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The importance of setting goals in a company. The importance of goal setting The main stages of finding life goals

The importance of setting goals in a company.  The importance of goal setting The main stages of finding life goals

Self-management has a certain range of rules:

Setting a goal.

This is the analysis and formation of personal goals.

The Importance of Goal Setting

It is in setting goals that the basics of enterprise activity and its successful future lie. The goal describes the end result. It is necessary to realize that what is understood here is not what we do, but why we do it. Goals are a kind of challenge that motivates action. Even the best way of working is hopeless if we don't clearly define what we want in advance. In turn, to set these goals you need to think about the future. A goal provides clarity about the direction in which to move. Without it, you can get lost in details and go astray.

Setting goals is a temporary process, since during the course of the enterprise’s activities it may become clear that certain parameters have changed, which leads to the need to change the goal. For self-management, it is fundamental to realize where we want to go and where we don’t want to go, and also not to get to where others want to take us. If a leader has a conscious goal, then all the unconscious forces of the leader are also directed there, i.e. goals serve to concentrate forces in important areas. “Random successes are good, but rare. Planned successes are better because they are manageable and happen more often.”

Finding targets

(goal analysis)

What do I want?

Situational analysis

What can I do?

Statement of goals

(goal planning)

Finding goals.

In order to achieve success, you need to choose the right goals. Various technologies can be used for this. You need to answer the following questions for yourself:

What goals do you want to achieve?

Do they agree with each other?

Are there a so-called highest goal and certain intermediate goals on the way to the main one?

Do you know what you yourself can do for this (strengths) and what you still need to work on (weaknesses)?

In short, it is necessary to achieve clarity of purpose.

Situational analysis

It is a kind of register of personal resources (means for achieving goals) and allows you to find out what should be encouraged (strengths) and what still needs to be worked on (weaknesses).

By analyzing our abilities, we determine what we can do in general, i.e. what personal potential do you have to achieve your goals? It's about further development this potential. On the other hand, we must be clear about our weaknesses so that we can avoid actions that may promote such “qualities” or take steps to get rid of these weaknesses.

It is also possible to draw up a balance sheet of your biggest failures and defeats and highlight, as a result of the absence, what qualities they were. “Knowing your weaknesses means strengthening your strengths.”

End-means analysis

During the analysis process, the means necessary to achieve the desired goals (personal, financial, time resources) are compared with the real situation.

Formulation of goals.

This is the last step in setting goals. This is a specific formulation of practical goals for the subsequent planning stage. “Set deadlines - formulate results.”

At the same time, it is necessary to remember about your physical condition, health, self-education and your cultural enlightenment. It is necessary not to take on too much and also set short-term goals that are consistent with achieving your long-term global goals.


As a rule, objectively very successful and productive people are the most dissatisfied with their achievements. They are always “pressing” their time; there are never enough hours in the day or days in the year to complete all their projects. They always feel like they have done so little...

The main secret of time management is very simple and at the same time very complex. You just need to set your goal very clearly.

One of the modern scientific definitions reads: “A goal is a mental model of the desired result of an activity, an ideal image of the future.”

Goal setting- this is the definition, construction of a goal, the formation of an image of the desired future.

Most people do not achieve their goals because they define them vaguely or not at all, considering them unrealistic or unattainable.

The winners can always say where they are going, what they are going to do along the way, and who will be their companion on this adventure. Denis Whately

To move forward in the right direction, you need to be quite clear about your path. How can you be inspired by travel without knowing where you want to go? A clear vision will inspire you and carry you forward, no matter what obstacles may arise along the way. It will serve as your road map. Having a clear vision will not only motivate you, but will also help you make better decisions along the way. If you act blindly, you will not be able to know whether you are spending your energy and resources wisely. In fact, how can you be sure that you will end up where you need to go?

Goal setting requires expression in the form of clear intentions and in precise formulations: our obvious and hidden needs, interests, desires or goals, as well as orienting our actions and actions towards these goals and their implementation.

Setting a goal means looking to the future. Orientation and concentration of our forces and activity on what needs to be achieved. Thus, the goal describes the end result. It's not about what you do, but about why you do it. Goals challenge you and motivate you to action. Without goals, there is no Evaluation criterion by which you could measure your efforts. Goals, in addition, are also a scale for assessing what has been achieved. Even the best method of work is worthless if you do not clearly and unambiguously define in advance what you want.

Goals are the “instigators” of our actions, the motives that determine our activity. If any individual has set a goal for himself, then as a result of this a state of tension arises that acts as driving force and which disappears only when the goal is achieved.

Goals are visions of the future for which I want to do something. Otherwise, the goal remains only a good wish.

To set goals, you need to think about the future. Traditional thinking in terms of specific tasks can lead to you getting lost in details. Thinking in terms of goals contributes to the fact that the particulars are subordinate to the whole:

Goal setting is a permanent process, since goals are not set once and for all. They may change over time, for example if, during implementation monitoring, it turns out that previous representations were essentially incorrect or that requests turned out to be too high or too low.

Knowing your goals and pursuing them consistently means focusing your energy on what really matters, rather than wasting your energy.

Knowing your goals can mean significant self-motivation for your work.

Random successes are good, but rare. Planned successes are better because they are manageable and happen more often.

Goal setting is an absolute prerequisite for planning, decision-making and daily work.

1. Goal Setting: How to Work on Your Life Plans

“After we finally lost sight of the goal, we redoubled our efforts.” Mark Twain

1.1. The Importance of Goal Setting

Goal setting requires expressing our explicit and hidden needs, interests, desires or goals in the form of clear intentions and in precise formulations, as well as orienting our actions and actions towards these goals and their implementation.

Every enterprise involves setting goals. Since this book is about self-management, we want to take a closer look at the importance of goal setting in the personal sphere. Setting a goal means looking to the future, orienting and concentrating our energies and activities on what needs to be achieved. Thus, the goal describes the end result. It's not about what you do, but about why you do it.

Goals challenge you and motivate you to action. Without goals, there is no evaluation criterion by which you could measure your efforts. Goals, in addition, are also a scale for assessing what has been achieved. Even the best method of work is worthless if you do not clearly and unambiguously define in advance what you want.

Goals are the “instigators” of our actions, the motives that determine our activity. If an individual has set a goal for himself, then as a result a state of tension arises which acts as a driving force and which disappears only when the goal is achieved.

Goals are visions of the future, for the implementation of which I want to do something. Otherwise, the goal remains only a good wish. To set goals, you need to think about the future. Traditional thinking in terms of specific tasks can lead to you getting lost in details. Thinking in terms of goals contributes to the fact that the particulars are subordinate to the whole:

It becomes clear in which direction to move
and what the end result should be.

Every day, as you do your work, ask yourself:

Does what I'm in bring me closer at the moment I do
to achieve my corresponding goal?

Goal setting is a permanent process, since goals are not set once and for all. They may change over time, for example if, during implementation monitoring, it turns out that previous representations were essentially incorrect or that requests turned out to be too high or too low.

Setting goals means consciously carrying out one's actions in accordance with a guiding line or guideline. Fundamental to our self-management is awareness of where we want to go and where we don’t want to go (i.e. self-determination), so as not to end up where others want to take us.

If I have a conscious goal, my unconscious forces are also directed towards it. Goals serve to concentrate forces on actually key areas. Knowing your goals and pursuing them consistently means focusing your energy on what really matters, rather than wasting your energy. Knowing your goals can mean significant self-motivation for your work.

Random successes are good, but rare. Planned successes are better because they are manageable and happen more often.

A prerequisite for planning - and therefore success - lies in the exact knowledge of
- What,
- When,
- on what scale needs to be achieved. Goal setting is an absolute prerequisite for planning, decision-making and daily work.

If you usually come to work with the mentality of “I'll work on whatever is important for today,” then stop it!

Goal setting requires expressing our explicit and hidden needs, interests, desires or goals in the form of clear intentions and in precise formulations, as well as orienting our actions and actions towards these goals and their implementation.

Every enterprise involves setting goals. Since this book is about self-management, we want to take a closer look at the importance of goal setting in the personal sphere. Setting a goal means looking to the future. Orientation and concentration of our forces and activity on what needs to be achieved. Thus, the goal describes the end result. It's not about what you do, but about why you do it. Goals challenge you and motivate you to action. Without goals, there is no Evaluation criterion by which you could measure your efforts. Goals, in addition, are also a scale for assessing what has been achieved. Even the best method of work is worthless if you do not clearly and unambiguously define in advance what you want.

Goals are the “instigators” of our actions, the motives that determine our activity. If an individual has set a goal for himself, then as a result a state of tension arises which acts as a driving force and which disappears only when the goal is achieved.

Goals are visions of the future for which I want to do something. Otherwise, the goal remains only a good wish.

To set goals, you need to think about the future. Traditional thinking in terms of specific tasks can lead to you getting lost in details. Thinking in terms of goals contributes to the fact that the particulars are subordinate to the whole:

It becomes clear in which direction to move and what the end result should be.

Every day, as you do your work, ask yourself:

Does what I am currently doing bring me closer to achieving my goal?

Goal setting is a permanent process, since goals are not set once and for all. They may change over time, for example if, during implementation monitoring, it turns out that previous representations were essentially incorrect or that requests turned out to be too high or too low.

Setting goals means consciously carrying out one's actions in accordance with a guiding line or guideline. Fundamental to our self-management is awareness of where we want to go and where we don’t want to go (i.e., self-determination), so as not to end up where others want to take us.

If I have a conscious goal, my unconscious forces are also directed towards it. The goals serve to concentrate forces on truly key areas.

Knowing your goals and pursuing them consistently means focusing your energy on what really matters, rather than wasting your energy.

Knowing your goals can mean significant self-motivation for your work.

Random successes are good, but rare. Planned successes are better because they are manageable and happen more often.

A prerequisite for planning - and therefore success - is knowing exactly what

On what scale?

needs to be achieved. Goal setting is an absolute prerequisite for planning, decision-making and daily work.

If you usually come to work with the mentality of “I'll work on whatever is important for today,” then stop it!

Set a clear goal for yourself (and for your employees) and work according to the principle:

I will work on what I want to achieve today!

This chapter is based on the following goal setting process.

Finding targets

You want to achieve more - otherwise you would not have purchased this book. To achieve something and be successful, you need to spend time and money. Certain methods and careful disposition are necessary in order to achieve the goal as well as possible and in an acceptable time:

What goals do you want to achieve?

Do they agree with each other?

Are there a so-called highest goal and certain intermediate goals on the way to the main one?

Do you know what you yourself can do for this (strengths) and what you still need to work on (weaknesses)?

Achieve clarity of purpose!

This is an unconditional, fundamental prerequisite for success in work and in life! Finding and defining personal life goals means giving your life direction. As a result, you will be able to bring your own values ​​into reality.

Try to set goals that can be turned into immediate action.

1. What not to do: I want to lead more healthy image life.

How to: I want to do a 15-minute run outside every day.

2. What not to do: I want to be able to communicate better with my employees.

How to: I want to reserve an hour of extra time for each employee every week to talk with him about professional and personal topics.

Such specific, action-oriented goals can be directly planned, for example, recorded in a time diary for specific days or weeks and implemented in stages.

Describe exactly what you specifically want to achieve!

Written registration helps to ensure that more or less bold ideas and desires are often recorded. In this way, you will learn to constantly pursue your goals and clarify them. In writing, goals are also visually captured and are less likely to be forgotten. If you clearly define your goals, then they automatically become binding: recorded on paper, they encourage permanent analysis, double-checking and revision.

In this section, we want to encourage you to use various exercises to think through your goals, formulate them specifically, systematize them and put them in writing.

From general ideas about life aspirations to an inventory of goals!

Finding personal goals can be accomplished through the following four steps.

(1) Developing general ideas about life aspirations.

(2) Differentiation in time of life goals.

(3) Development of guiding ideas in professional field.

(4) Inventory of goals.

Sketch general ideas about life aspirations.

Try to paint for yourself a possible picture of your future life. Don’t worry about failures and defeats in the past: in any case, you can’t change anything here, but you need to learn from this!

The "curve" of my life.

How has your life been so far?

What have been your biggest successes? Where were the defeats? In the professional sphere? In personal?

How do you imagine your future?

What age would you like to live to?

What else do you want to achieve?

What blows of fate or defeats are you counting on?

Draw your “life curve” and mark the place where you are now.

Next to the extreme points of your “life curve,” write key words that characterize success or failure.

Try to imagine your future and continue the “curve” further.

Topic 2. Personal career management

Defining life goals

Who does not know which harbor he is sailing to,

there is no tailwind for that.


1) The importance of goal setting

2) Technology of searching for life goals

3) Formulation of life goals

The Importance of Goal Setting

For every person, self-determination and self-affirmation in life is always very important, and therefore people who know exactly “what and how to do?” are the most successful.

Prominent manager Lee Iacocca states: “To succeed in business, as in almost everything else, the most important thing is to be able to focus and manage your time wisely. And in order to use your time wisely, you must firmly understand what is most important in your work, and then devote yourself entirely to the implementation of this main thing.”

A person who clearly sees his goal will certainly achieve it with some effort and developed abilities.

When we want to achieve something, we will sooner or later do it if we do not hesitate or be lazy. We are driven by a goal that does not allow us to relax. The goal is our guideline, towards which our life activity is directed, which leads us through the difficulties and obstacles of reality. Goals are the motivators of our actions, the motives that determine our activity.

Setting goals means looking to the future, orienting and concentrating our energies and activities on what needs to be achieved. To keep up with the pace of social and economic change, every person needs to carefully and regularly re-evaluate their goals. Every person is different and everyone operates in a unique environment, so the work of setting goals must be individualized.

Goal setting requires expressing explicit and hidden needs, interests, desires and goals in the form of clear intentions and in precise formulations, as well as orienting actions and actions towards these goals and their implementation. Without goals, there is no benchmark against which you can measure your efforts. Goals are also a criterion for assessing what has been achieved. Even the best method of work is worthless if you do not clearly and unambiguously define what you want in advance.

Goals are not set once and for all. Setting goals is an ongoing process. They may change over time, for example if, during implementation monitoring, it turns out that previous ideas were incorrect or that requests turned out to be too high or too low.

Goal setting is an absolute prerequisite for planning, decision-making and daily work.

Thus, setting personal goals allows you to:

Become more aware of your career choices;

Make sure the chosen path is correct;

Better evaluate the effectiveness of actions and experiences;

Convince others of the correctness of your point of view;

Get additional strength and motivation;

Increase the likelihood of achieving desired results;

Concentrate forces on strategic areas.

The goals serve to concentrate forces on key areas.

Knowing your goals and pursuing them consistently means focusing your energy on what really matters, rather than wasting your energy. Awareness of your goals can determine significant self-motivation for work.

People who do not have clear personal goals are usually dominated by the demands of the moment; they are more occupied with routine than with important, promising problems.

Setting goals helps us insulate ourselves from demands made by situations or other people, achieving goals that are important to us personally.

There are stages in a leader's life when he especially needs to clarify his personal goals. Typically these stages coincide with age ranges, for example:

stage 1: 20-24 years - beginning of a career;

stage 2: about 30 years - acquisition of certain competence;

stage 3: about 40 years - analysis of achievements and consideration of opportunities for serious changes;

stage 4: about 50 years - summing up the results of a professional career and preparing for its completion;

stage 5: about 60-65 years old - transition to non-work life activities.

The importance of setting personal goals increases as you navigate one of these life milestones. At the same time creativity to life requires constant openness to everything unexpected and a willingness to analyze and search for the best solutions achievable at one time or another.

Setting specific goals increases productivity because a person in this sense has clear expectations about the result. According to probability theory, if people have a clear idea of ​​what performance is expected of them, and if they perceive a strong likelihood that with some effort they will be able to achieve a given level of performance and receive the corresponding reward, then their motivation to perform a task will increase significantly. If you truly believe in what you are doing, you should persevere even in the face of obstacles.

Setting a goal means looking into the future, orienting and concentrating our energies and activities on what needs to be achieved. There is a huge difference between a solid self, which is necessary, and an exorbitant self, which can be destructive. A person with a strong self knows his strengths. He's confident. He has a clear idea of ​​what he can achieve and is determined to achieve his goal.

The goal describes the end result, i.e. it's not about what you do, but about why and for what you do it.