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Where is Lebanon's former minister of education now? Education Minister Dmitry Livanov was dismissed. Dismissal from the post of Minister of Education

Where is Lebanon's former minister of education now?  Education Minister Dmitry Livanov was dismissed.  Dismissal from the post of Minister of Education

Minister of Education and Science Dmitry left his post, and an official was appointed in his place. Earlier today, unconfirmed information about the resignation of the minister, who had held this post since 2012, was leaked to the media. The fact that the resignation of the head of the department had already been discussed the day before was confirmed to Gazeta.Ru by two sources in the education system.

"IN last days it was in the air,” a source in the Ministry of Education told Gazeta.Ru.

Soon after this, the minister’s resignation was officially confirmed - it was accepted by President Vladimir.

The decision on this was announced by President Vladimir Putin in Crimea, where he arrived to meet with members of the Security Council, as well as to attend the All-Russian Youth Forum “Tavrida”.

Vladimir Putin agreed with Prime Minister Dmitry’s proposal to appoint Olga Vasilyeva, an employee of the presidential administration, as the new head.

At the same time, it became known about the new position of the former minister: Livanov will become the special representative of the head of state for trade and economic relations with Ukraine. “Okay, we’ll do that, I agree,” Putin said, responding to Medvedev’s proposal during a meeting at the Belbek military airfield near Sevastopol.

At the same time, Putin dismissed the special representative for the development of trade and economic relations with Ukraine from his post. The corresponding decree published on the official legal information portal.

At a meeting with the head of state, Medvedev noted that the government had intensified work on priority projects, including in the field of education. “In order to bring to life the ideas that have been formulated, new approaches, new powers, and in some cases, new people are required,” the prime minister noted. “I would propose to replace Dmitry Livanov with a woman, Olga Yuryevna Vasilyeva, who has a good track record,” the head of government emphasized.

It is known that on August 20, Livanov was supposed to attend the All-Russian Pedagogical Meeting in, which is taking place these days. The Ministry of Education and Science reacted to the message about the resignation as follows: “The Ministry of Education and Science faces tasks aimed at developing education and science in Russia, including ensuring the availability of quality education for all segments of the population as the basis social mobility, ensuring the current and future needs of the economy and social sphere in professional personnel of the necessary qualifications, creating conditions for the development of lifelong education, creating conditions for the development and effective use scientific and technical potential. The Ministry is focused on fulfilling its tasks and continues to work as usual, concentrating on preparing educational organizations by the beginning of the school year."

Livanov's new position - special presidential representative for trade and economic relations with Ukraine - was previously occupied by former ambassadors to Ukraine: Mikhail Zurabov and. After Mikhail Zurabov resigned, Russia proposed a candidacy for his place, and the Ukrainian side refused to approve his figure. Therefore in at the moment Russia's interests in Ukraine are represented by a charge d'affaires ad interim, and the issue of appointing a new ambassador is suspended. Now, due to the absence of the ambassador, part of his functionality on trade and economic cooperation will be assigned to Special Representative Livanov.

“As for the diplomatic representative, the ambassador (to Ukraine), we’ll talk separately. But the development of trade and economic ties should be in the field of our constant attention,” President Vladimir Putin said on Friday. “This is not diplomatic work, and Livanov will now deal purely economic ties, although in cooperation with the trade mission of Russia,” explains Gazeta.Ru’s interlocutor in the diplomatic environment. To Crimean referendum and the conflict in Donbass, Ukraine was one of Russia’s leading economic partners. However, today the economic relations between the countries have deteriorated. Exports of services from Ukraine to Russia in 2014 compared to 2013 fell by more than half.

It is known that, as Minister of Education, Livanov promoted quotas in universities for refugees from Ukraine.

In any case, Livanov will have to establish new connections in this country. Most of his acquaintances in Ukraine are officials of the Yanukovych government who left the political arena after the revolution. A Ukrainian political scientist suggested that Livanov would become Russia’s unofficial ambassador to Ukraine, since Ukraine did not agree to Babich’s candidacy. “Therefore, such a neutral option was chosen, an understudy ambassador, an unofficial, illegitimate, non-status representative of the president, who will actually begin to pave the way for ambassadorial functions and will in fact largely play the role of an ambassador,” the expert told Interfax-Ukraine.

Dmitry Livanov's positions were among the weakest among government members. United Russia members regularly criticized Livanov in the Duma at the beginning of the year for his United Russia party.

“Livanov’s work does not find support in the party. We have repeatedly criticized his activities, but there was no reaction,” an interlocutor close to the leadership of United Russia explained in February the negative attitude of the party members.

Unofficially, there were rumors in academic circles and circles close to the Kremlin that the head of the corruption committee or the chairman of the Duma committee on education could become the new minister of education.

Criticizing Livanov’s speech at the government hour at the beginning of the year, Nikonov said that in his report the minister ignored real problems that concern pupils, students, scientists and teachers, for example, a decrease in the literacy of young people entering universities, delays in the payment of salaries in the regions . According to him, “after it was forbidden to terrorize businesses, everyone rushed to terrorize schools, kindergartens and universities.”

The resignation could work to increase United Russia's rating, political scientist Abbas is sure. According to him, much depends on the official interpretation of the resignation. “You shouldn’t hope that we dismissed an unpopular minister and that’s enough. The mere fact of resignation indicates not only that the government is cleaning itself up, but also that there are serious problems in the industry. If serious explanatory work is not carried out, then the dominant point of view may become that all reforms of the education system have failed and the authorities are desperately looking for a switchman,” argues Gallyamov.

Meanwhile, Livanov consistently defended the interests of the ministry in terms of financing.

As Gazeta.Ru found out, at the end of July, at one of the meetings with Dmitry Medvedev from the ministry, in the event of a reduction in funding already in 2017, 40% of budget places in universities will have to be cut, there will not be enough money for scholarships for students, and without work by 2019, there will be 10.3 thousand scientific employees of universities, the Russian Academy of Sciences and.

During Livanov’s reign, the minister was also criticized by the scientific community, related not only to the reform of the Russian Academy of Sciences. For more than three years now, the media have been constantly reporting on scandals related to the written-off dissertations of various officials, but those fighting against plagiarism in dissertations were dissatisfied with the ministry’s actions to improve the situation.

Contrary to the requests of Dissernet activists, from January 1, 2014, the statute of limitations for appealing candidate and doctoral dissertations in Russia began to be ten years, while those who defended their dissertation before 2011 now do not have to worry about written-off scientific work.

“I want to ask Vasilyeva the following questions: will you fire plagiarizing rectors (more than 70), and if not, why not? Will you disband those dissertation councils that distributed false dissertations (the lists were transferred to the Ministry of Education and Science and the Higher Attestation Commission and published on Dissernet many times)? Will you remove from the expert councils of the Higher Attestation Commission those individuals who contributed to the defense of false dissertations?” - asks the co-founder of Dissernet.

It is known that Olga Vasilyeva moved to a ministerial post from the position of deputy head of the department for public projects of the presidential administration.

This department is headed and the work of the structure is supervised by the first deputy head of the presidential administration.

Previously, Vasilyeva worked in the government department of culture. In 2013, she gave a closed lecture on patriotism before, Kommersant wrote. At the lecture, the official spoke about the unification of the people under Stalin during the war; this happened, in her opinion, through the popularization of pre-revolutionary Russian history and literature. One of Gazeta.Ru’s sources describes her as the author of 160 articles and eight monographs, coming from a school and scientific background.

According to the source, she interacted with the party in power, gave lectures as part of the “Candidate” project, and her “lectures had shades of moralizing and looked like propaganda.”

At first, the new minister will have to make great efforts to gain support in this environment and prove his effectiveness, the deputy head believes.

Sociologists noted that Livanov is the most unpopular minister and the majority of respondents rate his activities as two points.

Vasilyeva spoke at the All-Russian Youth Educational Forum “Territory of Meanings on Klyazma” at the end of June. According to the forum’s website, her topic was the history of “the formation of the national idea of ​​Russia - from the period of its formation to the present.” “Our country is the only country in the world that, after 1917, in 1991 experienced a second socio-political crisis. Both in the post-revolutionary period until 1934, and in the period from 1991 to 2002, they did not talk about patriotism; the very concepts of patriotism, love for the Fatherland, heroism were eradicated and were absent in public consciousness", said the official.

On Klyazma she talked about the patriotism of the heroes of the Second World War. “Vasilieva, as a history teacher, noted the importance of addressing in this education both the biography of individual personalities of the war era, and the heroes of our time, such as, who died on March 17, 2016 while on duty during the battles for the city of Palmyra in Syria, or - a Russian officer who, at the cost of his life, saved the soldiers subordinate to him in the explosion of a live grenade,” says the forum website.

Two different sources of Gazeta.Ru reported that Vasilyeva is a deeply religious person and is personally acquainted with Patriarch Kirill. Vasilyeva holds the position of head of the department of state-confessional relations at RANEPA. Vasilyeva's area of ​​scientific interest is the history of Russian Orthodox Church in the twentieth century, state-church relations in the Soviet period. Total work experience in the field of education is 36 years. Vasilyeva is a Doctor of Historical Sciences and a member of the International Association for the History of Religions.

The first deputy chairman of the synodal department of the Moscow Patriarchate for relations between the Church and society and the media said that after the appointment of Olga Vasilyeva to the post of Minister of Education and Science, the dialogue between the state will acquire a “more meaningful” character. “I have no doubt at all that the dialogue will be easier and more productive,” said Shchipkov.

The State Duma Committee on Education greeted the news of Livanov’s resignation positively. Committee member Oleg Smolin added that he knows Olga Vasilyeva well personally

“as a person with a position in defense of Russian education.”

“I understand that the minister is partly a forced person, he is obliged to play by the rules that are proposed to the government team as a whole. But I hope that Olga Yuryevna will use her powers as minister in order to preserve the best that remains in our education system. I hope that the course of educational policy will be, if not changed, then at least significantly adjusted,” the parliamentarian emphasized. He explained that the Communist Party of the Russian Federation hopes, in particular, that under Vasilyeva it will be possible to “initiate changes in the Federal Target Program for the development of education” or at least slow down the rate of reduction in the number of universities - according to , the five-year plan to reduce the number of universities and their branches has already been “exceeded” “, and the communists hope that the Ministry of Education will at least slow down. The head of the committee, Vyacheslav Nikonov (United Russia), noted that Livanov and Vasilyeva are “different people”: “Livanov is a tough technocratic leader who is used to pushing through his decisions, breaking his knees. And Vasilyeva is a man of meaning, a man of dialogue, conversation, who will establish dialogue with the teaching community.”

Since the end of spring 2012, the name of this man is well known to Russian students, schoolchildren, as well as their parents. And there is nothing surprising here - after all, Dmitry Livanov occupies the chair of the Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, which means he directly influences the lives of the above categories of the population. His track record includes more than one high-profile reform in the field of education, his steps are often criticized, but the state continues to trust him with a high post... What inspires an official to continue his active work?

“I will work as long as the employer has confidence in my work,” the minister once said, and this quote from Dmitry Livanov spread across many domestic media at one time.

Where did Livanov come from to the very top of the Russian state pyramid? Who is he? How did you differ from others? statesmen? How did you rise to your current position and what does it look like as a manager?


Dmitry Viktorovich Livanov first saw the light of day on February 15, 1967. He was born into a family of Moscow intelligentsia. His grandfather was a KGB colonel, and his father Viktor Livanov was a famous aircraft designer who created the Il-96-300 aircraft and at some time headed the Ilyushin Aviation Design Bureau.

Dmitry's parents divorced when the boy was very young, and almost nothing is known about his mother. But we know about the stepmother - Rogozina Tatyana Olegovna, who is only 14 years older than her stepson. My father's second wife turned out to be a match for her husband. She's a doctor economic sciences, and has held high leadership positions all his life.

The future minister Dmitry Livanov began his education at Moscow school No. 91, from which he graduated as an almost straight excellent student - young Livanov only had a B in basic military training. With such a certificate and such an origin, the path opened up quite broadly and with great prospects for the young and capable Muscovite...

graduate School

Naturally, after school, Dmitry Livanov goes on to study further. And he chooses the Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys (specialty “physics of metals”). He graduated from MISiS in 1990 with honors, after which he spent another two years in graduate school here. Then he defended his dissertation and in 1992 received a PhD in physical and mathematical sciences.

And after just 5 years, Livanov already sported the degree “Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences” (specialization - physics solid). Later (in 2003) he received another higher education, graduating in absentia from the Moscow State Academy of Law, which was very useful to him later in his future managerial work.

Start of a career

It is completely natural that Dmitry Livanov began his career in the scientific field; his education contributed to this. He didn’t have to go far - the talented graduate student was left to work at his native university immediately after defending his PhD thesis. At first he was just a researcher at the MISiS synthesis laboratory. Then he became a senior researcher, then held the position of associate professor at the department of theoretical physics. And even later he worked as vice-rector for international cooperation, combining it with professorship in the same department.

From scientists to managers

In the spring of 2004, Dmitry Livanov, whose biography had previously been associated exclusively with science, decided to make a sharp turn in his career. He was invited to head the department of state scientific, technical and innovation policy in the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. And he agreed.

True, he did not completely part with MISiS, continuing to be a professor there until 2012, only this time at the department of metallurgy and non-ferrous metals. From the end of autumn 2005 until the beginning of spring 2007, Livanov served as Secretary of State, replacing the then Minister of Education and Science Andrei Fursenko.

In this position, Dmitry Viktorovich first announced himself throughout the country and caused a storm of criticism. He called for a reduction in the rights of the country's state academies, effectively depriving them of the ability to independently manage funds, land, etc. According to the concept developed by the official, the scientific and managerial functions of such institutions should be clearly separated.

Livanov was accused of trying to ruin domestic fundamental science - and the RAS (Russian Academy of Sciences) was especially loudly indignant.

Ultimately, the government approved the charter that was developed by the academicians themselves. But thanks to Livanov’s efforts and some amendments to the law, the rights of academies were largely curtailed. For example, they could no longer dispose of land uncontrollably and appoint their own presidents.

Rector of MISiS

Meanwhile, Dmitry Viktorovich’s connection with his native institute was not interrupted. He remained a professor at MISiS, and in 2007 he was elected rector of this university.

Under Livanov, the educational institution is undergoing dramatic changes. The new leader puts into practice the theoretical developments that he developed during his stay in the ministry. For example, MISiS was the first Russian university to switch to a foreign system of bachelor’s and master’s degrees.

In 2008, Dmitry Medvedev, who at that time held the post of President of Russia, assigned the institute a higher status - it became the National Research Technological University. And Dmitry Livanov, as a promising employee, entered the top hundred of the Russian management personnel reserve.


Vladimir Putin, who again headed Russian Federation in the spring of 2012, I decided that such valuable personnel should not remain in the shadows. And already in May of the same year, a member of the United Russia party and the rector of one of the most prestigious universities in the country, Dmitry Livanov became the Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, replacing his former boss Fursenko in this post. And literally from the very first days, vigorous activity began, which shook the entire sphere of domestic education and caused more than one scandal in Russian society. And continues to periodically call them to this day.

Livanov's initiatives

The Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation D. Livanov, not yet being the head of the department, believed that there were too many students in Russia. He did not change his beliefs after 2012. Already as a minister, he openly declared the need to reduce budget places in universities by almost half, followed by the elimination of “free” programs as such and the introduction of a system of educational loans.

Livanov also advocated the introduction of strict testing for admission to universities - on the model of foreign systems, and proposed, in addition to the Unified State Exam, to introduce additional exams for applicants upon admission.

In his opinion, the state has absolutely no need for an abundance of people with diplomas from academies, universities and institutes, when there is no one to study in vocational schools and, accordingly, there is no one to work in factories.

Dmitry Viktorovich’s conflict with the Russian Academy of Sciences continued, the level of which he publicly called lower than that of ordinary universities, and demanded reform. In addition, in the fall of 2012, the Russian Ministry of Education and Science published a list of highest educational institutions countries that, according to department officials, did not work effectively.

Scandals and criticism

Due to the vicissitudes associated with the Russian Academy of Sciences and other scandalous projects, a member of the United Russia party, Livanov, almost flew out of this organization. He was sharply criticized in the scientific community, and State Duma deputies seriously sought to deprive the minister of membership in the most influential Russian party structure. Livanov’s reaction to such attempts was to declare that he was not the author of the project to reform the academy.

The actions of the Minister of Education and Science were also seriously criticized by Vladimir Putin, who reprimanded him and accused him of failing to fulfill his obligations. This was in the fall of 2012, and a year later the President actually took back his words.

Among the scandals of a smaller scale is the situation with the law prohibiting foreigners from adopting Russian children. Livanov came out categorically against him, which caused a wave of negativity in certain circles.

Also on everyone’s lips was the story of the theft of budget funds, in which the prosecutor’s office tried to prove Dmitry Viktorovich’s involvement. According to prosecutors, the state budget was deprived of the equivalent of one million dollars due to the fact that Livanov allegedly illegally contracted Teplokon LLC for work on the reconstruction of the MISiS building.

Another “fire” broke out in society after Dmitry Livanov’s publication on his microblog, where the Minister of Education and Science angrily spoke about the work of one of the cellular companies, using obscene expressions and making a bunch of grammatical errors. Many were outraged by this behavior of a person who should be a standard of culture and literacy. Users on social networks and journalists in the media sarcastically asked whether Livanov himself would be able to surrender Dmitry Unified State Examination, with which all Russian school graduates are “tortured”?.. The minister, in turn, made excuses and said that he did not write the text for the microblog.

There were other scandals associated with the name of Dmitry Livanov. But he stubbornly continues to stick to his line, despite criticism. One of the official’s latest initiatives was the decision to reduce the number of universities in the country. In his opinion, many institutions (especially non-state ones) are frankly weak and should not take up a place in the sun by crippling the minds of their students.

Awards and outstanding achievements of Dmitry Livanov

In addition to his candidate's and doctoral dissertations, Dmitry Viktorovich Livanov can boast of other achievements. For example, his track record includes more than 60 scientific publications (about 50 of them in foreign media) and the authorship of a textbook for higher educational institutions, “Physics of Metals,” which was published in 2006.

For one of the cycles of scientific work, Livanov, as a young scientist, was awarded a gold medal by the Russian Academy of Sciences. And in 2011, he won a government award as a representative of the educational sector.

What is the minister's hobbies?

From time to time, Russians ask how many languages ​​Dmitry Livanov knows, who is largely oriented towards the West and advocates for tougher admissions tests, in particular in English.

Of course, he cannot be considered a polyglot, but in addition to Russian, the minister is fluent Italian and, of course, English. In the latter, he writes his scientific works for foreign media, and also loves to read detective stories in the original. In general, this genre of literature is Dmitry Viktorovich’s passion.

He also loves theater and has a passion for extreme travel. For example, many people remember Livanov’s high-profile vacation, spent at the North Pole. Just then the whole country was discussing a terrible story, during which a 55-year-old teacher ordered the murder of her 13-year-old student, who did not reciprocate her sinful passion... People believed that the Minister of Education should have been at work at such a shameful moment for the country . At least until the investigation is completed. And they condemned him for leaving.

Livanov's personal life

Almost from his school days, the charming and attractive Dmitry Livanov was considered an eligible bachelor. During his student days, he led a stormy personal life, and they say that one of the novels ended in the birth of a child. There is information that the boy was named Konstantin, and that Livanov, although not immediately, recognized his son. True, this information has not been confirmed in official sources. And the minister himself prefers not to talk about this topic.

But it is reliably known that Dmitry Viktorovich has been married since his student days. But here again there is confusion. According to some sources, he was married not to anyone, but to the daughter of the then rector of MISiS Yuri Karabasov, who, in addition, was allegedly Livanov’s scientific supervisor. This fact has been stated in many biographical information and causes idle gossip.

People say with irony that Dmitry Livanov, whose wife is the daughter of such an influential person, simply could not help but successfully graduate from the institute and defend his dissertations. Moreover, if others needed protection for many years, then everything happened here with amazing speed. Naturally, no one wants to connect such efficiency with the talent and hard work of the future minister. But they are willing to connect with his personal life.

According to other sources, Livanov’s wife Olga Anatolyevna Mordkovich has nothing to do with the rector of MISiS, and all this is an invention of journalists. Among such sources, an important role is played by Olga’s own interview, in which she is surprised at the innocence of people who believed gossip. After all, neither her surname nor patronymic is in any way connected with Mr. Karabasov.

Well, Olga Anatolyevna was born in 1967, on June 15, and is almost exactly the same age as her husband. She is a mathematics major. Has a diploma from the Russian State University of Oil and Gas named after. Gubkina. She works in the IT field and was even nominated for a national award in this field.

The couple has three children. Two of them are relatives - a son and a daughter, and Livanov and Mordkovich adopted one boy at the age of one. The Minister of Education and Science has repeatedly joked that he has someone to practice on in terms of education and training technologies, because he is a father of many children. Whether Livanov’s children criticize Dmitry for his experiments is unknown...

But even so, he continues to remain an active and proactive person who always strives only forward and is ready to break through to the stars through the thorns of the most dense scandals.

Is it successful? political activity minister and whether his work is for the benefit of the country - this will be decided by the Russians. We will not draw any conclusions. But in the end, we will cite one popular joke that circulates among the masses and enjoys great success among many citizens of our country.

Folk joke

Since Livanov became Minister of Education, the quality of the latter has increased several times. Moreover, our education successfully competes with European and American ones, and sometimes is even more prestigious. This has been proven by authoritative scientific research, which was held in the Moscow metro. It turned out that Russian diplomas are sold there at a higher price than their counterparts from Cambridge and Oxford, lying on neighboring shelves.

Olga Vasilyeva, an employee of the Russian Presidential Administration, has been appointed Minister of Education and Science of Russia. She replaced Dmitry Livanov, who headed the Ministry of Education and Science since May 21, 2012, in this position.

By sociological surveys he was considered one of the most unpopular ministers. Including because some of the measures taken by the ministry were painfully perceived by many teachers. Among the shortcomings were low wages, high workloads, paperwork, and the lack of conditions in some schools to implement new federal standards. Another tangible area where it has not been possible to restore order is the provision of textbooks. By law they should be free, but in some regions they continue to collect money from parents for books.

Under Dmitry Livanov, the closure of rural schools stopped; many of them received money for renovations and new gyms, but regulatory per capita funding led to overcrowded classes. In addition, there were added difficulties associated with inclusion, when the teacher was required to work in the same class with both a regular student and a student with Down syndrome or autism. As a result, the introduction of the standard for inclusive schools had to be postponed, and it will not come into force on September 1, 2016, as expected.

Recently, there has been an active closure of universities and branches that essentially sell diplomas, but this process was very noticeable for students, who sometimes a week before defense graduation papers They learned that they would be left without state-issued diplomas. Not everyone was happy with the mergers of universities in the regions where flagship universities are emerging. The logic of the dissatisfied is clear: if you take three bad universities, you won’t get a good one.

Finally, this year the ministry and Rosobrnadzor managed to conduct the Unified State Exam without emergency situations, mass cheating and “tourism”; the number of excellent students has increased and the number of poor students has decreased. Nevertheless, rectors unanimously say that weak students come to universities who have simply learned to fill out tests and give the answers that are expected of them. And the economy needs creative youth who do not think in patterns and standards. Olympiads help identify such people, the list of which has been reduced with each subsequent year.

Perhaps Olga Vasilyeva will have the least problems with the system preschool education and engineering direction in universities. There are really no queues for kindergartens now, and technical universities receive additional funds for promotion and development and show good results. Including in international rankings.

As for science, during the leadership of Dmitry Livanov there was a radical reform Russian Academy Sci. For the first time in the 300 years of the Academy’s existence, institutes were removed from its composition and transferred to a specially created Federal Agency for Scientific Organizations. Almost during the entire time that Dmitry Livanov headed the Ministry of Education and Science, he developed a difficult relationship with the leadership of the Russian Academy of Sciences. So, on March 24, 2013, in an interview with Ekho Moskvy, he called the Russian Academy of Sciences “ineffective, unfriendly to the people who work there.” In response, the scientists demanded the minister's resignation.


Vladimir Ivanov, Deputy President of the Russian Academy of Sciences:

It is three years since the beginning of the RAS reform, initiated by Dmitry Livanov. The reform provided for a transition period, which is now expiring. At the general meeting of the Russian Academy of Sciences, these reforms were assessed. Scientists noted that the RAS reform took the wrong path. And moreover, the most important directions, for the sake of which everything was started, have not been fulfilled. Thus, it was declared that science would be carried out by scientists, and academic management would be carried out by FANO officials. However, this did not happen. It is quite obvious that in such a situation the initiator is obliged to resign. I think that there is nothing unexpected in it; this is customary in all civilized countries.

As for the new minister, it is good that Olga Vasilyeva worked in the RAS system. Currently there is not a single leader in the ministry who would work in scientific organization. So a person will come who knows the specifics of the academic environment, which means there is hope that some distortions will be corrected.

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Olga Yuryevna Vasilyeva (born in 1960) - professor of history, doctor of historical sciences. First education - conducting and choral department of the Moscow state institute culture, then graduated from the Faculty of History of Moscow pedagogical institute and faculty" International relations"Diplomatic Academy. In 1987-1990 she studied at the graduate school of the Institute Russian history RAS.

In 1990 she defended her Ph.D. thesis

Dmitry Viktorovich Livanov – Special Presidential Representative for Trade and Economic Relations with Ukraine (since 08/19/2016). Former Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. Previously, he was rector and professor at the Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys (now renamed NUST MISIS).

He was included in the personnel reserve under the patronage of the head of state, became the creator of more than six dozen scientific research, and the compiler of the university textbook “Physics of Metals.” In 2000 he was awarded the Gold Medal of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and in 2011 - the award of the highest executive body of state administration in the field of education of the Russian Federation.

However, the attitude towards the head of the department in society is ambiguous. Until 2013, he had the lowest rating among cabinet ministers. But then in the list of one hundred leading politicians from Nezavisimaya Gazeta he rose by 18 lines and ended up in 63rd position.

Childhood of Dmitry Livanov

The future member of the government was born on February 15, 1967 in a family of metropolitan intellectuals. His dad, Victor, was then a final year student at the Moscow Aviation Technological Institute (MATI). Then for about six months he interned at the University of Oklahoma, and later became the famous creator of the IL aircraft line, general director of the Aviation Complex named after. S. Ilyushin, honorary aircraft manufacturer, State Prize laureate. In 2014, he passed away.

Regarding Dmitry’s mother, information is taboo. But it is declared that the wife of the aircraft designer was Tatyana Filippova (before her first marriage - Rogozin), sister of Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin, born in 1953. She is a design engineer, received the Peter the Great award, and previously headed Titan Aero.

At the time of the birth of Dmitry Livanov, she was only 14 years old. But some bibliographers do not exclude the possibility that he could be her son, and the absence of information about the official’s mother in official sources is associated with her extremely young age for childbearing and moral aspect.

But the main sources emphasize that Tatyana is not his natural mother, without denying their very warm relationship. Dmitry has a younger sister, Daria, who was born in 1975. She graduated from Moscow State University and works as a journalist in the advertising field.

As a child, Dima was involved in sports, music, and studied at high school No. 91 with a mathematical bias, among whose famous graduates are the developer of Tetris Alexey Pajitnov, the poet Boris Pasternak and others.

The young man studied well, but did not receive a gold medal due to a low grade in military training. Then he entered the Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys (MISiS), where he acquired the qualifications of a metallurgical engineer.

Career of Dmitry Livanov

Having graduated from a university in 1990, the young man studied full-time graduate school for 2 years (instead of 3), but lived and worked abroad. At the age of 25 he became a candidate technical sciences, at 30 - a doctor of sciences, and 3 years later - vice-rector of his native university.

Some ill-wishers associated the young man’s dizzying career not with his outstanding abilities, but with the fact that he married the daughter of Yuri Karabasov, the rector and party functionary, who was his academic supervisor.

While doing science at the Department of Theoretical Physics as a professor and acting as vice-rector, in 2003 he managed to graduate from the capital's Law Academy as a full-time student, and was also registered as a candidate for Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, but was not elected. In 2000 he was awarded the Gold Medal of this center fundamental research.

In 2004, the official took off again in his career - he was invited to work at the Ministry of Education and Science as the head of a department. At the same time, he began working at the metallurgical department of his native university.

Dmitry Livanov and Ivan Urgant write a dictation

From 2005 to 2007, he worked as Deputy Minister Andrei Fursenko and criticized the low scientific productivity of the Russian Academy of Sciences and its charter. Then he moved to the position of rector of MISiS.

Returning in 2007 from the post of deputy minister to his native land as the main leader, the proactive rector achieved the dynamic development of the educational institution and a more prestigious and high legal status - the National Research Technological University, which later included nine institutes.

His improvement activities scientific center were noted by the country's leadership, and at the beginning of 2012 he became a member of the cabinet as head of the Ministry of Education and Science.

Putin reprimanded Minister of Education and Science Dmitry Livanov

At the end of that year, after receiving a reprimand from Vladimir Putin, he decided for himself that he was obliged to act much more actively. In 2016, he announced the department’s ambitious plans for the year. They provide for the launch of the “Russian Schoolchildren Movement”, created in the image and likeness of the pioneer organization of the USSR, the opening of school museums, the introduction of an “electronic school”, measures to ensure the entry of domestic universities into the rankings of the best in the world, and programs for training parents in methods of raising children.

Personal life of Dmitry Livanov

The head of the Ministry of Education and Science is married to Olga Anatolyevna Mordkovich, the daughter of the current head of NUST MISIS, Yuri Karabasov. She is a mathematician by profession, a graduate of the State University of Oil and Gas named after I. Gubkin. Later, the girl also acquired a universal qualification MBA degree in management, having completed training at international school business "MIRBIS".

After graduation, the wife of the current minister worked as an employee of Relcam, an Internet provider company. Then she headed a department at the cellular operator Tele2 Russia, specializing in the most important component of its activities - billing and information technology. Later she was appointed to the position of IT director of this telecommunications company.

The married couple is raising three children - daughter Ksenia and two sons, one of whom they adopted in 2007, at the age of one year. All the official’s children are seriously and successfully involved in music and tennis. He is proud of their successes and positions himself as an exemplary family man, regularly posting personal photos on Twitter.

Dmitry Livanov adopted a child

The minister is a fan of sailing travel and used to be a mountaineer. He likes the original English detective stories. In addition to the languages ​​of Shakespeare, Newton and Conan Doyle, he also mastered the Italian language.

Dmitry Livanov today

On August 19, 2016, Livanov left his ministerial post and was transferred to the post of special presidential representative for trade and economic relations with Ukraine. His place was taken by an employee of the Presidential Administration

Dmitry Viktorovich Livanov was born on February 15, 1967 in Moscow in the family of aircraft designer Viktor Livanov, the future general director of the Ilyushin Aviation Design Bureau and one of the creators of the Il-96-300 aircraft. Dmitry Livanov studied at Moscow school No. 91, his certificate included “A’s” in all subjects except basic military training.

In 1990, Livanov graduated with honors from the Faculty of Physics and Chemistry of the Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys (MISiS), receiving a diploma in Physics of Metals, after which, according to his official biography, he studied full-time at the institute for two years. Livanov himself claimed that after graduating from MISiS he worked abroad. In 1992, he defended his dissertation for the degree of candidate of physical and mathematical sciences on the topic “Heat transfer by interacting electrons in superconductors and normal metals” and subsequently engaged in scientific activities in the field of transport properties of metals, fluctuation phenomena in superconductors, as well as physical properties low-dimensional and amorphous metal systems.

After defending his Ph.D. thesis, Livanov began working at the institute's synthesis research laboratory, was a research fellow, and later a senior research fellow, and was an associate professor at the Department of Theoretical Physics at MISiS. He held positions at the Research Laboratory of Synthesis at MISiS until 2000. In 1997, Livanov, having defended his dissertation on the topic “Thermoelectric effect and heat transfer in electronic interaction systems,” became a Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences. From 1997 to 2000, he served as Deputy Vice-Rector of MISiS for scientific work, and in 2000 he became the vice-rector of the institute for international cooperation, concurrently working as a professor at the Department of Theoretical Physics at MISiS.

In parallel with his work at MISiS, Livanov continued to receive education in the humanitarian field and in 2003 he graduated in absentia from the Moscow State University legal academy, having received a diploma in the specialty "jurisprudence" (specialization "Civil Law"); some publications called “Civil Law” Livanov’s specialty.

In the spring of 2004, Livanov left the vice-rector’s post, receiving the position of director of the department of state scientific, technical and innovation policy of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. In addition, he moved to work as a part-time professor at the Department of Metallurgy of Non-Ferrous Metals at MISiS and retained this position until 2012.

From November 2005 to March 2007, Livanov was Secretary of State - Deputy Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Andrei Fursenko. In this post, he became famous for his speeches in which a ministry official criticized the draft new charter of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAN). In particular, Livanov insisted that all state academies adopt a different model version of the charter, prepared by the Ministry of Education and Science, which implied the separation of scientific and managerial functions of the academy, deprived it of the right to freely dispose of funds and demanded the introduction of supervisory boards with a predominance of state representatives. According to media reports, the RAS considered this option unacceptable and infringing on the rights of the academy, and Livanov himself was accused of attempting to “collapse fundamental science". Ultimately, at the end of 2007, the government approved the charter written by the RAS itself, however, due to the adopted amendments to the law “On Science,” the RAS partially lost its independence, losing, in particular, the right to independently approve its president and freely dispose of land property.

While working in the ministry, Livanov also acted as a representative of the state on the board of directors of OJSC Russian Venture Company, a structure created in accordance with a decree of the Russian government “to stimulate the creation of Russia’s own venture investment industry” by acquiring investment shares of venture funds, as well as “ development of innovative sectors of the economy and promotion of Russian high-tech technological products to the international market."

In April 2007, Livanov was elected rector of MISiS; was re-elected to this post in February 2012. Under the new rector in the fall of 2008, MISiS, by decree of the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev, received the status of National Research Institute University of Technology. The press noted that as the head of the university, Livanov, who called himself a student of Andrei Fursenko, “began to implement the very standards of modernization of science that he himself developed in the ministry”: in particular, MISiS “was one of the first to develop an independent strategy for the development of the university” and “ switched to a system of bachelor's and master's degrees."

Best of the day

On May 21, 2012, after the inauguration of Vladimir Putin, who was elected for a third term as President of Russia, and the appointment of Medvedev as Prime Minister, Livanov replaced Fursenko as Minister of Education and Science in the new government of the Russian Federation.

After his appointment, Livanov made a number of policy statements. In particular, the minister’s proposal to halve the number of budget-funded places in Russian universities and gradually abandon free higher education in general, using other mechanisms to finance the training of new specialists, including educational loans. Meanwhile, even before his appointment as head of the department, Livanov opposed increasing the number of students in universities, believing that an overabundance of higher school students deprives, in particular, education in technical schools of prestige. He called for universities to switch to standard foreign testing systems, for example, in English. Livanov also continued to criticize the RAS, demanding further reform of the academy: he noted that in terms of scientific publications the academy lags behind universities, and experts, commenting on Livanov’s appointment, suggested that the new minister might again enter into a violent conflict with the RAS. They also drew attention to the fact that Livanov would have to be responsible for the adoption of the new law “On Education”, developed under Fursenko.

In mid-September 2012, President Vladimir Putin, during a meeting on the draft budget for 2013-2015, said that he was dissatisfied with the implementation of his instructions. In particular, in his decrees signed on May 7, 2012, Putin demanded an increase in salaries of public sector employees, expenses for contract military personnel, construction of roads and housing and communal services. It was noted that these decrees were based on the president’s election promises, and their implementation would require 1.077 trillion rubles of budget funds. However, the new budget, on the contrary, implied a reduction in spending on health care, education and culture. As a result, on September 19, 2012, Putin reprimanded Livanov, as well as the heads of the Ministry of Regional Development and the Ministry of Labor, Oleg Govorun and Maxim Topilin.

In the fall of the same year, Livanov and the department he headed were criticized after the Ministry of Education and Science published a list of Russian universities with “signs of inefficiency.” It includes more than 130 higher educational institutions of the country, including a number of well-known Moscow higher schools, such as Russian State University for the Humanities, Moscow Architectural Institute, Gorky Literary Institute. Those who published the lists were reproached for the incompetence and imperfection of their chosen methodology for assessing universities, which took into account the number of square meters per student, but did not take into account “the demand for graduates by employers, the level of their employment in real sectors of the economy, and the volume of innovative projects.”

Livanov was awarded the RAS gold medal for young scientists in 2000, and at the end of 2011 he was awarded the Russian Government Prize in the field of education. Since 2009, the scientist was included in the top hundred of the list of management personnel reserve compiled by President Dmitry Medvedev.

By the time of his appointment as minister, Livanov had more than 50 scientific publications; he was the author of the textbook for universities “Physics of Metals,” published in 2006.

Livanov is married and has two children. He is interested in theater and likes to read detective stories. English. In addition, he also speaks Italian.