
Boys' statuses. Boyish quotes about girls. Boy quotes about love Boy quotes I have a good heart

Boys' statuses.  Boyish quotes about girls.  Boy quotes about love Boy quotes I have a good heart

I'm not jealous, he's just really better off without teeth!

Anyone can upset a really active guy. It is important to apologize in time in order to wait longer for your sudden funeral.

I don't try to please people. Everyone who needs it already likes me! You won't be good to everyone!

Don't be nervous! Not only nerve cells are not restored, but also molars!

If you have your eye on my girl, it means you have one too many.

Anyone can upset a boxer, but not everyone has time to apologize!

Brother, did you break up with her? - Yes! - Do you love her? - No! - Then I will offer her friendship? - I’ll break your jaw for such proposals!

It’s a piece of cake to offend me, but you’ll have to spit in blood, collecting teeth with broken hands.

And you are risky! You love to fuck, but you don’t know how to run.

You need to calm down... maybe go somewhere?.. In the jaw, for example?!

I survived there, where the mammoths froze.

Cool boy statuses

We are not cool, but cool people are drawn to us. We are not thieves in law, but people with ideas value us. We don't have weapons, but we are always dangerous. We are few, but when we are united, we are invincible!

I’ll tear everyone apart for my family, for my lads and for my beloved!

Men are subject to emotions. Boys sometimes feel acute hunger.

Do not expect mercy from the enemy and always strike for sure, even if you are covered in blood and beaten all over, there is always granite in your soul.

For the sake of success, I will sacrifice everything except the health of my loved ones and my friends!

There is no law for us - we are boys from the area.

Don't say the word "impossible" to me. I don't know what it means.

We are so brave because we do not expect any favors.

And as long as my heart continues to beat, I will be proud of the place where I was destined to be born!

Guys' statuses about life

The most pleasant thing is when the guys from your yard want to be like you.

Don't talk to me about life from scratch. You don’t know what it’s like to get out of the red.

Life is given to a person only once. You need to live it in such a way that those at the top go nuts, saying: “Cool! Worth repeating!”

My parents are healthy, and my brother called yesterday. This is wealth, the rest is tinsel.

The secret to successful family relationships is simple. When a guy is wrong, he doesn’t admit it. If he knows the right remedy, he will remain silent.

“So what?” - a phrase that breaks all arguments

Do you judge me for my difficult character? How else? A boy without character is a rag.

If you're not sure, don't promise. There's nothing worse than being a jerk.

I don't care about those who hate me. I live for the people who love me.

If things get tough in life, a friend’s shoulder will help!

Two boys told each other to fuck off and went there together... This is friendship.

This happens in life - boys lose their own...

Life is pain, especially when you're a moth

“There are people who you really want to say thank you, at least for existing.”

Life is a game, play well...

You - or someone else. Take it or it will be taken away. If you don't strike, they'll hit you. If you don't intimidate, they will intimidate you. This is the truth of life.

It happens that you leave everyone for the sake of a person, and he leaves you for the sake of everyone.

Don’t bend your heart so often, the curve may lead you in the wrong direction...

A man should never complain about two things in life: his wife and his car. I chose it myself.

God created a thief, and the devil created a prosecutor, go boys to where there is no work, where there are no laws and courts...

Lord, protect me from my friends, I can handle my enemies myself.

Never, under any circumstances, should you give up. Any difficulties are not a punishment for the past, but a test for the sake of the future.

Mom teaches you to be kind, dad teaches you to be proud. But my brother doesn’t teach anything, he just said: “If they hurt you, I’ll tear you up!”

I am caring and kind at home, and this is also my strength.

Boy statuses with meaning

I am a man, and by definition I am fearless, a boy can only be like that.

Take care of the one you love, so that later you don’t have to live with the one you got.

Always keep your word: this is your price.

The only thing that gives us a sense of life is risk. We are alive as long as we take risks.

There are two types of women: good and ideal. The good ones have a large F, as well as a small P, and are good at holding X in their hands. F is living space, P is a need, and X is a household. What were you thinking - this is the ideal woman.

If there is nothing left to hold on to, hold on well.

A wolf will never leave his beloved she-wolf for the sake of an available dog.

A guy should be decorated with only one princess, and not a flock of sheep.

Turn off your phone, don't make contact, and you will find out how many real friends you have.

Be wiser than others and don't show it to them!

Honesty and loyalty are an expensive gift that you should not expect from cheap people.

It is better to do beautifully than to speak beautifully.

If you want, you will achieve it. I didn’t achieve it - I didn’t want to.

Take life easier. The end of the story is always good. If you feel bad, it means it’s not over yet.

Never, under any circumstances, should you give up. Any difficulties are not a punishment for the past, but a test for the sake of the future.

The main thing in this life is to be human.

There is always a chance to fix everything, unless, of course, you don't give a fuck.

  • Quotes for boys - How cute it is when a smart guy in Adidas, with the words “Sit down, motherfucker,” gives up his seat on the bus to his grandmother...
  • We do not forgive people not because they deceived us, but because we believed them.
  • The coolest thing about the boy’s phone is neither its cost, nor the number of functions, but his favorite girl on the screensaver.
  • The way to home for all the boys, mutual love for the lovely ladies, health for Mom for hundreds of years, tell me, bro, there is no market...
  • Friends stand by each other to the end. Until the very end.
  • We guys are not offended - we draw conclusions!
  • There is firewood in the yard, the gang is on the firewood, the gang has grass, the gang is all firewood.
  • If a boy puts a girl behind the wheel of his car, he loves her 100%.
  • People will always understand, people will always help. Thank you guys, parents, thank God.
  • Train with someone who can bench press more than you or run faster. In the race to follow the leader, you grow twice as fast.
  • If you don’t understand anything, read my lips: “fuck musaram, freedom for the boys.”
  • A brother is someone who doesn’t get impudent, even if you allow him a lot.
  • The boy said it, the boy did it! The boy didn’t do it - the boy was joking!
  • You can try to solve everything by talking, but not for long.
  • A handsome guy, a tramp in life. The gait of a thieves, the life of a thief, a tramp in life, a thief of necessity. High-spirited by nature, romantic at heart...
  • Appreciate those who do not tell more than necessary.
  • All of us boys think that we are stronger than girls, but for every boy there is one that will make you not sleep at night.
  • The most reliable preventive measures are to stay away from our lads.
  • Quotes for the boys - And I wish the brothers good luck on earth, health, spirit, boys, and don’t let the cops touch you!
  • Brotherhood is more than an oath.
  • The boy wanted it, the boy did it. The boy didn’t want to, the boy didn’t do it. The boy didn’t want to and did it - the boy is married.
  • The strong person is not the one who can get out of all situations, but the one who can call his friends in the most serious of them.
  • A boy is a boy who will shut you up, yell at you, forbid you, and you will obey... But a boy will simply be offended.
  • Even if I go astray, I know where my brother lives.
  • Screw your biceps, normal boys have been pumping oil for a long time!
  • Whoever shakes hands is not necessarily a friend.
  • The most best lesson There will always be an army in life for the boys!
  • If you are forced to choose between a girl and a lad, you know what to choose...
  • And I live only for you, my boys, transparent courtyards, open houses, everything will be fine, you need to stick with us, appreciate the friends that you have checked for years.

Hello, the title of this article is boy quotes about love. The first saying will be: Love is communication, joyful for both, but incomprehensible to everyone.

If a person can say what love is, then he has not loved anyone.

When there is nothing to lose, they lose principles.

Platonic love knows no embrace, because infinity cannot be embraced. Paolo Mantegazza

Loving someone means wanting the best for that person. F. Aquinas.

Love each other, but don't hurt each other.

When a woman falls in love for the first time, she loves her lover;

Love preserves beauty, and a woman’s body lives with caresses, like a bee with flowers. Anatol France

A girl must love someone, otherwise she will hate everyone Jared Leto

Women simultaneously desire the greatest and the most insignificant. They demand love and courtesy - a million for pins. Ludwig Börne

In love, people get to know each other and accept each other as such, and do not create an ideal for themselves!

Everyone has places that are impossible to forget, if only because the air there remembers your happy breath. Erich Maria Remarque sad quotes about love...

A woman never considers a man who is in love with her very smart. Paul Leotode

Amorem canat aetas prima - let youth sing about love.

Amor tussisque non celantur - love and cough cannot be hidden.

If a person did not fall in love until he was forty, then it is better for him not to fall in love after that. B. Shaw

For a loving man: a woman is naked at home, but wears a hat outside.

Voluptuousness, wishing to become a religion, invented love. Natalie Clifford Barney

Love for a person is very often stronger than love for yourself.

If someone doesn't love you the way you want, it doesn't mean they don't love you with all their heart.

We may love those we support more than those who support us. Our vanity sometimes carries more weight for us than personal interests. Eric Hoffer

Women do not love heroes, but winners. Robert Beauvais

Anyone who wants to acquire love must reject every evil and unpeaceful thought, not to mention deeds and words, and must forgive everyone’s fair and unjust insults.

Love is when separation drives you crazy, when you wait for a meeting, counting the moments, and, being close, you forget about everything... when you begin to believe that everything is possible, that life is nothing compared to the happiness that you have ...

The secret of love for a person begins at the moment when we look at him without the desire to possess him, without the desire to dominate him, without the desire to take advantage of his gifts or his personality in any way - we just look and are amazed at the beauty that has been revealed to us . Anthony, Metropolitan of Sourozh

You are my dream! You are reality, my sweet fairy tale!

Love is a joyful acceptance and blessing of all living and existing things, that openness of souls that opens its arms to every manifestation of being as such, feels its divine meaning. Semyon Frank

Love is inside everyone, but it is worth showing it only to those who are open to you.

Love does not grow, does not become great and perfect suddenly and on its own, but requires time and constant care.

While love is alive, it draws strength from itself, and sometimes from what, it would seem, should kill it: in whims, in severity, in coldness, in jealousy. J. Labruyère.

If love is in the heart, then it is poured out from the heart on everyone around and manifests itself in pity for everyone, in patience with their shortcomings and sins, in non-judgment of them, in prayer for them, and when necessary, in material support. Hegumen Nikon (Vorobiev)

For lovers, as for birds, not only a nest is needed, but also the sky. E. Panteleev

A happy person is a person who loves himself and his neighbors, not the name of enemies in his mind... Elena

Amor non est medicabilis herbis - love cannot be treated with herbs.

Love without boundaries imposes an awful lot of restrictions on a person.

Love is the desire for intimacy caused by the appearance of beauty. Z. Kitiysky

Man has an eternal, elevating need to love. Anatole France

There are as many types of love as there are people, and as many as there are days in their lives. Mary Calderon

Passion-bearer Queen Alexandra.

Amor fati - love for fate.

I love and am loved. Alas, this is not the same person.

All love scenes that begin on set end in the dressing room. Alfred Hitchcock

In love adventures there is everything except love. L. La Rochefoucauld.

Platonic love is a pure idea that arises from the contemplation of a dress and a smile. Brothers Goncourt

Everything that happens has a reason.

  • Boy quotes - The boy spoke out, then confirmed his words with action. When he couldn’t, he repeated the offer.
  • A boy's worth is measured by the fulfillment of his promises.
  • I do not swear, but only use profanity in order to more fully express my emotions!
  • The most shameful thing for a boy is to throw mud at the one with whom he shared a bed, ate at the same table and lived for several years.
  • For six years I didn’t drink, didn’t smoke, didn’t hang around with women, and then my mother sent me to school and away we go!!!
  • There are people who hate me. Let them hate. There are people who love me. Let them love. And there are people who hate me, but pretend that they love me. These are the ones I hate!
  • I would like to meet three or four girls for a serious relationship.
  • I would rather be hated for who I am than loved for who I am not.
  • No woman can bring you as much pleasure as two...
  • If you have your eye on my girl, it means you have one too many.
  • Scratches on the back from one girl can easily turn into scratches on the face from another.
  • A man is not the one who has a woman, but the one who takes care of her.
  • In fact, I am kind, but no one knows about it, and those who knew will not tell anyone.
  • A man should be decorated with three things: decency, character and actions, and not cheap show-offs, high self-esteem and a long tongue.
  • The weekend is going great: I drink and fuck... I'm kidding, of course... I sip beer and enjoy the company of women...
  • Don't close your mouth to those who open your eyes. And standing firmly on your feet, do not forget those who lifted you in their arms.
  • The most wonderful phrase I heard from a girl: “You’ll persuade me anyway!” So why waste time, let's come to me..."
  • I don't need the most beautiful girl. I need someone who truly loves me, and I will make her a queen myself.
  • looking for good girl, which can do the same thing as the bad one, only well.
  • Boy Quotes - There are only two criteria: there are goosebumps - there are no goosebumps. All. And so it is in everything. You either get poked or not. Everything else is bullshit...
  • I would like a tank of vodka and a village of women... I would drink slowly... Well, women... little by little!!!
  • There is no right path, you choose it yourself and take your own risks...
  • I want a Mercedes, but I only have money for a nine, and then a Baltic.
  • The caress of one lioness is better than a harem of cheap hyenas.
  • Yesterday I received a text message: “I can’t forget you!” Kick... And I remember...
  • Once you get used to surviving, you will forget how to live.
  • Girls who think that changing guys is like gloves, relax, you just go from hand to hand!
  • When you don't worry, everything works out much better.
  • Life without a brunette is like tea without candy!
  • It's important to walk, it doesn't matter whether it's slow or fast, just walking is enough... if you walk, you move forward...

Friends stand by each other to the end. Until the very end!

Girls, don't be afraid of sex! Fuck tastes better in your mouth than a cupcake!

It is better to do beautifully than to speak beautifully.

There is firewood in the yard, the gang is on the firewood, the gang has grass, all the gang are used for firewood.

Turn off your phone, don't make contact, and you will find out how many real friends you have.

Train with someone who can bench press more than you or run faster. In the race to follow the leader, you grow twice as fast

If you love, love without deception. If you believe, then believe until the end. If you hate it, say it straight. And if you laugh, then laugh in your eyes.

There are mistakes for which you are ashamed even in front of yourself.

Someone will definitely need us as we are.

Only in a difficult situation will you find out whether you have real friends.

Nothing protects your teeth for 24 hours like a normal attitude towards me!

The real Bratva are the few out of hundreds who did not abandon their own.

You can kill for your sister's tears. For a mother’s happiness, you can shed a man’s tears. I would give my life for my father. For your brother - stand in front of a bullet. For a friend - to break anyone!

Brother remember: We will never leave you in trouble!

Do not expect mercy from the enemy and always strike for sure, even if you are covered in blood and beaten all over, there is always granite in your soul.

I don’t have a gun, I don’t have a crowd behind me, but I have a couple of kents who will at least go to hell with me!

Revenge is not a manifestation of power. Anyone can take a life, but to give life, it really takes strength.

Don't forgive betrayal. No one. Never. They deceived you once, which means they will deceive you a second time.

Don't flatter yourself by sleeping with a hot fashion model. Maybe she's just curious? How is this? With a sucker?

No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten.

It happens in life - boys lose theirs, but not when they forget!

Everyone can live without everyone else, no need for snot, we will be forgotten by the era, and fuck it.

Think back to yourself a year ago. A lot has changed. Some got closer, others left.

If the air even blows near my son, I will cut you into belts.

Wild proud. Submissive to no one. The greyhound is as bold as a bullet. I am not obliged to anyone, I am not attached to anything, I am not like anyone, and therefore I am free.

Brotherhood is not when there are many of you, but when there are several, but worthy ones!

Only a car and a dog do not betray.

It happens that you leave everyone for the sake of a person, and he leaves you for the sake of everyone.

He was rude as if he had a spare jaw in his pocket.

Statuses for boys

Having good friends is one of the best values ​​in life.

Guys! In this World you need to hit, not fight back!

Two boys told each other to fuck off and went there together. This is friendship.

Thank you father, you raised a man, and rest assured, I will also raise a son!

Respect the Brotherhood, if you sin, only she can help you.

A serious boy loves that girl from whom it is difficult to get love.

Don't waste time on people who don't have time for you.

The boys are divided into 2 types: 1 - those who can bring a refrigerator to the 5th floor, 2 - those who can pay for it.

Live, love, steal, walk, buy the whole world, then give it away! Always just remember one thing: don’t forget your lads!

  • Boy quotes - The boy spoke out, then confirmed his words with action. When he couldn’t, he repeated the offer.
  • A boy's worth is measured by the fulfillment of his promises.
  • I do not swear, but only use profanity in order to more fully express my emotions!
  • The most shameful thing for a boy is to throw mud at the one with whom he shared a bed, ate at the same table and lived for several years.
  • For six years I didn’t drink, didn’t smoke, didn’t hang around with women, and then my mother sent me to school and away we go!!!
    • There are people who hate me. Let them hate. There are people who love me. Let them love. And there are people who hate me, but pretend that they love me. These are the ones I hate!
    • I would like to meet three or four girls for a serious relationship.
    • I would rather be hated for who I am than loved for who I am not.
    • No woman can bring you as much pleasure as two...
    • If you have your eye on my girl, it means you have one too many.
  • Scratches on the back from one girl can easily turn into scratches on the face from another.
  • A man is not the one who has a woman, but the one who takes care of her.
  • In fact, I am kind, but no one knows about it, and those who knew will not tell anyone.
  • A man should be decorated with three things: decency, character and actions, and not cheap show-offs, high self-esteem and a long tongue.
  • The weekend is going great: I drink and fuck... I'm kidding, of course... I sip beer and enjoy the company of women...
  • Don't close your mouth to those who open your eyes. And standing firmly on your feet, do not forget those who lifted you in their arms.
  • The most wonderful phrase I heard from a girl: “You’ll persuade me anyway!” So why waste time, let's come to me..."
  • I don't need the most beautiful girl. I need someone who truly loves me, and I will make her a queen myself.
  • I'm looking for a good girl who can do the same things as a bad girl, only well.
  • Boy Quotes - There are only two criteria: there are goosebumps - there are no goosebumps. All. And so it is in everything. You either get poked or not. Everything else is bullshit...
  • I would like a tank of vodka and a village of women... I would drink slowly... Well, women... little by little!!!
  • There is no right path, you choose it yourself and take your own risks...
  • I want a Mercedes, but I only have money for a nine, and then a Baltic.
  • The caress of one lioness is better than a harem of cheap hyenas.
  • Yesterday I received a text message: “I can’t forget you!” Kick... And I remember...
  • Once you get used to surviving, you will forget how to live.
  • Girls who think that changing guys is like gloves, relax, you just go from hand to hand!
  • When you don't worry, everything works out much better.
  • Life without a brunette is like tea without candy!
  • It's important to walk, it doesn't matter whether it's slow or fast, just walking is enough... if you walk, you move forward...
  • Hello, the title of this article is boy quotes about love. The first saying will be: Love is communication, joyful for both, but incomprehensible to everyone.

    If a person can say what love is, then he has not loved anyone.

    When there is nothing to lose, they lose principles.

    Platonic love knows no embrace, because infinity cannot be embraced. Paolo Mantegazza

    Loving someone means wanting the best for that person. F. Aquinas.

    Love each other, but don't hurt each other.

    When a woman falls in love for the first time, she loves her lover;

    Love preserves beauty, and a woman’s body lives with caresses, like a bee with flowers. Anatol France

    A girl must love someone, otherwise she will hate everyone Jared Leto

    Women simultaneously desire the greatest and the most insignificant. They demand love and courtesy - a million for pins. Ludwig Börne

    In love, people get to know each other and accept each other as such, and do not create an ideal for themselves!

    Everyone has places that are impossible to forget, if only because the air there remembers your happy breath. Erich Maria Remarque sad quotes about love...

    A woman never considers a man who is in love with her very smart. Paul Leotode

    Amorem canat aetas prima - let youth sing about love.

    Amor tussisque non celantur - love and cough cannot be hidden.

    If a person did not fall in love until he was forty, then it is better for him not to fall in love after that. B. Shaw

    For a loving man: a woman is naked at home, but wears a hat outside.

    Voluptuousness, wishing to become a religion, invented love. Natalie Clifford Barney

    Love for a person is very often stronger than love for yourself.

    If someone doesn't love you the way you want, it doesn't mean they don't love you with all their heart.

    We may love those we support more than those who support us. Our vanity sometimes carries more weight for us than personal interests. Eric Hoffer

    Women do not love heroes, but winners. Robert Beauvais

    Anyone who wants to acquire love must reject every evil and unpeaceful thought, not to mention deeds and words, and must forgive everyone’s fair and unjust insults.

    Love is when separation drives you crazy, when you wait for a meeting, counting the moments, and, being close, you forget about everything... when you begin to believe that everything is possible, that life is nothing compared to the happiness that you have ...

    The secret of love for a person begins at the moment when we look at him without the desire to possess him, without the desire to rule over him, without the desire to take advantage of his gifts or his personality in any way - we just look and are amazed at the beauty that has been revealed to us . Anthony, Metropolitan of Sourozh

    You are my dream! You are reality, my sweet fairy tale!

    Love is a joyful acceptance and blessing of all living and existing things, that openness of souls that opens its arms to every manifestation of being as such, feels its divine meaning. Semyon Frank

    Love is inside everyone, but it is worth showing it only to those who are open to you.

    Love does not grow, does not become great and perfect suddenly and on its own, but requires time and constant care.

    While love is alive, it draws strength from itself, and sometimes from what, it would seem, should kill it: in whims, in severity, in coldness, in jealousy. J. Labruyère.

    If love is in the heart, then it is poured out from the heart on everyone around and manifests itself in pity for everyone, in patience with their shortcomings and sins, in non-judgment of them, in prayer for them, and when necessary, in material support. Hegumen Nikon (Vorobiev)

    For lovers, as for birds, not only a nest is needed, but also the sky. E. Panteleev

    A happy person is a person who loves himself and his neighbors, not the name of enemies in his mind... Elena

    Amor non est medicabilis herbis - love cannot be treated with herbs.

    Love without boundaries imposes an awful lot of restrictions on a person.

    Love is the desire for intimacy caused by the appearance of beauty. Z. Kitiysky

    Man has an eternal, elevating need to love. Anatole France

    There are as many types of love as there are people, and as many as there are days in their lives. Mary Calderon

    Passion-bearer Queen Alexandra.

    Amor fati - love for fate.

    I love and am loved. Alas, this is not the same person.

    All love scenes that begin on set end in the dressing room. Alfred Hitchcock

    In love adventures there is everything except love. L. La Rochefoucauld.

    Platonic love is a pure idea that arises from the contemplation of a dress and a smile. Brothers Goncourt

    Everything that happens has a reason.

    • Quotes for boys - How cute it is when a smart guy in Adidas, with the words “Sit down, motherfucker,” gives up his seat on the bus to his grandmother...
    • We do not forgive people not because they deceived us, but because we believed them.
  • The coolest thing about the boy’s phone is neither its cost, nor the number of functions, but his favorite girl on the screensaver.
  • The way to home for all the boys, mutual love for the lovely ladies, health for Mom for hundreds of years, tell me, bro, there is no market...
  • Friends stand by each other to the end. Until the very end.
    • We guys are not offended - we draw conclusions!
    • There is firewood in the yard, the gang is on the firewood, the gang has grass, the gang is all firewood.
    • If a boy puts a girl behind the wheel of his car, he loves her 100%.
    • Turn off your phone, don't make contact, and you will find out how many real friends you have.
    • People will always understand, people will always help. Thank you guys, parents, thank God.
  • Train with someone who can bench press more than you or run faster. In the race to follow the leader, you grow twice as fast.
  • If you don’t understand anything, read my lips: “fuck musaram, freedom for the boys.”
  • A brother is someone who doesn’t get impudent, even if you allow him a lot.
  • The boy said it, the boy did it! The boy didn’t do it - the boy was joking!
  • You can try to solve everything by talking, but not for long.
  • A handsome guy, a tramp in life. The gait of a thieves, the life of a thief, a tramp in life, a thief of necessity. High-spirited by nature, romantic at heart...
  • Appreciate those who do not tell more than necessary.
  • All of us boys think that we are stronger than girls, but for every boy there is one that will make you not sleep at night.
  • The most reliable preventive measures are to stay away from our lads.
  • Quotes for the boys - And I wish the brothers good luck on earth, health, spirit, boys, and don’t let the cops touch you!
  • Brotherhood is more than an oath.
  • The boy wanted it, the boy did it. The boy didn’t want to, the boy didn’t do it. The boy didn’t want to and did it - the boy is married.
  • The strong person is not the one who can get out of all situations, but the one who can call his friends in the most serious of them.
  • A boy is a boy who will shut you up, yell at you, forbid you, and you will obey... But a boy will simply be offended.
  • Even if I go astray, I know where my brother lives.
  • Screw your biceps, normal boys have been pumping oil for a long time!
  • Whoever shakes hands is not necessarily a friend.
  • The best lesson in life for boys will always be the army!
  • If you are forced to choose between a girl and a lad, you know what to choose...
  • And I live only for you, my boys, transparent courtyards, open houses, everything will be fine, you need to stick with us, appreciate the friends that you have checked for years.