
Flegel Georg - all artworks by the artist. Georg Flegel. Still lifes Kitchen still life with food

Flegel Georg - all artworks by the artist.  Georg Flegel.  Still lifes Kitchen still life with food

G. Flegel is considered the first German artist who painted still lifes and one of the largest European masters of this genre at the beginning of the 17th century. Flegel is also the creator of a large number of watercolors depicting flowers, often in life size.

Born in Moravia. in a shoemaker's family. Beginning in 1580, he worked in Linz as an assistant in the studio of the Dutch painter Lucas van Valckenborch. Flegel's task was to paint fruits, vegetables and flowers on large-format canvases depicting corporate feasts or market scenes. In 1592/1593, Valckenborch moved his workshop to Frankfurt am Main, and G. Flegel and his wife Brigitte followed him. In April 1597, Flegel, with the help of Walkenborch, received Frankfurt citizenship and opened his own workshop. Since 1600, the artist has been trying to paint his first still lifes, using as nature those fruits and objects that were usually used to create a background in large paintings.

Flegel's workshop, in its size and productivity, could not, of course, be compared with the real art workshop of his teacher, where several students and assistants constantly worked. Flegel's only student was the artist Jacob Marrel, who then continued his studies in Utrecht with Jan de Heem. The famous German master of still life Sebastian Stoskopf, who adopted a lot from Flegel, apparently never saw his teacher during his lifetime and adopted his skill, studying his canvases.

G. Flegel had seven children, of whom two of his sons were also artists.

Painter, founder of the German school of still life.

life and creation

G. Flegel is considered the first German artist who painted still lifes and one of the largest European masters of this genre at the beginning of the 17th century. Flegel is also the creator of a large number of watercolors depicting flowers, often in life size.

Born in Moravia. in a shoemaker's family. Beginning in 1580, he worked in Linz as an assistant in the studio of the Dutch painter Lucas van Valckenborch. Flegel's task was to paint fruits, vegetables and flowers on large-format canvases depicting corporate feasts or market scenes. In 1593, Valckenborch moved his workshop to Frankfurt am Main, and G. Flegel and his wife Brigitte followed him. In April 1597, Flegel, with the help of Walkenborch, received Frankfurt citizenship and opened his own workshop. With the artist trying to paint his first still lifes, using as nature those fruits and objects that usually created the background in large paintings.

Flegel's workshop, in its size and productivity, could not, of course, be compared with the real art workshop of his teacher, where several students and assistants constantly worked. Flegel's only student was the painter Jacob Marrel, who then continued his studies in Utrecht with Jan de Heem. The famous German still life master Sebastian Stoskopf, who adopted a lot from Flegel, apparently never saw his teacher during his lifetime and adopted his skill by studying his canvases.

G. Flegel had seven children, of whom two of his sons were also artists.


    Flegel - Schrankbild.jpg

    Wardrobe and flowers

    Flegel - Imbiss mit Spiegeleiern.jpg

    Still life with fried eggs

    Flegel - Stilleben mit Kuttrolf und Kirschen.jpg

    Still life with vase and cherries

    Flegel, Georg - Still-life with Parrot.jpg

    Still life with a parrot

    George Flegel Still-life with Fish.jpg

    Still life with fish

    Stilleben mit Brot und Zuckerwerk.jpg

    Still life with bread and sweets

    Flegel - Stilleben mit Gebäck und Zuckerwerk.jpg

    Still life with cookies and sweets

    Flegel - Aprikosenzweig.jpg

    Branch with apricots

    Flegel - Blumen, Römer und Stieglitz auf Weissbrotwecken in einer Nische.jpg

    Flowers and a goldfinch on a loaf of white bread in a niche

    George Flegel Dessert Still-Life.jpg

    Still life with dessert

    Flegel - Vorratskammer bei Kerzenlicht.jpg

    Pantry by candlelight

    Flegel - Tabakstilleben mit Kerze.jpg

    Still life with a pipe by candlelight

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Excerpt characterizing Flegel, Georg

And then my mother returned, and he was completely powerless to help her with something, and did not know at all how to get her out of this terrible, “dead” state ...
The death of little Alexander deeply shocked the entire Seryogin family. It seemed that sunlight would never return to this sad house, and laughter would never sound again ... Mom was still “killed”. And although her young body, obeying the laws of nature, began to grow stronger and stronger, her wounded soul, despite all the efforts of her father, like a bird that had flown away, was still far away and, having plunged deeply into the ocean of pain, was in no hurry to return from there ...

But soon, after some six months, good news came to them - mom was pregnant again ... Dad was frightened at first, but seeing that mom suddenly began to revive very quickly, he decided to take risks, and now everyone is looking forward to they were expecting a second child... This time they were very careful, and tried in every possible way to protect their mother from any unwanted accidents. But, unfortunately, trouble, apparently for some reason, fell in love with this hospitable door ... And she knocked again ...
With a fright, knowing the sad story of my mother's first pregnancy, and fearing that something would go “wrong” again, the doctors decided to perform a “caesarean section” even before the contractions began (!). And apparently they did it too early ... One way or another, a girl was born, who was named Marianna. But, unfortunately, she also managed to live for a very short time - after three days this fragile, slightly blossoming life, for unknown reasons, was interrupted ...
There was a terrible impression that someone really did not want her mother to give birth at all ... And although by nature and genetics she was a strong and absolutely suitable woman for childbearing, she was already afraid to even think about repeating such a cruel attempt once generally...
But man is a creature, surprisingly strong, and is able to endure much more than he himself could ever imagine ... Well, pain, even the most terrible, (if it does not immediately break the heart) is once visible blunted, forced out, eternally living in each of us, hope. That is why, exactly one year later, very easily and without any complications, in the early December morning, another daughter was born to the Seryogin family, and I turned out to be this happy daughter ... But ... and this birth would certainly have ended differently happily, if everything continued to happen according to the pre-prepared plan of our “compassionate” doctors ... On a cold December morning, my mother was taken to the hospital, even before she had contractions, in order, again, to “be sure” that “ nothing bad will happen (!!!) ... Dad, wildly nervous from "bad feelings", rushed back and forth along the long hospital corridor, unable to calm down, because he knew that, according to their common agreement, mom did such try for the last time and if something happens to the child this time, it means that they will never be destined to see their children ... The decision was difficult, but dad preferred to see, if not children, then at least his beloved " asterisk "alive, and not bury all his family at once, even in our standing still without understanding what it really means - his family ...

    Flegel- Flegel, Georg G. Flegel Self-portrait with a clock (1630) Georg Flegel (German Georg Flegel, born 1566 Olomouc d. March 23, 1638 Frankfurt am Main German artist, founder of the German school ... Wikipedia

    Flegel- Georg (Flegel, Georg) 1566, Olmütz 1638, Frankfurt. German painter. There is little information about the years of his education and creative path. He played a significant role in the development of the still life genre in the Nordic countries. He started his business by... European Art: Painting. Sculpture. Graphics: Encyclopedia

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    Artists In- A service list of articles created to coordinate work on the development of the topic. This warning did not install ... Wikipedia

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Georg Flegel is a German painter, founder of the German school of still life, as well as a painter of the Baroque Era, an era largely known for its still lifes of that time.

Flegel's style deviates from Netherlandish sophistication in favor of naturalistic precision, a tradition emanating from the nature studies of Albrecht Dürer (1471–1528) and Hans Hoffmann (1545/50-1591/92) to the miniatures of Joris Hoefnagel , 1542–1601?) and drawings by Jacques de Gheyn (1565–1629).

Georg Flegel was born in Olomouc in Moravia / Olmütz, Moravia in 1566. It is known that he was the son of a shoemaker and was not a Catholic. Around 1580, he travels to Vienna, where he becomes an assistant to Lucas van Valckenborch I, a painter and draftsman. Both artists later moved to Frankfurt, a city that at that time was an important center of art. Working as an assistant to Lucas, Flegel added details to the paintings, such as fruits, flowers, and tableware.

Over a period of about 30 years (c. 1600-1630), Flegel painted 110 watercolor paintings, mostly still lifes. Georg Flegel specialized in still lifes depicting table scenes with an abundance of food, tableware, flowers, and occasional animals. In many paintings, he depicted insects, in particular beetles. Flegel's students included his own two sons, Friedrich (Friedrich, 1596/1597-1616) and Jacob/Jacob (probably Leonhard/Leonhard, 1602-1623), as well as the painter Jacob Marrel/Jacob Marrel.

Georg Flegel was a German Baroque painter known for his still lifes.

Flegel was born in Olomouc, Moravia, 1566. He was the son of a shoemaker, from a Protestant family, after 1580, when the Counter-Reformation began to take effect in Olomouc, he was forced to move to Vienna. There he became an assistant to the Flemish painter and draftsman Lucas van Valckenborch.

Flegel and his employer later moved to Frankfurt, which at that time was a well-known center for art and publishing. As an assistant, he added elements such as fruits, flowers, tableware and other details to Valckenborch's paintings.

Frankfurt publishers drew attention to the exact reproduction of flowers and fruits by Flegel, as well as watercolors by Dürer, still lifes by artists from the Netherlands in Frankfurt, and botanical and zoological illustrations by Joris Hoefnagel, Pieter van der Borch (Borcht) IV and Carl Clausius (Clusius ).

Over the course of 30 years (1600-1630), Flegel created 110 watercolor drawings, mostly still lifes, which often depict dining sets and foodstuffs, flowers, and sometimes animals.

Among his pupils were his own sons, Friedrich and Jacob, as well as the artists Jacob Marrel and Sebastian Stoskopff.

Georg Flegel died in Frankfurt am Main in 1638.

Georg Flegel (1566-1638) and Workshop van Lucas Valckenborch I (1535/45-1597)
On the market. Oil on canvas. 32 3/8 x 47 inches (82.2 x 119.4 cm).
On December 8, 2010, the painting was sold to a private collector for £61,250 ($96,163)

Still life with fish

Georg Flegel (1566-1638)

Still life with flowers in a niche. Irises, tulips, anemones, snake head hazel grouse, lilies, daffodils, carnations, turkish lilies, violets, rosemary, bluebells, pink roses, red peony, chrysanthemums, foxgloves, clematis, snapdragons and other flowers in a decorated pewter jar with black and red striped beetle, on a ledge in a stone niche with a cylindrical goblet glass of white wine, sliced ​​roll, cherries, stag beetle and knife.

Canvas, oil
24 ½ x 17 ¾ inches (62.2 x 45 cm). The painting was sold at an auction in New York in 2006 for $4,048,000.

Workshop of Georg Flegel (1566-1638)
Still life. Lemons in a bowl, basket walnuts and hazelnuts, sliced ​​lemon, knife. The mouse eats a nut wooden table, and cat .
Wood, oil
19 3/8 x 25 inches (49.2 x 63.5 cm).
Sold in 2008 for £16,250 ($24,213)