
Oh, you are our example, beloved! Use Visual Examples Visual Examples for Witness Speeches

Oh, you are our example, beloved!  Use Visual Examples Visual Examples for Witness Speeches

For nearly 70 years, the purpose of the School of Gilead was to assign missionaries to various countries where they would serve in remote areas. But since 2011, the purpose of the School has changed.

First, the School's cadets are already in special full-time service, as missionaries, traveling overseers, or Bethelites.

Second, they are selected by a branch committee, and only after that are they invited to Gilead.

Now they will no longer be sent to remote areas, but to densely populated areas in order to support local meetings and promote organizational activities.

On September 14, 2013, at the graduation of Gilead's 135th class, program chairman and RS member Guy Pearce described the feelings of the graduates:

“Jehovah chooses ordinary people like you and me to do extraordinary things in accordance with his will.”

“It doesn’t matter how many problems we have. Jehovah always has a solution! He may not solve a specific problem, but he will definitely give us strength to overcome it! Jehovah lifts us up when we fall.” (Sam Robes)

“Give honor to others! And they will answer you in kind when they see how you glorify your ministry, and not yourself!” (William Samulsen)

Four graduates told how the training they received at the School helped them.” In reality, Joshua did not replace Moses. Moses had a role in Jehovah's organization, as did Jesus, who imitated him. Today also, in Gilead School, as in other Schools, cadets are trained not to replace others, but to fulfill all that is now needed in the Organization."

“The world is in the state it is in because Satan was not humbled. I realized that in order to be useful in God's organization, I must be humble."

Jeffrey Jackson, MS, told of the poor widow whom Jesus saw in the temple:
“Jesus said that those two coins that she threw into the treasury were all that she could still live on. Those coins were her gift to Jehovah. Regardless of how they would have been used, Jehovah would have blessed her for this gift! Sometimes we may feel like our efforts go unnoticed, but in reality, they are proof of our dedication! Our gift to Jehovah!”

Brother Heard's last words touched their hearts:
“School is over. But let the wonderful memories from this school accompany you throughout your life!”

Thoughts and clear examples from life from the graduation of the 137th class of Gilead School.

We must strive to comprehend Jehovah’s thinking and adopt it, but so far we have only comprehended the edge of his thinking, we see only the very tip of the iceberg. Let's scratch the surface, so to speak. Although students graduate from Gilead, from Jehovah's point of view it is not graduation from school to college, but from nursery to kindergarten.

When God said that Abraham would have a son, he was surprised and asked how this was possible. When God said that he would punish Sodom and Gomorrah, Abraham was again surprised and even began to argue with God. But when God asked him to sacrifice his son, Abraham was no longer surprised and did not argue, although this was the most incomprehensible thing. He learned to trust Jehovah. So God gradually taught Abraham patience. In Heb. 6:15 says that Abraham received his reward only after he learned to be patient.

Every morning, when you get up, put on humility, and it will be easier for you to get through the day. The result is guaranteed.

It is important to be able to look at yourself through the eyes of others, especially those who don’t like you. If you learn to do this, you will grow spiritually faster.

A good example: you need to “drive” Jehovah’s thoughts and principles into your heart, just as workers drive nails into sleepers when building a railroad. This requires many hits, one is missing. If the nail is not driven in well, the rail may come loose, causing a train accident. So are the principles of God - if they are poorly driven into our hearts, they will move away, which will lead to spiritual disaster. You have to drive it in securely. Then Satan will not be able to tear them away from our hearts.

What important thoughts and illustrative examples do you remember???

For nearly 70 years, the purpose of the School of Gilead was to assign missionaries to various countries where they would serve in remote areas. But since 2011, the purpose of the School has changed.

First, the School's cadets are already in special full-time service, as missionaries, traveling overseers, or Bethelites.

Second, they are selected by a branch committee, and only after that are they invited to Gilead.

Now they will no longer be sent to remote areas, but to densely populated areas in order to support local meetings and promote organizational activities.
On September 14, 2013, at the graduation of Gilead's 135th class, program chairman and RS member Guy Pearce described the feelings of the graduates:

“Jehovah chooses ordinary people like you and me to do extraordinary things in accordance with his will.”

“No matter how many problems we have, Jehovah always has a solution! He may not solve a specific problem, but he will definitely give us strength to overcome it! Jehovah lifts us up when we fall.” (Sam Robes)

"Give honor to others! And they will return the favor when they see you honoring your service rather than yourself!" (William Samulsen)

Four graduates told how the training they received at the School helped them."In reality, Joshua did not replace Moses. Moses had a role in Jehovah's organization, as did Jesus, who imitated him. Today, too, in Gilead School, as in other Schools, cadets are not trained to replace others, but to accomplish everything that is now needed in the Organization."

"The world is in the state it is in because Satan was not humble. I realized that in order to be useful in God's organization, I must be humble."

Jeffrey Jackson, MS, told of the poor widow whom Jesus saw in the temple:
“Jesus said that those two coins that she threw into the treasury were all that she could still live on. Those coins were her gift to Jehovah. Regardless of how they were used, Jehovah would bless her for this gift! Sometimes we Our efforts may seem to go unnoticed, but in reality, they are evidence of our dedication to Jehovah!

Having become part of some force that she feels modestly strong, she experiences a share in its glory, strength and integrity. A person renounces his Self, renounces individual autonomy, and renounces freedom. However, he gains new confidence and new pride through his participation in the power he represents.

Therefore he gains certainty from severe uncertainties. The more prominent forms of this psychic mechanism are found in the tests of subordination or dominance, or, as we would rather put it, masochistic and sadistic efforts, when we encounter them at different levels in normal people. This terminological use is completely justified, because the sadomasochist is characterized by his special attitude to power. She loves authority and tends to obey it. At the same time, he wants to be the authority himself and subjugate others.

Brother Heard's last words touched their hearts:
“School is over. But let the wonderful memories from this school accompany you throughout your life!”

Thoughts and clear examples from lifefrom the graduation of the 137th class of Gilead School.

We must strive to comprehend Jehovah’s thinking and adopt it, but so far we have only comprehended the edge of his thinking, we see only the very tip of the iceberg. Let's scratch the surface, so to speak. Although students graduate from Gilead, from Jehovah's point of view it is not graduation from school to college, but from nursery to kindergarten.

When God said that Abraham would have a son, he was surprised and asked how this was possible. When God said that he would punish Sodom and Gomorrah, Abraham was again surprised and even began to argue with God. But when God asked him to sacrifice his son, Abraham was no longer surprised and did not argue, although this was the most incomprehensible thing. He learned to trust Jehovah. So God gradually taught Abraham patience. In Heb. 6:15 says that Abraham received his reward only after he learned to be patient.

Every morning, when you get up, put on humility, and it will be easier for you to get through the day. The result is guaranteed.

It is important to be able to look at yourself through the eyes of others, especially those who don’t like you. If you learn to do this, you will grow spiritually faster.

A good example: you need to “drive” Jehovah’s thoughts and principles into your heart, just as workers drive nails into sleepers when building a railroad. This requires many hits, one is missing. If the nail is not driven in well, the rail may come loose, causing a train accident. So are the principles of God - if they are poorly driven into our hearts, they will move away, which will lead to spiritual disaster. You have to drive it in securely. Then Satan will not be able to tear them away from our hearts.

In one case, he dissolves in an external force and loses himself. In the latter case, he expands himself by acquiring another being and gaining the strength that only he lacks. A characteristic feature of the authoritarian character is the specific functioning of the control system over the free, emotional and cognitive processes of a person. This system, referred to in Anglo-Saxon literature as the belief-unbelief system, has a dual function in the mental face of a person: it primarily attracts an objective image of the world and allows a person to understand the world so that he can decide according to the meanings of the information he/she receives.

"... EVERY week, most congregations of Jehovah's Witnesses give public talks on Bible topics. If you are an elder or ministerial servant, do your presentations show that you are a good speaker and teacher? If so, you may be asked to give a public speech. The Theocratic Ministry School has helped tens of thousands of brothers prepare for this type of ministry. If you are assigned to give a public speech, where should you start?.." ()

Second, by drawing a meaningful map of reality, it also acts as a safety net against anxiety. Suppose we have a person claiming to be an infidel who encounters a situation with empirically justifiable but scientifically completely inexplicable healing. His reaction can be basically twofold: he either tells himself that the event he has encountered is inexplicable in his current belief system and therefore it is necessary to re-evaluate the existing belief system and build a new system with this new experience.

You need to start by receiving outline of a public speech from the elder of his congregation. The sheep-like speaker has plenty to choose from: for now, the Watchtower has concocted 181 (!!!) notes spiritual noodles. Until today, my dear readers, you had nowhere to read about what OSB feeds its sheep every weekend.
Now there is such an opportunity. My gift to you for the old-new year)
Download a unique selection of OSB spiritual rubbish from here: link.
Unfortunately, with original PDFs you won't be able to copy text as text. Like, protection.

Or he says that the event is incompatible with his belief system, so it is "absurd" and as such should be excluded from consciousness. We see that in the first case, the system for controlling persistence and rejection functions as an instrument of knowledge, in the second - as a system of intrapsychic defense against uncertainty and anxiety. The authoritarian character emphasizes the secondary function of the belief system. The authoritarian mind is a closed mind that, fearing anything new, is passive and, if left alone, cannot integrate new information into a new belief system.

Therefore, please accept another gift from me - a COMPILED file of these speeches, where the text is recognized as text and is therefore easily copied. Everything is the same as in a regular text editor. You can download this PDF here: link.
356 (!) pages.
Document search works (Ctrl+F).
Just insert a word or phrase, for example, " false religion", in the line that appears at the top right
and click the arrows to the right of this line,
to search for ALL mentions of this word IN ALL, I repeat, public speeches of the OSB.
A very useful thing, I tell you.

Faithful and honest men

This mind needs an authority with which it can identify with opinions, attitudes and beliefs. Essential information is the answer to the question "Who is saying this?", "What is this?", and in principle it cannot distinguish information as such from original information and use it separately.

It is important to understand that the authoritarian cognitive system is essentially a set of psychoanalytic defense mechanisms to protect the vulnerable mind and is not actually an instrument of knowledge. Therefore, he may tolerate numerous logical contradictions and irrelevances, and he may carry the blind belief that a solution to the contradictions must "exist". It is characterized by the strength and immutability of belief, which can sometimes paradoxically coincide with overly easy and fundamental changes in those beliefs, since what really matters is not objective without a belief system, but an authority.

Please... And I am pleased that you are pleased... And Happy New/Old Year to you!.. I am very glad. Very...)

Well, have you seen my gift? Yes, these are just notes. So to speak, the skeletons of OSB speeches.
Each ram-speaker hangs spiritual meat (examples, images and decorations of this noodle) on this skeleton himself.
To the extent of your creativity and training of conscience according to the Bible, OSB. In moderation.)
I’ll tell you everything I know about the cuisine of preparing this spiritual dish.
Tribune for me, tribune!)
The microphone turns on... One, one, one, excuse me, sound check...)
The lights in the hall go out...
Reading the list of speeches...

Dependence on authority is absolute and universal, and a person of an authoritarian character is almost always convinced that even the bearers of ideas - the people around him - should be accepted or rejected only with agreement or disagreement with this authority. What are the applications of these general theses in the field of religious psychology among members of new religious movements and sects?

Note that this definition completely ignores the categorization of proclaimed doctrines, from the assessment of their truthfulness and consistency. In fact, it simply reflects the psychological mechanisms of authoritative minds that we discussed above and raises them to a higher level of interpersonal interaction. In this definition, it is a purely socio-psychological definition: Cults are highly authoritative and fully functioning groups in which there is an absolute belief that the statements of the leaders are a kind of divine revelation and are therefore absolutely binding both in the field of detection and action.

1. How well do you know God?

2. Will you survive the last days?

3. Serve with Jehovah's unified organization

4. Witnessing about God in the world around us

5. Family life that warms the soul

6. Noah's Flood Matters to Us

7. Charity is the main feature of true Christians

8. Live not for yourself, but in order to do the will of God

In a sectarian environment, freedom of choice is the first thing a person loses. The reason is basically simple: a cult member does not act alone. History shows that each sectarian group claims absolute power at some point in its existence: "The prophet is the only man who speaks for the Lord in any matter," writes Ezra Taft Benson, the current Mormon Supreme Representative. “The faithful and willful slave is at his best admired by God's means of communication,” he writes of himself from the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society.

9. Don't let your hearing become dull.

10. Always behave honestly

11. “Not to be part of the world” - in imitation of Christ

12. Respect for authority - protection for you

13. A Godly View of Sex and Marriage

14. A pure people honors Jehovah

15. As Christians we care about others.

16. Continue to deepen your relationship with God

17. Glorify God with everything we have

Shri Mataji Nirmala Nine is mentioned as a Hindu goddess, David Koresh again for the Lamb of God, Sun Myung Moon for the Messiah and Jim Jones for the heir of God on Earth. It goes without saying that these authoritarian tendencies in sectarian communities tend to be less conscious and highly rationalized, and are therefore often hidden behind reactions that give the impression of great kindness and deep interest in other people. Some of the most commonly used rationalizations are, "I control you because I know what's best for you."

18. Is Jehovah really your strength?

19. Is it possible to know the future?

20. Is it time for God to rule the world?

21. The Kingdom of God and You

22. Are you satisfied with what Jehovah provides?

23. Life undoubtedly has meaning

24. What God's Rule Can Bring to Us

25. Resist the spirit of this world

26. Are you important to God?

Or, “God is so amazing and unique that He has a right to expect people to become dependent on Him,” or “God has already done so much for you that He has a right to ask your obedience.” Demanding absolute power in all areas of life really makes it sparkle. But how a group acquires new members and what happens to them during their membership determines whether the group uses mental control or mental programming techniques. We will discuss this in detail.

The history of hypnosis is very old. Sciences describe autohypnotic states, and in India and Tibet the art of autohypnotic states is still great. He can easily admit that in our conditions it is often not what in many sects is called "meditation", nothing more than the process by which a member of the community is put into a hypnotic trance which allows his proposal to be conveyed, which makes it much more open to subsequent suggestions. In addition to groups with Eastern Hindu-Buddhist backgrounds, similar methods are used by cults who claim to be "psychotherapists" in various forms of group or individual sessions.

27. Lay a good foundation for marriage.

28. Show respect and love in your marriage.

29. Children are a responsibility and a blessing

30. Communication: in the family and with God

31. Happy, despite hunger - how is this possible?

32. How to cope with the worries of life

33. What lies behind the spirit of defiance?

34. Are you “marked” for salvation?

In our country it would be especially Dianetics, which is highly suspected of the abuse of this practice, regardless of the fact that Scientologists clearly Hypnosis as a psychotherapeutic method of garbage. For those who practice professional hypnosis, or who have just experienced several hypnosis sessions, no further comment is required. It is also important that Scientologists do not call these states of mind “remembering,” but “recalling.”

In similar states of altered consciousness, however, some people have also been mentioned during mass ecstatic meetings of Pentecostals and understood by their psychiatrist colleagues, which in this context is considered a very suggestive phenomenon of "falling under the power of the Spirit" which, when these mass gatherings of induction. The symptoms described by the two girls were strange: they could not sleep, they could not concentrate on anything and they constantly fainted.

35. Can you live forever? And will you?

36. Is real life all that?

37. Now choose God's rule

38. Act wisely while the end approaches

39. Be confident in God's victory!

40. What's coming in the near future

41. “Stand, stand, and see the salvation of the Lord.”

42. How God's Kingdom Affects You

The trouble disappeared after a few months, not by psychiatric intervention, but - like a beautiful bead - by providing the sacrament of anointing to the sick Catholic priest. By the way, being in a trance is a pleasant experience and a very relaxing experience, so people usually want to enter these conditions as often as possible. Independently of each other, however, it is obvious that these conditions sharply reduce the ability to critically evaluate facts and allow the interference in the human psyche of opinions, experiences and decisions that are essentially alien, even if the person experiences at the moment as his own.

43. Are you doing what God requires of you?

44. Continue to seek the Kingdom of God

45. Follow the path that leads to life

46. ​​Keep your confidence strong until the end

47. “Believe the Good News”

48. Stand the test of Christian faithfulness

49. Purified land - will you see it?

50. How do you make decisions?

51. Does the truth change your life?

Sometimes, in the context of hypnosis, I am asked about the influence of the Great Hare Krishna Mantra or its multiple repetitions. Why, after all, do Hare Krishna members themselves designate samadhi, the highest level of altered consciousness, induced in particular by constant and numerous repetitions of mantras, as a “spiritual trance.” That this is transnational hypnosis, in which the repetition of a mantra acts as a factor in hypnosis and keeps him at a given stage for a long time, seems certain.

The term “double mindedness” is taken from Orwell's novel Milton Rokeh, illustrating this as follows: In our daily life we ​​find many examples of double thinking; we reject violence, but we also believe in its justification under certain conditions; we have confidence in the judgment of the common man, but at the same time we believe in the falsification of the masses; We are for democracy for all, but at the same time we stand for the power of the intellectual elite; we believe in freedom for all, but at the same time we believe that certain groups should be limited; we declare that science does not make absolute judgments, but at the same time we recognize good scientific theories from bad theories, a good experiment from a bad experiment.

52. Who is your God?

53. Is your mindset aligned with God's?

54. Strengthen faith in the Creator of man

55. What reputation do you deserve before God?

56. Into the new world under the leadership of Christ

57. Withstand persecution

58. How to serve God?

59. What goes around comes around

60. How purposeful is your life?

Such expressions of apparently contradictory statements should be considered one of the indicators of isolation in the belief system. Let me briefly mention a few illustrative examples of “doublethink” also with cults, here in particular with Jehovah's Witnesses.

For example, Jehovah's Witnesses claim that priestly celibacy in the Roman Catholic Church is condemnable because it is a relic of the priestly practices of the pagan cults of Egypt and Babylonia. At the same time, however, the organizations themselves claim that they are highly valued by those Jehovah's Witnesses who, with reference to the chapter of the Apostle Paul's First Epistle to the Corinthians, have decided not to commit or devote full attention to the service of Jehovah. As you can see, the important thing for the Jehovah's Witnesses' position on celibacy is not celibacy as such, but only whether the celibacy of Catholic Church priests or Jehovah's Witnesses is celibate.

61. Whose promises do you rely on?

62. The only cure for humanity

63. Do you have the spirit of evangelism?

64. Do you love entertainment or God?

65. Honor and joy in serving God

66. “Pray the Lord... to send out the workers”

67. Take time to think about spiritual things

68. Do you hold a grudge or forgive?

69. Renewed dedication

70. Let Jehovah be your hope

71. How to stay spiritually alert

72. A gathering of true Christians is recognized by love

73. Find a wise heart

74. Jehovah's gaze is on us

75. Do you live in submission to Jehovah's sovereignty?

76. Can Bible principles help solve today's problems?

77. Be hospitable

78. Serve Jehovah with joy!

79. What will you choose: friendship with the world or friendship with God?

80. Do you place your hopes in science or the Bible?

81. Who can be called a servant of God?

82. Are Jehovah and Christ part of the Trinity?

83. Time of judgment on religions

84. Will you escape the fate of this world?

85. A message of hope in a world of cruelty

86. Prayers that God hears

87. What is your relationship with God?

88. Why live by biblical standards?

89. Come, you who thirst for truth!

90. Strive for true life!

91. The presence of the Messiah and his reign

92. Participation of religion in the affairs of this world

93. Disasters. Are they from God?

94. True religion satisfies the needs of society

95. The Bible's View of Spiritualism

96. The end of false religion is near

97. Maintain integrity among a corrupt generation

98. Stay clean from the filth of the world

99. Why you can trust the Bible

100. True friendship with God and neighbor

101. Jehovah is the Great Creator

103. You will find joy in serving God

104. Parents, do you build with fireproof materials?

105. Consolation in all our troubles

106. Destruction of the earth causes God's retribution

107. Keep a clear conscience in a sinful world

108. How to overcome fear of the future

109. The Kingdom of God Has Drawn Near

110. In a successful family life, God comes first

111. What will be accomplished by the healing of the nations?

112. How to show love in a lawless world

113. How can young people cope with today's crisis?

114. Appreciate the wonders of God's creation

115. How to protect yourself from Satan's traps

116. Choose your social circle wisely

117. How to overcome evil with good

118. Treat children like Jehovah

119. Christian separation from the world. How is it useful?

120. Why you need to submit to God's authority now

121. Worldwide brotherhood will be saved in times of calamity

122. Who will establish peace throughout the world?

123. Why Christians should not be like everyone else

124. Reason for Confidence that the Bible is Inspired

125. Why Humanity Needs Redemption

126. Who can be saved?

127. What happens at death?

128. Is hell really a place of fiery torment?

129. Is the Trinity a biblical teaching?

130. The earth will endure forever

131. Does the Devil really exist?

132. Resurrection - victory over death!

133. Does it matter what your opinion is about the origin of humanity?

134. Should Christians keep the Sabbath?

135. Sanctity of life and blood

136. Does God approve of the use of images in his worship?

137. Did the miracles described in the Bible really happen?

138. Live sanely in a corrupt world

139. God's wisdom in a world that relies on science

140. Jesus Christ is the new ruler of the earth

141. How much longer will humanity groan?

142. Why is it necessary to seek refuge with Jehovah?

143. Trust in the “God of all comfort”

144. Devoted assembly under the leadership of Christ

145. Who is like Jehovah our God?

146. Use education to glorify Jehovah

147. Trust in the saving power of Jehovah

148. Do you approach life the same way as God?

149. Are you walking with God?

150. How real is God to you?

151. Jehovah is a “protection” for his people

152. Armageddon. What is this? For what? When?

153. Keep the “terrible day” firmly in mind!

154. Human rule is weighed in the balance

155. Has the hour of judgment come for Babylon?

156. Day of Judgment: A Time for Fear or Hope?

157. How true Christians decorate the teachings of God

158. Be courageous in trusting in Jehovah

159. How to protect yourself from the dangers of this world

160. Always remember that you are a Christian!

161. For what did Jesus Christ suffer and die?

162. Deliverance from the world of darkness

163. Why should we fear the true God?

164. Does God direct events on earth?

165. Whose values ​​do you share?

166. Face the future with faith and courage

167. Act wisely while living in a reckless world

168. You can find safety in this troubled world!

169. Why use the Bible as a guide?

170. Who will be a worthy ruler of the world?

171. You can live peacefully now and forever!

172. What is your account with God?

173. Which religion does God consider true?

174. Who is worthy to enter God's new world?

175. How do we know that the Bible is reliable?

176. When will true peace and security come?

177. Where can I find help during a disaster?

178. Walk in the way of integrity

179. Live in the interests of the kingdom, not in the illusions of this world

180. Why do you need a sure hope of resurrection?

181. Do you remember that time is running out?

to be continued...)

Not every sheep in a tie can become a speaker. Requires small, but intelligence. There weren’t a lot of brothers in the congregation who cried, and even less of those who knew how to put together a few words at the microphone. Therefore, congregations exchange Sunday speakers among themselves. A brother invited for a public speech can live three days' journey on reindeer quite far away. At a minimum, the inviting meeting pays for the speaker's travel and a set lunch with compote. What the following letter says:

In order not to get confused in the 181st pine speech
(what the meeting has listened to five times in a row, and what not even once),
Mother Organization handed the following cheat sheet to the elders of the meetings:

Not every ram brother, I repeat, can become a public speaker.
First you need to complete the course for a young OSB fighter, the so-called School of Theocratic Ministry (link).
Finished? Well done! A summary of the speech for a cracker.
Go throw your three thoughts and examples onto our skeleton onto the fan.)

Making a speech is an advantage in a meeting. Jehovah's Witnesses love, value, and respect their speakers (without fanaticism, of course). The same speech prepared by different brothers may sound different. Because speakers use different images to illustrate their words:

Sometimes Bethel shepherds send letters like this to congregations regarding public speaking:

Sometimes they ask to remove some speech from the repertoire altogether:
"The public speech “Jealousy: Appropriate and Inappropriate” is no longer appropriate to give.
We kindly ask the secretaries of the meetings to scatter the ashes of this speech at the next meeting."

I can’t find a scan of this letter yet. Was. I don’t remember where I took it.)
If I find it, I'll stick it here. Sorry, good people, my sclerosis)

Well, on to the road:
The organization does not encourage (read: “tacitly prohibits”) making audio or video recordings for the dissemination of public speeches. For yourself, sort of, you can, but be careful. The reason is simple: today the speaker is a true Aryan Jehovah's Witness, and tomorrow, God forbid, of course, he is an Apostate. And his speech travels through the meetings. It turns out that the sheep are listening to the voice of the OSB traitor. Bad.

But some naughty sheep still film their speeches and then post them on the Internet:

You can easily find dozens of similar videos on various video hosting sites.
Well, I think I told you everything.
Like in spirit. Ewww...)

Once again, Happy New Years and Merry Christmas to all my readers!
Don't forget my LJ.)

For nearly 70 years, the purpose of the School of Gilead was to assign missionaries to various countries where they would serve in remote areas. But since 2011, the purpose of the School has changed.

First, the School's cadets are already in special full-time service, as missionaries, traveling overseers, or Bethelites.

Second, they are selected by a branch committee, and only after that are they invited to Gilead.

Now they will no longer be sent to remote areas, but to densely populated areas in order to support local meetings and promote organizational activities.
On September 14, 2013, at the graduation of Gilead's 135th class, program chairman and RS member Guy Pearce described the feelings of the graduates:

“Jehovah chooses ordinary people like you and me to do extraordinary things in accordance with his will.”

“No matter how many problems we have, Jehovah always has a solution! He may not solve a specific problem, but he will definitely give us strength to overcome it! Jehovah lifts us up when we fall.” (Sam Robes)

"Give honor to others! And they will return the favor when they see you honoring your service rather than yourself!" (William Samulsen)

Four graduates told how the training they received at the School helped them."In reality, Joshua did not replace Moses. Moses had a role in Jehovah's organization, as did Jesus, who imitated him. Today, too, in Gilead School, as in other Schools, cadets are not trained to replace others, but to accomplish everything that is now needed in the Organization."

"The world is in the state it is in because Satan was not humble. I realized that in order to be useful in God's organization, I must be humble."

Jeffrey Jackson, MS, told of the poor widow whom Jesus saw in the temple:
“Jesus said that those two coins that she threw into the treasury were all that she could still live on. Those coins were her gift to Jehovah. Regardless of how they were used, Jehovah would bless her for this gift! Sometimes we Our efforts may seem to go unnoticed, but in reality, they are evidence of our dedication to Jehovah!

Brother Heard's last words touched their hearts:
“School is over. But let the wonderful memories from this school accompany you throughout your life!”

Thoughts and clear examples from lifefrom the graduation of the 137th class of Gilead School.

We must strive to comprehend Jehovah’s thinking and adopt it, but so far we have only comprehended the edge of his thinking, we see only the very tip of the iceberg. Let's scratch the surface, so to speak. Although students graduate from Gilead, from Jehovah's point of view it is not graduation from school to college, but from nursery to kindergarten.

When God said that Abraham would have a son, he was surprised and asked how this was possible. When God said that he would punish Sodom and Gomorrah, Abraham was again surprised and even began to argue with God. But when God asked him to sacrifice his son, Abraham was no longer surprised and did not argue, although this was the most incomprehensible thing. He learned to trust Jehovah. So God gradually taught Abraham patience. In Heb. 6:15 says that Abraham received his reward only after he learned to be patient.

Every morning, when you get up, put on humility, and it will be easier for you to get through the day. The result is guaranteed.

It is important to be able to look at yourself through the eyes of others, especially those who don’t like you. If you learn to do this, you will grow spiritually faster.

A good example: you need to “drive” Jehovah’s thoughts and principles into your heart, just as workers drive nails into sleepers when building a railroad. This requires many hits, one is missing. If the nail is not driven in well, the rail may come loose, causing a train accident. So are the principles of God - if they are poorly driven into our hearts, they will move away, which will lead to spiritual disaster. You have to drive it in securely. Then Satan will not be able to tear them away from our hearts.

Every Stirlitz knows: “the last phrase is remembered.” Every Jehovah's Witness will agree that what is best remembered from speeches at meetings and congresses are interesting “illustrative examples.”

“Illustrative example” is an expression well known to every SI. And it seems that no one except them puts such broad meaning into it. Which one? In a manual on public speaking, book "Teaching in Theocratic Ministry School," Lesson #45, "Teach with Visual Examples," page 240, it says:

"...What is your task?
Use figurative expressions, use stories and incidents from life to achieve the goals that stand before you as a teacher..."

That is, metaphors, comparisons, allegories, hyperboles, parables, incidents from life - all this is called here “illustrative examples”. For most brothers and sisters, these are the “highlights” of any article and any speech; what is most easily remembered. And although, in reality, the purpose of such literary and oratorical techniques is only to emphasize and decorate the thought, in the minds of many SIs they have the power proof. Therefore, when I was preparing speeches, I understood that in order for our audience to like the speech, we had to come up with some interesting comparison, metaphor, or tell some incident, “in our favor,” naturally. It is these things that are most likely to be repeated and passed on from mouth to mouth, and not at all biblical passages or the logical rationale for certain instructions of the organization. The above-mentioned book, in the same chapter, on page 243, confirms:

"...It takes time and effort to learn how to give apt examples, but the result is worth it. Well-chosen visual examples affect not only the mind, but also the feelings. They give statements a power that is not always achievable by simply stating facts.."
But here’s the rub... The beliefs and attitudes of an organization are not always based on “facts”. And therefore, with the help of “simple presentation of them” you will not achieve anything at all; there is simply nothing to present. This is where some kind of “illustrative example” is needed, which is based on a deliberate violation of logic - sophism. It will veil all the weaknesses of the argumentation, and will give the unassuming listener (and “sheep” are taught to be exactly like that, to exclaim: “thank you, oh, how delicious!” about all the “spiritual dishes”) the impression that everything has been “convincingly justified” for him. After all, these are the goals, "who stand before you as before a teacher." if you are a "teacher" in the SI meeting - not to establish and prove the truth, but to create the impression of validity of the dogmas and teachings of the organization. And “the result is worth it” - people see “logic” where it didn’t even exist.

Such an “example” is like a figure that can only exist virtually, but in reality it is impossible because logical geometric laws are violated (see picture)

Examples? Please! They constantly appear in various interpretations in the Society's literature and speeches in meetings...

1. We must obey the guidance that Jehovah gives us through His organization, even if we do not fully understand it. A small child trusts his father and holds his hand tightly, wherever the father did not lead him, without doubting that his father wanted the best for him...

Orders of the organization are not discussed! - this is the meaning of this instruction. But to say so directly would be rude and would confuse listeners and readers, so a demagogic “suitable illustrative example” is needed...

So, from the very beginning, perhaps the most popular substitution among the Leadership Council is carried out: the instructions of the organization’s leaders are presented as “the guidance of God.” The concepts of “God”, “organization”, “faithful slave”, “Governing Council” little by little merge in the mind of the believer, in fact, into one. “We say “party”, we mean Lenin! We say Lenin, we mean “party”!

But comparing adults with children is also not a completely honest logical technique, and, by the way, many religions are guilty of it. Have you ever seen little children who listen to their parents in everything, but at the same time take full responsibility for their actions? Have you heard of societies that require this of children? Of course not! Why do adults have freedom, they have the right to make their own decisions and question any advice, including that given, for example, by their elderly parents? Yes, because they are fully responsible for their decisions. And here it turns out - how to listen to our instructions, then become a small child, and if problems arise, decide for yourself, you overgrown fellow! Listen like children, answer like adults! But this does not happen, at least in a civilized society and in peacetime (we do not take into account the barracks). If you do not have freedom, then there is no responsibility, and if you have responsibility, freedom appears.

2. Why don’t we want to listen to the arguments of apostates, communicate with them, go to their websites, watch TV shows with their participation? Because their propaganda is poison! No one can drink even a small dose of poison without harm to the body! Likewise, even brief exposure to apostate ideas can cause irreparable harm to our spiritual health.

Pathos - for a ruble, logic - for a penny! Suppose the ideas of the apostates really are poison? Well, then, with what would it be logical to compare the most correct, most reasonable, most powerful and true ideas in the world - the ideas of the “faithful slave”? Of course, with a universal antidote or, even better, with acquired immunity against all poisons (there have been cases in history when people developed such immunity). After all, “truth” is “conquers and crushes everything”, “takes everyone captive”, “accuses any tongue”, “heals everyone” and the list goes on... But, in this case, for some reason it becomes helpless, like a kitten and some kind of “dispossessed”, himself a former bearer of “truth”, suddenly, immediately after deprivation, acquires such a “heroic strength” that the current bearers of “truth” are afraid to almost look in his direction.

Besides , from the point of view of the Orthodox, for example, propaganda on the part of their co-religionists who have gone to the SI is poison, and in the opinion of the SI, poison is sprayed by those who have left them. And in Soviet times, anti-Soviet propaganda was considered poison, i.e. any criticism of the existing system, and it was seen even in the publications of SI. The effect of literal poison on the human body is an objective reality, confirmed by chemical laws, it does not depend on the point of view of the subject. Therefore, comparing opponents’ arguments with “poison” is pure demagoguery. And the Leadership Council does this constantly and persistently. Well, he has no other way to hide the weaknesses of his teaching than to constantly frighten the “apostates” with omnipotence...

Of course, demagoguery is used, to one degree or another, by leaders of other religions, politicians and businessmen. But there, at least, the audience is better prepared for this, because it is not deprived of the ability to critically analyze as methodically as Ruk.Sovet does with its audience.

These are some “illustrative” examples that the SI ideologists loved so much that they became “beloved” for them. They are indeed “beloved”, or rather “not visual”, but only in the sense that they are designed to cloud a person’s ability to objectively perceive reality.