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Where does the Volga flow? How to prepare for the exam in geography How to pass the geography exam

Where does the Volga flow?  How to prepare for the exam in geography How to pass the geography exam

Why you should take the exam twice, what tasks are the most difficult and why read National Geographic.

OGE expert, teacher of geography at Foxford

The exam in geography lasts 3 hours, it consists of two parts and includes 34 tasks. In the first part - 27 tasks, where the answer is a number, a sequence of numbers, a word or a phrase. In the second part, there are 7 tasks in which you need to complete a drawing, solve a problem or describe the progress of the task.

Either a successful student of the Faculty of Geography or a fan of geography can pass the exam for 100 points. To cope with the tasks of the first part, you need to independently study articles and reference books, enjoy it - in a word, live in geography.

It is allowed to use a ruler, a non-programmable calculator and a protractor in the exam. You cannot bring atlases with you, but the exam materials are attached administrative map Russia and political map peace.

The political map of the world, which is issued for the exam

Understanding geography is useful not only for applicants from the Faculty of Geology and Ecology, for whom this is a mandatory USE. Future diplomats, for example, MGIMO students sometimes regret that they neglected school lessons, and already at the university they turn to geography tutors.

How to prepare

Take your exam early

In most schools, the geography course ends in the 10th grade, so you can relieve yourself by taking the exam in advance. Remember: you can pass geography only once, either in 10th or 11th grade.

Solve demos at school

Almost half of the exam topics are studied in the 10th grade, so you need to listen carefully in the lessons. Useful information can be found in the textbook by V.P. Maksakovskii. However, the key to preparation is practice. It is necessary to solve as many probes, random tasks on the FIPI website as possible, and if complex ones come across, be sure to figure it out, google the answers. One demo version is available on the FIPI website, and 3-4 copies are sent to schools during the year. Need to delve into contentious issues and try to understand what the quest developers are waiting for.

Write trial exams

Tricky tasks in samplers help to understand the subject more deeply. Recently, one task has put me in a dead end. Out of six countries, it was necessary to choose three, where nuclear power plants (NPPs) dominate. I immediately rejected the options where hydroelectric power plants predominate. He knew for sure that nuclear power plants were the basis of France's energy industry, but he could not choose between Belgium and Slovakia. Who even knows about a European country the size of the Moscow region? If it was a real exam, I would appeal, but there are such controversial issues in the trial. Now I firmly remember that nuclear power plants dominate in Slovakia, and I tell all the students about this.

Study guides

If the subject is interesting, then you can even study the features of foreign countries on Wikipedia. Particular attention should be paid to energy and population data. For example, in the textbook about the demography and power plants of Portugal, it is not written, but they can ask at the exam. You can only prepare for such questions on your own.

Follow the periodicals

It is useful to subscribe to National Geographic magazine, which publishes interesting articles, including those on energy issues. In 2015, NatGeo spoke about Germany's plans to abandon thermal power plants and nuclear power plants in favor of alternative energy sources. Little-known information, but in the exam it can come in handy.

Practice with a teacher

The first part of the exam is full of surprises - it is not known what question will be encountered in the task: about Russia or about a foreign country, about the production of aluminum or the cultivation of rice. You can prepare well for the second if you learn the algorithms and formulas. An experienced teacher can teach how to complete tasks 28-34 in the best way and suggest how to avoid common mistakes.

What tasks are the most difficult

The whole complexity of the exam in geography is in the first 25 tasks, because no one knows what questions will come across. For a student who has prepared and is familiar with the format of the exam, the second part is more predictable and usually less of a problem.

It can be difficult for graduates to mark the correct statements in tasks 3 and 15, because it is not said how many there should be. With tasks 5, 7, 8, 9, 12 and 13, it will not be easy if the student is poorly oriented on the map, does not remember the population density and common crops. You can’t use the Atlas, so all hope is for your own knowledge. The only way to deal with such questions is to firmly memorize the material.

An example of task 5 from the FIPI 2019 demo

Students often make mistakes in question 19 about energy and natural resources. For example, graduates do not know in which countries of the world, regions and cities of Russia hydroelectric power plants, thermal power plants and nuclear power plants are located. You need to think logically: if there are many rivers, then hydroelectric power stations are being built, if there are coal deposits, then thermal power plants, and if there is nothing, but the territory is developed, then nuclear ones. Nuclear power plants need skilled workers, so such plants are being built in France, Belgium, and Slovakia. At the same time, Japan and Germany are going to close existing nuclear power plants and switch to renewable sources.

It is not easy to choose which countries, for example, export pig iron and steel. Logic will also help here: the Chinese are unlikely to sell anything abroad, they themselves need everything. If tiny Denmark and tourist Thailand are among the options, they can also be safely crossed out.

An example of task 19 from the FIPI 2019 demo

Task 22 is not difficult for those who know the formulas for calculating the resource availability for renewable and non-renewable resources. In the first case, the volume of reserves is divided by the number of inhabitants, and in the second - by the volume of production.

An example of task 22 from the FIPI 2019 demo

In task 23, graduates are mistaken due to inattention - they indicate the periods of the geological history of the Earth in the wrong order. By the way, in order to remember them, you can use a mnemonic device - a phrase in which the first letters of words correspond to the first letters of the names of chronological periods: “Every excellent student should eat donuts. You, Yura, are small - bring us a cheburek. Period names: Cambrian, Ordovician, Silurian, Devonian, Carboniferous, Permian, Triassic, Jurassic, Cretaceous, Paleogene, Neogene, Quaternary.

How to do simple tasks

The question about the capitals of countries or constituent entities of the Russian Federation in task 18 will be mandatory, therefore it is simply necessary to learn the capitals of 60 countries. No one requires memorizing exotic states like Vanuata or Burkina Faso, but only those that are found in trial and demo versions.

As part of Russian Federation 85 subjects, but you only need to learn the capitals of the republics and autonomous regions. The fact is that fifty territories and regions bear the name of the main city: the Krasnoyarsk Territory with the administrative center in Krasnoyarsk, the Bryansk Region - Bryansk, etc.

The question about time zones in task 20 tests the ability to think logically and perform arithmetic calculations. It does not require knowledge of geography, since all the information for the calculations is already given.

An example of task 20 from the FIPI 2019 demo

In task 21, you need to subtract the number of departures from the number of arrivals. It is important to remember that growth can be negative.

An example of task 21 from the FIPI 2019 demo

Previously, cards were not issued during the exam, and assignments 24-25 caused difficulties for graduates. Now, with the help of maps of Russia and the world, it is easy to determine the country and region of the Russian Federation by description.

In task 30, for example, it is important to note that in both centers the atmosphere is polluted by thermal power plants. At the same time, a full-cycle metallurgical enterprise operates in the center "A", and the city itself is surrounded by mountains. There are two sources of pollution in point "A", and the mountains prevent the winds from carrying away dangerous particles.

An example of task 30 from the FIPI 2019 demo

Task 31 asks you to compare the proportion of the agricultural population of the two countries. It's important to remember that everything is relative. If there are 9.8 million people in Algeria and 1.1 million in Armenia, it must be calculated that for Armenia this is a little more than 30% of the total number of inhabitants, and in Algeria a little more than 25%. At the same time, you need to understand that in Armenia the share of agriculture in the economy is 22%, and in Algeria only 10%. Thus, in the Armenian economy in 2014, agriculture played a greater role than in Algeria.

An example of task 31 from the FIPI 2019 demo

In tasks 33 and 34 it is difficult to make a mistake if you understand the solution scheme. In task 33, you need to divide the value of the growth rate in 2016 by the average annual number. Since the answer is required to be given in ppm, the result of the calculation should be multiplied by 1000.

3298: 4069018 × 1000 = 0.810514969

or 3298: 4,069,018 × 1000 ≈ 0.8

Answer: 0.8‰

Task 34 is performed in two steps: at the beginning, we subtract the same indicator for 2016 from the resident population in 2017.

4 066 972 − 4 071 064 = −4092

This means that in 2016 the population of the Republic of Bashkortostan decreased by 4092 people.

Now, from the resulting number, subtract the value of the indicator of natural growth:

2) −4092 − 3298 = −7390

The migration growth of the population amounted to -7390 people.

An example of tasks 33 and 34 from the FIPI 2019 demo

Why you should start with the second part

By the end of the first part, the tasks become predictable:

  • in task 28, the student will have to build a profile of the terrain;
  • in 29 - to give a detailed commentary based on data analysis;
  • in 30 - to compare factors of air pollution;
  • in 31 - to determine the importance of agriculture;
  • in 32 - select points on the map or indicate the time of sunrise, and for this it is better to repeat the material of the sixth grade on the relative position of the Sun and the Earth;
  • in 33 and 34 apply the calculation formulas.

Graduates who confidently complete tasks with a detailed answer are immediately accepted for the second part of the exam. In the second part, you need to demonstrate the skills that the student has acquired and consolidated on his own or in courses. If in the first part you may not be lucky with a difficult question, then in the second it all depends only on the student.

I know a schoolboy who paid great attention to the tasks of the second part, but did not seek to broaden his horizons. As a result, he did an excellent job with tasks 28-34, but cut off on questions from the first part and scored 71 points. Therefore, do not think that the last tasks are more difficult. Maybe that's where they should start.

What to remember

  1. Countries, subjects of the Russian Federation and capitals need to be known by heart.
  2. The USE in geography is very different from the USE, which can be passed without special training, guided by common sense. In order to score more than 90 points on the exam, you will need not only outstanding erudition and the ability to complete tasks, but also a certain amount of luck.
  3. The main difficulty of the exam is the lack of an atlas at hand. You will have to load into your memory data on population density, minerals, energy, industry and agriculture in Russia and the world. It is worth paying special attention to those sections that are difficult for the student.
  4. In the second part of the exam, you do not need to look for pitfalls. Tasks are clearly formulated, and they must be completed according to the algorithm.
  5. For the exam in geography, it is necessary to comprehend and remember a huge amount of information. You can do this only if you really love the subject and are sincerely interested in it.

This discipline is chosen by about 2% (just over 13 thousand people) of all graduates of Russian schools. This phenomenon can be explained by the small number of universities that request results for this exam. It is suitable for those who decide to study as an architect, surveyor or environmentalist.

At the same time, the share of children who successfully completed the final certification was 91%. This allows us to conclude that the children are well prepared for the core subject. They showed a serious approach to such a difficult specific test.

If you are not sure whether you want to take it, read our article carefully. We have collected the most up-to-date information about the exam in geography today.


  • The test is made up of 34 assignments, of which 18 base difficulty, 10 - increased, 6 - high.
  • Minimum threshold - 11 primary points (37 test).
  • Applicants are allowed to use non-programmable calculator, which performs arithmetic and trigonometric calculations, a ruler and a protractor. Also attached to the Control Measurement Materials maps of the world and Russia to help 11th graders with the test.
  • Don't forget to take a few copies of a black helium pen, your passport and a bottle of water with you.
  • Entries in drafts and KIMs are not taken into account when checking, but their presence is strictly required.
  • The work is scheduled for 3 hours.

Exam Structure

Almost every subject is divided into 2 sections. Chemistry is no exception.

I part tests basic geographical knowledge and skills. Answers to #1-27 are a word, a phrase, a finite number or a sequence of numbers and are written in form-1. He's being tested automatically, so watch out for the legibility of characters.

II part composed of difficult questions. Answers to No. 28-34 should be detailed and exhaustive and presented on form-2.

Evaluation criteria

Let's repeat: minimal amount points required to be credited for passing the exam - 11 . The maximum possible to gain - 47 . Then, according to a special system, these numbers are translated into a test form.

Let's take a closer look at the rating system:

  • For correct No. 1, 2, 5-10, 12, 13, 16, 17, 19-27, you can get - 1.
  • Items 3, 4, 11, 14, 15, 18, 28-34 are evaluated at - 2.

We recommend that you show the experts your knowledge to the maximum in the second part. Even if the solution turns out to be wrong, there is a chance to score a point for the solution. This will improve your final score. In the struggle for state-funded places in institutions, each figure plays an important role. So don't give up on the task, do your best to come up with a logical answer. Fortunately, for an erroneous answer, the result is not reduced.

How to prepare

This is the most popular question asked by high school students. And unfortunately, they do not receive a concrete answer. Many teachers teach everything at once, not understanding what exactly is asked in the state exam. As a result, the quality of education and training suffers. And consequently - at the output we have low results.

In turn, we offer you a list of thematic blocks from which questions are composed:

  • Checking the skills of working with maps, diagrams (there are 4 tasks in the work).
  • The relationship of man and the Earth (6 questions).
  • Demographic characteristics of the world (4 points).
  • Features of the economic sphere on the world stage (3 conditions).
  • Use of natural resources (3 positions).
  • Regions and countries of the world (similar to 3).
  • Geographical features of the Russian Federation (11 tasks).

More detailed information about the format and topics is set out in the specification on the official FIPI website.

comments Alisa Plyukhina, who passed this subject in 2012 for a record 94 points for Vladivostok:

The most important element successful delivery exam is a good teacher. Our class was lucky in this regard, the teacher - Tatyana Valerievna- I didn’t “train” for the exam, but simply taught geography. After all, this is one of those subjects, a good knowledge of which really gives a good result in the exam. And there is no need to complicate everything - you know, then you will pass.

Another great help is city olympiads. Even if the school has experts worse than you, ask to become a participant in the Olympiad. If it doesn’t work out at all, take the assignments from previous years. Now the Olympiad is the same USE, only the tasks are larger and more difficult, although their very form is the same. My classmate and I were also given the opportunity to go to city olympiads. At first we weren't even in the top 10 geography experts, but in three years I was able to climb to fourth place. Some tenths of a point were not enough for the prize money. But it was already Last year training, there was no time to "recoup".

Nevertheless, the Olympiads helped me a lot, because even in terms of organization they resemble an exam: strangers, excitement, tests, great responsibility. And if you pass badly, then you just won’t get an honorary diploma, but a failure in the exam is fraught with a refusal to enroll in a university.

Preparation for the Olympiad begins with a textbook. Photo: AiF-South

It is also extremely important to remember the elements (“puzzles”) of geography: mentally imagine where Perm is, and where Penza is, with whom Uruguay borders, and with whom Uganda. Although there are elements that you just need to learn: the capital of Argentina is Buenos Aires, the capital of Portugal is Lisbon (we immediately imagine where it is). So with all more or less large, well-known states. It is not necessary to know the capital of Rwanda (although it is Kigali), but learn about Mongolia (Ulaanbaatar). It is the same with rivers and seas, languages, peoples, minerals, industry. There is no need to be scared, only Google and Yandex know everything about everything thoroughly. The questions are left in such a way that only contrasting concepts are compared, for example, for grain exporters, you will need to choose between Russia and Switzerland, and not between Argentina and Mexico.

The ability to think logically, compare, evaluate - will help you find the right answer even in those questions that seem completely incomprehensible. For example, you absolutely do not know the center of ferrous metallurgy of the Ural base, but suddenly you remember a stern Chelyabinsk peasant who worked at a pipe-rolling plant, and here is the answer - Chelyabinsk. Or the question - in which of the presented regions is Islam spread? We recall that people talk about Islam most of all in the context of the Caucasus, which means that closer to the Caucasus, then with Islam. Such methods do not always work, but in a hopeless situation they are more than nothing. For example, in part "C" it is always better to write at least something than to turn in a blank sheet.

The most effective method of preparing for the Unified State Examination, according to which I prepared for all exams, is to solve tests and tasks from collections, to solve A LOT. Lots of. (When, tired, you already wave your hand and say to yourself: “everything, tired” - this is only half of the MUCH). Having solved one test completely, even without a single mistake, you need to go solve the next one. Check yourself, look at mistakes, memorize and write out problem areas. Firstly, it helps to get a hand in the tasks of the USE format, and secondly, although the probability of stumbling upon the same task is quite small, all tasks are taken from a single database, which means that the task may be different, but with the same meaning. It is also important to familiarize yourself on the Internet with the rules for designing part “C”, although this part is creative, there are still rules, it’s better to keep them in mind.

They are not going to take the USE soon, but there is already an interest in geography. Photo: AiF / Valery Khristoforov

And the last advice (for which teachers can get angry at me), even if you are not confident in your abilities, apply, take geography. You have six months to improve your knowledge, and in case of failure, you will not lose anything, but you can find a backup option. Unfortunately, scores play an important role in the ranking of schools and teachers. USE graduates, with their interests, so that weak guys do not hand over their subject. But no one can stop you. For me, geography was never the future, but just in case, I applied for tourism. A day later from admission committee they called me back, saying that they were taking me to the budget department right now, they didn’t have students with a higher score. The fallback option was not useful to me, fortunately or joyfully, it doesn’t matter. The main thing is that it is realistic to pass geography, and I hope that this year in our city there will be a “hundred and a half student”, in front of which even more university doors will open.

Geography is one of those subjects that you can choose to take in the Unified State Exam at the end of grade 11 high school. This subject is required for admission to many Russian universities for specialized specialties directly related to geography. These include geology, hydrometeorology, ecology, cartography, as well as pedagogy (specialty "geography teacher")

According to the USE statistics in geography, one student passes for two Russian schools.

The minimum passing score in geography in 2016 is 37 points, (in order to overcome this threshold it is necessary to correctly solve 12 tasks from the first part. As for the structure of the exam, the USE in geography consists of two parts - 34 tasks. 27 tasks require a short answer (number, word, phrase or sequence of numbers), and to solve the remaining 7 tasks, you need to give a detailed answer, which is a picture or a detailed solution of the problem with a description of the course of action.

At first glance, it may seem that the USE in geography is the exam for which you should prepare for several months, or even years, in order to pass it with a high score. However, things are a little different: certainly, considerable efforts should be made, but he can really prepare for this USE in just a few days.

Preparation for the exam in geography

So, first of all, it should be noted that you do not need to study the material all night before the exam! At night, you need to rest from what has been covered during the day - only then the preparation will turn out to be productive, and the information received will be able to safely fit into memory!

What to do during those few days that remained before the exam?

Get ready, get ready and get ready again!

Step 1

Of course, if you are completely unfamiliar with the structure of the exam itself, the wording of questions and the requirements for detailed answers, then you should carefully review the existing KIMs of past years with a detailed analysis of them by experts. Next, of course, one should proceed to the study of theoretical material. Of course, if there are very few days left, then there is sorely not enough time to study the theory, however, without a theoretical basis, it will be very difficult for a child to start practical activities. In order to save time, you should use special printed publications for preparing for the exam or online resources that provide the most important theoretical basis, which is formulated and presented in a concise and intelligible manner.

Step 2

What follows next? It is necessary to immediately proceed to an independent thorough "resolving" of the mentioned KIMs.
Practice is what helps in preparing for the exam the most! After solving one or more KIMs (whether online or in special printed publications), you need to familiarize yourself with the mistakes made, and then read theoretical material on these topics in order to avoid such mistakes again and consolidate knowledge.

It cannot be said that it is very useful to “solve” a test in which he made a large number of errors again after a certain period of time, for example, not the next day. If mistakes are repeated - you need to carefully work out the theory! If there are no mistakes, this indicates a high degree of quality of preparation!

Step 3

It is also impossible not to notice that you should check your knowledge in various sources! You can not use the same printed book to prepare for the exam or the same site. On one resource, tasks can be formulated in the same way, which will cause difficulties when meeting with a different formulation of the question.

The last laziness of preparing before the exam

On the last day before the exam, you should stop preparing at about seven or eight in the evening. All the information received in a few days should “settle down” in your head, and you should give yourself the opportunity to relax before an important exam and sleep well! This will have a beneficial effect on the final score, and, consequently, on the chances of enrolling in a budget place.

What to do if the fear of passing the exam for a low score still overcomes the day before passing?

You just need to isolate yourself from these obsessions that can bring down a positive attitude and try to switch your attention to another activity that does not require a high intellectual load. Pessimistic thoughts arise in everyone, you just need to try not to succumb to such a mood, but to believe in your own strength and the seriousness of your own preparation.

It’s real to prepare for the exam in a few days!
You just need to want and try hard!

For delivery at the end of school in the 11th grade. Not the most popular subject: if you give the figures for the country, it turns out that on average one graduate chose geography for two schools. Geography is required for admission to specialties in the following areas: geography, geology, cartography, hydrometeorology and ecology.

Read the general information about the exam and start preparing. Compared to last year, the version of KIM USE 2019 has not changed at all, so you can safely use the materials of past years.

EGE assessment

The minimum passing score in geography in 2019 is 37, to overcome the threshold it is enough to correctly solve the first 12 tasks. Translate primary scores into test scores and assess your level of knowledge of the subject according to the usual five-point system.

USE test structure

In 2019, the USE test in geography consists of two parts, including 34 tasks.

  • Part 1: 27 tasks (1-27) with a short answer that is a number, a word (phrase) or a sequence of numbers.
  • Part 2: 7 tasks (28–34) with a detailed answer, which is a picture, a solution to a problem, or a detailed description of the entire progress of the task.

Preparation for the exam

  • Pass the USE tests online for free without registration and SMS. The presented tests are identical in their complexity and structure to the real exams held in the corresponding years.
  • Download demo versions of the exam in geography, which will allow you to better prepare for the exam and make it easier to pass it. All proposed tests are designed and approved to prepare for USE Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements (FIPI). In the same FIPI, all official USE options.
    The tasks that you will see, most likely, will not be found on the exam, but there will be tasks similar to the demo ones, on the same topic or simply with different numbers.

General USE figures

Year Min. USE score Average score Number of applicants Did not pass, % Qty
100 points
exam length, min.
2009 34
2010 35 53,61 22 256 6,3 17 180
2011 32 54,40 10 946 8 25 180
2012 37 55,8 24 423 8,3 64 180
2013 37 57,2 20 736 12,1 193 180
2014 37 52,9 235
2015 37 52,9 235
2016 37 235
2017 37 235