
Famous people named Vsevolod. Meaning of the name: Vsevolod. Negative character traits

Famous people named Vsevolod.  Meaning of the name: Vsevolod.  Negative character traits

Meaning and origin of the name Vsevolod:“Omnipotent”, “Owner of everything” (Slavic)

The secret of Vsevolod’s name and character: In a strange way, the energy of this name is in dissonance with its specific meaning - it does not imply the power of character so much that if Vsevolod has influence on people, it is solely due to his ability to persuade. However, it is quite possible that our distant ancestors put exactly this meaning into this name, expressing their dream of an ideal ruler whose power is built not on violence, but on respect and love.

This name endows its bearer with perseverance, patience, and calm courage. His energy is gentle, but firm, it exudes balanced optimism, and these are precisely the qualities that are most easily transmitted to other people. In fact, it is difficult to make a fighter out of a person; it is very easy to break down due to excessive self-confidence and the desire for superiority when meeting the resistance of others, but balance and optimism do not cause rejection in anyone. Thus, both Vsevolod himself and the majority of those around him perceive this name positively, which often opens many doors for Seva on his life’s path. This is further enhanced by the relative rarity of the name.

At the same time, unlike many other optimistic names, the name Vsevolod encourages concentration and self-absorption, and this can be a significant plus! Moreover, it has little inclination towards pedantry. Usually Vsevolods grow up to be very diligent people; They study well, rarely get into trouble, enjoy the love of teachers, but do not strive to be favorites and therefore do not lose authority among their comrades. Most often, such tendencies remain with them into adulthood, ensuring a good career and a strong family.

In a word, the name Vsevolod is very favorable for a quiet life and this is where it lies. main drawback. Without experiencing deep passions and all-consuming desires, it won’t take long to lose your bearings in life. Often Vsevolod begins to suffer from the absence main goal and some exciting dream, without which all efforts sooner or later lose their meaning. This is a very significant point, and Seva’s parents should pay attention to it, since if the name itself does not contain clear aspirations, then it is extremely necessary to instill in him an interest in something in childhood. The stronger and more worthy this interest is, the more chances Vsevolod has to live a full, eventful life. Vsevolod himself can be wished not to be afraid of risky actions and to a greater extent treat life as a rather exciting game. Rest assured, with the start of the game both interest and healthy excitement will come, and your best qualities will definitely help you achieve success!

Secrets of communicating with Vsevolod: It happens that in a conversation with Vsevolod, the interlocutor begins to involuntarily be fascinated by his leisurely confidence. Sometimes this can throw a person off track. If you do not want to succumb to such involuntary hypnosis, then the best thing to do is to defuse the situation with a couple of successful jokes. In addition, although Vsevolod is usually not very inclined to have an emotional conversation, humor is still one of those emotions that will help lead the conversation in the direction you want. The main thing is that the joke is successful and good-natured.

Astrological correspondence of the name Vsevolod

  • Zodiac name correspondence: Fish
  • Patron planet: Moon
  • Character Traits: Optimism, resilience, prudence
  • Name colors: Light green, blue
  • Lucky colors: Red; orange
  • Patron saints named: Vsevolod Pskovsky (name day February 24)
  • Talisman stone: Carnelian, red garnet

A man’s name is a kind of ticket to life, defining his main character traits. Before choosing a name, it is important to familiarize yourself with its interpretation.

What does the name Vsevolod mean? What is the origin and history of the name Vsevolod?

The meaning of the name Vsevolod

Vsevolod – omnipotent, possessor. The name characterizes its owner as a strong, persistent personality who strives to get what he wants. The zodiac sign that protects a man is Aquarius. It gives his nature sophistication and creativity. The planet that patronizes him is Jupiter. It allows a man to easily resolve all issues and easily achieve his goals.

The color that suits Vsevolod best is steel. The tree that will become a talisman for him is willow. The flower of the name is lily, the patron is whale. The stone that will become a talisman for Vsevolod is pearls.

Origin and history of the name Vsevolod

The name is of Slavic origin. The meaning of the name “omnipotent” determines the main character traits of a man. The name gained its popularity among the ancient Slavs due to the unique qualities of a warrior with which it endowed Vsevolod.

Vsevolod celebrates his name day once a year - on the twenty-fourth of February. Today the name is not endowed with its former popularity. It is extremely rarely used in Europe. Outside its borders, the name also did not gain much popularity.

The character and fate of Vsevolod

It is worth noting the positive character traits of Vsevolod:





Respectful attitude towards people.

Along with the positive character traits of Vsevolod, it is important to mention his negative traits:

Excessive seriousness;





Vsevolod rarely gets depressed. He doesn’t get upset over trifles and never looks for extreme things, no matter what the situation. He always strives to prove his point and very often goes overboard in this.

The meaning of the name “omnipotent” is determined by such character traits as rigidity and the desire to control the process. While still a child, Vsevolod constantly strives to attract the attention of others to himself.

In the team he tries to become a leader. It is important for him to defend his position at any cost. But he is not aggressive. Vsevolod can argue his point of view for a long time and persuade a person to act differently. In adolescence, he has little head in the clouds and strives more to determine his position in life.

Vsevolod is a wonderful philosopher. He reads a lot, strives to learn about life through other people's life experiences. He is very diligent and obedient in his studies. It's easy for him exact sciences. He loves literature and history. He finds a lot of interesting things in being creative himself, but is not ready to devote himself completely to it.

He is also characterized by laziness. If parents do not actively encourage Vsevolod to take action, he may even get sick. A sedentary lifestyle, which is characteristic of adolescence, leads to problems with blood vessels and pressure changes. If parents send their boy to sports early, they will be able to avoid such negative consequences of laziness.

Vsevolod tends to analyze the actions of both his own and those around him. He thinks a lot, and may even stop noticing the world around him if something significant and alarming happens in his life.

He performs remarkably well in scientific activity. He may even have psychic abilities. It is easy to predict the behavior and actions of others. Vsevolod is very calm and is in no hurry. At work, he does not accept strict management, either personally or towards himself. He always strives to reach a compromise and find a common language with everyone, which is why he is valued at work.

At the same time, Vsevolod can be very slow, by this he can even drive those around him to anger. In business, he will not show his best qualities, because this business requires cunning and flexibility, but Vsevolod is closer to truth and honesty. He is very economical. Loves high-quality and inexpensive things. The only thing he spends on with pleasure is rest.

Vsevolod’s character and fate also determine his luck. He is very lucky, but rarely takes risks. He achieves everything through his own work and does not hold any grudges against others. Vsevolod is a wonderful friend who is appreciated and loved. He is always ready to help, lend his shoulder, and give practical advice. But finding the same friend for himself is very difficult for him.

Lyubov Vsevolod

Vsevolod does not seek to marry early. He takes a long time and carefully selects his beloved. Vsevolod does not strive for family dramas. He is ready to listen and support, but if reproaches and complaints are made in his direction, Vsevolod immediately ends the relationship. The man believes that everything can be resolved calmly. You can always come to a compromise, find the only correct option for everyone.

The relationship between his parents is important to him. If Vsevolod is brought up in a single-parent family, then he is still in early age takes on all the responsibilities of the head of the family. It doesn't bother him. On the contrary, he feels needed, feels important. If Vsevolod has younger brothers and sisters, he happily takes care of them and happily helps his mother with housework.

When Vsevolod begins his search for a life partner, he tries to choose a woman who is similar to his mother. He looks for decency, honesty, intelligence, talent in her. Vsevolod marries once and tries his best to save his family. He dreams of a big family, so he has several children. In order to provide his family with comfort and peace, he works hard.

If his beloved treats him with care and understanding, such a marriage will be eternal. Children here grow up in an atmosphere of love and care. Vsevolod himself is ready to do a lot for the sake of his loved ones. He is very generous and fair. Family for him becomes the meaning and purpose of life. But he will never forgive betrayal. And he himself will not betray.

Purposeful and independent, Vsevolod is endowed with natural charm. Thanks to this, he easily gets along with people, and also understands them well.

Such qualities certainly help him in life. To better understand what the name Vsevolod means, it is worth diving into the history of the name.

Origins of the word

A person’s character is formed under the influence of a number of factors, among which upbringing and heredity are considered the main ones. But besides this, a person’s fate depends on the thoughts and emotions that a person experiences in life. Each word has its own energy: some of them are gentle and kind, others are tough and aggressive.

The energy potential of words is hidden in their letters and sounds, which is how a word becomes a melody that evokes emotions in us. The origin of names is usually associated with words that are important and energetically filled for the culture where they appeared, and since words are associated with certain emotions, the name becomes a conductor of emotions and desires that are in tune with its meaning.

In addition, each culture that gave birth to the word left its own information code in it, so the meaning of the name Vsevolod must be sought not only in the meaning of the words from which it came. The cultural context in which it was used is no less, and sometimes even more important, since the energy is laid precisely at the moment of creation and depends on the state of mind of people during this period.

The male name Vsevolod, not very popular in Russia, has Slavic roots. It is formed from two words Old Russian language and translated means “owning everything.” Because it is rooted in history Ancient Rus', it is this culture that leaves its mark on the owners of the name.

People with this name are very freedom-loving people; they value the personal space of others and do unusual things. They act easily in situations that are unusual for others, and occupy leadership positions in troubled times.

Personality Features

The full name Seva is rarely heard; the most common way to address him is by his shortened name. Forms of the name Vsevolod, except for “Seva”: Volodya, Vova, Volya and others. Diminutive forms, as a rule, somewhat change the nature of the influence of a name on a person - they give flexibility and stability to their owner.

In addition, the letter “C” becomes the bearer of the leading influence, which is closely related to common sense, the desire for a strong position and the desire to reveal one’s purpose. But “B” does not lose its fundamental influence. To summarize, we can identify the following striking features of Vsevolod:

  • Communication skills.
  • Creativity.
  • Unity with nature.
  • High practical intelligence.
  • Energy.
  • Insight.
  • Sophistication.

The meaning of the name Vsevolod also imposes on its owner responsibility to other people. Owning everything means being responsible for the boundaries of your possessions, so Seva is already a rather responsible boy as a child. The child is distinguished by a stubborn character and a desire to receive what is due to him in full. At the same time, he treats adults and peers with respect.

Thanks to his high practical intelligence, he easily gets along with people and wins over him in adolescence, although he does not set himself the goal of being good to everyone. Despite the fact that he is ready to do a lot to achieve his goals, he never stoops to ignoble behavior.

Growing up, Seva is identified with a circle of “her” people, and this is a selected company, which includes smart and interesting interlocutors. In addition, his rejection of gossip and speculation allows him to form his own opinion about each person, for which he is loved and appreciated as a fair and worthy person.

Prudence allows you to rarely find yourself in unpleasant situations, and courage helps you easily overcome those that you still have to face. Firmness and perseverance serve to achieve goals, and lack of ambition works to adequately perceive one’s life. So Vsevolod is not very upset by not taking the main prize - rather, he is happy for the winner.

Vsevolod’s ability to win over those around him and easily establish contact with them allows him to choose a profession related to helping people. In addition, he will be great at proving himself in science. It is important for a man to have a goal, because without a guideline you can face a lack of meaning. When there is a goal, Vsevolod is capable of great things, although he will avoid risk. The fear of risky actions is unfounded, because Vsevolod’s qualities will allow him to achieve great heights if he sometimes plays big.

Love and marriage

Vsevolod's reliability and confidence are very attractive to women. Thanks to his calmness, determination and goodwill, he easily wins their hearts. But he does not consider victories on the love front to be something worthy of time and effort - reciprocity, fidelity, trust and understanding are much more important to him.

Vsevolod strives for harmonious and warm relationships, so he can often make sacrifices for the sake of his beloved. In no case should you play with his feelings, because having revealed this game, he is able to refuse further contacts with the girl, even if he is very much in love with her.

The character of a man contributes to a very conscious decision about marriage. He is the dream of many women, because he takes relationships and creating a family very seriously, and takes responsibility for the fate of the family. The girl ends up with him as if behind a stone wall, and he loves children very much, without indulging their whims.

What future awaits the couple largely depends on the girl. If she does not develop and bring a fresh spirit into their relationship, Vsevolod may become bored with them. Therefore, his companion must be an original person, loving development and capable of sharing her husband’s interests. In addition, the man wants to remain the leader in the family, so the girl should not encroach on this place.

Coziness and comfort are of great importance to Vsevolod. His wife should be able to create a warm environment in which he can feel safe. In addition, for an interesting and rich family life, it is necessary that a woman be able to motivate her man. Then their marriage will be very happy.

Angel Day

Celebrated on the day of remembrance of the saint who became the patron saint of the child at baptism. At baptism, a Christian is identified according to the Orthodox calendar as his patron saint. You can also be baptized as an adult, then a person can consciously choose a patron among the saints, having learned his life and wanting to follow the path of the saint. Thus, at baptism a person acquires a guideline for finding the path to spiritual perfection.

In the Orthodox calendar there are several saints with the name Vsevolod: Potemkinsky (memory 8.02 and 19.09), Smirnov (memory 8.02 and 13.11), as well as Novgorod (memory 5.05 and 10.12). Often a person does not know which specific saint became his patron. In this case, you should choose a date immediately after your birthday and see which saint is commemorated on this day. This will be the saint who is the patron saint of man.

Sounds and words, meanings and associations have an invisible effect on us. On a purely unconscious level, we perceive the emotional connotation of words and are forced to respond to them accordingly. This leads to the fact that we do not always understand what causes this or that action. Knowing what energy the word conveys, we can direct it in a direction where it will bear rich fruits and improve our lives.

Likewise, knowledge about the meanings of names allows you to easily advance in understanding yourself and build your life more harmoniously, and sometimes even change your name altogether. You just need to remember that changing your name is not enough to change your life, because character is formed by our environment, genes and upbringing, and fate depends on character and the surrounding reality. Therefore, believing in yourself and finding harmony with the world affects our lives much more than words, since we interpret them differently in different states. Author: Ekaterina Volkova

Short form of the name Vsevolod. Seva, Volodya, Vova, Vava, Vodya, Volya, Lodya, Vsevolodushka, Vseva.
Origin of the name Vsevolod. The name Vsevolod is Russian, Slavic, Orthodox.

The name Vsevolod is a Slavic name formed from 2 semantic parts: “vse-”, that is, “all”, and “volod-” (“to own”). Also “voloda” in the Old Church Slavonic language means “power”, and in modern Ukrainian this word has been transformed into the word “vlada”. Therefore, the name Vsevolod can be translated as “all-powerful,” “owning everything.” In the Orthodox calendar, the name Vsevolod is identical to the name Gabriel.

As a child, Vsevolod was an easy-going boy. Teachers love him, and his peers respect him, but if you ask them why exactly, hardly anyone will explain to you. In fact, Vsevolod has the gift of persuasion. He uses it to achieve various goals, such as getting an excellent grade or having his play accepted by a peer.

Vsevolod is a balanced young man. He is patient and diligent, he can remarkably concentrate on the main thing, without being distracted by trifles. But he lacks the desire to be a leader; he may well feel comfortable in a supporting role, but only with the most important and respected one.

Vsevolod is quite cautious and rarely finds himself in dangerous and unpleasant situations. He is courageous and able to withstand adversity. Vsevolod is a strong man, but sometimes he doesn’t really want to win. He can be content with what he has. And it is enough for him simply to know that his ability to communicate will always come to his aid at the moment when it is needed.

For his wife, Vsevolod is looking for a woman with ambitions, but not exceeding his own understanding of their size. He likes to see in her a real housewife, prudent, smart, practical, but not forgetting that there should always be coziness and comfort in the house. Comfort in the family is very important for Vsevolod.

Vsevolod's name day

Famous people named Vsevolod

  • Vsevolod Vishnevsky (playwright, novelist, journalist)
  • Vsevolod Pudovkin (Soviet film director, film theorist)
  • Vsevolod Sanaev (Soviet theater and film actor, People's Artist USSR)
  • Vsevolod Garshin (Russian writer and literary critic)
  • Vsevolod Bobrov (Soviet athlete and coach (ice hockey, football), Honored Master of Sports, Honored Coach of the USSR, Olympic champion)
  • Vsevolod the Big Nest (Prince of Vladimir, son of Yuri Dolgoruky (1154–1212))
  • Vsevolod Keldysh (scientist, one of the founders of the method of calculating reinforced concrete structures according to limit states (1878–1965))
  • Vsevolod Krestovsky (writer (1840–1895))
  • Vsevolod Meyerhold (Russian and Soviet director, actor and teacher (1874–1940))
  • Vsevolod Roborovsky (Russian explorer of Central Asia)
  • Vsevolod Ovchinnikov (outstanding Soviet journalist and writer)
  • Vsevolod Burtsev (Russian scientist in the field of control systems and the theory of design of universal computers, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences)

Vsevolod is a native Russian beautiful male name with Slavic roots. It originated in Ancient Rus' during the adoption of Christianity. It consists of two parts: “vse”, which means “all” and “volod” - “to own”. Therefore it is translated as “omnipotent”, “owning everything”.

Name Astrology

  • Zodiac sign: Aquarius
  • Patron Planet: Jupiter
  • Talisman stone: pearl
  • Color: steel
  • Tree: willow
  • Plant: white lily
  • Animal: whale
  • Favorable day: Saturday

Character Traits

At an early age, Vsevolod is an easy-going, inquisitive child. He studies well, his teachers praise him and love him. He is a master of persuasion, able to influence any situation and achieve his desired result.

As an adult, he shows himself to be a balanced, patient, taciturn, diligent man with a very strong character. The secret of the name lies in the optimism, perseverance and prudence of its owner. Vsevolod is very courageous and cautious. He is able to concentrate his attention on the main thing, rarely finds himself in dangerous and unpleasant situations, and steadfastly endures life’s difficulties.

Vsevolod’s positive qualities: endurance, courage, restraint, hard work, a penchant for analysis, the ability to make friends and build family relationships. He can be described as a self-confident, good-natured and reliable person.

Negative traits: cunning, disgust, slowness, excessive seriousness, low emotionality. He remembers grievances for a long time and is very vindictive. Incredibly stubborn and selfish.

The winter bearer of the name Vsevolod has a scandalous character. He is conflicted, always does everything the way he wants. He is distinguished by his erudition, curiosity, and is able to master the art of oratory. Has many talents. Spring - has a clear mind and balanced character. Summer - sensitive, patient, squeamish, calculating, grumpy. His sense of humor suffers, sometimes completely absent. Autumn is prudent, unhurried and reasonable.

Interests and hobbies

Vsevolod has been fascinated since childhood different types sports He has a wide range of interests. He is very inquisitive. Can develop clairvoyance or psychic abilities, but never demonstrates this to anyone.

Profession and business

Vsevolod can show his talents and achieve success in any field of activity. He is a careerist, he is attracted to professions related to intellectual activity. Manufacturing and entrepreneurship do not interest him, but he has a penchant for science and research. In any case, he is a professional. He is respected in the team and is always in good standing with his superiors. Among the owners of this name you can find excellent administrators, mathematicians, doctors, and physicists.


Vsevolod is in excellent health, he is athletic, resilient, physically strong and mentally strong. But skin diseases, constipation, hemorrhoids, hernia, poisoning and obesity are possible. It is recommended to always attend sports activities and monitor your diet.

Sex and love

Vsevolod attracts women with his determination, goodwill, and self-confidence. Only a bright, spectacular girl with a catchy appearance and ambitions can attract his attention. Often he does not notice the bad character behind such an appearance, but when he sees through it, he immediately breaks off such a relationship. Seva is an excellent sexual partner and lover. He is unable to control his passionate desire. There are no prohibitions or conventions for him in sex. He wants to know everything, so he often re-reads erotic literature. For him, the unity of sex and love is important. He can't go on long time intimate relationship with a girl, if he does not feel feelings. He falls in love sincerely only once and never cheats on such a companion. Betrayal is considered as the deepest insult.

Family and marriage

Vsevolod usually marries early. He considers his family his fortress, in which he rests after going out into the world. The spouse should be gentle, quiet, a good housewife, practical, intelligent, prudent and able to create coziness and comfort. She needs to share his interests with him, show the importance of a man in the house and life, and promote personal growth. In family relationships, he strives for leadership. Requires unquestioning submission from the other half, which is the cause of frequent divorces and misunderstandings. May have several marriages. In general, he proves himself to be a good family man, a caring husband and an attentive father.