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Crossing. Crossbreeding Task 6 exam biology theory

Crossing.  Crossbreeding Task 6 exam biology theory

The sixth building of the Unified State Examination in Biology is tasks. For people who are just starting out in biology or exam preparation in particular, they are terrifying. Very in vain. One has only to figure out how everything will become simple and easy. 🙂

Refers to basic level, with a correct answer, you can get 1 primary point.

To successfully complete this task, you should know the following topics given in the codifier:

Topics in the codifier for task No. 6

Genetics, its tasks. Heredity and variability are properties of organisms. Methods of genetics. Basic genetic concepts and symbolism. Chromosomal theory of heredity. Modern ideas about the gene and genome

Patterns of heredity, their cytological basis. Patterns of inheritance established by G. Mendel, their cytological foundations (mono- and dihybrid crossing). Laws of T. Morgan: linked inheritance of traits, violation of the linkage of genes. Sex genetics. Inheritance of sex-linked traits. Interaction of genes. The genotype as an integral system. Human genetics. Methods for studying human genetics. Solution of genetic problems. Drawing up cross-breeding schemes.

"I will solve the exam" divides tasks into two large groups: monohybrid crossing and dihybrid crossing.

Before solving problems, we suggest compiling a small glossary of terms and concepts in order to understand what is required of us.

Theory for crossbreeding tasks

There are two types of traits: recessive and dominant.

« Dominant trait overrides recessive trait' is a fixed phrase. What does it mean to suppress? This means that in the choice between a dominant and a recessive trait, the dominant one will necessarily appear. Anyway. A dominant trait is indicated by a capital letter, and a recessive trait is indicated by a small letter. Everything is logical. In order for a recessive trait to appear in the offspring, it is necessary that the gene carries a recessive trait from both the female and the male.

For clarity, let's imagine a sign, for example, the color of a kitten's coat. Suppose we have two options for the development of events:

  1. Black wool
  2. White wool

Black wool dominates over white. In general, tasks always indicate what dominates what, applicants are not required to know everything, especially from genetics.

Black wool would then be denoted by a capital letter. The most commonly used are A, B, C, and so on alphabetically. White wool, respectively, in small letters.

A black wool.

a white wool.

If the fusion of gametes results in combinations: AA, Aa, aA, then this means that the wool of the descendants of the first generation will be black.

If, when the gametes are fused, the combination aa is obtained, then the wool will be white.

About what gametes the parents have will be said in the condition of the problem.

Gametes, or sex cells, are reproductive cells that have a haploid (single) set of chromosomes and are involved, in particular, in sexual reproduction.

Zygote A diploid cell resulting from fertilization.

Heterozygote - two genes that determine one trait are different (Aa)

Homozygous - two genes that determine one trait are the same (AA or aa)

Dihybrid cross- crossing organisms that differ in two pairs of alternative traits.

monohybrid cross- crossing, in which the crossed organisms differ in only one trait.

Analyzing cross- crossing a hybrid individual with an individual homozygous for recessive alleles.

Gregor Mendel - "father" of genetics

So, how to distinguish between these types of crossing:

At monohybrid cross we are talking about one sign: color, size, shape.

In a dihybrid cross, we are talking about a pair of traits.

With analyzing crosses, one individual can be absolutely any, but the other gametes must carry exclusively recessive traits.

alleles- different forms of the same gene located in the same regions of homologous chromosomes.

It doesn't sound very clear. Let's figure it out:

1 gene carries 1 trait.

1 allele carries one trait value (it can be dominant or recessive).

Genotype is the totality of the genes of an organism.

Phenotype- a set of characteristics inherent in an individual at a certain stage of development.

Problems are often asked to indicate the percentage of individuals with a particular genotype or phenotype, or to indicate the splitting by genotype or phenotype. If we simplify the definition of the phenotype, then the phenotype is the external manifestation of traits from the genotype.

In addition to any concepts, you need to know the laws of Gregor Mendel - the father of genetics.

Gregor Mendel crossed peas with fruits that differed in color and smoothness of the skin. Thanks to his observations, three laws of genetics appeared:

I. The law of uniformity of hybrids of the first generation:

With monohybrid crossing of different homozygotes, all descendants of the first generation will be the same in phenotype.

II. splitting law

When crossing the offspring of the first generation, a splitting of 3:1 in phenotype and 1:2:1 in genotype is observed.

III. Law of independent splitting

When dihybrid crossing of two different homozygotes in the second generation, phenotypic splitting is observed in a ratio of 9:3:3:1.

When the skill of solving genetic problems is obtained, the question may arise: why should I know Mendel's laws, if I can perfectly solve the problem and find splitting in particular cases? Attention answer: in some tasks it may be necessary to indicate by what law splitting occurred, but this applies more to tasks with a detailed answer.

Having been savvy in theory, you can finally move on to tasks. 😉

Analysis of typical tasks No. 6 USE in biology

Types of gametes in an individual

How many types of gametes are formed in an individual with the aabb genotype?

We have two pairs of allelic chromosomes:

First couple: aa

Second pair: bb

These are all homozygotes. You can make only one combination: ab.

Types of gametes when crossing

How many types of gametes are formed in diheterozygous pea plants during dihybrid crossing (genes do not form a linkage group)? Write down a number for your answer.

Since the plants are diheterozygous, this means that, according to both traits, they have one allele dominant, and the second recessive.

We get the genotypes AaBb and AaBb.

Gametes in tasks are denoted by the letter G, moreover, without commas, in circles, gametes of one individual are indicated first, then a semicolon (;) is put, gametes of another individual are written, also in circles.

Crossing is indicated by an "x".

Let's write out the gametes, for this we will sort through all the combinations:

The gametes of the first and second individuals turned out to be the same, so their genotype was also the same. So, we got 4 different types of gametes:

Calculation of the proportion of diheterozygotes

When crossing individuals with AaBb genotypes with AaBb (genes are not linked), the proportion (%) of heterozygotes for both alleles (diheterozygotes) in the offspring will be ....

Let's create a Punnett lattice. To do this, we write the gametes of one individual in a column, the gametes of the other in a row, we get a table:

Let's find the diheterozygotes in the table:

Total zygotes: 16

Diheterozygotes: 4

Let's calculate the percentage: =

Application of Mendel's laws

The rule of uniformity of the first generation will appear if the genotype of one of the parents is aabb, and the other is

According to the rule of uniformity, monohybrid homozygotes should be crossed, one with a dominant trait, and the second with a recessive one. Hence, the genotype of the other individual must be AABB.

Answer: AABB.

Phenotype ratio

The genotype of one of the parents will be AaBb if, during analyzing dihybrid crossing and independent inheritance of traits, splitting in the phenotype in the offspring is observed in the ratio. Write down the answer in the form of a sequence of numbers showing the ratio of the resulting phenotypes, in descending order.

Analyzing dihybrid cross, which means that the second individual has a recessive dihomozygote: aabb.

Here you can do without the Punnett lattice.

Generations are denoted by the letter F.

F1: AaBb; abb; aaBb; aabb

All four variants of phenotypes are different, so they relate to each other as 1:1:1:1.

What is the probability of the birth of healthy boys in a family where the mother is healthy and the father is sick with hypertrichosis, a disease caused by the presence of a gene linked to the Y chromosome?

If the trait is linked to the Y chromosome, then it does not affect the X chromosome.

The female sex is homozygous: XX, and the male is heterozygous XY.

Solving problems with sex chromosomes practically does not differ from solving problems with autosomes.

Let's make a gene and trait table, which should also be compiled for problems about autosomal chromosomes, if the traits are indicated and this is important.

The letter above the Y indicates that the gene is linked to that chromosome. Traits are dominant and recessive, they are indicated by capital and small letters, they can refer to both the H-chromosome and the Y-chromosome, depending on the task.

♀XX x XY a

F1: XX-girl, healthy

XY a - boy, sick

Boys born to this couple will be 100% sick, so 0% healthy.

Blood types

What blood type according to the ABO system does a person with the genotype I B I 0 have? Write down a number for your answer.

Let's use the table:

For this task you can get 1 point on the exam in 2020

Knowledge test educational material on the topic "Genetics. Heredity ”offers task 6 of the Unified State Examination in biology. All test options contain a fairly extensive amount of material, divided into several subtopics. Part of the tickets is devoted to genetic terms. Do you want to pass the test successfully? Repeat before the exam - what is the genotype and phenotype, genome and codon, gene pool and genetic code, what are the paired genes of homologous chromosomes called, and how is an organism whose genotype contains different alleles of one gene. Surely in one of the ticket options there will be questions devoted to the works of the famous scientist Gregor Johann Mendel: how he called those signs that do not appear in first-generation hybrids or what the concept of “hereditary factor” he introduced is called today.

Task 6 of the USE in biology also contains many tasks for sex-linked inheritance. “Can a hemophilic father have a daughter with hemophilia?”, “What is the probability of a hemophilic boy being born in a woman with a hemophilia gene and a healthy man.” Practice before the exam to solve problems for compiling the gene pool - there are also a lot of them in task No. 6 of the Unified State Examination in biology. Typical examples of such tasks are: “Compose the genotype of a color-blind person” or “Compose the genotype of the brown-eyed daughter of a color-blind father if she has normal color vision.” In each of these tasks, various variants of the genotype will be given as answer options, you must choose the only correct one.

Genetics, its tasks. Heredity and variability are properties of organisms. Methods of genetics. Basic genetic concepts and symbolism. Chromosomal theory of heredity. Modern ideas about the gene and genome

Genetics, its tasks

Advances in natural science and cell biology in the 18th-19th centuries allowed a number of scientists to speculate about the existence of certain hereditary factors that determine, for example, the development of hereditary diseases, but these assumptions were not supported by appropriate evidence. Even the theory of intracellular pangenesis formulated by H. de Vries in 1889, which assumed the existence of certain “pangens” in the cell nucleus that determine the hereditary inclinations of the organism, and the release into the protoplasm of only those of them that determine the cell type, could not change the situation, as well as the theory of "germ plasm" by A. Weisman, according to which the traits acquired in the process of ontogenesis are not inherited.

Only the works of the Czech researcher G. Mendel (1822-1884) became the foundation stone of modern genetics. However, despite the fact that his works were cited in scientific publications, contemporaries did not pay attention to them. And only the rediscovery of the patterns of independent inheritance by three scientists at once - E. Chermak, K. Correns and H. de Vries - forced the scientific community to turn to the origins of genetics.

Genetics is a science that studies the laws of heredity and variability and methods of managing them.

The tasks of genetics on the present stage are the study of the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the hereditary material, the analysis of the structure and functioning of the genotype, the decoding of the fine structure of the gene and methods for regulating gene activity, the search for genes that cause the development of human hereditary diseases and methods for their “correction”, the creation of a new generation of drugs similar to DNA vaccines , designing organisms with new properties using genetic and cell engineering tools that could produce medicines and food products necessary for humans, as well as a complete decoding of the human genome.

Heredity and variability - properties of organisms

Heredity- is the ability of organisms to transmit their characteristics and properties in a number of generations.

Variability- the property of organisms to acquire new characteristics during life.

signs- these are any morphological, physiological, biochemical and other features of organisms in which some of them differ from others, for example, eye color. properties They also call any functional features of organisms, which are based on a certain structural feature or a group of elementary features.

Organisms can be divided into quality and quantitative. Qualitative signs have two or three contrasting manifestations, which are called alternative features, for example, blue and brown eyes, while quantitative ones (milk yield of cows, wheat yield) do not have clearly defined differences.

The material carrier of heredity is DNA. There are two types of heredity in eukaryotes: genotypic and cytoplasmic. Carriers of genotypic heredity are localized in the nucleus, and further we will talk about it, and carriers of cytoplasmic heredity are circular DNA molecules located in mitochondria and plastids. Cytoplasmic inheritance is transmitted mainly with the egg, therefore it is also called maternal.

A small number of genes are localized in the mitochondria of human cells, but their change can have a significant impact on the development of the organism, for example, lead to the development of blindness or a gradual decrease in mobility. Plastids play an equally important role in plant life. So, in some parts of the leaf, chlorophyll-free cells may be present, which, on the one hand, leads to a decrease in plant productivity, and on the other hand, such variegated organisms are valued in decorative gardening. Such specimens are reproduced mainly asexually, since ordinary green plants are more often obtained during sexual reproduction.

Genetic methods

1. The hybridological method, or the method of crosses, consists in the selection of parent individuals and the analysis of offspring. At the same time, the genotype of an organism is judged by the phenotypic manifestations of genes in offspring obtained by a certain crossing scheme. This is the oldest informative method of genetics, which was most fully applied for the first time by G. Mendel in combination with the statistical method. This method is not applicable in human genetics for ethical reasons.

2. The cytogenetic method is based on the study of the karyotype: the number, shape and size of the body's chromosomes. The study of these features makes it possible to identify various developmental pathologies.

3. The biochemical method makes it possible to determine the content of various substances in the body, in particular their excess or deficiency, as well as the activity of a number of enzymes.

4. Molecular genetic methods are aimed at identifying variations in the structure and deciphering the primary nucleotide sequence of the studied DNA sections. They allow you to identify genes for hereditary diseases even in embryos, establish paternity, etc.

5. The population-statistical method makes it possible to determine the genetic composition of a population, the frequency of certain genes and genotypes, the genetic burden, and also to outline the prospects for the development of a population.

6. The method of hybridization of somatic cells in culture allows you to determine the localization of certain genes in chromosomes when cells of various organisms merge, for example, mice and hamsters, mice and humans, etc.

Basic genetic concepts and symbolism

Gene- This is a section of a DNA molecule, or chromosome, that carries information about a certain trait or property of an organism.

Some genes can influence the manifestation of several traits at once. Such a phenomenon is called pleiotropy. For example, the gene that determines the development of the hereditary disease arachnodactyly (spider fingers) also causes the curvature of the lens, the pathology of many internal organs.

Each gene occupies a strictly defined place in the chromosome - locus. Since in the somatic cells of most eukaryotic organisms the chromosomes are paired (homologous), each of the paired chromosomes contains one copy of the gene responsible for a particular trait. Such genes are called allelic.

Allelic genes most often exist in two variants - dominant and recessive. Dominant called an allele that manifests itself regardless of which gene is on the other chromosome, and suppresses the development of a trait encoded by a recessive gene. Dominant alleles are usually denoted by capital letters of the Latin alphabet (A, B, C, etc.), while recessive alleles are indicated by lowercase letters (a, b, c, etc.). recessive alleles can only be expressed if they occupy loci on both paired chromosomes.

An organism that has the same allele on both homologous chromosomes is called homozygous for that gene, or homozygous(AA, aa, AABB, aabb, etc.), and an organism that has different gene variants on both homologous chromosomes - dominant and recessive - is called heterozygous for that gene, or heterozygous(Aa, AaBb, etc.).

A number of genes can have three or more structural variants, for example, blood groups according to the AB0 system are encoded by three alleles - I A, I B, i. Such a phenomenon is called multiple allelism. However, even in this case, each chromosome from a pair carries only one allele, that is, all three gene variants in one organism cannot be represented.

Genome- a set of genes characteristic of the haploid set of chromosomes.

Genotype- a set of genes characteristic of a diploid set of chromosomes.

Phenotype- a set of signs and properties of an organism, which is the result of the interaction of the genotype and the environment.

Since organisms differ from each other in many traits, it is possible to establish the patterns of their inheritance only by analyzing two or more traits in the offspring. Crossing, in which inheritance is considered and an accurate quantitative account of offspring is carried out for one pair of alternative traits, is called monohybrid m, in two pairs - dihybrid, according to more signs - polyhybrid.

According to the phenotype of an individual, it is far from always possible to establish its genotype, since both an organism homozygous for the dominant gene (AA) and heterozygous (Aa) will have a manifestation of the dominant allele in the phenotype. Therefore, to check the genotype of an organism with cross-fertilization, analyzing cross A cross in which an organism with a dominant trait is crossed with a homozygous for a recessive gene. In this case, an organism homozygous for the dominant gene will not produce splitting in the offspring, while in the offspring of heterozygous individuals an equal number of individuals with dominant and recessive traits is observed.

The following conventions are most often used to write crossover schemes:

R (from lat. parent- parents) - parent organisms;

$♀$ (alchemical sign of Venus - a mirror with a handle) - maternal individual;

$♂$ (alchemical sign of Mars - shield and spear) - paternal individual;

$×$ is the cross sign;

F 1, F 2, F 3, etc. - hybrids of the first, second, third and subsequent generations;

F a - offspring from analyzing crosses.

Chromosomal theory of heredity

The founder of genetics G. Mendel, as well as his closest followers, had no idea about the material basis of hereditary inclinations, or genes. However, already in 1902-1903, the German biologist T. Boveri and the American student W. Setton independently suggested that the behavior of chromosomes during cell maturation and fertilization makes it possible to explain the splitting of hereditary factors according to Mendel, i.e., in their opinion, genes must be located on the chromosomes. These assumptions have become the cornerstone of the chromosome theory of heredity.

In 1906, the English geneticists W. Batson and R. Pennet discovered a violation of Mendelian splitting when crossing sweet peas, and their compatriot L. Doncaster, in experiments with the gooseberry moth butterfly, discovered sex-linked inheritance. The results of these experiments clearly contradicted Mendelian ones, but given that by that time it was already known that the number of known features for experimental objects far exceeded the number of chromosomes, and this suggested that each chromosome carries more than one gene, and the genes of one chromosomes are inherited together.

In 1910, the experiments of the T. Morgan group began on a new experimental object - the Drosophila fruit fly. The results of these experiments made it possible by the mid-20s of the 20th century to formulate the main provisions of the chromosome theory of heredity, to determine the arrangement of genes in chromosomes and the distance between them, i.e., to compile the first maps of chromosomes.

The main provisions of the chromosome theory of heredity:

  1. Genes are located on chromosomes. Genes on the same chromosome are inherited together, or linked, and are called clutch group. The number of linkage groups is numerically equal to the haploid set of chromosomes.
  2. Each gene occupies a strictly defined place in the chromosome - a locus.
  3. Genes are arranged linearly on chromosomes.
  4. Disruption of gene linkage occurs only as a result of crossing over.
  5. The distance between genes on a chromosome is proportional to the percentage of crossing over between them.
  6. Independent inheritance is characteristic only for genes of non-homologous chromosomes.

Modern ideas about the gene and genome

In the early 40s of the twentieth century, J. Beadle and E. Tatum, analyzing the results of genetic studies conducted on the neurospore fungus, came to the conclusion that each gene controls the synthesis of an enzyme, and formulated the principle "one gene - one enzyme" .

However, already in 1961, F. Jacob, J. L. Monod and A. Lvov managed to decipher the structure of the Escherichia coli gene and study the regulation of its activity. For this discovery, they were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1965.

In the course of the study, in addition to structural genes that control the development of certain traits, they were able to identify regulatory ones, the main function of which is the manifestation of traits encoded by other genes.

The structure of the prokaryotic gene. The structural gene of prokaryotes has a complex structure, since it includes regulatory regions and coding sequences. Regulatory regions include promoter, operator, and terminator. promoter called the region of the gene to which the RNA polymerase enzyme is attached, which ensures the synthesis of mRNA during transcription. FROM operator, located between the promoter and the structural sequence, can bind repressor protein, which does not allow RNA polymerase to start reading hereditary information from the coding sequence, and only its removal allows transcription to begin. The structure of the repressor is usually encoded in a regulatory gene located in another part of the chromosome. The reading of information ends at a section of the gene called terminator.

coding sequence structural gene contains information about the sequence of amino acids in the corresponding protein. The coding sequence in prokaryotes is called cistronome, and the set of coding and regulatory regions of the prokaryotic gene - operon. In general, prokaryotes, which include E. coli, have a relatively small number of genes located on a single ring chromosome.

The cytoplasm of prokaryotes may also contain additional small circular or open DNA molecules called plasmids. Plasmids are able to integrate into chromosomes and be transferred from one cell to another. They can carry information about sexual characteristics, pathogenicity, and antibiotic resistance.

The structure of the eukaryotic gene. Unlike prokaryotes, eukaryotic genes do not have an operon structure, since they do not contain an operator, and each structural gene is accompanied only by a promoter and a terminator. In addition, significant regions in eukaryotic genes ( exons) alternate with insignificant ( introns), which are completely transcribed into mRNAs and then excised during their maturation. The biological role of introns is to reduce the likelihood of mutations in significant areas. Eukaryotic gene regulation is much more complex than that described for prokaryotes.

The human genome. In each human cell, there are about 2 m of DNA in 46 chromosomes, densely packed into a double helix, which consists of about 3.2 $×$ 10 9 nucleotide pairs, which provides about 10 1900000000 possible unique combinations. By the end of the 1980s, the location of about 1,500 human genes was known, but their total number was estimated at about 100,000, since only about 10,000 hereditary diseases in humans, not to mention the number of various proteins contained in cells .

In 1988, the international project "Human Genome" was launched, which by the beginning of the 21st century ended with a complete decoding of the nucleotide sequence. He made it possible to understand that two different people have 99.9% similar nucleotide sequences, and only the remaining 0.1% determine our individuality. In total, approximately 30-40 thousand structural genes were discovered, but then their number was reduced to 25-30 thousand. Among these genes there are not only unique ones, but also repeated hundreds and thousands of times. However, these genes encode a much larger number of proteins, such as tens of thousands of protective proteins - immunoglobulins.

97% of our genome is genetic "garbage" that exists only because it can reproduce well (the RNA that is transcribed in these regions never leaves the nucleus). For example, among our genes there are not only "human" genes, but also 60% of genes similar to those of the fruit fly, and up to 99% of our genes are related to chimpanzees.

In parallel with the deciphering of the genome, chromosome mapping also took place, as a result of which it was possible not only to detect, but also to determine the location of some genes responsible for the development of hereditary diseases, as well as drug target genes.

The deciphering of the human genome does not yet have a direct effect, since we have received a kind of instruction for assembling such a complex organism as a person, but have not learned how to make it or at least correct errors in it. Nevertheless, the era of molecular medicine is already on the threshold, all over the world there is a development of so-called gene preparations that can block, remove or even replace pathological genes in living people, and not just in a fertilized egg.

We should not forget that in eukaryotic cells DNA is contained not only in the nucleus, but also in mitochondria and plastids. Unlike the nuclear genome, the organization of mitochondrial and plastid genes has much in common with the organization of the prokaryotic genome. Despite the fact that these organelles carry less than 1% of the cell's hereditary information and do not even encode a complete set of proteins necessary for their own functioning, they can significantly affect some features of the body. Thus, variegation in plants of chlorophytum, ivy and others is inherited by an insignificant number of descendants, even when two variegated plants are crossed. This is due to the fact that plastids and mitochondria are transmitted mostly with the cytoplasm of the egg, so this heredity is called maternal, or cytoplasmic, in contrast to the genotypic, which is localized in the nucleus.

Problem successful delivery The USE begins to bother schoolchildren a year, or even two, before they finish the 11th grade. And no wonder - the exam is not just a condition that you will be awarded a school certificate at the graduation party, but also a kind of key that opens the door to a successful adult life. It's no secret that admission to higher educational establishments countries requires the mandatory availability of USE certificates in several specialized subjects. And the USE in Biology 2019 is especially important for future doctors, psychologists, veterinarians and many others.

First of all, this subject is necessary for children who want to succeed in studying various branches of medicine, veterinary medicine, agronomy or the chemical industry, but in 2019 the USE certificate in biology will also be quoted for admission to the faculties of physical education, psychology, paleontology, landscape design and others

Biology is a subject that many schoolchildren like, because many topics are close and understandable to students, and most laboratory work is related to the knowledge of the world around them, which causes genuine interest in children. But when choosing the USE in biology, it is important to understand that a fairly large amount of material is submitted for the exam, and for admission to various faculties, a certificate in chemistry, natural science or physics is often also required.

Important! A complete list of the required USE certificates that allow you to apply for budget or contract education at a particular university of the Russian Federation can be found on the website of the educational institution you are interested in.


Like all other subjects, in 2019 USE year in biology will be taken on the days set by the GIA calendar. The draft of this document should be approved in November. As soon as the dates of the exams are known, we will be the first to tell you when the tests in biology and other subjects will take place.

You can roughly understand when exams can be scheduled by reading last year's calendar. So, in 2018, biology was taken on such days:

Main date

Reserve day



For persons re-admitted to surrender, their dates for testing in April and June were also set.

Innovations 2019

Although fundamental changes will not affect the USE in biology, there will still be some changes in the 2019 tickets.

The main innovation of the 2018-2019 academic year will be the replacement of the 2-point task of the 2nd line (multiple choice) with a 1-point task that involves working with a table. In this way, maximum amount primary points in the subject will now be 58 (1 point less than it was in 2018).

Otherwise, the KIM structure will remain unchanged, which should please 11th graders, because in the preparation process it will be possible to rely on the numerous materials of 2018 available on the Internet.

Structure of KIMs in biology

So, knowing already what changes will occur in the exam in biology, let's take a closer look at the types of tasks and their distribution in the ticket. KIM, as before, will include 28 tasks divided into two parts:

The proposed CIM format allows you to evaluate the knowledge of a graduate in 7 main blocks:

The distribution of tasks by difficulty levels will be as follows:

In 2019, 3.5 hours (210 min.) will be allotted for the completion of the examination paper in biology, taking into account the fact that the examinee must spend on each task of the 1st block on average no more than 5 minutes, and for each building of the 2nd block – from 10 to 20 minutes.

Bring additional materials and equipment with you, and use them during USE time biology is forbidden!

Evaluation of work

For the correct completion of 21 tasks of the 1st block, the examinee can score a maximum of 38 primary points, and for the completion of 7 tasks of the second - another 20, which is 58 points in total, which will correspond to a 100-point result of the Unified State Examination.

The first block of work, during which the examinee fills in the table of answers, is checked by an electronic method, and the second block is evaluated by two independent experts. If their opinion differs by more than 2 points, the 3rd expert is involved in checking the work.

Although USE results no longer equate to certain marks on a 5-point scale, many still want to know how they coped with the task. It will be possible to translate the result of 2019 into a school grade using the following approximate correspondence table:

To obtain a certificate, it will be enough to score 16 primary (or 36 test calls) points, although such a result will not allow you to enter the struggle for a state-funded place at the university.

At the same time, the passing score in universities ranges from 65 to 98 points (not primary, but already test). Naturally, the passing threshold of Moscow universities is as close as possible to the upper limit of the range, which makes 11th graders take preparation more seriously and focus on a 100-point mark, rather than the minimum threshold.

Secrets of preparation

Biology is not an easy science, it requires attentiveness and understanding, and not just mechanical memorization. Therefore, preparation is necessary methodical and constant.

Basic training includes the study of terminology, without its knowledge it is difficult to navigate in biology as a science. To facilitate memorization, reinforce the theory with illustrative material, look for pictures, graphs, diagrams that will become the basis for the associative work of memory. You also need to familiarize yourself with the demo version of KIMs in order to understand the structure of the biology exam.

It takes practice to solve tasks of a certain type. By systematically solving the options presented on the FIPI website, students form a strategy for completing tasks and gain self-confidence, which is an indispensable assistant in achieving success.

the date conducting the exam in biology in 2019 will be known only in January 2019.

What is tested in the exam?

To complete the examination paper, the USE participant needs to be able to:

  • work with diagrams, drawings, graphs, tables and histograms,
  • explain the facts
  • summarize and formulate conclusions,
  • solve biological problems
  • work with biological information, with the image of biological objects.

The knowledge and skills of graduates, formed during the study of the following sections of the biology course, are checked:

  1. "Plants".
  2. "Bacteria. Mushrooms. Lichens.
  3. "Animals".
  4. "Man and his health".
  5. "General Biology".

The examination work is dominated by tasks in general biology, which consider general biological patterns that manifest themselves at different levels of the organization of wildlife. These include:

  • cellular, chromosome and evolutionary theories;
  • laws of heredity and variability;
  • ecological laws of development of the biosphere.

It is such a useful video that we suggest you watch right now:

We definitely decided that in 2019 you will take the exam in biology - we will tell you about the most relevant news of the upcoming exam, what changes await graduates of the 2018-2019 academic year, what the ticket structure will be like, how preparation should be organized and, of course, what date will be set aside for the early and main session.

In 2019, the USE in biology will be one of the elective subjects, and therefore the information will be useful not only for students of specialized classes, but also for ordinary students who want to continue their studies at prestigious Russian universities.

Who needs to take Biology?

First of all, this subject is necessary for children who want to succeed in studying various branches of medicine, veterinary medicine, agronomy or the chemical industry, but in 2019 the USE certificate in biology will also be quoted for admission to the faculties of physical education, psychology, paleontology, landscape design and others

Biology is a subject that many schoolchildren like, because many topics are close and understandable to students, and most laboratory work is related to the knowledge of the world around them, which causes genuine interest in children. But when choosing the USE in biology, it is important to understand that a fairly large amount of material is submitted for the exam, and for admission to various faculties, a certificate in chemistry, natural science or physics is often also required.

Important! A complete list of the required USE certificates that allow you to apply for budget or contract education at a particular university of the Russian Federation can be found on the website of the educational institution you are interested in.


Like all other subjects, in 2019 the exam in biology will be taken on the days set by the GIA calendar. So, in 2019, the following days were allotted for this discipline:

Main date

Reserve day



06/20/19 and 07/01/19

For persons re-admitted to surrender, their dates for testing in April and June were also set.

Innovations 2019

Although fundamental changes will not affect the USE in biology, there will still be some changes in the 2019 tickets.

The main innovation of the 2018-2019 academic year will be the replacement of the 2-point task of the 2nd line (multiple choice) with a 1-point task that involves working with a table. Thus, the maximum number of primary points in the subject will now be 58 (1 point less than it was in 2018).

Otherwise, the KIM structure will remain unchanged, which should please 11th graders, because in the preparation process it will be possible to rely on the numerous materials of 2018 available on the Internet.

Structure of KIMs in biology

So, knowing already what changes will occur in the exam in biology, let's take a closer look at the types of tasks and their distribution in the ticket. KIM, as before, will include 28 tasks divided into two parts:

The proposed CIM format allows you to evaluate the knowledge of a graduate in 7 main blocks:

The distribution of tasks by difficulty levels will be as follows:

In 2019, 3.5 hours (210 min.) will be allotted for the completion of the examination paper in biology, taking into account the fact that the examinee must spend on each task of the 1st block on average no more than 5 minutes, and for each building of the 2nd block – from 10 to 20 minutes.

It is forbidden to bring additional materials and equipment with you, as well as use them during the exam in biology!

Evaluation of work

For the correct completion of 21 tasks of the 1st block, the examinee can score a maximum of 38 primary points, and for the completion of 7 tasks of the second - another 20, which is 58 points in total, which will correspond to a 100-point result of the Unified State Examination.

The first block of work, during which the examinee fills in the table of answers, is checked by an electronic method, and the second block is evaluated by two independent experts. If their opinion differs by more than 2 points, the 3rd expert is involved in checking the work.

Although the results of the exam are no longer equated with certain marks on a 5-point scale, many still want to know how they coped with the task. It will be possible to translate the result of 2019 into a school grade using the following approximate correspondence table:

To obtain a certificate, it will be enough to score 16 primary (or 36 test) points, although such a result will not allow you to enter the struggle for a state-funded place at the university.

At the same time, the passing score in universities ranges from 65 to 98 points (not primary, but already test). Naturally, the passing threshold of Moscow universities is as close as possible to the upper limit of the range, which makes 11th graders take preparation more seriously and focus on a 100-point mark, rather than the minimum threshold.

Secrets of preparation

Although at first glance it may seem to someone that it will not be difficult to pass the exam in 2019 in the subject of biology, preparation for the exam should be thorough, because the school course is quite extensive, and there are many "pitfalls" in the tickets.

Of the main mistakes made by graduates of past seasons, experts identified:

  • ignorance of terminology;
  • inability to work with tabular and graphic materials;
  • inattentive reading of the question;
  • violation of the rules of registration of the form.

The most difficult topics in 2017 and 2018 were given to the examinees on the topics “Man and his health”, as well as “Cell as a biological system”.

How to build the preparation for the exam?

  1. Familiarize yourself with the codifier and specifications, which can be found on the FIPI website.
  2. Assess the level of your own knowledge by doing USE assignments 2018.
  3. Fill gaps in theory.
  4. Hone the skill of solving various types of problems by practicing as much as possible.
  5. Test yourself again by solving the 2019 demo.
  6. Consolidate the result, continuing to actively solve tasks from the topics that are most difficult.

Many 11th graders are concerned about the question of whether it is possible to prepare for the exam in biology on their own so that in 2018-2019 they would not hire expensive tutors. The answer is simple - it all depends on what level of knowledge you have at the beginning of the journey and at what level the skill of self-organization of the self-learning process is. For those who feel the strength to cope with the task without outside help, we recommend:

  • establish a daily minimum of work and strictly adhere to it from day to day;
  • do not be lazy to look for more information than is given in the textbook;
  • look for answers to any question that arises;
  • view online lessons that provide an analysis of complex tasks.

It is such a useful video that we suggest you watch right now: