Russian language

Rosobrnadzor early exam in the Russian language. Grading system and passing score

Rosobrnadzor early exam in the Russian language.  Grading system and passing score

The exam in the Russian language is mandatory for all students of the eleventh grade. Compared to another required test (mathematics), it is considered easier and usually does not cause worries. Many students believe that since they have been speaking Russian all their lives, this one can be passed with a swoop, without devoting much time to preparation. However, like any other exam, this exam requires time and effort. And this is if you want to pass it at least at the mark of "four", not to mention the "five".

Threshold scores for Russian are much higher than for the same mathematics. In addition, it would not be superfluous to find out the possible subtleties and changes in the structure of tests that experts from introduce almost every year. Let's figure out what will be included in the Russian language exam in 2017, and also find out when and in what order it will be held.

Demo version of the USE-2017

USE dates in Russian

Specialists from Rosobrnadzor allocated for passing the exam in Russian the following dates:

  • Early period. March 20, 2017 was determined for early examinations, and April 7, 2017 was allocated as a reserve day;
  • Main stage. May 21, 2017 was allocated for the main test, June 29, 2017 was determined as a reserve day for the Russian language. In addition, there is one more reserve day for all items - June 30, 2017;
  • Additional period. As an additional period for graduates who failed to pass the Russian language within the allotted time, the date is September 4, 2017, and September 13 and 15, 2017 are designated as reserve days.

Recall that to early delivery examinations are allowed:

  • graduates who completed secondary educational institution until 2016/2017 academic year;
  • school graduates who graduated before the 2016/2017 academic year with a certificate instead of a certificate;
  • students who graduate from night school;
  • students who are called to serve in the army;
  • schoolchildren studying in the 11th grade this year who will be absent at the time of the main exam due to sports competitions, competitions, reviews, olympiads and training camps at the federal or international level;
  • eleventh-graders who leave the territory of Russia in order to change their place of residence or to continue their studies abroad;
  • schoolchildren who, at the time of the main exam, were identified by the medical board in a medical or preventive institution for health reasons;
  • 11th grade students who graduated from high school outside of Russia.

Some statistics

The opinion about the simplicity of the Russian language exam is confirmed by official statistics. For example, in 2013, every 326 graduates managed to score the maximum one hundred points. Quite high and the average score, which last year and the year before last was 65.9 points. Of course, there is always a percentage of graduates who cannot pass the test even for the minimum number of points, but it is not high - statistics show that only 1.9% of students who take the test in Russian cannot overcome the approved threshold.

General information about the USE-2017 in the Russian language

The time allotted for solving a ticket in the Russian language has not changed - in 2017, a student can work with the option for 210 minutes, which is enough to work through all the tasks. The procedure for conducting the examination provides that before entering the classroom, the student must get rid of all items prohibited on the exam.

Get rid of all prohibited items so you don't get kicked out of the exam!

This exam does not provide for the presence of any additional and auxiliary materials, so take your mobile phone, mp3 player out of your pockets in advance, remove your smart watch, do not take a tablet, any photo and video equipment, headphones and, of course, cheat sheets. Any item on the above list can be a reason for the observers to remove the delinquent graduate from the class.

According to the procedure for conducting a nationwide examination, students do not have the right to such actions:

  • change of place;
  • turn to another student;
  • conversations with other examinees;
  • leaving the audience without the permission and accompaniment of observers.

The structure of the exam in the Russian language

The ticket, which is proposed to be worked out by the student, contains 25 examination tasks. The structure of the ticket consists of two parts:

  • part one - 24 tasks, the answers to which are a certain number (several numbers) or a word (several words). The correct answer will need to be written on the form issued to the student in the appropriate fields;
  • part two - one task. It represents, which you need to write according to the given text. The essay is written on a separate form. This work assumes that the student must highlight the problem voiced by the author of the work, comment on it, citing the author’s relevant reflections in support of his opinion, express and argue his point of view. The recommended length of this assignment is over 150 words.

Most of the time allotted for the exam will be taken up by your essay

What will change in the 2017 exam?

In 2017, the main characteristics of the Unified State Examination in the Russian language will be preserved. FIPI has not made public any fundamental changes in KIMs. However, it is worth considering some subtleties in teaching materials intended for teachers. In particular, experts from FIPI recommend taking into account the following facts:

  • in the first part of the ticket, which assumes that the student will give short answers to 24 tasks proposed for study, tests numbered from 8 to 14 are designed to identify spelling skills, tasks from 15 to 19 require knowledge of punctuation norms, tests from 4 to 7 check the degree of proficiency language norms, and tasks from 1 to 3 and from 20 to 24 will help to assess how much the student has comprehended semantic and speech analysis;
  • task No. 17 will be changed (separation of language structures that are not grammatically related to the sentence). In the 2017 ticket, there may be separate appeals here, and the text itself can be presented both in the form of prose and in the form of a poem;
  • task No. 22, which tests the skills of conducting lexical analysis of a word, may contain several phraseological units at once, but the student will have to choose only one;
  • task No. 23, in which it is necessary to identify the means that serve to connect sentences, now there may be not one correct answer, but several at once.

Inclusion of speaking in the exam in the Russian language

For last year the question was regularly raised of including a part devoted to speaking in the USE in the Russian language. It was supposed to look like this: the graduate listens to the proposed audio recording for 20 minutes and looks at the picture, after which he answers the questions asked. The student's answers are recorded on tape, which is then listened to by the members of the examination committee.

In 2017, the Unified State Examination in Russian will remain exclusively a written exam

This innovation was explained by the need to identify the current level of knowledge of students in order to assess not only the ability to apply the rules and grammatical skills, but also to express their thoughts beautifully and reasonably and convey their opinions to others. Back in mid-2016, Lyudmila Verbitskaya, who heads Russian Academy education, stated that the issue of the inclusion of speaking was resolved.

Nevertheless, let's reassure future graduates: in 2017, there will be no speaking at the exam. As Sergei Kravtsov, the head of Rosobrnadzor, noted, in the 2016/2017 academic year, the department does not plan to divide the Russian language into specialized and basic levels. oral part is still being developed and, possibly, will be tested this year on 9th grade students.

Grading system and passing score

Starting from 2009, the points received for the Unified State Examination are not transferred to the usual grading system. This decision was made due to the fact that the score that a graduate earned for the Unified State Examination does not have any effect on his certificate. Maximum amount"Points" that a student can score for the Russian language is equal to 100 points. When translating the system USE assessment to five points, the picture will look like this:

  • schoolchildren who scored from 0 to 35 points receive a mark of "2", since the level of their knowledge is unsatisfactory;
  • students who managed to score from 36 to 57 points know the Russian language at a satisfactory level, which means they received a mark of "3";
  • scores in the range from 58 to 71 indicate that you know Russian well enough and get a mark of "4";
  • graduates who scored 72 points or more in the exam can boast of an excellent knowledge of the Russian language, for which they receive a mark of "5".

After the exam, grades will be posted on the official portal of the USE-2017

Students can check their scores on their own. Some time after the exam, all grades are published on the official USE portal. You just need to enter the data from the passport to identify the person and see how the commission assessed your progress. Successfully passing the exam assumes that you will receive at least minimum score. Recall that for the Russian language, which is included in the category of mandatory USE, the minimum score depends on your goals:

  • if you just want to get a school certificate and are not going to study at, you need to score at least 24 points;
  • if your goal is to enter a university or institute, then you need to score at least 36 points for the Russian language. Ticket analysis by this USE allows us to conclude that in order to overcome the minimum threshold, it will be enough for you to cope with 16 tasks from the first part of the ticket. Naturally, this score is considered to be just a passing one, that is, you can think about budget places only if you scored from 72 points. At the same time, experts from admissions committees they say that it is better if your score is at least at the level of 85-87, however, this does not guarantee hitting the budget at.

Preparation for the national exam in the Russian language involves regular classes in which the student will repeat all the known rules and exceptions, practice punctuation skills and, of course, write short essays on various topics. An excellent method of preparation is the study of demo versions of the exam.

For your convenience, we have posted the latest versions of tests offered by experts. Federal Institute pedagogical dimensions (see the beginning of the article). Of course, the absolute coincidence of demo versions with real ones USE options will not, but the tasks that you will encounter on testing will be similar. Seeing familiar questions, you will not be at a loss, meet the allotted time and solve the ticket as successfully as possible.

Start preparing in advance - preparing for the exam will take a lot of time!

By the way, consider one more piece of advice: don't panic if you can't solve one of the tests right away. Don't waste time thinking about the answers. If you can't complete the task in 1-2 minutes, move on to the next one and solve the maximum number of tests that do not cause you any difficulties. It is better if you leave as much time as possible for writing - the creative task will take up most of the time allotted for the exam.

31.12.2020 - On the site's forum, work on writing essays 9.3 on the collection of tests for the OGE 2020, edited by I.P. Tsybulko, has ended.

10.11.2019 - On the site's forum, work on writing essays on the collection of tests for the Unified State Examination in 2020, edited by I.P. Tsybulko, has ended.

20.10.2019 - On the site's forum, work has begun on writing essays 9.3 on the collection of tests for the OGE 2020, edited by I.P. Tsybulko.

20.10.2019 - On the site's forum, work has begun on writing essays on the collection of tests for the USE in 2020, edited by I.P. Tsybulko.

20.10.2019 - Friends, many of the materials on our website are borrowed from the books of the Samara methodologist Svetlana Yurievna Ivanova. Starting this year, all her books can be ordered and received by mail. She sends collections to all parts of the country. All you have to do is call 89198030991.

29.09.2019 - For all the years of operation of our site, the most popular material from the Forum, dedicated to the essays based on the collection of I.P. Tsybulko in 2019, has become the most popular. More than 183 thousand people watched it. Link >>

22.09.2019 - Friends, please note that the texts of the presentations at the OGE 2020 will remain the same

15.09.2019 - A master class on preparing for the Final Essay in the direction of "Pride and Humility" has started working on the forum site

10.03.2019 - On the site's forum, work on writing essays on the collection of tests for the Unified State Examination by I.P. Tsybulko has been completed.

07.01.2019 - Dear visitors! In the VIP section of the site, we have opened a new subsection that will be of interest to those of you who are in a hurry to check (add, clean up) your essay. We will try to check quickly (within 3-4 hours).

16.09.2017 - A collection of short stories by I. Kuramshina "Filial Duty", which also includes the stories presented on the bookshelf of the site Traps USE, can be purchased both in electronic and paper form at the link >>

09.05.2017 - Today Russia celebrates the 72nd anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic war! Personally, we have one more reason to be proud: it was on Victory Day, 5 years ago, that our website was launched! And this is our first anniversary!

16.04.2017 - In the VIP section of the site, an experienced expert will check and correct your work: 1. All types of essays on the exam in literature. 2. Essays on the exam in the Russian language. P.S. The most profitable subscription for a month!

16.04.2017 - On the site, the work on writing a new block of essays on the texts of the OBZ has ENDED.

25.02 2017 - The site began work on writing essays on the texts of OB Z. Essays on the topic “What is good?” you can already watch.

28.01.2017 - Ready-made condensed statements on the texts of the FIPI OBZ appeared on the site,

31.12.2020 - On the site's forum, work on writing essays 9.3 on the collection of tests for the OGE 2020, edited by I.P. Tsybulko, has ended.

10.11.2019 - On the site's forum, work on writing essays on the collection of tests for the Unified State Examination in 2020, edited by I.P. Tsybulko, has ended.

20.10.2019 - On the site's forum, work has begun on writing essays 9.3 on the collection of tests for the OGE 2020, edited by I.P. Tsybulko.

20.10.2019 - On the site's forum, work has begun on writing essays on the collection of tests for the USE in 2020, edited by I.P. Tsybulko.

20.10.2019 - Friends, many of the materials on our website are borrowed from the books of the Samara methodologist Svetlana Yurievna Ivanova. Starting this year, all her books can be ordered and received by mail. She sends collections to all parts of the country. All you have to do is call 89198030991.

29.09.2019 - For all the years of operation of our site, the most popular material from the Forum, dedicated to the essays based on the collection of I.P. Tsybulko in 2019, has become the most popular. More than 183 thousand people watched it. Link >>

22.09.2019 - Friends, please note that the texts of the presentations at the OGE 2020 will remain the same

15.09.2019 - A master class on preparing for the Final Essay in the direction of "Pride and Humility" has started working on the forum site

10.03.2019 - On the site's forum, work on writing essays on the collection of tests for the Unified State Examination by I.P. Tsybulko has been completed.

07.01.2019 - Dear visitors! In the VIP section of the site, we have opened a new subsection that will be of interest to those of you who are in a hurry to check (add, clean up) your essay. We will try to check quickly (within 3-4 hours).

16.09.2017 - A collection of short stories by I. Kuramshina "Filial Duty", which also includes the stories presented on the bookshelf of the Unified State Examination Traps website, can be purchased both in electronic and paper form at the link \u003e\u003e

09.05.2017 - Today Russia celebrates the 72nd anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War! Personally, we have one more reason to be proud: it was on Victory Day, 5 years ago, that our website was launched! And this is our first anniversary!

16.04.2017 - In the VIP section of the site, an experienced expert will check and correct your work: 1. All types of essays on the exam in literature. 2. Essays on the exam in the Russian language. P.S. The most profitable subscription for a month!

16.04.2017 - On the site, the work on writing a new block of essays on the texts of the OBZ has ENDED.

25.02 2017 - The site began work on writing essays on the texts of OB Z. Essays on the topic “What is good?” you can already watch.

28.01.2017 - Ready-made condensed statements on the texts of the FIPI OBZ appeared on the site,

31.12.2020 - On the site's forum, work on writing essays 9.3 on the collection of tests for the OGE 2020, edited by I.P. Tsybulko, has ended.

10.11.2019 - On the site's forum, work on writing essays on the collection of tests for the Unified State Examination in 2020, edited by I.P. Tsybulko, has ended.

20.10.2019 - On the site's forum, work has begun on writing essays 9.3 on the collection of tests for the OGE 2020, edited by I.P. Tsybulko.

20.10.2019 - On the site's forum, work has begun on writing essays on the collection of tests for the USE in 2020, edited by I.P. Tsybulko.

20.10.2019 - Friends, many of the materials on our website are borrowed from the books of the Samara methodologist Svetlana Yurievna Ivanova. Starting this year, all her books can be ordered and received by mail. She sends collections to all parts of the country. All you have to do is call 89198030991.

29.09.2019 - For all the years of operation of our site, the most popular material from the Forum, dedicated to the essays based on the collection of I.P. Tsybulko in 2019, has become the most popular. More than 183 thousand people watched it. Link >>

22.09.2019 - Friends, please note that the texts of the presentations at the OGE 2020 will remain the same

15.09.2019 - A master class on preparing for the Final Essay in the direction of "Pride and Humility" has started working on the forum site

10.03.2019 - On the site's forum, work on writing essays on the collection of tests for the Unified State Examination by I.P. Tsybulko has been completed.

07.01.2019 - Dear visitors! In the VIP section of the site, we have opened a new subsection that will be of interest to those of you who are in a hurry to check (add, clean up) your essay. We will try to check quickly (within 3-4 hours).

16.09.2017 - A collection of short stories by I. Kuramshina "Filial Duty", which also includes the stories presented on the bookshelf of the Unified State Examination Traps website, can be purchased both in electronic and paper form at the link \u003e\u003e

09.05.2017 - Today Russia celebrates the 72nd anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War! Personally, we have one more reason to be proud: it was on Victory Day, 5 years ago, that our website was launched! And this is our first anniversary!

16.04.2017 - In the VIP section of the site, an experienced expert will check and correct your work: 1. All types of essays on the exam in literature. 2. Essays on the exam in the Russian language. P.S. The most profitable subscription for a month!

16.04.2017 - On the site, the work on writing a new block of essays on the texts of the OBZ has ENDED.

25.02 2017 - The site began work on writing essays on the texts of OB Z. Essays on the topic “What is good?” you can already watch.

28.01.2017 - Ready-made condensed statements on the texts of the FIPI OBZ appeared on the site,