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The results of the exam in social science. Russian schoolchildren spent their graduation, although all the results of the exam have not yet been published. USE results in social studies

The results of the exam in social science.  Russian schoolchildren spent their graduation, although all the results of the exam have not yet been published.  USE results in social studies

The main stage of the exam 2018 has come to an end. Students can only wait for the latest exam results. So on June 14, many future students took an exam in social studies. According to Rosobrnadzor, students will be able to find out their scores on June 29.

Many rushed to take social studies in the hope of entering a university in a prestigious specialty. Such professions that require knowledge about society as a whole include economics, sociology, jurisprudence, and even in some cases pedagogy.

When will the results of the Unified State Examination 2018 in social studies and the average scores of previous years be announced

The Science and Education Supervision Service has published the dates for the announcement of the results for each state exam. Social studies scores can be checked on June 29th. This can be done on the official website of the USE 2018. You will need to enter data from the student's passport and thus go to your personal account. This is how all the results of a particular participant in this year's exam are published.

The school curriculum, and with it the exam, becomes more difficult every year. Despite this, since 2016, the number of students who failed to pass the threshold score has decreased significantly. So in 2016, this figure was 17% of the total number of examinees. Already in 2017, this number decreased by 3%. All this points to a positive trend. successful delivery examination in social science by students of Russia.

The system for assessing the knowledge of the exam in social studies in 2018

Social studies is included in the compulsory course of the school curriculum and is studied throughout middle and high school. Its volume includes the concepts of sociology, philosophy, economics and law, and psychology also occupies an integral part. Pupils study the relationship of a person with society and within it, distinguishes between the various social roles of a person in society (whether it be a student, worker, father, child, customer in a store, etc.). In the course of this discipline, children learn to communicate with the social world around them, learn to use their rights and obligations, understand the economic and political sphere of society, and so on.

The knowledge of students is evaluated in a certain number of points for each task of the ticket. In total, there are 29 tasks in the ticket. All questions are divided into 3 parts. The first part contains 19 questions, for the answers to them you can score 35 points. The second part includes 8 tasks, they are estimated at 23 points. The last task, and this essay, is estimated at 6 points. Then the total amount is translated into a 100-point system. Thus, it can be determined that, having scored less than 41 one points, the student does not pass the assessment threshold. Scores from 42 to 54 mean a score of "3". Those who scored from 55 to 66 points for tasks apply for "4". Those who were able to answer all the questions, scoring 67 points or more, got an excellent mark of "5".

What tasks are included in the USE ticket in social studies

There have been some changes in the USE tickets in social studies in 2018. From the first part of the ticket, all questions were removed that implied only one correct answer from those presented. The task itself does not indicate how many correct answers the question has. The student must learn this on his own. In addition, all questions were combined into blocks, each of them corresponds to a specific topic. This is done for more convenient orientation in the structure of the exam ticket.

The second part of the ticket consists of open questions. Their difficulty is also different. There are questions that imply a short answer from one word or concept. More complex questions require deciphering the term, detailed description or solutions to a particular situation. Compliance tasks are also included in the ticket. Perhaps the most difficult task in a social studies ticket is an essay. It is a discussion on a given topic. This question is ranked highest on the ticket. In total, the student is given 235 minutes of time to complete these tasks.

There is an opinion among schoolchildren that social science is the easiest USE subject. Many choose it for this very reason. But this is a delusion that leads away from serious preparation.

Task grading system

The results of completing Part 1 tasks are processed automatically. The answers to the tasks of part 2 are analyzed and evaluated by experts on the basis of specially developed criteria.

Tasks 1–3, 0, 12 are estimated at 1 point. The task is considered completed correctly if the answer is written in the form specified in the instructions for completing the task.

The correct performance of tasks 4–9, 11, 13–20 is estimated by 2 points. These tasks are evaluated as follows: complete correct completion of the task - 2 points; completing a task with one mistake (one incorrectly indicated, including an extra, digit along with all the correct numbers) or incomplete task completion (lack of one required digit) - 1 point; incorrect performance of the task (when specifying two or more erroneous numbers) - 0 points.

Full correct performance of tasks of part 2 is estimated from 2 to 5 points. For the complete correct completion of tasks 21, 22, 2 points are given; tasks 23–28 - 3 points each; tasks 29 - 5 points.

Checking the fulfillment of the tasks of part 2 is carried out by experts on the basis of a specially developed system of criteria.

USE-2018. Social science. Points for assignments.

question number Points
1 1
2 1
3 1
4 2
5 2
6 2
7 2
8 2
9 2
10 1
11 2
12 1
13 2
14 2
15 2
16 2
17 2
18 2
19 2
20 2
Total: 35

Part 2.

Total points:

1 part(1-20) 35
2 part (21-28) 23
Essay (29) 6
Total: 64

You can check the results of the exam on the website

To obtain the official results of the USE, you should contact your school or the regional education authority in which you registered for the USE.

Additionally, you can get acquainted with the preliminary results of the Unified State Examination in a special service, as well as on the Government Services portal. Deadlines for processing examination papers, approval of the results of GIA-11 and the official day of their announcement cannot be later than the corresponding deadlines specified in the Schedules.

The deadlines for the approval of the GIA-11 results and the official day of their announcement are adjusted taking into account the actual direction of the GIA-11 results at the regional level.


There is an opinion among schoolchildren that social science is the easiest subject of the exam. Many choose it for this very reason. But this is a delusion that leads away from serious preparation.

The results of completing Part 1 tasks are processed automatically. The answers to the tasks of part 2 are analyzed and evaluated by experts on the basis of specially developed criteria.

Tasks 1–3, 0, 12 are estimated at 1 point. The task is considered completed correctly if the answer is written in the form specified in the instructions for completing the task.

The correct performance of tasks 4–9, 11, 13–20 is estimated by 2 points. These tasks are evaluated as follows: complete correct completion of the task - 2 points; completing a task with one mistake (one incorrectly indicated, including an extra, digit along with all the correct numbers) or incomplete task completion (lack of one required digit) - 1 point; incorrect performance of the task (when specifying two or more erroneous numbers) - 0 points.

Unified State Examination Social Studies 2018, known: on June 27, the results of the Unified State Exam in Social Studies appeared

Full correct performance of tasks of part 2 is estimated from 2 to 5 points. For the complete correct completion of tasks 21, 22, 2 points are given; tasks 23–28 - 3 points each; tasks 29 - 5 points.

Checking the fulfillment of the tasks of part 2 is carried out by experts on the basis of a specially developed system of criteria.

The exam in social science became the most massive among those that could be chosen, that is, not counting the Russian language and mathematics.

On June 14, more than three hundred and seventy thousand Russian schoolchildren decided to try their hand and show their knowledge of social science: the fact is that young people classified this exam as one of the “simplest”, because even with minimal preparation, during the test itself, you can orient yourself and, relying on logic, answer questions.

It usually takes 7 to 14 days from submission to publication of results, depending on the number of participants - compulsory subjects such as Russian and mathematics take longer to process. However, usually the results become known much faster.

The processing of the results itself takes place in several stages. At first, all data from the forms go to the Regional Information Processing Centers. For mandatory items, processing should not exceed 6 calendar days.

Unified State Examination Social Studies 2018, known: how was the exam tested?

Elective items are checked faster, within 4 calendar days. This is due to the fact that elective subjects are given significantly less people than required.

Then all the results are submitted for centralized verification at the Federal Testing Center. This takes up to 5 calendar days. At the next stage, the results are approved by the State Examination Commission within 1 day. And only then they are published in a single database of USE results.

The results of the Unified State Exam in Social Science were summed up in the Altai Territory - among those who passed this subject maximum score received one graduate from the Barnaul school No. 127.

In total, almost six thousand people took the exam in this subject in the region. Minimal amount points, which was necessary to score a participant in the Unified State Examination in social studies for admission to a university, is 42 points.

In general, in terms of the number of students taking this subject, the average score and the number of hundred-point students, the results of the exam remained at the level of the previous year.

Those who did not appear for the exam for good reasons will be able to take it on the reserve day - June 28. In addition, a reserve day is also organized on July 2 for passing the exam in all subjects.

USE social studies 2018, known: how did you pass the exam in the regions?

More than 9.2 thousand graduates of Ugra schools passed the Unified State Examination in 2018. According to the decision of the pedagogical council, about 100 people were not allowed to take the exams. The reason is that schoolchildren have not mastered the programs of general secondary education, the government of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra reports.

Graduates passed exams in 15 subjects. Traditionally, social science has chosen largest number more than 4,000 eleventh-graders. Physics was in second place, with 2,000 students passing it, and biology was in third place. Among the ninth-graders, social science, geography, computer science and information and communication technologies are in priority.

By preliminary results 17 Ugra graduates showed a 100% level of knowledge in individual subjects.

“Last year there were 33 100 points. Based on the results of the entire campaign, we expect an increase. It is interesting that most of them, 7 out of 17, are 100-point results in chemistry,” said Aleksey Drenin, director of the district department of education and youth policy of Yugra.

In Cheboksary in 2018, students with a hundred points appeared who passed the Unified State Examination in social studies. There were none the previous year, C-ib reports. This was reported in the press service of the Department of Education of the city administration.

On June 27, the results of the Unified state exam in social science. In the capital of the republic, 1086 graduates passed this subject. Two people showed the maximum result: Anastasia Yakovleva from Lyceum No. 44 and Natalia Nikonorova from high school №29.

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No less than the USE results themselves, the participants in the unified state exam are interested in the dates of their announcement. Usually, it takes 8-12 days. Let's take a closer look at what this time is spent on.

After the exam is completed, the USE forms are sent to the Regional Information Processing Centers (RTsOI).

  • The processing of the results of the mandatory USE in the Russian language and mathematics in the RCIO should not exceed 6 calendar days after the test. During this time, specialists will scan the USE forms, check the information entered in the forms, and the subject commissions will evaluate the answers to tasks with a detailed answer.
  • Checking the results of the USE in other subjects (physics, chemistry, biology, geography, literature, history, social science, computer science and ICT, English language, German, French and Spanish) must be completed no later than 4 calendar days after the relevant examination.

After completing the verification of the results of exams in the regional information processing centers, the work is sent for centralized verification. It ends no later than 5 working days since the receipt of the work.

Then during 1 business day the results are approved at a meeting of the State Examination Commission (SEC) of the region. Over the next 1-3 days Exam results are made known to USE participants.

Usually, the announcement of the results of the exam occurs 10-11 days after the exam.

So, let's do a couple of simple calculations. To the official date of the USE-2018, we add the number of days spent processing and sending the results of the USE to the regions. Get approximate dates for the announcement of the results of the USE-2018 passed in the main terms:

  • Geography: no later than June 8
  • Informatics and ICT: no later than June 8
  • Mathematics (basic level):no later than June 13
  • Mathematics (profile level): no later than June 15
  • Story: no later than June 18
  • Chemistry: no later than June 18
  • Russian language: no later than June 20
  • Foreign language ( oral part): no later than June 23
  • Social science: no later than June 24
  • Biology:no later than June 29
  • Foreign language: no later than June 29
  • Physics:no later than June 30
  • Literature: no later than June 30

Approximate dates for the announcement of the results of the USE-2018, held in reserve days:

  • Informatics and ICT, geographyno later than July 3
  • Maths:no later than July 6
  • Russian language: no later than July 7
  • Foreign languages, biology,story,social science, chemistry: no later than July 7
  • Literature, fmzmka:no later than July 8
  • Foreign languages ​​(oral part): no later than July 10

In regions with hard-to-reach and remote territories USE results may be announced at a later date. At the same time, the term for announcing the results of the USE in the Russian language and mathematics should not exceed 12 days after the exam, in selective subjects - 9 days. However, usually the results are known even before these dates.

The Unified State Examination in social studies is the most popular exam after the compulsory Russian language and mathematics. According to data from previous years, almost half of the graduates (49%) pass social studies. And this is not surprising, since the Unified State Examination in social studies is necessary for admission to all humanitarian specialties.

In fact, the subject "social science" includes information on various aspects of society, studied within the whole class of humanities: economics, law, philosophy, sociology, political science and, to some extent, history.

The KIM USE variant in social studies has undergone minor changes, informs the Ros-Registr portal. The developers have revised the difficulty of tasks No. 28 and 29, due to which the maximum primary score for the entire test increased from 62 to 64.

Last year, in order to pass the Unified State Examination in social studies, at least for a three, it was enough to score 19 primary points. They were given, for example, correctly completed the first 13 tasks of the test.

How it will be in 2018 is still not known for sure: you need to wait for an official order from Rosobrnadzor on the compliance of primary and test scores. It will most likely appear in December. Considering that the maximum primary score has increased from 62 to 64, it is very likely that the minimum score may also change slightly.

Examination papers for the exam are thoroughly checked first at the regional and then at the federal level. This process usually takes about 10 days. After that, the results obtained undergo additional control by the experts of the State Examination Commission. And only after that they are published on the official websites of information support of the Unified State Examination, and are also transferred for publication to the regions.

On Thursday, June 14, 2018, 33,000 graduates passed the USE in social studies. The students were given 3 hours and 55 minutes to complete 29 tasks to test social, economic, philosophical and legal knowledge about the life of society. High requirements for the level of knowledge of schoolchildren determined the value of the minimum threshold for passing the exam, which in 2018 amounted to 42 primary points.

According to the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, the results of the Unified State Exam in social studies will be known until June 24, 2018. This is the deadline for publishing data on the official portals of the Unified State Examination, FIPI, Rospotrebnadzor and the State Services website. To find out your grade in social studies, it is enough for a graduate to register on these information resources, indicating your passport data and the USE notification code.

Primary score Test score Minimum points threshold
0 0
1 2
2 4
3 6
4 8
5 10
6 12
7 14
8 16
9 18
10 20
11 22
12 24
13 26
14 28
15 30
16 32
17 34
18 36
19 38
20 40
The minimum score threshold for admission to a university
22 44
23 45
24 46
25 47
26 48
27 49
28 50
29 51
30 52
31 54
32 55
33 56
34 57
35 58
36 59
37 60
38 61
39 62
40 64
41 65
42 66
43 67
44 68
45 69
46 70
47 71
48 72
49 74
50 76
51 78
52 79
53 81
54 83
55 85
56 86
57 88
58 90
59 92
60 93
61 95
62 97
63 99
64 100
Primary score Test score

In 2018, you can retake the Unified State Examination only 1 of the main exams (mathematics or Russian) and only if there was an unsatisfactory result. If the student fails both compulsory subject, then retake is possible only in September-October of the same year. As for additional subjects, they are allowed to be retaken only for the next year.

It must be understood that not everyone can be allowed to retake. The right to a second chance can be obtained:

  • If the student did not appear for the exam for a good reason.
  • If you could not complete the exam for a good reason.
  • If the results of the exam were canceled by the decision of the examination committee.

The following are not grounds for transfer:

Failure to appear for an exam WITHOUT a valid reason.
If during the exam factors of violation of the established procedure were identified conducting the exam.

The procedure for conducting the USE in Russia is described in detail in the relevant order of the Ministry of Education and Science. Clause 55 of Chapter VII of the Procedure establishes the maximum processing time for the USE forms for each of the subjects. Scanning forms, recognition of information and its verification with records in USE forms, as well as verification of impersonal copies of forms by the commission and other activities for each of the disciplines, purely technically, can take different times, therefore, the following deadlines for the USE in various subjects are established in order:

  • maths basic level- a maximum of three calendar days;
  • maths profile level- maximum four calendar days;
  • Russian language - a maximum of six calendar days;
  • other items - a maximum of four calendar days;
  • any USE passed ahead of schedule or in an additional period - a maximum of three calendar days.

That's not all. To the above terms, in each case, add another five calendar days that are required for the centralized verification of the USE forms (paragraph 66 ibid. in Chapter VII of the USE Procedure). Thus, depending on the subject, it takes from eight to eleven calendar days to check and publish the results of the unified state exams.

However, the official dates for the publication of the results of the exam are shifted by about a week. This time is required to approve and publish the results of the exam.

Exam date Subject Deadline for publication of results
May 28 Geography. Informatics and ICT. June 15
May 30 Mathematics (basic level) June 15
June 1st Mathematics (profile level) June 18
June 4 History. Chemistry. June 20
June 6 Russian language June 25
the 9th of June Foreign languages: English, German, French, Spanish (oral). First wave 5'th of July
June 13 Foreign languages ​​(oral part). Second wave 5'th of July
June 14 Social science June 29
June 18 Biology. 4th of July
June 18 Foreign languages ​​(written part). 5'th of July
June 20 Literature. Physics. 5'th of July

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