
Borders of the East European Plain on a contour map. The largest plains in Russia: names, map, borders, climate and photos

Borders of the East European Plain on a contour map.  The largest plains in Russia: names, map, borders, climate and photos

“Nature of the Russian Plain” - Inland waters. The plain is called Russian. FGP Natural zones Relief and geological history Climate Inland waters. Relief and geological history. The plain that has become our beloved home. Kozhevnikova S.I. Geography teacher, UVK No. 1883. Give a description of the rivers of the Russian Plain. Nomenclature. Application.

“Natural complexes of the Russian Plain” - Natural complexes of the Russian Plain. Forest-steppes and steppes. The first resort in Russia near the village of Dvortsy. Natural monuments. To protect nature means to know the laws of its development and interaction. Taiga, mixed and broad-leaved forests. The most famous waterfall in Karelia, Kivach, is located on the Suna River. Karelia enchants with its extraordinary beauty.

“Territory of the Russian Plain” - Geography teacher – Kuznetsova T.V. Kareliya. Grade 8 Natural complexes of Russia. What is the basis for the allocation of these territories? Repeat. What will we study in class today? What new did you learn in class today? Kalmykia. Moscow region. What external factors influenced the formation of the plain's topography?

“Lakes of the Russian Plain” - Ilmen. The northern section of Lake Onega is the deepest. And only one flows out - the Svir River, connecting Onega with Lake Ladoga. Lake Onega is one of the largest freshwater bodies of water in Europe. The Volkhov River flows from the lake and flows into Lake Ladoga. Pskov Lake Peipus. Lake Onega.

“East European Plain” - Independent work. A significant part of Russia's natural resources is also concentrated here. The East European Plain almost completely coincides with the East European Platform. Mountains Highlands Ridges Lowlands. Factors that influenced the formation of the relief: Volga River. Glaciation left its mark on the formation of the relief of the East European Plain.

"Russian Plain map" - Dnieper. S. Dvina. Timan Ridge. O k a. Vychegda. Content. Pechora. RUSSIAN PLAIN: GP, boundaries, relief, internal waters. East European Plain. Caucasian. Kumo-Manychskaya. Valdai. Verkhne-Kama. Prikaspiyskaya. Annotation. Black. Goals and objectives: Kama. Pechora. White. General Syrt. Russian plain.

Russian Plain- extends from the shores of the North. Arctic approx. to the Black and Caspian Seas and from the Center Mountains. Europe (Sudetes, Carpathians) to the Ural Mountains and Mugodzhary. Average high 170 m. Max. heights within the Timan Ridge (456 m), the Khotyn Upland (515 m, Berda) and the Podolsk Upland (471 m, Kamula), the lowest on the coast of the Caspian Sea (-28 m). Composed of crystalline schists, gneisses, granites, overlain by limestones, clays, sandstones. The surface of crystalline rocks is uneven, with deep depressions and uplifts (see East European Platform).

Inequalities in the crystalline foundation determine the presence of basic. relief forms of S.-E. city ​​- uplands (Volyn, Podolsk, Dnieper, Central Russian, Volga, etc.) and lowlands (Dnieper, Black Sea, Caspian, Baltic, etc.). Oil, gas and rock deposits are associated with the trough areas. coal, with areas of uplift - deposits of ore minerals (iron ore, etc.). The usual January temperature varies from -22 ° to North. East to -2 ° in the South. West, July - from + 9 ° in North. to + 25 ° in the South. East Rivers S.-E. g.. belong to the Northern basins. Arctic (Mezen, Onega, Northern Dvina, Pechora) and Atlantic (Western Dvina, Vistula, Neva, Dnieper, Southern Bug, Dniester, Don, etc.) Oceans. The Volga and Ural rivers flow into the Caspian Sea. On the north-east side. g.. geographical zonation is well detected. On the coast of the North. Arctic region - tundra zone (mosses, lichens, shrubs) with swamps and permafrost. Further on the Pd. there are forest zones (coniferous and mixed forests), turning into a forest-steppe zone with deciduous forests and meadow steppes, which give way to steppes, almost completely occupied by agricultural land. In the Caspian lowland there are semi-desert and desert landscapes. Within NE. the Astrakhan Nature Reserve, the Voronezh Nature Reserve, the Polessky Nature Reserve, Askania-Nova, etc. were created. g. - significant industrial centers, important agricultural areas.

Holidays in central Russia are very diverse. A huge number of recreation centers, sanatoriums, boarding houses, and health resorts offer their services. More details here

East European Platform

Russian platform- an ancient, relatively stable section of the earth’s crust, which covers most of the East. Europe. Platform limit to the North. and Sev. East runs from the Scandinavian Mountains along the coast of the Barents Sea and the Timan Ridge to the Urals, in Skh. - along the Ural Mountains; on the Pd. - along the depressions of the Caspian and Black Seas; in the West and Sev. Zkh. - along the Carpathians, the coast of the Baltic Sea. To the Jutland Peninsula. S.-E. n. - complex tectonic structure. Its structure consists of two structural floors. The lower floor is the ancient foundation of the platform, which consists of Precambrian crystalline rocks. The foundation is dissected by tectonic faults, which form ledges and depressions - handfuls and grabens, due to which some parts of it come to the surface, others are buried at different depths. The largest projections of the foundation are the Ukrainian Shield and the Baltic Shield. In a small thickness of sedimentary deposits, smaller uplifts of the foundation are buried - the Volyn-Podolsk plate, the Voronezh massif, the Belarusian uplift, etc. The projections of the crystalline basement are separated by depressions in which crystalline rocks lie at a considerable depth and are covered by a thick layer of sedimentary deposits. The largest of them are the Moscow syneclise, the Dnieper-Donets depression, the Black Sea depression, and the Caspian depression. Precambrian basement of S.-E. It consists of Archean (see Archean era and group) and Proterozoic (see Proterozoic era and group) deposits. Archean deposits are represented by granites, gneisses, migmatites, crystalline schists and quartzites. They are distributed within the Ukrainian and Baltic shields. Proterozoic deposits are known in Karelia, on the Kola Peninsula, Timan Ridge, Krivoy Rog and other areas.

They are represented mainly by metamorphic rocks, diabases, quartzites, etc. Upper. the floor consists of sedimentary rocks from Riphean to Anthropogenic (Quaternary) age. Within the shields, sedimentary rocks have insignificant thickness; in some areas of the shields they are completely absent. In the depressions, the thickness of the sedimentary cover is large: in the Caspian basin - up to 6-8 thousand M, in the Dnieper-Donets basin - up to 18 thousand M, in the Black Sea basin - more than 2 thousand M. The horizontal occurrence of the sedimentary layer is disturbed in places and is complicated by gentle anticlines, synclines, swell-like uplifts and the like. Various minerals are associated with the basement rocks: iron ores (Krivoy Rog iron ore basin, Kursk magnetic anomaly, etc.), Nickel, copper, titanium, micas, pegmatites, apatites, etc. In the rocks of the sedimentary cover there are deposits of oil and gas (Volga-Ural oil and gas province, Black Sea-Crimean oil and gas province, Dnieper-Donetsk oil and gas region, etc.), Kam. and potassium salts, fossil coal, phosphorites, bauxites, deposits of other materials, fresh and mineral waters, etc.

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A plain is a type of relief that is a flat, vast space. More than two-thirds of Russia's territory is occupied by plains. They are characterized by a slight slope and slight fluctuations in terrain heights. A similar relief is also found on the bottom of sea waters. The territory of the plains can be occupied by any: deserts, steppes, mixed forests, etc.

Map of the largest plains in Russia

Most of the country is located on a relatively flat type of terrain. Favorable ones allowed a person to engage in cattle breeding, build large settlements and roads. It is easiest to carry out construction activities on the plains. They contain many minerals and others, including, and.

Below are maps, characteristics and photos of landscapes of the largest plains in Russia.

East European Plain

East European Plain on the map of Russia

The area of ​​the East European Plain is approximately 4 million km². The natural northern border is the White and Barents Seas; in the south, the lands are washed by the Azov and Caspian Seas. The Vistula River is considered the western border, and the Ural Mountains - the eastern border.

At the base of the plain lies the Russian platform and the Scythian plate; the foundation is covered by sedimentary rocks. Where the base is raised, hills have formed: the Dnieper, Central Russian, and Volga. In places where the foundation is deeply sunk, lowlands occur: Pechora, Black Sea, Caspian.

The territory is located at moderate latitude. Atlantic air masses penetrate the plain, bringing with them precipitation. The western part is warmer than the east. The minimum temperature in January is -14˚C. In summer, the air from the Arctic gives coolness. The largest rivers flow south. Short rivers, Onega, Northern Dvina, Pechora, are directed to the north. The Neman, Neva and Western Dvina carry water in a westerly direction. In winter they all freeze. In spring, floods begin.

Half of the country's population lives on the East European Plain. Almost all forest areas are secondary forest, there are a lot of fields and arable lands. The territory contains many mineral deposits.

West Siberian Plain

West Siberian Plain on the map of Russia

The area of ​​the plain is about 2.6 million km². The western border is the Ural Mountains, in the east the plain ends with the Central Siberian Plateau. The Kara Sea washes the northern part. The Kazakh small sandpiper is considered the southern border.

The West Siberian plate lies at its base, and sedimentary rocks lie on the surface. The southern part is higher than the northern and central. The maximum height is 300 m. The edges of the plain are represented by the Ket-Tym, Kulunda, Ishim and Turin plains. In addition, there are the Lower Yisei, Verkhnetazovskaya and North Sosvinskaya uplands. Siberian ridges are a complex of hills in the west of the plain.

The West Siberian Plain lies in three regions: arctic, subarctic and temperate. Due to low pressure, Arctic air penetrates the territory, and cyclones are actively developing in the north. Precipitation is unevenly distributed, with the maximum amount falling in the middle part. Most precipitation falls between May and October. In the southern zone, thunderstorms often occur in summer.

The rivers flow slowly, and many swamps have formed on the plain. All reservoirs are flat in nature and have a slight slope. The Tobol, Irtysh and Ob originate in mountainous areas, so their regime depends on the melting of ice in the mountains. Most reservoirs have a northwestern direction. In spring there is a long flood.

Oil and gas are the main riches of the plain. In total there are more than five hundred deposits of combustible minerals. In addition to them, in the depths there are deposits of coal, ore and mercury.

The steppe zone, located in the south of the plain, is almost completely plowed. Fields of spring wheat are located on black soil. Plowing, which lasted for many years, led to the formation of erosion and dust storms. In the steppes there are many salt lakes, from which table salt and soda are extracted.

Central Siberian Plateau

Central Siberian Plateau on the map of Russia

The area of ​​the plateau is 3.5 million km². In the north it borders on the North Siberian Lowland. The Eastern Sayan Mountains are a natural border in the south. In the west, the lands begin at the Yenisei River, in the east they end at the Lena River valley.

The plateau is based on the Pacific lithospheric plate. Because of it, the earth's crust rose significantly. The average heights are 500 m. The Putorana plateau in the north-west reaches 1701 m in height. The Byrranga Mountains are located in Taimyr, their height exceeds a thousand meters. In Central Siberia there are only two lowlands: North Siberian and Central Yakut. There are many lakes here.

Most of the territories are located in the Arctic and subarctic zones. The plateau is fenced off from warm seas. Due to the high mountains, precipitation is distributed unevenly. They fall in large numbers in the summer. The earth cools greatly in winter. The minimum temperature in January is -40˚C. Dry air and lack of winds help to endure such difficult conditions. During the cold season, powerful anticyclones form. There is little precipitation in winter. In summer, cyclonic weather sets in. The average temperature during this period is +19˚C.

The largest rivers, the Yenisei, Angara, Lena, and Khatanga, flow through the lowland. They cross faults in the earth's crust, so they have many rapids and gorges. All rivers are navigable. Central Siberia has enormous hydropower resources. Most of the major rivers are located in the north.

Almost the entire territory is located in the zone. The forests are represented by larch trees, which shed their needles for the winter. Pine forests grow along the Lena and Angara valleys. The tundra contains shrubs, lichens and mosses.

Siberia has a lot of mineral resources. There are deposits of ore, coal, and oil. Platinum deposits are located in the southeast. There are salt deposits in the Central Yakut Lowland. There are graphite deposits on the Nizhnyaya Tunguska and Kureyka rivers. Diamond deposits are located in the northeast.

Due to difficult climatic conditions, large settlements are located only in the south. Human economic activity is concentrated in the mining and logging industries.

Azov-Kuban Plain

Azov-Kuban Plain (Kuban-Azov Lowland) on the map of Russia

The Azov-Kuban Plain is a continuation of the East European Plain, its area is 50 thousand km². The Kuban River is the southern border, and the northern one is the Yegorlyk River. In the east, the lowland ends in the Kuma-Manych depression, the western part opens to the Sea of ​​Azov.

The plain lies on the Scythian plate and is a virgin steppe. The maximum height is 150 m. The large rivers Chelbas, Beysug, Kuban flow in the central part of the plain, and there is a group of karst lakes. The plain is located in the continental belt. Warm ones soften the local climate. In winter, temperatures rarely drop below -5˚C. In summer the thermometer shows +25˚C.

The plain includes three lowlands: Prikubanskaya, Priazovskaya and Kuban-Priazovskaya. Rivers often flood populated areas. There are gas fields in the territory. The region is famous for its chernozem fertile soils. Almost the entire territory has been developed by humans. People grow cereals. The diversity of flora has been preserved only along rivers and in forests.