
Pies scientist biologist. Surgeon thinker. Nikolai Ivanovich Pirogov. From the biography of Nikolai Ivanovich Pirogova

Pies scientist biologist. Surgeon thinker. Nikolai Ivanovich Pirogov. From the biography of Nikolai Ivanovich Pirogova

Childhood and Youth Years

Nikolai Ivanovich Pirogov was born in Moscow, he was from the family of the Treasury official. Receiving education took place at home. As a child, he noticed a tendency to medical science. Family friend helped education, which was known as a good doctor and professor of Moscow University, E. Mukhin. He drew attention to the tendency of the boy to medical science and began to deal with him personally.


For about 14 years, the boy goes to Moscow University for Medical Branch. Parallel pies are arranged and works with an anatomical theater. After the protection of the thesis, he works abroad for several years.

Nikolai Pirogov was the best in progress, ending the university. In order to prepare for the activities of the professor, he departs in Yuryev University of Tartu. At that time it was the best university of Russia. At the age of 26, a young scientist doctor defended his thesis and became a professor of surgery.

Life abroad

Nikolai Ivanovich went to study at Berlin for a while. There he was known for his dissertation, which was transferred to German.
Visigs are seriously falling along the way home and decides to stay in Riga. Riga was lucky because it made the city by the playground to recognize his talent. As soon as Nikolai Pirogov recovered, he decided to conduct operations again. Prior to that, earlier in the city there were rumors about a successful young doctor. The following was confirmation of his status.

Moving to Pirogov to Petersburg

After a while, he comes to St. Petersburg, and there he becomes at the head of the department of surgery in the Medical and Surgical Academy. At the same time, Nikolai Ivanovich Voziga is engaged in the clinic of hospital surgery. Since he was engaged in training the military, in his interests there was a study of new surgical methods. Due to this, there were opportunities for operations with minimal injury to the patient.

Later, pies went to the Caucasus to the army, because it was necessary to check operating methods that were developed. In the Caucasus for the first time, a bandhold bladge impregnated with starch is applied.

Crimean War

The leading merit of Pirogov is the possibility of introducing a completely new method for the care of wounded in Sevastopol. The method included that the wounded carefully selected already at the first point of aid: the less injured - the sooner the operations will be done, and if the injuries are lungs - it was possible to be treated to stationary hospitals in the country. The scientist is deservedly considered the founder for military surgery.

last years of life

He became the founder of a free hospital in his small virgin estate. He drove from there for only some time, including in order to lecture. In 1881, N. I. Pirogov became the 5th Honorary Citizen of Moscow, thanks to the work for the benefit of education and science.
At the beginning of 1881, pies draws attention to irritation and health problems. N. I. Pirogov died on November 23, 1881 in the village of Cherry (Vinnitsa) because of cancer.

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Date of Birth:

Place of Birth:

Moscow, Russian empire

Date of death:

Place of death:

Cherry village (now in Vinnitsa), Podolsk province, Russian Empire


Russian empire


Prose, poet, playwright, translator

Scientific sphere:


Alma Mother:

Moscow University, Derpt University

Known as:

Surgeon, creator of the atlas of the topographic anatomy of man, military field surgery, the founder of anesthesia, an outstanding teacher.

Awards and Prizes:

Crimean War

After the Crimean War

Last recognition

The last days


In Ukraine

In Belarus

In Bulgaria

In Estonia

In Moldavia

In Filateli

The image of Pirogov in art

Interesting Facts

(13 (25) November 1810, Moscow - November 23 (December 5) 1881, p. Cherry (now in Vinnitsa), Podolsk province, Russian Empire) - Russian surgeon and an anatom, naturalist and teacher, creator of the first atlas of topographic anatomy, The founder of Russian military-field surgery, the founder of the Russian school of anesthesia. Corresponding Member of St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences.


Nikolai Ivanovich was born in Moscow in 1810, in the family of a military treasurer, Major Ivan Ivanovich Pirogov (1772--1826). The mother of Elizabeth Ivanovna Novikova belonged to the old Moscow merchant family. Fourteen-year-old workers entered the medical faculty of Moscow University. Having received a diploma, a few more years studied abroad. The professorial activities of Pirogov were preparing in the Professor Institute at the University of Derpta (now Tartu University). Here, in a surgical clinic, pies worked for five years, brilliantly defended his doctoral thesis and at the age of only twenty-six years he was elected professor of the Derpt University. A few years later, Pirogov was invited to St. Petersburg, where he headed the Department of Surgery at the Medical and Surgical Academy. At the same time, Piers led the hospital surgery organized by him. Since Pirogov's duties included training military surgeons, he was studying the surgical methods common in those times. Many of them were recycled them; In addition, Pirogov developed a number of completely new techniques, thanks to which he managed more often than other surgeons, avoid impact limbs. One of these techniques to date is called "Pirogov Operation".

In search of an effective training method, Pirogov decided to apply anatomical studies on frozen corpses. Pirogov himself called "Ice Anatomy". So the new medical discipline was born - topographic anatomy. A few years later, such an examination of the anatomy, pirogov issued the first anatomical atlas under the title "Topographic anatomy illustrated by cuts conducted through the frozen human body in three directions", which became an indispensable guide for surgeon doctors. From this point on, the surgeons have obtained the opportunity to operate, inflicting the patient's minimal injuries. This atlas and the methodology proposed by the Pirogovka became the basis of all the subsequent development of operational surgery.

In 1847, pies went to the Caucasus to the current army, since he wanted to check the operational methods developed by them in the field. In the Caucasus, for the first time, he applied bandages impregnated with starch. The starch bandage turned out to be more convenient and stronger than the firmware used before. Here, in the village of Salt, pies for the first time in the history of medicine began to operate wounded with essential anesthesia in the field. Total great Surgeon I spent about 10 thousand operations under essential anesthesia.

Crimean War

In 1855, during the Crimean War, Pirogov was the main surgeon besieged by the Anglo-French troops of Sevastopol. Operating the wounded, pies for the first time in the history of Russian medicine used a gypsum bandage, giving the start of the savings tactics of the treatment of the woundings of the limbs and having robbed many soldiers and officers from amputation. During the siege of Sevastopol, to care for the wounded, pies led the training and work of the sisters of the crushes of the Sister of Mercy. It was also an innovation for those times.

The most important merit of Pirogov is the introduction of a completely new method of care for injured in Sevastopol. This method lies in the fact that the wounded was to be thoroughly selected on the first dressing point; Depending on the severity of injuries, one of them was subject to immediate operation in the field, while others, with more light wounds, were evacuated by the country to treatment in stationary military hospitals. Therefore, federation pies are considered the founder of a special direction in surgery known as military field surgery.

For merits in helping the wounded and sick pirogov, the Order of St. Stanislav 1st degree, which gave the right of the hereditary nobility.

After the Crimean War

Despite the heroic defense, Sevastopol was deposited, and the Crimean War was played by Russia. Returning to St. Petersburg, Pirogov at the reception of Alexander II told the emperor about the problems in the troops, as well as about the overall backwardness of the Russian army and its weapons. The emperor did not want to listen to the pier. From now on, Nikolai Ivanovich fell into disfavor, he was sent to Odessa to the position of the guardian of the Odessa and Kiev training districts. Pirogov tried to reform the established system of school education, his actions led to a conflict with the authorities, and the scientist had to leave his post.

He was not only appointed by the Minister of Folk Enlightenment, but also refused to even make him a comrade (deputy) minister, instead he "exist" to lead the Russian candidates in Professor abroad. He chose his residence Heidelberg, where he arrived in May 1862. Candidates were very grateful to him, about this, for example, the warmth of the Nobel laureate I. I. Mesnikov. There, he not only fulfilled his duties, often leaving to other cities where candidates studied, but also provided them with their families and friends any, including medical care, and one of the candidates, the head of the Russian country of Heidelberg, held fundraising For the treatment of Garibaldi and persuaded Pirogov to inspect the wounded Garibaldi. From money Pirogov refused, but I went to Garibaldi and discovered a bullet who was not observed by other world-famous doctors, insisted that Garibaldi left the climate harmful to his wounds, as a result of which the Italian government freed Garibaldi from the captivity. According to the general opinion, it was N. I. Pirogov then saved his leg, and, most likely, the life of the convict with other doctors Garibaldi. In his "memoirs", Garibaldi recalls: "The outstanding professor Petridge, Nelton and Pies, who showed generous attention to me, when I was in a dangerous condition, they proved that for good deeds, for genuine science there are no borders in the family of humanity ...". After that the case that caused Furior in St. Petersburg, an attempt was occurring at Alexander II Nihilists, admired Garibaldi, and, the main thing, the participation of Garibaldi in the war of Prussia and Italy vs. Austria, which caused the displeasure of the Austrian government, and the "red" pies was generally dismissed from public service even without Rights retirement.

In the flourishing of the creative forces of pies, he retired in his small estate "Cherry" near Vinnitsa, where he organized a free hospital. He briefly traveled from there only abroad, as well as at the invitation of the St. Petersburg University to read lectures. By this time, pies were already a member of several foreign academies. For a long time of the piogs, only twice left the estate: the first time in 1870 during the Franco-Prussian war, being invited to the front on behalf of the International Red Cross, and the second time, in 1877-1878 - already in very old age - worked for several months Front during the Russian-Turkish war.

Russian-Turkish War 1877-1878

When Emperor Alexander II visited Bulgaria in August 1877, during the Russian-Turkish war, he remembered the pyrive football as an incomparable surgeon and the best organizer of the medical service at the front. Despite his elderly age (then the pyrogue has already been 67 years old), Nikolai Ivanovich agreed to go to Bulgaria, provided that he will be given complete freedom of action. His desire was satisfied, and 10 October 1877, pies arrived in Bulgaria, to the village of Gorna-Studen, not far from Plevna, where the home apartment of the Russian command was located.

Pirogov organized the treatment of soldiers, the care of wounded and sick in military hospitals in Svishtov, Zalgowee, Bulgarian, Gorna-Studen, Veliko-Tarnovo, Bochot, Biala, Pleven. From October 10 to December 17, 1877, pies drove over 700 km on Brich and Sanya, on the territory of 12,000 square meters. km. busy Russian between the rivers Vit and Yantra. Nikolai Ivanovich visited 11 Russian military-temporary hospitals, 10 divisional lazarets and 3 pharmacy warehouses deployed in 22 different settlements. During this time he was treated and operated on both Russian soldiers and many Bulgarians.

Last recognition

In 1881, N. I. Pirogov became the fifth honorary citizen of Moscow "in connection with the fifty-year-old labor activity on the field of education, science and citizenship."

The last days

At the beginning of 1881, Pies drew attention to pain and irritation on the firm neb mucosa, on May 24, 1881 N. V. Sklifosovsky established the presence of an upper jaw cancer. N. I. Pirogov died in 20 hours 25 minutes on November 23, 1881. in p. Cherry, now part of Vinnitsa.

The body of Pirogov was concerned with his attending physician D. I. Toldovye using the method just developed by him, and buried in a mausoleum in the village of Cherry near Vinnitsa. In the late 1920s, robbers were visited in Skäpet, which damaged the sarcophagus cover, stolen Pirogov's sword (a gift of Franz Joseph) and a native cross. During World War II, with the retreat of Soviet troops, the sarcophagus with the body of Pirogov was hidden in the ground, while damaged, which led to the damage of the body, subsequently subjected to restoration and re-embalming.

Officially, the tomb of Pirogov is called "Church-Necropolis", the body is slightly lower than the level of the earth in Crypt - the basement of the Orthodox church, in the glazed sarcophage, to which access is able to give the tribute to the memory of the great scientist.


The main importance of N. I. Pirogov is that he has turned his selfless and often disinterested difficulty to surgery into science, arming doctors of the scientifically based method of operational intervention.

A rich collection of documents related to the life and activities of N. I. Pirogov, his personal belongings, medical instruments, the lifetime publications of his works are kept in the Funds of the Military Medical Museum in St. Petersburg, Russia. Of particular interest are the 2-languid manuscript of the scientist "Questions of Life. The diary of the old doctor "and the death note left them with the diagnosis of their illness.

Contribution to the development of domestic pedagogy

In the classic article "Questions of Life" Pirogov considered fundamental problems Russian education. He showed the absurdity of the class education, breaking between school and life, put forward the formation of an highly moral person as the main goal of education, ready to dedicate from egoistic aspirations for the benefit of the merchant. Pirogov believed that for this it is necessary to rebuild the entire education system based on the principles of humanism and democratism. The education system that ensures the development of the personality should be based on a scientific basis, from the initial to higher education, and ensure the continuity of all education systems.

Pedagogical views: Pirogov considered the main idea of \u200b\u200buniversal education, the education of a citizen's useful country; noted the need for social preparation for the life of a highly moral person with a wide moral horizon: " Be a man - this is what the upbringing should"; Education and training should be in their native language. " Contempt for native language disgraces the national feeling" He indicated that the basis of the subsequent vocational education It should be wide general education; offered to bring to teaching in higher School major scientists recommended to strengthen the conversations of professors with students; fought for a common secular education; urged to respect the identity of the child; Fought for the autonomy of the Higher School.

Criticism of the estate vocational education: Piroggers opposed the estate school and early utilitarianism, against the early premature specialization of children; I believed that it slows down the moral education of children, narrows their horizons; condemned the arbitrariness, a barreral regime in schools, thoughtless attitude towards children.

Didactic ideas: Teachers must discard old dogmatic ways to teach and apply new methods; It is necessary to wake the thought of students, instill independent work skills; The teacher should attract the attention and interest of the student to the reported material; Translation from class to class should be carried out according to the results of annual academic performance; In translated exams there is an element of chance and formalism.

Physical punishment. In this regard, he was a follower of J. Locke, considering the corporal punishment as a deterrent to the child who appreciates the irreparable damage of its morality, leining it to slave obedience, based only on fear, and not on understanding and evaluating its actions. Slave obedience forms a vicious nature, looking for retaliation for their humiliation. N. I. Pirogov believed that the result of training and moral education, the effectiveness of the methods of maintaining discipline is determined by objective as an assessment by the teacher of all the circumstances that caused offend, and the appointment of punishment, not a frightening and degrading child, and raising it. Condeming the use of rogging as a means of disciplinary influence, allowed the use of physical punishments in exceptional cases, but only by the decree of the Pedagogical Council. Despite such duality of the position of N. I. Pirogov, it should be noted that the discussion raised by him and the discussion had a positive consequence on this: "The Charter of Gymnasiums and Progimnasions" of 1864, corporal punishments were canceled.

The system of folk education on N. I. Pirogov:

  • Elementary (initial) school (2 years), the arithmetic, grammar is studied;
  • Incomplete secondary school of two types: classical deflection (4 years, general education); Real Progmentation (4 years);
  • high school two types: classical gymnasium (5 years old education: Latin, Greek, Russian, literature, mathematics); Real gymnasium (3 years, applied nature: professional objects);
  • Higher School: Universities Higher Educational Institutions.

A family

  • The first wife is Ekaterina Berezina. Died from complications after childbirth aged 24 years. Sons - Nikolay, Vladimir.
  • The second wife - Baroness Alexander von Bistrom.


In Russia

In Ukraine

In Belarus

  • Pirogov Street in Minsk.

In Bulgaria

The gracious Bulgarian people erected N. I. Pirogov 26 Obeliskov, 3 Rotonda and a monument in the Skobelevsky Park in Plevne. In the village of Bohot, on the place where the Russian 69th military-time hospital stood, a park-museum "N. I. Pirogov. "

When in 1951 in Sofia was created first in Bulgaria an ambulance hospital, it was named after N. I. Pirogov. Later, the hospital repeatedly changed his name, first at the Institute of East Medical Aid, then - the Republican Scientific and Practical Institute of Emergency Medical Aid, Scientific Institute of Haste Medicine, Multidisciplinary Hospital for Active Treatment and Ambulance and Finally - University MBALSP. And the bas-relief Pirogov at the entrance never changed. Now in Mbalsm "N. I. Pirogov "Works 361 ordinators doctors, 150 researchers, 1025 medical professionals and 882 people who are auxiliary personnel. All of them proudly call themselves "Pirrows". The hospital is considered one of the best in Bulgaria and over 40 thousand stationary and 300 thousand outpatient patients per year are treated.

On October 14, 1977, the postage stamp "100 years from the arrival of Academician Nikolai Pirogov in Bulgaria was published in Bulgaria."

The image of Pirogov in art

  • Pirogov - the main acting person in the story of the Kupper "Wonderful Doctor".
  • The main acting person in the story "Start" and in the story "Bucephal" Yuri Germanic.
  • The film of 1947 "Pirogov" - in the role of Nikolai Ivanovich Pirogov - People's Artist of the USSR Konstantin Skorobogatov.
  • Pirogov - the main acting person in the novel "The Secret Counselor" Boris Zolotarev and Yuri Tyurina. (Moscow: Contempora, 1986. - 686 p.)
  • In 1855, in any senior teacher of the Simferopol gymnasium, D. I. Mendeleev, who had experienced health problems (he even suspected that he had a Chakhotka), at the request of St. Petersburg doctor N. F. Zdkauer was accepted and examined by N. and . Pirogov, who, noting the satisfactory condition of the patient, said: "You will survive us both" - presenter This not only instilled in the future of the great scientist confidence in favor of the destiny, but also came true.
  • For a long time N. I. Pirogov attributed the authorship of the article "The ideal of women". A recent study proves that the article is a sample from the correspondence of N. I. Pirogov with his second wife A. A. Bistrom.

The future great doctor was born on November 27, 1810 in Moscow. His father served as treasurer. Ivan Ivanovich Pirogov had fourteen children, most died in infancy; From the six people who remained alive Nikolai was the most young.

To get an education, a familiar family helped him - the famous Moscow doctor, Professor of Moscow University E. Mukhin, who noticed the ability of the boy and began to deal with him individually.

When Nicholas turned fourteen years old, he entered the medical faculty of Moscow University. To do this, he had to add two years, but he passed the exams not worse than his senior comrades. Pies studied easily. In addition, he had to constantly work out to help the family. Finally, the pyrogue managed to get a gesture in an anatomical theater. This work gave him invaluable experience and convinced him that he should become a surgeon.

Having finished the university one of the first on progress. Pirogov went to prepare for professorship in Yuryev University in Tartu. At that time, this university was considered the best in Russia. Here, in the surgical clinic, Pirogov worked for five years, brilliantly defended his doctoral thesis and at the age of twenty six became a professor of surgery.

The topic of the thesis, he chose the abdominal aorta dressing, made before that time - and then with death - only one day the English surgeon Estley Cooper. The conclusions of the pirogovsky dissertation were equally important for the theory, and for practice. He first studied and described the topography, that is, the location of the abdominal aorta in humans, circulatory disorders during its dressing, the way of blood circulation during its obstruction, explained the causes of postoperative complications. He suggested two ways to access Aorte: the alert and outstretched. When any damage to the peritoneum threatened with death, the second way was especially necessary. Estley Cooper, the first time bandaged Aort by the aortalistic manner, said, having acquainted with the dissertation of Pirogov, which, bringing him to make an operation again, he would have chosen a different way. Is it not higher recognition!

When pies after five years of stay in Derpte went to Berlin to learn, famous surgeons, to which he drove with a respectfully prone head, read his dissertation, hastily translated into German.

Teachers, more others combined everything that was looking for a surgeon of pies, he found not in Berlin, but in Göttingen, represented by Professor Langenbeck. Hettingensy, Professor taught him cleanliness of surgical techniques. He taught him to hear a solid and completed operation melody. He showed the pyrogue, how to fit the movement of the legs and the whole body to the actions of the operating hand. He hated slowness and demanded fast, clear and rhythmic work.

Returning home, pies seriously fell ill and was left for treatment in Riga. Riga was lucky: not to ill cakes, she would not have become the platform of his rapid recognition. As soon as Pirogov rose from the hospital bed, he undertook to operate. The rumors have come to the city and the rumors about the Great Hope of the Young Surgeon. Now there was a confirmation fucked far ahead of good glory.

Best days

He began with rhinoplasty: a new nose was filled with an immunos. Then he recalled that it was the best nose of all the things made in life. The plastic surgery was followed by inevitable lithotami, amputation, tumor removal. In Riga, he first operated as a teacher.

From Riga, he headed to Derpt, where he learned that the Moscow department promised him was given to another candidate. But he was lucky - Ivan Filippovich Moyyer handed his student his clinic in Derpte.

One of the most significant writings of Pirogov is a "surgical anatomy of arterial stems and fascia". Already in the title, giant layers are raised - surgical anatomy, the science, which, from the first, the youthful works, created, erected pies, and the only pebble, which began the mercy of the fascia.

Faceges to Pirogov almost did not do: they knew that there are such fibrous fibrous plates, shells surrounding muscle groups or individual muscles, saw them, opening the corpses, stumbled upon them during operations, cut the knife, without giving them values.

Pirogov begins with a very modest task: it takes to explore the direction of the fascial shells. With the private, the course of each fascia, it goes to the general and removes certain patterns of the position of fascia relative to nearby vessels, muscles, nerves, opens up certain anatomical patterns.

Everything that opened pies, it is not necessary for him in itself, all this needs him to indicate the best ways to produce operations, first of all, "find the right way to dress one or another artery", as he says. This is where the new science begins, created by Pirogov, is surgical anatomy.

Why did an anatomy surgeon, he asks: is it just to know the structure of the human body? And replies: No, not only! Surgeon explains Pirogov, should do anatomy not as an anatomy. Reflecting on the structure of the human body, the surgeon will not lose sight of what an an anatom and is not thinking about, - the landmarks that will indicate the path in the production of the operation.

The description of the operations of pies has provided drawings. Nothing similar to the anatomical atlases and tables used to him. No discounts, no conventions - the greatest accuracy of the drawings: proportions are not violated, saved and reproduced every twig, all nodes, jumper. Pies not without pride suggested patient readers to check any drawings in the anatomical theater. He did not even know that he had new discoveries ahead, the highest accuracy ...

In the meantime, he goes to France, where five years earlier, after the professorial institution, he did not want to let go of the bosses. In the Paris clinics, he grabs some wischable particular and does not find anything unknown. Curious: I barely be in Paris, he hurried to the famous professor of surgery and anatomy of Velpo and found him for reading the "surgical anatomy of arterial stems and fascia" ...

In 1841, Pirogov was invited to the Department of Surgery at the Medicochargic Academy of St. Petersburg. Here the scientist worked for more than ten years and created the first surgical clinic in Russia. In it, he founded another direction of medicine - hospital surgery.

He arrived in the capital the winner. In the audience, where he reads the course of surgery, a three-story man is stuffed, not only: not only physicians are crowded on the benches, to listen to Pirogov are students of other educational institutions, writers, officials, military, artists, engineers, even ladies. They write newspapers and magazines about him, compare his lectures with the concerts of the famous Italian Angelica Catalani, that is, with divine singing compare his speech on cuts, seams, purulent inflammation and autopsy results.

Nikolai Ivanovich appoint the director of the instrumental plant, and he agrees. Now he comes up with tools that any surgeon will make the operation well and quickly. He is asked to accept the position of the consultant in one hospital, to another, in the third, and he agrees again,

But not only the benevolents surround the scientist. He has a lot of envious and enemies, who will face the zeal and fanaticism of the doctor. In the second year of the Petersburg life of pirogors, heavily fell ill, poisoned by hospital miasms and the bad air of the Dead. One and a half months could not climb. He regretted himself, retarded the soul of silent thoughts about lived without love for years and lonely old age.

He came through in the memory of everyone who could bring him family love and happiness. The most suitable of them seemed to him Ekaterina Dmitrievna Berezina, a girl from a trivial, but collapsed and very impoverished family. A hurry humble wedding took place.

The pyrogue was once - great things were waiting for him. He simply locked his wife in four walls hired and, according to the advice of acquaintances, furnished apartments. I did not in the theater, because it disappeared in the theater anatomical, I did not go to my balls, because Balls are idleness, I took the novels from her and saw the scientists journals instead. Piroggers jealously removed his wife from her friends, because she had to fully belong to him, as he was entirely owned by science. And the woman, probably, was too much and too little one great Pirogov.

Ekaterina Dmitrievna died on the fourth year of the marriage, leaving the pierce of two sons: the second cost her life.

But in grave for Pirogov, burning days and despair happened a great event - His draft of the world's first Anatomical Institute was approved.

On October 16, 1846, the first test of essential anesthesia occurred. And he quickly began to conquer the world. In Russia, the first operation under anesthesia was made on February 7, 1847, Comrade Pirogov under the Professor Institute, Fyodor Ivanovich Inozemers. He headed the Department of Surgery of Moscow University.

Nikolai Ivanovich the first operation with the use of anesthesia took a week later. But from February to November 1847, from February to November 1847, made eighteen operations under aneightened, and Pirogov, by May 1847, received the results of fifty. During the year in the thirteen cities of Russia, six hundred and ninety operations under anesthesia were committed. Three hundred of them Pirogovsky!

Soon Nikolai Ivanovich took part in hostilities in the Caucasus. Here, in Aula Salta, he for the first time in the history of medicine began to operate wounded with essential anesthesia. In total, the Great Surgeon held about 10,000 operations under essential anesthesia.

Once, passing in the market. Pies saw how the butchers are cut into the pieces of the cow carcass. The scientist drew attention to the fact that the location of the internal organs is clearly seen on the cut. After some time, he tried this method in an anatomical theater, sawing frozen corpses with a special saw. Pirogov himself called "Ice Anatomy". So the new medical discipline was born - topographic anatomy.

With the help of the cakes made in this way, the first anatomical atlas made an indispensable guide for surgeon doctors. Now they got the opportunity to operate, inflicting the minimal injuries to the patient. This atlas and the methodology proposed by the Pirogovka became the basis of all the subsequent development of operational surgery.

After the death of Catherine, Dmitrievna Pirogov remained alone. "I have no friends," he confessed with the usual directness. And the boys, sons, Nikolai and Vladimir waited at home at home. Pies twice unsuccessfully tried to marry the calculation, which he did not consider it necessary to hide from himself, from his friends, it seems that from the girls planned in the bride.

In a small circle of acquaintances, where Pirogov sometimes spent the evenings, he was told about the twenty-one-year-old Baroness Alexander Antonovna Bistrom, enthusiastically reading and rereading his article about the ideal of a woman. The girl feels a lonely soul, much and seriously reflects on life, loves children. In a conversation, she was called a "girl with convictions."

Pirogov made a baroness bester offer. She agreed. Going to the estate of the bride's parents, where the invisible wedding was supposed to play. Pies, confident in advance that honey-month, violating the usual classes, will make it quick-tempered and intolerable, asked Alexander Antonovna to pick up the arrival of the poor who need operations: the work will be aspired by the first time of love!

When the Crimean War began in 1853, Nikolai Ivanovich found his civil debt to go to Sevastopol. He achieved appointment to the existing army. Operating wounded. Pies for the first time in the history of medicine applied a gypsum bandage, which allowed the acceleration of the healing of fractures and delivered many soldiers and officers from the ugly curvature of the limbs.

The most important merit of Pirogov is the introduction of wounded sorting in Sevastopol: one operation was made directly in combat conditions, others were evacuated to the depths of the country after providing first aid. On his initiative, a new form of medical care was introduced in the Russian army - sisters of mercy appeared. Thus, it was the pirms that laid the foundations of military field medicine.

After the fall of Sevastopol, Pirogov returned to Petersburg, where at the reception at Alexander II reported on the mediocre leadership of the army by Prince Menshikov. The king did not want to listen to the advice of Pirogov, and from that moment Nikolai Ivanovich fell into disfavor.

He left the Medical and Surgery Academy. Appointed by the guardian of the Odessa and Kiev training districts, pies trying to change the system of school education that existed in them. Naturally, his actions led to a conflict with the authorities, and the scientist had to leave his post.

For some time, pirogov settled in his estate "Cherry" near Vinnitsa, where he organized a free hospital. He traveled from there only abroad, as well as at the invitation of the St. Petersburg University to read lectures. By this time, pies were already a member of several foreign academies.

In May 1881, in Moscow and St. Petersburg, the fiftieth anniversary of the scientific activity of Pirogov was solemnly noted. Greeting to him addressed the great Russian physiologist of Sechenov. However, at this time the scientist was already incurably sick, and in the summer of 1881 he died in his estate.

The importance of the activities of Pirogov is that he has turned his selfless and often disinterested difficulty surgery into science, arming doctors of a scientifically based method of operational intervention.

Shortly before the death, the scientist made another discovery - offered a completely new way to embalming the dead. Before this day, the body of Pyrogov himself was kept in the church of the village of Cherry.

The memory of the Great Surgeon is maintained now. Every year on his birthday is awarded award and medal of his name for achievements in the field of Anatomy and Surgery. In the house where cakes lived, the Museum of Medicine History is open, in addition, some medical facilities and urban streets are named with his name.

(1810-1881) - Great domestic physician and scientist, outstanding teacher and public figure; one of the founders of surgical anatomy and anatomical experimental direction in surgery, military field surgery, organization and tactics of medical support for troops; ChL-Corr. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1847), honorary member and honorary doctor of many domestic and foreign universities and medical societies.

In 1824 (at the age of 14) N. I. Pirogov entered Honey. The Ft-T of the Moscow University, where among his teachers were Anata X. I. Larat, clinicians M. Ya. Wise, E. O. Mukhin. In 1828 he graduated from UN-T and received among the first "professorship students" to the Derptic professorship Institute, created to train professors from "Natural Russians", successfully graduated by UN-you and withstood entrance exams at the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences. Initially intended to specialize in physiology, but due to the lack of this profile, special training chosen on surgery. In 1829 he received the Gold Medal of Derptsky (now Tartu) University for the profits made in the surgery clinic. I. F. Moyaer Competitive research on the topic: "What do you need to be borne in mind when lining the big arteries during operations?", In 1832, defended the dissertation on the topic: "Is the abdomen of the abdominal aorta with the aneurysis of the groin area easily fulfilled and safe intervention. In 1833-1835, completing preparations for professors, N. I. Pirogov was on a business trip in Germany, improved in anatomy and surgery, in particular in the B. Langenbeck clinic. Upon returning to Russia in 1835 he worked in Derpete in the clinic prof. I. F. Moyaer; Since 1836 - extraordinary, and from 1837 an ordinary professor of theoretical and practical surgery of Derptovsky University. In 1841, N. I. Pirogov created and until 1856 he headed the hospital surgical clinic of the St. Petersburg Medical and Surgery Academy; At the same time consisted of ch. A doctor of the surgical department of the 2nd Military District Hospital, director of the technical part of the St. Petersburg Instrumental Plant, and from 1846 by the director of the practical anatomy created at the Medical and Surgery Academy. In 1846, N. I. Pirogov approved the rank of academician of the Medical and Surgery Academy.

In 1856, N. I. Pirogov left the service at the Academy ("on illness and home circumstances") and accepted the proposal to take the position of the guardian of the Odessa academic district; From this time, a period of its activities in the field of enlightenment began. In 1858, N. I. Pirogov appointed a trustee of the Kiev academic district (in 1861 he dismissed for health). From 1862 N. I. Pirogov - Head of young Russian scientists who were commoded to Germany to prepare for professorical-teaching activities. Recent years of life (from 1866) N. I. Pirogov held in his estate in the village of Cherry near Vinnitsa, from where he left as a military medicine consultant to the theater of hostilities during Franco-Prussian (1870-1871) and the Russian-Turkish (1877 -1878) Wars.

Scientific, practical and social activities N. I. Pirogov brought him world medical glory, undeniable leadership in domestic surgery and nominated him among the largest representatives of European Medicine of the mid-19th century. Scientific heritage N. I. Pirogov belongs to various areas of medicine. In each of them, he made a significant contribution, not yet lost its meaning. Despite more than a century ago, the works of N. I. Pirogov continue to strike the reader with originality and depth of thought.

Classic works N. I. Pirogov "Surgical anatomy of arterial trunks and fascia" (1837), "Full course of applied anatomy of the human body, with drawings (anatomy Descriptive-physiological and surgical)" (1843-1848) and "Illustrated topographic anatomy of saws, spent in three directions through the frozen human body "(1852-1859); Each of them was awarded the Demidov Prize of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences and was the foundation of topographic anatomy and operational surgery. They present the principles of layer-by-layer preparation in the study of the anatomical regions and formations and the original methods of training the anatomical drugs are presented - the sawing of frozen corpses ("Ice Anatomy", the beginning of which was found by I. V. Buyalsky in 1836), carving from frozen corpses of individual bodies ("Sculpture Anatomy"), which in the aggregate made it possible to determine the interjudition of organs and tissues with accuracy inaccessible at the previous methods of research.

Studying materials of a large number of openings (approx. 800), conducted by him during the outbreak of cholera in St. Petersburg in 1848, N. I. Pirogov found that Zhana is primarily affected by cholera. The tract, and expressed a faithful guess about the paths of disseminating this disease, indicating that the pathogen of the disease (on the terminology of the time of Miaz) enters the body with food and drink. The results of their research N. I. Pirogov outlined in the monograph "Pathological anatomy of Asian cholera", published in 1849 to Franz. Language, and in 1850 in the Russian and awarded Demidov Prize of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences.

In Dokct, dissertations of N. I. Pirogova, devoted to the technique of the abdominal aorta dressing and clarifying the reactions of the vascular system and the whole organism for this operational intervention, the results of experimental study of the characteristics of collateral blood circulation after surgery and methods for reducing surgical risk were presented. The Derptic period also includes the monograph N. I. Pirogov "On the reverse of the achille tendon as an operational-orthopedic agent" (1840), in which the effective method of treatment of closures is presented, biol characterized, the properties of blood clot and it is determined. The role in the processes of healing RAS.

N. I. Pirogov The first among domestic scientists made the idea of \u200b\u200bplastic operations (a trial lecture in the St. Petersburg Akadvchmia of Sciences in 1835 "On plastic operations in general and rhinoplastics in particular"), for the first time in the world, put forward the idea of \u200b\u200bbone plastics, published in 1854 . The work "Costplastic lengthening of the bones of the shin when removing the foot." Its method of combining a supporting crust in amputation of the tibia due to the heel bone is known as the operation of Pirogov (see Pirogov amputation); He served to develop other osteoplastic operations. Suggested by N. I. Pirogov, extreply access to the outer iliac artery (1833) and the lower third of the ureter, received widespread practical application and was named after it.

The role of N. I. Pirogov is exclusted in the development of an anesthesia problem. Anesthesia (see) was proposed in 1846, and next year N. I. Pirogov conducted a broad experimental and wedge, checking the anesthetic properties of Ether vapor. He studied their effect in animal experiments (with different methods of administration - inhalation, straightforward, intravascular, intracheactic, subarachnoidal), as well as on volunteers, including on themselves. One of the first in Russia (February 14, 1847), he made an operation under essential anesthesia (the removal of breast over cancer), which lasted only 2,5min.; In the same month (for the first time in the world), he fulfilled an operation under rectuous essential anesthesia, for the implementation of which a special device was designed. The results of 50 operational interventions conducted by him in the B-Tshs of St. Petersburg, Moscow and Kiev, he summarized in reports, oral and written reports (including in the organization of the doctors of St. Petersburg and Honey. The Council of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, in St. Petersburg and the Paris Academy of Sciences) and the monographic work "Observation on the action of essential vapors as a painful agent in surgical operations" (1847), which had the most important in promoting a new method in Russia and the introduction of anesthesia in Wedge, practice. In July-August 1847, N. I. Pirogov, commoded to the Caucasian Theater of Military Action, first applied ether anesthesia in the conditions of existing troops (under the siege of the fortified Aul Salta). The result was invisible in the history of wars: the operations passed without moans and screams of the wounded. In the "Caucasus Travel Report" (1849) N. I. Pirogov wrote: "The possibility of air from the battlefield is indisputably proved ... The most comforting feedback was the one that the operations produced by us in the presence of other wounded, did not eat at all, And, on the contrary, reassured them into their own fate. "

The activities of N. I. Pirogova played a prominent role in the history of aseptics and antiseptics, which, along with anesthesia, led to the success of surgery in the last quarter of 19 V. Even before publishing works by L. Pasteur and J. Listera in his wedge, lectures on Surgery N. I. Pirogov expressed a brilliant guess that the suppuration of the RAS depends on the living pathogens ("hospital miasm"): "Miasm, infecting, herself and reproduced by an infected organism. Miaza is not, like poison, passive aggregate of chemically acting particles; It is an organic, capable of developing and renewing. " From this theoretical position, he made practical conclusions: allocated special branches in his clinic for infected with "hospital miasms"; Required "separating completely all the staff of the gangrenoz branch - doctors, sisters, paramedics and ministers, give them and special Dressing products from other branches (korpius, bandages, rags) and special surgical instruments"; Recommended that the doctor "Miazmic and Gangrenoz branch pay special attention to his dress and hands." Regarding the bandages of RAS Corpira, he wrote: "You can imagine what this koropia should be under the microscope! How many eggs in it, fungi and different dispute? How easily it is done by the means to transfer the priests! ". N. I. Pirogov consistently conducted anti-naisual treatment of the Russian Academy of Sciences, applying iodine tincture, r-deep silver, etc., emphasized the value of gig. measures in the treatment of wounded and patients.

N. I. Pirogov was a champion of preventive directions in medicine. He belongs to the famous words that became the motto of domestic medicine: "I believe in hygiene. This is where the true progress of our science is. The future belongs to medicine safety. "

In 1870, in the revocation of the "works of the Permanent Medical Commission of the Poltava Gubernskogo Zemstvo" N. I. Pirogov advised the Zemota to pay special attention to honey. Organizations on hygienic and san.-lumen. Sections of its work, as well as not to lose sight of the food issue in the practical activity.

The reputation of N. I. Pirogova as a practical surgeon was as high as his reputation of the scientist. Back in the Derptic period, his operation was struck by the courage of the plan and skill of execution. Operations were carried out at the time without anesthesia, so they were striving to produce as quickly as possible. Removal of the mammary gland or stone from the bladder, for example, N. I. Pirogov carried out in 1.5-3 minutes. During the Crimean War in the main dressing point of Sevastopol on March 4, 1855, he produced 10 ammputations in less than 2 hours. About the International Medicine Authority N. I. Pirogova testifies, in particular, inviting it for advisory inspection to the German Chancellor O. Bismarck (1859) and the National Hero of Italy J. Garibaldi (1862).

Of great importance not only for military field surgery, but also for the wedge, medicine as a whole had the works of N. I. Pirogov on immobilization and shock issues. In 1847, at the Caucasus Theater of Military Action, it was for the first time in military field practice used a fixed starch bandage with complex fractures of the limbs. During the Crimean War, he also first (1854) imposed a gypsum bandage in the field (see Plaster Technology). N. I. Pirogov belongs to the detailed characteristic of the pathogenesis, the presentation of methods for the prevention and treatment of shock; The wedge described by him, the picture of shock is classic and continues to appear in the manuals and textbooks on surgery. He also described the concussion, gas swelling of tissues, allocated the "wound car" as a special form of pathology, known now called "wound depletion".

A characteristic feature of N. I. Pirogov - a doctor and teacher - there was extreme self-criticality. At first of his professorship, he published the two-volume work "Annals of the Derptic Surgical Clinic" (1837-1839), in a row to a ricific approach to his own work and analysis of their mistakes are considered as the most important condition successful development honey. Science and practice. In the preface to the 1st of the Annals, he wrote: "I consider the sacred duty of a bona fide teacher to immediately promulgate his mistakes and their consequences for warning and edifying others, even less experienced, from such misconceptions." I. Pavlov called the edition of the "Annals" first of his professors: "... In a certain respect, an unprecedented edition. Such a merciless, frank criticism towards himself and its activities is hardly found somewhere in the medical literature. And this is a huge merit! " In 1854, the "Military Medical Journal" published article N. I. Pirogov "On the difficulties of recognizing surgical diseases and about happiness in surgery", built on an analysis of ch. arr. Own medical errors. This approach to self-criticism as an effective weapon in the struggle for genuine science is characteristic of N. I. Pirogov in all periods of its versatile activities.

N. I. Pirogov - the teacher was distinguished by a constant desire for greater clarity of the outlined material (eg, wide conduct of demonstrations at lectures), the search for new methods of teaching anatomy and surgery, wedge, bypass. An important merit in the field of honey. Education is the opening initiative of the hospital clinics for students of the 5th year. He was the first to substantiate the need to create such a clinics and formulated the tasks facing them. In the project about the establishment of hospital clinics in Russia (1840), he wrote: "Nothing can help spread medical and highly surgical information between students, as an applied direction in teaching ... Clinical teaching ... has a completely different goal from practical teaching in Large hospitals and one is not enough to fully educate a practical doctor ..., a professor of practical medicine, hospital, asleeps, with its visits, the attention of students to the whole mass of the same painful cases, showing the individual shades, and their individual shades; ... his lectures are in the review of the most important cases, comparingto them, etc.; He has a tool in his hands to promote science forward. " In 1841, a hospital surgical clinic began to function in the St. Petersburg Medical and Surgical Academy, and in 1842 the first hospital therapeutic clinic. In 1846, hospital clinics were opened in Moscow Un-Those, and then in Kazan, Dorpt and Kiev Un-Tah, with the simultaneous introduction of the 5th course of study for students. F-Tov. So an important reform of the highest honey was carried out. Education that contributed to improving the preparation of domestic doctors.

Speeches N. I. Pirogov on education and education issues had a large public resonance; His article "Questions of Life", published in 1856 in the "Maritime Collection", received a positive assessment of N. G. Chernyshevsky and N. A. Dobrolyubov. From the same year, N.N. Pirogov in the field of enlightenment, which was marked by a constant struggle with ignorance and stagnation in science and education, with protection and bribers. N. I. Pirogov sought the dissemination of knowledge among the people, demanded so called. The autonomy of UN-TOV, was a supporter of contests providing a place more capable and knowledgeable applicants. He defended equal rights to education for all nationalities, large and small, and all classes, sought to implement universal primary learning and was the organizer of Sunday national schools in Kiev. In the question of the ratio of "scientific" and "educational" in the highest school, he opposed the opponent of the opinion that Un-You should learn, and the Academy of Sciences - "Move Science Forward," and claimed: "Separate the training from scientific at the university cannot be. But scientific and without learning still shines and heats. And the educational without scientific, - no matter how ... the attachment of his appearance, - only glitters. " In assessing the advantages of the head of the department, he preferred scientific, not pedagogical abilities and was deeply convinced that the science moves the method. "Be a professor at least a little," wrote N. I. Pirogov, "yes, we teach an example, in fact, the real method of classes is it for science and for the one who wants to do Science, more than the most eloquent speaker ..." A. I. Herzzen called N. I. Pirogov, one of the most prominent figures in Russia, who, in his opinion, is huge to benefit the homeland not only as the "first operator" of it, but also as a trustee of educational districts.

N. I. Pirogov is fairly called the "father of Russian surgery" - its activities led to the output of domestic surgery on the advanced borders of world honey. Science (see Medicine). Its works on topographic anatomy, on the problems of anesthesia, immobilization, bone plastics, shock, wounds and wound complications, on the organization of military field surgery and military-medical services are generally classical, fundamental. His scientific school is not limited to direct disciples: essentially all the advanced domestic surgeons of the 2nd half of the 19th century. The anatomy-physiological direction was developed in surgery based on the provisions and methods developed by N. I. Pirogov. His initiative in attracting women to care for wounded, i.e., in the organization of the Institute of Sisters, mercy, played an important role in attracting women to medicine and contributed to the recognition of A. Dunean, the creation of an international Red Cross.

In May 1881, in Moscow, the 50th anniversary of the versatile activities of N. I. Pirogov was solemnly celebrated; He was awarded the title of Honorary Citizen of Moscow. The post of his death was based on the Russian doctors in memory of N. I. Pirogov, which regularly convened the Pirogov Congresses (see). In 1897 in Moscow, in front of the building of the surgical clinic at Tsaritsynskaya Street (from 1919, a large Pirogovskaya) for funds collected by subscription were established a monument to N. I. Pirogov (Sculptor V. O. Sherwood); In the State Tretyakov Gallery there is his portrait of the brush I. E. Repin (1881). According to the decision of the Soviet government in 1947 in the village of Pirogovo (former cherry), where the crypt was preserved with the Natural Body of the Great Worker of Patriotic Science, a memorial museum-manor was opened. Since 1954, the Presidium of the AMN of the USSR and the Board of the All-Union of Surgeons spend annual pirogov readings. N. I. Pirogov is devoted to St. 3 thousand books and articles in domestic and foreign print. Name N. I. Pirogov is carried by Leningrad (former Russian) Surgical OB, 2nd Moscow and Odessa Medical In-You. His works on issues of general and military medicine, education and education continue to attract the attention of scientists, doctors and teachers.

The museum is located in the Cherry Manor (in N. Vinnitsa, where N. I. Pirogov settled in 1861 and lived, with interruptions, the last 20 years of his life. In the museum complex, in addition to the estate with a residential building and a pharmacy, the tomb is incaproined, the N.I. Pirogov is resting in K-Roy.

The proposal to create a museum in the Cherry Manor was first put forward in the early 20s. Vinnitsa scientific professionals. Support and development This proposal has found at a ceremonial meeting of the surgical officer of Pirogov (December 6, 1926), as well as at I (1926) and II (1928) all-Ukrainian surgeons in the speeches H. M. Volkovich, I. I. Grekov , N. K. Lysenkov. In 1939-1940 In connection with the approaching 135th anniversary of the birth of N. I. Pirogov, the NARSC-SAD, the USSR and Honey. The public has again raised the issue of creating a memorial complex in the Pirogovsky estate. It was assumed to conduct basic works in the summer of 1941. However, the implementation of the developed plan was prevented by the war.

The museum organization began shortly after the liberation of Ukraine from the fascist invaders (October 1944) in accordance with the decision of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR on the establishment of a museum in the estate of N. I. Pirogov and about taking measures to preserve his remains. Huge merit in the organization of the museum belongs to Academician AMN USSR E. I. Smirnov, at that time the head of the main military-sanitary department of the Red Army.

The invaders caused a big damage to the estate and tomb. The coffin with the body of the scientist was on the verge of destruction. The commission appointed in May 1945 as part of Professors A. N. Maksimenkova, R. D. Sinelnikova, M. K. Daly, M. S. Sith-Rova, G. L. Derman, and others. Managed to slow down the process of tissue decay and Restore the appearance of N. I. Pirogov. At the same time, repair and restoration work in the estate was carried out. The development of exposures took over the Leningrad Military Medical Museum (see). On September 9, 1947, the solemn opening of the museum took place.

The collection of museum exhibits reflects the medical, scientific, pedagogical, social activities of N. I. Pirogov. The museum presents the works of scientists, memorial items, handwritten documents, anatomical drugs, surgical instruments, pharmacy equipment, recipes, photos, works of painting and sculpture. The number of exhibits exceeds 15 thousand. The museum library has several thousand books and magazines. In the garden and park of the estate preserved trees planted by N. I. Pirogov.

In recent years, the team of scientists and practical doctors in the composition of S. S. Debova, V. V. Kupriyanova, A. P. Avtsina, M. R. Sapina, K. I. Kulchitsky, Yu. I. Denisova-Nikolsky, L. D. Zherebtsova, V. D. Bilyka, S. A. Markovsky, G. S. Schcheuk carried out restoration and restore works in the tomb and branching of the body N. I. Pirogov. For the restoration of the Museum-Manor N. I. Pirogov and the use of it for the wide propaganda of the achievements of domestic medical science and the practice of Soviet health, a group of scientists and employees of the museum awarded the State Prize of the Ukrainian SSR (1983).

The museum is a scientific and educational base of Vinnitsa Medical Institute. N. I. Pirogova. More than 300 thousand people get acquainted with the museum's expositions every year.

Works: Num Vinctura Aortae Abdominalis in AnerarySmate Inginali Adbibita Facile AC Tutum Sit Remedium? Dorpati, 1832; Practical and physiological observations on the action of the vapor of ether on the animal organism, St. Petersburg, 1847; Travel Report in the Caucasus, St. Petersburg, 1849; Military-medical work, St. Petersburg, 1879; Writings, vol. 1-2, SPb., 1887; Collected Works, t. 1-8, M., 1957-1962.

Bibliography: Georgievsky A. S. Nikolai Ivanovich Pirogov and "Military Case", JT., 1979; G E with E L E-B and C A. M. Chronicle of Life N. I. Pirogova (1810-1881), M., 1976; Gesel-B and Ch A. M. and Smirnov E. I. Nikolai Ivanovich Pirogov, M., 1960; Maksimenkov A. N. Nikolai Ivanovich Pirogov, L., 1961; Smirnov E. I. The current meaning of the main provisions of N. I. Pirogov in military field surgery, Vestn, Hir., Vol. 83, No. 8, p. 3, 1959.

Museum-Usadba N. I. Pirogova - Bolyarsky H. N. N. I. Pirogov in the estate of Vinnitsa Cherry district of the Podolsk province, new. Hir. arch., t. 15, kN. I, p. 3, 1928; Kulchitsky K. I., Clanza P. A. and Schochuk G. S. N. I. Pirogov in the estate of Cherry, Kiev, 1981; Schobhuk G. S. and Clanza P. A. Museum-Manor N. I. Pirogova, Odessa, 1986; Schobhuk G. S., Kirilenko A. V. And Clanza P. A. Monument of nationwide appreciation, orthop. and trauma., № 10, p. 60, 1985; Schobhuk G. S., Markovsky S. A. Iklanza P. A. To the history of the Museum-Manor N. I. Pirogov, owls. Healthcare., JSFT 3, p. 57, 1986.

E. I. Smirnov, G. S. Schcheuk (Museum), P. A. Clans (Museum).