
Nod is a winter hut for animals. Summary of classes for the middle group in kindergarten: Winter hut of animals. I. Organizational moment

Nod is a winter hut for animals.  Summary of classes for the middle group in kindergarten: Winter hut of animals.  I. Organizational moment


Target: Teach children to retell the story close to the text. Develop the ability to listen to a literary text and respond to its content, follow the development of the plot; to form an emotional perception of a fairy tale and interest in it; the ability to answer questions about its content; to teach to perform game actions corresponding to the text of a fairy tale, to develop memory, attention, thinking. To cultivate the ability to observe facial expressions when reading, not interfere with each other, listen to the text to the end. Material: Sand box, animal toys (bull, ram, pig, cat, rooster, wolves) split picture, magic chest.

Lesson progress

Educator: Children today a lot of guests came to our group. They are very interested to see what we do, how we play. Children: Children's answers Educator: What are we going to do? (Knock on the door. Pinocchio enters the group, he has a briefcase in his hands). Educator: Hello, Pinocchio! And how did you get to us? Pinocchio: Papa Carlo and Giuseppe sent me to school, I walked through the forest, looked at everything, and I was late, but I'm glad I was late, because I didn't learn my lessons. Educator: Pinocchio is it possible to skip school, especially not to learn lessons? Pinocchio: So what! Everything is possible for me. Yes, I'm not very alone, that's what I want. Educator: Let the children and I help you learn your lessons. Pinocchio: Can you? Children: yes Educator: Well, what will the children help Pinocchio? Children: Children's answers. Educator: Well, show me what you have in your portfolio. (Pinocchio takes out illustrations of fairy tales from his portfolio. Children name each fairy tale and tell a little about the content). Pinocchio: Oh, what good fellows you are, you guessed everything so quickly. Also, you know, I have something for you. You don't know for sure. Educator: Our children, Pinocchio, can do everything, well, get what you have there. (Children are given parts of a split picture. Next comes collective work. A calm melody sounds. Having folded the picture, the children call the fairy tale “Wintering”). Educator: Well done children! You see Pinocchio, our children can do everything. And now you go to the chair and look and listen to how we and the children will tell your favorite fairy tale. (The teacher draws the attention of the children to their right shoulder, where geometric figures of different colors are pasted. Similar large geometric figures lie on the carpet). Educator: Whoever correctly finds the same geometric figure on the carpet will recognize his place. (Children do).

Reading the fairy tale "Zimovye"

Educator: Guys, how else can you call Zimovye? Children: House, house, little house, hut, hut, hut. Educator: That's right, well done, they called a lot of words, we talked about the winter hut, and now let's remember who built the winter hut? (Children name the heroes of the fairy tale). Educator: Oh, and we have a fabulous chest here. I'll open it now and check if you named the fairy-tale heroes correctly (finds toys in the chest, for all the named heroes). Well done! All characters are correctly named. What voices do children use? Same or different? Children: different Educator: Egor! How would Kotofey call the cockerel to build a winter hut? What voice? Anya! As if Khavronya ... Vlad! Like a bull...

Didactic game

Educator: Children, we just remembered that our fairy-tale heroes speak in different voices, because they are all completely different: in size, appearance, and in character, and in habits. Now we will name as many interesting words-signs as possible about each of the heroes of the fairy tale, which answer the questions which one? Which? Ram, which one? Children: Goggle-eyed, horned, curly. Educator: Rooster, what? Children: Cocky, smart, handsome, hardworking. Educator: Well done! Our animals are very happy that you know a lot of interesting words about them.

Fitness minute.

Educator: Let's tell the children "a fairy tale in our sandbox. (Children, with the help of the teacher, lay out the silhouettes of the heroes of the fairy tale in the sandbox). Educator: well done guys. That's all the heroes of the fairy tale "Winter hut" in the collection. Re-reading the fairy tale. Educator: A now Vanya will tell us how the fairy tale begins. Olya! Tell us, what did the animals do in the forest? Semyon! Tell us how the fairy tale ended? (After each retelling, turn to all the children.) Educator: How did you tell, Vanya? What did Olya forget to say? Did Semyon finish the fairy tale correctly? Educator: Well done kids! Pinocchio! You liked how the children told your favorite fairy tale. So don’t be lazy, go to school, learn your lessons, listen to dad Carlo. Pinocchio: Thank you very much, I’m ashamed that I was so lazy, I didn't study my lessons, now I will study only for 4 and 5. And for that you have a treat.

Educator: Fairy tales are loved by everyone in the world, Adults and children love them. Fairy tales teach us kindness and diligent work, To be friends with everyone around! Well done children! We have done a lot together today. Thank you very much for an interesting activity.

MKU MGO "Education"

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 98"

Synopsis of GCD

for middle-aged children

"Winter hut of animals"


Lesson objectives: Create conditions for fixing the account within 5, knowledge of numbers within 5, designate the number of items with a number; to consolidate the ability to distinguish and name geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle, rectangle); continue to teach children when comparing two objects to highlight the parameter of length, width, height, use the words “more - less”, “higher - lower”, “wider - narrower” in speech; develop logical thinking, attention, memory.

Equipment: demonstration - a flying carpet, a letter from animals, 2 Christmas trees, 2 paths of different widths, snowflakes with numbers, 3 large and 2 small cones, counting sticks, heroes of the fairy tale "The Winter Cabin of Animals", a drawing paper with a painted house, geometric shapes (patches for flying carpet)
Preliminary work: Reading the fairy tale "Winter hut of animals", neighbors of numbers, use of prepositions before, after, parts of the house.

GCD progress:

caregiver: Children enter the group and stand in front of the guests and teachers in a semicircle for children in a circle.

Hello! You tell the person.

Hello! He smiles back.

And will be healthy for many years.

educator b: Come on, guys, wish our guests health and, say, hello!

caregiver: Guys, I came to the group this morning and found a letter, let's see what is written there and from whom it came. Opens. And they write to us a bull, a ram, a cat, a rooster and a pig, from which fairy tale are these animals?

Guys - "Winter hut for animals."

And what are these animals? Questions lead to the answer - pets. Let's read the letter.
- Hello guys. We left the house for the forest. But winter is coming, and we have nowhere to live. Please help us build a warm home.

Q: Well, guys, help the animals?

Re: help.
To help the animals and build a house, we need to complete tasks, all together, overcoming difficulties together, helping each other. (Repeat with the children the rules of behavior in the forest).
So guys, let's get down to business, shall we?

Then let's go on a trip to the fairy forest! And we will go there on a magic carpet-plane.

(The teacher shows the "flying carpet")

Educator:- Oh, guys, what happened? His mice gnawed. Let's fix the flying carpet. I have some patches on my tray, look what the patches look like?

Re: on the figures.

Q: What geometric shapes do you see?

Re: circle, square, triangle.

Q: Let's see if the patches are suitable for darning a plane carpet? Every re. Takes a figure and finds the right hole. The teacher asks each one what your figure is called?

(Children take turns applying and identifying those "patches" that are suitable for repairing the carpet.)

Educator:- Our carpet is ready to fly. And now, friends, all aboard.

(The teacher and the children stand on the carpet and imitate the movement of the flight).

Our carpet flies and rushes,

We are not afraid of difficulties.

In fairy land

We will find ourselves!

Educator: So we flew into the fairy forest! But he will not let us go further until we complete his task. Look how beautiful it is here. What trees do you see in front of you?

Re.- Christmas trees.

Q: - Trees, what height?

Children: high and low.

Educator: On which tree do the cones hang?

Children: on high.

Educator: Let's count the bumps.

Children: one, two, three, four, five.

Educator: how many cones?

Children: 5 cones.

Educator: What size cones?

Children: Big and small.

Q: How many big cones?

Q: how many small cones?

Educator: What cones are more?

Children: More big cones.

Educator: Which cones are smaller?

Children: Less small cones.

Q: How can I make the cones equal (the same number)?

D: add a small one. Remove the big one.

Educator: Well done. You did it.

Walking in a circle is accompanied by the words of the teacher: we walk like bears, we walk like a fox, we jump like bunnies, we flew like birds.

Educator: - Guys, look what kind of snowdrift we have here? What's this?

D: snowflakes are lying.

Q: What is written on them?
D: - numbers
Q: Are the numbers in their place?
D: no
Q: Let's arrange them correctly.
D: arrange and pronounce in order from 1 to 5. Be sure to name these numbers.

Q: What are the neighbors of the number 2, 3, 4.

Re: 2-1 and 3, 3-2 and 4, 4-3 and 5.

Q: Let's call the numbers in reverse order.

Re: 5,4,3,2,1.

Q: Well done guys, we did the job! Move on!

Educator: What is this in front of us? These are snowy paths along which animals walk in the forest.
Q: How wide are the paths?
D: wide, narrow.
Q: Which way should we go to get to the animals faster? How many children can walk down the road at the same time without falling? (Working out the concept of wide, narrow) Visually, children try on how many children can fit on a wide and narrow one.

The guys go along a wide path and find themselves at the edge of the forest.

Educator: - Guys, you and I ended up at the edge of the forest, where animals are waiting for us.
Let's go to the table with you. Look, we have a drawing paper with a picture of a house on our table. What parts of the house will we build? (Children specify for which animal which part) What material will we build a house from?

D: - counting sticks.

Educator: The distribution of children, which part of the house I will build.
Let's put the animals in our part of the house.
Enjoyed the work done.
Educator: Well done boys! We return home. They closed their eyes and counted to 5, found themselves back in our group.
Whom did we help?
What happened to them?
How did we help them?

Where is the animal house?
What tasks did you perform in the fairy forest?

How were the difficulties overcome?
What was difficult for you to do?
To whom shall we thank?
And the animals also say thank you, now they will be warm in the winter forest.

Synopsis of an integrated lesson on speech development in the middle group.

Reading the fairy tale "Wintering of animals"

Topic: reading the fairy tale "Wintering house of animals"

Target: deepening children's interest in fiction.


Continue to learn to listen to a work of art, evaluate the behavior of characters;

To form the ability to answer questions, maintain a conversation;

Activate the vocabulary of children: winter hut, chop down a hut, hew poles, tear wood chips, caulk walls;

Enrich the vocabulary of children: “Fear has big eyes”;

Lead to an understanding of the figurative content of proverbs;

Develop attention and monologue and dialogic speech;

Develop visual perception;

To instill in children an interest in reading a work of art, the desire to listen carefully.

Material: a chest, the book "Winter House of Animals", a multimedia projector for recording music "Winter" by Tchaikovsky, "Magic", the sounds of a steam locomotive, preparations for wagons and a locomotive, music "Insect steam locomotive", a presentation for a fairy tale, emoticons.

Preliminary work:acquaintance with the fairy tale “Winter hut of animals”, discussion distinctive features every hero.

1. Stimulating interest

(children enter the group to the music of Tchaikovsky's "Winter")

The teacher reads a poem by A.S. Pushkin

Here is the north catching up clouds,

He breathed, howled - and here she is

Winter magic is coming!

Came, crumbled into shreds,

Hanging on the branches of oaks,

She lay down with wavy carpets

Among the fields, around the hills,

A shore with a motionless river

Leveled with a plump veil,

Frost flashed. And we are glad

I'll tell mother winter!

Guys, what time of year is it? (winter)

How is winter different from other seasons? (cold, snow, etc.)

Guys, what do you think, animals and birds in the forest are happy with the pranks of mother - winter?

Does it winter well in severe frosts, blizzards, snowfalls?

Can you travel in winter?

Do you love to travel? Today I invite you to travel to an amazing fairy tale. But what are we going to do there? How can we get into it? (by train, plane, steamer, bus, steam locomotive, etc.)

Or maybe we'll build a magic engine that can take us?

To the cheerful music of the “Insect Steam Locomotive”, the guys “build” a steam locomotive from prepared trailers and hit the road. Having completed the work, they close their eyes and say in chorus: “One, two, three, get into a fairy tale.”

Here we come to the fairy tale. But which one? You know? (no) ("Winter hut for animals")

And to find out, try to solve riddles:

1. Pink back, bristles on the back, crocheted tail, and snout nose? (Pig)

2. Big, horned, mooing, whiskered tail? (Bull)

3. Tail with patterns, and boots with spurs, gets up early, sings songs loudly? (Rooster)

4. Soft paws, scratches on the paws, walks easily, likes milk? (Cat)

5. Does he wear a fur coat in both hot and cold weather? (Ram)

6. Who is cold in winter, walks through the forest hungry? (Wolf)

Well done, you solved all my riddles. Did you find out which fairy tale the heroes are from (answers)

All answers are illustrated on slides.

2. Preparation for perception

(Magic music playing)

Guys, can you hear the music? I wonder where she's from?

Guys, look, there is a magic chest here. What is in it? The teacher takes out a box. Pronounces the words:

One, two, three, Magic chest, Give us something!

(The teacher takes out a children's book from the chest)

Guys, what is it? (book) And what should be done with it (read)

(Children sit in a semicircle.)

3. Reading the fairy tale "Winter hut of animals"(reading a fairy tale is accompanied by a display of illustrations on slides)

What is the story about? (about how the animals built a winter hut)

How do you understand what the word "winter hut" means? (house)

Why did the animals build their own home? (to live, winter)

Who did what?

(the bull "pillars hewn" - leveled the logs;

the ram "chip tore" - finely chopped a tree into chips;

the pig “kneaded clay”, laid bricks;

the cat wore moss, “caulked the walls” - plugged cracks in the walls; the rooster winged the roof.)

What does "cut the hut" mean? (build a house)

What happened once? (wolves come)

How did the animals manage to escape? (the animals scared the wolves)

Did you like the fairy tale?

The animals rejoiced that they were saved from the wolf and, in joy, began to have fun and dance. Come on guys, let's take a break.

4. Physical education "Winter-winter"

Hello Zimushka-winter! (we bow)

What did you bring as a gift? (we spread our arms to the sides)

Fluffy white snow, (squat, run our hands over imaginary snow)

Hoarfrost silver (get up, raise your hands up)

Skis, sleds and skates, (we imitate the movements of skiers and skaters)

And lights on the tree! (raise hands up, turn the "flashlights")

5. Clarification of the proverb, continuation of the conversation.

There is a proverb: “Fear has big eyes” how do you understand it? (It’s scary when you don’t know the truth, because of fear everything seems exaggerated, terrible).

About whom can we say this in our fairy tale? (about the wolf)

What did the wolf think?

I will read about it again (we read the fairy tale again the passage about the wolf)

So guys, don't be afraid of something that doesn't really exist.

Well guys, we visited the fairy tale, read the fairy tale, and now it's time for us to return to kindergarten.

Let's close our eyes and say the words: "One, two, three, get out of the fairy tale."

6. The result of the lesson.

Guys, let's remember where we were today? (in a fairy tale)

What they were doing? (read a story)

What fairy tale did you read? ("Winter hut of animals")

Why are books needed? (to learn a lot of new and interesting things)

Did you enjoy traveling today?

Was it difficult to answer questions? Why?

(Teacher sums up)

If you liked it, then take a smiley face that smiles. If you didn’t like it, then take a sad emoticon (children take emoticons and explain their choice).

Olga Shevchenko
Synopsis of the complex lesson "Wintering of animals"

Program content:

Target: To form an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe life of animals in the forest, their adaptation to the winter period; to form in preschoolers an installation for the protection and conservation of the environment.


Educational: Continue to clarify and systematize children's ideas about and adaptability of animals to winter conditions. Learn to look for the causes of changes in the life of animals, in their habitat. To consolidate the ability to analyze wildlife objects, to highlight essential features.

Educational: Develop coherent speech; expand vocabulary with possessives adjectives: wolf, fox, bear. Develop persuasive language.

Generate an interest in animal life. Develop skills for environmentally friendly behavior. Develop imagination, curiosity, memory and thinking of children.

Educational: Raise a caring attitude towards animals; sense of camaraderie, improve the style of partnership in kindergarten.

Methods: practical, game, visual, auditory, verbal.

tricks: Immersion in a game situation, group work, conversation, riddles, voice and emotional modulation.

preliminary work:

1. View a multimedia presentation with conversations about animals: preparing animals for winter.

2. Examination of illustrations, albums on topic: "Animals winter» making up stories from pictures.

3. Conducting didactic games "Zoological Domino", "Who's extra?" Conducting outdoor games.

4. Game situations according to the rules for handling animals.

5. Reading the works of L. Tolstoy "Hares", M. Prishvina "Squirrel Memory", Skrebitsky G. A. Fairy tale "Everyone in his own way", V. bianchi "Getting Ready for Winter".

Health saving technology: Fizminutka.

Decor: slides.

Implementation of the Federal State requirements: integration of the acquired skills and abilities of the child through educational areas "Knowledge", "Communication", "Socialization", "Physical Culture", "Health", the use of the game situation throughout lessons, introduction of developing technologies in work with children.

Educational Resources: Program "Birth to School" N. E. Veraksy, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva.

Lesson progress:

Slide number 1 Winter landscape.

The teacher reads a poem by A. S. Pushkin

Here is the north catching up clouds,

He breathed, howled - and here she is

Winter magic is coming!

Came, crumbled into shreds,

Hung on the branches of oaks, Laid down with wavy carpets

Among the fields, around the hills,

A shore with a motionless river

Leveled with a plump veil,

Frost flashed. And we are glad

I'll tell mother winter!

Guys, what do you think, animals and birds in the forest are happy with the pranks of mother - winter?

Does it winter well in severe frosts, blizzards, snowfalls?


And now, folks, the fun begins. Reading the winter forest book. Each

The page of the book begins with a riddle.

Mystery number 1.

Day and night he roams the forest,

Day and night looking for prey,

He walks, he wanders silently, his ears are gray upright.


Slide number 2. Mnemotable and pictures of the wolf.


Let's make a story about a wolf using a table.

(Teacher's instructions for using the mnemonic table).

Mnemotable about animals in winter.

Children talk about the wolf.

caregiver: Riddle #2

And eared, and big-eyed,

And much to be afraid.

Climb into the bush and sleep

Eat a stump - and full


Slide number 3 Picture with a hare.


Remember the name of the fairy tale in which the hare saw how animals are preparing for winter(G. A. Skrebitsky "Everyone in his own way").

Tell me how the hare hibernates (children's stories) Physical education minute: "Have time to hide about the wolf".


Which animal also eats tree bark? (Elk)

Slide #4 "Elk"


Guys, how does an elk escape from severe frosts?


Riddle #3

A rodent but not a mouse

Jumper, but not a hare,

Red tail, but not a fox

Slide number 5. "Squirrel".

Tell me how the squirrel hibernates.

Slide number 6 Traces of animals.


In addition to the wolf, there are many different animals in the forest. Look at the next page of our book. Painted patterns of different footprints on the snow. An experienced forester can read the forest alphabet in the footsteps. We need to sort out the tracks with you and determine which animals left them.

Traces of a hare, a wolf, an elk, a crow are laid out on the carpet (the teacher offers the children "go through the labyrinth of footprints" and reach the square, name the animal and open the square?


Guys, what animal traces will we not see in the forest and why?

(bear, badger, hedgehog).

Slide number 7 Bear, hedgehog, badger.

Slide #8 "Bear".


Tell us how a bear prepares for winter.


We play the game "Does it happen or not?" I ask a question, throw the ball, and you answer it with either "Trick-Track, that's right!" or "Trick-Track, that's not right, and throw the ball back to me.

Question #1: "Squirrel preparing stocks for the winter?"

Question #2: "The fox's house is called a hut?"

Question #3: "Beaver sleeps winter

Question #4: "Animals that eat grass are called predators?"

Question #5: "Moose is a herbivore?"

Question #6: "Animals that gnaw bark, nuts, grains are called rodents?"

Question #7: Does a hare cover its tracks with its tail?

Question #8: "Wolf - a predatory animal?"

Question #9: "The black grouse lives in a hole under the snow?"

Question #10: "An animal that eats everything is called an omnivore?"


On this page of the book, the artist hid forest animals so that you won't see them right away.

Only parts are visible. Name whose tail, ears, horns, paws, etc.

Slide number 9-10. Didactic task "Know the animal by part"

Slide number 11 Winter forest.


Guys, now you fill out the page of the forest book yourself. You need to place the animal in the right place.

(The paper depicts a winter forest with burrows, a lair, a hollow, etc.)

Children stick animals in the right place and explain.


Guys, today we read a book about wintering animals. What page do you like the most?

You talked about a lot today winter hut of animals. Nature itself has adapted the animals to winter, but man must also take care of the animals. To feed birds. We will do this with you on a walk.


direct educational activities

(Introduction to fiction)

Theme "Reading the Russian folk tale" Wintering of animals "

Introduce children to the world of fiction.

Develop sensitivity to expressive means of artistic speech.


Cultivate love for Russian folk tales;activity, organization, Attach to generally accepted norms and rules.


Develop fantasy, imagination, stimulate the manifestation of strong-willed qualities, resourcefulness; to form the ability to use verbal and non-verbal means of communication. Develop the ability to think logically, reason, analyze.


To form an emotional-figurative perception of works of different genres (fairy tales). Clarify understanding of the content of the tale, its ideas. Lead to an understanding of the figurative content of proverbs. Learn to understand and evaluate the characters of the characters,write riddles.

Planned result

The child expresses his attitude to the actions of the characters.

Methods and techniques

Methods: game, practical, verbal, visual.

Receptions: questions, instructions, additions, reminders, thin. a word, an encouraging assessment, etc.

Visual learning aids

Display illustrations through a projector. Animal toys. House stencils.

Organization of children

1.At the tables.

2. In a circle, on a carpet.

3.At the tables

Individual work

Correct mistakes in Arseny's speech. Encouraging evaluation of Danil, Dasha.

vocabulary work

Enrichment: Zimovye.

Active: proud, proud.

preliminary work

Reading Russian folk tales "Teremok", "Wolf and seven kids", "Winged, furry and oily", etc.

2. Conversations on the topic: "A fairy tale, a fairy tale is a joke, telling it is not a joke", "What a fairy tale teaches us."

3. Solving riddles on the themes of Russian folk tales.

4. Telling tales by illustration set

6. Didactic games: “What fairy tale are we from? ”, “Collect a fairy tale”, “What first, what then? »

7. Word games: "Describe the hero", "Find out by description"

8. Learning Russian folk proverbs and sayings.


1 hour Psychological attitude, introductory organizational moment - 1 min.

2 hours Riddles - 2 min.

3h. Reviewing the book of fairy tales - 2 min.

4h. Reading a fairy tale and showing a presentation of a fairy tale - 5 min.

5h. Questions to children - 2 min.

6 hours Physical training “Handsome cockerel-1 min.

7 hours Discussion proverbs “Fear has big eyes” - 1 min.

6. h. The game "Riddle - description of the animal" - 4 min.

7h. Outcome. Children's statements. Self-assessment - 1 min.

Course progress.

AT . Guys, let's play word puzzles. Guess who I will say these words about: pink, fat, clumsy, crochet tail. Who is it?

Children . Pig.

AT . Big, horned, mooing, panicle tail.

Children . Bull.

AT . Small throaty, tailed, bright, multi-colored.

Children . Rooster.

AT . Gray, angry, toothy.

Children . Wolf.

AT. Do you remember what fairy tales about animals we read?

Children . "Teremok", "Mitten", etc.

AT. What story are we going to read today? Can you guess what this tale is about by looking at the book?

Reading a book of fairy tales

Questions for children:

What do you see on the cover?

Can you guess what this book is about?

What is in this book: a story or a fairy tale?

How did you guess?

What do the letters on the cover mean? (book title, author's name).

The title of this bookThe best fairy tales for kidsis a collection of fairy tales. The collection is a book, where not one, but several fairy tales, stories, poems.

These are Russian folk tales. That's why the author's name is not included. The author is the Russian people.

What animals are on the cover? Are they wild or domestic? Can pets live in the forest?

AT . Today I will read you another Russian folk tale - "The Wintering of Animals".

If a fairy tale knocks on the door,
You quickly let her in

Because a fairy tale is a bird:

You scare a little - and you will not find it.

Reading a fairy tale and showing a presentation of the fairy tale.

Questions for children.

AT . What is this story about?

How did it all start?

Why did the animals decide to build a winter hut?

What does "winter" mean? (a house for the winter, a place where you can spend the winter, survive the winter).

How did they build it?

Who did what?

What happened once?

What helped the animals to escape? (the wolf got scared). The animals were happy that everything ended well. The cockerel walked especially proudly, what was he proud of? Let's picture it. We go to the middle of the group.

Physical education "Handsome cockerel"

Ah, handsome cockerel, (children are standing )

At the top of the scallop, (show scallop with palms )

Under the beak of a beard, (depict a beard)

A very proud walk.

Raises paws up. (They walk in a circle, raising their knees high)

Nodding his head importantly.(nod head)

The rooster is the first to rise(Hands on the belt, depict the flapping of wings)

Loudly at dawn sings:


AT . We sit down at the tables.

Q. There is a proverb “Fear has big eyes”. How do you understand it? (it’s scary when it’s dark, when you don’t know what awaits you, because of fear everything seems exaggerated, terrible). Who in the fairy tale turned out to have “big eyes?” Who can you say that about? (about the wolf). What did the wolf think? Did you like the fairy tale? Do you want to listen to it again?

AT . Let's play a game. Toys were hidden behind the screen - different animals. Who -

one of you will talk about this animal, and someone will guess who was said about. If you guess correctly, the little animal will appear from behind the screen.

(The game continues as long as the interest of the children remains).

AT. What new fairy tale did we meet?

Name the characters in the story.

Who do you like the most?

What new word did you learn?

AT. In the evening we will play this fairy tale and draw a winter hut. I have prepared for you

stencils of houses, and you will finish the details (pipe, windows, door) and decorate


At the lesson today they were active, answered questions, made up riddles - descriptions of Sophia, Katya, Timur.

This lesson is over.