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Institutes of civil aviation in Russia. Moscow Aviation Institute (State Technical University)

Institutes of civil aviation in Russia.  Moscow Aviation Institute (State Technical University)

The aerospace industry of the Russian industry is not in the best shape. This is especially true for civil aviation. Therefore, aviation education is becoming very important in the country's development plans.

Young people finishing high school educational establishments, do not always know how to dispose of their lives further. Many dream of linking their fate with astronautics or aviation, but are not sure of the correctness of such a choice.

AT Russian Federation there are a large number of aviation and flight educational institutions. Aviation institutes in Moscow are considered the most significant. Having access to the worldwide information network, everyone can find the necessary information about any university in the country.

Aviation education in the Russian Federation

Studying at an aviation university is not easy, but prestigious. The requirements there are very high and the teaching staff is quite strong. Therefore, graduates are willingly hired by various companies.

Education in this area is very specific. It includes training students in the field of aviation technology, avionics (development of electronic on-board systems), aircraft power plants, mathematics, physics, mechanics, chemistry, aerodynamics, geography and other applied sciences.

Training has a dual focus: civilian and military. A lot of study time is devoted to classes in laboratories. This is where fixing happens theoretical material in practice (design, assembly, testing).

Aviation institutes in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kazan, Samara, Krasnoyarsk and other cities of our country train specialists of various professions. The demand for them in our century has increased significantly.

Aviation institutes in Moscow: which one to choose

There are several aviation universities in the capital. Among them are technical ones: MAI, MSTU GA; research: VIAM, NIAT, CIAM them. P.I. Baranov, GosNIIAS and the military - Air Force Engineering Academy. NOT. Zhukovsky.

They offer higher education in various specialties. Graduates of technical and military universities can become engineers, technologists, designers (in the field of unmanned and manned aerial vehicles, their components), managers-economists in the aviation industry, or military personnel.

When deciding on the choice of one or another institution, it is necessary to carefully study the requirements that a representative of each profession must meet. We must weigh our strengths and capabilities, because the whole future life will depend on this.


Moscow State Technical University Civil Aviation is located on Kronstadt Boulevard at number 20.

Includes 5 faculties:

  • mechanical,
  • aviation systems and complexes,
  • applied mathematics and computer science,
  • air transport management,
  • correspondence.

Pre-professional training courses are held annually in mathematics, physics, the Russian language and the basics of aviation. Those who successfully complete the course will receive the appropriate certificates.

The Civil Aviation Institute in Moscow has 6 branches in different regions of the Russian Federation (Rostov-on-Don, Irkutsk, Yegorievsk, Kirsanov, Rylsk, Troitsk). The term of study is 4-6 years, in the magistracy - 1.5 years. Admission of applicants is carried out on a free and contractual basis.


The educational program of the Moscow Aviation Institute includes 12 faculties, 9 institutes (including military), 5 branches (Stupino, Khimki, Baikonur, Akhtubinsk, Zhukovsky).

The range of specialties of the university is very wide (more than 70), it is possible to get additional education complete preparatory courses. The presence of a technopark allows the institute to provide technological, research and development services.


The All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Aviation Materials (Moscow, Radio St., 17) is rightfully considered the leading materials science center of the Russian Federation. It is here that the materials used in the production of space and aviation equipment are developed.

The institute has a training center, consisting of a master's degree, postgraduate studies, various courses and internships. We have our own production and testing center. Branches were opened in Gelendzhik, Voskresensk, Ulyanovsk.

Scientific schools organized at VIAM (12) are of great importance in the field of materials science. Their work is highly appreciated by the international community.


The National Institute of Aviation Technology (Moscow, Kirovogradskaya st., 3) has been repeatedly awarded state and international awards for successful research activities.

Employees of OJSC NIAT are engaged in research, science, testing, examination (certification and attestation), production (of parts, fasteners, technological equipment, etc.). They take an active part in the publication of magazines ("Aviation industry", "Problems of mechanical engineering and automation").

The management of the institute has created a scientific and educational center and an intellectual property department. There is a graduate school, academic and dissertation council.

You can learn more about all the specializations offered by aviation institutes in Moscow and other cities of the Russian Federation on the Internet portals of these higher educational institutions.


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Latest MAI reviews

Kirill Laptev 11:32 11.07.2013

I entered MAI in 2009.

There were two groups in our specialty “systems engineering”, a total of 35 people. I flunked the first session, losing my scholarship, but then everything went as it should, and I didn’t make such a terrible mistake again. The teachers are mostly young, 30-40 years old. Regarding their attitude towards students - mostly positive (if the students treat them well), but there were a couple of rare freaks in whom no one could pass the laboratory and constantly ...

Denis Nikopolsky 17:12 07/08/2013

Going to college was interesting. Lots of new experiences, new relationships. I graduated from school with a physical and mathematical “bias”. Therefore, the process itself and the content of the entrance exams were not particularly difficult. But that doesn't mean everything was easy. The competition was four people per place, it was higher only at Moscow State University (5). And, of course, excitement, ignorance of what's next.

It was the heyday of the Soviet era. And, engineers, designers (aviation and space) are the most respected specialists. ...

MAI Gallery

general information

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution higher education Moscow Aviation Institute (national research university

University Reviews

The best financial universities in Russia according to the magazine "FINANCE". The rating is compiled on the basis of data on the education of financial directors of large enterprises.

TOP-10 largest universities in Moscow by the number of students from performance monitoring educational organizations higher education of the Ministry of Education and Science in 2016.

About MAI

The Moscow Aviation Institute was founded in 1930. Its goal was to train the most highly qualified specialists who could work in the Russian aviation industry. In 2009, MAI became the winner among 12 universities of the Russian Federation that participated in the competition for university development programs and, by order of the Russian government, it was awarded the honorary category "National Research University".

Education at MAI

At the moment, at the MAI, you can get a higher education as a designer and designer of the widest profile for enterprises in the rocket and space, defense and aviation industries. Enterprises in the aerospace and defense industries are now in dire need of highly qualified specialists, so MAI graduates will always be in demand and can count on a successful career.

Now in the MAI and its four branches - "Rise" in the city of Akhtubinsk, Astrakhan region, "Rocket and space technology" in the city of Khimki, Moscow region, "Strela" in the city of Zhukovsky, Moscow region and "Voskhod" in the city of Baikonur, the Republic of Kazakhstan, - they study about 20,000 students in various forms of education.

At the institute, you can get an education in 33 areas of bachelor's training, 12 areas of master's degree and 9 specialties that are in demand in the modern labor market. In addition, at MAI you can get postgraduate education in 50 specialties in order to broaden your own horizons and keep abreast of the latest technical developments in the field of aviation and the defense industry.

MAI also has the opportunity to obtain a second higher education. Students can receive a second education both after graduation, and simultaneously with the first education. Thus, when graduating from MAI, students receive two diplomas at a time, which significantly increases their competitiveness in the labor market.

MAI graduates

Since the founding of the institute, about 160 thousand specialists have graduated from the MAI with higher education for both the rocket and aviation industries. Among the graduates of the Institute:

  • 250 chief and general designers, as well as several heads of research programs and design organizations in the field of aviation;
  • 50 academicians and corresponding members Russian Academy sciences;
  • 21 pilot-cosmonauts, each of whom has been in outer space;
  • Elena Serova, a MAI graduate, is included in the crew of the International Space Station, which is scheduled to take off in the second half of 2014;
  • 100 pilots who are engaged in testing aviation equipment;
  • many Heroes of Russia and the USSR and honored test pilots.

Thanks to the active development of sports at the institute, MAI trained about 60 European and world Olympic champions in various sports.

Employment of MAI graduates

In order to employ its graduates and adapt them to the modern labor market, in 1996, the Employment Center was established on the territory of the MAI, which is part of the Association of Employment Centers of Moscow Universities. The database of the center is constantly updated by employers who are interested in MAI graduates, and at the moment there are already more than 200 such enterprises.

For university students, the Aerospace Forum is held every year, which includes a Job Fair, where students can see what specialties are in demand now and what qualities are especially appreciated by employers. MAI also holds seminars on successful employment and career building, where students are told in detail about how it is more profitable to present their best qualities to a future employer in order to get the desired job, and then how to prove themselves in order to quickly make a brilliant career.

After the graduation of its students, the MAI Employment Center conducts research on their demand in the labor market. This monitoring showed that about 10,000 graduates of the university successfully work at the enterprises of Roscosmos, the Ministry of Industry and Trade and other state corporations, which indicates that they received excellent knowledge at the institute and were able to use it in their practical activities.

Scientific activity at MAI

At the moment, the Institute is implementing the program "Scientific and Pedagogical Youth". As part of this program, 42 postgraduate students were admitted to the MAI postgraduate course, who must write and defend a dissertation before completing the postgraduate course, and after that work at the institute for 3 years as teachers. If, at the end of this period, they do not want to leave the MAI, they can continue to work there.

About 3,000 students are engaged in research activities at the MAI, who participate in:

  • student design bureau of aviation modeling;
  • student design bureau of experimental aircraft construction, where the creation of sports and very light aircraft is being developed;
  • student design bureau of helicopter engineering, where remotely piloted small-sized aircraft are being developed.

By participating in such research, students can communicate more closely with the professorial and teaching staff of the institute, and therefore delve deeper into the essence of their future profession. Moreover, students who are successfully engaged in science receive nominal scholarships and awards, and medals and diplomas for participation in competitions and exhibitions, which will then increase their competitiveness in the labor market.

    - (MADI) ... Wikipedia

    The rapid development of aviation science and technology that began at the beginning of the 20th century required fundamentally new engineering personnel for new branches of science and technology. In 1925, at the mechanical faculty of the Moscow Higher Technical School (MVTU) ... ... Encyclopedia of newsmakers

    "MAI" redirects here. See also other meanings. Moscow Aviation Institute (State Technical University) (MAI) International name Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI) ... Wikipedia

    "MAI" redirects here; see also other meanings. Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University) (MAI) ... Wikipedia

    - (MGTU GA) ... Wikipedia

    Moscow State Technical University. N.E. Bauman- Officially the date of foundation of the Moscow State Technical University (MSTU) named after N.E. Bauman is considered July 1, 1830, when Emperor Nicholas I, on the draft Regulations on the Moscow Craft Educational Institution presented to him ... ... Encyclopedia of newsmakers

    Bauman Moscow State Technical University- Beginning of MSTU im. N.E. Bauman as an independent educational institution was established on October 5, 1826, when the Dowager Empress Maria Feodorovna issued a Decree on the establishment of large ... ... Encyclopedia of newsmakers

As part of the new education standards in Russia, there is a resumption of high demand for aviation education. The number of applicants entering higher aviation educational institutions is growing every year. Aviation universities train specialists with continuous education in the direction of the aviation industry, transportation, engineering and technical support and aviation technologies.

Leading aviation higher educational institutions of Russia:

  1. (Ulyanovsk);
  2. (Moscow city);
  3. (Moscow city);
  4. (Samara);
  5. (St. Petersburg);
  6. (St. Petersburg);
  7. (Kazan).

Features of education and training of aviation specialists

Aviation education is aimed at producing qualified specialists who can fill the shortage of personnel in aviation transportation and the aviation industry. The training is based on the introduction of innovative airport technologies, the use of modern aircraft and updated air navigation.

The main feature of aviation education in Russia is the constant updating of teaching methods and the improvement of knowledge in accordance with professional qualifications.

Specialized aviation educational institutions provide basic education and additionally prepare for the use of a particular type of aviation equipment. Academic plan includes training in theoretical subjects, including advanced mathematics, physics, chemistry, aerodynamics, economics, geography, etc., as well as practical training in aircraft control and training in aeronautical engineering and industry.

Specialties and areas of study in aviation educational institutions:

In aviation, the process of full training lasts for 10-15 years, so the personnel education program includes not only diploma, but also long-term postgraduate training. Currently, European aviation legislation is being introduced in the training of personnel, and aviation enterprises are additionally invested to regulate the quality of aviation education and provide special areas for the practice of specialists.

  • Technical operation of aircraft and engines;
  • Technical operation of aviation electrical systems and flight and navigation systems;
  • Air navigation;
  • aircraft industry;
  • Ballistics and hydroaerodynamics;
  • aircraft engines;
  • Aircraft and helicopter construction.

License No. 1961 dated February 18, 2016 00:00, valid indefinitely.

Accreditation No. 1912 dated 05/10/2016 00:00, valid until 07/08/2019 00:00.

And about. Rector: Shevtsov Vyacheslav Alekseevich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Education
1977 - MAI, Faculty of Aircraft Radio Electronics
1986 - Postgraduate
1987 - Ph.D. thesis defense, Ph.D.
2004 - defense of a doctoral dissertation on the topic: "Signal processing against the background of non-Gaussian interference in telecommunication systems and networks", Doctor of Technical Sciences.
2007 - professor

1978-1980 - service in the SA, senior lieutenant engineer
since 1981 at MAI - engineer, graduate student, head of the educational laboratory, deputy dean for research
1980-1990 - All-Russian Research Institute of the State Patent Examination, freelance expert
2001-2007 - Dean of the Faculty of Aircraft Radio Electronics
2007-2016 - Vice-Rector for Research
2016 - acting Rector of MAI

Author and co-author of more than 50 scientific papers, including 15 invention certificates, a patent for a new method of cellular communication, 3 monographs: “Signal processing against the background of non-Gaussian interference in telecommunication systems and networks”, “Optimal signal processing large systems”, “Place of determination of subscribers in cellular communication systems”, “General system issues of information security”.

Laureate of the Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of science and technology
Medal "In memory of the 850th anniversary of Moscow"
Badge "Honorary Worker of the Higher Education System"

Academic Secretary of the International Academy of Information Sciences, Processes and Technology
Deputy Chairman of the editorial board of the journal "Vestnik MAI"
Chairman of the dissertation council
Member of the expert council of the Higher Attestation Commission
Honorary Doctor of the Higher Technical School Esslingen (Germany)

Vice-Rector for Extracurricular and Educational Work: Yurov Nikolay Nikolaevich, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

Vice-Rector for International Relations and Security: Vitaly Ivanovich Miknis

Vice-Rector for Quality and Informatization: Yury Ivanovich Deniskin, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Yury Ivanovich Deniskin was born on July 30, 1961 in the city of Vladivostok in a family of employees.

After graduating in 1978 high school entered and graduated with honors in 1984 from the Far East Polytechnical Institute(now the Far Eastern State Technical University) with a degree in Ship Power Plants.

Since 1984, he began working at the Moscow Aviation Institute as a trainee teacher at the 905 department.

In 1985 he entered full-time graduate school of the Moscow Aviation Institute, in 1989 he defended his dissertation for the degree of candidate of technical sciences in the specialty 05.01.01 "Applied geometry and engineering graphics". In 2000 he graduated from the MAI doctoral studies and defended his doctoral dissertation in the specialty 05.01.01.

Specialist in the field of geometric modeling of objects and processes, information technology, quality management and information support of the life cycle of complex science-intensive products.

Since 2001 - Professor of Department 905, since 2007 - Vice-Rector of the MAI for Quality and Informatization.

Supervises graduate and doctoral students.

Organizer and editor-in-chief of the electronic journal "Applied Geometry" MAI. Deputy Chairman of the Doctoral Specialized Council in the specialty 05.01.01, member of the Doctoral Specialized Council at MAI.

Professional teacher in the field of quality, has a diploma of the GOST R Certification System (April 1999). Certified specialist in the principles and methods of total quality management (TQM), certificate of the Institute for Quality Assurance (IQA, England, January 2001).

Since 2001, he has been a part-time professor of department 104.

Vice-Rector for Economics and Finance: Gorelov Boris Alekseevich

Vice-Rector for the Development of the Institute Complex and Social Issues: Gavrilova Inna Semenovna, Vice-Rector for the Development of the Institute Complex and Social Issues

Vice-Rector for Research: Shevtsov Vyacheslav Alekseevich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Education
1977 - MAI, Faculty of Aircraft Radio Electronics
1986 - Postgraduate
1987 - Ph.D. thesis defense, Ph.D.
2004 - defense of a doctoral dissertation on the topic: "Signal processing against the background of non-Gaussian interference in telecommunication systems and networks", Doctor of Technical Sciences.
2007 - professor

1978-1980 - service in the SA, senior lieutenant engineer
since 1981 at MAI - engineer, graduate student, head of the educational laboratory, deputy dean for research
1980–1990 - VNII of the State Patent Examination, freelance expert
2001–2007 - Dean of the Faculty of Aircraft Radio Electronics
2007 - Vice-Rector for Research
Prepared 2 candidates of sciences.

Author and co-author of more than 50 scientific papers, including 15 invention certificates, a patent for a new method of cellular communication, 3 monographs: “Signal processing against the background of non-Gaussian interference in telecommunication systems and networks”, “Optimal signal processing by large systems”, “Location determination of subscribers in cellular communication systems”, “General system issues of information security”.

Laureate of the Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of science and technology
Medal "In memory of the 850th anniversary of Moscow"
Badge "Honorary Worker of the Higher Education System"

Academic Secretary of the International Academy of Information Sciences, Processes and Technology
Deputy Chairman of the editorial board of the journal "Vestnik MAI"
Chairman of the dissertation council
Member of the expert council of the Higher Attestation Commission
Honorary Doctor of the Higher Technical School Esslingen (Germany)

Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs: Kuprikov Mikhail Yuryevich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Kuprikov M. Yu. - a specialist in the field of system analysis of large and complex technical systems, in terms of automating the formation of the appearance of aviation complexes; author of 256 scientific papers, 127 of which were published including a monograph, 49 articles and 9 copyright certificates for inventions.
Main areas of research: applied information support for product life cycle automation, continuous product life cycle support (CALS), automation of design and development work, the impact of infrastructure restrictions on the appearance of an aircraft, automated formation of an aircraft appearance, solid-state, hybrid and parametric modeling of products and processes in mechanical engineering , staffing continuous product life cycle support. M. Yu. Kuprikov owns fundamental results in the theory of mathematical solution of the problems of forming the geometric appearance of large and complex technical systems under "hard" constraints by transforming these problems into "inverse" design problems.

Kuprikov M.Yu. (as part of a team of authors) developed and implemented a system for automated formation of the appearance of vertical take-off and landing aircraft at OKB A.S. Yakovlev, the design results of which were reflected in the appearance of promising aircraft carrier strike groups. New results were obtained by M. Yu. Kuprikov in the field of development of long-haul aircraft with large passenger capacity, systems for the collective rescue of passengers and aircraft crew. With his direct participation, the tasks of identifying the impact of environmental (noise and emissions) and demographic requirements on the appearance of advanced aircraft were solved. He developed applied scientific and methodological support for the training of personnel support for continuous support of the life cycle of products for the aviation industry, implemented in MAI, KhAI, MATI, V.A.T.U. N. E. Zhukovsky, TANTK named after G. M. Beriev, ANTK named after A. N. Tupolev, OKB Kamov, OKB Sukhoi, RAC MiG, NPO PROGRESTEKH.

Kuprikov M. Yu. is the editor-in-chief of the journal “Applied Geometry, Engineering Graphics, Computer Design” (, a member of the editorial boards of the journal “Quality of Life”, chairman of the specialized Council D 212.125.13 of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation (specialty 05.01. 01 and 05.13.12), member of the Council D 212.125.10 of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation (specialty 05.02.02 3), Scientific Secretary of the Council DC 212.005.02 of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation (specialty 05.07.02). Under the guidance of Kuprikov M. Yu., 5 candidate and 1 doctoral dissertations were defended.

In 1982, after graduating from high school with a gold medal, he entered the Moscow Aviation Institute through a competition. He graduated with honors from the Moscow Aviation Institute in 1988 with a degree in aircraft engineering (mechanical engineer). In 1989-1992 he completed postgraduate studies at the Moscow Aviation Institute and received the qualification of an engineer-researcher. In 1993 he defended his dissertation on a special topic. Assignment of the degree of candidate of technical sciences in the specialty 05.07.02 "Design and construction of aircraft". In 1995-1998 he studied at the MAI doctoral program, after graduating, in 2000 he defended his thesis for the degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences in the specialty 05.07.02 "Design, construction and production of aircraft" on the topic "Structural-parametric synthesis of the appearance of a vertical aircraft takeoff and landing."

Professional experience:
1985-1987 - art. OSKBES MAI technician (part-time),
1988-1990 - engineer, junior researcher "Problem Laboratory" of the Department 101 of the MAI "Aircraft Design";
1988–1990 Engineer at MMZ “SPEED” im. A. S. Yakovleva (part-time worker);
1994 - leading designer of AOOT OKB im. A. S. Yakovleva;
1995 - present - Deputy Dean of the Aviation Technology Faculty of the Moscow Aviation Institute;
1992 - present - Assistant, Senior Lecturer, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department 101 "Aircraft Design",
2006- present - Leading Specialist (part-time worker) of JSC Sukhoi Design Bureau;
1998 - present - Head of Department 904 "Engineering Graphics" MAI.

In 2000 he was awarded the academic title of professor in the Department of Engineering Graphics.

Awards: medal "In memory of the 850th anniversary of Moscow" in 1997, Breastplate of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation "For the development of research work of students" in 2000 (ten medals of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation following the results of an open All-Russian competition for the best research work in 1992 -1993, 1995, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2003, 2004 and 2005), Gold medal of the Salon of inventions "Archimedes 2003", commemorative medal Air Force "100 years of Chief Marshal of Aviation A. E. Golovanov" 2004, badge "90 years of long-range aviation of the Russian Air Force" 2004, medal of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation "For labor valor" 2005