-obvious", "incomprehensible" also presented difficulties.

The adverbs "half" and "half a turn", the spelling of which is included in USE program, caused difficulties for other participants of the "Total Dictation" in different regions of the Russian Federation. This was stated last Wednesday by experts checking the texts.

“Two words turned out to be the leaders in terms of errors. In the second part of the dictation, this word is “half-turn”, where almost 71% of the writers made mistakes, and in the third part, the word “half-turn”, where 78% of the writers made a mistake. This is quite strange and for us in what somewhat unexpected," philologist Natalia Koshkareva, chairman of the action's expert commission, told reporters, quoted by RIA Novosti.

"Most likely, the situation is related to the fact that this rule competes with another rule for writing nouns like "half-ear", "half-turn" through a hyphen if the second part of the word begins with a vowel, and the adverbs "half-ear" and "half-turn" should That is, the rule for nouns is well remembered, and such adverbs are exceptions, and they are remembered worse, "Koshkareva said.

"We expected that the largest number of errors would be in obsolete words, such as "gramophone", but our expectations were not confirmed. In that word, only 7% made mistakes. That is, the idea that obsolete words cause difficulties did not materialize here ", said the expert.

Also, according to her, mistakes were often made in the words "invisible", "incomprehensible" and "non-obvious". For these words, the error rate was 32%. Koshkareva noted that these errors are traditional and are associated with the complex rule of writing together and separately the particles "not".

As for punctuation, in the text of the dictation there were adverbs "at the same time", "in general", which should not be separated by commas, but the writers mistakenly took them for introductory words and separated them with commas. The word "as a whole" stands out sharply from this series. This is an adverbial combination and should not be separated by commas either, but 70% of the writers put commas around it.

According to Koshkareva, philologists expected massive errors in the verb "burns" due to the spread of this word in the Internet jargon, but only a few made errors in the word.

"Total Dictation" is an annual educational event in the form of a voluntary dictation for everyone. The purpose of the event is to give everyone the opportunity to test their knowledge of the Russian language and to arouse interest in improving literacy. The idea of ​​a voluntary dictation for everyone came up at Novosibirsk State University. Over the 12 years of its existence, "Total Dictation" has become a large-scale international event. In total, 93.7 thousand people in 58 countries and 549 cities took part in the Total Dictation this year. In Russia, the dictation was written by 84.3 thousand people in 79 regions.