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Essay: “The modern lesson is...”. Essay "what is a modern lesson" To organize an ideal lesson I need

Essay: “The modern lesson is...”.  Essay

What, in my opinion, makes a lesson of the English language an ideal lesson?

I think any lesson is good if you want to learn. If I don’t want to learn anything can interest me, I am sure. Learning a language is a step-by-step process. There are four main skills that we should train. These are listening, speaking, reading and writing. I also think that we should memorize new words at the lesson and after it.

Culture studies is a very interesting thing. We can learn a lot about different English-speaking countries. And it is interesting because our teacher shows us different pictures and we watch videos about America, the UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.

As for learning grammar rules and writing grammar exercises, I think, these are not the most important parts of the classroom work. If you can't say anything in English there is no point in knowing all the present and past tenses. But still grammar rules help us a lot when we need to speak. And for me it works well if I work out grammar rules for myself.

I like when my teacher corrects my mistakes, I try not to repeat them again. But when the teacher corrects while I am speaking that’s bad because this interrupts and I forget what I wanted to say.

I like pair work very much! Practicing speaking is more important, I suppose. This helps a lot when we want to be able to speak in different situations. I like when we can without the teacher hearing us.

I hate dictionary work and translation… This is too boring, but I understand that we need it, so we must do it.

I like the atmosphere at our lesson and that we smile and laugh a lot. I love such activities as singing songs, playing games, watching movies, acting out English plays. This reminds us that it is not all hard work, it can be fun as well. Group projects are great. They are very interesting. We also listen to news in English and different audio recordings.

As for the teacher, our teacher is great! We love her. She is strict sometimes but this is good for our discipline. And I also like that we exchange ideas. If she is not sure in her answer she tells us that she will go and check and tell us tomorrow. That's also great.

Translation of some words:

an ideal lesson- perfect lesson a step-by-step process- step-by-step process, a skill- skill, listening- listening, listening, speaking- speaking, oral speech, reading- reading, writing- letter, Culture studies- regional studies, English-speaking countries- English-speaking countries, there is no point in smth- there is no point in..., work out grammar rules for myself- develop your own grammar rules, to correct mistakes- correct errors, to interrupt- interrupt, pair work- work in pairs, dictionary work- working with a dictionary, translation- translation, a group project- group project.

This text will help you write an essay for 8, 9, 10, 11 "The ideal lesson on English language", "My ideal English lesson", "How I imagine an ideal English lesson."

Other essays about yourself, your interests, hobbies.

Municipal educational institution"average secondary school No. 2 Ershov" Ershovsky district, Saratov region

Essay on the topic: “The modern lesson is...”

Performed by physics teacher MoE Secondary School No. 2

G. Ershov"

Khusainov Joseph Hosyanovich


“My father gave me life, and my teacher immortality”

A. Makedonsky.

What should a modern lesson be like? Looking back or saying modern language, reflecting, I try to imagine a modern lesson, realizing that I don’t know a definite answer. Because besides the lesson, it is very important - the time in which you live, the society, the students you teach.

Jan Comenius wrote his book Great Didactics in the first half of the 17th century (1633-1638) where he explained his system.

Since that time, a lot has changed, and it seems to me that only the Bible and the classroom education system have not changed. I have two physics textbooks in front of me:

    Myakishev G.Ya. year of publication 2007

    Physics Manual for Gymnasiums and Real Colleges, 1898 edition

Apart from quantum physics, all the material is practically the same. A textbook from 1898 can be used to teach students today. And the lessons that distant year were held in the same classes, in the same lessons. The system has not changed. In reality, the school system has not changed, only the ideology has changed. It turns out that for a hundred years we have been telling the same thing in the same way, according to the same pattern. Outside is a different time, a different society, different people, different technologies. The question arises: what to do, what to do. Unlike science in other areas of life, pedagogical science I was unable to create for us, ordinary teachers, in such a period of time, something acceptable for today, for the modern level of development of society. So today’s teacher is thinking - what to do, how to do it, how to organize a modern lesson that meets the modern challenges of society. We must admit that the community is conservative, our leadership, from the very top to the schools, is conservative and formulaic, forcing teachers to work within narrow, predetermined limits. Any teacher initiative is fraught.

Within the framework of this paradigm, we look at what depends on us, what needs to be done to make the lesson modern. This problem can be solved by moving from the traditional form of presenting the material to organizing students’ independent activities, involving them in project and group activities. A modern lesson should be information-rich, include different forms of work, but at the same time correspond to the level of perception of each student.

Probably the initial setting is that students should realize the logical necessity of this lesson. For those who know how and love to think, conditions for creative thinking should be created. Conditions must be created for independent work and receiving the joy of discovery.

What forms of knowledge acquisition can we offer? It's no secret that today educational process allows the student, when acquiring knowledge, to have a consumer-dependent position, where everyone is obliged to the student. Therefore, we must create a situation where such a position is not acceptable. Everyone knows well problem-based learning, the use of situational tasks, where experience of individual and joint solutions is gained, where psychological barriers associated with the lack of communication skills are overcome, practical thinking skills are developed, preparation and implementation of seminars or other classes in preparation for which they work independently, taking notes on the studied material, prepare scientific theses. But most of all I am interested in project activities. It seems to me that this activity can become the cornerstone of the concept of a modern lesson.

As a result project activities the ability to assess the situation and build an action plan is realized; the ability to transform one’s knowledge in reality is developed, which implies the ability to apply knowledge in new situations. In modern language, a person learns and gains practical skills to implement a certain algorithm, which clearly leads to the implementation of his plans. Creates a guarantee for the success of your plans. And the use of ICT makes this process much more efficient. The question arises, what is project activity?

As is known, a project is a special type of purposeful, cognitive, intellectual, generally independent activity of students, carried out under the flexible guidance of a teacher pursuing specific didactic goals aimed at solving a creative, research problem and, importantly, obtaining a specific result in the form of a product. The teacher here is not so much a leader as a consultant, a regulator. A modern lesson necessarily lays the foundation for the future. It is impossible to do without new technologies that contribute to the development of personality, learning in accordance with the individual characteristics of each person. It is clear that information technology is in the lead. Information and communication technologies here act as a tool for developing student competencies in the field of independent activity, competencies based on mastering methods of acquiring knowledge from various sources.

Project-based learning is integrative, since it synthesizes other theories to one degree or another. In project-based learning using ICT, design thinking is formed and integrity is ensured pedagogical process(unity of development, training and education), conditions are created for the independent acquisition of knowledge, interdisciplinary connections are ensured, a transition occurs from the school of memory to the school of thought, the career guidance aspect of the learning process is enhanced, health-saving learning technologies are created, and positive motivation for self-education is formed.

Success in modern world is largely determined by a person’s ability to organize his life as a project: determine the long-term and short-term perspective, find and attract the necessary resources, outline an action plan and, having implemented it, evaluate whether it was possible to achieve the set goals. Studies conducted around the world have shown that the majority of modern leaders in politics, science, and business are people with a project type of thinking.

Within today's school there are opportunities for the development of design thinking, with the help of a special type of student activity - project activity. And after some years, perhaps we will hear the words spoken by Alexander the Great to his teacher Aristotle: “The father gave me life, the teacher immortality.”

What should be the modern lesson? In my opinion, this is both completely new and not losing touch with the past, in a word - a relevant lesson. And also effective, directly related to the interests of the child, his parents, society and the state. The lesson necessarily lays the foundation for the future and prepares the child for life in a changing society.



Essay “Hymn to a modern lesson.”

“In a few years, the student travels the road that humanity has spent thousands of years on. However, he should be led to the goal not blindfolded, but with sight: he must perceive the truth not as a finished result, but must discover it. The teacher must lead this expedition of discovery... But The student must strain his strength, nothing should be given to him for free. It is given only to those who strive.” Adolf Disterweg

What does modern mean? In my opinion, this is both completely new and not losing touch with the past, in a word - a relevant lesson.
Relevant means important, essential for the present time. And also effective, directly related to the interests of the child, his parents, society, and the state. In addition, if the lesson is modern, then it certainly lays the foundation for the future and prepares the child for life in a changing society.

Modern lesson - what is it? Democratic. Where children are not afraid to express their opinions, are not afraid of innovations, a lesson in which the teacher and student feel comfortable.

The teacher must use new technologies and have good computer skills. We must also not forget about health-saving technologies. The success of the lesson largely depends on the professional and personal qualities of the teacher. The teacher and the student are a single whole, we learn together, help each other, the role of the teacher is to guide and control.

The lesson should be creative, promote self-realization of schoolchildren, and the demand for their creative potential. During the lesson, children must act meaningfully in a situation of choice and make decisions in a non-standard situation. All these points should be in a modern lesson. A modern lesson should educate the Creator and the Doer!

A modern lesson should be associated not only with the assimilation by schoolchildren of a certain amount of knowledge, but also with the holistic development of the individual, his cognitive and creative abilities.

Today, the most significant impact on the lesson is exerted by the new content of education: variable educational programs, new generation of textbooks, workbooks, various didactic materials allow you to make the lesson more interesting, bright, rich.

Criteria for the effectiveness of a modern lesson:
Learning through discovery
Personality development
The student’s ability to design upcoming activities and be its subject
Democracy, openness
The student’s awareness of the activity: how, in what way the result was obtained, what difficulties were encountered, how they were eliminated, and how the student felt at the same time.
Allows students to come to a discovery in a collective search
The student experiences joy from overcoming a learning difficulty, be it a task, an example, a rule, a law, a theorem, or a self-derived concept.
The teacher leads the student along the path of subjective discovery; he manages the problem-searching or research activity of the student.

In March of this year, we invited our users to answer research questions. More than 500 teachers took part in it, and now we are ready to introduce you to the results of the study. So, is a perfect lesson possible? Who is capable of carrying it out? Is it necessary?

The first question in the study was “Can a lesson be perfect?”

Can it - because any teacher knows well that with all the desire for the ideality of a lesson in the realities of teaching practice, it is necessary to understand and take into account a very large number of factors influencing how the lesson will go. But, despite the fact that only two answers were offered for choosing this question with the statement “cannot”, and five with the statement “can”, 60.5 percent of the participants answered “cannot”.

Study participants explained why this happened with their answers:
- Ideal can be in any business. But this concept is speculative and not real, especially if we are talking about a lesson. The ideal is achievable in the asymptotic approximation;
- A lot here depends on inspiration. After all, this is creativity;
- An ideal lesson is a lesson that does not exist, but its function is fulfilled.

And quite unexpectedly:
- Ideal lesson?!...I think it’s boring.

We then proposed to answer the question, “Who can teach the perfect lesson?”

The answer “teacher” unconditionally prevailed. Study participants left only 1 percent of responses to someone other than teachers who could teach the perfect lesson.

In their answers, several participants agreed that “No one can,” and even explained: “there is always something to complain about (especially on the part of the inspectors).” But where to include this answer: “an ideal teacher with ideal students in a unique place at a unique time on a unique subject...”, to “someone can” or to “no one can” we present it to you, our readers, to decide.

What should be present in an ideal lesson? That was the next question.

Of course, we have offered only some of the very large number possible answers, hoping that research participants will add to this list:

The addition was succinct:
- All;
- The main thing is that everything is combined harmoniously: the goals, the content, the form, the mood of the children, and the mood of the teacher.

Of course, we could not ignore this question: what should not be in an ideal lesson?

Here's how the study participants responded:

There were many additions given in their answers to this question. Among them:
- Showing off, indifference, artificiality, indifferent attitude towards one’s work:
- Templates, a large number of tasks, information overload, waste of time, lack of results;
- Authoritarian position of the teacher, psychological pressure on participants in the pedagogical process, negative emotional reactions of the teacher
- Boredom, dull eyes of children and teachers.

The answer is “ Test can also be an ideal lesson where student creativity is possible!” We were very pleased!

It was impossible not to ask what the result of an ideal lesson should be?

The respondents’ answers were distributed in favor of the activity component of the lesson and personal results:

This was generally supported by those who chose their answer:
- Each student will rise to his own personal “step” of success in this lesson.

But this answer is unlikely to be accepted as the result of the lesson, but I really want it to always be there, even somewhere in the memory, at least in the teacher’s mind:
- People need to become better...

Who should determine if the lesson was perfect?

We asked study participants to choose from those who most often evaluate everything that happens at school. More than 95 percent of study participants indicated who was present in the lesson.

The additions were:
- Anyone can determine. But any such assessment will be subjective;
- This is a difficult question. Like with a work of art. On the one hand, the lesson must be recognized by someone who understands it as an expert. On the other hand, it should not leave the audience indifferent. At the same time, he may not be understood. The teacher, most likely, will definitely want to change something in it. The lesson may not be understood, even though it is ideal for someone;
- God as an example of the Ideal;
- Ideal representatives of the education sector;
- Time will show;
- This is not worth doing.

Considering that almost everyone has ideas about an ideal lesson, one could not help but ask: should (can) the ideas about an ideal lesson coincide between the teacher, students, their parents, and the administration?

Two answers were offered; in short, “yes” and “no.”

In their opinions, the study participants gave a more general formula of answers: “No, they shouldn’t. But they may coincide” and explained: “Everyone always has their own opinion about ideality”, “It is impossible to achieve a single idea at the moment.”

I would like to thank the participants in our study for their active participation and kind attitude, agree with Anisa Akhatova’s comment: “An ideal lesson can be considered when your students, upon hearing the bell, exclaim: “Oooh, the bell! Let’s continue!” And together with Sergei Shurupov I wish everyone creative success.

And also remind you that on April 20 at 16.00 there was a meeting at the Pedagogical Council, where TRIZ master Anatoly Gin spoke about his idea of ​​​​an ideal lesson. Registered users will receive a free certificate.

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Municipal educational institution

« Secondary school No. 4 of the city of Lgov"

"What should be an effective lesson"

Prepared by: Kovaleva Natalya Yurievna,

primary school teacher.

What should be an effective lesson?

There is no consensus on this question. Many articles have been written on this topic,

reports. Every year the goals and content of education change

education, new technologies and teaching methods appear. New

changes carry their own fresh stream, but the lesson always remains the main form

training. Whatever reforms and innovations are introduced, only in the classroom

participants meet educational process: teacher and student.

I, like any teacher, am concerned about how to structure a lesson so that children do not

not only master knowledge and skills, but also so that what happens in the lesson is

Interestingly, the creative atmosphere remained in the lesson. What influences

effectiveness of the lesson? How to make a lesson successful? From what terms?

What does a modern successful effective lesson in primary school consist of?

I would like to say separately about the work of N. E. Shchurkova “When a lesson educates.”

N. E. Shchurkova considers the possibilities of moral education

schoolchildren directly in the classroom, during the learning process. Special attention

focuses on revealing the moral potential of the lesson, analyzing relationships

teachers and students, ways of influencing the development of morality


Today, new content has the most significant impact on the lesson.

education: variable educational programs, new generation

textbooks, workbooks, various teaching materials

allow you to make the lesson more interesting, bright, rich.

The basis of any lesson should be: deep theory, rich content,

comparison, juxtaposition of facts, phenomena and concepts, search for connections between

covered and promising material, the discovery of new and new facets in

already known, studied. Traditional theme maybe original

solved, methodically brilliantly built on bright, interesting content.

When planning the learning process, I focus on the latest advanced

technology, to a variety of activities, teaching methods that

will make children's work dynamic, rich, and less tiring.

The 5 “y” formula must definitely work in the lesson – study + surprise +

pleasure + passion = success.

How to build a modern, effective lesson?

1.Clearly define the topic of the lesson;

2.highlight the goal and construct lesson objectives that are accessible and understandable to children;

3.determine the basic concepts on which the lesson will be based;

4.determine what the student should remember, know and apply

after class;

5.determine in what volume and in what portions to communicate the lesson to students;

6.determine which interesting events and facts to apply and tell

in class.

It is imperative to use multi-level training.

Arrange learning tasks in accordance with the principle “from simple to


Create three sets of tasks:

tasks that lead the student to reproduce the material;

tasks that help the student understand the material;

tasks that help the student retain the material.

Think over the “highlight” of the lesson.

So what else is a modern lesson for us?

According to N.E. Shchurkova: “A modern lesson is a child of modern culture.

recognize a person as the highest value, provide a person with the maximum

freedom for individual development, to establish in everyday reality

the values ​​of a decent life.

I believe that the words of Ya.A. Comenius, addressed to teachers to this day

sound fresh and relevant: “Teachers should be concerned about being

students in food and clothing as an example of simplicity, in activity as an example

vivacity and hard work, in behavior - modesty and good morals, in speech -

the art of conversation and silence, in a word, to be an example of prudence in private

and public life."

One thing is indisputable: the lesson must be animated by the personality of the teacher.

A teacher should always be an example of behavior and imitation.

Even if you don't go out into the world,

And in the field outside the outskirts, -

While you are following someone,

The road will not be remembered.

But wherever you go

And what a muddy road

The road is the one I was looking for,

Will never be forgotten.

(N. Rylenkov)

A modern lesson is a modern teacher... A teacher - what is he like?

The teacher must use learner-centered teaching that

proposes to build training in accordance with the principle of “developmental

help." It consists of not telling a person what to do, not deciding

for him his problems, but let him realize himself and awaken his own

activity and internal strength so that he himself makes choices, makes decisions and

was responsible for them. Use information and communication technologies,

health saving technologies, problem-based learning technology,

technology of project activities, gaming technologies, technology

problem-based learning. Teachers' mastery of new technologies in education -

pledge successful development child's personality. According to the standards of the new

generation, the teacher must teach the child to learn, apply knowledge to

practice. To make the lesson interesting, the teacher must learn a lot himself,

after all, J. Joubert wrote: “To teach means to doubly learn.” Open

the modern lesson is problematic, a lesson of interaction,

illustration of the system of work of scientific positions, technological beliefs

teacher Under the new standards, the

organization of training. New standard focused on meta-subject

knowledge and personal results. This implies the increasing role of such

forms of the educational process, as an integrated lesson.

Over 28 years of working in schools, I noticed that subject programs in primary

school, are compiled in such a way that the child’s knowledge remains scattered, according to

subject attribute, so in my work I often use

integrated lessons in which I try to find connections with others

objects, because integrated lessons contribute to the formation

children’s holistic picture of the world, understanding the connections between phenomena in

nature, society and the world as a whole. It is very important that the integrated lesson does not

excludes the traditional system of conducting lessons.

The integrated lesson helps solve the following problems:

difficult to implement within traditional approaches:

Development of cognitive, creative activity and independence


Development of imaginative thinking;

Increasing motivation for educational activities;

Showing meta-subject connections and their application in solving

various tasks;

Organization of purposeful work with mental operations;

Eliminates duplication educational material, resulting in a decrease

student workload;

Integration provides favorable psychological climate on

The main feature of the integrated lesson is that it

the lesson is based on one subject, which is

the main thing. Other items integrated with it help more widely

to study its connections, processes, to better understand the essence of what is being studied

subject, understand the connections with real life and possibility of application

gained knowledge in practice.

In my work I use these lesson forms: lesson - journey; lesson-

lesson - essay, lesson - business or role play; combined lesson;

From my work experience in using primary school technologies

interdisciplinary integration on the example of Russian language lessons, literary

reading, technology.


music, military-industrial complex, mathematics, literary reading.

Topic: “Genitive case of plural nouns”

2.Integrated Russian language lesson with elements of the surrounding world,

music, mathematics, literary reading.

Topic: Essay based on the painting by A.K. Savrasov “The rooks have arrived”

3. Integrated literary reading lesson with environmental elements

world, music, Russian language.

Topic: "Forest" , It’s like a painted tower” I. Bunin.

4. Integrated technology lesson with literary elements

reading, the environment, music, mathematics.

Subject: Crafts made from natural materials. "Visiting Berendey"

Panel of autumn leaves.

Lesson effectiveness.


Specificity of the set goal and task

Creating a Success Situation

Learning through discovery

Democracy and openness


Quality of educational material

Formation of key competencies

The student’s ability to design his own activities

Variety of methods and techniques

The presence of discussions characterized by different points of view on

questions being studied, comparing them, searching through discussion

true point of view.


The teacher manages problem-search, creative or

student's research activities.

Conditions that increase the effectiveness of the lesson: pedagogy of cooperation.

cooperation on the basis of which it should be built, the second condition is

turning the lesson into a “development lesson”, a lesson in creativity. What is it

express your special, unique attitude to the world. Creating creative

The atmosphere in the classroom is helped by special pedagogical techniques. Important

reception creative activity is a feeling of surprise, novelty, and

also the willingness to accept a non-standard question, a non-standard solution.

I believe that any lesson will be effective if there is a friendly

atmosphere, atmosphere of trust, mutual respect, if students see in the teacher

a partner who is ready to support, notice even small successes and praise. IN

searching for effective methods and forms of training, I came to the conclusion that everyone

lesson, every technique and teaching method should be based on cognitive

activities of students, so that students are less likely to act as passive

listeners who only perceive information.

Using systematically in your teaching activities - active

approach for teaching students, I noted for myself the following main ways

improving the lesson in modern school:

Strengthening the purposeful activity of the teacher and students in the lesson.

Increasing cognitive independence and creative activity
