
Scheme of the railways of the Russian Federation. Russian railway map. Siberia and Far East

Scheme of the railways of the Russian Federation.  Russian railway map.  Siberia and Far East
November 28, 2019 -

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January 20, 2017 -
December 7, 2016 -

Railway lines run throughout Russia. Passengers and cargo are transported along them, and in terms of length these lines are second only to US roads. Today, the total mileage of Russian railways reaches 86,151 kilometers.

In terms of intensity of use, the railway networks surpass all European countries. Due to its large size, the Russian railway map is divided into sections subordinate to Russian Railways.

general description

It is believed that the first Russian railways appeared in 1837. At that time, railroads were laid between St. Petersburg and Tsarskoye Selo. Today, networks of railway lines run throughout the territory of the Russian Federation, cross rivers and the borders of other countries. On the map of Russian Railways tracks in Russia, you can see that by train you can get to almost any locality in the country. The length of the rails is more than 2 times longer than the length of the equator.

AT Russian Federation There are 510 large stations, 45 of which are special-purpose. The longest train route in the world passes through Russia and Ukraine. This is the Kharkiv - Vladivostok route, the length of which is 9722 km. Many road sections are electrified to enable the movement of electric locomotives, electric trains and electric sections. A map of the electrification of Russian railways can be viewed and downloaded on the Internet.

The most famous railway company in the country is "Russian Railways". It was created more than 15 years ago and is actively developing today. Russian Railways has branches and subsidiaries that provide commuter, passenger and freight trains. It includes 17 major highways, and the annual profit is 180 billion rubles.

The railway industry is one of the highest priorities in the country, the development of which is closely monitored by the Russian government. The functioning of most sectors of the economy depends on its condition. Currently, new highways are being laid and additional facilities are being put into operation.

Although most of the existing wagons and locomotives were produced during the Soviet Union, today the old equipment is being replaced with a new one, which has a high speed of movement and good conditions for passengers.

One of the main train manufacturers in our country is UralVagonZavod. There are other companies in this area as well.

Express trains made abroad are used on different directions:

  • Allegro, made in France, - in the direction of St. Petersburg - Helsinki;
  • trains with the name "Sapsan" (Siemens) - on the direction Moscow - St. Petersburg;
  • "Swallows" (Siemens) - in the Leningrad region.

Road lines are marked on physical and political maps Russia. They are studied in school classes, students put them on contour maps.

Central and southern regions

Currently, railway traffic in the central, western and northern Russian regions, as well as in the Urals, is provided by several branches of Russian Railways.

These include the following highways:

  • Gorkovskaya (GZD). This road connects Moscow, Yekaterinburg, Kazan, Nizhny Novgorod, Kirov. It provides traffic between the Urals, Siberia and the Volga region. The total length of the highway is more than 12,000 km, it consists of two interconnected lines. The distance that can be covered by the GZD is 5331 km.
  • Kuibyshevskaya (KbshDZh). The road runs from the Moscow region to the Urals, as well as to Kazakhstan. It consists of two highways, stretching from west to east and from north to south.
  • Moscow (MZD). Passengers and cargo are transported along this route in the capital, the Moscow region and some other regions. By MZD you can get to Kaliningrad, and from there to get to Western Europe. The length of the road is almost 9000 km.
  • October (OJD). The highway passes through the northwestern regions of Russia, including the line between St. Petersburg and Moscow. It links 11 subjects of the federation.

  • Volga (PvZhD). Connects the southeastern part of the Russian Federation and neighboring administrative regions. Its other name is Ryazan-Uralskaya.
  • Sverdlovskaya (SvZhD). It unites the European and Asian part of Russia. This highway reaches the Arctic, its total length is 14,000 km.
  • Northern (SZD). It stretches from the central regions to the Arctic. The line is necessary for the life support of the inhabitants of the North. The operation of the highway takes place in severe climatic conditions.
  • Crimean (KZD). This is the shortest route that does not have direct contact with other Russian highways. It passes through the territory of Crimea, its length is 900 km.
  • North Caucasian (SKZhD). It passes through the Southern Federal District and borders on Azerbaijan, Georgia and Ukraine along the contour. It has a length of more than 6000 kilometers.
  • South Ural (YuUZhD). This route connects the eastern and central regions of Europe and Asia and crosses the borders of Kazakhstan.

Siberia and Far East

The longest routes connect the center of Russia with Siberia and the Far East.

These include the following railroads:

  1. East Siberian (V-SibZhD). Its length is 3848 kilometers. The highway covers Buryatia and adjacent regions. It provides communication with all regions of Eastern Siberia.
  2. Far Eastern (DVZhD). This road passes through the territory of Primorsky and Khabarovsk Territories, as well as through the regions adjacent to them. Its length is almost 6,000 kilometers and covers 40% of the territory of Russia.
  3. Zabaikalskaya (ZabZhD). It serves the southeastern regions of the country and at the station. Zabaikalsk adjoins the railway of the Republic of China. The length of the highway is more than 3000 km.
  4. West Siberian (Z-SibZhD). It connects the western regions of Russia and Kazakhstan. The length of the tracks is almost 9,000 km, of which 5,602 km are in operation.
  5. Krasnoyarsk (KrasZhD). The line connects the Trans-Siberian Railway and the South Siberian Railway, Europe and Asia. On it you can get to Khakassia. The total mileage of the road is 4544 km.
  6. The Trans-Siberian, or the Great Siberian Way, is one of the key highways of the country. This is the longest path in the world, its length is 9438 km. Thanks to the work of the Trans-Siberian Railway, it is possible to get from Moscow to Vladivostok in a week.
  7. Baikal-Amur Mainline. It connects the East Siberian and Far Eastern roads, connects Tashkent with the Sovetskaya Gavan station. It was created as part of the unbuilt Great Northern Route.

Services for building a route

Russian rail transport is used by 1 billion 300 million passengers every year, that is, approximately every inhabitant of the country travels by rail 9 times a year.

It should be noted that this figure is falling every year. In the USSR, for example, there were 15 trips per inhabitant per year, which can be explained by an increase in the number of personal vehicles among the population.

Using the railway geographic atlases of Russia, you can lay the path of the planned trip.

But the most convenient online service that allows you to see a complete map of Russian railways in good quality in Russian and determine the route is Google Maps.

With their help, you can:

  • calculate the route according to the given coordinates;
  • view large-scale interactive panoramas of the streets of various cities, taken with the help of satellite communications;
  • calculate travel time and distance for different modes of transport;
  • combine modes of transport to choose the best option;
  • calculate alternative travel patterns;
  • look at the picture of the problematic parts of the roads where traffic jams are organized, while Google gives a forecast to resolve the situation.

Yandex app. Maps work better in RF. It contains a detailed map of the Russian Railways with cities, made in real time using satellites. The service can display on the screen the length of railways, the location of moving trains and the schedule of trains on the route. Together with the Yandex.

The date of foundation of the railway system of Russia is considered to be 1837. The first canvas was laid between the then capital of the empire, St. Petersburg, and Tsarskoye Selo. Almost two centuries later, railways cover the entire country, providing not only freight, but also passenger transportation to almost anywhere in our Motherland. For this, 86,151 kilometers of rail have been laid to date, and this figure is constantly increasing.

general information

It has traditionally developed that in our country rail transport is used more intensively than, for example, in Europe. The railway in Russia connects many cities and has 510 major stations, 45 of which are of particular importance.

For information: The Russian railway system is the second longest in the world and is second only to the United States of America. But thanks to the active use of more than half of the railway line, it makes our country one of the world leaders.

The largest and most famous company in the field of railways is Russian Railways OJSC. The organization was founded 15 years ago and is currently actively developing. It includes 17 railways, it brings the state an income of 180 billion rubles annually. Also, Russian Railways has many branches and subsidiaries to provide suburban passenger and freight traffic.

Railways of Russia and neighboring countries

Used trains

The government closely monitors the development of this industry, which is very important for the normal functioning of many sectors of the economy. New facilities are put into operation and additional canvases are being laid. The rolling stock is being modernized - old trains are being replaced with new ones, which ensures greater speed and comfort of movement. More detailed information about trains and tickets can be found on the official website of Russian Railways JSC online.

Important! Today, railways use locomotives, wagons and other vehicles manufactured in the Soviet Union. But gradually there is a replacement for new equipment produced at Uralvagonzavod and other enterprises.

Import expresses are also used:

  • Direction St. Petersburg-Helsinki - Allegro (France, Alstom);
  • “Swallows” manufactured by Siemens are driving around the Leningrad Region;
  • The direction Moscow-Berlin is served by Talgo 250″, Patentes Talgo S.L.;
  • The direction Moscow - St. Petersburg is served by "Peregrine Falcons" manufactured by Siemens.

The policy of railway companies aimed at improving the quality of services provided to passengers makes it possible to conveniently get to any region of our vast Motherland. Below are the rail coverage schemes that are relevant for 2018, which will allow you to more carefully plan your travel route.

RZD logo

Maps, detailed diagrams, descriptions of Russian railways

The map of Russian railways is very large. It is divided into main sections, which are subordinate to Russian Railways. Its branches provide railway communication in the regions. Below is a summary of all the railways of the Russian Federation with detailed maps:

Attention! The official website where you can find out more information about buying tickets, train schedules and a list of stations -

  1. The Ryazan-Ural Railway is also sometimes referred to as the Ryazan-Ural Railway. It serves the southeastern part of the Russian Federation and neighboring regions. It has a little over four thousand tracks. Additional information is available on the portal.
  1. Another connecting link for the European and Asian parts of Russia is the Sverdlovsk Railway with a length of railway coverage of almost 14,000 kilometers. This is one of the few railway pavements that exist in the Arctic.
  1. The northern railway stretched from the central regions to the Arctic, the map of which is located below. It is operated in very severe weather conditions, but it is necessary for the life support of many people living in the northern regions. In total, the length of the railway road is eight and a half thousand kilometers. All the missing information can be seen on the official website.
  1. Through the efforts of employees of the North Caucasian Railway, the regions of the Southern Federal District are served. In total, the North Caucasus Railway covers 11 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, and also borders on the Republic of Azerbaijan, Georgia and Ukraine. The length of the track is more than 6000 kilometers. Official site .
  2. The most important in the railway communication between the regions of the country and neighboring states is the South Eastern Railway. It is a link between the eastern and central regions, borders on the North, North-West, the Caucasus region and Ukraine. On it you can get to the countries of the Caucasus.
  3. South Ural Railway connects Europe and Asia. It includes several railway lines. It is also an important structural element for trips to the regions of Kazakhstan. It has 8000 kilometers. Official site .
  4. As part of the Far Eastern railway, the Sakhalin railway with a length of 804 kilometers can be distinguished.

Trans-Siberian Railway

Separately, it is worth mentioning two highways - the Baikal-Amur (BAM) and the Trans-Siberian:

  1. The BAM track connects the V-SibZhD and the FER. When built, it was planned as part of the Great Northern Railway, which was never implemented. The main branch connects Tashkent with Sovetskaya Gavan station. Since 2013, a plan has been developed for the construction of the Tynda - Khani branch, which should become BAM 2. Below is a map of the Baikal-Amur Mainline with all stations in good quality.
  2. The Trans-Siberian, also known as the Great Siberian Way, is over 9,000 kilometers long and plays an important role in the country's economy. At the beginning of the 21st century, it was fully electrified. Thanks to his work, one can get from Moscow to Vladivostok in just a week.

Convenient services for determining the route

People who want to take a look at the full map of the railway routes in Russia, make the final choice to determine the best way, using modern technology. At the moment, one of the most convenient services that allows you to zoom and navigate from point A to point B is the Google Maps application.

Route on Google

What he can do:

  • determine the best route for given coordinates;
  • make a calculation of the distance and travel time when using various modes of transport;
  • point out problematic sections of the road. For example, where traffic jams have formed, repair work is underway, etc. A forecast is given for the time to resolve the problem;
  • the possibility of calculating alternative travel options;
  • combination of modes of transport to select the best option;
  • the ability to panoramic view the streets of the desired cities and much more.

To get directions, follow these steps:

  1. Having entered the service, you need to switch to the route path construction mode and enter the necessary addresses in the upper and lower fields. The first will be the point of departure and the second will be the point of arrival.
  2. Upon completion of the first step, a blue scheme will appear on the map. Problem areas will be highlighted in yellow. Red indicates very severe congestion.
  3. Also, the user will be able to find out the distance between the points of departure and arrival and travel time.
  4. If the laid path does not suit you for some reason, you can use the alternative one, which is shown in gray on the map, as can be seen from the figure below. This is very useful if an emergency occurs on the road and it is impossible to travel on it, which the service will warn about.

The railway network of the Russian Federation is quite extensive. It consists of several sections of highways owned by JSC Russian Railways. At the same time, all regional roads are formally branches of Russian Railways, while the company itself acts as a monopolist in Russia:

The road runs through the territory of the Irkutsk and Chita regions and the republics of Buryatia and Sakha-Yakutia. The length of the highway is 3848 km.

The road runs along two parallel latitudinal directions: Moscow - Nizhny Novgorod - Kirov and Moscow - Kazan - Yekaterinburg, which are interconnected by rockades. The road connects the Central, Northwestern and Northern regions of Russia with the Volga region, the Urals and Siberia. The Gorky road borders on the railways: Moscow (st.Petushki and Cherusti), Sverdlovsk (st. Cheptsa, Druzhinino), Northern (st. Novki, Susolovka, Svecha), Kuibyshevskaya (st. Krasny Uzel, Tsilna). The total deployed length of the road is 12,066 km. The length of the main railway lines is 7987 km.

The railway passes through the territory of five constituent entities of the Russian Federation - Primorsky and Khabarovsk Territories, Amur and Jewish Autonomous Regions, and the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). Its service area also includes the Magadan, Sakhalin, Kamchatka regions and Chukotka - over 40% of the territory of Russia. Operational length - 5986 km.

The Trans-Baikal Railway runs in the southeast of Russia, across the territory of the Trans-Baikal Territory and the Amur Region, is located near the border of the PRC and has the only direct land border railway crossing in Russia through the Zabaikalsk station. Operational length - 3370 km.

The West Siberian Railway passes through the territory of the Omsk, Novosibirsk, Kemerovo, Tomsk regions, Altai Territory and partly the Republic of Kazakhstan. The deployed length of the main lines of the highway is 8986 km, the operational length is 5602 km.

The road operates in special geopolitical conditions. Kaliningrad is the shortest way from the center of Russia to the countries Western Europe. The road has no common borders with Russian railways. The deployed length of the highway is 1100 km, the length of the main lines is over 900 kilometers.

The highway passes through four major regions - Kemerovo region, Khakassia, the Irkutsk region and the Krasnoyarsk Territory, connecting the Trans-Siberian and South Siberian highways. Figuratively speaking, this is a bridge between the European part of Russia, its Far East and Asia. The operational length of the Krasnoyarsk road is 3160 km. The total length is 4544 kilometers.

The railway stretches from the Moscow region to the Ural foothills, linking the center and west of the Russian Federation with large socio-economic regions of the Urals, Siberia, Kazakhstan and Central Asia. The road consists of two parallel lines, running from West to East: Kustarevka - Inza - Ulyanovsk and Ryazhsk - Samara, which are connected at the Chishma station, forming a double-track line ending at the spurs of the Ural Mountains. Two other lines of the road Ruzaevka - Penza - Rtishchevo and Ulyanovsk - Syzran - Saratov run from North to South.

Within the current borders, the Moscow Railway was organized in 1959 as a result of the complete and partial unification of six roads: Moscow-Ryazan, Moscow-Kursk-Donbass, Moscow-Okruzhnaya, Moscow-Kyiv, Kalinin and Northern. The deployed length is 13000 km, the operational length is 8800 km.

The Oktyabrskaya highway passes through the territory of eleven constituent entities of the Russian Federation - Leningrad, Pskov, Novgorod, Vologda, Murmansk, Tver, Moscow, Yaroslavl regions, the cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg and the Republic of Karelia. Operational length - 10143 km.

The Volga (Ryazan-Ural) railway is located in the southeast of the European part of Russia in the region of the Lower Volga and the middle reaches of the Don and covers the territories of the Saratov, Volgograd and Astrakhan regions, as well as several stations located within the Rostov, Samara regions and Kazakhstan. The length of the road is 4191 km.

The highway connects the European and Asian parts of Russia, stretches from west to east for one and a half thousand kilometers and crosses the Arctic Circle in a northerly direction. Passes through Nizhny Tagil, Perm, Yekaterinburg, Surgut, Tyumen. It also serves the Khanty-Mansiysk and Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrugs. Operational length - 7154 km. The deployed length is 13,853 km.

The highway originates in the center of Russia and extends far to the north of the country. Most of the Northern Railway is operated in the harsh conditions of the Far North and the Arctic. The deployed length is 8500 kilometers.

In the service area of ​​the road there are 11 subjects of the Russian Federation of the Southern Federal District, it directly borders on Ukraine, Georgia and Azerbaijan. The operational length of the highway is 6358 km.

The South-Eastern Railway occupies a central position in the railway network and connects the eastern regions and the Urals with the Center, as well as the regions of the North, North-West and Center with the North Caucasus, Ukraine and the states of Transcaucasia. The South-East road borders on the Moscow, Kuibyshev, North Caucasian, Southern railways of Ukraine. Operational length - 4189 km.

The South Ural Railway is located in two parts of the world - at the junction of Europe and Asia. It includes the Chelyabinsk, Kurgan, Orenburg and Kartalinsky branches. Several railway lines of the main line pass through the territory of Kazakhstan. The South-East road borders on the Moscow, Kuibyshev, North Caucasian, Southern railways of Ukraine. Operational length - 4189 km. The deployed length is over 8000 km.

Unlike many types of public transport, according to many, it is the railway that has a number of advantages necessary for any kind of travel. And in this case, it is especially necessary to note both business and tourist trips. But in order to carry out this or that trip without any problems, its optimal start will be the scheme of the railways of the region where you are going to go. And if in its time, any scheme of railways, made in a typographical way, was somewhere, from the category of a certain information deficit, today, thanks to the same Internet, to see and print any section of the same Russian railway is not special difficulties.

Some history and facts

At the same time, in fairness, it should be noted that the first scheme of Russian railways dates back to 1788 and displayed the first railway track in the history of our state from the blast furnace shop of the Alexander Cannon Factory in Petrozavodsk to the drilling shop. Although its length is clearly not comparable with the length of the same Baikal-Amur Mainline, the fact remains, and irrefutable evidence of this, as a kind of historical artifacts, is still an adornment of the Historical Museum of Petrozavodsk.

In this regard, somewhat less fortunate, which connected the capital Russian empire St. Petersburg with Tsarskoye Selo. In the historical understanding of this issue, only the general scheme of the Russian railways remained from it, on which it is marked as a small section of the Moscow-Rybinsk railway, which was built in 1900. But in some ways she was a little more fortunate. If only the wheels remained from the Petrozavodsk "Cast-iron wheel pipeline", then the Tsarskoye Selo railway today can boast of three stations still built by Nikolaev. So, having got its start, from the historical rarities described a little above, today the scheme of the railways of the Russian Federation displays 86,700 kilometers of its total length, yielding only to the United States railway, where the general scheme of railways is 194,700 kilometers.

"Russian Railways" (JSC "Russian Railways")

If today you are going to travel by rail, to any corner of our fatherland, then without fail you will become one of the clients of the largest Russian railway company JSC Russian Railways or nominally one of its 16 branches. So, if you want to preview the route of your upcoming trip, then at least the railway map of this route will be presented on one of its sixteen options. Namely, you will need a railway diagram of one of the sixteen divisions of Russian Railways, namely:
- East Siberian Railway;
- Gorky railway;
- Far Eastern Railway;
- Zabaykalskaya railway;
- West Siberian Railway;
- Kaliningrad railway;
- Krasnoyarsk Railway;
- Kuibyshev railway;
- Moscow Railway;
- Oktyabrskaya railway;
- Privolzhskaya railway;
- Sverdlovsk railway;
- Northern Railway;
- North Caucasian Railway;
- South-Eastern Railway;
- and South Ural Railway.

Russian Railways was founded in 2003, taking over all the functions and powers of the former Ministry of Railways. At the same time, the total length of the railway track of the Russian Railways at that time amounted to more than 85 thousand kilometers. However, this scheme of railways did not include part of the railway lines owned by private Russian companies, such as the same Norilsk Mining Company, Yakutian Railways and the Yamal Railway. This feature is due to the fact that the railway lines of these companies are located in rather remote areas of the territory of the Russian Federation, and in some cases are not connected to the federal railway at all. So, in order to increase the economic efficiency of their operation, in their years, it was decided to transfer them to private ownership. Based on this, the scheme of railways of these companies was separated from the general scheme of railways of federal subordination.

At the same time, it is no less clearly necessary to know that the general scheme of Russian Railways railways includes a rather branched structure of routes that provide suburban traffic, the total number of which averages about 700 routes.

Moscow Railway

Although in terms of its size the Moscow railway is not one of the most extended, but taking into account the fact that almost 30% of the population of the entire Russian Federation lives in its territorial zone, and Moscow itself is a rather large industrial and railway center, then in general structure of Russian Railways, the Moscow Railway has a special place. With this in mind, the railway scheme has a total length of 8984 kilometers, which is the second indicator in the framework of the activities of the Russian Railways and is inferior in this indicator only to the Oktyabrsky branch of the railway.

Being formed in 1959, today the general scheme of the railway of the Moscow Zh.D. includes thirteen regions. Namely, it includes railways located in the following territorial entities of the Russian Federation:
- Bryansk region,
- Kaluga region,
- Kursk region,
- Lipetsk region,
- Moscow region,
- Oryol region,
- Ryazan region,
- Smolensk region,
- Tula region,
- Vladimir region,
- and Penza regions,
- as well as directly the city of Moscow,

At the same time, three more sections of the Moscow Railway are located on the territory of the Republic of Mordovia.

In addition, the Moscow Railway organized the movement of high-speed trains. Some of these routes provide high-speed passenger communication between the main airports of the capital. These transportations are carried out on electric trains of the ED4MKM-AERO model, owned by Aeroexpress, a subsidiary of the Moscow Railway. The Aeroexpress railway scheme provides transportation of passengers along the following routes:

Paveletsky railway station - Domodedovo air terminal;
Kyiv railway station - Vnukovo air terminal;
Savelovsky railway station - the city of Lobnya (passengers will get to the airport by bus);
Belorussky railway station - Sheremetyevo airport terminal.

Carrying out transportation at a speed of up to 130 km/h, Aeroexpress trains have increased comfort of passenger cars, which includes not only the presence of a modern air conditioning system, but also vacuum environmentally friendly toilets.

In addition, since 2009, the Moscow Railways scheme has been providing high-speed passenger traffic on routes from Moscow to St. Petersburg and from Moscow to Nizhny Novgorod. This direction is carried out by Sapsan passenger electric trains, developed on the basis of the Velaro electric train from Siemens AG. The speed of movement on these routes is up to 300 km / h, which ensures the travel time on the route from Moscow to St. Petersburg is only 3 hours and 40 minutes.

Oktyabrskaya Railway

The railway scheme of the Oktyabrskaya Railway is not only the longest on the territory of the Russian Federation, but also the oldest, since it begins to count its history from October 13, 1851, the time when the Tsarskoye Selo railway was put into operation. At the same time, it is also worth noting that a small section of the modern Oktyabrskaya railway located between St. Petersburg and Pavlovsk, according to the decision of the international organization UNESCO, is included in the list of architectural monuments belonging to the World Heritage.

The total length of the track of the Oktyabrskaya Railway is the largest of all railways in the Russian Federation and is 10,378 kilometers, which are geographically located in all northwestern regions of Russia, with the exception of the Kaliningrad region, which is an independent structure of Russian Railways. At the same time, in general, the Oktyabrskaya Railway scheme includes eleven regions that are independent subjects of the Russian Federation. Among them are such areas as: - Leningrad, - Pskov, - Novgorod, - Vologda, - Murmansk, - Tver, - Moscow, - and Yaroslavl.

It should also be noted that the scheme of railways of the Oktyabrskaya Railway, whose central office is located in St. Petersburg, includes the Leningradsky railway station located in the capital of the Russian Federation, along with the territory within the boundaries of the Moscow region on which the railways are located.

But the existing Oktyabrskaya Railway is not only the longest railway within the Russian Railways, but also provides up to 75% of all freight traffic and up to 40% of the total passenger traffic of the entire Russian Federation. At the same time, an important fact is the fact that the railway scheme of the Oktyabrskaya Railway has more than 900 kilometers located beyond the Arctic Circle, which provide rail transportation for industrial centers of the Russian Federation located on the Kola Peninsula and in the Murmansk region.

Such indicators are ensured not only through direct rail transportation, but also through the creation of so-called combined cargo transportation schemes, which include their direct transshipment from rail to water transport in the seaports of St. Petersburg, Murmansk and ports located on the coast. the White Sea and the White Sea-Baltic Canal.

So, as you can see, the railway scheme of the Oktyabrskaya Railway has a rather branched structure, which provides decent volumes not only on domestic routes, but also on the schemes for the movement of goods associated with direct export-import operations.

Another feature in the activities of the Oktyabrskaya Railway is the fact that since 1963, for the first time in the former USSR, the Aurora high-speed passenger train began to run on the route from St. Petersburg to Moscow. Developing a speed of about 200 km / h, this train covered a distance of 630 kilometers in 5 hours, which at that time was at the level of a world record and was a certain pride of all railway workers. The railway scheme of the Oktyabrskaya Railway on this route included only two stops in the cities of Tver and Bologom.

"Aurora" was equipped with passenger compartment cars of increased comfort, and the electric train-locomotive ChS 200, the Czech engineering company "Skoda", was used as a power drive.

However, having existed for more than 35 years, in 2010 the Aurora high-speed passenger train was decommissioned, and instead of it, the railway scheme on this route was equipped with the Sapsan high-speed express train, which in many operational parameters surpassed not only the Aurora, but and its later counterpart, the Nevsky Express. The Sapsan covered the same distance of 630 kilometers, equal to the distance between the capital of the Russian Federation and St. Petersburg in four hours and forty-five minutes, and had more comfortable conditions for passengers. At the same time, the scheme of railways on this route was also somewhat changed. Since, in connection with the introduction of this train, many residents of the Tver and Novgorod regions did not have the possibility of a direct railway connection, both with the same Moscow and with St. Petersburg, the Sapsan received two more short stops in Vyshy Volochek and Okulovka. But this did not significantly affect the total travel time of the train.

In the same 2010, a high-speed train was launched on the international route from St. Petersburg to Helsinki. True, it was not a Sapsan, but its Finnish counterpart Alstom sm6 (Allegro), but at the same speed as the Sapsan, Allegro covered the distance from St. Petersburg to Helsinki in just three hours and thirty minutes, which was two hours faster than its predecessor.