
Maximum age of stay. Will the term of service in the Russian army be extended? What is the age limit for military service?

Maximum age of stay.  Will the term of service in the Russian army be extended?  What is the age limit for military service?

The army is the rear and defense of the country, ensuring the peace of mind of citizens and confidence in the future. The state shows an increased interest in the defenders of the Motherland, regulating all aspects of the existence of a modern army with the help of legislation. Military affairs have a strong legal basis, which provides for everything, down to the smallest detail. What is the age limit for staying military service? This article is devoted to this important issue for every contractor.

Concept of service age limit

The longer military personnel serve, the more opportunities and benefits are provided to them.

  • Length of service affects wages - the longer the military experience, the higher the salary.
  • Many titles are available only after crossing a certain age limit.
  • The longer the term of service, the higher the pension.

The legislation provides for age limits for retirement and for holding a certain position. The concept of such limits applies to military personnel, as well as to leaders involved in political and scientific activities. This refers to the extreme age before which it is possible to continue service. At the end of this period, the serviceman must retire or, in case of disagreement, is subject to dismissal.

The value of the age limit

The bill on the age limit for the military was formed almost simultaneously with the military legislation. The limit plays an important role in shaping the composition of the modern army. Physical fitness and good health are of great importance for a soldier. However, with age, no matter how hard the defender of the Fatherland tries, these valuable qualities noticeably decrease, not having the best effect on the duties performed.

Usually, older contractors are promoted to high ranks - colonels, commanders, generals, and so on. Leadership positions involve high responsibility and are especially important for the formation of the army. Therefore, it is unacceptable for such duties to be the responsibility of a serviceman who is unable to perform them due to poor health or poor physical fitness. To control the timely departure of pensioners, the government introduced a law that provides for a maximum age for military service.

Reasons for this limitation

The main reason that prompted the government to decide on the official introduction of restrictions was the physiological characteristics of the human body. The experience accumulated over the years, high theoretical training, combat tactics are the undeniable advantages of high ranks. However, old age takes away the strength and energy of the strongest warrior, and in fact poor physical shape is unacceptable for the defender of the Motherland.

The firmness of character and perseverance that is inherent in every high-ranking military man is another reason for strictly limiting the age limit for military service. Not everyone is ready to leave their personnel, come to terms with age, recognize the inevitable old age. If there were no law, the owners of shoulder straps would not leave their post in a timely manner.

Age limit for military service

In 2014, changes were made to the Federal Law on the Service of Contract Servicemen. In accordance with the new rules, the achievement of the age limit for military service for senior ranks occurs at 65 years. These include:

  • marshal of the Russian Federation;
  • admiral;
  • general;
  • colonel general.

Representatives of middle management ranks can hold their position up to 60 years:

  • lieutenant general;
  • major general;
  • vice admiral;
  • rear admiral.

Colonels, as well as captains of the first rank, have the right to remain in the service up to 55 years, military personnel of other military ranks - only up to 50 years. For contractors who serve in the bodies, other age restrictions may be assigned.

Changes in military legislation

Prior to the entry into force of amendments to the Federal Law relating to military service, the age limit was lower by five years, that is, the highest ranks could not hold office after reaching the age of sixty.

However, the changes did not affect all the defenders of the Motherland. For example, the age limit for military service in the FSB and SVR is still 45 years, as before. Extending the restrictions to 50 years is only being discussed. The changes also did not affect female servicemen, and the age of termination of service remained the same - 45 years.

Reasons for the amendments to the law

First of all, the amendments in the legislation are connected with a somewhat distorted idea of ​​modern reality. Previously, the average age of men was calculated as a much lower indicator than now, in the days of developed and affordable medicine. It is hard to believe that the fifty-year-old commander is not able to fulfill his duties.

It is also important that the elderly servicemen have a wealth of invaluable knowledge and experience. Well-trained shoulder strap holders not only fulfill their direct duties, but also train the younger generation, raising the level of theoretical and practical preparedness of the army.

Service life extension

Another important amendment has appeared in the Federal legislation. After the contractor has crossed the age limit specified in the legislation, he has the right to serve for some more time. A possible extension of the age limit for military service is five years. Such a privilege is due only to the highest governing ranks. At the same time, one desire is not enough - in order to sign a new contract, certain requirements must be met:

  • coordination with responsible public service bodies;
  • successful certification;
  • the highest rank of his division.

During certification, the level of physical and theoretical training is revealed. As a rule, the first point is difficult for older military men. If the test is not passed, then the extension of the contract is impossible.

Military women

Representatives of the weaker sex today are healthy competition for men in many military specialties. Their resistance to stress, high efficiency, discipline and responsibility make it possible to recognize that a modern army is impossible without women. From the point of view of legislation, ladies are a full-fledged subject of military affairs and have equal rights with male contractors. The exceptions are the family obligations of a woman related to the birth and upbringing of children, as well as work with high risk and heavy physical exertion.

However, despite the formal absence of gender discrimination, there is another difference - the age limit for women in military service. Article 49.2 of the Federal Law on Military Service states that the fair sex can serve up to forty-five years. The new amendment does not say anything about increasing the age limits for women, and the old law remains unchanged for them.

A law providing for an increase in the age limit for military service.

The maximum term of service for all military personnel has been extended by five years. This is not only about army and navy pros, but also about military representatives of other law enforcement agencies. In order to raise their age limit, the State Duma deputies corrected Articles 49 and 53 of the federal law "On military duty and military service." The senators approved these changes, and the President of the Russian Federation approved them.

The end of a person's official biography in Russia is strictly tied to his military rank. In the highest priority position is the highest officer corps. Marshals, generals of the army and admirals of the fleet, colonel generals and admirals are now allowed by law to serve not up to 60 years, as it was until recently, but up to 65. Being in the ranks of lieutenant generals and vice admirals, major generals and rear admirals is limited to 60 years. The maximum service age for colonels and captains of the 1st rank is five years less. All other regular military personnel, including contract soldiers and sergeants, face parting with shoulder straps at the age of 50. True, the same law provides for the extension of service after reaching the maximum age for military pros. The military in the rank of marshal to colonel general can now sign their last contract up to 70 years old, other servicemen - up to 65.

At the same time, the age limit of the so-called storekeepers changed, which, if necessary, form a second front for the army. It is possible to call up under the banner of "reserve" soldiers and ensigns, depending on their military specialty, from 35 to 50 years old. Junior officers - from 50 to 60 years old, majors and lieutenant colonels - from 55 to 60 years of age. For colonels at the time of "H" they set the upper bar at 50-65 years, for generals and marshals at 65-70.

There is no doubt that there is logic in such a decision. Dismissing a 55-year-old general, a division commander, just on the grounds that he is many years old is, to say the least, unreasonable. Just as unreasonable is the "dispersal" of a 50-year-old colonel, doctor of science and professor from a military academy. Another thing is when the same divisional commander takes off his shoulder straps at sixty. In such years, it is difficult even for a strong peasant to wander around the training grounds and exercises. And many military colonels and ship captains, who are rarely found in the office, will probably retire with relief at 55 years old. When you have a long and hard service behind you, all the army benefits are "recruited" before retirement, it's time to think about rest. Moreover, the new age practice did not abolish the right of an officer to retire before the age limit. For example, a colonel, if desired, can take off his shoulder straps at fifty.

But the signing of an "extra-term" contract, according to the Ministry of Defense, must necessarily be accompanied by a certification recommendation. No one will be adding, as they say, an automatic five-year plan. You serve conscientiously, you have good professional skills and career prospects, you have maintained good health, which means that you can remain in the ranks for some time. If you do not meet these requirements, go to civilian life.

While preparing this law, the Ministry of Defense pursued another goal. A new system of selection, training and contract service is gaining momentum in the army. Officers want to see in their units not just military professionals, but people motivated for a long and conscientious service.

And candidates for army pros, in addition to an apartment and earnings, also want to have a service perspective. In addition, what's the point of recruiting as a soldier, for example, a 30-year-old man, if he does not get a military pension. With the increase in the maximum age of service under the contract to 50 years, a soldier and a sergeant can already qualify for it.

Every year, recruits to the army are worried about one single question: “Will the term of military service be extended?”. In fact, the excitement about this cannot be called unfounded. The Defense Committee of the State Duma has repeatedly put forward for discussion its proposal to increase the period of military service. The motive for bringing this question was the catastrophic shortage of ordinary soldiers in military units. In addition to the lack of personnel, the State Duma Committee on Defense is seriously concerned by the fact that a one-year conscript service cannot provide a sufficient quantity and quality of all the opportunities necessary to train real specialists. But the President of Russia rejected the proposal put forward by the legislators regarding military service. During a meeting of the collegium of the Ministry of Defense, Putin made a categorical dismissal of the increase in service life.

Is it possible to increase the retirement age for military personnel in 2018

In this situation, the resolution on the execution of an updated contract with personnel and the term of this contract is made by the following officials:

  1. In relation to the highest officers and positions equated to them - the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the country.
  2. In relation to colonels, captains of the 1st rank and positions equivalent to them - the commanding staff of the federal executive body of the region in which service is supposed to be carried out.
  3. With regard to military personnel in lieutenant colonel and captain ranks of the 2nd rank and below, the decision is made by those officials who have the right to appoint the listed military personnel to their positions.

A positive resolution on the execution of an updated contract with an age-old serviceman is adopted taking into account not only his practical qualities, but also his state of health.

Age limit for military service

Vladimir Shamanov also raised the issue that too many cases of evasion from receiving a summons have been recorded at the moment. According to him, the issue of legal liability, which should be under any circumstances, has not been fully resolved, so he and his team will probably deal with this soon.


As a result of the discussions held, a decision was made to raise the draft age in Russian Federation in the future from 27 to 30 years. Thus, according to Vladimir Shamanov, many dodgers may lose interest as such in avoiding receiving a subpoena.

Apparently, as a result of this, they will have to immediately come to the military registration and enlistment office in order to agree to repay their civic duty to their dearly beloved and dear Motherland.

Military service in 2018

However, military pensions are calculated somewhat differently. So, in accordance with the current legislation, not only the military, but also other citizens who served in some units can apply for a military pension.
Military pension is divided into three types:

  1. By the fact of having a certain experience.
  2. By having a disability.
  3. On the loss of a breadwinner. Assigned to family members of a military man who died in the line of duty.

According to the latest rumors, the state plans to increase the number of years that you need to serve in order to count on a military pension.
However, it remains to be seen whether these rumors are true. What you need to know The legislator does not establish a difference in the position of a serviceman to determine the required length of service upon retirement.

Conscription age in Russia in 2018

To receive a military pension, a person must have at least twenty years of service. Otherwise, a pension can be assigned on the basis of a mixed accrual procedure. Citizens under the age of 45 who have a length of service of 25 years, half of which is military or other equivalent service, will have the right to a pension.
Legal framework The pension provision of the military is determined in accordance with several legal acts:

  1. Some provisions of the Constitution that speak of the need for pensions for certain categories of citizens.
  2. Federal Law "On pensions for persons who have served in the military, service in the internal affairs bodies".

Putin allowed to increase the age limit for officers

June 2017 at 5:44 pm Subject: Welfare The issue of extending the service limits for officers can be resolved positively, but the problem should be properly studied. This was announced on Thursday, June 15, by Russian President Vladimir Putin during a direct line.


If you mean the term of service on conscription, then it will not be reviewed. And if we talk about the service life of officers, then you need to think about it.

I know that many officers would like to see their service life extended. It is necessary to study, to approach the issue seriously, having analyzed all the pros and cons, but in general this is possible, ” quotes Vladimir Putin as saying.

Article 49. Maximum age for military service

Age limits for serving in the RF Armed Forces At present, Russian President Vladimir Putin and Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu are going to throw all their efforts into optimizing the training of conscript soldiers. In addition, the Government plans to apply measures that will help increase the popularity of contract service. At the same time, military personnel have the right to choose for themselves the term of service - either one year (conscript service) or two years (contract service). Also, by decree of the President, the age limits for professional military service were extended.

Increasing the lower limit of seniority for military personnel from 2018

If necessary, it is now possible to call up privates and ensigns to the army up to 35, 45 and 50 years old, depending on the military specialty. The lower officers of the reserve can be called up to 50, 55 and 60 years.


Reserves in the rank of major, lieutenant colonels and captains of the 2nd and 3rd ranks are called up to 55, 60 and 65 years, depending on the rank. Colonels and captains of the 1st rank are called up to 60 and 65 years old, and the highest officer reserve up to 65 and 70 years old.

Female reserve servicemen in the officer rank are called up to 50 years old, and the remaining ones - up to 45 years old. In addition, if a serviceman has approached the age limit for military service, a fresh contract can still be signed with him:
  • with marshals of the Russian Federation, army generals, fleet admirals, colonel generals, admirals - up to 70 years;
  • with military personnel in other ranks - up to 65 years.

Military personnel are subject to dismissal on the grounds provided for in Art. 51 FZ No. 53 of March 28 1998 "On the military ..." (hereinafter - the Law).

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Among other grounds, the Law provides for dismissal upon reaching a certain age.


Legislative regulation is carried out:

Normative act For which categories is the age limit regulated?
Law military personnel
Federal Law No. 40 dated April 3. 1995 “On federal…” (hereinafter – Federal Law No. 40) FSB officers
Federal Law No. 342 dated November 30. 2011 “About the service…” Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
Federal Law No. 141 dated May 23, 2016 “On Service…” Employees of the State Fire Service and the Ministry of Emergency Situations
Federal Law No. 79 of July 27, 2004 “On the State ...” civil servants


Dismissal upon reaching the age limit - the procedure for the annulment of a contract with a military man or an employment contract with a civil servant due to the employee reaching a certain age, provided for by the relevant federal law.

basic information

Special federal laws establish provisions on the age of citizens, upon reaching which labor relations are terminated.

Basically, the age limit depends on the special military rank. For example, Art. 16.1. Federal Law No. 40 sets the age limit for FSB employees:

Employment principles

Based on Part 1 of Art. 2 of the Law, military service is recognized as a special type of federal public service.

And this means that the subjects of the Russian Federation are not entitled to establish their own conditions, terms, place and procedure for performing military service. All this is determined at the federal level.

Basic principles of employment of military personnel:

  • the right to conclude a contract is given not only to citizens of the Russian Federation, but also to foreigners who meet all other requirements (part 1 of article 32 of the Law);
  • a citizen choosing to serve under a contract has the right to choose the type of military formation (the requirement does not apply to conscripts);
  • after the conclusion of the contract, the military may be transferred to another locality or another branch of the military in the manner prescribed by Art. 44 of the Law and Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1237 of 16 September. 1999 “Questions…” (hereinafter referred to as the Decree);
  • in relation to each military man upon reaching a certain length of service, disability or other pension grounds, the issue of assigning a pension is considered in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation No. 4468-1 of February 12. 1993 "About the pension...".

Termination of employment relationship

Termination of labor relations is carried out in the manner prescribed by Section 7 of the Law (Art. 50 - Art. 51.1.).

Main nuances:

  • senior officers are dismissed by the President of the Russian Federation, the rest - in the manner prescribed by the Decree;
  • the procedure for dismissal upon reaching the age limit provides for dismissal, in other cases - to the reserve or with military registration;
  • the contract can be terminated, including ahead of schedule (part 3 of article 51 of the Law - for example, for family reasons or when the VVK is recognized as limited fit).


In Art. 51 of the Law indicates the grounds for the occurrence of which dismissal is carried out:

  • reaching the maximum age for military service;
  • expiration of the contract or term of military service;
  • assignment to the military within the framework of the military military service of the fitness category “D” or “B”;
  • deprivation of military rank in the manner determined by Art. 48 of the Law;
  • due to loss of trust;
  • upon entry into legal force of a court verdict on the imposition of a military punishment in the form of imprisonment (including conditional) for an intentional act;
  • in case of expulsion from the military educational organization or an educational organization that has a military department (Art. 20, Art. 20.2 of the Law);
  • in the event of the entry into force of a court verdict depriving a military man of holding certain positions;
  • election of a military deputy of the State Duma or a deputy of the legislative body of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation;
  • termination of Russian citizenship and acquisition of a foreign one.


In addition to the general grounds, there are also reasons for the appearance of which early dismissal is carried out:

  • OShM (organizational and staff activities);
  • transition from military service to the Department of Internal Affairs, the Russian Guard, the State Border Service, the establishment of the penitentiary system;
  • in connection with non-fulfillment of the requirements of the concluded contract;
  • in case of refusal of admission to the state. secret;
  • upon entry into force of a court verdict on conditional conviction for a crime committed through negligence;
  • upon failure to pass the probationary period in the manner prescribed by Art. 34.1. Law;
  • in case of non-compliance with the requirements specified in Part 7 of Art. 10 and Art. 27.1. Federal Law No. 76 of May 27, 1998 “On the status of ...” (for example, when carrying out military business activities, when receiving income from publications and speeches, if they are directly related to military service);
  • in connection with the transfer to the federal civil service;
  • in case of refusal to undergo mandatory chemical and toxicological examinations for the presence of narcotic substances in the body.

Based on paragraph 12 of Art. 34 of the Decree, dismissal on the grounds for which it is not required to obtain mandatory consent to dismissal is carried out by the command of the corresponding military unit without a report from the serviceman.

Other grounds for which consent to dismissal is required require the provision of a report.

So, by virtue of paragraph 3 of Art. 34 of the Decree, a military man who has reached the age limit, if he wishes to conclude a new contract in the manner prescribed by Part 3 of Art. 49 of the Law, must submit a report on the command of the official who decides personnel matters, no later than 6 months. before the expiration of the current contract.

Below is a sample report:

Dismissal upon reaching the age limit

Part 1 Art. 49 of the Law regulates the age limit, depending on the military rank:


The military is granted the right to conclude a new contract already upon reaching the above age, up to the achievement of:

What are the payments

A military man, upon dismissal by age, has the right to apply for:

  • lump sum allowance;
  • financial assistance;
  • bonus payments;
  • payments upon recognition as unfit according to the results of the VVK.

Lump sum

Based on part 3 of Art. 3 FZ No. 306 of November 7. 2011 “On monetary ...” (hereinafter - Federal Law No. 306), the amount of the lump sum payment depends on the length of service under the contract:

  • if less than 20 years old, an allowance in the amount of 2 salaries is paid;
  • if over 20 years - in the amount of 7 salaries.

In accordance with part 5 of the same article, if the military was awarded the state award of the Russian Federation during the period of service, the amount of the allowance is increased by another 1 salary.

Part 4 of the same article indicates the grounds for non-payment of benefits, in particular, upon dismissal:

  • by a court verdict of deprivation of liberty;
  • upon deprivation of military rank;
  • in connection with expulsion from a military educational organization, etc.

Other payments

If at the time of termination of the contract the military was filling a certain position, and a bonus was awarded to him, it will be paid along with the monetary allowance for the current month of service.

The amount of bonuses and the procedure for their payment are regulated by the provisions of the Order of the Ministry of Defense No. 2700 of December 30. 2011 “On Approval…” .

Based on clause 77 of this Order, the amount of the bonus cannot be more than 3 salaries.

Contractors, in general, are paid a bonus in the amount of no more than 25% of the salary in any particular month (including the month of dismissal).

Material aid

The military is provided with annual material assistance, the amount of which cannot be higher than the official salary assigned for the rank and position.

To receive assistance, a report is submitted to the commander with the appropriate petition. If this year has already received a mat. assistance, upon dismissal, it will not be paid.

Recognized as unfit

If the VVK is recognized as unfit for military service, dismissal is carried out on the basis specified in paragraph “c” of Part 1 of Art. 51 of the Law.

In this case, the following payments are accrued:

  • unpaid at the time of recognition of monetary allowance in the manner approved by Art. 2 FZ No. 306;
  • compensation for unused vacation;
  • payment of sick leaves;
  • allowance in the amount of 2 or 7 salaries - depending on the length of service under the contract;
  • premium (if any);
  • mat. assistance (if it has not yet been paid in the current year).

The profession of a military man today is quite popular among the citizens of Russia, as it provides a number of advantages.

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The current legislation quite strictly regulates the duties of people who have taken up service in the armed forces, and, in particular, determines the maximum age at which a person can hold certain positions.

For this reason, many are interested in what the current age limit for military service is.

Important Points

The list of benefits provided to him will directly depend on how long a person serves in the armed forces:

  • in accordance with in the future, the amount of the citizen's salary is determined, that is, the longer he devotes himself to the defense of the homeland, the higher his wages will be;
  • certain titles can only be obtained after the person has reached the appropriate age;
  • if a person has spent most of his years serving in the army, he receives a good pension.

All issues affecting the age limits established for military personnel are spelled out in Article 49 of Federal Law No. 53. In particular, it says when exactly a serviceman has the right to take a well-deserved rest and start receiving pension payments due to him from the state.

Such restrictions apply not only to the rank and file of the army, but also to leaders who are engaged in scientific or political work. Moreover, in accordance with the current legislation, upon reaching a certain age, a person is obliged to retire, that is, his management cannot make any other decision than dismissal.

The law, according to which military duty and the procedure for serving the homeland, is regulated, was adopted simultaneously with the military legislation, and, in particular, it was determined that the time frame is one of the most important factors in the formation of the army.

It is no secret that the military must always be in good physical shape and have good health, but in practice, with the passage of age, all these qualities deteriorate significantly, which makes normal performance of duties impossible in principle.

Many declining contractors earn the rank of colonel or even general by holding various leadership positions with great responsibility, and therefore it is simply impossible to allow such a large responsibility to fall on an employee who is unable to fulfill them due to poor health. It was in order to regulate the transition of people to retirement that a decision was made to introduce a new law that would establish the age limit at which a person can be in military service.

What the law says

As mentioned above, the maximum age at which a person can be in military service is prescribed in Article 49 of Federal Law No. 53, which was adopted on March 28, 1998.

In addition, various legal norms that establish restrictions on the presence of various citizens in the armed forces are also present in Regulation No. 1237, adopted on September 16, 1999, which regulates the procedure for military service.

This provision, among other things, coordinates various issues related to the execution of contracts with citizens who wish to become military personnel, and, in particular, it indicates the various nuances of signing such agreements with those persons whose age is close to the limit.

Last changes

Before the latest amendments to the current legislation were made, military personnel left their positions five years earlier, that is, the highest ranks had to leave already at the age of 60 years.

The adjustments made did not affect all military personnel, and, for example, persons performing their duties in the Foreign Intelligence Service or the FSB must leave the post at the age of 45.

However, this rule has been in effect for a rather long period of time, in connection with which a possible raising of this bar to 50 years is already being discussed. In all other cases, the maximum allowable age for military service has not undergone any changes.

In practice, changes made to the law governing the military performance of these persons' duties are based on insufficiently accurate representations of military service.

Previously, the average parameters in men were significantly lower compared to those present today, which was achieved thanks to the development of medicine, and therefore it can hardly be said that the commander, after reaching the age of 50, will no longer be able to perform high-quality obligations assumed.

In this case, we also take into account the fact that older military men are distinguished by rich experience and a huge store of knowledge related to the competent organization of military service. Experienced employees correctly perform their duties, and can also qualitatively prepare a new generation, which will then defend their homeland.

Reasons for the restriction

The key reason why the decision was made to introduce age restrictions lies precisely in the physiological characteristics of a person.

Of course, good theoretical training, wide experience, as well as a thorough knowledge of the tactics of warfare are undoubted advantages for any military man, however, with the onset of old age, a person retains less and less strength and energy, and sufficient physical training is mandatory for a military man.

If this law had not been introduced, military personnel could not retire for a long time, which would have resulted in a number of serious problems.

age limit

In accordance with the current legislation, the age until which a citizen can hold his position in the armed forces directly depends on his rank.

In 2014, the age limit up to which a person could perform military duties was increased by five years for all personnel, and this affected not only the fleet and the army, but also employees who work in other law enforcement agencies or are in reserve.

Thus, now the maximum allowable age for military service is as follows:

Given that, in practice, in the vast majority of cases, military personnel are not in a great hurry to retire, and instead prefer to simply increase their own service life, persons holding one of the positions in the senior officer corps are currently in the best position . At the same time, certain problems will undoubtedly affect representatives of the lower ranks of officers, soldiers and sergeants, since they should lose their shoulder straps after they turn 50 years old.

Officers who do not want to continue their military career and decide to turn off this path even before they reach the maximum allowable age for service will in no way feel the above changes in the current legislation, since today it is exactly the same as before , it will be possible to retire before the specified age, if there are good reasons for that.

The increase in the maximum allowable age also affected citizens who are in reserve. Now, if such a need arises, ensigns and privates can be called back for military service until they turn 35, 45 or 50 years old, depending on what kind of military specialty they have. At the same time, junior reserve officers may be called up to 50, 55 and 60 years of age.

Reserve lieutenant colonels, majors, as well as captains of the 2nd or 3rd rank can be called up to 55, 60 and 65 years old, depending on what rank they have. Colonels and captains of the 1st rank are called up to 60 and 65 years, while senior officers can serve up to 65 and 70 years.

Will there be an increase

During the direct line in 2017, the president was asked if there were plans to increase the age limit for military service. The head of state specified that in the near future a positive decision could be made regarding the officers, but at the same time, all the advantages and disadvantages of such a decision should be taken into account.

Putin also stressed that, regardless of the circumstances, no one will review the term of service of citizens who have come into the armed forces or by conscription, but with regard to officers, possible solutions will need to be considered, since the overwhelming majority of them want to stay in the service longer than the prescribed period.

Whether any organizational conclusions have been made in the Ministry of Defense is currently unknown, that is, it is quite possible that in the future, in principle, there will be no action in this direction.

Features for women

Representatives of the weak field today are given the opportunity to seriously compete with men in almost any military specialty. From the point of view of the current legislation, every woman is a full-fledged subject of military affairs, in connection with which they are granted the same rights as male contract soldiers.

The only exception in this case is any family circumstances related to the birth or upbringing of a child, as well as the performance of work in conditions of increased risk or heavy physical exertion.

Also, in practice, despite the declared absence of any discrimination based on gender, the current legislation provides for another fairly significant difference - the maximum age at which women can perform military duties.

Article 49.2 of the Federal Law, which regulates military service, states that the fairer sex can serve up to 45 years, while the new amendment does not include any rules on increasing age limits, in connection with which the former law continues to be unchanged.

What to do when you reach

As mentioned above, if a person has reached the maximum allowable age provided for the performance of military duties, this does not mean that he must be dismissed from his position without fail. If he declares that he is ready to serve further, they can re-issue a contract with him.

The specified law does not mention the mandatory need for the complete dismissal of a citizen after he reaches the required age. In the event that a person is ready to continue to carry out his official duties, the manager has the right to reissue a contract with him for a period of one to ten years.

In this case, the resolution on the execution of a new contract, as well as the duration of its validity, must be drawn up by the following persons:

  • the supreme commander-in-chief (president), when it comes to extending the contract for senior officers and persons who are equated to them;
  • the leadership of the federal executive body of the area in which the serviceman will perform his duties, if we are talking about captains of the 1st rank, colonels or those positions that are equal in their rights to the indicated ranks;
  • officials with the appropriate authority to appoint military personnel to their positions, if the person had the rank of captain of the 2nd rank, lieutenant colonel or lower.

To adopt a positive resolution in order to issue an updated contract, it is not enough just the desire of the serviceman himself to continue fulfilling his duties.

In this case, authorized persons must accept not only the practical qualities of this employee, but also his state of health, in connection with which a decision can be made to send a person for additional certification by a military medical commission.

The physicians' opinion of the individual must ultimately be the basis for the authorized decision maker to sign the contract at least four months before the end due date services of the concerned citizen.


If a soldier has been in his position for more than 20 years, the pension payments due to him will correspond to half of the income that he had during his service. This also applies to those citizens who have a total experience of more than 25 years, if more than half of this period they served in the Ministry of Internal Affairs or in the military sphere.

If the service life of a person is more than twenty years, then for each subsequent year an additional 3% of the specified amount will be charged. If the experience is mixed - only 1%.

The pension payments themselves will include several elements, such as:

  • official salary;
  • salary assigned by rank;
  • increments accrued for length of service;
  • index payments;
  • compensation.

Monetary allowance does not provide for the inclusion of allowances due for service in any remote areas, highlands or special conditions. The current legislation establishes that this amount cannot be less than 100% of the main part of the pension due upon reaching the appropriate age.

Basic indicators are established by certain regulations and instructions of the Government. Even if the length of service has been fully worked out, the soldier has the right to receive an old-age pension.

Members of the military are entitled to receive old-age and service pensions. Authorized employees of the Pension Fund, in the process of calculating the amount of the allowance due upon reaching the required age, do not take into account the time of work that a person spent in military service.

If it took place under special conditions, a preferential option for calculating pension payments will be used, and, for example, if a person took a direct part in hostilities, every month he will be calculated for three. This also applies to service in the North Caucasus.

The current legislation provides for a number of other situations in which the accrual of pensions is carried out according to special rules. Benefits are available to all citizens who performed their duties in an unfavorable climate (for example, in the Far North), in connection with which each serviceman often has a unique pension amount that differs from others.