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Enterprises of the radio-electronic industry for the Russian Federation. Russian military radio electronics: growth criteria. Manufacturing and research-and-production enterprises

Enterprises of the radio-electronic industry for the Russian Federation.  Russian military radio electronics: growth criteria.  Manufacturing and research-and-production enterprises

09/21/2018, Fri, 16:51, Moscow time , Text: Valeria Shmyrova

The Central Research Institute "Electronics" presented the first rating of representatives of the radio-electronic industry in Russia. The authors of the rating believe that this initiative will help domestic radio-electronic enterprises, which have been operating in conditions of maximum secrecy for years, adapt to the market business model.

Radio-electronic industry rating

Central Research Institute "Electronics" together with the magazine "Electronics: Science, Technology, Business" and the auditing and consulting company "BDO Unicon" released the first "Rating of the radio-electronic industry of Russia." As the authors of the idea explain, the rating should identify key representatives of a given industry, identify their role in the economy and make these enterprises more famous. General Director of the Central Research Institute "Electronics" Alena Fomina calls the rating “unique” for this industry, since it is compiled for the first time.

During the compilation of the rating, industry representatives voluntarily and free of charge submitted data on their total revenue and revenue from radio electronics, confirming the information with Form No. 2 of the financial statements. If such a form was not provided, the information was confirmed by data from the SPARK-Interfax system.

Participants could also indicate shares of revenue from design, scientific and production activities, as well as from the production of certain categories of products.

“By disclosing information about the volume and structure of its revenue, each organization participating in the rating demonstrates its willingness to play by market rules, thereby making the industry environment more competitive,” Fomina notes. She focuses on the fact that industry representatives have been working in conditions of maximum secrecy for years, which makes it difficult for them to adapt to new rules. She also notes the insufficient degree of development of modern business models by Russian radio-electronic enterprises and the lack of cooperative ties between them, which is not typical for the same industry abroad.

When asked by CNews to name industry representatives who refused to participate in the rating, the authors of the project responded that this would be incorrect, since participation was initially purely voluntary. However, the compilers of the rating noted that both large and smaller large companies As a rule, the same reasons for refusal were given.

One of the most common reasons was the fear of being at a disadvantage at the top - companies preferred to see the first edition of the ranking first to understand what they could expect. Another common reason for refusal was not very good results in 2017 - these participants expressed hope that they would do better in 2018.

Top 50

In the overall top 50 in the industry, the first place is occupied by Mikron Group with revenue of 9.7 billion rubles. In second place is JSC Izhevsk Electromechanical Plant Kupol with revenue from radio electronics of about 8.5 billion rubles. Third place belongs to JSC Scientific Research Institute of Communication and Control Systems, whose annual revenue amounted to 7.7 billion rubles.

The top five is closed by PJSC Yaroslavl Radio Plant, whose revenues from radio electronics amounted to 7.1 billion rubles for the year, and JSC Craftway Corporation PLC with revenue of 5.4 billion rubles.

Top 50 organizations based on revenue from radio electronics

Organization TOTAL all types of activities, rub.
1 Group of Companies "Mikron"* 1 577 9 713 329 099 9 713 329 099
2 8 262 8 454 575 100 8 858 601 000
3 741 7 668 191 924 7 668 191 924
4 PJSC "Yaroslavl Radio Plant" 2 011 7 129 262 679 7 438 914 417
5 JSC Craftway Corporation PLC 801 5 357 288 689 5 357 288 689
6 JSC Research and Production Enterprise Polet** 1 788 4 288 127 200 4 384 271 700
7 JSC Omsk Production Association Irtysh 2 643 3 389 306 600 3 601 383 000
8 JSC NPP Rubin 1 345 3 215 213 073 3 228 158 559
9 JSC "Research Institute "Vector" 1 123 3 166 503 890 3 264 437 000
10 JSC "Elekond" 1 989 2 975 602 000 3 102 103 000
11 JSC OKB-Planeta 675 2 869 604 446 3 313 631 000
12 JSC NPO PLANT "VOLNA" 884 2 458 673 104 2 573 492 260
13 1 139 2 270 948 000 2 270 948 000
14 JSC NPP Almaz 1 845 1 898 654 267 1 940 112 550
15 JSC "NIIME" 520 1 882 833 000 1 882 833 000
16 JSC "Research Institute of Electronic Technology" 469 1 522 777 613 1 522 777 613
17 JSC "Research Center for Electronic computer technology» 585 1 500 577 120 2 075 177 000
18 JSC "Research and Production Association "Kvant" 1 384 957 000 1 384 957 000
19 JSC "NPP Toriy" 870 1 332 294 000 1 408 371 000
20 JSC NPP Vostok 566 1 250 947 000 1 255 108 000
21 PJSC "Atlant Plant" 892 1 125 129 584 1 131 199 755
22 JSC Research Institute "Ferrite-Domain" 414 961 063 000 961 063 000
23 954 951 758 453 951 758 453
24 JSC "Proton-Electrotex" 450 924 973 000 924 973 000
25 OJSC "Research and Production Association "ERKON" 675 884 212 266 962 491 514
26 JSC "Corporation - Novosibirsk Electrosignal Plant" 1 230 870 636 000 915 760 000
27 Tekhnotech LLC 246 786 229 000 786 229 000
28 JSC NPP Signal 486 728 401 410 735 759 000
29 JSC NPP ElTom 246 719 446 168 719 476 676
30 JSC "Orbita" 675 662 145 600 965 199 000
31 JSC "VNII Vega" 381 630 612 100 630 612 100
32 JSC NVP PROTEK 625 855 000 625 855 000
33 JSC "Research Institute of Electronic and Mechanical Devices" 584 604 806 400 607 502 674
34 JSC "Plasma" 641 604 749 000 604 749 000
35 410 600 332 000 600 332 000
36 JSC "Meteor Plant" 526 540 703 000 604 590 000
37 JSC Almetyevsk Plant Radiopribor 496 515 851 695 515 851 695
38 511 488 689 720 554 565 000
39 PLANAR LLC 255 471 022 000 471 022 000
40 LLC "Kulon" 299 448 859 000 507 827 000
41 JSC "Novosibirsk Plant of Semiconductor Devices with Design Bureau" 739 445 682 000 1 130 558 000
42 FORM LLC 43 361 848 000 361 848 000
43 JSC Scientific and Production Company Radio-Service 97 348 591 958 384 473 683
44 LLC "NPO "Rubicon-Innovation" 194 273 359 365 275 523 000
45 JSC "MMP-Irbis" 270 175 000 270 175 000
46 JSC "MOSELEKTRONPROEKT" 161 209 656 000 245 705 000
47 Kuznetsk Capacitor Plant LLC 184 188 627 000 189 520 000
48 PJSC "Strela" 346 176 430 000 176 430 000
49 JSC "NPK NIIDAR"*** 993 157 106 000 758 449 000
50 JSC Research and Production Company RITM*** 139 155 622 000 758 449 000

Source: Central Research Institute "Electronics"

In sixth place is JSC Research and Production Enterprise Polet, which earned about 4.3 billion rubles from the sale of radio electronics over the year. Seventh place is occupied by Omsk Production Association Irtysh JSC with revenue from radio electronics in the amount of 3.4 billion rubles.

In eighth place was NPP Rubin JSC with revenue from radio electronics at 3.2 billion rubles. The top ten is closed by JSC Research Institute Vector, whose revenues from radio electronics for the year amounted to 3.2 billion rubles, and JSC Elekond, with annual revenue from the sale of radio-electronic products of just under 3 billion rubles.

The top 50 included not only manufacturers of radio-electronic products, but also organizations engaged in research and development (R&D). Most of the top were made up of production and research and production organizations, but there are also two scientific organizations- JSC “NII “Vector”, which is in ninth place, and JSC “NIIME”, which took 15th place. Also included in the top was one design bureau - JSC “Special Design and Technology Bureau for Relay Technology”, which took 35th place.

Most of the enterprises in the top 50 are engaged in some other types of activities that go beyond the radio-electronics industry, so their total revenue is greater than direct receipts from radio-electronics. However, the rating was based on revenue from radio-electronic products. The share of revenues from activities not related to radio electronics in the total revenue of the rating participants is usually not very significant, but there are exceptions such as JSC Scientific Research Center for Electronic Computer Equipment, JSC Orbita, JSC Novosibirsk Semiconductor Devices Plant with OKB and JSC NPK NIIDAR.

Large and small businesses

The authors of the project note that the top 50 included small organizations where the number of employees is limited to several dozen - these are, for example, FORM LLC and Scientific and Production Company Radio-Service JSC. For other participants in the rating, the number of employees reaches several thousand people - examples include Izhevsk Electromechanical Plant Kupol JSC, Omsk Production Association Irtysh JSC, Yaroslavl Radio Plant PJSC, etc.

TOP 10 manufacturing organizations

Organization Number of employees, people Revenue from radio electronics, rub.
1 Group of Companies "Mikron"* 1 577 9 713 329 099
2 JSC Izhevsk Electromechanical Plant Kupol 8 262 8 454 575 100
3 PJSC "Yaroslavl Radio Plant" 2 011 7 129 262 679
4 JSC Craftway Corporation PLC 801 5 357 288 689
5 JSC Omsk Production Association Irtysh** 2 643 3 389 306 600
6 JSC "Elekond" 1 989 2 975 602 000
7 PJSC "Kovylkinsky Electromechanical Plant" 1 139 2 270 948 000
8 PJSC "Atlant Plant" 892 1 125 129 584
9 JSC Ryazan Metal-Ceramic Devices Plant 954 951 758 453
10 JSC "Proton-Electrotex" 450 924 973 000

Source: Central Research Institute "Electronics"

According to a study by the Central Research Institute of Electronics, “Portrait of Russian Radio Electronics,” in the industry as a whole, 60.51% of enterprises are large businesses - their number of employees exceeds 250 people, and their income is more than 2 billion rubles. However, the top 50 also includes representatives of medium-sized businesses with up to 250 employees and an income of up to 2 billion rubles. Also in the top are representatives of small businesses with up to 100 employees and an income of up to 800 million rubles.

The largest holdings in the industry were JSC Ruselectronics with revenue from all activities of more than 150 billion rubles, JSC KRET with revenue of just under 140 billion rubles. and JSC RTI with revenue of more than 50 billion rubles.

Manufacturing and research-and-production enterprises

At the same time as the top 50, other ratings were compiled - in particular, the top 10 manufacturing organizations. The first five positions of this rating coincide with the first five lines of the top 50. In the top 10 manufacturing organizations there are practically no organizations that are located in Moscow or St. Petersburg. Only the leader of the rating, Micron Group of Companies, is located in Moscow; the main office of JSC Craftway Corporation PLS is also based in the capital, although the company’s production facilities are located in Obninsk in the Kaluga region. However, it is Moscow and St. Petersburg that are the leaders in the number of production organizations in the radio-electronics industry, as evidenced by the study “Portrait of Russian Radio Electronics”.

TOP 10 organizations by revenue from the design of products or their components

Organization Share of revenue from the design of products or their components in total revenue, % Revenue from the design of products or their components, rub.
1 JSC "Research Institute of Communication and Control Systems" 96 7 394 434 086
2 JSC OKB-Planeta 87 2 869 604 446
3 JSC NPP Vostok 58 721 439 000
4 JSC "VNII Vega" 54 341 816 800
5 JSC "Special Design and Technology Bureau for Relay Technology" 47 282 156 040
6 JSC NPO PLANT "VOLNA" 8 204 104 433
7 ZAO OKB Karat 100 40 520 000
8 CJSC "MEL" 3 25 540 900
9 JSC Irkutsk Relay Plant 1 5 960 700
10 JSC "Plasma" 1 3 000 000


1) The place of the radio-electronic industry and its products in the Economy of the country and region.

2) Production volumes (million rubles) nomenclature - natural indicators, number of employees.

3) Enterprise structure:

a) - Large (%)

b) - Average (%)

c) - Small (%)

4) Monopolization, prices, costs, competition, competitiveness, sales volumes.

5) The main subjects of the radio-electronic industry and their prospects

6) Life cycle of a regrowth

7) Staffing, development for the future.

8) Marketing, logistics, branding of the radio-electronic industry

9) Options for investment in the industry, its raw materials, science

10) Government regulation and incentives.

3)3 conclusion

4) List of used literature and sources

1) Introduction.

The electronics industry is one of the most important for any state, since it provides the electronic component base (ECB) to almost all other sectors of the economy. In 2002, the President of the Russian Federation, by his Decree, approved the “Fundamentals of Policy Russian Federation in the field of development of the electronic component base in the period up to 2010 and further prospects." This document formulates the main goal of the Russian Federation's policy in the field of development of the electronics industry for the medium term - achieving technological independence from foreign countries in the development, production and use of electronic components used in radio-electronic systems of strategic importance. This document laid down the ideology of development and reform of the industry. Let us note that the critical situation in the field of electronics was formed during the times of the USSR. But if in the 80-90s of the last century the technological lag in microelectronics was one generation (on average, five years), then in the first half of the 90s we fell behind by several generations (up to 15 years). As a result, the total introduction of foreign electronic components began in all areas of industry, both military and civilian.

Back in 1990, weapons, military and special equipment (VVST), as well as civilian products, were 100% equipped with domestic electronic components. The volume of serial deliveries of the entire range of electronic components (over 20 thousand items) was about 104 billion rubles. in comparable prices. The largest volumes of electronic components in the military field were required by avionics, air defense and communications equipment, and in the civilian field - televisions and radios. Today, 65% of imported electronic components are used in the production of military and special products. The situation with microelectronics products for military and military equipment is even worse - imported microcircuits account for 90%. The elemental base of domestic production is significantly outdated and technically lags behind the world level. Only 3% of electronic components used in military equipment were developed after 1990. Mainly used in special equipment electronic components 80s and even 70s. The overall level of ECB purchases in 2005 fell to 35.1 billion rubles. Moreover, the production of domestic microelectronics products is estimated at only 1.2 billion rubles.

2.1 Place radio electronics industry its products in the economy of the country and region.

The main microelectronic production (more than 80% of production volumes) is concentrated in Zelenograd, and the production of microwave equipment is in Fryazino and Moscow. Therefore, investments should be directed to key enterprises in the industry.

The country still has two powerful state centers for the production of microwave components, including solid-state ones: FSUE Istok and FSUE Pulsar. Moreover, there are no other sources of these devices, which are important for defense capability - no one sells modern microwave components. These enterprises are potentially capable of meeting the basic needs (more than 80%) of customers in this segment of the electronic components market. Therefore, it is planned to direct government investments to them to modernize production. The direction of radiation-resistant electronic components is no less important for the country. It can only be developed with government assistance. In this area, it is important to coordinate the work of three federal agencies: Rosatom, Roscosmos and Rosprom, in order to prevent duplication of work and their cross-subsidization. This will allow consolidating funds to create by 2011 a completely domestic component base with the required level of radiation resistance.

2.2 Production volumes (million rubles) nomenclature - physical indicators, number of employees

The production of microelectronics requires very large initial capital investments - the cost of a modern microelectronic factory exceeds 2 billion dollars, the payback period is approximately three years. However, it is planned to allocate about 23 billion rubles from the state budget in 2007-2011 for the implementation of the Strategy. Of these, 15.9 billion rubles are spent on R&D in priority areas. Under the item “capital construction”, 7.3 billion rubles are allocated: 4.3 billion rubles. - for reconstruction and technical re-equipment of main production facilities and 3 billion rubles. - to create a network of new design centers at leading defense industry enterprises. The latter will make it possible to qualitatively change the situation in the design of radio electronics and really simplify the problem of import substitution.

It is obvious that the amount of expected government funding for the electronics industry is minimal. For comparison, in projects to create two semiconductor production facilities in Germany and Singapore, the share state participation is 62% and 30%, respectively. To reduce the burden on the federal budget, it is advisable to modernize existing cleanrooms for microelectronic production, without new construction. It is also necessary to more effectively use the principle of public-private partnership. Indirect tools for stimulating enterprises, primarily the private sector, should work here. The strategy provides for investments of extra-budgetary funds in the amount of 15.26 billion rubles, mainly attracted by organizations in the electronics industry. In addition to this, over 20 billion rubles. will amount to private capital investments in the modernization of microelectronic production at the Mikron and Angstrem plants (Angstrem-T project). Joint stock companies without a state controlling stake (for example, microelectronic enterprises in Zelenograd) need to create the necessary conditions to achieve business goals. These are credit guarantees from the state, the formation of a state order for domestic electronic components, and the improvement of the regulatory framework. Such steps increase the investment attractiveness of the industry, ensure an influx of capital and reduce the burden on the budget. The world practice of creating electronic equipment shows that 1 dollar invested in electronic materials and equipment turns into 6 dollars when creating electronic components and into 20 dollars in the market of final products (Fig. 8). In advanced countries, electronics ranks first in terms of added value, profit and profitability, ahead of industries such as the automotive industry, medicine, alcohol, tobacco, etc.

Russia already has some experience confirming the effectiveness of a combination of direct and indirect government influence on the electronics industry. Thus, the decision to provide state guarantees (3.4 billion rubles) for the Angstrem-T project allows us to count on the commissioning of modern serial microelectronic production in 2008 with a total cost of over 20 billion rubles. Relatively small budget support - 274 million rubles. - in 2006, it was the catalyst for the project to modernize the microelectronic production of JSC NIIME and the Mikron plant with a total cost of over 4 billion rubles. It is planned to be put into operation in mid-2007. The successful completion of these projects will reduce the technological gap in microelectronics and create competitive conditions for Russian enterprises in the domestic and foreign markets. In addition, the Strategy focuses on those market sectors where the state is able to influence demand and supply, i.e. where it is possible to form a solid state order that will ensure guaranteed and long-term utilization of electronic production. These are areas such as military and special electronics, the Electronic Passport project, the GLONASS Global Navigation System and digital television. The sector of military and special electronics is capable of ensuring stable utilization of modern microelectronic production (approximately 30%).

Wide range of products (over 25 thousand types);

Increased operational requirements (temperature, humidity, resistance to mechanical stress, radiation resistance, increased reliability, etc.);

Relatively small series, but long life cycle of products (must be reproduced within 10-15 years). The volume of production compared to last year amounted to 117%, the volume scientific research and development - 116.2%, which is higher than the national average. The growth in industrial production and the intensification of scientific and technical activities made it possible to significantly improve the socio-economic situation of workers: for example, the average salary increased by 25.8%. Meanwhile, the current crisis has not spared the REC. For example, the scale of government investment has been significantly reduced as part of the program for introducing digital television and radio broadcasting in the country. In the fifth edition of the concept of the federal target program (FTP) "Development of television and radio broadcasting in the Russian Federation" for 2009 -2015. dated August 22, 2008, budget funding was provided for these purposes in the amount of 243.919 billion rubles, including the purchase of digital set-top boxes for the population. The volume of product output amounted to 121.0% compared to the corresponding period last year, while the volume of output of special-purpose products increased by 25.7%, and the volume of output of civilian products increased by 14.4%. Among civil products, the production of equipment for trade and public catering increased (by 1.3 times), equipment for the fuel and energy complex (by 1.4 times), computer equipment (by 1.3 times), and consumer goods (by 1.3 times). 7.9%). Civil engineering developments include cluster computing systems, software, digital television equipment, communications and telecommunications equipment, medical equipment, tools and complexes. Unified system air traffic management, systems and means of ensuring security, safety and the fight against terrorism, equipment for the fuel and energy and agro-industrial complexes, housing and communal services, etc.

Central Research Institute "Electronics" - Russia's leading information and analytical center in the field of radio electronics - has compiled the first industry rating of the radio electronics industry. The top 50 enterprises in the industry included more than 20 organizations of the Rostec State Corporation.

The authors of the rating note that the majority of radio-electronic enterprises in the country are part of integrated structures. The authors of the rating named Ruselectronics, which is part of the Rostec State Corporation, as the largest holding in the industry. Its total revenue exceeds 150 billion rubles. The holding produces at least 80% of the entire Russian electronic component base. The top 50 included 16 enterprises that are part of Ruselectronics.

Second place in the list of the largest radio-electronic structures in Russia was taken by KRET, also part of Rostec. Its revenue is about 140 billion rubles. The rating includes five enterprises included in KRET.

Events related to this

The top 50 companies in the radio-electronic industry included 22 Rostec enterprises

High-tech industries - instrument making, radio-electronic equipment and communications produce about 30% of mechanical engineering and metalworking products. Enterprises of the knowledge-intensive complex produce software and hardware, general purpose mainframe computers, mobile automated control systems, high-precision optical instruments, communication systems and means, integrated circuits and discrete devices of various types, telecommunications equipment and other products.

During the existence of the USSR, it was in these industries that much attention was paid to the introduction of high-tech processes and the use of advanced discoveries in the scientific field, and the enterprises themselves were spread across the entire territory of the Union. Therefore, at present, many high-tech industries in the country are part of interstate financial industrial groups and operate within the framework of joint Russian-Belarusian targeted scientific and technical programs. As you know, most high-tech industries developed at the expense of the military industry, therefore, after the collapse of the USSR, many enterprises in the radio engineering industry went through a conversion process, that is, they were forced to reorient production: from products intended for defense needs to the production of products for peaceful sectors of the economy and goods public consumption.

Accuracy of measurements is of paramount importance when creating new technology and equipment that meets world standards. Instrument making includes 5 enterprises that played a role after the Chernobyl disaster important role in equipping the republic with radiometric monitoring means. Currently, industry enterprises produce electrical measuring and analytical instruments, weighing equipment, electric drills, electric hair dryers, electric fans, car vacuum cleaners and other consumer goods.

The radio engineering industry includes over 60 enterprises, scientific and production associations, research and design institutes. The industry produces over a third of the volume of similar products in the CIS countries. The largest enterprises in the industry, OJSC Gorizont and RUPP Vityaz, currently produce color televisions with world-class quality, design and consumer functions. The main types of products include: universal software and hardware systems, professional and household PCs and automated workstations of various profiles, electronic automatic telephone exchanges, telecommunications and communications products, automotive and power electronics products, electronic cash registers, measuring instruments, household electrical equipment, medical equipment, furniture, fittings, etc.

Products of electronics industry enterprises have found application in all sectors of the national economy: computer science systems, television and radio engineering, film and photographic equipment, instrument making, industrial electronics, complex household appliances, etc. The range and technical level of the manufactured element base is constantly expanding. The largest enterprise in the industry, NPO Integral, collaborating with well-known foreign manufacturers, provides 60% of the world's demand for integrated circuits for watches.

Integral produces microcircuits (about 70% is exported to countries outside the CIS) and discrete devices, consumer electronic products (watches, etc.). In addition, the leading enterprises in the industry include the Minsk Computer Engineering Software, which produces software and hardware, the Minsk Instrument-Making Plant (“Belvar”), which controls 60% of the CIS market for the production of radio measuring instruments; Minsk watch factory “Luch”. Large high-tech instrument-making and radio-electronic enterprises also operate in Vitebsk, Gomel, Brest, Grodno and branches in a number of medium and small cities of the country.

This industry is promising and therefore requires constant reconstruction in accordance with ever-increasing consumer requirements and scientific and technological progress. The state monitors the functioning of the industry, as well as constant financing for development purposes.

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