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Azerbaijan. Baku - the city of lights and world attractions Interesting facts about the coat of arms of Azerbaijan

Azerbaijan.  Baku - the city of lights and world attractions Interesting facts about the coat of arms of Azerbaijan

BAKU, April 21 - News-Azerbaijan, Mina Kadirova. Baku is the capital of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the largest industrial, economic, and scientific-technical center of Transcaucasia, as well as the largest port on the Caspian Sea and the largest city in the Caucasus.

1 .The name of the city of Baku comes from the Persian باد كوبه‎ bād kubeh - “Badkube” - “wind blow”, probably due to the local strong winds, which gave birth to the rooted nickname “Baku - the city of winds”.

2 Over the past 65 years, the population of Baku has increased 33.4 times, which exceeds all known population growth rates in the world for the 19th and 20th centuries. The population of Baku exceeds the population of such countries as the Vatican (0.9 thousand people), San Marino (27), Monaco (32), Liechtenstein (32), Marshall Islands (68), Grenada (89), Belize (241 ), Iceland (281), Maldives (301), Bahamas (400), Suriname (417), Solomon Islands (444), Equatorial Guinea (453), Guyana (861), Fiji (817), Gabon (1200), Guinea-Bissau (1200), Gambia (1300), Trinidad and Tobago (1300), Estonia (1300), Botswana (1600), Djibouti (1700), Namibia (1700), Dominican Republic (1700), Kuwait (1900), Slovenia (1900).

3 About 72 nationalities live and have previously lived in Baku, and thanks to this, the city is considered one of the most international.

4. The average annual temperature of Baku and the globe coincides to tenths (14.2 degrees)

5 The world's first modern oil well was drilled in Bibi-Heybat, Baku. And also, for the first time, offshore oil production was started in Baku. In 1901, the city produced more than half of the world's oil. It was in Baku that scientists back in 1930 developed a new drilling method, recognized and used throughout the world, in which wells are made not vertical, but inclined.

6 .In Baku at the beginning of the 20th century, 50% of the world's oil was produced, and during the Second World War, Baku supplied the entire Soviet army with fuel, providing up to 85% of its needs.

7. The Nobel Prize, one of the most prestigious international awards, consists of the capital that Alfred Nobel earned from the exploitation of Baku oil. This amount is approximately 12% of the fund Nobel Prizes.

8. The first electric train of the USSR was launched in Baku in 1926, along the Baku-Sabunchi line in 1926.

9 . The Baku metro was launched in 1967, and one of the stations was called “April 28” - in honor of the day when Soviet power was established in Azerbaijan. After the republic left the USSR, the station was “raised” for exactly a month. Now it is called “May 28” - in honor of the national holiday of Republic Day.

10 The first musical opera in the Muslim East was staged in Baku - it was the opera “Leili and Majnun”.

11. The Baku circus was the first in the USSR.

12. Azerbaijan ranks first in the world in the number of mud volcanoes, there are about 350 of them, out of a total of 800 in the world. After studying the nature of Mars, theories were put forward that the mud volcanoes of the country are similar in structure to the hills of the red planet.

13 . In 1975, thanks to intensified negotiations between Heydar Aliyev and the head of Soviet Union Leonid Brezhnev, it was in Baku that the only air conditioning plant at that time was built, which meant not only prestige, but also huge financial flows for the republic.

14. Baku is a member of the following international organizations: - World Federation of Sister Cities
- World Heritage Cities Organization (UNESCO)
- World Energy Cities Organization
- International Institute"Eurograd"
- Union of Capitals of the Countries of the Black Sea Economic Commonwealth

15. Filming took place in Baku:

The Last Inch (USSR, 1958)
Amphibian Man (USSR, 1961)
Aibolit-66 (USSR, 1966)
Diamond Arm (USSR, 1968)
My good dad (USSR, 1970)
Tehran-43 (USSR, 1981)
And the whole world is not enough (The World Is Not Enough; UK-USA, 1999)
Marriage by will (Russia, 2009)

Reading time: 5 min

Baku is a city of a harmonious combination of ultra-modernity and ancient Muslim traditions. Azerbaijan attracts travelers from all over the world with its delightful architecture of eastern antiquity, the Soviet era and postmodernism, exhibitions of magnificent carpets and tapestries, unique nature reserves, healing mud volcanoes, drinking tea in friendly company from the famous pot-bellied glasses, forty types of pilaf and other local culinary masterpieces! For citizens of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan there is a separate advantage - a visa is not required when entering any of the cities of Azerbaijan. You can enjoy the beauties of civilization and natural heritage for 90 days.

Initially, oil production began here. Azerbaijan can rightfully be considered the world's storehouse of black gold! Oil production continues to this day to supply our country and neighboring countries.

Baku was considered one of the most beautiful and promising cities in the USSR. Tourists from all over the world came here, bypassing the famous Leningrad and Moscow. Noticing the high attraction of travelers to Baku, the Soviet government decided to develop a tourism focus here. Therefore, the first electric train of the Soviet Union was launched in Baku for the first time!

Modern methods of transportation

Nowadays only the most modern vehicles are used here to travel within the country.

Azerbaijan is famous for its healing mud volcanoes

Nowhere in the world is there such a unique collection of useful geysers! There are about 350 active volcanoes here, and there are 800 in total worldwide.

Azerbaijan in Dali's painting

In 1943, Salvador Dali painted the famous painting “The Geopolitical Infant”. Of course, this is not just a canvas and not just a baby - it is a metaphor for the world. The woman depicted in the painting points her finger towards Azerbaijan, and from the fault in North America a man breaks out. Researchers believe that Azerbaijan, according to Dali, is the center of the universe.

Baku is called the “city of lights”

One might think that this is due to the active activity of city residents even at night. In fact, in the Ateshgah Fire Temple, a sacred flame has been burning for many centuries due to the release of gas in Surakhani.

Even today, there is a lot of controversy surrounding the colorful country of Azerbaijan. Should the country be classified as Asia or is it part of modern Europe? The distant country is famous for its carpets, temples and, probably, the best pilaf in the whole world globe. But that's not all! Azerbaijan is very attractive both from the point of view of tourist recreation, and from the point of view of culture and unusual traditions.

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Let's be transported to a glorious country and try to study in as much detail as possible the local traditions and culture unique to this region.

If historical documents are to be believed, the world's first modern oil well was drilled near the capital of Azerbaijan, Baku. In general, oil production in these parts has been carried out since ancient times, so it is not surprising that the “Oil Rocks” platform is considered the oldest oil platform at sea, which is listed in the Guinness Book of Records. By the way, the first deposit of this mineral in Siberia was found by Azerbaijani Farman Salmanov. Russia still produces oil from this field, replenishing its budget with multibillion-dollar revenues.

Unusual historical fact preserved about two Azerbaijani cities - Tovuz and Goygol. If you believe the same primary sources, then the builders of the settlements are indigenous Germans. It was in the capital of Azerbaijan that the first electric train in the USSR started. This happened in 1926.

From Baku soviet army was regularly supplied with petroleum products and fuel. They say nine out of ten Soviet tanks were filled with Baku fuel. Just imagine, this small city accounted for more than half of all world oil production in the last century!

It was in this country that for the first time among all those professing the Muslim religion, women received equal political rights with men. And it was in this country that a democratic republic was proclaimed for the first time in the entire Islamic world.

Uniqueness of the country

Azerbaijan cannot boast of an impressive area. Despite this, the country is located in 9 climatic zones (11 in total)! Therefore, no one can challenge the uniqueness of the natural and climatic conditions of Azerbaijan.

Remember the Monomakh's Cap, famous throughout the former socialist camp? There is a version that the unique historical value comes from Azerbaijan. Local historians are ready to provide enough evidence that the Hat was made by craftsmen from the mountain village of Lahij.

The largest number of mud volcanoes in the world are located on the territory of Azerbaijan. Just imagine, out of 800 of these natural phenomena known today, at least 350 are located on the territory of Azerbaijan. By the way, American NASA scientists who are engaged in a detailed study of the surface of Mars have found that some hills on the “red planet” are extremely reminiscent in structure and structure of the same mud volcanoes of Azerbaijan.

Also, French archaeologists managed to prove that the oldest salt deposit is located in Azerbaijan. It is located in the Araz River valley. Scientists are confident that mining here began for the first time five thousand years ago.

Prominent Azerbaijanis

The country is famous for its famous inventors, scientists, and cultural figures. In what areas of social and political life have people from Azerbaijan failed to achieve outstanding results and win world recognition?

Russian tactical artillery was invented by a military leader from Azerbaijan - Ali aga Shikhlinsky, who headed one of the corps of the Imperial Russian Army.

For the first time, the Muslim East was able to enjoy a unique opera performance performed by U. Hajibeyov. It was called "Leili and Majnun". For the first time, the first ballet in the entire Middle East was staged on platforms in Azerbaijan. The author of the ballet “Maiden Tower” was A. Badalbeyli.

There were many heroes among the soldiers of the Soviet army who had Azerbaijani roots. For example, the victory banner over the Brandenburg Gate was hoisted by fighters from this eastern country - Mamedov, Akhmedzade, Berezhnaya and Andreev.

The founder of odd logic, known throughout the world, is considered to be the Azerbaijani Lufi Zate.

The economic future of Azerbaijan is connected with the development of oil deposits, concentrated mainly within the Kura-Araks lowland.

In the Azerbaijani language, the word “bribe” and the word “respect” sound and are written the same. Characterizes a lot. Here, a person who does not take bribes is a little less common than ever. Alongside this phenomenon is the local service culture. Any services. If, for example, you went to a hospital and they told you where the right doctor was, then they will expect even a tiny gift from you. Sometimes they will even demand to “show respect.” And so it is everywhere.

In Azerbaijan there is a movement of fundamentalists, mainly young people, who would like to turn Azerbaijan into an Islamic state on the model of its neighboring Iran.

Azerbaijan is considered the birthplace of such a religion as Zoroastrianism, communities of which have survived in Iran and in India .

The Absheron Peninsula is heavily polluted, and this makes it one of the most environmentally unfavorable regions of the Earth.

“Baku” is translated as “city of winds”, since the city is almost constantly blown by winds from the Caspian Sea.

In the Araz River valley there is the world's oldest salt deposit, the development of which began about 5,000 years ago.

There is a fairly well-known expression, or rather a palander, the author of which is Yuri Bershidsky: “Appreciate the office in the shadow of a Baku resident.” If you read it backwards, the meaning will not change.

The Caspian Sea is the largest inland sea on Earth.

Not far from Baku there is a salt lake Masazir, the water of which is pink. The reservoir has huge reserves of salt suitable for industrial extraction.

The famous medieval poet Nizami (died approximately 1202) was born on the territory of today's Azerbaijan. He is considered the founder of Azerbaijani literature.

Azerbaijan is the largest country in Transcaucasia both in terms of territory and population.

For the construction of the Maiden Tower, the main attraction of the Old City of Baku, 2,900 cubic meters of stone were used.

The Nobel Prize Fund consists of approximately 12% of funds received by Alfred Nobel from operations with Baku oil. And at the beginning of the 20th century, Baku had its own Nobel Prize, established by Alfred Nobel’s nephew, Emmanuel. This award was given for achievements in the field of oil production and related sciences.

The average annual temperature of Baku and planet Earth as a whole is completely identical - 14.2°C.

The favorite sport in Azerbaijan is football.

About 50% of the territory of Azerbaijan is occupied by mountains.

The world's first modern oil well was drilled near the capital of Azerbaijan, Baku. And in 1930, a new drilling method was developed in Baku, which is used throughout the planet. According to it, wells are made not vertical, but inclined. And the oldest oil platform at sea, which is listed in the Guinness Book of Records, is considered to be the Oil Rocks platform. Now “Oil Rocks” is a whole village on stilts with shops, houses and cultural centers.

It was in the capital of Azerbaijan that the first electric train in the USSR started. This happened in 1926.

The Karabakh horse is the national symbol of Azerbaijan. This incredibly fast, resilient and smart
The horse breed is one of the oldest in the world, and it is found only in this territory.

The Baku circus was the first in the USSR.

The Soviet army was regularly supplied with oil products and fuel from Baku. 9 out of 10 Soviet tanks were filled with Baku fuel.

Azerbaijan is located in 9 climatic zones (11 in total)!

Azerbaijan is called the “Land of Fire”.

In the Azerbaijani city of Ganja there is a house made of bottles.

Banknotes of the Azerbaijani currency (called manat) are very similar in appearance to the euro.

The largest number of mud volcanoes in the world are located on the territory of Azerbaijan. Of the 800 known today, at least 350 are located on the territory of Azerbaijan. When volcanoes erupt, the flames rise up to a kilometer. When at rest, they bubble and release harmful gases. On September 15, 2004, the largest mud volcano in the world, located on the territory of Azerbaijan, was included in the Guinness Book of Records.

Over 60 years, the population of Azerbaijan has increased more than 30 times.

In Surakhany there is an unusual Ateshgah temple, which translates as “House of Fire”. This unique structure was built on the site of the “eternal flames” - this is the burning of natural gas coming out of the ground. In Azerbaijan, there is also an entire mountain that constantly spews fire - Yanar Dag, which is located not far from Baku, and the gas field located under it feeds the flames. In the 13th century, explorer Marco Polo wrote about the mysterious fires that burned in those places. Natural gas is a serious source of income in Azerbaijan.

The Baku metro was launched in 1967, and one of the stations was called “April 28” - in honor of the day when Soviet power was established in Azerbaijan. After the republic left the USSR, the station was “raised” for exactly a month. Now it is called “May 28” - in honor of the national holiday of Republic Day.

In Baku there is “Little Venice” - an artificial water canal along which there are restaurants and entertainment venues. "Little Venice" has islands connected by bridges and walkways - but the best way to explore it is by gondola.

During matchmaking in Azerbaijan, tea is an indicator further development events. If it is served without sugar, then this is a sign that the discussion needs to continue; if the tea is sweet, then, of course, the wedding will take place.

Azerbaijan became the first Muslim country in the world to adopt a democratic form of government and provide women with the same opportunities as men.

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  1. Azerbaijan – first Muslim democratic state. Azerbaijani Democratic Republic was proclaimed on May 28, 1918 after the termination of the Transcaucasian Federation.
  2. Near 60% of the territory Azerbaijan constitute mountains. The highest point of the republic is Mount Bazarduzu with a height of 4466 m.
  3. Despite the modest aread – 86,600 km², immediately present in Azerbaijan 9 out of 11 existing climate zones. The average temperature in July in the country ranges from -1 °C in the highlands to +28 °C in the lowlands, and in January - from -22 °C and +5 °C, respectively.
  4. Winemaking- one of the main industrial sectors of the country. In 2016, Azerbaijan exported wines worth $3.5 million.

Express information on the country

Azerbaijan(Republic of Azerbaijan) is a state in the South Caucasus, located in Western Asia.

Capital– Baku

Largest cities: Baku, Ganja, Sumgayit, Mingachevir, Khirdalan, Lankaran, Nakhichevan, Shirvan

Form of government– Presidential Republic

Territory– 86,600 km 2 (110th in the world)

Population– 9.69 million people. (91st in the world)

Official language– Azerbaijani

Religion– Islam

HDI– 0.751 (78th in the world)

GDP– $75.19 billion (68th in the world)

Currency– Azerbaijani manat

Borders with: Russia, Georgia, Armenia, Iran

5. Azerbaijan ranks second place in the world(after Iran) by number of Shiites. This branch of Islam here is professed by 85% of the population, the remaining 15% are Sunnis.

6. In the valley of the Araz River is the oldest in the world salt deposit. Its development began 5 thousand years ago.

7. In June of this year, the first Azerbaijan Grand Prix in Formula 1 racing. The 6.003 km long route runs straight through the central streets of the city with a stop in the historical district.

8. Nobel Prize Foundation approximately 12% consists of funds received by Alfred Nobel from operations with Baku oil.

9. Average annual temperature in Baku approximately the same as on the entire planet - 14.2 °C.

10. National currency of Azerbaijan, manat, very similar to euro. Local banknotes have similar sizes, colors and fonts. Distinctive feature are images on national themes.

11. On the territory of Azerbaijan more mud volcanoes than any other country in the world, – more than 400. When they erupt, the flame reaches up to a kilometer in height, and in a dormant state they bubble and emit harmful gases.

12. In 2014, a Azerbaijan Carpet Museum(was founded in 1967). Its building is shaped like a giant rolled carpet, inside which you can see examples of different periods and techniques. The total in the collection is approx. 14 thousand products.

13. In Azerbaijani language the words “bribe” and “respect” are written and pronounced the same. This largely characterizes the local mentality: it is customary to give thanks for any service here.

14. At the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, the country experienced unprecedented population growth. For 60 years the number of residents increased more than 30 times. Today there are almost 10 million people in Azerbaijan.

15. Not far from Baku there is Mount Yanardag, the name of which is translated from Azerbaijani as "Burning Mountain". One of its ridges actually burns due to natural gas coming out of the ground in this place.