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Solar system. Astronomy presentation "Solar system" (Grade 11) Download presentation solar system

Solar system.  Astronomy presentation

Presentation "Solar system" prepared for the lesson in physics "Composition solar system"For grade 11, studying according to the textbook by G.Ya. Myakishev. The presentation consists of 17 slides, which provide information about the giant planets, terrestrial planets, asteroids, comets, meteorites.



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solar system

terrestrial planets Mercury Venus

earth mars

The general properties of the terrestrial planets consist of heavy elements, have a small number (0-2) of satellites, there is an atmosphere (except for Mercury); the surface is hard; small weight and dimensions; high density; are close to the sun, receive a lot of energy

Giant planets Jupiter Saturn

Uranus Neptune

In one complete revolution of Neptune around the Sun, our planet makes 164.79 revolutions.

General properties of giant planets: - large sizes and masses; - quickly rotate about their own axis; - are far from the Sun, low surface temperature; - have big number satellites; - no solid surface; - differ in chemical composition from the terrestrial planets, mainly consist of light elements; - have strong magnetic fields; - belts of high-energy particles (radiation belts) are formed around the planets.

Asteroid from Greek "starlike"

Comet from Greek "hairy", "long-haired"

The structure of the comet

Halley's comet was studied by AMS "Vega - 1", "Vega - 2", "Giotto" The nucleus had dimensions of 14x7.5x7.5 km Every second 8 tons of dust, 45 tons of gas are ejected

When a comet breaks up, a meteor swarm is formed

Meteor speed 11 - 75 km/s height 80 - 130 km meteor shower Leonids 1998

Meteor Meteor crater in Arizona. Width - 1.2 km, depth - 183 m.

solar system

  • planetary system, including
    • central star - the Sun
    • natural space objects revolving around it:
      • planets and their satellites,
      • asteroids;
      • meteoric bodies
      • comets;
      • interplanetary dust
Jupiter - Thunderer
  • The striped pattern of the planet's surface - the tops of convection currents
  • Constant flashes of lightning.
  • The Great Red Spot is a hurricane anticyclone drifting across the planet, first seen in 1830.
Moons of Jupiter Moons of Jupiter Ganymede is a moon of Jupiter
  • The largest satellite in the solar system
  • the average distance from the Sun is 1432 million km;
  • the period of revolution around the Sun is 29.46 Earth years;
  • period of rotation around its axis 10.2 - 10.6 hours;
  • the average diameter of the planet is 120,660 km;
  • the mass of the planet is 5.68 1026 kg;
  • the composition of the atmosphere includes hydrogen, helium, methane, ammonia;
  • low the average density of the planet is 0.7 103 kg/m3;
  • It radiates 2.5 times more energy than it receives from the Sun;
  • Has a magnetic field;
  • Has a unique system of rings; has 17 satellites (the largest is Titan)
Structure of Saturn
  • Similar to the structure of Jupiter, only on a smaller scale;
  • Convection currents occur in the atmosphere, hurricane disturbances similar to the Red Spot.
Saturn's ring system
  • It is formed by ice particles rotating around the planet ranging in size from 1 cm to 15 m.
  • In total there are 7 main rings, the main ones are divided into hundreds of narrow ones;
  • The rings lie in the equatorial plane of Saturn, so their viewing angle from Earth changes.
Rings of Saturn Moons of Saturn Uranus
  • the average distance from the Sun is 2871 million km;
  • the period of revolution around the Sun is 84 Earth years;
  • the period of rotation around its axis is 17 hours ( from west to east);
  • The axis of rotation lies in the plane of the orbit (inclination 980C), so the planet has a regime of "polar day" and "polar night", lasting about 42 Earth years;
  • the average diameter of the planet is 51200 km;
  • the mass of the planet is 8.7 1025 kg;
  • Surface temperature - 1400C;
  • the composition of the atmosphere includes hydrogen, helium, methane; the thickness of the atmosphere is 9000 km;
  • the average density of the planet is 1.1 103 kg/m3;
  • Emits radio signals;
  • Does not have a magnetic field;
  • Has a system of rings; has 5 satellites.
Moons of Uranus
  • Miranda
  • the average distance from the Sun is 4500 million km;
  • the period of revolution around the Sun is 164.8 Earth years;
  • the period of rotation around its axis is 17.8 hours;
  • The axis of rotation is inclined to the plane of the orbit by 280 (comparable to the position of the Earth and Mars;
  • the average diameter of the planet is 49,500 km;
  • mass of the planet 1.03 1026 kg;
  • Surface temperature - 2170С;
  • the composition of the atmosphere includes hydrogen, helium, methane;
  • the average density of the planet is 2.06 103 kg/m3;
  • Emits radio signals;
  • Does not have a magnetic field;
  • Has a system of rings; has 8 satellites.
Structure of Neptune Satellites of Neptune Asteroid Belt
  • Asteroids are small (more than 1 km across) planetary bodies revolving around the Sun.
  • Most of the asteroids move between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter.
  • The chemical composition of the main belt asteroids is similar to that of the terrestrial planets (silicates and metals).
The main asteroid belt The average distance between the asteroids of the main belt and the Sun varies between 330 - 540 million km, and the period of their revolution is 3-7 years
  • The average distance between the asteroids of the main belt and the Sun varies between 330 - 540 million km, and the period of their revolution is 3-7 years
  • Asteroids revolve around the Sun in the same direction as the planets, but move in more elongated orbits.
  • The movement of asteroids is influenced by the attraction of large bodies of the solar system, which can lead to collisions.
In March 1989, an asteroid with a diameter of about 300 m passed from the Earth at a distance of less than 650 thousand km (1.5 of the radius of the Moon's orbit).
  • In March 1989, an asteroid with a diameter of about 300 m passed from the Earth at a distance of less than 650 thousand km (1.5 of the radius of the Moon's orbit).
  • Timely detection and development of methods of protection against such bodies is an important task of astronomy.
Kuiper belt
  • At the end of the 20th century, the asteroid belt (Kuiper belt) was discovered beyond the orbit of Neptune.
Trans-Neptunian objects
  • Beyond the orbit of Neptune are trans-Neptunian objects, consisting of frozen water, ammonia and methane. In these areas, five individual objects - Ceres, Pluto, Haumea, Makemake and Eris - are large enough to maintain a close to round shape under the influence of their own gravity, they are named dwarf planets.
Comet Cloud - Comet Oort Cloud
  • Comets are small bodies of the solar system, usually only a few kilometers in size, consisting mainly of volatile substances (ices).
  • Their orbits are large, an elongated ellipse, typically with perihelion within the orbits of the inner planets and aphelion far beyond Pluto.
  • As the comet enters the inner solar system and approaches the sun, its icy surface begins to evaporate and ionize, creating a coma: a long cloud of gas and dust often visible to the naked eye.
  • Short period comets have a period of less than 200 years. The period of long-period comets can be thousands of years.
General scheme of the solar system

solar system

- this is a planetary system that includes a central star - the Sun and all natural space objects that revolve around the Sun.

Planets of the solar system


How “big” is our Earth?

It would take 1,300,000 Earths to fill the volume of the Sun.

The sun is a source of heat and light.

Slavic god of the sun

Since ancient times, man has revered and worshiped the Sun as a god.

Average age 4.5 billion years

A star, like the Sun, must exist for about 10 billion years.

The Sun is now about the middle of its life.

By the age of 5.6 billion years, 1.1 billion years from now, our daylight will be 11% brighter than it is now.

The Earth's surface will be too hot for life to exist. Life may remain in the oceans and polar regions.

By the age of 8 billion years (in 3.5 billion years from now), the brightness of the Sun will increase by 40%.

On Earth, there will be conditions like on Venus: the water will disappear completely and evaporate into space. This catastrophe will lead to the final destruction of all forms of life on Earth.

At the age of 10.9 billion years (6.4 billion years from now), the radius of the Sun will reach 1.59 R☉, and the luminosity will be 2.21 times greater than today.

Over the next 0.7 billion years, the Sun will expand relatively rapidly (up to 2.3 R☉), maintaining an almost constant luminosity, and its temperature will drop from 5500 K to 4900 K.

Having reached the age of 11.6 billion years (in 7 billion years from now), the Sun will become a subgiant.

By the age of 12.2 billion years, the radius of the Sun will increase 256 times compared to today.

The outer layers of the Sun at this time will reach the modern orbit of the Earth.

The Earth will move to a more distant orbit from the Sun and avoid absorption by its outer layers.

It is possible that the Sun will expand up to the orbit of the Earth and absorb it. The earth dives into the sun

After the Sun passes the red giant phase, its outer shell will be torn off, and a planetary nebula will form from it.

At the center of this nebula will remain a white dwarf formed from the core of the Sun, a very hot and dense object, but only the size of the Earth.

This white dwarf will cool down and die out over many millions and billions of years.

Sun life cycle

over many millions and billions of years will cool down and fade away.

Sunlight reaches the surface of our planet in 8 minutes.

The gravity on the Sun's surface is 28 times greater than Earth's.

Libra on Earth

show 60 kg.

On the Sun, the scales would show

Terrestrial planets






The closest planet to the Sun;

The smallest planet in the solar system;

The second densest planet (only the Earth has a higher density);

The surface is covered with craters;

The fastest planet in the solar system (the speed of rotation around the Sun is almost 2 times the speed of rotation of the Earth);

Daytime temperatures can reach 430°C and drop

down to -180°C at night.

- « venus electric dragon»: up to 100 lightning bolts every second (2 times more than on Earth);

The only planet named after a woman;

The hottest planet: the temperature reaches 465 ° C;

Has an infernal atmosphere, consisting of carbon dioxide and clouds of sulfuric acid and creating a greenhouse effect;

The surface is extremely dry;

The pressure exceeds the earth's by 90 times;

There are no natural satellites;

The slowest of the planets;

There is no change of seasons - it is constantly “baked” from all sides;

A day on Venus is longer than a year;

rotates in the opposite direction (on Earth, the Sun rises in the East and sets in the West, and on Venus, the Sun rises in the West and sets in the East);

Gravity is slightly less than on Earth.


The only planet whose name is not from mythology;

Over 4.5 billion years;

The only planet where life has been discovered: appeared about 3.9 billion years ago;

2/3 of the surface is covered with water;

Not perfectly round shape: geoid (has a slight bulge to the equator);

The Earth-Moon system is in a region of the solar system that is neither too hot nor too cold;

The Earth's magnetic field weakens solar radiation harmful to life.

The second name is the Red Planet;

There is no ozone layer in the atmosphere: the surface of Mars is buried in lethal doses of radiation every time the Sun rises;

- ice caps lie at the poles;

At the equator from +30 ºC at noon to -80 ºC at midnight; near the poles down to -143 ºC;

The pressure is so low that the oxygen in our blood would instantly turn into gas bubbles, which would lead to instant death;

Very often the most ferocious and powerful dusty snowstorms rage: the wind speed reaches more than 180 km/h;

2 small moons - Deimos and Phobos;

Mount Olympus is the highest mountain in the solar system known to mankind;

Meriner Valley Canyon is many times longer and deeper than the Grand Canyon in North America;

Gravity is 2.5 times weaker than on Earth:

on Earth: 60 kg

on Mars: 24 kg

Could jump 3 times higher;

Only 1/3 of the spacecraft sent to Mars have been successful: the equivalent of the Bermuda Triangle in which ships disappear.

Planets - giants





In the night sky, the third brightest object, after Venus and the Moon;

It does not have a solid surface and consists of gas;

4 ring system

The fastest planet: a complete revolution in 10 hours, but it takes 12 years to go around the Sun;

A strong radio source that can damage a close approaching spacecraft;

The strongest magnetic field: 14 times more than on Earth;

The phenomenon of "hot shadows", in the shade the temperature is higher (probably reflects more heat than it receives from the Sun);

Emits strange sounds: "electromagnetic voices";

- "Jupiter" storms are similar to the earth's, but can last for several days or months;

Hurricanes are always with strong lightning, more ferocious than storms on Earth;

Very strong hurricanes occur every 15 years; wind speed up to 540 km/h;

There is no change of seasons;

The Great Red Spot is a hurricane that has been raging for 350 years;

100 years ago reached 40,000 km in length; today the sizes are 2 times smaller; rotates counterclockwise at a speed of 435 km / h;

Gravity 2.5 times

more than on earth

on Earth: 60 kg

on Jupiter: 150 kg

Moons of Jupiter

Revolve around

67 satellites (possibly over 100): all rotate in the opposite direction from the rotation of the planet itself.

4 massive satellites (Galilean moons):




Callisto is almost like Mercury,

Ganymede is the largest in the solar system.

"pearl of the solar system"

Gaseous planet, does not have a solid surface;

least dense planet:

would not drown in a pool of water;

62 satellites are known

Has the most spectacular ring system of any planet;

It rotates very quickly around its axis: a day is 10 hours 14 minutes;

Rotates around an axis so fast that it flattens out at the poles;

It revolves around the Sun very slowly: a year lasts more than 29 Earth years;

It radiates 2.5 times more energy into space than it receives from the Sun;

There is a change of seasons, as on Earth, only on Saturn the seasons last more than 7 years;

Hurricanes are raging, which are very similar to hurricanes on Earth;

The winds blowing on the planet reach speeds of 1800 km/h;

- "Saturn's hexagon": a huge atmospheric vortex of a geometrically regular hexagonal shape, raging at the north pole of the planet.

Satellites of Saturn

24 satellites of Saturn are regular

38 - irregular, the movement of which differs from the general rules

Orbits of irregular moons of Saturn.

In the center, the orbit of a regular satellite, Titan, is shown in red.

Titan is the largest moon of Saturn, the second largest satellite in the solar system (after Jupiter's moon Ganymede)

The largest satellites

Mimas, Enceladus, Tethys, Dione, Rhea, Titan and Iapetus.

"Life on Enceladus" is an open question and a topic for scientific discussion and research!

"Jupiter and Saturn may rain diamonds, there may even be entire oceans of diamonds"

The powerful pressure and extremely high temperature in their bowels are suitable for the formation and precipitation of minerals of the highest hardness.

The coldest planet is the Ice Giant;

Rotates lying on its side;

Complete revolution around its axis in 17 hours;

there are rings

84 earth years;

27 satellites

Change of seasons:

at the pole 42 years summer, 42 years winter;

The poles of the planet receive more solar energy than the equator, but the temperature at the equator is still warmer than in the polar regions;

The most distant planet;

The only planet that could be detected mathematically: deviations in the movement of Uranus were explained only by the influence of another huge body;

there is a ring system

has 13 satellites

The day lasts about 16 hours;

A complete revolution around the Sun (a year on Neptune) in 165 Earth years;

Gravity is almost equal to the gravity of the Earth;

Like Uranus, it is an ice giant;

The average surface temperature is about -220°C;

windiest planet

The strongest winds rage in the atmosphere of Neptune: their speeds can reach 2100 km/h;

The Great Dark Spot, similar to the Great Red Spot of Jupiter, discovered in 1989 is an anticyclone, but the spot disappeared by 1994;

For several years, a new spot has been observed, which has been named the Northern Great Dark Spot;

The smallest of the gas giants.

Between Mars and Jupiter

main asteroid belt

Some are the size of grains of sand, others are up to 1000 km in diameter.

The dwarf planet Ceres is the largest object in the Asteroid Belt.

Pallas, Vesta and Hygiea

three more large objects

Kuiper belt

The region of ice objects beyond the orbit of Neptune

looks like a donut

plump and round

Four dwarf planets:

Pluto, Haumea, Makemake and Eris

largest known Kuiper belt object

Sunlight reaches Pluto in five hours;

Complete rotation around the sun in

248 earth years;

One revolution around the axis in 6 days, 9 hours and 17 minutes;

Rotates in the opposite direction to the rotation of the Earth: (The sun rises in the west and sets in the east, as on Venus and Uranus);

The only known dwarf planet to have an atmosphere: unsuitable for human breathing and low altitude;

When Pluto is closest to the Sun, the atmosphere is in a gaseous state; when it is farthest from the Sun, it freezes and precipitates on the surface of the planet;

On Pluto, the Sun rises and sets about once a week;

The average temperature there reaches minus 230 degrees.;

It is so dark on Pluto that you can admire the stars from its surface all day long;

on Earth: 60 kg

on Pluto: 3kg 600g

Pluto was considered a planet for 76 years:

has been called a "dwarf planet" since 2006.

One of the most distant known objects in the solar system.

The orbit of Sedna (red) compared to those of Jupiter (orange), Saturn (yellow), Uranus (green), Neptune (blue), and Pluto (lilac).

Continuation of the solar system

Oort cloud

A hypothetical spherical region of the solar system that serves as a source of long-period comets.

Instrumentally, the existence of the Oort cloud has not been confirmed, but many indirect facts point to its existence.

Guess the planet!

I am the biggest planet.

I am the red planet.

I have the most beautiful rings.

I am closest to the sun.

I spin on my side.

Guess the planet!

I am the hottest planet.

I am the farthest planet.

I am the most beautiful planet.

When asked why he was born into the world, Anaxagoras replied:


Ancient Greek philosopher, mathematician and astronomer

(496 BC - 428 BC)

"To observe

Sun, Moon and Sky"

1 slide

SOLAR SYSTEM Completed by: Students gr. IS-17 Vdovenko V.A. Pestova S.I. Checked by: Shkuratova G.A.

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The solar system is a planetary system that includes the central star - the Sun - and all natural space objects revolving around the Sun.

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Terrestrial Planets (The four closest planets to the Sun): Mercury: The closest planet to the Sun in the solar system, the smallest of the terrestrial planets. It is named after the ancient Roman god of trade - Mercury. Area 74,800,000 km² Mass 3.33×10²³ kg Average temperature 66.8 °C Second escape velocity 4.25 km/s

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Venus: The second planet from the Sun in the solar system. Named after the ancient Roman goddess of love, Venus. The Venusian year is 224.7 Earth days. It has the longest period of rotation around its axis among all the planets. It has a thick silicate shell around an iron core and an atmosphere. Located at 0.723 a.u. from the sun. The planet has no satellites. Area 460,000,000 km² Mass 4.87 × 10²⁴ kg Average temperature 463 °C Second escape velocity 10.4 km/s core partially composed of molten metal crust mantle

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Earth: The third planet from the Sun in the solar system. The fifth in diameter, mass and density among all the planets and the largest among the terrestrial planets. Located on 1 a. e. from the Sun The Earth has one natural satellite - the Moon, the only large satellite of the terrestrial planets of the solar system. Area 510,072,000 km² Weight 5.97×10²⁴ kg Average temperature 14.8 °C Satellites Moon, artificial satellite of the Earth Population 7,530,103,737 people (September 5, 2017)

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Mars: The fourth farthest from the Sun and the seventh largest planet in the solar system; the mass of the planet is 10.7% of the mass of the Earth. Named after Mars - the ancient Roman god of war, corresponding to the ancient Greek Ares. Sometimes Mars is called the "red planet" because of the reddish hue of the surface, given to it by the mineral maghemite - γ-iron oxide. Located at 1.5 a. e. from the Sun. The planet has two satellites - Phobos and Deimos. Area 144,370,000 km² Weight 6.42×10²³ kg Average temperature -63.1°C Second escape velocity 5.03 km/s Satellites: Phobos, Deimos

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2. Giant planets (also called gas giants): Jupiter: the largest planet in the solar system, the fifth furthest from the sun. Along with Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, Jupiter is classified as a gas giant. It consists mainly of hydrogen and helium. Jupiter's high internal temperature causes many semi-permanent vortex structures in its atmosphere, such as cloud bands and the Great Red Spot. Jupiter has 69 moons. Weight 1.9×10²⁷ kg Average temperature -108 °C Second space velocity 59.5 km/s Satellites Io, Ganymede, Callisto, Europa, Jupiter Rings, Amalthea, Thebes, Lysithea, Himalia, Metis...

9 slide

Saturn: The sixth planet from the Sun and the second largest planet in the solar system after Jupiter. Saturn has 62 confirmed moons; two of them are Titan and Enceladus Mass 5.68×10²⁶ kg Second escape velocity 35.5 km/s Satellites: Titan, Rings of Saturn, Enceladus, Iapetus, Mimas, Dione, Pandora, Tethys, Rhea, Hyperion...

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Uranus: The planet of the solar system, the seventh in distance from the Sun, the third in diameter and the fourth in mass. Named after the Greek sky god Uranus. With a mass 14 times that of Earth, Uranus is the lightest of the giant planets. What makes it unique among other planets is that it rotates “lying on its side”: the inclination of its axis of rotation to the plane of the ecliptic is approximately 98 °. Uranus has 27 satellites. km/s Satellites Titania, Umbriel, Miranda, Rings of Uranus, Ariel, Oberon, Perdita, Cressida, Pak, Cordelia…. Discovery date March 13, 1781 Pioneer William Herschel

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Neptune: The eighth and farthest planet from Earth in the solar system. Neptune is also the fourth largest planet by diameter and the third largest by mass. The mass of Neptune is 17.2 times, and the diameter of the equator is 3.9 times that of the earth. The planet was named after the Roman god of the seas. Her astronomical symbol is a stylized version of Neptune's trident. Neptune has 14 known moons. The largest, Triton, is geologically active, with liquid nitrogen geysers. Triton is the only large satellite moving in the opposite direction. Area 7,640,800,000 km² Weight 1.02 × 10²⁶ kg Average temperature -201 °C Second space velocity 23.5 km / s Satellites: Triton, Nereid, Neptune's Rings, Larissa, Naiad, Protea, Despina, Neso, Thalassa, Galatea .. Opening date September 23, 1846

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MKOU "Sedelnikovskaya secondary school No. 1" Andreev A.V. solar system

People have always been attracted by the distance, They were always called the oceans... And the cosmos lived slowly, It was mysterious and scary. A. Aldan-Semyonov

Where we live? It would seem that it could be easier to answer this question? In your home, in the village, in the country, on the globe… And then? Our planet Earth also lives in a kind of city - the solar system, where there are other inhabitants - nine large and small planets, connected together by rotation around the source of heat and light - the Sun.

space stars small bodies satellites of the planet

Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto planet

Mercury is the planet closest to the sun. Distance from the Sun: 57.9 million cells Surface temperature: from - 185 ° С to + 430 ° С. Year duration: 88 Earth days. Day length: 58.6 Earth days. There are no satellites. Axis tilt: 0˚0 ‘There is no atmosphere (air envelope), but rare gas atoms near the mercurial surface form the Exosphere. The surface of Mercury is heavily cratered and resembles the surface of the Moon. Craters are traces of meteorites that fell on Mercury from space. Without an atmosphere, a planet has no defense against meteorites. Mercury

Venus is the second planet from the Sun. Average distance from the Sun: 108.2 million cells Diameter: 12 104 cl. Average temperature: 480 ° C Year duration: 225 Earth days. Day length: 117 Earth days. There are no satellites. Axis Tilt: 2°12' Like other planets, Venus has a core, mantle, and crust. The atmosphere of Venus creates the so-called "greenhouse effect" on the planet. Venus

Earth is the only planet in the solar system where life exists. Average distance from the Sun: 150 million km. Diameter: 12,756 km. Surface temperature: -89˚С to +58˚С. Length of the year: 365 days 6 hours. Day length: 24 hours. Number of satellites: 1- MOON. Axis tilt: 23˚4 ‘The planet consists of a core, mantle and earth’s crust. In addition, the Earth has a breathable oxygenated atmosphere. The atmosphere consists of 4 layers; the closest layer is the exosphere, then the ionosphere, then the stratosphere and the troposphere. Earth

Mars is the fourth planet. Distance from the Sun: 227.9 million km. Diameter: 6787 km. Surface temperature: from -120˚С to +15˚С. Length of a year: 687 Earth days. Day length: 24 hours 37 minutes. Number of satellites: 2. Axis tilt: 25˚2˚ Mars has an atmosphere, but it is very rarefied and not suitable for breathing, as it consists of almost only carbon dioxide. The north and south poles of Mars are covered in ice and dry ice. Mars

Jupiter is the fifth planet. Average distance from the Sun: 778.3 million km. Approximate diameter: 142,984 km. Atmospheric temperature: -150˚С. Length of a year: 11.86 Earth years. Day length: 9 hours 50 minutes. Number of satellites: 16. Axis tilt: 3˚1 ‘The giant consists of hydrogen and helium, that is, of stellar matter, and in addition, it has an atmosphere in which there is a small amount of oxygen. Jupiter

Saturn is the sixth planet. Average distance from the Sun: 1427 million km. Approximate diameter: 120,536 km. Atmospheric temperature: - 180˚С. Length of a year: 29.49 Earth years. Day length: 10 hours 39 minutes. Number of satellites: 18. Axial tilt: 26˚73' Like Jupiter, Saturn is a semi-liquid - semi-gaseous body with a small solid core inside. The planet has an atmosphere made up of hydrogen and helium. Saturn has rings that are 275,000 km wide but no more than a kilometer thick Saturn

Uranus is the 7th planet from the Sun Average distance from the Sun: 2870 million km. Approximate diameter: 51,118 km. Atmospheric temperature: -216 ° C Year duration: 84.01 Earth years. Day length: 17 hours 14 minutes. Number of satellites: 17. Axis tilt: 97 ° 9' Uranus differs from the rest of the planets in the solar system in that it rotates as if lying on its side. Scientists suggest that during the formation of the solar system, one of the planets collided with Uranus, which changed the direction of rotation of the planet. Uranus

Neptune is the 8th planet. Average distance from the Sun: 4497 ​​million km. Approximate diameter: 49,528 km. Atmospheric temperature: -214 ° C. Length of the year: 164.8 Earth years. Day length: 16 hours 7 minutes. Number of satellites: 8. Axis tilt: 28 ° 8' Neptune is famous among other planets for having the strongest hurricanes in the solar system. The speed of the winds rushing over the planet from east to west exceeds 2200 km. In hour. Neptune

Pluto Pluto is the 9th planet. Average distance from the Sun: 2310 million km. Approximate diameter: 2284 km. Atmospheric temperature: -230 ° C. Year duration: 248.5 Earth years. Day length: 6 Earth days 9 hours. Number of satellites: 1. Axis tilt: 62 ° 24' Pluto is the most distant planet from the Sun in the solar system. The planet has one moon, Charon. Pluto is five times smaller than our planet.

stars Sun It's interesting! ?

Stars and galaxies Stars form large clusters among themselves, which are called galaxies. Our Sun is located in a galaxy called the Milky Way. At night, in clear moonless weather, the Milky Way can be seen in the sky as a band of dim light. The Milky Way is like a flat disk 100,000 light-years across.

The Sun The Sun is a huge celestial body, inside of which more than a million planets equal in size to our Earth could fit. Age of the Sun: about 4,600,000,000 years. Average distance to Earth: 150 million km. Diameter: 1,392,000 km. Surface temperature: 5800 ° C. Temperature in the center: 15,000,000 ° C. Orbital period: 24 Earth days. Orbital period of the Milky Way: 225 million years Years. Number of planets in the solar system: 9.

It is interesting! The closest star to us is Alpha Centauri. The light from it takes 4.3 years to reach the Earth. (Sunlight takes 8 minutes to reach the earth.) There are 500,000 million known stars in our Galaxy. Scientists suggest that our universe has approximately 100,000 million galaxies, and each of them contains billions of stars. Of the planets known outside the solar system, at least three could be habitable.

1. The peas crumbled 2. The oven is full of small ones A hundred roads, loaves, No one will collect it - And in the middle is a big one Neither king nor queen, loaf. Not a red maiden 3. From what bucket do they not drink, do not eat, but only look? 4. Who has one eye during the day and many at night? 5. I have a carpet - you can’t shake it out, I have gold - you can’t count it. riddles answers

Small bodies Comets Asteroids?

Comets Comets are solid bodies of rock and ice, drawn into orbit around the Sun from the outskirts of the solar system. Around the Sun, they move in highly elongated orbits. Being at a great distance from the Sun, comets look like faintly luminous oval spots, but as they approach the Sun, they have a “head” and “tail”. The tail of a comet consists of gases, dust particles and water vapor escaping under the influence of sunlight. The length of the tail can reach tens of millions of kilometers.

riddles 6. The thousand-eyed himself, moves solemnly, as if to a bazaar. 7.CHARADA: The planet of the solar system is my beginning. There is no better topic for science fiction writers - it attracts them with a secret. And the second syllable New Year lovingly people decorate. What, in general, will be guessed by the one who recognizes the city of France. 8. A black swan scattered miracle grains across the sky. The black called the white, the white pecked the grains. Answers

The Asteroid Belt The asteroid belt is located between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. This ring is 150,000 km wide. 15 types of asteroids are known, for example, dark stone, light stone, metal. The distance from the main belt to the Sun is 350-500 million km. The most famous asteroids: Ceres, Pallas, Vesta, Juno, Eros, Cupid, Hidalgo, Icarus, Hermes. The closest asteroid to Earth: Hermes (777,000 km before it). Known asteroids: more than 10,000. Diameter of asteroids: from 1 to 1000 km. Largest asteroid: Ceres - 913 km long. Asteroid closest to the Sun: Icarus.

Asteroid belt The asteroid belt is a set of rotating blocks, most often irregular in shape. Many scientists believe that asteroids are fragments of another planet in the solar system that died as a result of a cosmic catastrophe. The powerful attraction of Jupiter does not allow the debris to combine and form the planet again. If the asteroids were still connected, then a small planet the size of a third of the moon would have turned out.

Satellites of the Moon Moons of Jupiter?

The Moon is at a distance of about 384,400 km from the Earth. Radius: 1738 km. The moon moves in orbit and rotates around its axis at the same speed - 28.5 days. Therefore, we always see only one side of it. Man's long-standing dream was to see the other side of the moon. In 1959, Soviet scientists launched an automatic station to the Moon, which flew around it and photographed the far side. The moon is the only satellite of the earth

The Moon is the only satellite of the Earth The Moon is kept in orbit by the Earth's gravity, but every year it moves away from us by 4 centimeters. Although the Moon is small, its gravitational force causes ocean tides on Earth and slows the Earth's rotation rate by a hundredth of a second per century.

Jupiter's Moons Jupiter's 12 moons orbit the giant counterclockwise, while those orbiting farthest from Jupiter rotate in the opposite direction. Jupiter's Largest Moons: Ganymede is the largest moon in the solar system and is larger than the planet Mercury. (diameter - 5262 km, distance from Jupiter - 1070,000 km) CALLISTO - the darkest and most icy of the satellites (diameter - 4800 km, distance from Jupiter - 1,883,000 km)

Satellites of Jupiter IO - Jupiter attracts Io to itself with such force that the substance inside the satellite heats up and boils. Many volcanoes are formed, ejecting sulfur during the eruption, which spills around the craters in red seas. Smaller volcanoes spew sulfur dioxide, which settles on Io's surface like snow. EUROPE - of all the satellites in the solar system, it has the smoothest surface, because. it is covered with a layer of ice 100 km thick. (diameter - 3138 km, distance from Jupiter - 670,900 km) Recently, scientists have hypothesized that primitive life forms may exist on Europa. It is possible that the layer of ice creates a "greenhouse effect", and under it single-celled algae and other microorganisms can live.

riddles 9. Overtaking night and day, a deer runs around the Earth. Touching the stars with his horn, he chose the path in the sky. The sound of his hooves is heard, he is the pathfinder of the Universe. 10. Horny, not butting. 11. Who is born twelve times a year? 12. It burns without fire, It flies without wings. Runs without legs. Answers

ANSWERS Stars 2. Moon and stars 3. Ursa Major 4. Sky 5. Sky and stars 6. Milky Way 7. Marseille - Mars + spruce 8. Starry night 9. Artificial satellite of the Earth 10. Month 11. Moon 12. Sun