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Demo version of the exam in physics

Demo version of the exam in physics
Demonstration version of the control measuring materials of the unified state exam in 2017 in physics

15 The figure shows a graph of the dependence of current strength on time in an electrical circuit, the inductance of which is 1 mH. Determine the self-induction EMF module in the time interval from 15 to 20 s.

18. A charged particle of mass m, carrying a positive charge q, moves perpendicular to the lines of induction of a uniform magnetic field B  along a circle of radius R. Neglect the effect of gravity. Establish a correspondence between physical quantities and pho

19. How many protons and how many neutrons are contained in the 6027 Co nucleus?

20. How do the number of neutrons in the nucleus and the number of electrons in the electron shell of the corresponding neutral atom change with a decrease in the mass number of isotopes of the same element?

21. Write down in the table the selected numbers for each physical quantity.

22. What is the voltage on the light bulb (see figure), if the error in direct voltage measurement is half the division value of the voltmeter?

23. It is necessary to experimentally study the dependence of the acceleration of a bar sliding along a rough inclined plane on its mass (in all the figures below, m is the mass of the bar, α is the angle of inclination of the plane to the horizon, μ is the coefficient of friction between

24. A bar moves along a horizontal plane in a straight line with a constant acceleration of 1 m/s2 under the action of a force F,  directed downward at an angle of 30° to the horizon (see figure). What is the mass of the bar if the friction coefficient of the bar on the plane is 0.2, and F

25. Along parallel conductors bc and ad, located in a magnetic field with induction B = 0.4 T, a conductive rod MN slides, which is in contact with the conductors (see figure). The distance between the conductors l \u003d 20 cm. On the left, the conductors are closed re

In order for teachers and graduates to have an idea about the KIM of the upcoming USE in physics, demonstration versions of the USE in all subjects are published every year on the official website of the FIPI. Everyone can get acquainted and get an idea about the structure, volume, approximate tasks of real options.

In preparation for USE for graduates it is better to use options from official sources of information support for the final exam.

Demonstration version of the exam 2017 in physics

Task option + answers option+answer
Specification download
Codifier download

Demo versions of the exam in physics 2016-2015

Physics Download option
2016 version of the exam 2016
2015 variant EGE fizika

Total tasks - 31; of them by level of difficulty: Basic - 18; Increased - 9; High - 4.

Maximum primary score for work - 50.

Total time to complete the work - 235 minutes

Estimated time to complete the tasks of various parts of the work is:

1) for each task with a short answer - 3-5 minutes;

2) for each task with a detailed answer - 15–25 minutes.

Additional materials and equipment A non-programmable calculator is used (per student) with the ability to calculate trigonometric functions(cos, sin, tg) and ruler. The list of additional devices and materials, the use of which is allowed for the exam, is approved by Rosobrnadzor.

When viewing the demo version of the exam 2017 in Physics, it should be borne in mind that the tasks included in it do not reflect all the content issues that will be tested using the CMM options in 2017.

Changes in KIM USE in physics in 2017 compared to 2016

The structure of part 1 of the examination paper has been changed, part 2 has been left unchanged. From the examination work, tasks with the choice of one correct answer were excluded and tasks with a short answer were added.

When making changes to the structure of the examination paper in physics, the general conceptual approaches to the assessment of educational achievements were preserved. including remained unchanged maximum score for completing all the tasks of the examination paper, the distribution is saved maximum points for tasks of different levels of complexity and an approximate distribution of the number of tasks by sections of the school physics course and methods of activity.

A complete list of questions that can be controlled at the unified state exam in 2017 is given in the codifier of content elements and requirements for the level of preparation of graduates of educational organizations for the unified state exam in 2017 in physics.

control measuring materials
for holding the unified state exam in 2017

1. Appointment of KIM USE

Single State exam(hereinafter referred to as the USE) is a form of objective assessment of the quality of training of persons who have mastered the educational programs of the secondary general education, using tasks of a standardized form (control measuring materials).

The USE is conducted in accordance with Federal Law No. 273-FZ of December 29, 2012 “On Education in the Russian Federation”.

Control measuring materials allow to establish the level of development by graduates of the Federal component of the state educational standard of secondary (complete) general education in physics, basic and profile levels.

The results of the unified state exam in physics are recognized educational organizations middle vocational education and educational organizations of higher professional education as the results of entrance examinations in physics.

2. Documents defining the content of KIM USE

3. Approaches to the selection of content, the development of the structure of the KIM USE

Each version of the examination paper includes controlled content elements from all sections of the school physics course, while for each section tasks of all taxonomic levels are offered. The most important content elements from the point of view of continuing education in higher educational institutions are controlled in the same variant by tasks of different levels of complexity. The number of tasks for a particular section is determined by its content content and in proportion to the study time allotted for its study in accordance with an exemplary program in physics. Various plans according to which are constructed exam options, are built on the principle of content addition so that, in general, all series of variants provide diagnostics for the development of all content elements included in the codifier.

The priority in the design of CMM is the need to verify the types of activities provided for by the standard (taking into account the limitations in the conditions of mass written testing of knowledge and skills of students): mastering the conceptual apparatus of a physics course, mastering methodological knowledge, applying knowledge in explaining physical phenomena and solving problems. Mastering the skills to work with information of physical content is checked indirectly when using various methods of presenting information in texts (graphs, tables, diagrams and schematic drawings).

The most important activity in terms of successful continuation of education at the university is problem solving. Each option includes tasks in all sections of different levels of complexity, allowing you to test the ability to apply physical laws and formulas both in typical educational situations and in non-traditional situations that require a sufficiently high degree of independence when combining known action algorithms or creating your own task execution plan .

The objectivity of checking tasks with a detailed answer is ensured by uniform evaluation criteria, the participation of two independent experts evaluating one work, the possibility of appointing a third expert and the existence of an appeal procedure.

The Unified State Examination in Physics is an exam of the choice of graduates and is designed to differentiate when entering higher educational establishments. For these purposes, tasks of three levels of complexity are included in the work. Completing tasks basic level complexity allows you to assess the level of development of the most significant content elements of the course of physics high school and mastery of the most important activities.

Among the tasks of the basic level, tasks are distinguished, the content of which corresponds to the standard of the basic level. The minimum number of USE points in physics, which confirms that the graduate has mastered the program of secondary (complete) general education in physics, is set based on the requirements for mastering the basic level standard. The use of tasks of increased and high levels of complexity in the examination work allows us to assess the degree of readiness of the student to continue education at the university.

4. The structure of KIM USE

Each version of the examination paper consists of 2 parts and includes 32 tasks that differ in form and level of complexity (Table 1).

Part 1 contains 24 tasks, of which 9 tasks with the choice and recording the number of the correct answer and 15 tasks with a short answer, including tasks with self-recording the answer in the form of a number, as well as tasks for establishing correspondence and multiple choice, in which answers are required write as a sequence of numbers.

Part 2 contains 8 tasks, united by a common activity - problem solving. Of these, 3 tasks with a short answer (25-27) and 5 tasks (28-32), for which it is necessary to provide a detailed answer.