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Demonstration options for oge in geography. Geography Geography Demos Geography Geography Demo

Demonstration options for oge in geography.  Geography Geography Demos Geography Geography Demo

control measuring materials
for holding in 2019 a unified state exam
by geography

1. Appointment of KIM USE

The Unified State Examination (USE) is a form of objective assessment of the quality of training of persons who have mastered the educational programs of the secondary general education, using tasks of a standardized form (control measuring materials).

The USE is conducted in accordance with Federal Law No. 273-FZ of December 29, 2012 “On Education in Russian Federation».

Control measuring materials allow to establish the level of development by graduates of the Federal component of the state standard of secondary (complete) general education in geography, basic and profile levels.

The results of the unified state exam in geography are recognized by educational institutions of higher vocational education as the results of entrance examinations in geography.

2. Documents defining the content of KIM USE

3. Approaches to the selection of content, the development of the structure of the KIM USE

The content and structure of control measuring materials in geography are determined by the need to achieve the goal of the unified state exam: an objective assessment of the quality of training of persons who have mastered the educational programs of secondary (complete) general education, for their differentiation in terms of the level of training and competitive selection in institutions of secondary and higher professional education.

The content of the KIM USE in geography is determined by the requirements for the level of training of graduates, fixed in the Federal component of state standards for basic general and secondary (complete) general education in geography. Selection of content to be tested in the examination USE work 2019, carried out in accordance with the section "Mandatory minimum content of the main educational programs» Federal component of state standards for basic general and secondary (complete) general education in geography. This document highlights the main sections of the school geography course, which are taken as the basis for highlighting blocks of content to be verified in the USE.

Sources of geographic information

Earth nature and man

world population

world economy

Nature management and geoecology

Regions and countries of the world

Geography of Russia

The work tests both the knowledge of geographical phenomena and processes in the geospheres and the geographical features of the nature of the population and the economy of individual territories, as well as the ability to analyze geographical information presented in various forms, the ability to apply the geographical knowledge acquired at school to explain various events and phenomena in everyday life.

The number of tasks that test knowledge of individual sections of the school geography course is determined taking into account the significance of individual elements of the content and the need to fully cover the requirements for the level of graduates' preparation.

In the examination work, tasks of different types are used, the forms of which ensure their adequacy to the skills being tested.

4. The structure of KIM USE

Each version of the examination paper consists of 2 parts and includes 34 tasks that differ in form and level of complexity.

Part 1 contains 27 short answer tasks. (18 tasks basic level complexity, 8 tasks of an increased level of complexity and 1 task of a high level of complexity).

The exam paper contains the following types of tasks with a short answer:

1) tasks that require writing down the answer as a number;

2) tasks that require writing down the answer in the form of a word;

3) tasks to establish the correspondence of geographical objects and their characteristics;

4) tasks requiring to enter answers from the proposed list in the text at the place of gaps;

5) tasks with the choice of several correct answers from the proposed list;

6) tasks to establish the correct sequence.

The answers to the tasks of part 1 are a number, a number, a sequence of numbers or a word (phrase).

Part 2 contains 7 tasks with a detailed answer, in the first of which the answer must be a drawing, and in the rest it is required to write down a complete and reasonable answer to the question posed (2 tasks of an increased level of complexity and 5 tasks of a high level of complexity).

The distribution of tasks in parts of the examination paper, indicating primary points presented in table 1.

Table 1. Distribution of tasks of the examination work by parts of the work

5. Distribution of KIM USE tasks by content, types of skills and methods of action

Examination work provides for checking the level of preparation of graduates in accordance with the requirements for it.

Since the achievement of a number of requirements in various versions of the examination paper can be checked on the content of various sections of the school geography course, the distribution of tasks for the main blocks of content may differ slightly from the approximate distribution shown in Table 2.

Table 2. Distribution of tasks according to the main content sections (topics) of the geography course

Secondary general education


Demo version of the USE-2019 in geography

We bring to your attention an analysis USE demos 2019 in geography. This material contains explanations and a detailed solution algorithm, as well as recommendations on the use of reference books and manuals that may be needed in preparation for the exam.

Geography. USE-2019. Analysis of the tasks of the examination paper

Exercise 1

(“Determining the location of an object by its geographical coordinates”). 1 point

Type 1. The city of Arlit has geographical coordinates 18° 44′ N. 7° 23′ E Determine in which state this city is located.

In this task and in other tasks in which it is proposed to determine the state on whose territory the city is located, it is necessary to use the world map offered for KIM:

To determine the location of an object by its geographical coordinates, one should find the intersection point of the parallel (latitude specified in the task) and the meridian (longitude specified in the task) on which the object is located.

It is important not to confuse parallels with meridians, north latitude with south, and west longitude with east. It must be remembered that the latitude on the map is measured from the equator (indicated in the figure by the Roman numeral I), to the north (in the figure above) from the equator, the north latitude is counted, to the south - the south. Longitude is measured from the zero (Greenwich) meridian (indicated in the figure by the number II). Longitude is measured from 0 to 180°. To the east (to the left) from the zero meridian to 180 °, eastern longitude is measured, to the west - western.

The parallels and meridians on this map are drawn every 20°. There are 60 minutes in one degree, which means the parallel is 18º 44′ N. will pass a little south of the parallel 20º 44′ N. , meridian 7° 23′ E - between the Greenwich (see figure) meridian and the meridian 20º E.

Parallel 18º 44′ N and meridian 7° 23′ E intersect in the territory of the State of Niger. So the city of Arlit is located on the territory of this state.

Type 2. The city of Sosnovoborsk has geographical coordinates 56º 07′ N.L. 93º 20′ E Determine on the territory of which subject of the Russian Federation this city is located.

In this task, it is proposed to determine the subject of the Russian Federation on whose territory the city specified in the task is located, which means that to complete this task, you must use a map of the administrative-territorial structure of Russia. (see Fig. 2). It is important to understand the location of parallels and meridians on the map of Russia.

Parallels on the map of Russia are depicted in the form of arcs described around the North Pole. The meridians are straight lines fanning out from the North Pole. Parallels and meridians are drawn on this map every 10 degrees.

We draw the meridian 93º 20′ E on the map. (on the exam, this can be done with a pencil along the ruler directly on the application map) and parallel 56º 07′ N.L.

Task 2

Type 1

(Understanding the patterns of change in atmospheric pressure with altitude.)

At the points indicated in the figure by numbers, measurements of atmospheric pressure are simultaneously carried out. Arrange these points in order of increasing atmospheric pressure (from lowest to highest).

Atmospheric pressure decreases with height, so the lowest pressure will be observed at point 3, and the highest at point 2.

Answer: 312.

Type 2

(Understanding the patterns of change in air temperature with altitude.)

At meteorological stations 1, 2 and 3, located on the mountain slope at different heights, air temperature measurements were taken simultaneously. The obtained values ​​are shown in the table. Arrange these weather stations in order of increasing altitude (from lowest to highest).

Write down the resulting sequence of numbers in the table.

The air temperature decreases with height, which means that weather station 3 is located at the lowest altitude above sea level, and weather station 2 is located at the highest.

Answer: 312.

Type 3

(Understanding the patterns of change in the relative humidity of air depending on its temperature.)

At points 1, 2, and 3, temperature and relative air humidity were simultaneously measured. The obtained values ​​are shown in the table. Arrange these points in order of increasing absolute humidity in them (from the lowest to the highest).

Write down the resulting sequence of numbers in the table.

The higher the temperature of the air, the more water vapor it can contain, so at a constant temperature, the relative humidity of the air will increase with an increase in the water vapor content (absolute humidity). Answer: 321.

Task 3

(Knowledge of examples of rational and irrational nature management, understanding of the impact of human economic activity on nature is checked):

When performing this task, it is important to understand the differences between the rational (contributing to the conservation of natural resources and the protection environment) nature management from irrational.

Some examples of both types are shown in the table below.




drainage of swamps in the upper reaches of the rivers

recycling water supply

felling trees in the upper reaches of the rivers

integrated use of raw materials

creation of waste heaps

complete extraction of raw materials

virgin soil plowing

land reclamation

mole alloy wood

protective forest belts

(longitudinal) plowing of slopes

clearing the forest from dead wood, fields from boulders, riverbeds from debris, etc.

use of heavy agricultural equipment

slope terracing

flaring of associated petroleum gas

drip irrigation

construction of hydroelectric power stations on lowland rivers

conversion of thermal power plants from coal to natural gas

The use of renewable energy sources in the electric power industry

Use of associated petroleum gas (APG) as a fuel for thermal power plants or as a chemical raw material.

use of secondary raw materials (metals, waste paper)

Use of production waste for the production of useful products

Sample task 3 (1)

Which of the following statements are correct? write down numbers under which they are listed.

  1. An example of unsustainable environmental management is the production of granulated iron from metallurgy waste.
  2. The construction of power plants using renewable energy sources contributes to limiting carbon dioxide emissions into the Earth's atmosphere.
  3. The creation of large reservoirs leads to a change in the regime of rivers.
  4. An example of irrational nature management is the use of renewable energy sources in the electric power industry.
  5. An example of rational nature management is the planting of shelter belts in the steppe zone.

In the above question, the correct answer: 235.

Sample task 3 (21)

Which of the following is an example of unsustainable environmental management? write down numbers, under which examples of rational nature management are indicated.

  1. creation of small hydropower plants on small rivers to supply energy to remote settlements.
  2. longitudinal plowing of slopes
  3. over-irrigation in dry areas
  4. recycling water supply of enterprises
  5. production of biofuel from woodworking industry waste

Answer: ___________________________.

The creation of small hydropower plants allows, using a renewable energy source, to abandon the use of diesel plants using fossil fuels, so this is an example of environmental management.

Plowing along slopes is an example of unsustainable nature management, because it leads to the creation of grooves, through which rainwater rapidly flows down the slope, eroding the soil - water erosion of the soil occurs.

Excessive irrigation in arid areas leads to soil salinization and a decrease in their fertility, so this is an example of irrational nature management.

The use of recycling water supply systems makes it possible to completely eliminate the discharge of wastewater into water bodies, so this is an example of rational environmental management.

The use of waste from the woodworking industry to produce biofuel is an example of environmental management, because it is the use of a renewable energy source.

Correct answer: 23.

Task 4

(Knowledge and understanding of the main processes and phenomena in the geospheres, possession of geographical terminology is checked)

Example 1

Read the text below with a number of words missing. Choose from the proposed list of words that you want to insert in place of the gaps.

tundra zone

The tundra natural zone is located to the north of the taiga natural zone. The boundary between them is drawn along the July isotherm + 10 °C. Atmospheric precipitation in the territory of the zone falls _______________ (A), than in the natural zone of the taiga, moisture is excessive. Low air temperatures _______________ (B) the development of woody vegetation climate. Tundra-gley soils have ______________(B) humus content.

one once.

Word list:

  1. more
  2. hinder
  3. less
  4. short
  5. promote
  6. high

The table below lists the letters that represent the missing words. Write in the table under each letter the number of the word you have chosen.


In the tundra zone, precipitation is less than in the taiga zone, the development of woody vegetation is hindered by low air temperatures, in conditions of a small amount of plant litter and leaching of the products of their decomposition of humus in the soil from the soil.

Correct answer: 124.

Example 2

Read the text below, in which a number of words (phrases) are missing. Choose from the proposed list of words (phrases) that you want to insert in place of the gaps.

The territory of Russia is located mainly in _____________ (A) latitudes. The European part of the country is influenced by the Atlantic, which determines the active _____________ (B) activity with frequent changes in weather conditions. The central regions of Siberia have a sharply continental climate, and the extreme eastern regions of the country have _____________________ (B).

Choose sequentially one word (phrase) after another, inserting words (phrases) from the list in the required form into the gaps. Please note that there are more words (phrases) in the list than you need to fill in the gaps. Each word (phrase) can only be used once.

List of words (phrases):

  1. anticyclonic
  2. arctic
  3. moderate
  4. monsoonal
  5. trade wind
  6. cyclonic

Most of the territory of our country is located in temperate latitudes. The frequent change in weather conditions referred to in the text can only be associated with the activity of cyclones. Far East located in the monsoon climate. Correct answer: 364.

Task 5

(Knowledge and understanding of the patterns of distribution of air temperatures and precipitation on Earth and in Russia, the position on the map of climatic zones is checked)

Example 1

Arrange the following cities in order of increasing average long-term air temperature of the coldest month, starting with the city with the lowest air temperature.

  1. Rostov-on-Don
  2. Permian

Write down the resulting sequence of numbers in the table.

When performing this and similar tasks, it must be remembered that the continentality of the climate on the territory of our country increases from the northwest to the southeast, therefore, in winter, the average monthly air temperatures on the territory of our country decrease when moving in this direction, and increase when moving to the northeast. west. If you do not remember the position on the map of the cities indicated in the task, then you can approximately determine it using the political and administrative map of Russia from the KIM reference materials. (see task 1)

Correct answer: 321.

Example 2

Establish a correspondence between the point marked on the world map and the climatic zone in which it is located: for each element of the first column, select the corresponding element from the second column.


Correct answer: 321.

Task 6

(The understanding of the patterns of change in the length of the day and the position of the Sun above the horizon at different latitudes depending on the season is checked)

Arrange the following parallels in order of increasing daylight hours on June 1, starting with the parallel with the shortest day length.

  1. 40º N
  2. 10º S
  3. 30º S

Write down the resulting sequence of numbers in the table.

When performing this and similar tasks, it is important to remember that at the equator the length of the day is always equal to the length of the night, while in the summer months in the Northern Hemisphere, the length of the day increases with distance from the equator, and decreases in the southern. In winter, the relationship is reversed.

Correct answer: 321.

Arrange the following parallels in order of increasing daylight hours on June 1, starting with the parallel with the shortest duration.

  1. 55°S sh.
  2. 35°S sh.
  3. 15°S sh.

Write down the resulting sequence of numbers in the table.

June is summer in the Southern Hemisphere, and the length of the day increases with distance from the equator.

Correct answer: 321.

Task 7

(Knowledge of the geographical nomenclature is checked: the positions and relative positions of the largest and most significant geographical objects)

Establish a correspondence between the bay and its designation on the world map:
For each element in the first column, match the corresponding element in the second column.

Write in the table the selected numbers under the corresponding letters.


Correct answer: 241.

Arrange the listed parts of the World Ocean from west to east in the order in which they are located on the world map, starting from the westernmost.

  1. Arabian Sea
  2. bay of bengal
  3. gulf of guinea

Write down the resulting sequence of numbers in the table.

Correct answer: 312.

Task 8

(Knowledge and understanding of the characteristics of the demographic situation and indicators of the standard of living of the population in countries with different levels of socio-economic development are tested)

Example 1

Arrange the countries listed in ascending order of the average life expectancy of the population, starting with the country with the lowest value of this indicator.

  1. Republic of the Congo
  2. Great Britain
  3. Brazil

Write down the resulting sequence of numbers in the table.

In carrying out this and similar tasks, it is important to remember that the lowest standards of living are typical for African countries, and the highest - for the economically developed countries of North America, Europe, Australia and Japan.

Answer: 132

Example 2

Arrange the listed countries in ascending order of the indicator of natural population growth (per 1 thousand inhabitants), starting with the country with the lowest value of this indicator.

  1. Canada
  2. Nigeria
  3. Finland

Write down the resulting sequence of numbers in the table.

When performing this and similar tasks, it must be remembered that the lowest rates of natural population growth are characteristic of most countries of Western Europe. In the USA, Canada and Australia they are higher than in Western Europe. The highest rates are typical for developing countries, but at the same time, in most countries of Asia and Latin America, these rates are somewhat lower than in developing countries in Africa.

Correct answer: 312.

Task 9

(Knowledge and understanding of the geographical features of the distribution of the population on the territory of Russia and the world is checked.)

Example 1

Which three of the following regions of Russia have the highest average population density? Record in a table numbers

  1. Komi Republic
  2. Tula region
  3. Zabaykalsky Krai
  4. The Republic of Buryatia
  5. Sverdlovsk region
  6. Rostov region

To perform such tasks, you need to represent the position on the map of Russia of the main strip of settlement. By presenting the position of these regions on the map, the political and administrative map of Russia from the KIM reference materials (see task 1) can help - you need to determine which of them are within the main settlement zone.

Correct answer: 256.

Example 2

Which three of the following countries have the highest average population density? Record in a table numbers under which these countries are listed.

  1. Vietnam
  2. Canada
  3. Indonesia
  4. Libya
  5. Mongolia
  6. Germany

Correct answer: 136.

Task 10

(Knowledge and understanding of the features of the structure of the economy of countries with different levels of socio-economic development is checked.)

Establish a correspondence between the country and the diagram showing the distribution of its economically active population by sectors of the economy: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

Write in the table the selected numbers under the corresponding letters.


When performing such assignments, it is enough to remember that the highest share of employment in agriculture is typical for the least developed countries, and the lowest for the most highly developed ones.

Answer: 321.

Task 11

(Knowledge and understanding of the characteristics of nature, population and economy of the largest countries of the world is checked)

Read the text below, in which a number of words (phrases) are missing. Choose from the proposed list of words (phrase) that you want to insert in place of the gaps.


France is one of the most economically developed countries in the world and one of the leaders of the countries of the European Union. In foreign Europe, the country is the first in terms of territory and ___________ (A) in terms of population.

The country has deposits of various minerals, such as bauxite, iron and zinc ores, coal. However, their development (except for uranium ores) has now been stopped and the country imports practically all the industrial raw materials it needs.

The country has a modern diversified economy. A characteristic feature of French industry is the dominance of __________ (B). France produces a wide variety of agricultural products. The country is one of the world leaders in the production of not only viticulture products, but also grain, and such products as _____________ (B)

Choose sequentially one word (phrase) after another, mentally inserting words (phrases) from the list in the required form into the gaps. Please note that there are more words (phrases) in the list than you need to fill in the gaps. Each word (phrase) can only be used one once.

List of words (phrases):

  1. first
  2. second
  3. sugarcane
  4. sugar beet

The table below shows the letters that indicate the missing words (phrases). Write in the table under each letter the number of the word (phrase) you have chosen.


The implementation of tasks of this type requires the involvement of knowledge about the characteristics of the nature of the population and the economy of not only separately emitted countries, but also knowledge on the topics “Population of the World” and “World Economy” In column A, the correct answer is 2, since Germany is the largest country in Europe by population . In column B, the correct answer is 4, since France is the only country in the world in which more than 80% of electricity is produced at nuclear power plants. In column B, the correct answer is 6, since France is the world leader in the production of this particular temperate crop.

Correct answer: 246.

Task 12

(Knowledge of the largest cities (cities-millionaires) of Russia is checked)

Which three of the following Russian cities have the largest population? Record in a table numbers under which these cities are indicated.

  1. Ryazan
  2. Kazan
  3. Tver
  4. Samara
  5. Novosibirsk

Among the listed cities, Kazan, Samara and Novosibirsk are the cities of millionaires. Of the listed cities in Russia, these cities have the largest population.

Correct answer: 246.

Task 13

(Knowledge of the geographical features of the location of the main branches of agriculture, industry and transport in Russia is checked.)

Example 1

Which three of the following regions of Russia are major producers of corn for grain? Record in a table numbers, under which these regions are indicated.

  1. Republic of Karelia
  2. Belgorod region
  3. Voronezh region
  4. Tyumen region
  5. Krasnodar region
  6. Tyva Republic

Corn gives good yields in a warm (with a high sum of active temperatures) climate and fertile soils. Such conditions exist in Central Russia and the Kuban.

Correct answer: 235.

Example 2

Choose from the proposed list three cities that are major centers of non-ferrous metallurgy. Circle the appropriate numbers and write them down in the table.

  1. Norilsk
  2. Cherepovets
  3. Vladimir
  4. Krasnoyarsk
  5. Khabarovsk
  6. Bratsk

To perform this and similar tasks, it is necessary to study well the largest centers for the production of aluminum, copper and nickel with the help of atlas maps. (for other tasks, knowledge of the centers of ferrous metallurgy, chemistry, pulp and paper industry, etc. will be required)

Correct answer: 146.

Task 14

(Knowledge and understanding of the characteristics of nature, population and economy of large geographical regions of Russia and natural and economic zones are checked)

Read the text below with a number of words missing. Choose from the proposed list of words that you want to insert in the gaps.

Geographical features of the nature of the European North of Russia

Most of the district is located in the natural zone ________________ (A), which is characterized by podzolic soils. Average air temperatures in July vary from +8 °С in the north to +18 °С in the south of the region. The average air temperatures in January within the territory of the district vary from -8 °С to -18 °С: they become lower when moving __________________ (B)

The average annual amount of precipitation __________________ (B) up to 850 mm in the foothills of the Urals.

Choose sequentially one word after another, mentally inserting words from the list in the required form into the gaps. Please note that there are more words in the list than you need to fill in the gaps. Each word can only be used one once.

The table below shows the letters that indicate the missing words (phrase). Write in the table under each letter the number of the word you have chosen.

List of words (phrases):

  1. increases
  2. decreases
  3. taiga
  4. tundra
  5. East
  6. west

The table below shows the letters that indicate the missing words (phrases). Write in the table under each letter the number of the word (phrase) you have chosen.


In the tundra zone there is only a small part of the region located beyond the Arctic Circle, therefore in column A the correct answer is 3, when moving east the climate becomes more continental, therefore in column B the correct answer is 5. The amount of precipitation on the windward slopes is always greater than on neighboring plains, so in column B the correct answer is 1.

Correct answer: 351.

Task 16

(The ability to determine and compare according to statistical data the development trends of various socio-economic processes and phenomena is checked)

Based on the analysis of the data in the table below, indicate the areas
in which in the period from 2013 to 2015 there was an annual increase in industrial production. write down numbers, under which these regions are indicated.

Dynamics of industrial production volumes
(in % to the previous year)

Answer: ___________________________.

When performing this and similar tasks, it should be noted that all data in the table are compared with the previous year. If the value of the indicator is less than 100, then this indicates a decline, a decrease, a reduction in production. If the indicator is more than 100, then we are talking about growth, an increase in production.

Data for the Bryansk and Belgorod regions all exceed 100%, which means a constant increase in production volumes.

Data for the Murmansk region in 2013 and 2014 less than 100%, which means a decrease in production volumes.

Data for the Yaroslavl region in 2013, less than 100% drop. This means that in that year the volume of industrial production was less than in 2012, there was no growth

Correct answer: 23.

Task 17

(The ability to extract information from maps that use the isoline method is tested.)

Using the map, compare the values ​​of the average multi-year air temperature minimums at the points indicated on the map by numbers 1, 2 and 3. Arrange the points in order of increasing these values.

Average long-term minima of air temperature (in °C)

Write down the resulting sequence of numbers in the table.

To compare the temperatures at the indicated points, it is necessary to determine from the isotherms (lines of equal temperatures) in which direction they decrease or increase. This map shows that at point 1 the temperature is approximately -38 °C, at point 2 - -53 °C, at point 3 - -46 °C. The lowest of these temperatures is -53°C and the highest is -38°C. Correct answer: 231.

Task 18

(Knowledge of the capitals of the countries of the world, the capitals of the republics of the Russian Federation and the administrative centers of the territories and regions of the Russian Federation is checked.)

Establish a correspondence between the subject of the Russian Federation and its administrative center: for each element of the first column, select the corresponding element from the second column.

Write in the table the selected numbers under the corresponding letters.


When performing such tasks, knowledge of the political and administrative map of the Russian Federation is required.

Correct answer: 324.

Task 18

(Knowledge of the geographical features of the location of the most important industries, agriculture and transport of the world is checked.)

Which three of the following countries are major oil producers?

  1. Netherlands
  2. Sweden
  3. China
  4. Switzerland
  5. Mexico

Write down in the table the numbers under which these countries are indicated.

To perform this and similar tasks, you need to know the world's largest oil producers. They are Russia, Saudi Arabia, USA, China, Canada, Iran, Iraq, Mexico, Kuwait and UAE. Brazil, Venezuela, Nigeria, Qatar, Angola, Norway and Algeria are also among the major oil producers.

Correct answer: 246.

In addition, it is necessary to know the major producers and exporters of natural gas, coal, iron and copper ores, bauxite, major producers of such agricultural products as wheat, corn, rice, coffee, tea, cotton, sugar beet, sugar cane.

Task 20

(The ability to determine differences in zonal time on the territory of Russia is being tested.)

In accordance with the Law on the Return to "Winter" Time, 11 time zones have been established in the country since October 26, 2014 (see map). The starting point for calculating the local time of time zones is Moscow time - the time of the II time zone.

The plane took off from Moscow (II time zone) to Volgograd (III time zone) at 10:30 Moscow time. Estimated flight time is 1 hour 30 minutes. What time will it be in Volgograd when the plane lands? Write your answer as a number.

Answer: ___________________________ h.

The map shows that the time difference between the time zones of Moscow and Volgograd is +1 hour. This means that a plane departing from Moscow at 10.30 am will land in Volgograd at 12 noon Moscow time or at 1 pm Volgograd local time.

Correct answer: 13 hours.

Task 21

(The ability to identify and compare development trends, socio-economic and, processes and phenomena from different sources of information is checked.)

Example 1

Using the data of the diagrams, determine the value of the migration increase (loss) of the population of the Amur Region in 2015. Write down the answer in numbers.


Answer: ___________________________ thousand people.

Migration growth is the difference between the number of those who arrived in the region for permanent residence from the regions of Russia and from other foreign countries and the number of those who left. In this case, this will be equal to (8.8 + 3.8) - (13 + 3.4) = -3.8. It is important to correctly write down the answer in the answer sheet in accordance with the instructions:

Example 2

Using the data in the table, determine how much the cost of goods exported from the Krasnodar Territory to non-CIS countries exceeded the cost of goods exported from the Krasnodar Territory to the CIS countries in 2015.

Write down the answer in the form of a number (according to the model indicated in the instructions for doing the work).

Foreign trade of the Krasnodar Territory by groups of countries in 2015

Answer: ___________________________ million dollars

The value of exported goods is indicated in the "export" column. In order to find out how much the cost of goods exported from the Krasnodar Territory to non-CIS countries exceeded the cost of goods exported from the Krasnodar Territory to the CIS countries, in 2015 it is necessary to subtract 420 from 5856.

Correct answer: 5436.

Task 22

(the ability to determine and compare the resource availability of individual countries and regions of the world is tested)

Example 1

Using the data in the table below, compare countries' arable land endowments. Arrange the countries in order of increasing resource endowment.

Write down the resulting sequence of numbers in the table.

To determine the resource availability of arable land, it is necessary to divide the area of ​​arable land in each country by the number of inhabitants. The lowest value will be obtained for Brazil, and the highest value for Australia.

Correct answer: 321.

Example 2

Using the data in the table, compare the resource availability of countries with oil. Arrange the countries in ascending order of their resource availability index, starting with the country with the lowest value of this indicator.

Write down the resulting sequence of numbers in the table.

To determine the resource availability of any type of minerals, it is necessary to divide the value of the reserves of each country by the value of production. The lowest value will be obtained for the US and Nigeria.

Correct answer: 321.

Task 23

(Knowledge of the sequence of stages of geological history is checked.)

The following mnemonic rule will help you remember their sequence:

geological periods

mnemonic rule

To embryos

To every

O reddovik

O excellent

FROM ilur

FROM student

D ewon

D must

To arbon (Coal)

To suffocate

P erm

P elmeni.

T rias

P aleogene

P rinesi

H eogen

H quaternary

H eburek.


Arrange the listed periods of the geological history of the Earth in chronological order, starting with the earliest.

  1. Cambrian
  2. Paleogene
  3. Triassic

Write down the resulting sequence of numbers in the table.

Correct answer: 132.

Task 24

(The ability to determine the country by its brief description based on the identification of its essential geographical features.)


Identify the country by its description.

This country has no land borders with other states. It is a constitutional monarchy. Own mineral resources are small, almost all mineral raw materials are imported. Despite the high proportion of elderly people, the country has significant human capital - a population of more than 125 million people, and a highly qualified workforce create good opportunities for economic development.

Answer:_________________ .

The fact that the country has no land borders means that it is located on an island (archipelago). Island countries that are constitutional monarchies in form of government are Bahrain, Japan, and the United Kingdom. However, neither Bahrain nor the UK fit in terms of population. In addition, Bahrain has its own significant oil and gas reserves, and the UK has a border with Ireland. Hence, this is a description of Japan.

Correct answer: Japan.

Task 25

(The ability to determine the region of Russia according to its brief description is tested on the basis of highlighting its essential geographical features.)

It is important to carefully analyze the characteristics indicated in the condition, consistently excluding possible answers.


Define the region of Russia by its brief description.

The territory of this region is washed by the waters of two seas. An essential feature of the economic and geographical position is the lack of railway communication with other regions of the country. A few tourists are attracted here by the opportunity to see the unique natural sites included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Answer:_________________ .

On the map (you can use a map from reference materials (see task 1) it is clear that the territories of a number of regions of Russia are washed by the waters of two different seas. However, only Kamchatka Krai and the Magadan Region do not yet have rail links with other regions of the country. The Magadan Region is washed by only one sea, and on its territory there are no objects included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Correct answer: Kamchatka Krai.

Tasks 26–28 are performed using the map given in the KIM variant.

Task 26

(The ability to determine distances using a scale is tested.)

Determine on the map the distance on the ground in a straight line from the spring to the forester's house. Round the result to the nearest tens of meters. Write your answer as a number.

Answer: ___________________________ m.

We measure the distance on the map from the forester's house to the spring with a ruler. The result obtained (2.7 cm). The scale of this map is 1 cm 100 m (it can be different in tasks of different options). We multiply 2.7 by 100 and get the answer.

Correct answer: 270.

In order to measure the azimuth on the map, it is necessary to draw a line parallel to the north-south direction through the starting point of the direction to be determined. Then, also through the point, draw a line connecting the point and the object to which you want to determine the azimuth. And then, using a protractor, measure the resulting angle (azimuth), given that the azimuth is always counted clockwise.

Task 27

(The ability to determine azimuths according to the terrain plan and topographic map is checked.)

Azimuth - the angle formed at a given point or on the map between the direction of north and any object, and counted clockwise. Azimuth measurements on maps are made using a protractor.

So, if the object is strictly north of the point where the observer is located, then the azimuth to it will be 0 °, to the east - 90 °, to the south - 180 °, to the west - 270 °. Azimuths can have values ​​from 0° to 360°. In order to measure the azimuth on the map, it is necessary to draw a line parallel to the north-south direction through the starting point of the direction to be determined. Then, also through the point, draw a line connecting the point and the object to which you want to determine the azimuth. And then, using a protractor, measure the resulting angle (azimuth), given that the azimuth is always counted clockwise. It is important to remember that if the object is located in the western hemisphere (the angle between the north direction and the object is turned), then the azimuth will be more than 180 degrees:


Determine on the map the azimuth from the spring to the forester's house. Write down the answer
as a number.

Answer: ___________________________ deg.

Correct answer: 270.

Task 28

(Building a relief profile.)

To build a relief profile on the map, determine the height of each horizontal and the distance between the horizontals.


Construct a terrain profile along the line A-B. To do this, transfer the basis for constructing a profile to answer form No. 2, using a horizontal scale of 1 cm 50 m and a vertical scale of 1 cm 5 m. Indicate the position of the spring on the profile with an “X”.

The scale of the map in the task is 1 cm 100 m. This means that the horizontal scale of the profile is twice the scale of the map. Therefore, having measured the distance between contour lines on the map, they must be doubled when transferred to the profile. The horizons on the map are drawn every 5 m, and when building a profile, you need to use a scale of 1 cm 10 m. This means that the contours on the profile will be marked every 0.5 cm. The distance on the map between points A and B is 4 cm. By condition, the horizontal scale twice as much, therefore, the length of the profile base will be 8 cm. When transferring the profile base to the answer sheet, you need to carefully look at what height points A and B are shown). According to the height of the signed contours, it is clear that the territory from point A first (to the spring) decreases, then rises, and then decreases again to point B. It is necessary to ensure that the general direction of the relief change on the map coincides with that shown on the profile. The closer the horizontals are, the steeper the slope.

Correct answer

Tasks 29

(The ability to explain various natural and socio-economic objects, processes and phenomena is tested)

In these tasks, it is required to indicate two reasons for this or that phenomenon.

Example 1

On the coasts of the oceans, as a rule, more precipitation falls than in the interior of the continents. However, on the Atlantic coast of South Africa in tropical latitudes, the average annual precipitation is very low. Give two reasons for this phenomenon.

The main reasons preventing the formation of clouds and precipitation on the Atlantic coast of South Africa are the cold current passing along the coast and the predominance of high atmospheric pressure throughout the year.

In some tasks in position 29, it is required to establish a chain of cause-and-effect relationships:

Example 2

Scientists analyzed data from observations of the water level in the Nile, which were conducted in Cairo since 622 AD. These data were compared with the periods of volcanic activity in antiquity, information about which scientists received from the results of the study of ice cores in Greenland. It turned out that during large eruptions, the floods were weaker on the Nile due to the weakening of the winds that bring moisture from the ocean at this time. The winds weakened due to less warming of the mainland in the summer.

Name the links in the chain of connections between the increase in the content of volcanic activity products in the atmosphere and the decrease in the heating of the continent, indicated in the diagram by numbers 2 and 3.

Sample response to questions like this: Due to the increase in the content of volcanic activity products (ash), the transparency of the atmosphere decreases, which leads to a decrease in solar radiation reaching the earth's surface, so the surface of the mainland warms up less.

Task 30

(The ability to use geographical knowledge and skills is tested to analyze and evaluate different territories in terms of the relationship of natural, socio-economic, man-made objects and processes. These can be tasks in which you need to give a simple geographical forecast or, by logical reasoning, determine a territory or object with properties specified in the condition.)

Example 1

The figure shows a profile drawn through an island in the Pacific Ocean along the parallel of 20 ° S. latitude. In which of the points marked on the profile with the letters A, B, C, and D, will the greatest amount of precipitation fall? Give two reasons to support your answer.

In tropical latitudes, trade winds prevail, blowing from the southeast in the southern hemisphere. They will bring precipitation from the ocean to the east coast of the island. The higher the air rises along the mountain slope that the winds meet on its way, the more the air will cool, and the more precipitation will fall. This means that most of the precipitation will fall in point B.

First of all, the Sun will rise above the horizon at point A, which is located east of point B located on the same parallel with it (the Sun rises earlier in the East), but closer to the equator than point B, located with point A on the same meridian (in August, the duration days in the southern hemisphere decreases with distance from the equator).

Task 31

(The ability to evaluate and compare, according to statistical data, the role of agriculture in different countries is tested )


Using the data in the table below, compare the shares of the population employed in agriculture and the shares of agriculture in the total GDP of Israel and Iran. Draw a conclusion about which of these countries agriculture plays a greater role in the economy. To justify your answer, write down the necessary numerical data or calculations.

Socio-economic indicators of the development of Israel and Iran in 2016

Please note that the shares of the population employed in agriculture in the countries are indicated in the table in the corresponding column in the “Structure of employment of the population”, and the shares of agriculture in the total GDP of Israel and Iran must be calculated independently by dividing the GDP generated in agriculture by indicator of total GDP. To compare shares means to indicate in which country the share is larger. It seems obvious that 16 is more than one, but if you do not write it down, you can lose a point for completing the task. The response to the task can be written like this:

The share of the population employed in agriculture in Iran (16%) is higher than in Israel (1%), and the share of GDP created in agriculture in Iran (10%) is also higher than in Israel (2.3%). Consequently, agriculture plays a larger role in the Iranian economy than in the Israeli economy.

Task 32

(Tasks to determine the geographic longitude of a point according to its solar time or to determine the geographical distance between geographical objects according to their geographic latitude)

Example 1

Determine the geographic longitude of the point if it is known that at 22 hours solar time the meridian 30 ° W. local solar time in it is 01:00 the next day. Write down the solution to the problem.

One hour of time difference corresponds to a difference of 15° of longitude.

Time difference from 30°W meridian is 3 hours, so the difference in longitude is: 15° x 2 = 45°

The time at the point is greater than the time at the 30°E meridian, which means that the point is located east of the 15°E meridian.

Answer: 15°E

Example 2

From a ship located at a point with coordinates 13 ° N. 73° W, a radio message was received about an engine malfunction. What is the distance (in km) to the damaged vessel that the repair ship will pass from the port of Riohacha
(11° N 73° W), if it is known that the ship will follow the meridian, and the disabled ship will remain at the same point from which the message was transmitted? Round your answer to the nearest whole number. Write down the solution to the problem.

Average annual population, people

No data

Natural population growth, people, value of the indicator for the year

No data

Task 33

Using the data in the table, determine the rate of natural population growth (in ‰) in 2017 for the Saratov region.

When calculating, use the indicator of the average annual population. Write down the solution to the problem. Round the result to the nearest tenth of a ppm.

To solve this task, it is necessary to divide the value of the natural increase indicator for 2017 -10150 by 12,471,105; -10150: (12471105:1000) = -4.107474. Since it is required to determine the value of the indicator in ‰ (per 1 thousand people), it is very important not to forget to divide the value of the average annual population indicated for 2017 by 1000. As a result of division, we get -4.107474 and round the result to tenths ppm Correct answer: -4.1‰. Be sure to write down all your calculations. If not, the score will be reduced.

Task 34

Both the natural movement of the population and migration have a noticeable impact on the population of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. After analyzing the data in the table, determine the value of the migration increase (loss) of the population of the Saratov region in 2017. Write down the solution to the problem.

This task is solved in two steps. First, we find out how much the population of the region has changed in the desired year. Since in this problem it is required to determine the indicator for 2017, it is necessary to subtract the value of the population as of January 1, 2017 from the value of the population as of January 1, 2018:

2 462 950 – 2 479 260 = –16310

This value is the sum of natural and migration (mechanical) population growth in 2017. Therefore, in order to find out the migration increase, it is necessary to find the difference between this value and the natural increase indicated in the table:

-16310 - (-10150) = -6160. Thus, the migration growth of the population amounted to -6160 people (the migration loss was 6160 people).

control measuring materials
for the 2018 main state exam
by geography

1. Appointment of KIM for OGE- to assess the level of general education in geography of graduates of the ninth grade of general educational organizations for the purpose of the state final certification of graduates. The results of the exam can be used when enrolling students in specialized secondary school classes.

The OGE is conducted in accordance with the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”.

2. Documents defining the content of KIM

3. Approaches to the selection of content, the development of the structure of KIM

Each version of the KIM 2018 includes tasks that check the level of knowledge of the content of all the main sections of the geography course for the basic school and the fulfillment of the basic requirements for the level of graduates.

4. Connection of the examination model of the OGE with KIM USE

A significant part of the tasks of KIM for the OGE are similar in type to the tasks used in the examination work of the USE.

Unlike the Unified State Examination, in KIM for the OGE, more attention is paid to the achievement by students of the requirements aimed at the practical application of geographical knowledge and skills. It is also important for the OGE to check the formation of the ability to extract and analyze data from various sources of geographic information (atlas maps, statistical materials, diagrams, media texts).

5. Characteristics of the structure and content of KIM

The examination paper consists of 30 tasks. The tasks test the knowledge that forms the basis of the geographical literacy of students, as well as the ability to apply knowledge and skills in contexts corresponding to the main sections of the school geography course.

The work contains 27 tasks with a short answer, of which: 17 tasks with an answer in the form of a single digit, 3 tasks with an answer in the form of a word or phrase, 7 tasks with an answer in the form of a number or a sequence of numbers; 3 tasks with a detailed answer, in which you need to write down a complete and reasonable answer to the question posed.

6. Distribution of KIM tasks by content, tested skills and methods of activity.

Preparation for the exam in geography includes several mandatory steps. First of all, you need to familiarize yourself with the demos.

The official website of FIPI publishes demo versions of the KIM Unified State Examination of the current year, here you can also find demo versions of previous years.

Demo version of the exam in geography 2018 with answers from the official website of FIPI

Task variant + answers Download demo
Specification demo variant geo ege
Codifier codifier

Changes in KIM USE 2018 by geography in comparison with KIM 2017

There are no changes in the structure and content of KIM.

Maximum score for completing task 4 increased to 2. The maximum score for completing task 7 was reduced to 1. Maximum primary score did not change.

Structure of KIM

The exam paper of the USE 2018 in geography consists of two parts, including 34 tasks.

Part 1 contains 27 short answer tasks.

Part 2 contains 7 tasks with a detailed answer.

3 hours (180 minutes) are allotted to complete the examination paper in geography.

Answers to the tasks of part 1 (1–27) are written as a number, a sequence of numbers or a word (phrase).

Approaches to the selection of content, the development of the structure of KIM USE 2018 in geography

The content and structure of control measuring materials in geography are determined by the need to achieve the goal of the unified state exam: an objective assessment of the quality of training of persons who have mastered the educational programs of secondary (complete) general education, for their differentiation in terms of the level of training and competitive selection in institutions of secondary and higher professional education.

The content of the KIM USE in geography is determined by the requirements for the level of training of graduates, fixed in the Federal component of state standards for basic general and secondary (complete) general education in geography. The selection of the content to be checked in the exam paper of the USE in 2018 is carried out in accordance with the section "Mandatory minimum content of basic educational programs" of the Federal component of state standards for basic general and secondary (complete) general education in geography.

This document highlights the main sections of the school geography course, which are taken as the basis for highlighting blocks of content to be verified in the USE.

Sources of geographic information

Earth nature and man

world population

world economy

Nature management and geoecology

Regions and countries of the world

Geography of Russia

The work tests both the knowledge of geographical phenomena and processes in the geospheres and the geographical features of the nature of the population and the economy of individual territories, as well as the ability to analyze geographical information presented in various forms, the ability to apply the geographical knowledge acquired at school to explain various events and phenomena in everyday life.

The number of tasks that test knowledge of individual sections of the school geography course is determined taking into account the significance of individual elements of the content and the need to fully cover the requirements for the level of graduates' preparation. In the examination work, tasks of different types are used, the forms of which ensure their adequacy to the skills being tested.

control measuring materials
for the 2017 main state exam
by geography

1. Appointment of KIM for OGE- to assess the level of general education in geography of graduates of the ninth grade of general educational organizations for the purpose of the state final certification of graduates. The results of the exam can be used when enrolling students in specialized secondary school classes.

The OGE is conducted in accordance with the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”.

2. Documents defining the content of KIM

3. Approaches to the selection of content, the development of the structure of KIM

Each version of the KIM 2017 includes tasks that check the level of knowledge of the content of all the main sections of the geography course for the basic school and the fulfillment of the basic requirements for the level of graduates.

4. Connection of the examination model of the OGE with KIM USE

A significant part of the tasks of KIM for the OGE are similar in type to the tasks used in the examination work of the USE.

Unlike the Unified State Examination, in KIM for the OGE, more attention is paid to the achievement by students of the requirements aimed at the practical application of geographical knowledge and skills. It is also important for the OGE to check the formation of the ability to extract and analyze data from various sources of geographic information (atlas maps, statistical materials, diagrams, media texts).

5. Characteristics of the structure and content of KIM

The examination paper consists of 30 tasks. The tasks test the knowledge that forms the basis of the geographical literacy of students, as well as the ability to apply knowledge and skills in contexts corresponding to the main sections of the school geography course.

The work contains 27 tasks with a short answer, of which: 17 tasks with an answer in the form of a single digit, 3 tasks with an answer in the form of a word or phrase, 7 tasks with an answer in the form of a number or a sequence of numbers; 3 tasks with a detailed answer, in which you need to write down a complete and reasonable answer to the question posed.

6. Distribution of KIM tasks by content, tested skills and methods of activity.