
I want to be an interesting conversationalist. How to be an interesting person? How to get the location of others

I want to be an interesting conversationalist.  How to be an interesting person?  How to get the location of others

“I was hungry for fellowship—I wanted to talk to someone. Over time, I began to realize that I needed to do something to counter loneliness. If I continued to be alone in silence, I would simply go crazy. These words belong to a man who spent five years in solitary confinement and was deprived of one of the most important human needs - communication.

Indeed, it is very important to speak! Everyone is so arranged. It is an irreplaceable way of expressing feelings. For example, if you want your spouse to know how important they are to you, you need to talk about your feelings. But for many, communication is not an easy task, a lot of work, which is often avoided.

What obstacles can arise on the way to the art of interesting conversation or communication? How to become an interesting conversationalist?

Talked to himself. An interesting interlocutor, however.
author unknown

Barriers to conversation

1. Shyness

One of the most difficult problems on the way to communication. Shy people shut themselves off from others. Why? Perhaps they were brought up in, in which they did not really communicate with each other, but, on the contrary, separated from others.

2. Self-doubt

Many people may experience years of fear of looking stupid or fear of being caught in a downpour of criticism. Therefore, they find it much easier to avoid talking to others.

3. Inferiority complex

This is the case when a person does not mind talking, but considers himself an "incapable loser", so he prefers to suffer in silence.

There is another side to the coin: many people feel free to communicate, but when another person speaks, they tend to interrupt, thereby depriving their interlocutors of the joy of intimate communication.

How to overcome these difficulties and learn to talk with others interestingly and with warmth?

Listen, be interested, be attentive

If you're at a loss as to what to say, don't despair. In fact, you know a lot more than you think.

And if you often catch yourself thinking that no one wants to listen to you or that you are not interested, analyze how well you know how to listen. You don't have to keep talking to keep a conversation going.

Both interlocutors should speak. In this case, you need to be guided by the principle: "Take care not only of your own needs, but also of the needs of another."

For this:

  • be interested in others, their state of mind. Get into the habit, before talking about yourself or asking for anything, ask about the affairs of the interlocutor, for example: “How are you feeling?” or “Is there anything I can do to help?”;
  • pay attention to the facial expressions of the interlocutor - it speaks about the feelings of the other more than his words.
A taciturn interlocutor can lead to despair, a talkative - to a crime.
Don Aminado

But what to do if you are talking to someone who is not strong in conversation?

Still, give the other person the opportunity to express their feelings. To do this, ask tactful questions. Suppose you are talking to an elderly person.

Ask him about how the world or family life has changed since he was young. In addition to learning a lot yourself, you will make your interlocutor happy.

How to become an interesting person and develop charisma

In society, and especially among public figures, there are very often people who do not have a spectacular appearance or high status, and in general, at first glance, you cannot say that such a person can be in demand in a team, have many friends and acquaintances. Nevertheless, from the very first minutes of meeting it becomes clear that this person is an incredibly interesting person, who attracts people with his charm. In such cases, it is customary to say that a person is very charismatic.

It is widely believed that charisma cannot be developed as a skill, and that this character trait is given to people by nature. There is a certain amount of truth in this, a predisposition to charismatic behavior allows a person to behave more confidently, naturally and naturally, but this does not mean at all that the unfortunate people deprived of this gift are doomed to vegetate outside the social circle.

In order to take the first step towards becoming, you need to perform one simple action, which, despite its simplicity, is stubbornly ignored by many people. It's about developing a respectful attitude towards yourself, you need to love yourself, accept all the shortcomings and weaknesses, and then try to focus on the advantages.

In self-love, you should not look for selfish motives, because this is absolutely natural. Loving yourself does not mean exalting yourself above everyone around you, it is necessary to understand that a person who is not able to love himself has no chance of earning the love of another person.

Only by beginning to respect himself, a person becomes open to accepting love from outside.

The next step follows directly from the previous one. Self-respect automatically increases self-esteem, and this is very important for successful interaction with others. It is impossible to become a charismatic person if numerous complexes, fears and other consequences of low self-esteem get in the way. Next to a charismatic and sociable person, others also begin to feel more relaxed, relaxed and at ease.

A closed person, by his behavior, makes others feel uncomfortable, and as a result, they try to stop communication with such a clamped person as soon as possible. There is no need to try to be someone else, because it is impossible to pretend all your life, but you cannot run away from yourself. It is much easier to be yourself, stop being ashamed of your shortcomings, and this is a lot of work, which can only be done with considerable effort.

As you know, any skill develops in the process of training. It is impossible to learn how to cook well, play a musical instrument, understand technology, only on the basis of theoretical knowledge. The same applies to the ability to communicate and win over others. To develop this skill, you need to communicate a lot with different people, preferably with strangers. Such training will help to form the ability to quickly navigate the conversation, and the appearance of new acquaintances, and maybe friends, will be a pleasant bonus.

It is much easier for smart and well-read interlocutors to maintain any conversation, therefore, it is more pleasant to communicate with such people. It is necessary to read a lot of literature on a variety of topics, people very subtly feel a well-read person and respect such a person.

Thus, we involuntarily transfer a worthy and fair attitude towards ourselves to the people around us. If the relationship is positive, then the return on interaction will be positive. It is necessary to follow the golden rule and treat people as best as possible in order to get the same in return, then there will be no problems.

Video: How to be an interesting conversationalist in any situation

10 tips on how to become an interesting person and conversationalist

Pay attention to the people who belong to your social circle. Agree that some of your acquaintances attract more attention, they are listened to more, they are sympathized with, while others go unnoticed, even if they make attempts to be in the spotlight.

It is obvious that few people will be pleased with the company of a boring, constant whining, behind-the-scenes person. After all, in the process of communication, the interlocutor wants not only to speak out himself, but also to draw interesting information for himself, to recharge his energy from the partner.

In order for people to like you, you need to be an interesting conversationalist yourself. Following our advice, you will feel that your life is filled with colors, saturated with events, experience is accumulating, the circle of acquaintances is expanding.

1. Become a good conversationalist

  • Learn to listen carefully;
  • Ask questions to the interlocutor, so you will demonstrate that his story really interests you;
  • Express your feelings about what you hear. For example: “I am outraged by his act ...”, “how did you manage to do this ...”, “it’s so wonderful that you succeeded ...”;
  • Keep up the conversation interesting facts from life, books, articles;
  • No ridicule, over the feelings of the interlocutor;
  • Do not teach, do not insist, but advise and recommend.
There will be something to talk about with friends.

3. Have your own hobbies

When you are passionate about something, your eyes burn, you are overwhelmed by emotions, you are full of energy that is transmitted to others.

4. Experiment and share your results and experiences

It will be useful for others, you will be grateful.

5. Stay home

Attend more different events (exhibitions, concerts, lectures, meetings, sports). There you will definitely see something interesting, meet friends, maybe meet someone. You will have many topics to discuss with your friends.

6. Register on social networks

Connect to your friends more people, even if you are not familiar with them, find groups of your like-minded hobbyists.

Post interesting photos on your page, join discussions, express your opinion.

7. Connect with a variety of people

Don't be afraid to meet new people. Know that if you are active, other people are interested in you. They want to listen to you, your opinion and experience are valuable and useful, no doubt.

8. Be confident

Remember that you, with your own characteristics, with your “cockroaches in your head”, are unique, and therefore interesting to others. If all people on earth were the same, we would all die of boredom.

9. Go in for sports

Yes, it is not easy, especially if you have never even done exercises before. But it is not necessary to exhaust yourself with simulators if you don’t like it and can’t afford it. You can start with brisk walking or running.

People who go in for sports are always more self-confident, more energetic.

10. Look after yourself

The first thing that catches your eye is the appearance of a person. Keep track of clothes, shoes, hair, make-up. Try not to be old-fashioned or dress insipidly.

If you don't like today's fashion, you need to learn the rules for choosing a classic wardrobe and follow them.

Remember that by trying to become interesting to others, you will first of all become interesting to yourself. As a result, your self-esteem will increase, you will no longer be visited by sad thoughts, due to the variety of interests and being busy with exciting things, you will have no time to cry, and there is no need to. Life will be filled with colors and meaning.


Remember that no matter how difficult it is for you to connect with others today, you can always fix it. Don't forget that the best conversation stimuli are friendliness, tact and a good sense of humor.

Develop these qualities in yourself, and it will be much more interesting to communicate with you!

Most of all we want love and acceptance. For their sake, we are ready for anything, and suffer when we are repulsed. We feel that we are accepted and loved when they show interest in us, consider us an interesting person.

How to become a sociable and interesting person? How to become an interesting person for others?

It seems that the simplest solution is to live such interesting life that the very story about her will be of interest, or get an interesting profession, for example, related to art or adventure. But it only seems. There are terribly boring fashion photographers, and there are bus drivers and dentists that you can listen to for hours.

What is the secret of how to become an interesting interlocutor. Experience many interesting adventures? Talk about interesting things? It matters what you talk about, how you talk?

To become interesting to others, do you need to talk more, or listen more? If you want to become a sociable and interesting person, do you need to change yourself, or is it enough to know some tricks?

In this article I will talk about how to become an interesting conversationalist at any age.

How to become an interesting interlocutor and sociable person?

Is it possible to become a bright and interesting person if it seems that he was born a boring gray mouse? - Can!
It's not about what kind of life you have lived, but what you have learned, whether you can look under the surface of things and events and find the meaning hidden from others.

To do this, two tasks must be solved: firstly, interest in oneself must be aroused, and secondly, it must be warmed up and retained. Both of these tasks are absolutely doable and consist of understandable simple steps. You will need patience and constancy, so the first condition for becoming an interesting and sociable person is to sincerely want it.

This is important because it will take a lot of work. In addition, being an interesting conversationalist means consciously attracting attention to yourself. Will you be comfortable in the spotlight?

If the answer is yes, then let's go!

How to generate interest in yourself?

To arouse interest in yourself, you must first make sure that you are generally noticed. You can stand out in appearance, clothes, natural or artificial beauty, but we will talk about how you can stand out with your speech so that you are noticed.

Let's take a simple real-life example: think about what gets noticed the most on TV. Clips, news, talk shows? Not! Advertising.

Yes, you don't want to see her and change channels, but that's because she grabs too much attention. Otherwise, they wouldn't have done it.

What techniques make advertising so tenacious? Is it possible to use these techniques to attract the attention of others? Yes, you can!

Loudness, speed, brightness, rhythm - that's what catches.

TV channels and radio stations deliberately increase the sound level in advertising, even if quiet music is playing in it: the video should stand out against the background of the program. This works at the level of biology: everything big, loud, fast and bright is perceived as important, and they pay attention to it.

If you want to be noticed, do the same: react faster, speak louder, move more, look and sound brighter. This will generate interest, which you can then keep and develop.

Speak louder to be noticed.

From our prehistoric ancestors, we learned: whoever speaks louder is the main one, he has something to say. That's how animals think, that's how people react.

Just do not shout down or interrupt anyone, but do not let others interrupt you either. Both are signs of insecurity.

And work on your voice so that you are a pleasure to listen to. An unpleasant strange sound of voice occurs as a result of muscle spasms in the speech apparatus, due to psychological discomfort from the fact that you are paying attention. Therefore, treat communication as a game, tune in to a state of calm and ease. Most people have a pleasant and natural voice when they are calm.

A person who understands his values ​​is ten times more interesting than someone who is in the dark about the motives and goals of his actions.

How understanding your own and other people's values ​​helps in life. Story.

Olga moved from Ukraine to Switzerland to work as a finance director in an international corporation.

At first, she was uncomfortable because of the topics her new compatriots talked about. After every weekend or vacation, they gave each other a detailed account of where they were, what hotel they were staying at, how much the room cost; what restaurant did they dine at and how much did the meal cost; what they bought, and again - how much they spent on purchases.

These conversations seemed empty and unnecessary to Olga, but she was worried that she could not fit into the new society. The anxiety grew until she started the Speech Transformation program.

We figured out what values ​​such communication is based on, why it is important for her new environment, and Olga, as an adult, was able to decide what to do: try to become an interesting conversationalist by adopting new values, or maintain the integrity of her personality and stay in away from other people's conversations.

Olga chose the second, now calmly realizing the reasons and the essence of what is happening.

Once you understand your values ​​and the values ​​that underpin communication in your team, you can make an informed choice: keep trying to be an interesting conversationalist in an existing company or look for a new social circle.

In relationships with girls, eloquence has always played a significant role. Sometimes relationships were created or, conversely, destroyed because of a person's ability to communicate. Communication is important not only with the opposite sex, but also with other people, especially when you want to make contacts with them or get a joint job. The male site site will give 10 rules that will help you make contacts and become an interesting conversationalist.

Has it ever happened to you that you communicate with a person, but he causes you some discomfort? It seems that he is outwardly attractive, does not say bad words, but something repels him. You naturally want to stop communicating with him as soon as possible.

However, there are people who do not have bright beauty and great knowledge, but it is so easy and fun to communicate with them that you don’t want to stop meeting. It seems that the person is not to your taste. It seems that he does not tell any truths and hidden information. However, it is so pleasant to communicate with him that you do not want to break away.

With each century, the ability of a person to communicate well with people around him becomes the main priority and a step towards. A lot of people say that you need to be well connected to be successful. However, to have these good connections, you need to be able to be a pleasant and interesting conversationalist. And this is an axiom both in the field of work, business, and in love.

How to arrange an interlocutor?

Tell the person: “I understand you!” - and he will want to continue to communicate with you and continue. Many people ask themselves the question: “How to win over the interlocutor?”. There is nothing easier than just letting him be right even when you disagree with him. Everyone thinks their opinion is the only correct one. Your opinion can be just as wrong as the other person's thoughts. Why argue about who is right and wrong? You can just let everyone be right to begin with! Thus, you win over anyone, because everyone wants to be right.

People don't need much. Give them understanding. When a person is understood, they do not try to argue and convince, then he relaxes and is imbued with gratitude to the interlocutor. You don't have to take someone else's point of view. If you think otherwise, then you have the right to remain with your opinion if it seems to you more correct. If the interlocutor speaks reasonable words, you can correct your opinion. But be that as it may, no matter what you do with your point of view, tell the interlocutor: “I understand you!”.

Understanding does not mean agreeing. To understand means to accept the right to the existence of someone else's opinion, no matter how erroneous and incorrect it may be. When a person feels that you "accept" him, then he will relax. He may even want to hear your thoughts and ask about them. Perhaps he will continue to talk about the topic of the conversation that you are having, and come to a broader understanding of the issue. Give understanding to the other person. This will allow not only to win over the interlocutor to yourself, but also to calm him down, prompting him to look at the issue more broadly.

Often people do not understand each other, or rather, they do not want to accept other people's points of view, because they have their own opinion, which they consider to be more correct. But the argument begins where the interlocutors begin to fight for whose opinion is the most correct, right? Why start a fight when you can avoid it? Accept the right to the existence of someone else's opinion, tell the interlocutor about it, even if your thoughts do not change from this. It is not necessary to fight for the correctness of someone's point of view. You can just listen to what the other person thinks and draw your own conclusions. It is not always necessary to convince someone. The other person has the right to be wrong. Life will put him in his place if he is really wrong. You can make mistakes, just like your interlocutor. And no one, except life itself, will convince you of this. That is why many people, arguing their opinion, often give examples from life.

Tell your partner: "I understand you!". You will not only become his friend, but you will not provoke a quarrel, allow the other person to calm down, not fight you, and also look at the situation more broadly, even listen to your ideas and not resist them. Do you see how many pluses there are in one expression, where you accept the right to the existence of someone else's opinion, no matter how it contradicts yours?

10 rules of an interesting interlocutor

So, you want to become interesting, attractive and a good conversationalist. Here you need to show not only understanding, but also show communication skills that create ease in communication. Consider 10 rules that will make you an interesting conversationalist:

  1. Tell interesting stories. Sometimes there is an awkward silence between the interlocutors. Don't they have anything to say? In fact, they just don't know what to say to them. However, in the life of every person, funny, interesting or exciting events happen. It is about them that you can remember, tell with a smile on your face, have fun and laugh together. The main aspect is that the story should be positive. No need to talk about your problems or tragedies. Tell funny, positive, interesting or educational stories.
  2. Joke. Humor has always been considered one of the attributes of a good interlocutor. Here you can use jokes, funny stories, even compose jokes yourself. Allow yourself to laugh a little - draw the attention of the interlocutor to what makes you laugh. Here is an important nuance - if the interlocutor does not know how to laugh at himself (his shortcomings), then you do not need to joke about him.
  3. Give compliments. A compliment is a positive evaluation of another person. Who hates to hear nice things about themselves? Even shy people are pleased to hear that others see them from a positive side. No need to bombard the interlocutor with compliments. You can say 2-3 compliments for all the time. However, it will be much nicer than saying nothing at all. One nuance - really notice what is in a person, no need to flatter.
  4. Listen and speak. In communication, a person either listens or speaks. A good conversationalist can do both. Bad interlocutors go to extremes: either they listen and are silent all the time, or they constantly talk without letting other people say a word. You need to be able to both shut up in order to let the interlocutor speak out, and tell something when the interlocutor now wants to listen to your opinion.
  5. Look into the eyes. Confident people do not hide their eyes, but constantly maintain contact with their interlocutors. They look straight into your eyes. Of course, they sometimes translate their gaze. However, they do not hide themselves and do not make their interlocutors shy.
  6. Don't interrupt. This quality should be developed by many, because quite often people interrupt each other. Before the interlocutor had time to express everything he wanted, he was immediately interrupted. You can interrupt once or twice, but if this happens constantly, then the interlocutor loses interest in you. He begins to think that you do not want to listen to him, which means that you do not respect and do not take into account his opinion.
  7. Don't ask too many questions. The conversation, of course, consists of questions and answers. However, it shouldn't look like the other person is being interviewed. You ask a question, the person answers you, and it is desirable that his answer be open, touching on various topics. For your part, you can supplement his answer, agree, refute or tell a story that relates to your topic. Questions don't always have to come from you. Let the interlocutor also be interested in something from you, and you give as detailed answers as possible.
  8. Don't criticize. If you want to spoil the other person's mood, start criticizing him. But will he consider you an interesting conversationalist if he feels guilty, pathetic, worthless after your words? Criticism is necessary only on the case. It should be short and concise. However, you should not focus on it. Criticized - and that's enough, move on to another topic.
  9. Don't brag. This quality is rare, but still found. Boasting makes a person miserable, and his interlocutor makes him get rid of the imposed feeling of worthlessness. While you boast, you are proving to the other person that you are better than him. No need to rise at someone else's expense. You can talk about your achievements that you are proud of. However, do not forget at the same time to ask what your interlocutor is proud of - listen to his boasting!
  10. Expand your social circle. The more people you communicate with, the more communication skills you will have. Different people require a different approach to themselves. And this requires you to be flexible and understand your interlocutor, how you need to communicate with him and behave. If you know how to be different in communication, then you become interesting.

Laughter disposes the interlocutor

Do you want to become part of the company? Would you like to make friends with someone? Do you intend to win over your loved one? Create a situation where your partner will laugh heartily. It doesn't matter what exactly you do or what you laugh about. What is important is a surge of positive emotions that encourage a person to open up to those who made him laugh or were just nearby.

There have been studies that have given the same result. People who were in high spirits were more likely to reveal their secrets, to become sociable and good-natured towards those around them. Laughter brings people closer, research has shown.

How is this phenomenon explained? It is possible to consider in the mechanism such a moment as the elimination of the causes of isolation. A person in a depressed state or when immersed in despondency often closes. He trusts those who surround him at this moment. He does not know what he can say, and what is better to keep silent. Thus, contact with others is disrupted due to the fact that a person becomes closed.

In the moment of laughter, the grievances that grieved are forgotten. Negative thoughts are no longer scrolling in my head, but something cheerful and positive arises. The brain relaxes, the person himself lets go of the negative, which gives rise to a feeling of stability and calmness. When he does not see any threats for himself, he becomes open and friendly. The most effective way to achieve this state is to make the person you need laugh.

At the moment of a comedic situation, people approach and become open. They remove their barriers with which they used to protect themselves from a cruel world. Thus, if you want to make friends or attract the attention of the right partner, learn to make him laugh, amuse and delight. This will give him a feeling of comfort.

How to become an interesting interlocutor in the end?

The best way to learn to communicate well with people is to constantly contact them. Communicate with as many people as possible. Keep track of what mood you evoke in them, what words and phrases evoke positive or negative emotions in them. Practice, change your communication style, adjust your skills depending on the result, and then you will become interesting.

Are you telling a compelling story and seeing people yawn? Perhaps this story is not as interesting as you think. Try to complete it and let others have their say.

2. Learn to listen

Let the interlocutor talk about himself. Ask him counter questions. Strangely, the people we like the most always say little.

3. Discuss the interests of the interlocutor

Ask a person about him, ask different questions and discuss them. You are already 80% close to being liked. If you are well versed in the hobby of the interlocutor, then you can easily keep up the conversation. If not, then ask him for more details. He will speak with great pleasure.

4. Keep Three Stories in Stock

People are not interested in the features of your new phone. What really turns them on is real events that happened to you. So always have three stories to tell. They must be exciting and emotional. Let the interlocutor be interested in what will happen in the next minute.

5. Develop charisma

So much meaning is put into this word that it becomes difficult to understand its true meaning. Someone says that they are born with, and someone believes that this personality trait is developed over the years. But here's what's interesting: research The Heart of Social Psychology: A Backstage View of a Passionate Science, conducted by two psychologists in 1967, proved that in a conversation only 7% of attention is paid to words. The rest comes from tone of voice and body language.

Laugh, smile, be emotional. Don't forget about gestures and don't rely on words alone.

6. Live an interesting life

Chat with different people, read more books, watch movies, travel. The best way to become an interesting person is to live an interesting life. And believe me, this will give you much more than just the opportunity to be a good conversationalist.

How to become an interesting person for others? Concentrate on your own individuality and do not try to copy someone. Many people who want to become more interesting for others are forgotten, being obsessed with their desire. And they begin to imitate their ideal, and not always successfully, completely forgetting about their own uniqueness. And this is the main mistake of many people.


If a person has thought about how to become an interesting person for others, then it is likely that he is not too versatile. And there is? Then you need to start actively working on yourself. In self-development, the main point is concentration on your goals and desires, as well as the constant acquisition of new knowledge to achieve them.

This process is impossible without self-knowledge, which involves the study of one's personal characteristics (both physical and mental). It is very important for each person to comprehend himself, after which - to establish himself in those areas of life that are most significant for him. And the more there are, the better. Everything is simple here. The more spheres of manifestation of his personality a person has, the wider his horizons will become, the richer his inner world, the richer the baggage of knowledge. Personality is like a picture. The more details it contains, the more interesting it is to study.

Popular issue

If a person is concerned about how to become an interesting person for others, most likely he simply does not know how to communicate. The lack of communication skills manifests itself in different ways. Some talk about something completely ordinary, uninteresting or banal. Others do not pay attention to the interlocutor, not allowing a word to be inserted. Some simply do not know what to say, and therefore all their speeches fall out of place. The rest do not know either measure or tact, and constantly strive to “get into” the dialogue.

And these are not all examples. But the solution for all cases is the same: you need to learn how to communicate.

Proper dialogue

Well, how to become an interesting person for others? You need to learn how to talk to them! It's not that difficult, just remember a few rules and follow them.

First, you have to be genuinely interested in others. People are more willing to communicate with those who show interest in them. And in most cases, they show it in response, giving the interlocutor the opportunity to open up.

Second, don't be afraid to smile. But only sincerely, not falsely! A kind smile puts the interlocutor to you. In addition, she shows him that communication with him is a pleasure and joy.

Thirdly, it is necessary to call the opponent by name. It seemed to be a simple and ordinary thing. But many have long since replaced their names with "you". And in vain. After all, the name expresses individuality.

Also, if a person is interested in something, people, he should learn to listen. The manifestation of attention is the most powerful tool of influence. In the process of the opponent's monologue, questions, clarifications, and manifestations of emotions should not be neglected. This demonstrates indifference. Today a person listened to his interlocutor, and tomorrow he will pay attention to him.

Manifestation of the best qualities

How to become an interesting person? There are a variety of tips, but most of the recommendations say: you need to be careful and notice every little thing. With any person there is something to talk about, the main thing is to find a topic, the source of which is the interlocutor himself. You just need to look at him. Did you notice a few hairs on his T-shirt? Then you should casually ask if the interlocutor has a cat. He will immediately become interested in the interlocutor - he will at least be intrigued by the observation of a person. And then the theme can be developed. This is where erudition and erudition are needed. People who know a lot are able to easily and imperceptibly move from one topic to another and reason in such a way that it will not be boring. With them, the dialogue rarely comes to a standstill. But even if everything has already been discussed, they have a trump card. And these are questions. Those that can cause a new round of dialogue.

It is enough just to ask what else, in addition to what was agreed, the interlocutor is fond of, or what he would like to do. Even without keeping questions in mind in reserve, you can always find your bearings. The question should only show the interlocutor its significance. Few people do not like to talk about themselves. The main thing is to be sincerely interested in them.

Personal opinion

There is one more nuance that every person who cares about how to become more interesting should learn. Tips and recommendations are numerous, and most of them say: you need to remember your own opinion. A person who has a personal point of view regarding something is always of interest if his judgment is objective, justified and reasoned. A person who is able to clearly, competently and easily explain to others his understanding of something, desire and emotions is a valuable interlocutor.

And here it is important, first of all, to be able to correctly express your thoughts. Opinions are often shared with people who have different ideas about certain things. Therefore, it is necessary to build an explanation in such a way that everyone understands the essence and feels the sensation experienced by the opponent.

But that's not all. It is also important not to be afraid to speak up. Some prefer to remain silent or simply agree in convenient situations. But this quality does not distinguish personality. A person is made more interesting and colorful by the ability to speak out, especially if he does it competently.


Cheerful people always have to themselves. This must be remembered if a person is interested in how to become an interesting person. With a good sense of humor, you definitely won't have to go to waste. After all, this is a valuable human ability to find something comical in almost every situation.

Plus, it is the ability to joke (and at the right time) that makes the soul of the company out of the personality. Such people are cheerful and funny, do not hesitate to seem funny, and it is not difficult for them to defuse the situation with an appropriate anecdote or witticism.

How to develop this skill in yourself? You need to constantly practice, learn from famous comedians, joke about yourself and laugh at problems. And don't stress too much. It is usually only in a relaxed state that an appropriate joke comes to mind. If a person sits in suspense and actively thinks about what to say so witty, it usually turns out not very well.


How to become an interesting person? For men and women who want to appear socially more attractive, there is another universal piece of advice. They should be more open, which is sometimes difficult for many.

Socially open people are sociable and sincere. They share their thoughts, feelings and experiences with others. They do not have an internal barrier that could prevent them from being with people as they are. They do not hide their inner world. And that's what makes them interesting. They can be compared with an open interesting book that you want to read as soon as possible. People are attracted to such people. After all, many of them often themselves would like to become so open.

How to become such a person? Very simple. You need to get rid of masks, stereotypes and stop worrying about what others will say. Then the person will become not only more open, but also happier.