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Where is Eurasia. Mainland Eurasia. Geographical position of the mainland, history of research. Description of the subtropical belt of Eurasia

Where is Eurasia.  Mainland Eurasia.  Geographical position of the mainland, history of research.  Description of the subtropical belt of Eurasia

Eurasia is the continent of the Earth with the largest area, comprising 36% of the land. The population living on this continent is 75% of the world's population. In absolute terms, the area of ​​Eurasia is about 54 million square meters. km, the population is about 5 billion people.

Eurasia is located in the Northern Hemisphere between longitude 9°W ​​and longitude 169°W. Only some of the Eurasian islands belong to the Southern Hemisphere. Most of the continent is located in Eastern hemisphere, and the western and eastern margins of the mainland - in western hemisphere.

The mainland unites two parts of the world: Europe and Asia. The conditional dividing line between them runs along the eastern ridge of the Ural Mountains, the Ural and Emba rivers, the northwestern shore of the Caspian Sea, the eastern and southern shores of the Black Sea, the Aegean and Mediterranean Seas, and the Strait of Gibraltar. Such a division is connected with the history of the countries of Europe and Asia, in nature there is no clear boundary. Asia covers a larger area than Europe and is divided into smaller regions such as Far East, Siberia, Primorye, Manchuria, Amur Region, China, Tibet, India, Central Asia, Uyguria, Middle East, Persia, Arabia, Caucasus, Indochina, others.

The continent is a single part of the land with tectonic consolidation and the similarity of many climatic processes. The natural landscape has been transformed over time, thanks to millennia of agricultural culture. On the territory of most of Eurasia, the modern cultural landscape is predominant.

This continent is washed by all four oceans: Arctic, Pacific, Indian, Atlantic. The extreme continental points are in the north - Cape Chelyuskin, in the south - Cape Piai, in the east - Cape Dezhnev, in the west - Cape Roca. The largest peninsulas of Eurasia are Arabian, Asia Minor, Balkan, Apennine, Scandinavian, Iberian, Chukchi, Taimyr, Indochina, Kamchatka, Yamal, Korea, Hindustan, Kola, Malacca.

In geological terms, this continent is the youngest in comparison with other continents, as it was formed in the Mesozoic and Cenozoic. In the structure of Eurasia, several platforms and plates are distinguished. The relief of Eurasia is diverse. On this mainland are the largest plains ( West Siberian and East European) and the largest mountain range on Earth (Himalayas). The average height of Eurasia is 830 m, and plateaus and mountains occupy up to 65% of the mainland.

All existing climatic zones and zones are represented on this continent. Most of the territory lies in the temperate zone. In connection with the vast size of Eurasia, there are also all natural zones: polar deserts, tundra, forest-tundra, taiga, mixed forests, humid equatorial forests, semi-deserts and deserts, steppes and forest-steppes, zones of altitudinal zonation.

And also along the straits connecting the Black and. The name Europa comes from the legend that the Phoenician king Agenor had a daughter, Europa. The almighty Zeus fell in love with her, turned into a bull and kidnapped her. He took her to the island of Crete. There Europe first set foot on the land of that part of the world, which since then bears her name. Asia - the designation of one of the provinces to the east of, the so-called Scythian tribes to the Caspian Sea (Asians, Asians).

The coastline is very indented and forms a large number of peninsulas and bays. The largest are and. The mainland is washed by the waters of the Atlantic, Arctic and. The seas they form are deepest in the east and south of the mainland. Scientists and navigators from many countries took part in the study of the mainland. The studies of P.P. Semenov-Tyan-Shansky and N.M. .

Eurasia is the most populated continent. More than 3/4 of all inhabitants of the globe live here. The eastern and southern regions of the mainland are especially densely populated. In terms of the diversity of peoples living on the mainland, Eurasia differs from other continents. Slavic peoples live in the north: Russians, Czechs, and others. South Asia is inhabited by numerous Indian peoples and the Chinese.

Eurasia is the cradle of ancient civilizations.

Geographical position: Northern Hemisphere between 0° E. d. and 180 ° in. some of the islands lie in the southern hemisphere.

Eurasia Square: about 53.4 million km2

Extreme points of Eurasia:

  • the extreme northern island point is Cape Fligeli, 81°51` N. sh.;
  • the extreme northern continental point is Cape Chelyuskin, 77°43` N. sh.;
  • the extreme eastern island point is Ratmanov Island, 169°0` W. d.;
  • the extreme eastern mainland point is Cape Dezhnev, 169°40` W. d.;
  • the extreme southern island point is the South Island, 12°4`S. sh.;
  • extreme southern mainland point – Cape Piai, 1°16` N. sh.;
  • the extreme western island point is the rock of Monchique, 31°16` W. d.;
  • the extreme western mainland point is Cape Roca, 9°30`W. d.

Climatic zones of Eurasia.

About 30% of the surface of our planet is land, which is represented by six continents. They vary greatly in size. And the question arises: "What is the largest continent of the Earth?" You can learn about this from this article.

Eurasia - the largest continent of the Earth

This continent covers an area of ​​about 54,000,000 km2. Thus, it is the largest continent on Earth. At the same time, the number of people living on it has already exceeded 5 billion people, which is about 75 percent of the total population of the planet.

Geographically, Eurasia is also divided into two parts: Europe and Asia. As you know, there are six parts of the world in total, of which Asia is the largest (the mainland on Earth is a purely geographical concept, while part of the world is cultural and ethnographic). It should be noted that Europe accounts for only 20% of the entire area of ​​Eurasia.

The largest continent on Earth is territorially continuous, and the demarcation line between the European and Asian parts is very arbitrary. As a rule, it is carried out along the slopes of the Ural Mountains, along the Emba River, the shores of the Caspian Sea, the southeastern coast of the Black Sea and the Bosphorus Strait.

Eurasia extends from equatorial to subpolar latitudes. At the same time, some of its islands are already located south of the equator line. The length of the mainland from west to east is 18,000 kilometers, and from north to south - 8,000 km.

Eurasia: features of the nature of the mainland

Eurasia is a continent of natural contrasts. After all, here you can meet absolutely everything: the highest snow-capped peaks and deep depressions, cold harsh tundra and hot, huge deserts, impenetrable forests and expanse steppes. In terms of natural diversity, this continent has no equal on our entire planet!

Of course, such geographical diversity is due to the size of Eurasia and its elongation from north to south. All possible natural zones of the Earth are represented on the continent - from arctic deserts to tropical rainforests (there are 14 natural zones in Eurasia). There are more than a dozen large mountain systems on the mainland, within which altitudinal belts have formed.

The highest point in Eurasia (and the planet as a whole) is Mount Chomolungma in the Himalayas. Its height is 8848 meters. The lowest point on the mainland is the Dead Sea depression.

Eurasia: countries and peoples

The origin of the name of the largest continent on Earth is interesting. It is curious that at first the entire mainland was called Asia (in particular, Alexander von Humboldt called it that in the middle of the 19th century). But Eurasia was the first to be named by the scientist Eduard Suess, and this happened only at the end of the century before last. This name was assigned to the largest continent.

The largest continent on Earth today has about a hundred countries. All of them are very different in size, economic development, cultural and other features. The contrast of Eurasia is fully manifested in this aspect as well. One interesting example can be cited. So, on the same continent, the largest world state is located - Russia (area - 17 million km 2) and the smallest - the Vatican (an area of ​​\u200b\u200bonly 0.5 km 2).

Eurasia is characterized by an amazing diversity of cultures, languages ​​and dialects. Especially when it comes to Asia. So, in India alone, people speak more than 800 languages ​​and dialects!

Eurasia: records and amazing facts

Finally, to summarize all of the above, here is a list of the most famous and amazing records of the territory we are considering. So:

  • Eurasia is the most populated continent on the planet. About five billion people live here (only in India and China, the population exceeds two billion).
  • Eurasia is the only continent that is washed by all the oceans of the planet at once.
  • It is here that the largest lake in size - the Caspian Sea - is located.
  • Behind this continent there is another "lake" record: the deepest lake on Earth (Baikal) "registered" here.
  • The highest and lowest points of the planet are located in Eurasia.
  • The shallowest sea on Earth (Azov) is also located here (imagine: its depth does not exceed 15 meters!).
  • It is on the map of Eurasia that you can find 4 seas with "color" names: Black, White, Red and Yellow.
  • This continent is the absolute leader on the planet in terms of the total number of mountain systems, the largest among them is Tibet.

As you can see, it is not for nothing that this part of the world is called the largest. The continent on Earth, which has all these amazing records, simply cannot have a small area.


So, we found out that Eurasia is the largest continent on Earth. It occupies a colossal territory of 54,000,000 km2. Over 5 billion people live on these lands. Diversity of languages, wealth cultural heritage different countries attracts to this mainland a huge number of researchers and ordinary tourists from other continents.

The article contains information about the countries that are part of the densely populated continent. The material explains the origin of the term "Eurasia". Tells who exactly and when this term, which is common today, was first used.

Eurasian countries

It is known that Eurasia is the largest continent in the world, and on its territories there are many states that differ both in specific and individual geographical features and in the mentality of the people living there. The states and capitals of the mainland are able to impress anyone with their attractiveness and local attractions.

There are 92 sovereign states in Eurasia, 44 in Europe and 48 in Asia.

Rice. 1. Europe and Asia on the map

The very name "Eurasia" comes from a combination of parts of the world Europe and Asia, which are geographically located within the boundaries of the mainland.

This name of the mainland was first used by the famous geographer Alexander Humboldt. He did this in the first half of the 19th century.

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Today, many countries of Eurasia are popular places for tourists to visit. There are enough places on the mainland with beautiful architecture that have survived to this day.

There is also a rapid economic growth of a number of states in the Asian region. An example of the rapid development of economic orientation can be seen in the example of the Chinese capital.

Beijing is the second largest city in the world in terms of population. The main objects of national importance are located here.

Many significant transport routes and highways arise from the metropolis. Beijing is the political and cultural capital of the people of China.

Rice. 2. Beijing.

The oldest history of the city has approximately three thousand years. The city is famous for its beautiful parks, monumental palaces and religious buildings.

The Chinese call Beijing - Beijing, which literally means "Northern Capital". Today it is a fairly modern city. This is easy to see if we take into account the fact that today China is a power with high level economic potential.

The countries of the Asian region have the highest percentage of active use in Everyday life the latest digital technologies and developments made in this area over the past decade.

Today there is global integration. The states of Eurasia strive for mutually beneficial cooperation in all spheres of life and activity of mankind. Unions and commonwealths of states are formed on the territory of the mainland. An example would be the emergence of the European Union. Close socio-political relations between states make it possible to use the natural potential of Eurasia with the greatest efficiency.

Eurasia is a continent that contains dwarf states on its "body". These states include: the Vatican, Luxembourg, Andorra, Malta, Liechtenstein, San Marino, Monaco, Brunei, Singapore, Bahrain, Maldives. Some of which are island-type states.

Rice. 3. Singapore.

For comparison, it is worth noting that Russia occupies almost half of Eurasia.

The Principality of Monaco is located on the Mediterranean coast and occupies only 2 square kilometers around a cliff overlooking the open sea.

List of Eurasian countries and their capitals


  • Austria Vienna;
  • Albania - Tirana;
  • Andorra-Andorra-La Vella;
  • Belarus - Minsk;
  • Belgium - Brussels;
  • Bulgaria - Sofia;
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina - Sarajevo;
  • Vatican - Vatican
  • Great Britain, London;
  • Hungary -Budapest;
  • Germany Berlin;
  • Greece - Athens;
  • Denmark - Copenhagen;
  • Ireland - Dublin;
  • Iceland - Reykjavik;
  • Spain Madrid;
  • Italy Rome;
  • Latvia, Riga;
  • Lithuania - Vilnius;
  • Liechtenstein - Vaduz;
  • Luxembourg - Luxembourg;
  • Malta - Valletta;
  • Macedonia - Skopje;
  • Moldova - Chisinau;
  • Monaco - Monte Carlo;
  • Netherlands - Amsterdam;
  • Norway - Oslo;
  • Poland Warsaw;
  • Portugal - Lisbon;
  • Russia Moscow;
  • Romania - Bucharest;
  • San Marino - San Marino;
  • Serbia - Belgrade;
  • Slovakia - Bratislava;
  • Slovenia - Ljubljana;
  • Ukraine, Kyiv;
  • Finland - Helsinki;
  • France Paris;
  • Croatia - Zagreb;
  • Montenegro - Podgorica;
  • Czech Republic, Prague;
  • Switzerland - Bern;
  • Sweden - Stockholm;
  • Estonia - Tallinn;


  • Azerbaijan, Baku;
  • Armenia - Yerevan;
  • Afghanistan - Kabul;
  • Bangladesh - Dhaka;
  • Bahrain - Manama;
  • Brunei - Bandar Seri Begawan;
  • Bhutan - Thimphu;
  • East Timor - Dili;
  • Vietnam - Hanoi;
  • Georgia, Tbilisi;
  • Egypt (partially) - Cairo;
  • India - New Delhi;
  • Indonesia - Jakarta;
  • Israel - Jerusalem;
  • Jordan - Amman;
  • Iraq - Baghdad;
  • Iran - Tehran;
  • Yemen - Sana'a;
  • Kazakhstan - Nur-Sultan;
  • Cambodia - Phnom Penh;
  • Qatar - Doha;
  • Cyprus - Nicosia;
  • Kyrgyzstan - Bishkek;
  • China - Beijing;
  • North Korea - Pyongyang;
  • Kuwait-El Kuwait;
  • Laos - Vietiane;
  • Lebanon - Beirut;
  • Malaysia - Kuala Lumpur;
  • Maldives - Male;
  • Mongolia - Ulaanbaatar;
  • Myanmar - Naypyidaw;
  • Nepal - Kathmandu;
  • UAE - Abu Dhabi;
  • Oman - Muscat;
  • Pakistan - Islamabad;
  • Saudi Arabia - Riyadh;
  • Syria - Damascus;
  • Singapore - Singapore;
  • Tajikistan - Dushanbe;
  • Thailand - Bangkok;
  • Turkmenistan - Ashgabat;
  • Turkey - Ankara;
  • Uzbekistan - Tashkent;
  • Philippines - Manila;
  • Sri Lanka - Colombo;
  • Republic of Korea - Seoul;
  • Japan Tokyo.

Peninsular countries of Eurasia

The peninsular states located on the territory of Eurasia include:

  • Norway;
  • Denmark;
  • Spain;
  • Portugal;
  • Italy;
  • Greece;
  • India;
  • Saudi Arabia;
  • Malaysia;
  • Thailand;
  • Vietnam;
  • North Korea;
  • the Republic of Korea;
  • Malta.

Translated from the ancient Phoenician dialect, the name Malta means a refuge or harbor. The name of the island was due to its location at the crossroads of trade routes from Asia to European countries. Now about half a million people live in Malta.

What have we learned?

We learned who first called the continent by its common name. We got an idea of ​​which of the mainland countries are rapidly gaining momentum in the direction of economic growth and development. We received information about the island states of Eurasia. We learned for what purpose the states of Europe are striving for unification.

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This article will consider the largest continent - Eurasia. He received this name due to the combination of two words - Europe and Asia, which personify two parts of the world: Europe and Asia, which are united as part of this continent, and the islands also belong to Eurasia.

The area of ​​Eurasia is 54.759 million km2, which is 36% of the entire land area. The area of ​​the Eurasian islands is 3.45 million km2. The population of Eurasia is also impressive, as it accounts for 70% of the total population on the entire planet. As of 2010, the population of the Eurasian continent was already more than 5 billion people.

The continent of Eurasia is the only continent of the planet Earth, which is washed by 4 oceans at once. The Pacific Ocean washes the mainland in the east, the Arctic Ocean washes the north, the Atlantic Ocean washes the mainland in the west and the Indian Ocean in the south.

The dimensions of Eurasia are quite impressive. The length of Eurasia when viewed from west to east is 18,000 kilometers and 8,000 kilometers when viewed from north to south.

Eurasia has all the climatic zones, natural zones and climatic zones that exist on the planet.

The extreme points of Eurasia, which are located on the mainland:

There are four extreme continental points that Eurasia has:

1) In the north of the mainland extreme point is considered Cape Chelyuskin (77°43′ N), which is located on the territory of the country Russia.

2) In the south of the mainland, Cape Piai (1°16′ N), which is located in the country of Malaysia, is considered the extreme point.

3) In the west of the mainland, the extreme point is Cape Roca (9º31′ W), which is located in the country of Portugal.

4) And finally, in the east of Eurasia, the extreme point is Cape Dezhnev (169°42′ W), which also belongs to the country of Russia.

The structure of the mainland Eurasia

The structure of the continent of Eurasia differs from all other continents. First of all, the fact that the mainland consists of several plates and platforms, as well as the fact that the continent in its formation is considered the youngest of all the others.

The northern part of Eurasia consists of the Siberian Platform, the East European Platform, and the West Siberian Plate. To the east, Eurasia consists of two plates: it includes the South China platform and also includes the Sino-Korean platform. In the west, the mainland includes plates of Paleozoic platforms and Hercynian folding. The southern part of the mainland consists of the Arabian and Indian platforms, the Iranian plate and part of the Alpine and Mesozoic folding. The central part of Eurasia consists of the Aleozoic folding and the Paleozoic platform plate.

Eurasian platforms that are located on the territory of Russia

The continent of Eurasia has many large cracks and faults, which are located on Lake Baikal, in Siberia, in Tibet and other regions.

Relief of Eurasia

Due to its size, Eurasia as a continent has the most diverse relief on the planet. The mainland itself is considered the highest mainland on the planet. Above the highest point of the continent of Eurasia, only the continent of Antarctica, but it is higher only due to the thickness of the ice covering the earth. The landmass of Antarctica itself does not exceed Eurasia in height. It is in Eurasia that the largest plains in terms of their area and the highest and most extensive mountain systems are located. Also on the territory of Eurasia there are the Himalayas, which are the highest mountains on planet Earth. Accordingly, the highest mountain in the world is located on the territory of Eurasia - this is Chomolungma (Everest - height 8,848 m).

To date, the relief of Eurasia is determined by intense tectonic movements. Many regions on the territory of the Eurasian continent are characterized by high seismic activity. There are also active volcanoes in Eurasia, which include volcanoes in Iceland, Kamchatka, the Mediterranean and others.

Climate of Eurasia

The continent of Eurasia is the only continent on which all climatic zones and climatic zones are present. In the north of the mainland there are arctic and subarctic belts. The climate here is very cold and harsh. To the south begins a wide strip of the temperate zone. Due to the fact that the length of the mainland from west to east is very huge, the following zones are distinguished in the temperate zone: maritime climate in the west, then temperate continental, continental and monsoon climate.

South of the temperate zone is the subtropical zone, which is also divided into three zones from the west: Mediterranean climate, continental and monsoon climate. The very south of the mainland is occupied by the tropical and subequatorial belts. The equatorial belt is located on the islands of Eurasia.

Inland waters on mainland Eurasia

The continent of Eurasia differs not only in the amount of water space that washes it from all sides, but also in the size of inland water resources. This continent is the richest in terms of ground and surface water. It is on the mainland of Eurasia that the largest rivers of the planet are located, which flow into all the oceans washing the continent. These rivers include the Yangtze, Ob, Huang He, Mekong, Amur. It is on the territory of Eurasia that the largest and deepest reservoirs are located. These include the largest lake in the world - the Caspian Sea, the deepest lake in the world - Baikal. Underground water resources are distributed on the mainland rather unevenly.

As of 2018, there are 92 independent states on the territory of Eurasia that are fully functioning. The largest country in the world - Russia is also located on Eurasia. By clicking on the link you can see a complete list of countries with area and population. Accordingly, Eurasia is richest in the nationality of the people living on it.

Fauna and flora on the Eurasian continent

Since all natural zones are present on the Eurasian continent, the diversity of flora and fauna is simply enormous. The mainland is inhabited by a variety of birds, mammals, reptiles, insects and other representatives of the animal world. The most famous representatives of the animal world in Eurasia are the brown bear, fox, wolf, hares, deer, elk, squirrels. The list goes on and on as a wide variety of animals can be found on the mainland. Also birds, fish, which have adapted to both low temperatures and arid climates.

Mainland Eurasia video:

Due to the size and location of the mainland, the flora is also very diverse. On the mainland there are deciduous, coniferous and mixed forests. There are tundra, taiga, semi-deserts and deserts. The most famous representatives of trees are birch, oak, ash, poplar, chestnut, linden and many others. Also a variety of species of herbs and shrubs. The poorest region on the mainland in terms of flora and fauna is the far north, where only mosses and lichens can be found. But the more you go south, the more diverse and rich flora and fauna on the mainland.

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