
91 points in the Russian exam. Scores on the exam in the Russian language. How experts evaluate

91 points in the Russian exam.  Scores on the exam in the Russian language.  How experts evaluate

Below are the criteria for evaluating an essay (essay) at the Unified State Examination in the Russian language for 2020. In the new Russian language demos 2020 evaluation criteria have been changed K2 and K4.

What can give the most points:

  • 5 points - for a comment on the source text problem - K2
  • 3 points - for literacy: spelling (K7) and punctuation (K8)

Arguing your own opinion on the problem - REMOVED in 2019!

Maximum for writing you can get 24 points.

Criteria for evaluating the answer to task 27

K1 Statement of source text problems

  • 1 point The examinee (in one form or another in any part of the essay) correctly formulated one of the problems of the original text. There are no factual errors related to the understanding and formulation of the problem.
  • 0 points. The examinee could not correctly formulate any of the problems of the source text. *If the examinee did not formulate or formulated incorrectly (in one form or another in any part of the essay) one of the problems of the source text, then such a work according to the criteria K1-K4 is estimated at 0 points

K2 Commentary on the formulated problem of the original text

  • 5 points. 2 illustration examples from the read text, important for understanding the problem. An explanation is given for the 2 given examples. The semantic connection between them is revealed. There are no factual errors related to understanding the problem of the original text in the comment.
  • 4 points. The problem formulated by the examinee is commented on based on source text. The examinee brought at least 2 illustration examples from the read text, important for understanding the problem. An explanation is given for the 2 examples given, but there is no meaningful relationship between them,
    or the semantic connection between the examples was revealed, but only one example is explained. There are no factual errors related to understanding the problem of the original text in the comment
  • 3 points. The problem formulated by the examinee is commented on based on the source text. The examinee brought at least 2 illustration examples but an explanation is given for only one example, the semantic connection between the examples is not revealed, or the examinee brought 1 illustration example from the read text, important for understanding the problem, and gave an explanation to it, or led 2 illustration examples from the read text, important for understanding the problem, but did not explain their meaning. The semantic connection between examples-illustrations is indicated.
    There are no factual errors related to understanding the problem of the original text in the comment.
  • 2 points. Examinee led 2 illustration examples from the read text, important for understanding the problem, but did not explain their meaning. The semantic connection between the examples-illustrations was not revealed.
  • 1 point Examinee led 1 illustration example from the read text, important for understanding the problem, but did not explain its meaning.
  • 0 points. Examples-illustrations from the read text that are important for understanding the problem are not given, or the problem is commented without relying on the source text, or the comment contains factual errors (one or more) related to the understanding of the source text, or commented on another problem not formulated by the examiner, or instead of a comment, a simple retelling of the text is given, or instead of a comment, a large fragment of the source text is quoted.

K3 Reflection of the position of the author of the original text

  • 1 point The examinee correctly formulated the position of the author (narrator) of the source text on the commented problem. There are no actual errors related to understanding the position of the author of the source text.
  • 0 points. The position of the author of the original text by the examinee is formulated incorrectly, or the position of the author of the original text is not formulated.

K4 Attitude to the position of the author on the problem of the source text

  • 1 point The examinee expressed his attitude to the position of the author of the text on the problem (agreeing or disagreeing with the author) and substantiated it.
  • 0 points. The examinee did not express his attitude to the position of the author of the text, or the examinee's thoughts do not correspond to the formulated problem, or the examinee's opinion is stated only formally (for example, "I agree / disagree with the author")

II. Speech design of the essay

K5 Semantic integrity, speech coherence and sequence of presentation

  • 2 points. The examinee's work is characterized by semantic integrity, speech coherence and consistency of presentation: - there are no logical errors, the sequence of presentation is not broken; - there are no violations of paragraph articulation of the text in the work.
  • 1 point The work of the examinee is characterized by semantic integrity, coherence and consistency of presentation, but 1 logical error was made, and/or there is 1 violation of paragraph articulation of the text in the work.
  • 0 points. In the work of the examinee, a communicative intent is visible, but more than 1 logical error was made, and/or There are 2 cases of violation of paragraph articulation of the text.

K6 Accuracy and expressiveness of speech

  • 2 points. The work of the examinee is characterized by the accuracy of the expression of thought, the variety of the grammatical structure of speech. * The highest score for this criterion is received by the examinee only if the highest score is obtained according to criterion K10.
  • 1 point The work of the examinee is characterized by the accuracy of the expression of thought, but the monotony of the grammatical structure of speech is traced, or the work of the examinee is characterized by a variety of grammatical structure of speech, but there are violations of the accuracy of the expression of thought.
  • 0 points. The work of the examinee is distinguished by the poverty of the dictionary and the monotony of the grammatical structure of speech.

III. Literacy

K7 Compliance with spelling rules

  • 3 points. There are no spelling errors (or 1 minor error).
  • 2 points. Made 1-2 mistakes.
  • 1 point 3-4 mistakes were made.
  • 0 points. More than 4 mistakes were made.

K8 Compliance with punctuation rules

  • 3 points. There are no punctuation errors (or 1 minor error).
  • 2 points. 1–3 mistakes made
  • 1 point 4-5 mistakes were made.
  • 0 points. 6 or more errors were made.

K9 Language Compliance

  • 2 points. There are no grammatical errors.
  • 1 point 1-2 mistakes were made.
  • 0 points. 3 or more errors were made.

K10 Compliance with speech norms

  • 2 points. No more than 1 speech error allowed.
  • 1 point Made 2-3 mistakes.
  • 0 points. 4 or more errors were made.

K11 Ethical Compliance

  • 1 point There are no ethical errors in the work.
  • 0 points. Ethical errors made (1 or more).

K12 Maintain factual accuracy in background material

  • 1 point There are no actual errors in the background material.
  • 0 points. There are factual errors (1 or more) in the background material.

Maximum amount points for the entire written work (K1–K12) - 24 points.

  • When assessing literacy (K7-K10), the volume of the essay should be taken into account.When counting words, both independent and auxiliary parts of speech are taken into account. Any sequence of words written without a space is counted (for example, "after all" - one word, "yet" - two words). Initials with a surname are considered one word (for example, "M.Yu. Lermontov" - one word). Any other characters, in particular numbers, are not taken into account when calculating (for example, "5 years" - one word, "five years" - two words.
  • The assessment standards indicated in the table are designed for an essay of 150-300 words. If the essay contains a partially or completely rewritten text of the review of task 26 and / or information about the author of the text by the examinee, then the volume of such work is determined without taking into account the text of the review and / or information about the author of the text.
  • If in an essay less than 70 words, then such work is not counted and 0 points are evaluated, the task is considered unfulfilled.
  • When evaluating an essay with a volume of 70 to 150 words, the number of permissible errors of four types (K7–K10) decreases.

2 points for these criteria are given in the following cases:

  • K7 - there are no spelling errors (or one minor mistake was made);
  • K8 - there are no punctuation errors (or one minor mistake was made).

1 point for these criteria is given in the following cases:

  • K7 - no more than two errors were made;
  • K8 - one or three mistakes were made;
  • K9 - no grammatical errors;
  • K10 - no more than one speech error was made.

The highest score according to the K7–K12 criteria is not given for a work of 70 to 150 words.

  • If the essay is a paraphrase or a completely rewritten source text without any comments, then such work for all aspects of the test (K1-K12) is rated 0 points.
  • If the work, which is a rewritten or paraphrased source text, contains fragments of the text of the examinee, then only the number of words that belongs to the examinee is taken into account during the check. A work written without relying on the text read (not on this text) is not evaluated.

Solve in Russian

Many graduates ask how many points they need to score on the exam in a particular subject. The Russian language, like mathematics, is usually of the greatest interest.

Minimum score

It should be noted that the Russian language is a compulsory subject for the USE. Successfully overcoming the minimum level allows you to get a certificate of secondary general education. The mark "2" is given for the result from 0 to 35 points. In this case, the exam is considered failed. A test in a compulsory subject can be retaken in special reserve days(but it can only be Russian or mathematics - re-passing the test in both subjects in one year is not allowed). If the additional exam was also failed, the student has the right to retake only the next year. Thus, in order to pass the exam in the Russian language the first time, you need to score at least 36 points.

How many points do triples, good students and excellent students need?

If in the Russian language there is a five in the certificate, you should not worry about the fact that the grade can be lowered by the USE. USE results no longer have an impact on final school grades. Nevertheless, there is a scale for translating test results into the usual five-point system:

0–35 - two;
36–57 - three;
58–71 - four;
72 and above - five.

Thus, if your result is equal to at least 72 points, then consider that it corresponds to an excellent certificate. If you score, for example, 65 points, that is, get a four, this will not be reflected in the grade in the certificate. The result will be indicated only in a special certificate of passing the exam.

How many points do you need to get into college?

For most USE graduates not only the main exam, which allows you to get a certificate of secondary education, but also an entrance test to a higher educational institution. It is difficult to say how many points in the Russian language you need to score to enter the university. It all depends on the number of budget places, prestige educational institution, competition, etc. In addition, today, when entering universities, the sum of points for all entrance tests is taken into account. Thus, their exact number is important for any direction where the Russian language is needed for admission.

Whether such a system is good or not is difficult to determine. On the one hand, it obliges to prepare equally intensively in all subjects, on the other hand, it gives a chance even if the scores in the main discipline are not equal to 100. exam (Russian and foreign language and, Literature and an optional creative entrance test), each of which was evaluated on a 100-point scale. The end result, on the basis of which the enrollment took place, was the sum of the points scored in each subject.

Developers of examination tasks answered the most frequent questions of graduates

Text: Natalia Lebedeva/RG
Photo: Alexey Malgavko/RIA Novosti

One of the two required exams (the other is mathematics) that all students take. This year, graduates will write an exam in the Russian language on the birthday of A. S. Pushkin, June 6. If the result is too low, then you can try to retake the exam on a reserve day - June 26, or in an additional period - 4 September. What you need to know about the exam in order to pass it maximum score the first time?

1. How many points can I get on the Unified State Examination in the Russian language?

For the correct completion of all tasks of the examination paper, you can get a maximum of 58 primary points. For a well-written essay, you can get 24 points.

To receive a high school diploma, you must score a minimum of 24 points. And if an eleventh-grader plans to enter a university, and it doesn’t matter what specialty, the exam must be passed at least 36 points.

2. How much time is given to complete all tasks?

210 minutes, or 3.5 hours, are allotted to complete the examination paper in the Russian language.

3. What knowledge will be tested at the Unified State Examination in the Russian language?

The tasks of the examination paper in the Russian language check the knowledge of the norms of text construction, lexical, spelling, punctuation, grammatical norms of the modern Russian literary language, the ability to create a text based on what has been read.

4. What tasks does the exam version consist of?

Each version of the exam USE work in Russian consists of two parts and includes 26 tasks that differ in form and level of complexity.

Part 1 contains 25 tasks with a short answer (open-type tasks for recording a self-formulated correct answer and tasks for choosing and recording one correct answer from the proposed list of answers).

The tasks of the first part check the assimilation of the exam participants educational material both at the basic and high levels of complexity: the latter type includes tasks that test the possession of grammatical norms (task 7), the ability to find means of connecting sentences in the text (task 24) and the linguistic means of expression used in the text (task 25).

Part 2 contains one task (task 26) - according to the read text. Performing this task, the examinee must demonstrate the ability to analyze the content and problems of the read text, comment on the problem of the source text, determine the position of the author of the text, express and argue his own opinion, consistently and logically express thoughts, use various grammatical forms and lexical richness of the language in speech, formulate statements in accordance with the spelling, punctuation, grammatical and speech norms of the modern Russian literary language.

An essay can be written by an examinee at any level of difficulty (basic, advanced, high).

5. This year there was a new task number 20. What does it check?

Task number 20 will test the knowledge of the lexical norms of the Russian literary language. The assignment will be worth 1 point.

The task will be given in two versions:

  • as an exception, that is, it will be necessary to remove the extra word;
  • in the form of a replacement, that is, the word will need to be replaced.

Execution algorithm: first you need to find a semantic (semantic) contradiction in the sentence, isolate the error and complete the task, correcting this error.

6. What is the difficulty of completing task number 7?

The task sounds like this: "Make a correspondence between grammatical errors and sentences in which they are made."

There are three types, but the exam will only need to identify morphological and syntactical errors.

Morphological errors:

  • incorrect use of the case form of a noun with a preposition;
  • incorrect use of the noun.

Syntax errors:

  • violation of the connection between the subject and the predicate;
  • violation of the species-temporal correlation of verb forms;
  • an error in constructing a sentence with homogeneous members;
  • incorrect construction of sentences with adverbial turnover;
  • violation in the construction of a sentence with participial turnover;
  • violation in the construction of a proposal with an inconsistent application;
  • incorrect sentence construction with indirect speech;
  • an error in the construction of a complex sentence.

Before proceeding with the task, the authors of the examination tasks are advised to carefully read all the sentences.

7. What is the difference between an essay in the Unified State Examination in the Russian language (task No. 26)?

To successfully write an essay based on the text you have read, developers are advised to adhere to the following plan:

  • formulate one of the problems posed by the author of the text;
  • write a commentary on this problem, including two examples-illustrations from the read text that are important for understanding and arguing the problem;
  • indicate the author's position;
  • express your personal attitude to what you have read, supporting your opinion with two literary arguments.

But following this plan is strictly optional. In a good essay, thoughtful composition is important. You can limit yourself to three basic parts: introduction, main part and conclusion. And you can include other parts with their own microthemes in each.

Developer Tips:

  • You need to think over the composition only after the problem raised by the author in the text is identified. It is important not to confuse the topic and the problem of the text.
  • It is desirable to use as arguments products from .
  • You can use modern and foreign literature as arguments.
  • You can rely on non-classical genres of literature (detective story or thriller), but the chosen argument must be presented precisely as an argument.
  • A reference to a feature film is not a literary argument, even if it is a film adaptation.
  • Popular science articles and books can be used as a literary argument.

8. How does the level of difficulty of the task affect the final score?

Among the tasks of the basic level of complexity, there are tasks with a low percentage of completion - you should pay special attention to them. These are tasks that check the spelling -Н- and -НН- in various parts of speech (task 14), punctuation marks in a complex sentence with different types of connection (task 19), knowledge of functional and semantic types of speech (task 22).

9. What must be taken into account in order to get the maximum score?

In general, all the necessary advice and explanations are given in the instructions for performing work before the CMM option. Therefore, you should carefully read the instructions for the option and the specific task. Following these tips will allow you to more rationally organize the work on the exam. In addition to general instructions, in each part of the work recommendations are given on how to write down the answer to tasks of one type or another. Please read the instructions for each type of task carefully before completing the tasks.

10. How to fill in the examination form correctly?

Practice has shown that it is better to enter the answers first in the KIM, and then carefully transfer them to the answer sheet No. 1 to the right of the number of the corresponding task, starting from the first cell, without spaces, commas and other additional characters. Answers to tasks are written without unnecessary additions (a term, concept, keyword or combination of words from the text is written, etc.).

It is better to first write down the answer to task 26 on a draft, and then rewrite it in form No. 2. The essay should be written clearly, in legible handwriting. Entries in drafts are not taken into account when processing and checking work.

Video consultation on the exam in the Russian language from the developers of the exam:

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Each graduate is well aware that in order to successfully enter the specialty of interest, it is necessary to prepare well for the Unified State Exam-2018 and score the highest possible points.

Minimum USE scores for 2018

Depending on the specialty for which the graduate enters, the core subject may be mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, a foreign language or another subject that is the basis of education. Every year selection committee the university sets a threshold value for this score. If a student cannot provide a certificate with a passing minimum, his documents are not considered even if he has high scores in other subjects.

Russian language - at least 34 points;

basic mathematics - at least 27 points;

profile mathematics - at least 27 points;

social studies - at least 42 points;

physics - at least 36 points;

literature - at least 32 points;

history - at least 29 points;

chemistry - at least 36 points;

all-Russian exam in English (French, German, Spanish) - at least 22 points;

biology - at least 36 points;

computer science - at least 40 points;

geography - at least 40 points.

Scale for transferring points to the USE-2018 assessment

Russian language:

0-35 points correspond to grade 2,
36-57 points - score 3,
58-71 points - score 4,
72 points and above - score 5;

Mathematics (profile level):

0-26 points - score 2,
27-46 points - score 3,
47-64 points - score 4,
65 and above points - score 5;

Mathematics (basic level):

0-6 points - score 2,
7-11 points - score 3,
12-16 points - score 4,
17-20 - score 5;

Social science:

0-41 points - score 2,
42-54 points - score 3,
55-66 points - score 4,
67 and above points - score 5;


0-35 points - score 2,
36-54 points - score 3,
55-71 points - score 4,
72 and above points - score 5;

0-31 points - score 2,
32-49 points - score 3,
50-67 points - score 4,
68 and above points - score 5;

0-35 points - score 2,
36-52 points - score 3,
53-67 points - score 4,
68 and above points - score 5;

0-26 points correspond to grade 2,
36-55 points - score 3,
56-72 points - score 4,
73 points and above - score 5;


0-31 points - score 2,
32-54 points - score 3,
55-66 points - score 4,
67 and above points - score 5;


0-39 points - score 2,
40-55 points - score 3,
57-72 points - score 4,
73 and above points - score 5.


0-36 points - score 2,
37-50 points - score 3,
51-66 points - score 4,
67 and above points - score 5;

Foreign languages:

0-21 points - score 2,
22-58 points - score 3,
59-83 points - score 4,
84 and above points - score 5;

Is it possible to retake the exam to improve the result?

The exam can be retaken only for the next year. But compulsory subjects- Russian language or mathematics - it is allowed to retake this year, but only if the participant has not overcome the minimum threshold for one of these subjects. For example, if one of the exams is passed successfully, and the required minimum is not scored in the second. If the graduate has not passed both compulsory exam, will be able to retake them in September. It happens that a student came to the exam, started writing a paper, but for some good reason could not complete it. In this case, the result is considered canceled, and you can retake the exam on the reserve day.

If the student does not agree with the points given, where and to whom should he go?

Within two working days after the official day of the announcement of the results, an appeal must be filed to where the application for the exam was written. Usually it's a school. She will immediately forward the appeal to the conflict commission. Each region has such commissions, and everyone has the right to prove their case.

Recently, the action "100 points for Victory" was held in Nalchik, when last year's hundred-pointers told current graduates how to successfully pass the exam. There was one girl who was given a 97 on the exam, but she was sure that she deserved an even higher mark. The work was reviewed, she was given 100 points.

Recently, the number of applications in conflict commissions decreased. Those guys who filed an appeal just like that, at random, stopped applying: what if the examiners add points? Now all statements - in essence, as a rule, from those who are very confident in their abilities and knowledge.

I. Structure of the examination paper

The examination paper in the Russian language consists of three parts:

Part 1(A1-A30) contains 30 tasks. Each of them has 4 possible answers, only one of which is correct.
Part 2(B1-B8) contains 8 tasks, the answers to which must be formulated independently.
Part 3(C1) consists of one task and is a short written work on the text (essay).

Long-term statistics show that the most difficult tasks of the examination paper in the Russian language for all participants are found in part 2, the easiest - in part 1.

Part 1 work (A1-A30) checks the assimilation of educational material by graduates on basic level difficulties.
All tasks part 2(B1-B8) refer to high level difficulties.
Part 3(C1-composition) is a task of an increased level of complexity.

II. Checking the examination paper

Parts 1 and 2 checked with a computer. Therefore, you should pay attention to the correct formatting of the answers.

This small written work on the text (essay) is performed on the source text and checked by experts.
- An essay-reasoning has a clear structure and logic and must be built according to certain laws: it must contain a thesis and arguments;
- the volume of the essay - at least 150 words. If the essay contains less than 70 words, then such work is not counted (it is estimated at zero points), the task is considered not completed;
- the essay should be written in neat, legible handwriting;
work written without relying on the text read (not on this text) is not evaluated;
- if the essay is a paraphrase or a completely rewritten source text without any comments, then such work is estimated at 0 points.

III. Evaluation of the examination work

The correct answer, depending on the complexity of each task, is estimated by one or more points. Points received for all completed tasks are summed up.

Each correct answer in the tasks of part 1 (A) brings 1 primary score. If two or more answers are given (including the correct one), an incorrect answer or no answer, 0 points are given.

For the correct answer to tasks B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B7, 1 point is given, for an incorrect answer or its absence - 0 points.
Task B8 is evaluated on a scale from 0 to 4 points. For each correctly indicated digit corresponding to the number of the term from the list, the examiner receives 1 point:

4 points: no errors
3 points: 1 mistake was made
2 points: 2 errors were made
1 point: only one number is correct
0 points: completely wrong answer (wrong set of numbers) or its absence).

For completing the task of part 3 (C1), the maximum number of primary points is 23.
The results of parts 1 and 2 are processed automatically.
The task of part 3 © is checked by two independent experts. If the experts disagree on the assessment of the work, then a third expert is appointed.

The maximum number of primary points for the entire work is 64 (100 test points).