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Character history. Lumberjack story game Play lumberjack story game

Character history.  Lumberjack story game Play lumberjack story game

The hero appears in a number of children's books by the American writer Frank Baum about the fabulous land of Oz. Later borrowed by a Soviet writer and involved in the stories about the Emerald City and the Magic Land, which are a retelling of Baum's works.

History of creation

In Frank Baum's series of fairy tales about the magical land of Oz, the book The Wonderful Wizard of Oz was the first to be published in 1900. In this work, the Tin Woodman was first introduced. In Baum, this hero is called Tin Woodman - Tin Woodman. The hero becomes "iron" in Volkov's retelling.

At the end of the 19th century in America, anthropomorphic tin figures were used in advertising. And Baum, at the time when he worked on the fairy tale, was editing a specialized magazine about the design of shop windows. Probably, the very tin figurines provoked the birth of the character.

The Tin Woodman was once an ordinary man, but the hero was unlucky - the evil sorceress of the East cast a spell on him. As a result, his own ax quartered the hero, cutting off his arms and legs. The hero survived, but the human "spare parts" had to be replaced with iron ones.

Experiencing a crisis, the hero leaves his own bride, because he is no longer able to experience love - there is no heart in the new iron body. The hero leaves people and settles in the middle of the forest. Once the Tin Woodman is caught in the open air by a downpour, the hero rusts and loses the ability to move.

In this state, the hero spends a year, until one day the girl Dorothy Gale with the dog Totoshka and the stuffed Scarecrow stumble upon him. This company rescues the Tin Woodman and the hero goes with them to the Emerald City. The heroes go there to meet the Wizard of Oz.

Everyone has a secret dream and hopes that Oz will help make it come true. Dorothy wants to go home, the Scarecrow needs brains, and the Tin Woodman hopes that the great sorcerer will give him back his heart. Later, the Cowardly Lion, who needs courage, joins the company.

In the end, the Tin Woodman's dream comes true - he receives from Oz a silk heart stuffed with sawdust. And later, the hero becomes emperor in the Land of Winkies and rules, demonstrating a knightly character.

In Volkov's retelling, the orphan Dorothy from Kansas goes by the name Ellie, and the Tin Woodman turns into the Iron Man.

One of Bauman's stories is entirely dedicated to the hero and is called The Tin Woodman of Oz (1918). There, the hero unexpectedly meets his bride Nimmi, with whom the Woodcutter was in love when he was an ordinary person, before the incident with the enchanted ax. The hero also meets with an old friend, Captain Fighter, and he also has to face a metal monster.


Frank Baum wrote 14 fairy tales about Oz. The author made several maps to his own fictional universe to clarify the geography. According to these maps, the land of Oz consists of four regions scattered around the world - the Country of Winkers, the Country of Munchkins, the Country of Gillikins and the Country of Quadlings. Four sorceresses live in Oz: in the East and West - evil, in the North and South - good. In addition to these ladies, there are many more characters in Oz who wield magical powers.

The prehistory of the emergence of Oz is as follows. Once these lands were rich and beautiful, but not magical, but quite ordinary. One day a powerful good fairy flew over them and she liked what she sees below.

The fairy decided to make these lands magical and leave one fairy from her own retinue to rule them. The sent fairy was embodied on earth in a human baby, and while she was growing up, her own sorceresses appeared in four parts of the country, and the land was divided.

Only the Emerald City remained behind the father of the little fairy, but even there he was overthrown from the throne when an impostor Wizard appeared in the Emerald City, crashed in a balloon. The new ruler gave the little fairy to an evil sorceress, who turned her into a boy and sent her north to the country of the Gillikins. Later, the fairy returns to power and fairly reigns in the land of Oz.

Screen adaptations

In 1939, an American film adaptation called The Wizard of Oz was released. This is a fabulous film-musical, the role of the Tin Woodman is played by actor Jack Haley. There was a serious problem with the Tin Woodman costume during filming. Buddy Ebsen, the first actor to play the part, worked for just over a week and ended up in the hospital due to poisoning. The suit was covered in toxic aluminum powder and the actor inhaled it.

In 1978, the family musical Wiz was released, which loosely plays on the plot of Baum's fairy tale The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. The girl Dorothy in this film adaptation turns into a young teacher kindergarten from New York. The Tin Woodman is played by Nipsey Russell.

In 1985, Walt Disney Pictures released the family adventure film Return to Oz, based on Baum's fairy tales. The role of the Tin Woodman is played by actor Deep Roy.

The Russian film adaptation of 1994 is based on Volkov's retelling. The film is called The Wizard of the Emerald City. The role of the Tin Woodman is played by an actor.

In 1999-2000, a four-episode Russian cartoon "Adventures in the Emerald City" was released based on the original fairy tales by Frank Baum. The Tin Woodman is voiced by Vadim Gushchin. This is the first project of the Melnitsa animation studio, famous for its series of cartoons about three heroes.


"When the ax cut off my head, I thought I was finished."
“Will you give me a heart? asked the Tin Woodman.
“The heart makes many people unhappy,” said Goodwin. - It's not a very big advantage to have a heart.
“That can be argued,” the Tin Woodman resolutely objected. “I will endure all misfortunes meekly if I have a heart.”

Here you can play the online game for free - Adventure: Lumberjack Story, the original name is Lumberjack Story. This game has been played 15266 times and is rated 4.4 out of 5, voted by 50 people.

  • Platform: Web browser (PC only)
  • Technology: webgl. Works in all modern browsers

How to play?

You can participate in the game as a guest or log in. If you log in with a username and password, you have access to options such as Achievements (Achievements) and Leaderboard (Leaderboard). As a guest, you have access to Graphics Quality, Enable / Disable Sound, Button Control and the game itself under the New Game button.
We press the last button and after a short story about what happened, the Lumberjack gets into the game. If you want to hide/show the menu, press P. Locking the mouse cursor is done with the L key.
The lumberjack's body temperature, money and health hangs right there. Do not forget to grab an ax from the stump so that you have something to kill the snowmen at the very beginning of the game.
During the game you will have to go through a lot of difficulties!

Category Simulators - Original title Lumberjack Story

Our hero lived on the outskirts of a small village, where he worked and drank. He liked everything, so he rarely went out to people. Today I had to go to the village only because it had become surprisingly quiet. It turned out that the wizard froze all the inhabitants and fled to his tower, and now you must find him and force him to correct his bad deeds. As the still not completely frozen man tells us: the sorcerer's tower is located to the right of the village, and there we can find him. By the way, before taking at least one step in the game, look to the right side and take the bottles and an ax located there. You can start with them.

In the process, you will constantly have to kill snowmen and break ice crystals, from which the character's body temperature will gradually drop. Over time, it rises, but if the situation is critical, drink vodka to quickly warm up. For each defeated opponent, we gain experience, and with new levels we increase one of the three main characteristics of the hero. Also try to find and break wooden boxes, maybe you will find something in them.


  • We run - with the W / S / A / D buttons.
  • Mouse - look around.
  • Left mouse button - beat.
  • Shift - somersault.
  • Spacebar - jump.
  • Q - drink vodka.
  • R - restore health.
  • F - equip weapon.
  • E - pick up an item.
  • P - menu.