
Find out the results of the exam after the appeal. Graduates and teachers massively express dissatisfaction with appeals after the exam. Here are some examples when the court agreed with the decision of the conflict commission

Find out the results of the exam after the appeal.  Graduates and teachers massively express dissatisfaction with appeals after the exam.  Here are some examples when the court agreed with the decision of the conflict commission

26.02.19 24 867 19

On the personal page, they show scores for all exams passed, scans of answer forms and recognition results of the first part. The tasks themselves and drafts are not posted, and only points are shown for speaking, without audio recordings.

Exam results can be challenged by appeal. It can be of two types: about violation of the order of the exam and about disagreement with the scores.

In the tab with primary scores, you can see what and how the experts assessed. Evaluation is a criterion with a score. For example, according to the fourteenth criterion - the quality of the social facts and examples given - I was given one point out of two possible. You can decipher the criterion using the demo versions of the exam. One point is given for one source, two points for two or more.

Types of Appeal

Appeal for violation of the order of conduct

To file an appeal for a violation of the procedure for conducting an exam, you must write a statement to a member of the state examination committee. He works at every point of the exam - PES. Contact any organizer: during the exam, one of them is always sitting in the corridor and can take you to the right person.

The commission will review the recordings from surveillance cameras and interview the organizers. If there are no surveillance cameras or they do not work, this is also a reason for appeal.

If the commission recognizes your correctness, the work will be canceled, and the exam will be allowed to be retaken. The retake usually takes place two weeks after the exam, at the end of June or early July. it reserve days when the USE is taken by graduates of previous years. If the appeal is rejected, the submitted work will not be allowed to be completed, so it is better to complete it despite the noise and other circumstances.

An appeal for violation of the order of conduct must be filed before going beyond the boundaries of the PES. The border is the frame of the metal detector or the place where the guard sits, usually in the hallway after the cloakroom and hallway.

Exam violation appeals are very rare and even rarer. When I was preparing for the appeal, I read 15 reports of subject commissions on the USE in 2015 and 2016. Usually there are no such appeals, or they are rejected - and the reasons are written in general terms. Therefore, it is worth filing an appeal for violation of the exam procedure only if you are completely sure that you are right.

Most often, in emergency situations, the exam is canceled without appeal. For example, my friend USE time a fire broke out in the school, and the exam was postponed to a reserve day, in two weeks. The printer in my classroom broke down and the organizers couldn't print the assignments. The exam was supposed to start at 10:45, and the papers were printed at 10:42.

Types of Appeal

Score Disagreement Appeal

Another appeal option is to challenge the exam results after they have been announced. It happens that the computer does not recognize the form - then it is not in your personal account or there is a blank sheet in its place. It happens that the computer does not recognize some answers correctly. Experts can be wrong too. If you disagree with the results, this is a reason to contact the conflict commission so that the work is re-evaluated.

I filed an appeal against the results of the exam in social studies - in the second part I did not agree with the deducted score. The essay had to give examples from at least two sources, and the experts decided that Theresa May, Adolf Hitler and Orwell's 1984 were one and the same.

How the commission checks the work

The conflict commission checks the work completely, even if you disagree with one issue. Remember that points can not only increase, but also decrease, so only file an appeal if you are completely sure that you are right. To reduce the risk, first consult with a teacher or tutor and retell them all the tasks as accurately as possible.

Tatyana Yakhontova

former member of the appeals committee

It is useless to complain about the structure and content of tasks and about the assessment of the first part, if it is not a recognition error. If the exam was not credited due to incorrect paperwork or bad behavior, this also cannot be challenged. Also, during the exam, you cannot write your first and last name on the form: the answers will not be checked and the appeal will not be accepted. But you can ask to explain each point.

If you want to prove to the commission that you are right, you need serious sources: laws, scientific papers and textbooks approved by the Ministry of Education. Therefore, it is usually pointless to refer to Baranov's reference book on social science, and a school textbook on history or the Constitution of the Russian Federation will do.

How to file an appeal

Score disagreement appeals are accepted within two days after the official date of publication of the results, excluding Sundays and holidays. Most often, the results are posted earlier, but the days are still counted from the official date. For example, in 2018, the results of the exam in literature and physics appeared on the second of July, and the fourth was the official date. The appeal could have been filed on the fifth or sixth.

An application for appeal can be written directly to the commission, or you can ask the school for help. Before the exam, they gave me the phone number of an employee who works with the conflict commission. When I decided to appeal, it turned out that she had gone on vacation. So I went to the head teacher. He gave me the address of the commission and offered to come with me, but I decided that I could handle it myself.

The commission registered the application, appointed the day and time of the appeal, told about the procedure, signed my copy. I was also asked to choose the form of the appeal: in the presence of the appellant, in the presence of a legal representative, or in absentia. It was explained to me that a parent or teacher could come in with the appellant and help him prove his case. I did not take advantage of this opportunity, because the error of the experts seemed obvious.

The appeal is considered for four business days, during which time it can be withdrawn. On the fifth day there is usually a meeting.

How is the meeting

My appeal was considered in the same place where the application was accepted. Before the meeting, you need to register and find an audience, so it’s worth arriving ten to fifteen minutes before the appointed time. Don't forget your passport. If you are late, the appeal will be considered in the nearest free time, if you do not come - in absentia. The results will appear on the website with the results of the exam.

Under the rules, each appellant is given 20 minutes to prove their case. But in my experience, if you don't meet that deadline, you're unlikely to be kicked out: the man in front of me spoke to the commission for almost half an hour. Therefore, it may turn out that you have to wait a bit. Here, how lucky: everyone is assigned the exact time for consideration, but I waited for my turn for almost half an hour. At the same time, I myself and another person in front of me kept within 10 minutes.

The head of the commission called me into the audience. They checked my passport again, showed printouts of my forms and asked if they were mine. After that, they were asked to check the forms that were evaluated by the computer. This is a formality, but I carefully compared the answers anyway - and found that in one of them the computer read "15" instead of "25". Unfortunately, the computer error fell on the wrong answer, so this did not add points to me.

With another mistake, it was easier: the commission admitted that the experts got excited with the sources, and returned the deducted score.

Both corrections were included in the protocol. The chairman of the commission read the decision and asked to sign it. The signature in the decision of the commission confirms your presence, and not agreement with the outcome of the appeal. If you refuse, the commission will draw up an act, and the decision will still come into force.

If you disagree with the conflict commission, its decision can be challenged in Moscow. The terms and conditions are the same: an application must be submitted within two working days, and it will be considered within four. I didn't dispute anything, and my exam results were updated two days after the meeting.

The conflict commission works with the primary USE scores - these are preliminary scores that are obtained by simply adding the scores for the correct answers. Primary scores are converted into test scores - this is the final result of the exam, which is published on websites and accepted at universities.

Test scores usually higher than the primary one and a half to two times. The one primary score I returned on appeal added two points to the official exam result, and instead of 83 points, I got 85.

Unfortunately, this was still not enough to enter my university on a budget. But at least I tried.

Briefly: how to appeal the results of the exam

  1. If something prevents you from taking the exam, you can file an appeal for violation of the order conducting the exam. This must be done before leaving the PES, but it is better to turn in the work first: if the appeal is rejected, it will not be possible to complete it.
  2. If you disagree with the scores, you can file a score disagreement appeal. This must be done within two days after the official announcement of the exam results. The application is accepted by the conflict commission.
  3. The application is considered for four days. During this time, you can still change your mind.
  4. The meeting takes 20 minutes. During this time, the commission will check the forms, listen to you and announce a decision. It can be challenged in Moscow by filing a second appeal.
  5. If you have to prove your case, it is better to rely on textbooks approved by the Ministry of Education - or call a teacher with you.

Worked on the material

Author - Viktor Ershov, editor - Petr Ryabikov, production editor - Marina Safonova, photo editor - Maxim Koposov, information designer - Zhenya Sofronov, editor - Anna Lesnykh, proofreader - Alexander Salita, layout designer - Evgenia Izotova

The field, the duel, are all historically state-sanctioned ways to determine justice when it cannot be done otherwise. Verbal dispute, appeal! How many such fights took place throughout the country in the struggle for USE scores-2015 in Social Studies! Some of them are our story.

Get the help of an USE expert in preparing for an appeal about disagreement with the scores!

Appeal against the results of the exam

So, the USE-2015 is in full swing. The main days of exams are over, reserve days have begun. USE scores are counted across the country. State authorities are medium (according to preliminary estimates, for example, in the Russian language, specialized mathematics and social studies, increased by an average of 3 points). Graduates who received all the results are common for admission (universities are already accepting documents). And some are preparing to revise them. That is to say, an appeal.

What is an appeal? This is a verbal duel between the graduate and the experts who reviewed the work. Humanitarian subjects - especially history, social science often contain in the form of answers not dogmas, but assumptions, theories. And the appeal often turns into a conversation ... what did you mean?(as sung in a popular song).

As we can see, a USE participant can not only increase, but also has a chance of losing points as a result of considering his work in the written part 2. Since last year, by the way, But .. more on that another time. The appeal procedure itself, by the way, causes completely different assessments of it ... One gets the impression that sometimes it depends on personal discretion (or arbitrariness) on the ground. For example, check out the interesting comments on our entry about Yes, and the graduates themselves are therefore just wondering what awaits them behind closed doors at the appeal. Here is an example of one of the "outreach" on social media:

As we can see, the preparation for the appeal begins long before the results of the exam are received. You need to seriously prepare for it. After all, the USE statistics show that only less than 10% of those who filed an appeal can count on at least partial satisfaction of it.

What does the statistics say?

Let's look at the statistics of our group's subscribers
.So, how did our subscribers pass the USE-2015 in social studies?

Average above the guys across the country(so far, the average score announced by Rosobrnadzor without taking into account those who passed in the reserve and the appeal (on which, however, little has changed globally) is 56.65. And about 60% of our subscribers, who prepared based on the materials of the site and the group, passed between 60 and 80 points, more than 20% are high scorers (more than 80 points!).

And what does our statistics say about the appeal to the Unified State Examination in Social Studies 2015?

The result of the appeal to the USE-2015 in social studies. Poll

Of those who voted under 90%, they simply did not go on appeal. For different reasons. However about 10% managed to defend from 1 to 3 of their which can then give a decent increase in test score on a 100-point scale.

Unconstructive approach to appealing the USE result

Should I fight for my points? We think YES! Although, there is an opinion that it is often useless. However, it is possible to convince experts with really low scores (and this is the result of natural subjectivism, the human factor, expert fatigue and a whole range of reasons). For example, here is my dialogue with a graduate Alisa Marisova, managed to defend as many as 3 primary scores!

And here is an example of a different attitude to the appeal procedure.

Many graduates understand that an appeal, well-prepared with the help of USE expert consultations, can allow them to get an important score for admission or two. But ... this is the time and strength of the expert, and may be his paid service. Another dialogue in the studio (with Evgenia Zemlyanskaya). Please check essay:

A small remark for infantile graduates. The analysis of your essay is the responsibility of the teacher who taught you social studies. I don't owe you anything, do you agree? And now multiply the number of requests like yours to me by the part of those who pass the exam in society in Russia?

Learn to respect other people's work and know that in adulthood, where you go, you have to pay for everything.

A constructive approach to appealing the USE result

And here is another appeal to the expert, and a completely different attitude to the need for an appeal, an understanding of its extreme importance for the final result, income. Note that Elya Karpaeva- a first-year student, studying in Vladivostok. Last year, she could not pass the budget, and again she is trying to get the score necessary for entering the budget this year! Unified State Exam-2015 in social studies, she passed on 82 points(25 higher than the average for Russia!).

Note that in the test part 1, the graduate lost only 1 point! Things were a little worse in For which Elya was going to fight with my help! At the same time, it’s nice when they say thanks for the work (Elya used the author in preparation):

Analysis of responses and choice of strategy for appeal

Let's look at the forms of part 2 of the graduate, which she received in her personal account on the USE-2015 technical support resource:

We note the large amount of work done by the applicant, good readable handwriting and absolutely correct formatting of the answers: where necessary, the task condition is written out, the work of the expert is facilitated as much as possible. Such works usually cause only a desire to meet the needs of the graduate!

So, we didn’t have the text and assignments for it, so we decided to leave assignment 30, the wording of which the applicant did not remember. Our focus was on assignments

Gross mistake. on this Do not argue, here the appeal is meaningless.

Task 34

For this task, one of the points was not set, the maximum is 3.

Task 34

At 34, to be honest, I don’t understand why they carped. That's right, you gave all three signs of this type of society. Might just sound a little vague. "increase in life expectancy". Formally, after all, it also occurs in comparison with But, you specify * developed medicine (ideally, of course, it would be nice to add that medicine is capable of defeating previously incurable diseases - cancer, AIDS).
Here need to fight. Now let's give an example for argumentation about the development of medicine in an industrial society.

By 1960, there were 20 doctors per 10,000 people in the USSR, 19.3 in the RSFSR, and only 15.5 in Western Siberia. Scientific library of dissertations and abstracts disserCat of healthcare in the cities of Western Siberia (1946-1960) dissertation for the degree of candidate of historical sciences. MP Dudkina).

2010 Among the countries with the largest number of doctors per capita, Russia, according to WHO, ranks fifth - for every 10,000 Russians there are 42 doctors with higher education.

That is, we compare the indicators of industrial (1960) and societies (2010).

The mobility of industrial society is massive. For example, mass moving to cities, migration to the New World (USA of the 19th century).

No, I'm not talking about that. It is clear that there are more mobility channels and access to them is also wider. The man of the industrial public is tied to a machine tool. The mobility of a post-industrial society is individual. The means of transport are much more developed. Internet is added. It allows a person to create an information product, to do work while traveling, changing countries of the world. An example from life is the phenomenon of freelancing. This is how the creators of information, information products — web designers, people of free professions — do their work and earn money. We are much more mobile than a person 20-30 years ago.

The final arguments of the members of the conflict commission turned out to be more than paradoxical:

1. Russia is not a post-industrial society (!!!).2. Theory is not connected with practice (!!!).

Well, on the face of complete incompetence and inability to move away from the mental template, blinders, in other words. An attempt to dispute the score here failed.

This is a complex plan. And again we fight for 1 not exposed point.

The first thing that confuses me is the structure of your plan. It looks like a convulsive attempt to throw everything you know about on paper. And the structure and its consistency is one of the key evaluation criteria.
Ideally, it could look like this:

1. The concept of "power"
2. Types of power:
- political
— economic
- military
- spiritual
— informational
3. Signs of political power:
- sovereignty
- legitimacy
- concentration in the hands of the state
- monopoly on the legal use of force
- monopoly on the issuance of laws
4. We would have matched

So, they could have been reduced for: 1. lack of information about other types of power; 2. Lack of structured response (for example, the concept definitely does not need to be disclosed); 3. Item "principles of existence". For example, subparagraph b) performance. Are political reforms, for example, always effective? 4. An important point about the state and its role was “hidden” at the end and not disclosed. And they should have been brought to the fore.

This is called the structural approach. If political is a kind of power, you need to start with power. You can try to appeal to the plan, but I think there will be no result.

And, indeed, according to the applicant, the experts in the conflict commission were even going to lower the score (they have the right !!!).

Students have the right to file an application-appeal to review the points received and retake it to the conflict commission or to the court. In 2018, the application form does not change - the appeal forms are provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

We will consider what statements a student or his legal representative can issue, and also determine how a lawsuit is drawn up in court.

Appeal form for the exam and a sample of filling out the document

Depending on the circumstances of the appeal, the appeal forms may be different.

We list what documents can be issued.

Sample appeal form for disagreement with the USE scores

A ready-made appeal form for disagreement with the USE scores can be free

An example of a completed application-appeal about disagreement with the points received

Appeal form for violation of the established procedure for conducting the exam

A ready-made appeal form for violation of the established procedure for conducting the exam can be free

In order for you to write the application correctly, follow these rules:

  1. The item code should be written in numbers. You will learn it when you take the exam.
  2. Enter the place of the exam, the date in the indicated fields provided for this.
  3. If it is necessary to indicate the number of the audience where the Unified State Exam was taken, the point of holding, then indicate. This applies to the application for violation of the order of the exam.
  4. Information about the USE participant must be indicated such as in the passport. Any altered or misspelled letter will be considered an error.
  5. Passport details indicate in the appropriate boxes. Mandatory - series and number, other information can be omitted.
  6. This is followed by your appeal, in which you must state the essence of the requirements and requests. For example, in the first application-appeal, it will be written that you are asking the commission to review the points given, as they are processed incorrectly. And in the second appeal, you should specify the circumstances that occurred, for what reason the points were canceled (possibly due to illegal removal from the exam), and also in this part you should ask for a retake of the subject.
  7. If there is a choice of how the application will be considered, then it is worth putting a cross or a tick in front of the appropriate option. In a score disagreement appeal, there is such a choice. The student may choose to have the application reviewed in his presence or in the presence of his legal representative, or without him at all. But in another form there is no choice, since the appeal will definitely be considered in the presence of the student or his parents.
  8. You can also leave a phone number so that you are aware of the progress of the application.
  9. The student must put his signature when he submits the document.

In confirmation of the acceptance of the appeal, the student is given notification. The organizer must put on it the exact time when he accepted the application, and his initials, signature.

Statement of claim in court when appealing the results of the exam - rules for writing a document and examples

Pupils and their parents/legal representatives may challenge the decision of the conflict committee through the courts. To do this, you need to file an administrative claim.

The application is drawn up in accordance with Article 125 of the CAS RF and in accordance with the following rules:

  1. The document must be submitted in writing.
  2. Text content should be legible and understandable.
  3. The application must include a heading. It contains the name of the body to which the application is submitted, information about the plaintiff and the defendant. As a rule, the student himself, his parents, representatives, teacher, class teacher, director can act as a plaintiff. educational institution. In as a defendant in court will be a representative of the conflict commission, the organizers.
  4. Write down all contact information in the "header" of the document. It can be not only a phone number, but also the name of an email, fax.
  5. In the main part of the claim, indicate what rights and interests were violated, for what reason you are going to court.
  6. Be sure to tell us that you appealed to the conflict commission with an appeal and tried to resolve the problem out of court.
  7. The content requirements must be substantiated. Refer to legal acts, attach evidence, indicate witnesses.
  8. At the end of the claim, you can draw up a list of documents that you attach to the application.
  9. Put a signature. If the applicant is a student, then he must put his signature. If its representatives file a claim, they sign it.
  10. The date must be set when you submit the document to the court, not earlier, the document will not be accepted “backdating”.

Single State exam as a compulsory one has existed for more than a decade, but despite this it remains a serious test of knowledge gained in the subject and psychological stability. Each point counts here, and getting the desired profession and the future depends on it. Disappointing results often seem incontrovertible, but they are not. Every graduate has the right to appeal. This is a serious event for which you need to carefully prepare, including mentally.

The essence of the appeal

This is an appeal against the results of the examination, which were determined by the experts. The goal is to increase the points that the graduate expects when applying. It must be drawn up within two days from the date of receipt of the results.


Careful preparation and review of your work in terms of compliance with the assessment criteria is the key to success. Make a list of tasks and, possibly, questions that you want to ask the members of the expert committee. Ask for help from a teacher or tutor in a particular subject.

Rules of behavior

To understand how to behave, consider the stages of this event:

  • the place and time of the meeting is appointed;
  • come on the day of the procedure with a passport;
  • parents can accompany you as legal representatives of a minor;
  • your work is checked again, then the discussion begins;
  • you are asked questions on those tasks, the verification of which does not suit you;
  • answer them using weighty arguments (textbooks or manuals with theoretical material on the relevant topic).

You need to come prepared: work out in advance (on your own or with a teacher) all objections regarding work, be confident in your knowledge that you have to demonstrate. Therefore, we do not recommend starting this if you yourself doubt them.

It is possible and even necessary to win a small position of the commission by appearance. Adhere to strictness in clothes, you should not look defiant and untidy.

The right attitude and style of behavior will also play a positive role in the appeal process. First of all, yours will be important here. Do not take this meeting as the last battle that must be won at any cost. Get a good night's sleep the night before, don't get overly nervous, and remember that everything that seems extremely important and significant now will be a trifle in a few years. Don't let any numbers throw you off balance.

Remain calm and balanced, be polite and courteous. Standing up for yourself and the results of the exam by using accusations, increased tone, and perhaps even screams and tantrums in your speech will not only give you nothing, but will not make the best impression. After that, you will no longer have to hope for a successful outcome in your own favor. Prove your point of view calmly and reasonably, without unnecessary objections and emotions.

Be polite: be sure to say hello warmly, and at the end also say goodbye, regardless of the outcome. Keep the dialogue in a businesslike way: be interested, ask questions that concern you, ask experts to explain what is likely to be incomprehensible. Of course, you can argue if you can’t do without it when arguing, but it’s important to do it as tactfully as possible, without being rude.

How to get a grade increase

If your appeal is denied, the scores previously assigned will remain unchanged. If it is satisfied, then their number changes. Keep in mind that rechecking can lead to their reduction if it turns out that some of the criteria were not met or you cannot convincingly argue one or another aspect of the work.

The mark is usually raised if a so-called technical error was made (this applies to the test part). For the part that involves a detailed answer, it is more difficult to achieve an increase in points. To do this, you must have a strong evidence base and the ability to defend your position using all the arguments. Keep in mind that experts raise the rating infrequently and rather reluctantly. Thus, they have to admit, in a certain sense, their own incompetence. But it's still worth a try. We wish you good luck if you decide to do it!

Question 1. What documents govern the appeal procedure?

Firstly, the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated December 26, 2013 No. 1400 “On approval of the procedure for conducting the state final certification in educational programs middle general education". See Section X, Reception and Processing of Appeals, paragraphs 76-89.

Secondly, Methodological recommendations on the work of the subject's conflict commission Russian Federation when conducting the state final certification for educational programs of secondary general education in 2018 (Appendix 6 to the letter of Rosobrnadzor dated December 27, 2017 N 10-870).

Question 2: What does an appeal look like? Is there any set form?

Yes, there is an approved form (1-AP). You can find it in the Collection of forms for conducting the GIA on educational programs of secondary general education in 2018. (Appendix 8 to the letter of Rosobrnadzor dated December 27, 2017 No. 10-870).

Question 3. Do I need to justify in the appeal why I do not agree with the scores?

No, the appeal uses the general wording “I ask you to review the results of the USE given to me, as I believe that the answers to the tasks given by me were evaluated (processed) incorrectly.”

You will be able to comment on the assessment of your work directly during the consideration of the appeal, orally.

Question 4. Can a score be lowered as a result of an appeal?

Yes, the assessment can really change for the worse. Based on the results of the consideration of the appeal, a decision is made:

  • on the rejection of the appeal and the preservation of the points given (the absence of technical errors and errors in the assessment of the examination paper);
  • about the satisfaction of the appeal and the change of points (the presence of technical errors and (or) errors in the assessment of the examination paper).

At the same time, if the appeal is satisfied, the number of points previously awarded may change both upwards and downwards in the number of points.

Question 5. How realistic is it to increase the score?

An increase in your score on appeal is always a statement of the fact that your work was not graded correctly on the first review. Of course, in order for the USE experts and members of the conflict commission to admit the existence of an error, they need to present really convincing and weighty arguments. To do this, you must carefully prepare for the appeal, think over your position, and then confidently speak to the members of the conflict commission. In one case, this will give its result, in the other case, even such efforts will not be enough.

Sometimes you don’t need to do anything at all to “beat off” an extra point - you come and they tell you from the threshold that a decision has been made to satisfy the appeal. This is possible if the error made by the expert during the verification is quite obvious.

In general, if there are reasons, an increase in the result by 1-3 primary points is quite realistic. At the same time, it does not matter how many points you were given initially: the appeal can be satisfied even if you are a high scorer. Last year, two of my students had their scores raised from 71 to 77 and from 91 to 93 respectively. Improved result by 15-20 test scores is, of course, a much rarer story.

Question 6. I believe that my answer to the short answer task (part 1 of the Unified State Examination in History) was assessed incorrectly. Can I file an appeal about this?

The only option when, as a result of the appeal, the score for the task of Part 1 of the Unified State Examination in History can be increased, is if a technical error is found in the processing of the appellant's examination paper.

For example, the correct answer is “NIKOLIVTOROY”, you wrote “NIKOLIVTOROY”, but the computer recognized your entry as “MYKOLIVTOROY”, and therefore the point was not counted. This is a technical error that must be recorded and corrected when considering the appeal.

If you were able to solve the task correctly, but filled out the form incorrectly, you will not be able to increase the score on the appeal.

The conflict commission is not entitled to apply changes to answers to tasks with a short answer in the case when, when recording the answer, the appellant used the recording form (including symbols) that contradicts the instructions for the task of the KIM, as well as the Rules for filling out the USE forms (paragraph 14 of section 8 of the Guidelines for the work of the conflict commission).

Question 7. I mixed up and entered the wrong answer on the form, but everything was written correctly in my draft. Can I refer to the draft when considering an appeal?

There is an unambiguous answer to this: the conflict commission not considers drafts (as well as KIMs) of the USE participant as appeal materials (point 6 of section 4 of the Methodological recommendations on the work of the conflict commission).

Question 8: How long does it take to file an appeal?

The appeal is filed within two working days following the official day of the announcement of the exam results.

The official day of the announcement of the results of the Unified State Examination in the history of 2018 - June 20, 2018 (not later than the specified date). This follows from the Processing Schedule USE appeals on the history of 2018, published on the official website of the Unified State Examination. Note that the wording " not later than the specified date". Theoretically, the official day of the announcement of the exam results could be earlier.

In this matter, I would be guided by the information of each specific region, or rather, the Regional Information Processing Center (RCIC).

Question 9: Can an appeal be withdrawn?

Yes, the USE participant has the right to withdraw the appeal of disagreement with the points given within one working day following the day of filing the specified appeal, but no later than the day of the meeting of the conflict commission.

To do this, you must write a statement of withdrawal of the appeal and submit it to your school.

More details - paragraph 4 of section 5 of the Methodological recommendations on the work of the conflict commission

Question 10: What happens if I don't show up on the scheduled date for the appeal hearing?

The appeal will still be considered. Obviously, in this case, there will be less chances for an increase in points, because. the conflict committee will not even be able to hear your arguments - why you do not agree with the assessment.

Question 11: Who can come with me to the appeal hearing?

According to paragraph 80 of the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated December 26, 2013 No. 1400, if desired, the appellant and (or) his parents (legal representatives). Legal representatives are understood as adoptive parents, guardians, trustees, etc.

In official documents, I did not find a direct answer to the question of whether teacher or tutor. At the same time, I have heard stories more than once that students sometimes come to appeal with their teachers, having previously taken care of issuing a notarized power of attorney.

For power of attorney, see Articles 185 - 189 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation

Question 12. How long does it take to process an appeal?

The time recommended for consideration of one appeal (including explanations for evaluating detailed answers) is no more than 30 minutes. During the consideration of the appeal, the involved expert, if necessary, provides clarifications on the evaluation of detailed answers, this should take no more than 20 minutes (paragraphs 10 and 15 of section 8 of the Guidelines for the work of the conflict commission).

In practice, it is far from always that half an hour is allocated for each job. Be prepared for the whole process to take 10-20 minutes.

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