
Principles of education in Finland. Free education in Finland for Russians. Education for foreigners

Principles of education in Finland.  Free education in Finland for Russians.  Education for foreigners

Finnish education has long and steadily occupied the best positions in various ratings, which the scale of the article does not allow listing. However, the most important "prize" of the country's educational system is worth mentioning: according to international studies, which are conducted every 3 years by the authoritative organization PISA, Finnish schoolchildren showed the highest level of knowledge in the world. They also became the world's most read children, finishing 2nd in science and 5th in math.

But even this is not so admired by the world pedagogical community. It is incredible that with such high results, Finnish schoolchildren spend the least amount of time studying, and the Finnish state spends very moderate means on its quality and free education compared to many other countries.

In general, there is some kind of mystery that teachers from different powers are trying to unravel. The Finns do not hide anything and are happy to share their experience by organizing seminars both in their country and around the world.

Secondary compulsory education in Finland includes a two-level school

  • lower (alakoulu), 1st to 6th grade
  • upper (yläkoulu), from 7th to 9th grade.

In the optional 10th grade, students can improve their grades. Then the children go to a professional college, or continue their studies at the lyceum (lukio), grades 11-12, in our usual sense.

The Finnish school professes a gradual load, brought to a maximum only for volunteers who have chosen “lukio”, those who are very willing and able to learn.

7 principles of the "middle" level of Finnish education


  • schools.

There are neither elite nor "weak". The largest school in the country has 960 students. In the smallest - 11. All have exactly the same equipment, capabilities and proportional funding. Almost all schools are public, there are a dozen private-public ones. The difference, in addition to the fact that parents make a partial payment, is in the increased requirements for students. As a rule, these are original "pedagogical" laboratories following the chosen pedagogy: Montessori, Frenet, Steiner, Mortana and Waldorf schools. Private institutions also include institutions teaching in English, German, French.

Following the principle of equality, Finland has a parallel system of education "from kindergarten to university" in Swedish.

The interests of the Sami people are not forgotten either, in the north of the country you can study in your native language.

Until recently, the Finns were forbidden to choose a school, they had to send their children to the "nearest". The ban was lifted, but most parents still send their children "closer", because all schools are equally good.

  • all items.

An in-depth study of some subjects at the expense of others is not welcome. It is not considered here that mathematics is more important, for example, than art. On the contrary, the only exception to the creation of classes with gifted children may be aptitude for drawing, music and sports.

  • parents.

Who by profession social status) the child's parents, the teacher learns last, if necessary. Questions from teachers, questionnaires regarding the place of work of parents are prohibited.

  • students.

Finns do not sort students into classes, educational establishments ability or career preference.

There are also no “bad” and “good” students. Comparing students to each other is prohibited. Children, both brilliant and severely mentally deficient, are considered "special" and learn along with everyone else. In the general team, children in wheelchairs are also trained. A regular school may set up a class for students with visual or hearing impairments. The Finns try to integrate those who need special treatment into society as much as possible. The difference between weak and strong students is the smallest in the world.

“I was outraged by the Finnish education system when my daughter studied at school, who by local standards can be classified as gifted. But when my son, who has an abundance of problems, went to school, I immediately liked everything very much, ”the Russian mother shared her impressions.

  • teachers.

There are no "loved" or "hated grimz". Teachers also do not stick with their souls to "their class", do not single out "favorites" and vice versa. Any deviations from harmony lead to the termination of the contract with such a teacher. Finnish teachers have only to do their job as mentor. All of them are equally important in the labor collective, and "physicists", and "lyricists", and teachers of labor.

  • equality of rights of an adult (teacher, parent) and a child.

The Finns call this principle “respectful attitude towards the student”. From the first grade, children are taught their rights, including the right to “complain” about adults to a social worker. This stimulates Finnish parents to understand that their child is an independent person, which is forbidden to offend both with a word and with a belt. Teachers cannot humiliate students due to the peculiarities of the teaching profession, adopted in the Finnish labor legislation. The main feature is that all teachers enter into a contract for only 1 academic year, with a possible (or not) extension, and also receive a high salary (from 2,500 euros for an assistant, up to 5,000 for a subject teacher).

  • Free:

In addition to the training itself, free of charge:

  • lunches
  • excursions, museums and all extracurricular activities
  • school taxi (minibus), which picks up and returns the child if the nearest school is more than two kilometers away.
  • textbooks, all stationery, calculators, and even tablet laptops.

Any collection of parental funds for any purpose is prohibited.

  • Individuality:

An individual plan of education and development is drawn up for each child. Individualization concerns the content of the textbooks used, exercises, the number of class and homework assignments and the time allotted for them, as well as the material taught: to whom the “roots” are given a more detailed presentation, and from whom the “tops” are required - briefly about the main thing.

In the lesson in the same class, children perform exercises of different levels of complexity. And they will be evaluated according to the personal level. If you perfectly completed “his” exercise of initial complexity, get “excellent”. Tomorrow they will give you a higher level - if you can't do it, it's okay, you'll get a simple task again.

In Finnish schools, along with regular education, there are two unique types of educational process:

  1. Supportive education for “weak” students is what private tutors do in Russia. In Finland, tutoring is not popular, school teachers voluntarily cope with additional help during the lesson or after it.
  2. – Remedial education – is associated with persistent general problems in learning the material, for example, due to a lack of understanding of the non-native Finnish language in which the training is conducted, or due to difficulties with memorization, with mathematical skills, as well as with antisocial behavior of some children. Correctional training is carried out in small groups or individually.
  • Practicality:

The Finns say: “Either we prepare for life, or for exams. We choose the first." Therefore, there are no exams in Finnish schools. Control and intermediate tests are at the discretion of the teacher. There is only one mandatory standard test at the end of a secondary school, and teachers do not care about its results, they do not report to anyone for it, and children are not specially prepared: what is good is good.

The school teaches only what you may need in life. Logarithms or the device of a blast furnace will not be useful, they are not studied. But the local kids know from childhood what a portfolio, a contract, a bank card are. They are able to calculate the percentage of tax on the inheritance received or income earned in the future, create a business card website on the Internet, calculate the price of a product after several discounts, or draw a “wind rose” in a given area.

  • Confidence:

Firstly, to school workers and teachers: there are no checks, RONO, methodologists teaching how to teach, and so on. The educational program in the country is unified, but it is only general recommendations, and each teacher uses the teaching method that he considers appropriate.

Secondly, trust in children: in the classroom you can do something of your own. For example, if an educational film is included in a literature lesson, but the student is not interested, he can read a book. It is believed that the student himself chooses what is more useful for him.

Closely related to this principle are two others:

  • Voluntariness:

The one who wants to learn learns. Teachers will try to attract the attention of the student, but if he has absolutely no interest or ability to study, the child will be oriented to a practically useful in the future, “simple” profession and will not be bombarded with “twos”. Not everyone builds airplanes, someone has to drive buses well.

The Finns also see this as the task of the secondary school - to find out whether this teenager should continue his studies at the lyceum, or if a minimum level of knowledge is enough, who is more useful to go to a vocational school. It should be noted that both ways are equally valued in the country.

A full-time school specialist, the “teacher of the future”, is engaged in identifying the inclinations of each child to a certain type of activity through tests and conversations.

In general, the learning process in the Finnish school is soft, delicate, but this does not mean that you can “score” on the school. School supervision is required. All missed lessons will be "served out" in the literal sense. For example, for a student in the 6th grade, the teacher can find a "window" in the schedule and put him in a lesson in the 2nd grade: sit, be bored and think about life. If you interfere with the younger ones, the hour will not be counted. If you don’t fulfill the task set by the teacher, you don’t work in the classroom - no one will call your parents, threaten, insult, referring to mental disability or laziness. If parents are also not concerned about their child's studies, he will not calmly move on to the next class.

Staying for a second year in Finland is not shameful, especially after the 9th grade. You need to seriously prepare for adulthood, so Finnish schools have an additional (optional) 10th grade.

  • Independence:

The Finns believe that the school should teach the child the main thing - an independent future successful life.

Therefore, here they teach to think and gain knowledge themselves. The teacher does not tell new topics - everything is in the books. It is not memorized formulas that are important, but the ability to use a reference book, text, the Internet, a calculator - to attract the necessary resources to solve current problems.

Also, school teachers do not interfere in the conflicts of students, giving them the opportunity to prepare for life situations comprehensively, and develop the ability to stand up for themselves.

School, school, I dream about you

The educational process in the "same" Finnish schools, however, is organized very differently.

When and how much do we study?

The academic year in Finland starts in August, from 8 to 16, there is no single day. And ends at the end of May. In the autumn half-year there are 3-4 days of autumn holidays and 2 weeks of Christmas. The spring semester includes a week of February - "ski" holidays (Finnish families, as a rule, go skiing together) and Easter.

Training - five days, only in the day shift. Friday is a short day.

What are we learning?

Grades 1–2: native (Finnish) language and reading, mathematics, natural history, religion (according to religion) or “Life Understanding” for those who do not care about religion are studied; music, fine arts, work and physical education. Several disciplines can be studied at once in one lesson.

Grades 3–6: study begins of English language. In the 4th grade - one more foreign language to choose from: French, Swedish, German or Russian. Additional disciplines are being introduced - subjects of choice, each school has its own: typing speed on the keyboard, computer literacy, the ability to work with wood, choral singing. Almost in all schools - playing musical instruments, for 9 years of study, children will try everything, from a pipe to a double bass.

In the 5th grade, biology, geography, physics, chemistry, and history are added. From the 1st to the 6th grade, teaching is conducted by one teacher in almost all subjects. A PE lesson is any sports game 1-3 times a week, depending on the school. After the lesson, a shower is required. Literature, in the usual sense for us, is not studied, it is rather reading. Subject teachers appear only in the 7th grade.

Grades 7-9: Finnish language and literature (reading, local culture), Swedish, English, mathematics, biology, geography, physics, chemistry, fundamentals of health, religion (understanding of life), music, fine arts, physical education, subjects of choice and work, which is not separated separately "for boys" and "for girls". Together they learn to cook soups and cut with a jigsaw. In the 9th grade - 2 weeks of acquaintance with "working life". The guys find any “workplace” for themselves and go “to work” with great pleasure.

Who needs grades?

The country has adopted a 10-point system, but up to the 7th grade a verbal assessment is used: mediocre, satisfactory, good, excellent. From the 1st to the 3rd grade, there are no marks in any options.

All schools are connected to the state electronic system "Wilma", something like an electronic school diary, to which parents receive a personal access code. Teachers give grades, write down gaps, inform about the child's life at school; a psychologist, a social worker, a “teacher of the future”, a paramedic also leave information that parents need there.

Grades in the Finnish school do not have an ominous color and are required only for the student himself, they are used to motivate the child in achieving the goal and self-examination so that he can improve knowledge if he wishes. They do not affect the reputation of the teacher in any way, schools and district indicators do not spoil.

Little things about school life:

  • The territory of the schools is not fenced, there is no security at the entrance. Most schools have an automatic lock system on the front door, you can only enter the building according to the schedule.
  • children do not necessarily sit at desks, tables, they can also sit on the floor (carpet). In some schools, classes are equipped with sofas and armchairs. Premises of elementary school are covered with carpets and rugs.
  • There is no uniform, as well as some requirements regarding clothing, you can even come in pajamas. A change of shoes is required, but most junior and intermediate children prefer to run with socks on.
  • in warm weather, lessons are often held outdoors near the school, right on the grass, or on benches specially equipped in the form of an amphitheatre. During breaks, elementary school students must be taken outside, even if only for 10 minutes.
  • Homework is rarely given. Children must rest. And parents should not do lessons with their children, teachers recommend instead a family trip to a museum, forest or pool.
  • blackboard training is not used, children are not called to retell the material. The teacher briefly sets the general tone for the lesson, then walks between the students, helping them and controlling the tasks being performed. The assistant teacher does the same (there is such a position in the Finnish school).
  • in notebooks you can write with a pencil and erase as much as you like. Moreover, the teacher can check the assignment with a pencil!

One of my friends, who recently moved to Finland, took her child to the 1st grade last year. She was worried and preparing for the event, as it should be, according to Russian traditions. Later emotionally shared an unusual experience:

“Gathering near the school at 9 am, August 14. First shock. The impression that the children "as they slept, so they came." My son in a jacket with a tie and a bouquet looked like a guest artist. No one gave flowers except us, there were no bows, balls, songs and other attributes of the holiday. The principal of the school came out to schoolchildren in grades 1-4 (the older ones were in another building), said a couple of words of welcome and indicated to the students by name who was in which class. All. Hello, our very first of September!

All foreigners are defined in one class: Swedes, Arabs, Indian, English, a couple of kids from Estonia, Ukraine, Russia. Finnish teacher and 3 translators. Some children attend the 1st grade for the second year, so they are also "on the hook", to help.

The second shock, already on the positive side: no preparation for school is required from parents. Literally everything, “from satchels to slates” (a briefcase filled with “stationery”, flip flops for the pool, even a towel) was given to the child at school. Nothing is required from parents at all: “everything is fine, your child is wonderful,” they say to everyone. The only thing they care about is whether the child and parents spend enough time together.

The third memorable moment is the dining room. On the site of the school menu for a month, the child imposes on himself what he wants from the proposed one, there is a “basket” on his school page on the Internet. The menu takes into account any preferences of the child, any diet, if any, you only need to inform, there is also a vegetarian cuisine. In the dining room, the children, as in the classroom, each sit at their own table.

This is what Finnish secondary education looks like in a very brief summary. Maybe it will seem wrong to someone. The Finns do not pretend to be ideal and do not rest on their laurels, even in the best you can find cons. They are constantly examining how their school system is in line with the ongoing changes in society. For example, reforms are currently being prepared to separate mathematics into algebra and geometry and increase teaching hours in them, as well as to separate literature and social science as separate subjects.

However, the Finnish school definitely does the most important thing. Their children do not cry out at night from nervous tension, do not dream of growing up quickly, do not hate school, do not torment themselves and the whole family, preparing for the next exams. Calm, reasonable and happy, they read books, easily watch films without translation into Finnish, play computer games, ride roller skates, bikes, bikes, compose music, theater plays, sing. They enjoy life. And in between all this, they still have time to learn.

Factors of efficiency of the Finnish education system

In the PISA-2000 and PISA-2003 surveys, Finland showed a very high average result, especially in the area of ​​children's reading. At the same time, only in a few countries the educational achievements of schoolchildren are so little associated with extracurricular factors: the economic, social and educational level of the family.

The achievements of Finland are considered to be exemplary, the Finnish experience is analyzed by the world educational community. What features of the Finnish education system have led to such high results?

Some General Features of the Finnish Education System

In Finland, children attend school from the age of 7. After the reform of pre-school education in 2000, local education authorities are obliged to provide for everyone who wants a place in a pre-school institution. 93% of children attend preparatory groups at school or Kindergarten. The academic year begins in mid-August and ends in June. The choice of school is free, no one is obliged to send children to a school in their place of residence.

What types of schools exist in Finland?

  • The first school isjunior step,lasting 6 years. There are about 3,000 junior schools in the country. All subjects, except for foreign languages, are taught by one class teacher.
  • The second type of schools is the three-year "high school" (years 7-9), there are about 600 of them in the country. Subject teachers work in these schools.
Combining two schools under one roof is found only in regions with a high population density, and even there it is very rare. Together these two schools are called peruscole, which in literal translation means "basic school". However, the semantic translationperuscolelike "comprehensive" or "primary school" is not accurate. Finnishperuscolecardinally differs from our and German general education basic schools, which have more than 1000 students and 100 teachers. From the point of view of Finnish pedagogy, this is pure barbarism - approaches to learning here are very different from ours.
  • The third type of school isLukio(gymnasium), there are about 400 of them. They do not have classes that are familiar to us, but there is a system of courses, training in which can last from 2 to 4 years. The final exam in Finland is a centralized exam. The average attestation score is a decisive factor for those who want to continue their studies at the university. If a graduate has a good GPA, then he can apply for admission to the university. Whether he enters or not is decided by the admissions committee of the university. The number of applicants to a particular faculty depends on the teaching staff of the faculty. The idea of ​​increasing the load on teachers is not discussed by anyone: this will lower the quality of teaching.

Sociocultural Conditions as a Success Factor

Many believe that the success of the Finnish education system is related to socio-cultural and geographical features. What are they?

Finland has long, cold, dark winters, and a tradition of reading has long been formed here, which is not found in European countries located further south. Already at the beginning of the 20th century, Finland had the lowest percentage of illiterates in the world (3.8% of the adult population). Traditionally, the high value of reading from the older generation was passed on to children and youth.

Educational success is also influenced by the properties of the language: Finnish spelling corresponds to the phonetics of the language. There are no discrepancies between spelling and pronunciation, as in most other languages, in Finnish. Of course, such discrepancies do not really interfere with an adult, but in the process of learning to write and read, they play a significant role. First of all, this applies to children classified in the PISA studies as a risk group. These are the students who hardly overcome the lowest level of understanding of the text or do not cope with this task at all.

Foreign television is successfully used to develop reading skills in Finland. As a rule, the translation of foreign programs and films is not synchronized, but is done in the form of titles. Those who read little books, but like to watch TV, practice speed reading daily. Since they do it voluntarily - I want to watch TV! - the effect is quite high.

Differentiation by income level in Finland is the lowest of all developed countries. Of course, in Finland there are scientists and lawyers, doctors, teachers - on the one hand, and postmen, drivers, salesmen, locksmiths - on the other. But there is no such social stratum as the proletariat. Every Finnish teacher knows that the values ​​and norms in the families of his students are quite similar, which cannot be said about families in Germany or Russia. And although a high degree of homogeneity is typical only for the inner regions of Finland and is not so pronounced in densely populated regions and large cities, it has a significant impact on the PISA results as a whole.

However, it is completely wrong to see the secret of Finnish success only in socio-cultural and geographical features.

Regular studies of the quality of education, both international and domestic, convince of this. For example, in the studies of the 1960s on mathematical achievement (IEA -1964), Finland's performance was not high; in the same study in 1981, it is already at the average level; and in the TIMMS-1999 study, this country's results are already well above average (only 6 out of 38 countries showed statistically significant higher results). Similar dynamics is also observed in other significant indicators (knowledge in natural science, the ability to read, etc.). Thus, although the objective socio-cultural characteristics of the country play a certain role, the main success factor is the reform of the education system.

The concept of the welfare state

The success of the Finnish education system is the result of targeted reforms inspired by the idea of ​​the "welfare state". This socio-economic model, adopted in Finland after the Second World War, led in the 1960s and 1970s to the beginning of targeted deep structural changes in the entire state and social structure. The reform of the education system has become the core of the central project for the development of society. That is why it is impossible to consider the Finnish education system in isolation from the process of socio-economic and political development of the country as a whole.

It must also be borne in mind that until the 1960s Finland was an agrarian country, 35% of whose population was associated with agricultural professions that were traditionally passed down from father to son. The education system was built taking into account the fact that young people were early involved in production relations in agriculture and were not interested in higher education. The bulk of the population completed an incomplete secondary seven-year school ("kanzakooulu"). To a complete high school ("oppokooulu"- five years of study) and a three-year senior stage - a gymnasium, which gave the right to receive a higher academic education, were few. For them, this decision meant a break with family professional traditions. The education system that existed before the structural reforms was parallel, focused on meeting the current needs of the population, which had developed according to tradition. Prospects for social development at that time were not yet visible.

Everything ended dramatically: in connection with the crisis of overproduction of agricultural products, a political decision was made to liquidate a huge number of small peasant farms. In the late 60s, more than 300,000 Finns moved to neighboring countries. One can imagine what a threat this process posed to the development of a country with a total population of 4.5 million people!

A new concept of the development of society and the state has become a vital necessity. To ensure the material and spiritual well-being of the nation, the model of the "welfare state" was created.

It should be noted that the concepts of the "welfare state" developed in Finland and Sweden differ significantly from the models of the same name in other European countries. Three main elements of public policy make up the welfare state model: the need for economic growth, the social rights of citizens, and the state-guaranteed welfare of citizens. The essence of the model is in linking these elements with each other, in understanding the nature of their interdependence. Social equality, productive labor, material well-being, democratic structure (management) were ideologically linked in it. This makes equality and solidarity a means of increasing economic efficiency, but at the same time they are goals for which economic growth is important. As part of the reform, great importance was attached to the system of pension and medical insurance, budget allocations for education, care for the elderly and the disabled, assistance in providing housing and unemployment benefits, scholarships for students. The central aspect of the model was to ensure the right every citizen to a full-fledged education - the position from which the whole concept of reforms of the school system stemmed. At the same time, the main question was not about how much the reforms would cost, but about how much money the state needed to ensure them.

Integration, not differentiation!

Today, Finnish society is dominated by a positive attitude (consensus) towards a phased transition of the entire school system to socially inclusive schools that integrate weak and strong students in the general flow, as well as children with any developmental disabilities. This policy started in the 1970s and the last special school in Finland closed a few years ago. Until the end of general secondary compulsory education (up to the 9th grade), all children study together.

The advantages of an integrative school are that it enables weak students to develop effectively, adapt flexibly to the increased demands of the labor market, and also promotes social integration and consolidation in society. The integrative approach is also associated with the need to develop special forms and methods of educational work that are consistent with the palette of different potentials for student learning achievements, not only in primary, but also in secondary school. In addition to teachers who own a variety of methodological repertoire, the schools employ specialists who can work individually with children.

At the initial stage of the reforms, the Finnish public was concerned that they could lead to a decline in the overall level of education. Therefore, intensive elective courses have been introduced in schools, starting from the 6th-7th grades. However, this experiment quickly came into conflict with the idea of ​​equality, was recognized as pedagogically unproductive and was canceled.

In Sweden, differentiation of children on the basis of academic achievement is prohibited by law. Schools are not allowed to select children for special courses in intensive study of a particular subject. The teachers of a Swedish school, in an interview with the German journal Pedagogika, confessed that they tried to covertly conduct such courses, selecting the most capable students, but they clearly saw that from a pedagogical point of view this was completely wrong. "We are convinced of the expediency of the principle of integration from our own experience and we do not make such attempts again."

In line with the main idea of ​​integration and equality, the issue of repetition is also being addressed. Although not legally abolished, it is used only in extreme cases. Leaving for the second year is recognized pedagogically and economically meaningless.

All these educational-political decisions are a consequence ideas of equality. This idea is understood in the Scandinavian countries more radically than in other European countries, where it is also proclaimed a central element of educational policy. In Finland, the idea of ​​equality is understood most radically and includes not only equality of chances, but also equality of results. This means that all students, regardless of initial abilities, favorable or unfavorable social conditions for learning, should receive the same high educational level by the end of the 9th grade. The Finnish school is designed to ensure this equality of results. This is the secret of her success and high performance in PISA.


Finnish pedagogy, both in theory and in practice, is designed to provide a political idea of ​​equality. In psychological and pedagogical theories in the 70s, there was a decisive rejection of attention to innate abilities or talents and a transition to the study of abilities that affect the learning process. "The influence of various cognitive abilities on the results of the educational process should not be overestimated. If the material taught is correctly distributed and adapted to the needs of the individual student, gradually becoming more complex, and at the same time it is accepted that the speed of mastering the material can be different, then the learning outcomes in groups with different abilities at the output will not differ much from each other. In accordance with this, teaching in elementary school should be differentiated so that the different time required by different students to master the material should become a recognized integral part of the system?

The concept of the American teacher Bloom (Bloom) was chosen as a didactic model that provides this process. masterylearning", according to which the central element of the educational process is the careful formulation (definition) of educational goals and the subsequent detailing of these goals in separate steps, where the learning goal is again precisely formulated for each. Achievement of these goals should be tracked in a timely manner. An essential role is played here coping principle, according to which the most important task of the educational process is that we timely identify the difficulties that the student faces and help him overcome them. The system for assessing educational achievements is also important: Marks that allow you to compare one student to another have been eliminated. Efforts were now directed at the student's perception of his learning achievements - progress in learning, which should increase the student's confidence in himself, his abilities and increase a positive attitude towards the learning process as such. Self-assessment is already practiced at the early stages of training.

AT last years there is a transition from Bloom's concept, which was based on behavioral learning models, to constructivist learning models based on Piaget's ideas. They emphasize the student's own activity in learning.

In the Finnish education system, teachers are given a high degree of freedom guaranteed by law. However, hand in hand with freedom was the reform of teacher education. Teachers really need to master the whole palette of pedagogical methods and approaches. Only in this case pedagogical freedom can bring the expected results.

It's all about the beginning!

Both Finland and Sweden are characterized by a high role given by educators and politicians preschool and elementary school in the education system. It is they who are put at the forefront of the entire school system.

It is believed that the success or failure of the child determined precisely by the beginning of his educational path. This level requires teachers of the highest qualification. "The most qualified teachers should work in the preschool sector and in elementary school. It is during this period that a lot can be spoiled, a person's whole life can be spoiled. Of course, it is also possible to harm the senior level, but this is not so easy to do. Therefore, the most qualified teachers must work right at the junior level", - says Eskil Frank, Vice-Rector of the Pedagogical high school in Stockholm. It is no coincidence that the film of the famous German director and journalist Reinhard Kahl, dedicated to the Finnish education system, is called "It's all about the beginning!". In Finland, pre-school teachers are required to have university degrees and communities are required to provide every child with the opportunity to attend a kindergarten or kindergarten class at school. Children living in remote areas are brought to school in a special school taxi. The state invests specifically in the education of each individual child. "We need every student, can't we afford bad cases?" says Jukka Sarjala, president of the central department of education in Helsinki. In Sweden, the state has consistently reduced parental fees for attending preschools in order to ensure broad access to preschool care and education.

The pedagogical attitude to the decisive importance of the junior level is clearly manifested in the distribution of public funds for education: the main flow of funding goes to the preschool and elementary school levels. The role of the teacher in the senior level is not as high as in the elementary school. If the junior school does its job well, then the expenses for the senior school are reduced. The cost of funds for the junior level in Finland is much higher than in Germany, and for the senior level it is lower. In Germany, special attention is paid to high school. This is a significant difference from the deeply rooted attitude both in Germany and in Russia to the importance of the senior level, the task of which is to ensure admission to a university. It is necessary to overcome this misconception and draw proper pedagogical and political conclusions from the Finnish and Swedish experience. In Finland and Sweden, a "strong school" is one that raises weak and average students to the highest high level to which they are able to rise.

Decentralization of the school system,

pedagogical autonomy of a separate school

and intrasystem diversification

The founders of the schools are local communities. Schools have a very wide pedagogical autonomy (methods, organization of the educational process and even curricula), while parents have the free right to choose schools of various profiles. Thus, with external formal equality, a strong intra-system diversification was formed: each school is obliged - in accordance with the needs of society - to develop and implement your individual educational profile. Within the framework of very general and broad goals and instructions set centrally, the collegium of each school develops its own program and curricula. There are big differences between Finnish schools, much more significant than differences between schools of the same type in Germany and Russia. The flow of students in densely populated regions of the country is distributed among schools with different profiles and programs of study. Some schools have more intensive programs, others less. The idea of ​​the "Finnish school" as unified system learning with common programs and curricula is wrong. The general principles and goals are the same, but they are implemented at the level of an individual school in very different ways.

Currently, the central government agency plans to somewhat limit the freedom of schools in choosing programs - the discrepancy between schools has become too large. But the idea of ​​"profiling" remains valid. The profile is understood as the orientation of the school towards a mathematical, linguistic, artistic or some other bias. There are even schools with a sports profile.

The abolition of state inspection is also connected with such an organization of the school system. Some analysts consider it the main factor that raised the efficiency of the Finnish school system. Trust in teachers, which is also associated with the reform of teacher education, is the basis of the freedom granted to teachers. With the help of evaluation, the school learns about its work, strengths and weaknesses. Evaluation is associated with advising schools on emerging problems, and not evaluating its work, much less sanctions. The replacement of the State Inspectorate with an evaluation system should be seen as an essential element of Finnish education reform.

Integration of alternative models into the education system

The diversity of schools' pedagogical profiles has led to the integration of internationally recognized alternative school models into the Finnish education system. Pedagogical freedom, freedom in the choice of educational systems, is enshrined in the Finnish constitution, which proclaims the right to establish non-state schools and private educational institutions. The right to home schooling is also enshrined in law. The 1991 legislation, which was aimed at decentralizing the school system, includes a provision for the integration of previously private alternative schools into the mainstream education system. Alternative educational institutions such as Montessori, Frenet, Steiner Waldorf schools and others with international recognition are established without any additional approval and are funded on the same terms as regular communal (public) schools. The 1991 law legalized and equalized their rights with state ones. Characteristic is the rationale for this decision, which emphasizes that the public school system is learning from alternative schools for progressive teaching methods. In order to receive funding, alternative schools must enter into an agreement with local communities, on the basis of which they are provided with full material support, equal to that of public schools.

Intra-school factors of high achievements of the Finnish school. School staff

The pedagogical concept presented above, in a specific embodiment, has its own organizational features. The Finnish school staff consists not only of the administration, classroom teachers and subject teachers. In addition to them, the school staff includes:

1. school sister, She is a nurse by basic education, but has additional education in the field of preventive health work. Such professional specialization is unknown either in Germany or in Russia.

2. curator, He is a social worker by education and works in the field of social problems. If in some class there is a conflict between two groups, then the class teacher does not deal with this problem. He sends the conflicting parties to the curator, whose main competence is the ability to solve interpersonal and intergroup problems. He must also be proficient in therapeutic methods of working with groups. Problems that need to be solved with the participation of parents are solved by the curator, not the teacher.

3. Psychologist. Often children themselves come to a psychologist. The fact that there is an adult in the school who is obliged to remain silent about the problems entrusted to him, always ready to listen to you, support, provide competent assistance, is extremely important for children and adolescents. The teacher simply does not have time to deal with such problems with students. Of course, we are not talking about real psychotherapy in this context, it is about individual psychological problems. For example, a good student suddenly falls academic performance. She cannot concentrate on her studies: an accident happened to her brother, he ended up in the hospital. This girl does not need help with her studies, but psychological support is needed. If she gets it, she will be able to return to successful studies again.

4. Special teacher. The task of this teacher is support and pedagogical work with those who are lagging behind. A special teacher must have a basic teaching education, have worked at a school for at least three years and then receive a special additional education, which includes the basics of psychology. A special teacher must master the entire palette of methods and techniques necessary to overcome various learning difficulties together with students.

5. Assistants. In schools where there are many students and large classes, there are assistants who do not have special education. They work hourly under the guidance of the teaching staff. These may be applicants who have not yet received a place at the university, non-working parents, for example, mothers doing housework. Their help greatly relieves teachers.

6. Kitchen staff. Each school has a kitchen and dining room. Children receive full hot meals every day.

The Finnish school has a teacher replacement system. Each founder has certified teachers in stock. In case of illness of the main teacher, he will be immediately replaced. Therefore, the cancellation of lessons due to the absence of a teacher practically does not happen. This is of particular importance for weak students who suffer more from missing lessons.

Teachers can devote themselves entirely to teaching, as there are additional specialists - psychologists, curators and others - to solve other emerging problems. If the school has large classes (18-20 children), then hourly assistants are invited. They work at the direction of the teacher and, as a rule, take care of students who cannot or do not want to follow the class, participate in the general work. If any student interferes with the work of the class, the assistant sits next to him and works individually. In no case should the teacher be distracted from his main task - to present the material to the whole class. For students who are lagging behind, there is support system, covering 16-17% of all students! The idea here is this: if a weak student is identified on time and targeted assistance is provided to him, then he will not need to spend another year in school. Retirement is not only traumatic for the student, but wasteful for society as a whole.

How is support for especially weak students going?

When a student does not keep up with his class, a special teacher is first invited to supervise him. In difficult cases, he takes the student and gives him individual lessons or conducts them in small groups. As a rule, after such additional classes, the student can return to the classroom and continue their studies.

If a student fails to cope with educational problems with the help of a special teacher, then the law prescribes to bring this case to a special council. It meets once a month and includes the school administration, class teacher, and in some cases a subject teacher, a psychologist, a special teacher and a school doctor. First, it turns out whether the child's problems in school are the result of health problems. If this is the case, then this student should be treated by a doctor, which is reported to the parents. If this is not the case, then the council is looking for other causes of learning difficulties. The council is developing a plan to help him. A month later, this case is again submitted to the council. The main question is whether the activities envisaged by the plan helped. If there are no visible results, then they discuss what else can be done. One of the possibilities is development of an individual curriculum (program) for this student. In this case, not all class learning objectives are mandatory for that child.

Cooperation with parents is highly desirable. But if they don't want it, then the school should manage itself. She has no right to leave a student to the mercy of fate, who, unfortunately, has parents who do not want to take care of him. The legal subject here is the child. It is to him that the law guarantees the right, according to which his needs for care, attention, support will be satisfied. Cases of juvenile hooliganism, youth crime in this system have no place, because long before that, a student prone to deviant behavior will be identified and timely assistance and support will be provided to him.

So, the main factor in the success of the Finnish education system is a well-thought-out school policy, which is part of the concept of a welfare society. Humanism, as a mentality and real social practice, permeates the entire Finnish society.

In recent years, it has set itself new goals, confirmed by the constitution - the transition to a knowledge society and a communicative society. Related to these goals is the use of new educational technologies that use the capabilities of computers and the Internet, as well as teaching methods that develop independence and social abilities. Most students should receive higher education, and Finnish society is steadily moving towards this goal: the share of the population with higher education in Finland is the highest in the world.

The article was published in the journal "People's Education", No. 4, 2006.

Today it's hard to believe that Finnish education system less than 50 years old. It was in the sixties of the now last century that the system of higher and vocational education in Finland began to take shape. Over these half a century, Finland has come a long way - now there are 29 universities in the state, of which 10 are specialized (3 polytechnic university, 3 higher economic institutions and 4 art institutions) and the same number of multi-faculty ones.

However, education in Finland, as in any other country, does not begin at all with institutes, academies or universities, but with preschool education. As you know, secondary and higher education in Finland is free, but pre-school education is paid. Kindergartens are divided into three types: municipal, private and family, parents themselves choose which kindergarten to send the child to. Nursery fees depend on family income. The maximum fee for a kindergarten is 254 euros, the minimum is 23 euros per month. In Finnish kindergartens, children are accepted from 9 months to 7-8 years. And from the age of 6 they start preparing for school for free. Sometimes there are not enough places in kindergartens, and then the state pays an additional 500 euros to the family every month so that one of the parents stays at home with the child. In Finnish kindergartens, there are (by law) 4 children for every kindergarten teacher, so groups in kindergartens are usually small.

It must be said that Finnish school education constantly attracts increased interest from the world community. The fact is that Finnish students demonstrate impressive results in the framework of the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA). In 2000 and 2003, Finland not only took first place in this "competition", but also turned out to be the only European country among the leaders. To understand the reasons for such success, you need to dig into the very depths.

Education in Finland starts from preschool age. And it begins in the nursery, where children aged 3 to 6 get. In general, a lot of attention is paid to the system of preschool education in Finland. First of all, preschool educational institutions should prepare the child for school.

The second stage of education in Finland is the main school, where the child studies from 7 to 16 years old (not much different from the situation in Russia, don't you think?). And this is where the differences begin.

  • First, there are no exams in Finnish schools. Even graduations.
  • Secondly, the differentiation of education, the allocation of some subjects and their in-depth study to the detriment of others is not welcome.
  • Thirdly, there are no "elite" classes. In general, the sector of private schools in Finland is insignificant.

Finnish Ministry of Education pursues a policy of leveling the education system - this means that education should be the same everywhere and for everyone, both in content and in accessibility.

Interesting fact: it turns out that buildings schools in Finland are designed by the leading architects of the country, while taking into account the opinion of the students themselves (high school students) and their parents, so Finnish schools do not look like either barracks or hospitals.

As in any other European school, the approach to classes is individual in nature, i.e. Every child needs to find their own way. Two teachers work in the same class at the same time - this relieves the burden on each of them and greatly simplifies and speeds up the decision-making process. After each lesson, students can tell what they were able to understand and what not. Moreover, misunderstanding of the subject is not considered the fault of the child, but is recognized as a flaw in the design of the teacher's knowledge delivery system.

In Finland, there is a tradition that children are sent to the nearest school. Previously, it was generally forbidden for parents to independently choose a school for their child, and only in recent years this ban has been lifted. However, most parents do not bother to search, preferring to send their children to the school closest to their place of residence.

And only at the third stage of education, the Finns have the right to choose - who they actually study, and most importantly where? The choice is small: either a vocational school or a gymnasium. There are currently 441 gymnasiums in Finland (with a total of 130,000 students) and 334 vocational schools (with 160,000 students). T As in the case of schoolchildren, in the case of students, the state takes care of the full provision of students: they are paid for food, textbooks and travel home. Gymnasiums and vocational schools proper are the essence of high school.

At 19 school education in Finland ends finally. Upon its completion, yesterday's schoolchildren take a matriculation - the first, only and last - a nationwide exam. Its significance is difficult to assess, because it plays practically no role for admission to universities. Admission guarantees only the successful passage of entrance exams at the university itself. Moreover, the organization of entrance examinations falls entirely on universities. At this stage, the difference between gymnasiums and vocational schools becomes clear. Graduates of the first, as a rule, go to universities, graduates of the second - to institutes. This does not mean that graduates of vocational schools cannot enter universities - there are no formal restrictions on this - just such is the statistics. Speaking of statistics, only no more than a third of school graduates continue their education in higher educational institutions.

Education in Finland, including higher education, is free of charge (including for foreign students). In general, the participation of the state in financing the higher education system in Finland is estimated at 72%.

Natalya Kireeva lives in Helsinki. She recently spoke about the system and principles of local education and shared her opinion on why Finnish education is considered one of the best in the world.

The character of the Finns has its own characteristics. Severe northerners strictly plan their way of life. This property dictates the rules for children's education. What are children being taught? Make a plan in life, gradually moving from simple to complex. A school in Finland is an incentive to prosperity, tempering of character, a clear understanding of one's own capabilities.

International PISA checks have shown that schoolchildren from Finland have the highest degree of preparation among the rest. And the results of another analytical study from Newsweek magazine recognized the best secondary education in Finland among the world's leading countries. The Finns achieved such success thanks to the developed principles of school education.

How do children learn?

The school year starts on August 8-16 (no exact date). It lasts until the end of May. Lessons take place during the day, a five-day school week with a shortened Friday. Holidays are provided: in autumn 3-4 days and in winter: 14 days. In the spring, it's time for a ski holiday (Finnish children go skiing with their parents). They continue to rest a little later on the Easter holidays.

The grading system is ten-point. Children begin to put points from the 4th grade. Students do not have diaries.

There are electronic school diaries in the national Wilma system. Each parent has a personal code and can always see the progress of their child. Once a month, the school curator sends a leaflet to parents, where all the achievements of the student are recorded.

Steps of learning

  1. Junior School (alakoulu): Grades 1-6. Kids study in the same room with a permanent teacher. The youngest (grades 1-2) study reading, Finnish, mathematics, work, drawing, music and physical education. They also study religion (according to religion), if the parents are atheists - the baby masters the understanding of life. AT primary school in Finland, several disciplines can be taught at the same time in one lesson.

Having matured a little (grades 3-6), children are taken to mastering the English language. In the fourth year of study, another foreign language is chosen. At the same time, additional subjects are included: a computer, choral singing and woodwork.

Much attention is paid to creative development. Students learn different musical instruments.

In the fifth year of study, history, chemistry, physics and geography are added to the disciplines. Physical education lessons are held 1-3 times a week.

Which school to choose?

There are about 3,000 secondary educational institutions in the northern country. There are a lot of Russian schools in Finland (after all, about 20% of the population speaks Russian). It is impossible to say which is the best, where it is more prestigious to study. Finns adhere to equality. Popular ones include:

  • Finnish high school Matinkylän koulu (Espoo). It has 42 teachers and 400 students. Completing classes 19. The staff includes a social worker, a curator, a psychologist, a teacher-adviser, a nurse and a dentist. The school budget is 1.5 million euros per year.
  • Russian-Finnish School of Eastern Finland Itä-Suomen suomalais-venäläinen koulu (departments are located in Imatra, Lappeenranta and Joensuu). Education includes all levels of education.

Are there any benefits to learning?

Finns are not in vain in the favorites in the field of world secondary education. There are a number of important principles in their training system:

How to arrange a child in a Finnish school?

You just need to live in this country. School education in Finland is compulsory for everyone. This applies not only to Finnish children, but also to children of foreigners living in Finland. Children go to school from the age of seven.

Do I need to know Finnish?

Schools accept children with any level of language proficiency (regardless of age). If the child does not know Finnish at all, he is first sent to groups-language classes, where the language is studied every day. Then the guys are gradually “mixed” with the rest of the students (first on simple subjects: physical education, drawing and labor, then with the inclusion of other disciplines). It takes about a year to learn Finnish well.

What is the cost of schooling?

Secondary education is free for everyone. The student also receives free hot lunches, the opportunity to visit exhibitions, museums, and extracurricular activities. Students also have free transport at their disposal, which picks up the baby and returns him back home (provided that the school is more than 2 km from home). Free textbooks, tablets, necessary supplies. Any requisitions from parents are strictly prohibited.

Suomalainen koulutusjärjestelmä

Finland has a high level of education. The difference in results between schools is negligible, and almost all students graduate on time. Preparatory education, secondary education and upper secondary education are free, and further education is also free in most cases. It is assumed that everyone, regardless of the level of family income, should have equal opportunities to receive a quality education and become an active citizen of the country.

The education system includes preschool education, preparatory education, secondary education, upper secondary education and higher education. For adults provided special education. Within adult education, there are many options for learning, from mastering the secondary school program to pursuing higher education.

preschool education

In Finland, every child under school age has the right to early childhood education. Pre-school education is carried out in municipal and family kindergartens. In addition, the child can attend classes at the playgrounds with one of the parents. A child may be in a preschool for 20 hours a week or more if the parents are working or studying. The purpose of early childhood education is to promote the development and well-being of the child. In preschool institutions, the child develops communication and fine motor skills, as well as other skills and knowledge. Also, the child learns skills that will help him in his studies.

During the day, children play and walk a lot. If the child's native language is not Finnish or Swedish, he/she is provided with assistance in learning Finnish or Swedish. Children with special needs may also receive special assistance.

In Finland, early childhood education institutions are managed by the communal authorities. Their activities are financed by taxes, so their services are cheaper for families. There are also private preschools in Finland. Qualified preschool teachers and educators work with children.

More information about early childhood education can be found on the InfoFinland website in the Early childhood education section.

preparatory education

According to Finnish law, children must complete one year of preparatory education before starting school. Preparatory education usually begins when a child is six years old. The preparatory education is organized by the municipalities and is free for the family. Pre-school teachers with a university degree work with children. Usually the child is in preschool from Monday to Friday for four hours a day. If the parents work or study, in addition to preparatory education, the child can also attend a preschool.

During the year, the child learns the skills that he will need at school, such as the alphabet. However, children do not yet learn to read at this stage. If the child's native language is not Finnish or Swedish, he/she is provided with assistance in learning Finnish or Swedish. During the day, children also play and walk a lot.

Preparatory education.

Basic general education

A child usually starts school the year he or she turns seven years old. All children permanently residing in Finland are required to receive a basic general education. High school education lasts nine years. The obligation to receive basic general education ends when the child has mastered the entire scope of the secondary school curriculum, or ten years have elapsed from the start of this obligation.

In Finland, basic general education is regulated by law. In addition, the state basic curriculum, as well as local curricula, apply.

The communes are responsible for the organization of basic general education. It is financed by taxes, so for the family, the education of the child in school is free. In the elementary grades, the school week is about 20 hours; in the senior grades, its duration increases.

In Finland, all secondary school teachers have a master's degree. Teachers in grades 1–6 have a general pedagogical education. And teachers in grades 7-9 have an education with a specialization in the subjects they teach.

In terms of planning the educational process, teachers have great freedom and independently plan classes based on national and local curricula. Lately in curriculum special attention is paid, in particular, to blocks that include several subjects, the study of everyday phenomena, as well as information and communication technologies.

Often the same teacher works with children from the 1st to the 6th grade. He gets to know the students well and therefore can build training in accordance with their level and characteristics. An important feature of the educational process is the teaching of independent thinking and the development of a responsible attitude to learning.

The teacher assesses the progress of the students. In high school, all marks are given by the teacher. There are no national high school tests. Instead, student achievement is monitored through selective assessment. Assessment activities are usually held in the ninth grade.

If a child or teenager has recently moved to Finland, they can receive training that will prepare them for high school. Typically, preparatory training lasts one year. If after that the student still needs help learning the language, they can continue to study Finnish or Swedish as a second language (S2-kieli).

Immigrant adults who have not received a certificate of basic general education in their home country can study the school curriculum at an adult gymnasium.

More information about basic general education can be found on the InfoFinland website under Basic general education.

Second level education

The most common post-secondary education options are upper secondary schools and vocational schools. They belong to the second stage of education. Education in institutions of the second stage of education, as a rule, is free. However, students must purchase their own textbooks and other learning materials.


Education at the gymnasium is of a general educational nature and does not imply the acquisition of any specialty. In the gymnasium, the same subjects are studied as in the secondary school, but at a more complex level. In addition, learning requires more independence. Education at the gymnasium ends with an exam for the right to enter a higher educational institution. Education at the gymnasium lasts from 2 to 4 years, depending on the capabilities and desires of the student. After graduating from a gymnasium, one can enter a university, a higher vocational school or an educational institution offering professional education on the basis of the gymnasium.

Education in most gymnasiums is conducted in Finnish or Swedish. In large cities, there are also several gymnasiums that teach in a foreign language, such as English or French.

Adults can study courses from the Gymnasium program at Adult Gymnasiums. They can study both individual courses and the entire program of the gymnasium, as well as pass the exam for admission to a higher educational institution. Education may include lectures and classes at an educational institution, distance learning, webinars, and self-study.

For more information about upper secondary education, please visit the InfoFinland website under Upper secondary school.

High school education requires a good level of language proficiency. If a student's native language is not Finnish or Swedish and his language skills are not sufficient for upper secondary school education, he can take a preparatory upper secondary school (LUVA) course. More information can be found on the InfoFinland website in the section Preparatory course for upper secondary education.

Average professional education to a greater extent than the gymnasium, it is focused on practice. It provides an opportunity to obtain a qualification in a particular profession in about three years. After receiving secondary vocational education, you can continue your studies at a vocational or specialized vocational education institution. An important component of training is on-the-job training. If desired, after receiving secondary vocational education, you can enter a higher educational institution.

It is also possible to obtain a diploma of vocational education or specialized vocational education on the basis of passing a demonstration exam. To do this, you must already have the knowledge and skills necessary to obtain the appropriate diploma.

It is also possible to obtain a diploma of vocational education as a result of training under a contract. In this case, the student works in the specialty, receives for his work a salary equal to at least the amount of payment for the internship, and at the same time learns the profession.

More information is available on the InfoFinland website in the Vocational education section.

If your language or study skills are not sufficient for admission to a secondary vocational education institution, you can take preparatory studies for vocational education (VALMA). More information can be found on the InfoFinland website under Preparatory studies for vocational education .

Higher education

After graduating from an educational institution of the first stage, you can continue your studies at a higher educational institution. In Finland, higher education can be obtained at higher vocational schools and universities.

Education in a higher educational institution can be both free and paid. For citizens of countries outside the EU or EEC, as well as for members of their families who study in English-language undergraduate or graduate programs, education is paid.

For more information, see the InfoFinland website under Foreign student in Finland.

Professional universities

Studying at a professional university is closer to practice than studying at a university. The training also includes work experience. The term of study lasts from 3.5 to 4.5 years. If after that you want to continue your studies and get a higher professional education, for this you will need to acquire three years of work experience in the specialty. More information can be found on the InfoFinland website under Vocational schools.


Education at the university is of a research nature. At university, you can get a bachelor's degree in about three years, and then a master's degree in about two years. Universities organize education in English in some areas. However, most programs teach in Finnish or Swedish.

After receiving a master's degree, you can continue your studies in graduate school and get a Ph.D. or doctoral degree.

More information can be found on the InfoFinland website in the Universities section.

Admission to an educational institution

Other learning opportunities

In addition, many educational institutions in Finland offer non-degree education to people of all ages. In most cases, the training is for adults. Such training is organized in public and civil schools, in summer universities, in educational and physical education centers.

The training is of a general educational nature. For example, you can study languages, arts, needlework and communication. As a rule, some tuition fee is charged.

But in some cases, education in such educational institutions can be provided free of charge. For example, there will be no tuition fees if a reading and writing course or another language course is agreed upon as part of your integration plan.

Learning languages

If you want to learn Finnish or Swedish, check out the section

Finnish education has long and steadily occupied the best positions in various ratings, which the scale of the article does not allow listing. However, the most important "prize" of the country's educational system is worth mentioning: according to international studies, which are conducted every 3 years by the authoritative organization PISA, Finnish schoolchildren showed the highest level of knowledge in the world. They also became the world's most read children, finishing 2nd in science and 5th in math.

But even this is not so admired by the world pedagogical community. It is incredible that with such high results, Finnish schoolchildren spend the least amount of time studying, and the Finnish state spends very moderate means on its quality and free education compared to many other countries.

In general, there is some kind of mystery that teachers from different powers are trying to unravel. The Finns do not hide anything and are happy to share their experience by organizing seminars both in their country and around the world.

Secondary compulsory education in Finland includes a two-level school

  • lower (alakoulu), 1st to 6th grade
  • upper (yläkoulu), from 7th to 9th grade.

In the optional 10th grade, students can improve their grades. Then the children go to a professional college, or continue their studies at the lyceum (lukio), grades 11-12, in our usual sense.

The Finnish school professes a gradual load, brought to a maximum only for volunteers who have chosen “lukio”, those who are very willing and able to learn.

7 principles of the "middle" level of Finnish education


  • schools.

There are neither elite nor "weak". The largest school in the country has 960 students. In the smallest - 11. All have exactly the same equipment, capabilities and proportional funding. Almost all schools are public, there are a dozen private-public ones. The difference, in addition to the fact that parents make a partial payment, is in the increased requirements for students. As a rule, these are original "pedagogical" laboratories following the chosen pedagogy: Montessori, Frenet, Steiner, Mortana and Waldorf schools. Private institutions also include institutions teaching in English, German, French.

Following the principle of equality, Finland has a parallel system of education "from kindergarten to university" in Swedish.

The interests of the Sami people are not forgotten either, in the north of the country you can study in your native language.

Until recently, the Finns were forbidden to choose a school, they had to send their children to the "nearest". The ban was lifted, but most parents still send their children "closer", because all schools are equally good.

  • all items.

An in-depth study of some subjects at the expense of others is not welcome. It is not considered here that mathematics is more important, for example, than art. On the contrary, the only exception to the creation of classes with gifted children may be aptitude for drawing, music and sports.

  • parents.

Who by profession (social status) are the parents of the child, the teacher will find out last, if necessary. Questions from teachers, questionnaires regarding the place of work of parents are prohibited.

  • students.

Finns do not sort students into classes, educational institutions according to abilities or career preferences.

There are also no “bad” and “good” students. Comparing students to each other is prohibited. Children, both brilliant and severely mentally deficient, are considered "special" and learn along with everyone else. In the general team, children in wheelchairs are also trained. A regular school may set up a class for students with visual or hearing impairments. The Finns try to integrate those who need special treatment into society as much as possible. The difference between weak and strong students is the smallest in the world.

“I was outraged by the Finnish education system when my daughter studied at school, who by local standards can be classified as gifted. But when my son, who has an abundance of problems, went to school, I immediately liked everything very much, ”the Russian mother shared her impressions.

  • teachers.

There are no "loved" or "hated grimz". Teachers also do not stick with their souls to "their class", do not single out "favorites" and vice versa. Any deviations from harmony lead to the termination of the contract with such a teacher. Finnish teachers have only to do their job as mentor. All of them are equally important in the labor collective, and "physicists", and "lyricists", and teachers of labor.

  • equality of rights of an adult (teacher, parent) and a child.

The Finns call this principle “respectful attitude towards the student”. From the first grade, children are taught their rights, including the right to “complain” about adults to a social worker. This stimulates Finnish parents to understand that their child is an independent person, which is forbidden to offend both with a word and with a belt. Teachers cannot humiliate students due to the peculiarities of the teaching profession, adopted in the Finnish labor legislation. The main feature is that all teachers enter into a contract for only 1 academic year, with a possible (or not) extension, and also receive a high salary (from 2,500 euros for an assistant, up to 5,000 for a subject teacher).

  • Free:

In addition to the training itself, free of charge:

  • lunches
  • excursions, museums and all extracurricular activities
  • school taxi (minibus), which picks up and returns the child if the nearest school is more than two kilometers away.
  • textbooks, all stationery, calculators, and even tablet laptops.

Any collection of parental funds for any purpose is prohibited.

  • Individuality:

An individual plan of education and development is drawn up for each child. Individualization concerns the content of the textbooks used, exercises, the number of class and homework assignments and the time allotted for them, as well as the material taught: to whom the “roots” are given a more detailed presentation, and from whom the “tops” are required - briefly about the main thing.

In the lesson in the same class, children perform exercises of different levels of complexity. And they will be evaluated according to the personal level. If you perfectly completed “his” exercise of initial complexity, get “excellent”. Tomorrow they will give you a higher level - if you can't do it, it's okay, you'll get a simple task again.

In Finnish schools, along with regular education, there are two unique types of educational process:

  1. Supportive education for “weak” students is what private tutors do in Russia. In Finland, tutoring is not popular, school teachers voluntarily cope with additional help during the lesson or after it.
  2. – Remedial education – is associated with persistent general problems in learning the material, for example, due to a lack of understanding of the non-native Finnish language in which the training is conducted, or due to difficulties with memorization, with mathematical skills, as well as with antisocial behavior of some children. Correctional training is carried out in small groups or individually.
  • Practicality:

The Finns say: “Either we prepare for life, or for exams. We choose the first." Therefore, there are no exams in Finnish schools. Control and intermediate tests are at the discretion of the teacher. There is only one mandatory standard test at the end of a secondary school, and teachers do not care about its results, they do not report to anyone for it, and children are not specially prepared: what is good is good.

The school teaches only what you may need in life. Logarithms or the device of a blast furnace will not be useful, they are not studied. But the local kids know from childhood what a portfolio, a contract, a bank card are. They are able to calculate the percentage of tax on the inheritance received or income earned in the future, create a business card website on the Internet, calculate the price of a product after several discounts, or draw a “wind rose” in a given area.

  • Confidence:

Firstly, to school workers and teachers: there are no checks, RONO, methodologists teaching how to teach, and so on. The educational program in the country is unified, but it is only general recommendations, and each teacher uses the teaching method that he considers appropriate.

Secondly, trust in children: in the classroom you can do something of your own. For example, if an educational film is included in a literature lesson, but the student is not interested, he can read a book. It is believed that the student himself chooses what is more useful for him.

Closely related to this principle are two others:

  • Voluntariness:

The one who wants to learn learns. Teachers will try to attract the attention of the student, but if he has absolutely no interest or ability to study, the child will be oriented to a practically useful in the future, “simple” profession and will not be bombarded with “twos”. Not everyone builds airplanes, someone has to drive buses well.

The Finns also see this as the task of the secondary school - to find out whether this teenager should continue his studies at the lyceum, or if a minimum level of knowledge is enough, who is more useful to go to a vocational school. It should be noted that both ways are equally valued in the country.

A full-time school specialist, the “teacher of the future”, is engaged in identifying the inclinations of each child to a certain type of activity through tests and conversations.

In general, the learning process in the Finnish school is soft, delicate, but this does not mean that you can “score” on the school. School supervision is required. All missed lessons will be "served out" in the literal sense. For example, for a student in the 6th grade, the teacher can find a "window" in the schedule and put him in a lesson in the 2nd grade: sit, be bored and think about life. If you interfere with the younger ones, the hour will not be counted. If you don’t fulfill the task set by the teacher, you don’t work in the classroom - no one will call your parents, threaten, insult, referring to mental disability or laziness. If parents are also not concerned about their child's studies, he will not calmly move on to the next class.

Staying for a second year in Finland is not shameful, especially after the 9th grade. You need to seriously prepare for adulthood, so Finnish schools have an additional (optional) 10th grade.

  • Independence:

The Finns believe that the school should teach the child the main thing - an independent future successful life.

Therefore, here they teach to think and gain knowledge themselves. The teacher does not tell new topics - everything is in the books. It is not memorized formulas that are important, but the ability to use a reference book, text, the Internet, a calculator - to attract the necessary resources to solve current problems.

Also, school teachers do not interfere in the conflicts of students, giving them the opportunity to prepare for life situations comprehensively, and develop the ability to stand up for themselves.

School, school, I dream about you

The educational process in the "same" Finnish schools, however, is organized very differently.

When and how much do we study?

The academic year in Finland starts in August, from 8 to 16, there is no single day. And ends at the end of May. In the autumn half-year there are 3-4 days of autumn holidays and 2 weeks of Christmas. The spring semester includes a week of February - "ski" holidays (Finnish families, as a rule, go skiing together) and Easter.

Training - five days, only in the day shift. Friday is a short day.

What are we learning?

Grades 1–2: native (Finnish) language and reading, mathematics, natural history, religion (according to religion) or “Life Understanding” for those who do not care about religion are studied; music, fine arts, work and physical education. Several disciplines can be studied at once in one lesson.

Grades 3–6: English language learning begins. In the 4th grade - another foreign language to choose from: French, Swedish, German or Russian. Additional disciplines are being introduced - subjects of choice, each school has its own: typing speed on the keyboard, computer literacy, the ability to work with wood, choral singing. Almost in all schools - playing musical instruments, for 9 years of study, children will try everything, from a pipe to a double bass.

In the 5th grade, biology, geography, physics, chemistry, and history are added. From the 1st to the 6th grade, teaching is conducted by one teacher in almost all subjects. A PE lesson is any sports game 1-3 times a week, depending on the school. After the lesson, a shower is required. Literature, in the usual sense for us, is not studied, it is rather reading. Subject teachers appear only in the 7th grade.

Grades 7-9: Finnish language and literature (reading, local culture), Swedish, English, mathematics, biology, geography, physics, chemistry, fundamentals of health, religion (understanding of life), music, fine arts, physical education, subjects of choice and work, which is not separated separately "for boys" and "for girls". Together they learn to cook soups and cut with a jigsaw. In the 9th grade - 2 weeks of acquaintance with "working life". The guys find any “workplace” for themselves and go “to work” with great pleasure.

Who needs grades?

The country has adopted a 10-point system, but up to the 7th grade a verbal assessment is used: mediocre, satisfactory, good, excellent. From the 1st to the 3rd grade, there are no marks in any options.

All schools are connected to the state electronic system "Wilma", something like an electronic school diary, to which parents receive a personal access code. Teachers give grades, write down gaps, inform about the child's life at school; a psychologist, a social worker, a “teacher of the future”, a paramedic also leave information that parents need there.

Grades in the Finnish school do not have an ominous color and are required only for the student himself, they are used to motivate the child in achieving the goal and self-examination so that he can improve knowledge if he wishes. They do not affect the reputation of the teacher in any way, schools and district indicators do not spoil.

Little things about school life:

  • The territory of the schools is not fenced, there is no security at the entrance. Most schools have an automatic lock system on the front door, you can only enter the building according to the schedule.
  • children do not necessarily sit at desks, tables, they can also sit on the floor (carpet). In some schools, classes are equipped with sofas and armchairs. Premises of elementary school are covered with carpets and rugs.
  • There is no uniform, as well as some requirements regarding clothing, you can even come in pajamas. A change of shoes is required, but most junior and intermediate children prefer to run with socks on.
  • in warm weather, lessons are often held outdoors near the school, right on the grass, or on benches specially equipped in the form of an amphitheatre. During breaks, elementary school students must be taken outside, even if only for 10 minutes.
  • Homework is rarely given. Children must rest. And parents should not do lessons with their children, teachers recommend instead a family trip to a museum, forest or pool.
  • blackboard training is not used, children are not called to retell the material. The teacher briefly sets the general tone for the lesson, then walks between the students, helping them and controlling the tasks being performed. The assistant teacher does the same (there is such a position in the Finnish school).
  • in notebooks you can write with a pencil and erase as much as you like. Moreover, the teacher can check the assignment with a pencil!

One of my friends, who recently moved to Finland, took her child to the 1st grade last year. She was worried and preparing for the event, as it should be, according to Russian traditions. Later emotionally shared an unusual experience:

“Gathering near the school at 9 am, August 14. First shock. The impression that the children "as they slept, so they came." My son in a jacket with a tie and a bouquet looked like a guest artist. No one gave flowers except us, there were no bows, balls, songs and other attributes of the holiday. The principal of the school came out to schoolchildren in grades 1-4 (the older ones were in another building), said a couple of words of welcome and indicated to the students by name who was in which class. All. Hello, our very first of September!

All foreigners are defined in one class: Swedes, Arabs, Indian, English, a couple of kids from Estonia, Ukraine, Russia. Finnish teacher and 3 translators. Some children attend the 1st grade for the second year, so they are also "on the hook", to help.

The second shock, already on the positive side: no preparation for school is required from parents. Literally everything, “from satchels to slates” (a briefcase filled with “stationery”, flip flops for the pool, even a towel) was given to the child at school. Nothing is required from parents at all: “everything is fine, your child is wonderful,” they say to everyone. The only thing they care about is whether the child and parents spend enough time together.

The third memorable moment is the dining room. On the site of the school menu for a month, the child imposes on himself what he wants from the proposed one, there is a “basket” on his school page on the Internet. The menu takes into account any preferences of the child, any diet, if any, you only need to inform, there is also a vegetarian cuisine. In the dining room, the children, as in the classroom, each sit at their own table.

This is what Finnish secondary education looks like in a very brief summary. Maybe it will seem wrong to someone. The Finns do not pretend to be ideal and do not rest on their laurels, even in the best you can find cons. They are constantly examining how their school system is in line with the ongoing changes in society. For example, reforms are currently being prepared to separate mathematics into algebra and geometry and increase teaching hours in them, as well as to separate literature and social science as separate subjects.

However, the Finnish school definitely does the most important thing. Their children do not cry out at night from nervous tension, do not dream of growing up quickly, do not hate school, do not torment themselves and the whole family, preparing for the next exams. Calm, reasonable and happy, they read books, easily watch films without translation into Finnish, play computer games, ride roller skates, bikes, bikes, compose music, theater plays, sing. They enjoy life. And in between all this, they still have time to learn.