
February 8th science day name of the conference. Russian Science Day. From the history of the Academy

February 8th science day name of the conference.  Russian Science Day.  From the history of the Academy
June 7, 1999 By presidential decree Russian Federation In commemoration of the 275th anniversary of the founding of the Academy of Sciences in Russia,” the Day was established Russian science, which is celebrated annually on February 8th. The Decree states that the holiday was established: “taking into account the outstanding role of domestic science in the development of the state and society, following historical traditions and in commemoration of the 275th anniversary of the founding of the Academy of Sciences in Russia.”

On February 8 (January 28, O.S.), 1724, Peter I signed a decree on the formation of the Russian Academy of Sciences, which was originally called the Academy of Sciences and Arts. The Academy of Sciences and Arts studied the laws of the surrounding world and society, the essence of man and public consciousness, and also conducted publishing activities. All this had a beneficial effect and continues to influence today. social development countries and economic growth, progress in technology, and international connections.

In 1925, the institution of Peter I changed its name to the USSR Academy of Sciences, and since 1991 it has been called the Russian Academy of Sciences - RAS.

For Russia, this holiday has special significance. Over the years of its existence, our country has given the world many famous names who have made an incomparable contribution to world science.
The names of scientific figures, graduates of the Academy, are world famous: Mikhail Lomonosov, known for his many talents, Ivan Pavlov, who studied reflexes, Dmitry Mendeleev, creator of the periodic table chemical elements, Konstantin Tsiolkovsky, passionate about the development of the spacecraft, Lev Landau, from whose textbook physicists around the world study, Igor Kurchatov, the “father” of the Soviet atomic bomb, we can go on endlessly.

At the beginning of the 21st century, the composition of the RAS includes large number research institutes, laboratories and museums. The activities of the Academy extend to almost all areas of science, these are: mathematics, astrophysics, physics of quantum liquids and crystals, physics elementary particles, mechanics, chemistry, biochemistry, biotechnology, history, philosophy, literary criticism, folklorism, the list is far from complete.

Russian Science Day is a holiday of scientists, researchers, and all those who are seriously involved in science.

The Day of Russian Science, like many other holidays in the Russian Federation, is dedicated to a historical event - the Russian Academy of Sciences was founded 295 years ago on February 8th.

The value of science lies in the ability to change the life of humanity, to make it fuller, more comfortable, and safer. Respectively, scientific progress should not stand still, since a person is constantly developing and for a comfortable life he needs more and more new devices and technologies.

Sputnik Georgia asked who and when the Russian Science Day holiday was created and why this holiday is important for Russia.

Russian Science Day

The Academy of Sciences in Russia was founded by order Russian Emperor Peter I by decree of the Senate on February 8, 1724.

In 1925 it was renamed the USSR Academy of Sciences, and at the end of the 20th century - the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAN).

The Russian scientific community began to celebrate its professional holiday on February 8 relatively recently - Russian Science Day was established on the basis of a decree of the President of the Russian Federation in 1999.

The decree states that the holiday was established taking into account the outstanding role of Russian science in the development of society and the state. Russian Science Day was first celebrated on February 8, 1999 in connection with the 275th anniversary of the founding of the Academy of Sciences in Russia.

This holiday was celebrated during Soviet times, but on the third Sunday in April. For some Russian scientific teams, the holiday is still associated with the first spring days, and some of them continue to celebrate it according to tradition - on the third Sunday in April.

The Russian Academy of Sciences is the heart of Russian science. In September 2013, as part of the reorganization of the Russian system state academies Sciences, two other domestic academies were merged into the RAS - the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences and the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences.

At the beginning of 2015, the RAS had 1,184 members, including 463 academicians and 721 corresponding members. The RAS is subordinate to about 550 scientific institutions, including institutes, research centers, observatories, research stations, museums, libraries, archives, nature reserves, botanical gardens and other organizations, employing more than 55 thousand scientific employees.

Why is the holiday important for Russia?

Over the years of its existence, Russia has given the world many famous names who have made a significant contribution to world science. Therefore, the holiday, Russian Science Day, has special significance for Russia.

It is difficult to name a scientific field in which Russian scientists have failed to distinguish themselves with significant and, at times, great discoveries. Russian scientists left a huge legacy in chemistry, physics, medicine, astronomy, astronautics, and so on.

Thanks to such scientists as Mikhail Lomonosov, Dmitry Mendeleev, Ivan Pavlov, Sergei Korolev, science has become for Russia a powerful resource that allows the state to implement economic transformations.

Igor Kurchatov, Konstantin Tsiolkovsky, Pyotr Kapitsa, Lev Landau and many others made a significant contribution to the development of world science and all humanity.

The work of brilliant Russian scientists can rightfully be compared to a feat - many of them, at the cost of their own lives and health, carried out experiments and achieved positive results.

The work of Russian scientists contributed to the formation of the country's potential, which ensures the prosperity of the nation. And that is why Russian Science Day is so important for all residents of Russia.

Russia at one time became the first country in the world to develop the doctrine of the biosphere. It was she who, for the first time in the world, launched an artificial Earth satellite into space and commissioned a nuclear power plant (NPP).

Soviet and Russian scientists have repeatedly received the prestigious Nobel Prize - Academician Ivan Pavlov was the first to receive it for his work on the physiology of digestion in 1904.

The last Russian laureate of the prize at at the moment is physicist Konstantin Novoselov - he received an award for pioneering experiments in the study of the two-dimensional material graphene in 2010.

The development of science is very important, both for Russia and for all humanity. It opens the way to the future, saves lives, gives us the opportunity to learn the world around us and the secrets of the universe.

Science is the engine of progress. Thanks to its development, there are many high technologies, medical discoveries, household and industrial devices in the world that make human life easier and better.

The material was prepared based on open sources

The life of the average Russian is a series of gray everyday life with occasional splashes of celebration. But it turns out that we have a lot of significant dates. February 8th is very rich in all kinds of historical, memorable and simply entertaining events.

This date in the history of Russia

February, despite the fact that it is the shortest of the year, is very “fruitful” for dates. All over the world, Valentine's Day, the patron saint of all lovers, is celebrated on February 14th. In Russia, it is widely celebrated. And on February 8, in the history of Russia, in different years, important and simply interesting events happened for the state.

On this day in 1054, Yaroslav the Wise died, who was able to significantly strengthen his authority Old Russian state. Under his leadership, the Golden Gate and St. Sophia Cathedral were erected, and a large library of Russian and Greek books was created.

In 1106, on the eighth day of February, the Great Vladimir Monomakh created the first didactic and artistic work, “Instruction.”

On this day in 1837, an ill-fated duel took place between the great Russian poet Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin and the cavalry guard Dantes, who was suspected of having an unholy affair with the poet’s wife. The outcome of the duel is known to everyone. Pushkin died two days later from peritonitis. On the same day, a hundred years later, a monument was erected at the site of the duel in Leningrad.

The year 1904 of this February day was marked by the beginning of the Russian-Japanese War, in which, for the first time in the entire previous history of wars, armored and destroyers were used. As a result of this year-long massacre, Japan received rights to the Kwantung region, a branch of the Chinese Eastern railway, the southern part of Sakhalin, as well as Korea came under its sphere of influence.

On this day in 1919, standard time was introduced. In 1921, a decree was issued on the Askania-Nova reserve. In 1929, the great and mighty Russian language was replenished with another interesting word - “helicopter”, which was the name of Kamov’s invention. In 1943, Kursk was liberated. In 1945, the Russian pilot Devyatayev escaped from a German concentration camp on an enemy plane. In 1949, the theater and film artist was born, who in 2009 was congratulated on her anniversary by the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev.

Day in World History

February 8, 1575 in Holland on the basis of the former convent The university opened. On the already mentioned day in 1587, Stuart, a very beautiful woman with great political ambitions, was executed after being accused of plotting against the Queen of England.

On this day Giordano Bruno was burned at the stake of the Inquisition.

And 72 years later, Isaac Newton, violating all norms of morality and decency, declared that white light is nothing more than a mixture of all known colors.

On February 8th, 1816, a dog also took part in the process of detaining a criminal group. People have appreciated all the charm and capabilities of these animals for a long time, but such an experience was the first and very successful, however, dogs were accepted for regular work in the police only in 1899.

On this day in 1838, the American Samuel Morse presented his original system for transmitting a signal using a special code.

In 1879, at the instigation of Sanford Fleming Globe was divided into 24 time zones.

On this day in 1885, George Bernard Shaw published his first work.

In 1915, on February 8, the premiere screening of the film “The Birth of a Nation” took place in Los Angeles, which was later included in the list of the 100 best films of all time.

In 1919, on the date in question, a cardiogram of heart failure was published by Dr. J. Herik.

In 1924, in Nevada, in a city prison, gang member Guy John, sentenced to death, was gassed as a humane alternative to shooting and hanging. However, it did not live up to expectations, turning out to be expensive, unsafe and completely inhumane.

A winter day in 1928 was marked by the transmission of a television signal from London to New York.

On this February day in 1931, the new capital of India, New Delhi, was inaugurated.

February 8 is the official opening day of the Winter Olympic Games. This day marked the opening of the games in Sarajevo in 1984; in 1992 16th Winter Olympic Games opened on the same day in France in Albertville; 19th Winter Games in Salt Lake City in 2002 they also opened on the 8th.

Russian Science Day

February 8 is Science Day. The RAS, or Russian Academy of Sciences, consists of 470 institutions and 55 thousand scientists working in them. It was created by Peter I in February 1724. Since 1991, the Academy has been called the Russian Academy of Sciences.

And since 1999, after decree No. 717 of the President of the Russian Federation, the above date is considered the official birthday of Russian science.

Military topographer and his day of the year

On February 8, not only scientific minds, but also military topographers, that is, people involved in the creation of military geographical and topographic maps, necessary not only for military affairs, but also for civilian purposes, celebrate their professional holiday. The first handwritten topographic map was the map of Siberia compiled by the geographer Remezov. The first specialized institution in world history that trained cartographers and topographers was founded in Russia.

This service is secret. After all, every armed conflict or battle begins with a map. And, no matter how paradoxical it may sound, sometimes the fate of nations depends on such a piece of paper.

Slovenian culture has its own day on the calendar

Franze Prešern is a Slovenian lawyer with a calling as a poet. He was the founder of the literary Slovenian language. Experienced many deaths of loved ones, unrequited love, alcoholism, ups and downs. He spent a long time trying to find his happiness. He got married at 46, had two sons, prosperity, respect from his fellow citizens, but all this came to the poet too late. On the eighth in February 1849 outstanding figure Slovenia, who proved that his language is no less beautiful than any language Western Europe, died of cirrhosis of the liver. It was his “Zdravica” that formed the basis of the Slovenian national anthem.

Orthodox church calendar and the 8th of February

February 8 is a church holiday on which the Monk Xenophon, his wife Mary and two sons - Arkady and John, the martyr Ananias the presbyter, the prison guard Peter and seven soldiers with them are glorified. They remember the Venerable Semyon the Old, Saints Ammon, Joseph, Bishop of Thessalonica, Right Believers David III the Renewer, King of Averia and Abkhazia.

February 8 is a church holiday associated with the transfer of the relics of Theodore the Studite. His name is popularly associated with many signs. For example, it was believed that whatever this day would be, spring would be like that. The singing of birds on this day predicted the return of frost, especially if a tit sang in the morning. By rolling peas on a dish and listening to the sound made by the peas, they tried to predict the strength of future snow whirlwinds.

So, February 8th. Names marked with this date: Peter, Semyon, Joseph, Maria, Ivan, David, Fedor, Arkady.


This day is very fruitful for the birth of many talented, artistic and famous people. February 8 is the birthday of such Russian stars as Vyacheslav Tikhonov, known for the films “White Bim Black Ear”, “War and Peace”, and the serial film “17 Moments of Spring”; Irina Muravyova, remembered throughout the country for her performance in the films “Carnival”, “The Most Charming and Attractive” and others; Honored Artist of Russia Viktor Proskurin; Olympic gold champion in doubles figure skating Roman Kostomarov.

This date was imprinted in 1834 by the birth of the great Russian chemist and physicist Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev, with whose periodic table everyone, young and old, is familiar.

On this day, Sergei Sivokho, TV presenter, showman, Irina Merleni, Ukrainian athlete, Russian actress Maria Shekunova, known for the comedy series “Real Boys”, actor Philip Kotov (“Zaitsev +1”), American actors and Seth celebrate their birthday Green, as well as the world famous French writer Jules Verne.

Horoscope of people born on this day

Humane-loving, inventive, dreamy workaholics can be called people born on the day already mentioned. The Zodiac sign - Aquarius - endows its wards with an entrepreneurial spirit and a desire to make the lives of others easier and better.

People born on February 8 have a unique attitude towards their health. The horoscope indicates the vulnerability of the immune system, lymphatic and cardiovascular systems. To protect them, you should choose a gentle diet and minimize exposure to alcoholic beverages and cigarettes. These people do not like to talk about their health problems to anyone, even doctors. Therefore, the best option for them would be to choose one doctor who will guide them throughout their lives.

Some more interesting facts

In the United States, there are several celebrations on this day. In the country, February 8th is a holiday dedicated to the creation of the Boy Scouts, kites and black molasses pies. In Congo, Youth Day is celebrated on this day. This date is also designated as World Marriage Day.

In Zoroastrianism, this day marks the festival of Sraoshi, when the Sun enters the 18th degree of Aquarius. Sraoshi is considered the guardian of dreams, a guide who connects the world of ideas and the embodied world. The holiday is cheerful, bright, accompanied by eating nuts and halva.

In Hinduism, this day is associated with the glorification of the Goddess of knowledge and education, Saraswati. This is not a national celebration, but schools are closed on this day. The day before, students participate in music competitions, sports competitions, and discussions.

Significant events and holidays are an opportunity to bring joy and fun to loved ones. And February 8 is a day that contains many such occasions.

And discoveries. Scientists such as Mikhail Lomonosov, Ivan Pavlov, Dmitry Mendeleev, Eduard Tsiolkovsky, Pyotr Kapitsa, Lev Landau, Igor Kurchatov, Anatoly Alexandrov, Sergei Korolev, Nikolai Dollezhal and many others are known all over the world. Thanks to their efforts, the country became the birthplace of outstanding discoveries and inventions of human civilization. Russia became the first state where the doctrine of the biosphere was developed, for the first time in the world an artificial Earth satellite was launched into space, and the first nuclear power plant was put into operation.

IN recent years in Russia, one of which was the Russian vaccine against Ebola, which shows higher effectiveness compared to other drugs designed to combat this disease.

In 2016, 14 Russian scientists from the creators of the Web of Science database, which is one of the leading catalogs of scientific publications and patents in the world and on the global network. Its developer is Thomson Reuters.

The winner in the “Highly Cited Scientific Journal” category was the journal “Advances in Chemistry” of the Russian Academy of Sciences. At the same time, the most highly cited Russian universities in 2016 became National research university "graduate School Economics" and the Siberian Federal University, and the most highly cited research institutes are the Institute of High Energy Physics, the Special Astrophysical Observatory of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Landau Institute of Theoretical Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

In December 2016, the “Strategy for Scientific and Technological Development of Russia until 2035” was adopted. According to the document, scientific potential the country in the coming decades will focus on solving a number of problems, including the main risks associated with anthropogenic pressure on nature; exhaustion of economic development opportunities due to extensive exploitation of resources; needs for increasing energy capacity.

Among the priority areas for the development of domestic science are digital production technologies, the creation of new materials, the development of systems capable of processing large volumes of data, artificial intelligence and machine learning, the transition to environmentally friendly and resource-saving energy sources, and personalized medicine.

The strategy will be implemented with financial support from the federal budget and through various extra-budgetary sources. Expenditures on research and development will gradually increase to 2% of the country's GDP, including a proportional increase in private investment. By 2035, the volume of private investment in science should be no lower than public investment.

The material was prepared based on information from RIA Novosti and open sources

And again, the reformer Peter the Great brought a little of the Western European way of life to the country. According to his decree of February 8, 1724, the Academy of Sciences was approved. Hence the memorable date - Science Day. The most interesting thing is that the name of the institution did not change at all; abbreviations and names of new old states were added to the Academy of Sciences, depending on historical events. Since 1925, the institution was called the USSR Academy of Sciences, and since 1991, the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Official date

Russian Science Day began to be celebrated only in 1999. According to the presidential decree, the holiday was officially assigned to February 8, thereby building a historical bridge between our times and Peter’s times. And how many wonderful scientists Russia has given to the world in different eras. This is a simple village boy, who later became one of the most outstanding scientific sons and founded Moscow University. This is from Mikhail Lomonosov, who, centuries later, marks the Day of Russian Science of the year. These are outstanding scientists of the 20th century, Academician Pavlov, Tsiolkovsky, Kapitsa, Landau, Kurchatov and Korolev. And this is just a small list of our famous scientific compatriots.

Ahead of the rest of the planet

Our country has become a legislator in a number of scientific fields. We were the first to fly into space, made important developments in nuclear energy and the biosphere. Our great scientists have received Nobel Prizes in a variety of fields. The first of them was the famous Professor Pavlov for his work in which the basics of the physiology of digestion were described. On Science Day, it is also worth remembering the outstanding biologist Ilya Mechnikov, who received a prize for his work on immunity. In 1978, domestic physicist Pyotr Kapitsa was noted Nobel Prize for the most important discovery in physics, proof of the superfluidity of helium. Science Day in Russia is not an empty word and not a legacy of Soviet developments. Our most recent scientist was the physicist Novoselov, whom the Swedish Academy of Sciences recognized for his research on graphene. This happened quite recently - in 2010.


The Russian Academy of Sciences includes 9 directions at once, depending on the field of study, which are located in Moscow. The RAS also has 3 regional branches and 15 large scientific centers. Science Day is celebrated in all departments of a large scientific structure. RAS is a whole city, scattered across the expanses of the country, with a population of 50 thousand people. Among them are honorary “residents”, and these are 500 academicians and 800 corresponding members. Despite the fact that the official date, according to the decree of the President of the Russian Federation, is set on February 8, the majority of old-school RAS employees prefer to celebrate Science Day, as before, on the third Sunday in April.